HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-12-30, Page 1I I �',, 4 '`' ijl`• �T1 - ,y-%, 1 `j p j',}•",¢7t �� tl',i1�4+.. , +.. +. „ ..1 3,1 i :�Yj: �: ,� �'� 11 � 16 L• : yi•A IA:.Pi1,�1. 4�dy.l r.t..�Rw tt•\ •A`! ,:;",!t ��f`ar • `••�Y'x`•''+ L in .TA M.". 1 , w• • ' • R w: T rk-t. �L a . AAArwlll`jjjill""" �i� �. A7idYewe, li ralllz' 'J;uly1955 All r ' r +fi:i;, r t I " i J i i1 I t gt�Lpa,y•: �' f'ii��,a•„' a. .;��; �`'ii i by 44� h,']`<�� t .•• 4, r 3 i', 'k� +rMr t)�.,a Cit, /3�. , j!- ,Ll7Tld':agy!y; f4.,L�+.tN ty~^'�r�+�`. 11 •0. .� /, dal .I f ,} Yf < `,.` t yk ibl , ..+ f .,,!,.,Lt. } ,•�•,.. Y y �j. ..i �„r .aP•:�J,rJ,�,�+;r`1,,',wN,S ,•:a • -iy. r.f 3•.� f i .r„11,. t.. ,;Iy; r ' ,�fI�,'. r. yc r • .".."... . ;.ir dr' a aL i :2 .�;r f• 4f;r•�/�'�a"'flff/. �. r .i ,l i+t ,t y. .,...:.,+1,, a• r .,... ., .n.,a / .• .yo,Ai t, r ., . .+.. v-.:IS'ry iiia s .;,� PW , r I I `� :. I e,.w.­_,,-s. I , . -." , !�'. - - ni c I. _, I I I I THE NEW ERA -90th YEARI .1 , THE NEWS -RECORD -74th YEAR No'. 52, The Home Paper With the News CLINTON, ONTAR10, 'THURSDAY, .DECEMBER 30, 1954 6 cents p copy -= $2.50 a year I - ��r�t Tuckersm�ih Voters Wall,PiJC Will IrisiaT'Sewer to Oil Firm.C ,.arson Hurt Badly' WilleTGxve , paters To Users olu n , Go• To Polls 4n MondayFli's, kintoli PUC next to impossible, since estimatesAn election for Reeve: and four : 5etiool area trustees are 'Ross meeting for the last';, session" in had: gone in' for the. job. AS . Car Times I -, . pSy W. D: D.) councillors for 1.955 in Tucker- Forrest, Chester 1Voi1,.James Land- 1954, on Tuesday evening, gave:ap- According tq sewerage by-law 'To hi will be held:" ext esborou h • new' i ince Wil- proval to the } stallation' of six now in effect, it is understood that (By our Baylield, c&rrespondent) death. The car .his father's 193$ THE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS IN Smithwas p will r g (._ Y Pim . d> inch sewerage line ;t61°connect. the the PUC is responsible for the in- Clarence Larson, . 2 - e'r- . sedan, went ou of Control at the: Monday,,January 3;,'and polls me Broadfoot (chairman) and ars n, 7 y a old t , Clinton ' had a 'real chance to: be o n 'from nine ixritil' five' Me n Falconer, Each s ke Cities Service to the?k_' on the. staikation afid connection 4f all son of; Mr. and Mis. R. J: Larson curve near Deer Lodge, Park, slime forth last' night, when: ■ o'clock brief' at the nomination meeting., west side of Victprr;tz,•Street.' lines.neeessary; outside of,the •pro- Bayfleld, is In; Clinton Public Hos snapped off' a. post. bearing the` Short in, the _wiring caused by RoyBell:' former councillor is •� t.t e November"`m etfn e- >?erty lfne'..As of January 1, house- pital as the result of an unfort- 30 -mile -an -hour` sign, went ap-': With. Charles McKay as :the A h e g,_ d, high winds rain and; ice put contestin `the 1954 Reeve James. r e - cision was: reached t :instal -the =hare :responsible for main- urate 'car accident , on Tuesday Proxiniately,354 feet on, the shawl g chairman of the atepayers met o y out the street lights at •about Doig for to sition-in the Town- main on a: 50-50 ba 1s with .the. tenance on all sewerage lines right afternoon about half past three.' dei' of the Highway and ditch be - P Po to s p affairs hall .at Hensall ' to .the main, and for the ex expense fore comm 9c3U o'clock and without the ship. His stand 'for. Reeve,' said township affairs were aired. company,, provfdfng G'that -'Cities Pe I$e, wale returning home from, g to rest an the right gay Coloured bulbs the town Mr. Bell, is: in the way of,paying Reeve Dof stated that the loss Servi,e,rwo 1cl a ee to this:; Jack -0f_; laying an new lines 'to ,the gu side on top of :John' Lindsay's Y Goderreh after his re lar run as would have been drab .Indeed..: a debt to the people 0f the Town- of crops dee gto weather was shown 5cruton;. appearg hr. '.behalf of math. brakeman on the C•P.R, frieght fence. There was evidence to r , ship, who _nominated him ,once be on tax returns but. more taxes the Coni an , stated A, letter was "received from the train to Guelph Junction, having show that the vehicle had .over= ' fore, but due ,o. Ill health he had p Y that this was P d were paid than had been anti¢spat- Town of Clanton commenting on learned of his grandmother's turned at least four, times to its MERCHANTS. WERE •A LITTLE been forced to retire,, ed. He quoted outstanding current the good state .of cc opeiatfoxi be- mad careen'. Clarence was thrown ,confused , in Clinton yesterday' The five men working for a seat taxes as $19,000. . . Ween the PUC and town, and Into: the ditch. .., thanking the PUC for, the gesture tin{ �% ' j� I No one actually saw the acrid- about whether to 'Close or not ... on the four -man council are Beret Began With overdraft made in'ca ceiling a. small bill lot' Reeve �T.. J. Dale ant. The first to. report it was e Building Pmits Wednesday 'afteirioom closing is a Garrett; A. E: Crozier;Victor Lee, po h habit for ma yt In January, 1954,.Mr,. Doig said . repairs to own wiring, done by: • driver of the Cornish Electric tty . ', . Others feel Frank Falconer and Ivan Fors h• the township owed an overdraft • �'i that when there is another hol- Both Crozier and Forsyth were P the PUC: (i truck, Goderich; who went to Wal - ell, $50,000, $90,000 was borrowed Ili Clinton TQta.l Decision was made to hand over Will Unveil ter Westlake for het - iday in the week they. should nominated for Reeve as well; but to carry the township through the to householders now rentin heat• p He tele- I*rhaps stay open ... Result is: decided to try to stay in council;- year. He stated that Tuckersmith g phoned the Provincial, Police and some do .and some don't . j j ars from the PUC, the heaters summonded ' medical, aid, "after has ,the :biggest tax roll -in the $392,500 tri 1.954 themselves and equipment connect Plaque At Auburn which he. went to the scene: of the + • • T histo of the township, $109,Q00, g tats sand to take off the is - of Huron County e l ilCllXlaS Acry ed with them, including thermos- accident where he was 'kept busy with the mill rate reduced one- Clinton, Clerk L. Douglas Holl- 1 sin Chairman directing t RECEIVED A NOTE FROM A A Steep half inti', and .re oxzfs that 50 , ' i g raffle. subscriber in Los Angeles Calif.; AppointedJ.P.p building per- vice charge which these consum, Good Roads Committee, John W, Possibly:Larson's life was spar- just before Christmas Day Pr J As reeve, he said, he opposed mits:were issued iii '1954` totaling ers have up till now, been paying: Nediger, Reeve of Clinton has an. ed because of the quick action of Elgin Mason renewed his sub- i vigorously the installation of sew- $392,500. However, a this amount The heaters . will remain on flat `nounced• that the large county Far Huron County age dieposal plant in Seaforth sin- $65,000 was for the new nurses' rate; and the consumer Will be bridge at Auburn will be officially George Little, Reg. Francis and scription . , . and sent a clipping ✓ # residence, and 158,000 for the ad. opened this afternoon; December Spencer Ervine of the local fire ce he ell it could not but. adver- $ held responsible for ail repairs t0 A.diside -residence, Clinton ,000 for C e a& his heater from now on. , 3U• brigade wito ,gave first aid. admin - thethe .December 16 issue ld Thomas in Steep, Clinton, has sely affect Egmondvflle. He de- Esta In the Eagle dock News -Herald elf, a been appointed justice of the - dared the issue had been side- iate Institute. All members of the 1954. PUC , , s g the emergency oxygen telling the story of himself, a peace for Huron County, the On tapped by the Sanitation Depart- Mr. Holland said this year saw were, present, and besides the dep- r + • wooly in the pneolator to the ser - "well -known magician, headlfn tarso Government has, ann0une- . E " lously injured man who kept lav, Ing an impressive revile of talent ed• tient. Be said, that Dr. A. E. an increase of, $6,375 in non-public utation from Cities Service, both Ing lapses of conselousness. Drs J. g Berry :assured him that he will building permits over last year. A. J. DTs and C. W. Brown at a Community Sing held in It also announced appointment ! A. Addison arrived and .gave mad- ' >, of Judge Frank. Fingland as ' personally see that Seaforth sew-. 0f the 50 appIicatigns; ZO were far (new Commissioners for ,19551 I ical aid until the ambulance came. the Eagle Rock' Grade School a e wild pat bed. to E -new residences. i were in attendance. "'` h c accompanied we quote again: "Mason has Judge of the Surrogate Court inondvflle and Tuckersmtth, g the victim to the thrilled audiences all over south- and local master of Supreme tleptrial, using the pneolator on ern California and a recent ap- Court for Huron ,County. ' reHes'attended t e Windsor, and - Y Examination showed that Char'. pearance at the L.A. Examiner's asked the ratepayers always"' StanleyElect AF �r 7 Years ,i enc had suffered extensive chest crippled children's dhow brought V y~ a raise to him from critics and Dutch Falrruers n send a. representative he had to the meet- S in• ries, is lung leg n punctured, e fracfrac- . p ,� Ing, He said he had been fnstru- �' F � ,° Lure to his right leg near the ank- veteran entertainers alike . . . mental in forestalling a by-law to x € le, and bruises, His condition was - * * * IDAStrict NOW ., license tractors traveling on high- p- rt (� �K tt� a: described as being .critical, and TOOK TIME TO SETTLE BACK ways: o eman VersalsMcBrideie word from the hospital late yester- Qr aniZed As Unit At the June meetin Of Huron '" day, afternoon was that lie was and enjoy the Christmas dards g g For the first time in seven years ey Bedard); Carl HeuSton' (moved H xF . the =0.s Record, received dur- Last Tuesday night there was a county council, 'he claimed he as- there will be an election in Stanley by Len Talbot, seconded by Harold t. ,,, slightly improved• Ing those hectic days before De- meeting for the Dutch farmers and stated in having the eighth con- Township, Penhale); Elmer Webster (moved 2 �;; i=• `` Walter Westlake towed the car, camber 25 . . remember those farmers in the future called to- cesion retained in the county sys- Harvey Coleman, with seven by A. J. Mustard, seconded by J, which was a total wreck, to his days? and really they are a gether by fir, S. Bakker from Blyth. tem, He credited Hensall vand years experience in council (he be- F. Smith); Harvey Taylor (mover' garage. fairly respectable looking lot... He welcomed all and said he was Clinton +villi assistance n sa ae gan political life with the last.e7eC- by Lindsay Eyre and seconded by - w4 e PC Morley Groves, Goderich in - They range all the way from the very glad that so many older and this road from reverting t0 the tion that Stanley has had) Is chal- George Cameron. .. I "I- , vestigated. plain. slim blue and gold one younger men were present. t Tn sed my affairs, Mr. Doi lenging the present' Reeve Alvin Members•of the Township Schon] I 1 0 with the bells to the hue The speaker a] the Bight was J, g McBride, who has 11 years expex'- Area Board are Alex McBeath irk : CONGItATiII ATION$: g stated, he was a member of the 1 t Johns - green one with rather modernV • Bakker,' London, He .pointed ience with council, ineluding 953 (VGflmec Jones oily' Allan Johns- istic- deal on the outside and out the eat Importance of farm- finance committee. He said that and 1954 as reeve. tors) Frank McCrnvan (John Mc- "A� Mr. and Mrs. John Engel Cele- iii for the farmers themselves the majority of county and had Polls will be open from nine Gregor and Carl Diehl), Names ..� _ brated their 60th wedding anni- versary inside a r production of an orig- g b Y until five on Monda, lanuary, 3. in giackets are Moyer and second- i y, with a fam incl painting by, Joseph :Giunta, but also for the whole country §ew' educed one-half and if the N I1Y gay on Monday, rg had not been the mill rate. would r WARDEN W. J. DALE ,Iy gathering held in the Optimist A,R,C.A. (must lie aCan- and said that it pleased khe govern- CbunClllars ir''Srnley by so- er:) 'lave had to have been increased. ` adfan ' ment that the Dutch farmers clamation are Alvin Rau (moved Reeve A. McBride mentioned Warden W. d, Dale, reeve . of Club, rboms Stratford: Mrs. En- we've never heard of ,mould stay on the "farms. But He referred briefly to the County by Charles. Rau: seconded by Per- that taxes had come in better than Hit]lett Township, will unveil a gel is the eldest sister of Mrs, him before) This particular :now the farmers need some organ- Home at Clinton, and termed the expected this year. He said he felt la ue fn membr of the late Ro Roy Plumsteel, Clinton. Though card, is 9i/2 x 11 Inches Then fzation and where ft is .difficult at $464,000 being spent on the home folded - printed o stockour $4 a credit to the county. that the calcium put on the roads Patterson, Goderich, former Huron usually Mr. and Mrs. Engel times that large . • . and really first because of lire language to TB Seal. Sales bad done a good job, and commen- County engineers, after whom the spent the winter in Clinton, this loin the organization of the. Cana& . He reviewed the loss of the y ded the work stone in spraying bridge is being named. The year they are in Brussels with 3s impressive . ,The thing i r- lan farmers it is necessaryto form county court house by fire and Total6 gOO roadsides at a cost of $819, statin g y a sister, Mrs. Banning. Mrs, Ray e Peter 00 structure' was designed b g• What t0 do with it .. . it won't a Dutch farmers organization, thr construction of the new one to 9 that he felt this work should be peter Patterson, Goderich, county Fear; Mrs. Roy Plumeteel and hang on the door jamb like the There is already such an organiz- date. �7 continued. He reviewed the Work engineer, who succeeded his Fath- Miss Emma Plurnsteel, Clinton, ntartio and the Dutch Ivan Forsyth reported on fin- A Year's S Feld` at County Council, mentioning the not come that sptrong) tape does titan in ouar .Clinton may be- tires. The hiring of a new aud. - new Court House, progress at the er, attended the anniversary, . and farmers around The total received to date, by It is too big to find a spot on come a section of it. Their' they or, Harper McKay, God ich, o County Home' addition, and work the always crowded desks of the can through their board members replace the Iate James Love, will Mrs. J. B. Bussell, Seaforth, secre- with the equalization of assess- ■ We're threaten- speak with the directors of the cost more, he said. taryTube Tuberculosis is the Huron n, is q Roberts Discusses School. System front office ty 'Tuberculosis- Association, is meat committee of which he was � ,ing to hang it in the back shop Canadian organizations. Of $109,907 taxes, $811291 has a member. like one of those new -fan led After the meeting there was been collected over which the $6,810,35. Last year the total re- Harvey Coleman stressed the cc- ■ r g Clinton.ceipts were $9,842.11. y mobiles ...but get nothing but a division formed in Mom- township has no control, said Mr. operation which had existed be- Throughout TliCkersm�t Township bets of that board chosen were W. Forsyth. The township pays for Though the campaign. lasts until tween members of the council dur- protests ... We could, of course March 31, a cheque in the mail frame the picture part and die- J, Bakker, C. Buruma and J. Van- schools, telephone ,costs, etc., re- today will be appreciated. The ing the past year and backed W. P. Roberts,' Tuckersmith th per pupil; the cost for those card the rest der Assam. The board promised gardless of what is collected. The generosity of the people of Huron Reeve McBride in his opinion that Township assessor and school area now attending Clinton public * a that they will consider what there township also has no, control over County will enable the. TB Assoc- calcium treatments were doing a secretary -treasurer reported the school is $11.50 per month per is to do in the interest of the far- county rates -the general school ration .to extend its work in 1955.' good job and should be continued. townships financial status as child and it costs $9 a month for SPEAKING OF THE REFER- rivers. (Continued on Page Eight). --� o Recalling past years, Coleman good, at the nomination meeting three children attending a Hullett Imperial Oil Reviewtest es asomen �' fortreeed veafor 1953, he hadand had nominated iwith high, he saidubutional education is x'm- township two instances, he boned in. The E B MeueS <tT ill .ated, the ence to the la Top Shelf this B. drawl in favour' of McBride.Mc73rrdeHe portant, people had showed more foresight ' we have One. copy ofsaid that this year he would be in The trustees work for the wel- than Department .of Educatian. each Issue here at the .office if #%Uto Collisions And Break-in the field for reeve, and if elected fare of the pupil With the taxpay-They resisted, closing SS 4 though you wish to see just what Ben- Succeed Fangland would do everything be could to er in mind. The schools in the new desks and redecoration, were jamin is talking about ■ r' dildo Weekend benefit the township and the tax- area have no public address Sys needed; the enrolment there now I 1*`' * !investigated Ove H y R( (� I. Lew Practa�ce dyers, tems, he.noted, no cafeterias and is 38, with the excess going to Alvin Rau mentioned the worth no television but they have equip- other schools. At one time the L AMONG OUR WISHES FOR i A car collision at the corner of Is expected to appear in court here of weed spraying, and the fact that meat for, learning. enrolment at S.S. '5' was down to 1855 which are as yet just get ( Rattenbury and William Streets on January 5.. E. Bencher •Menzies, B,A., has this year the tax rate had been School properties have been ten but the section decided against ting formulated '..., we wish you ``occurred on the afternoon of_. Dec- That same' evening a disturb- acquired the law practice of F. lowered by two mills. He said he maintained he said. S.S.. 9, (50 closing the school; now this school all the very best year yet I ember 23, causing. about $1,200 ance arose oft Ontario Setreet-near FmgIs6d, Q.C„ Clinton, who has would not take the credit for this, ears old. `` and S.S. 5 (80 to 90• lis a life-saver, taking 18 from Eg- the mast prosperous, If that is damage to one car involved. E. the main intersection, between two practiced .here for the past 25 but that all the council (which Y ) mondville, what you wish , . , the happiest, Hoover, RCAF Station Clinton, men from RCAF Station Clinton, years. Mr Fingland recently was takes blame for both -good and ebuilt on) the exterior, pS.S. 4 has The mill rates of the various ,if you are striving for more was travelling east. on Rattenbury and charges may be laid. appointed Judge of Huron, bad) was responsible. when he met a car driven by John Earl on the morning of Decem County. p been reroofed and the shed repair- townships in South Huron valve gaiety . the quietest, if : you y Carl Houston said he was enter- ed and S.S. 6 (unused) has been from seven mills to. 16 mills and long for peace and shielding from Byford .RCAF Station Clinton, bar 23 (approxi one o'clock) Phil- Mr. Menzies is a graduate in ing his ninth term in council, and reraffed. Two 'schools ,have been 'Tuckersmith township rate is sev- the rush of everyday livingtravelling south oviWilham Street, more Bisset, 39, R.R, 1 Goderich, Arts of Victoria College, Uni-. • e ms Tire Byford car pushed the Hoov- was apprehended on Kirk _Street;. verskty of Toronto, and in law- (Continued on Page Eight) the exteriod said one painted on en mills. The annual teacher demanded the busiest, if the payrolle er car, against a•hydro pole total- and Will be charged with drunk the exterior. aly increase of $100 as demanded a little slim lately in fact g from Osgoode Hall.• He studied ------ 'If a depression comes, he con= by the Department of Education just what you want of 1955; we.s']y, wrecking the vehicle to the driving, law under G. L. Mitchell, Q.C. p amount $1,200.• : Byfoird,; was Early on Christmas morning re- London, and Gordon W Ford, �7 � � rT� tinued, the township can stop must be pard, he pointed., out,' wish for you . . charged with. careless driting, an Port of a dfsturbanee on Mary Village 1 rustees spending money and the area Tuckersmith' is the -most economic-. . , 0 * ;0 I Q.C., -Toronto, both leading schools will all be in good repair. al school area in Huron G•'ounty, he Street, between two women and a A g P ' '+ man, all of Seaforth, was received Counsel. Are Acclaimed Increased estate -costs-are un- stated. He gave the increase as WED LIKE TO S U.G G E S T � Ice is a son of Rev, A• E. and � avoidable, he stated; the poputa- only one-half mill, from 6,5 t0 7 . something s • , think of; 365 shin- r • by police. 'investigation was Wearxng..,]P3 �altnas Mrs, Menzies; Ailsa .Craig, -for- 7� a tion of Ontario and. the school mills. (Corm, Forsyth had prev- Ing neViays m the coining year made. No charges resulted. merly of the Londesbom pastoral At. ]gayf�exd Sometime between midnight on population have increased. There ,ously stated• the increase as one' Nothing has happened in Hospital, Patient change of the United Church. Reg. Francis; J. M. Stewart and, are now 214 pupils in the township, mill). The trustee levy; Mr. Rob- any one,.a}f them yet You Christmas eve and early the next who were very well known and p morning the rear of Bartlfff's res- John H. Parkers are the: village he said, with accommodation be- arts said, over which the school tali make them what you wish highly' rbspected in that area, trustees for the Village of Bayfield fn a problem for the school board has control increased by ... or you can let things happen Leaves Window T breaking was entered A means of g g p' • ••� • ' ' breaking a window. A door was Bencher is -well in Chin- for 1955.. This was the result of board, one school having 51 pupils.. only $1,894,. which Is a small in. to. you as they will . In: the An elderly gentleman (about 69 forced but n attempt was made ton, as well, having attended the the nomination meeting held in the Most teacher's have not the abil- crease; one-half mill, first instance you will be, master years) who had been in Clinton to enter the zoe taurant' itself, and Clinton -' District Collegiate In- Bityfield Town Hall-- on Monday its to handle more than 25 pupils I ' Hi"h' Schools ' of your- fate in the second Public Hospital to from t nothing was taken: statute here, while living at evening, today, he said. The excess pupils l Reporting for' the Seaforth nigh you will, be like a child with his surgery, left: his room at ,about On the evening of December 26, Londesboro. Mr. Parker is a new member to of, S.S. 4 now go to the RCA1! school board, James MCIntosb Christmas presents , - You 12.50 a.m, on. December 28 by way. a c''r driven by Carl Livermore Mr. Menzies, who is a mem-:the board taking the seat vacated Station school and Clinton public stated that Tuckersmith Was con may "open" each, day and find of the window, dropping several Clinton collided with the rear of ber of ` The International Legal by Ben' Rathwell who failed. to school, Eighteen pupils of SS 8 eerned more with Seaferth than ncithing exciting inside- at all .:. feet to the ground. •, a'car driven b John Ladd' Strat Fraternity of 'Phi 'Beta Phi. and, qualify after serving five years. (Egmondvilie), grades 3, 4 and 5, Clinton or ,Exeter' high schools, Every year we prepare to 'plan Clad in pyjamas; and in -bare ford as the 'Ladd car came, to a The Canadian Bar Association. • George Castle presided over the are transported daily to S,S. 5, At The estimated cost to the var- eacii day the way .we want .it . feet, he made his way ,for some halt to park on King Street near will commence his tenure in. the meeting, one time the cost was $6 per mon- sous municipalities towards • the .sometimes; it is a success, more distance along Shipley, and then Clinton Cab. Darnagg,of $150 ,gas Clinton practice at ..the beginning Seaforth school often it irg a failure . Of No Street, finally knocking at estimated. of the New Year. * . - - b are: Seaforth, `$8'449;. Grey township, $4,338; Hul course, around about the middle the door of Ed. Fairservice's.'home, Bruce .Fleet Freed . He will occupy the , office on ! Ie , , $3,817; Hibbert, $4,785; Me. of January we forget all these at the corner of Cowper and North Constable Arnold Summers, Gad- Albert Street, presently' in use I W KI p, $15,774; Tuckersmith $11,4 plans. but thnae first two weeks Streets. 6 erich, Provincial Police Constable, by Mr. Fingland, who will take- Js. W. ■ Counter. Installed As, 27, Morris, $1,507, Expenses listed: the New Year is in excitln Though both Constable Robert were: teachers' salaries, $39,513; g,' pleas- cut the clothing from Bruce H. up his new : dutibs next Monday . e [ indeed . , been summonded by hospital auth,- Fleet, Clinton, to free him from at Goderich, Le ion Branch !'reX For 1955 instructional supplies, $2,300; ad- * time, Quayle and Chief J. Farrand had * * * under the steering wheel, amidst 9 , ministration, $3,530; tractor, $1, . orities, and the policemen were out the' wreckage of his car on High- . none Comander J. D. Thorndike in Ontario and perhaps the whole 600; lockers, $2,736. The estima- PERHAPS ALL THE NEW GAD- looking for the gentleman, he was way 8 ,three miles west of Sea- MIM M assisted by George Wilson, former Dominion. . ted surplus is $6,254; gets. which we work hard . to returned to the hospital by Mr. forth on Sunday night, Zoite Commander and past get, ,Honey to buy persuading. p Pres- He was informed that a 75 per are not so Pre has since ret some his ho Close a el members attended �, „ Damage to the car, which: ran. ,1 � ',dent;. installed incoming press- cent. grant is forthcoming from labour=saving after all near has since returned to his home off the road into a ditch and ram- dent J.. W. Counter and the tom the annual election of officers, the Department of Education to - our parents -talk of the times ilea, Varna t The meeting was m charge of K.. when it was not uncommon for - mad itself st the side $ a tree .�� +�' . Plein slate of officers of Clinton aards a $90,000 expenditure; this C. Cooke, the outgoing pxesidelit. v n trunk was estimated at $1000. Branch No. 140 Canadian Legion is an increase of $15,000, and this mother to invite 20 or more home - "I Legion. was driving 4c a word, iiLlnitmmm 760 for 1955 at a. meeting held in rile .Those elected were: Honorary report has been verified' by the from church on a Sunday after- The WeAther Ize ion Memorial Hall recent] ' fio4n and getting a meal eff the road.' P•riday, Dec. 31 - Annua g Y presidents, or. Shaw, George Wil- ' 0 behind ,Fleets _car when it went 1 New Legion history may have Been son, C. K, Garnish; past president, GEORGE H. JEFFERSON TO. ' together was a flint. affair with , 1954 1953 Fleet, knoClc.ed unconscious; was Year's Eve Dance- fun. for all. made, with the installation of the: K. d, Cooke; president; J. W. SPE" ' High 'Law High Low treated. by Dr. J. A. Addison. He Fish and .Game Club House. Ad- new president as '!t is the first Couriter; first vice-president, W 1. SPE" TO CONSERVATION" work e and ladies Joining ming in nd the Dec. 29 34 25 27 ' 16 dater. Went home, where his eon- mission 75c.- 51-2-b time, that both father and a' son Denomme; second vice-president, ASSOOIATION vouriv.0ers playing . and the. ° 24 35 21 25 12 dition is satisfactory. 'Tiro galore at the NOW Year's .have been president, of .the local Douglas Andrews; secretary, Gor= George H. Jefferson will be the menfolk talking . Now With 25 33 : 1.5 35 24 No ;injury Eve dance in the, Crystal, :Palace, branch. Morley,Counter served as don Herman;' treasurer, Edward guest speaker at the regular meet electric; stoves, frozen foods; pre 26, - 40 26 35 29 ` W. R. Dreany, RCAF' Station Mitchell. -Tie entire „Night Hawk, .president for two terms shortly Dale; chaplain Rev. R. M. P. Bul• Ing - of the Huron ,Fish and Game paras foods of all. sorts'. . , 20 - 27 36 33 32 14 escaped injury last weekend when band will 'play, for dancing from' after World War I and now his teel; executive, George Campbell, Conservation ' Association.' The ,if. Christmas time is w real event 28 36 29 35 30 a car he Was driving,owned by. R. 10 till Z Hats, horns etc. ]Please son Bill has achieved the top post Robert Campbell, Robert Draper,. meeting will be held, in the ,club to be planned weeks ahead and . 29 30 19 35' 26 Glazier; Goderich, kidded at a Nate: Tlie, regular' weekly dance in tiie branch:: Local Legion auth- Hector' Kingswell, 'Arthur Ley- rooms, Alma Grove, .on Monday, to ha rPr•"nernted from for days Rain: I a3ins., Snow: 3.5 ins. curve on'Hf Highway 8 near Aolmes !s .on Thursday, December. 23 ui-. critics feel that this may be the burner Wilfred McAlpine; Camer- January 3: All members are urg- a' r.•. g ompletely over, stead of•I-rlddy. 50-1-2•blfirst time that this.has happened;on Proctor, Reginald Smith. eptly fequested to attend. after rvardti ! Snou': ,z m. ville and turned e .