HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-12-23, Page 10Luke 2, 8-14. I taken b •Pats "'It' .7 t' Dews of Lo-VARNA aiul.Patsyled"i .pia rides r r were elecied as folIo; •.+rH►..•..•}�.�..,;..r.....,,*: .Yvan iVlcClymont; sec: Webber; warlr •?y er MissBarbara McConnell, ' P. N Dawson; txeasrirei,,, Timoii Changeing there and At..tbis,,time. her Stratford,. is spending a few days b School concerts, are filling this mother gave,,a bi+ief•.e '1 fi'on a . the home: of, her parents, Mr. Services 11 week; there: being a concert 'a1- e Ada'• ild'MTs. Le ;' Services; were heli g of e eC n t Some` of one, m... A iiyone wishing U, M o illi mas Sunday in the'U most every ,day: The teachers and to obtain one: may ;do so,, . NVili. tl ' services pupils -are; kept. very.busv. A new Mrs. Throo e'- e There, `vnll,,be a service a` the . of Goshen and Va. M cad I a Chris w P , turas , ^ I in seisvi s] is Latin g was.' 1 rink so s been, Goshen ' g h ode in h n Unite was,,.41s61 a iii t 9 d Ch stor -` arch on 'Thc i' Christ_ . e Hest ' re'' t Y L t P e. hila W. :the A lit U i n an n ted' Ch g C!urcl ur 1i mos 7 r c .shed which i � ve ch n past be i ,,� � . nm a p Shepherds g n t 8.3 ids a'chc g p d the` • F 0 P.m. W t ix lock ,.. 5 t At the ears GosH@n was'fi le T Ui Y 1 d With, he h h sleighs h c Ych n s e s rid d ser ' g a t vice': " . was Sung g o e ng and ^the ineeCinb •closed Ye4A s Eve l} rr nN nv. the Sacrament of Bax cutters drawn ` by lovely Ioolciiig with the Mizpnh benediction, The t d'.6h 'held, at Varna mi ptered whe horses which is a thing at: the hostesses their served a delicious in lie Umied': h&rch t 11;15. • n St Past; We miss ..the jingle of the son of Ntr, anis Mrs 1? lunch: �, •Librsiry Boarce e . aisd' Lynn Chlist ne bells which seemed . tomake times The .slate of officers tor. ,the ,.•�'he annual ibrary meeting wi i " mart. . ous °and •bright, and those comingyear is • a fol ; be held on Tuesda.' "Dec e 1 Mt. and Mrs, l alnam sleigh, rides,yvhi li everyone enjoy de y s lows: creel Y, December 28, 15aptized. There was' dent, Mrs, Joseph Lyon; assistant sti ,the:: Varna ;,Orange Hall at 8 gregation resent' ed e s cis 1 ' r 1 at Christmas P , a > Pe y s ma s time: .iii. Th reel e P e book se d nt Mrs. 11' ' esti P Wi rani an electing, co g But 'time changes everything. Manning; ,l commit- ,Heartily n the' -sings g Y g• .'- secretor Mr, -Wilmer. Howatt; 'tee vrenp to . Goderich ,last week"rrias hymns. Members 'Y s;: . W.A. a an M etas d selec ca ted a rd secret r r lar g. a y M s. Harty Dur- ge rare fro of ,contributed special Ct The"Y•egular:meeting,of Londes- nin; pianist Mrs •Tolrs :Allen as- new 'books so,'i1',• you •are not i� sic. A quariet'byMrs; boro' tVoman's' Association was sistant;,pianist, ,• Mrs. E Wood';° member,rW�iy,nof'join;and.enjoy a ter, 'Mrs,"Elmore-Kr held:irr°the church with Mrs. los- card committee.,for ,.the sick;, Mrs. N'sntex• of •good agachnga.-T , ,;, : Robinson and RoyMcl hLo in' the n the Y chair... The meet - Cl r ek m t a ence.Crawford, Mrs. E, kt?ood, Sctiool'(Jgncerts'! E' by Mrs. Elmore Keys( ng opened with the W:A. Myron Mrs. Townsend; ' Mrs; Xoungblut, Christmas concerts', •have been ''Rollinson• Members and ':O Little Town of Bethlehem. ! Mrs. R. Fairservice, , Mrs;r.. Gaunt, held biy'Ahe schools on' -the Ba sign Band "also' as'si 1 Mrs. Lloyd Pipe read .thp'scripture Mrs„ William Mannin e: 'ltiIrs. T fseld tload'. Par Y St• g.. i ; Lrne;and,iGoshen music. -'•' ` olid M rs Lon road d th oa e story -tin :dill L .Y Adam's, and- •Mr Line., �: rY. s rC..> Ball;, press Tlie •rpupils gaveti.splendid The: servsce'at Vairx connection with"%t , Mrs. Lyon led secretary, Mrs:l'E Wood;. flower Prggranimes,which werV:well re Was•• also well'-'atter i' In prayer. and -,:everyone repeated eorismittee, Mrs. Tom: Ahen;, par ceived, by the large audiences pies- Ste, ¢&s• sang "O Holy' the Lord s• Prayer. sonage committee, Mrs: Townsend, ent. Santa made anrappearance at the choir sang tWo ca; "Gentle Mary Laid Her Child" Mr's. Joseph Lyon, Mrs. 13. •Snob- ging with en,' all! 'What, Holy S. each of the schools+,brim was sung. The minutes Were brook, Mrs. L. Pipe and treasurer, him the•usual good cheer and:fun. While Shepherds Wat 1 per), 'Mrs. on Christ. Mrs. ; Glad', ed -Church,- Lee McCoi s A mor -' n Recbr�l ' nd ` in' ucte d at • � n Jo`Ti Y . n, Vain a. 'Bach ael< J€ e` d Church George m was ad- Mrs, Ralp n,' Arnold, Hill; cards noid Keys; sick, Mrs, iughter of, vee. Bo.yce iylor, were,' Mont; lune] large on g M' sh and r �. n all 7oinad Mr. Pitt r nf.. ("hilt+_ .- r.ee ivicwonnell with' the ,:. Y: t' 2 s P .m: M•in>lnnu>�lri :Pri`• 1VIrs.. _ CSS p' ;ht„and "Hark= S ng”, and.. uggeSted For -d„ sung red and rill t Mrs i e Eve h :tress e. L 1 Webster. one looks" ' e ur rs' report Y •-; annual; rYforward +to„•these to a lovely tune arranged fro a i ' and, then the roll call was ans- United Church: WAISconceitst,And they help in. Handel, The ,llev„ T,' 'T. Pitt Oats'and Bari'; wered with' a . thought; on Christ- The Christmas meeting ' of • ,the a large way to -make Christmas. a preached at both, s Yrviees. a. mos. Wo xen•s Missionary Society was delightful time. Following Y Y WA Elects Officers g coideration by the The business,s ssion was then held• rill the � church school room Mission Band. The December meeting ' of the Seed Marked': and ;•P:ublicit ee y , conducted. Mrs.,.,harry Durnin of; with, ,the' prgsident, Mrs. F. Tam, The Varna Miss, n'Band met on Woman's Association was field. at Committee/of, t ',pxrtarib.9oil fared her home for a quilting some blyn iixesidifig, She opened the December 5; with Patsy Dowson the bgme of Mrs.Lee 1VICConnetl Crop Imp>,ovement . Assoei and time -in January. "It. Came Upon meetin' ;by reading a poem The leadng sn the purpose: The tress- on Thursday afternoon D e'mb the ,following sag st d mi"'' a M+dnightA Iear" was sung. Mrs. Chizstinas Gift",, followed by the. m`er gave his repdrt. Gary Mc' sh- 91 with 26 l dies present. ¢: � e2 prices�avere recommpended for - Bert Allen ad a stork '"Bushel iryiiiri, It Came Upon the Mid- played the hymn; "Praise, Him, Thee presid'en't, Mrs:` Louis' Ta seeding; r 1955 for bushel" with a good fnor 1. niglit Clear" aqd prayer. Praise Him' . The roll was called lor, presided;' The meet ro ned . ,' pats—Commercial No. 1' ” " �+ Hark the era An ' Is" Y b g pe $1.50 grade, ge wp§ Minutes were read' b . Mrs: Y Dianne Webber, Mrs'. Taylor- with the theme son Study of per bushel; R..qgisteneA%,No:,,,1 sung. ;,'! (Townsend. A letter was read from' gave "the storr--'The Tree Watch the devotional lea God's Gift"' grade, $1.75-,ppr ,bushel, —' --=- Miss Ann Fairserviee haft a dis-1Miss Sandell, Korea, regarding the Us" -,Pat ,-Dawson read from was led by Mrs. Louis Taylor and Barley =•' to ,No. T play of her beautiful hand paint -bale and a letter fromrMiss'David-s. Anson ,Coleman. "Silent Node; $2.00 per' bushel;' RegisteredtRrgr� Night"was sung and' Mrs T: J. 1 grade, $2,50 per bushel. to I., ? ; son telling what the Korean Pitt read Luke 2 5-20:'.^ Mrs, The above priceshasSi •,: money and ho m make some the n an g retail sales of, treated, ed on •. `+Riti�v��+�."� ��aegegt�gts s men''are Mervyn JohnstonSoread thoughts. on seed, bags W , much the parcels d followed with inciaded,'at focal shipping points, senf•'were appreciated ' -Cards of prayer. It rs,eX cted•that due to demands, sym�iathy were read Mrs, Percy Johnston gav , a based an -merit some varieties will ��+�� The treasurers report was giv-reaflng Love Came trus i a sell above these minimum prices; Qpafity Ali+ en and it was la er stated ttie Song Mrs. Orrin' Dowson �ve Order Soon WMS was well over thetop with a reading 'Love Came to us •in Losses to seed grain by rust and the allocat:oli for this a Star' wird Miss Rae a Johnston roan have been p year. The >J heavy this year slate of officers was read, there followed with the ieang "Best over a wide area of the province, Feed Or Health being quite' a few changes. The of all, 1 ve. come to us in a in Particularly in Easter 1 H tiny >i and North names of the officers will be given winsomd Babe, the Saviour of eche ern Ontario as welt as in Western g t in the. January report, when the World". Oh, LttTis ' Town t'tof Canada -arid the ,JTniter. -States.' installation .of 'new officers will Bethlehem" was sung. Supplies,..".tligrefoVk are not too And you will. have Weaith; a take place. Business period was conducted Plentiful considering the large That There was a re -organization of by the president and a thank -you number of farmers who will re- rR 7_at JM�aYiS Happiness groups. Mrs. F. Tamblynresigned note from Mrs. Ralph Stephenson quire seed and growers would be ll the office of president which she and babe, was read. well advised to<arrange for their had very ably filled for the past 'fore treasurer, Miss R. John- 1955 supply as soon as possible. five years and voiced a flew words Ston; reported $566.18 on hand; Qnly varities suitable to parti- A•nd Pr their of appreciation to the ladies for $300 was voted toward the build- cu'lar localities should be seeded , their co-operation during that Ing fund. Secretary; Mrs, Lee Me• irt"En der to,.secure best results A t>me. Connell, read her report. Roll call. ' Birthday pennies were given by for January Will be answered with several members.. A cordt�ftitable quantities of r'eco NO 'ded , varieties should be 'avoid IIIRSDAi', DECEIyIBER 23, •allows president . 7aYlor vice tiresi-' +Ire, 03 ;D(. 'e iw£+-0€9tiitat;+ iaWilliam _ MCASh; "Melvin Webster The president, Mrs. Louis Tay- Group 3 tools charge with. Mrs. lox, thanked everyone for the co- PROSPEROUS.' NEW' *EAR' C. Crawford as leader: The candle- operation they had � given her dur- light service was observed. Mrs. Ing her term as president, and TO AEE Dora Shobbrook with the candle then turned the meeting over for India red Chuter; (sup.. and Mrs. Ivan Carter Rev. T, J. Pitt for the election with the candle for Canada. Mrs,. officers. Mrs, Lee McConnell of Considerin`g'prPces ,registered seed afters exceptiorfaIIy good ' mov- �_•, Howatt read from Matthew 3, ed a hearty vote of thanks to Mrs.. commencing at the tenth verse, Taylor for her untiring efforts Lrence Stephenson,- Weman and 'Mrs, Christmas. carols were sung and during her terin as president. This were given by Mrs. Arthur was seconded by Mrs. George Reid ®J Claris, Mrs, Clare Vincent sang and followed by a round of ap- a `Joy dl� of rep - resentative growers from across the Province, together with crop officials of the Canada and Ont an'prayers' solo, the Christ is Bold', plause. IMNS Mrs. Watson ;re�arYr Mrs.M Mi s ure as ter- on• . ar ganisi s, M r tools the offering and Mrs. Fred McClymont and Mrs, Mrs. a Mrs.' Edwin Wood: played an in- Orrin Dowson.. expressed , a' a their "Star of the Bast"; gratitude to the WA for the lovely PHONE 114 '- - --; CLINTON The carols 'An els from the wedding dinners 'n o Sn a SS1S ' t a rite phenson•-and Mrs: y served to their Realms of Glory and "Infant daughters, Mary and A2arilyn. Holy' were sung and the moo: it Ill It has been said th&t demor:racy 1 e gF l z osebdds:' to,, tbi k ,gar_ r. all other forms that have11 been tried from time to ,ustard, Mrs l\?'s;,, Freel' MCCIy= '9;14J:,t�Ve, MLS; of r if : Jolln, V: 'e `e rO 9 rg Reid. r ieiide d thee. WA• fore :and .the , _ 'p a and,meeting ,C ri ' r Y. h strrias. I • �0 ,, a is n e ., ,g . , with Mr antaallS.. Liriich'� the entertainment Pitt extended, a 1 ^�` '- All our l staff joins wirli us• as in wishing you the V / y cry hest r lie: host ass t Mrs., / ,_ Cht' r.ee ivicwonnell with' the ,:. Y: t' 2 s P .m: M•in>lnnu>�lri :Pri`• 1VIrs.. _ CSS p' ;ht„and "Hark= S ng”, and.. uggeSted For -d„ sung red and rill t Mrs i e Eve h :tress e. L 1 Webster. one looks" ' e ur rs' report Y •-; annual; rYforward +to„•these to a lovely tune arranged fro a i ' and, then the roll call was ans- United Church: WAISconceitst,And they help in. Handel, The ,llev„ T,' 'T. Pitt Oats'and Bari'; wered with' a . thought; on Christ- The Christmas meeting ' of • ,the a large way to -make Christmas. a preached at both, s Yrviees. a. mos. Wo xen•s Missionary Society was delightful time. Following Y Y WA Elects Officers g coideration by the The business,s ssion was then held• rill the � church school room Mission Band. The December meeting ' of the Seed Marked': and ;•P:ublicit ee y , conducted. Mrs.,.,harry Durnin of; with, ,the' prgsident, Mrs. F. Tam, The Varna Miss, n'Band met on Woman's Association was field. at Committee/of, t ',pxrtarib.9oil fared her home for a quilting some blyn iixesidifig, She opened the December 5; with Patsy Dowson the bgme of Mrs.Lee 1VICConnetl Crop Imp>,ovement . Assoei and time -in January. "It. Came Upon meetin' ;by reading a poem The leadng sn the purpose: The tress- on Thursday afternoon D e'mb the ,following sag st d mi"'' a M+dnightA Iear" was sung. Mrs. Chizstinas Gift",, followed by the. m`er gave his repdrt. Gary Mc' sh- 91 with 26 l dies present. ¢: � e2 prices�avere recommpended for - Bert Allen ad a stork '"Bushel iryiiiri, It Came Upon the Mid- played the hymn; "Praise, Him, Thee presid'en't, Mrs:` Louis' Ta seeding; r 1955 for bushel" with a good fnor 1. niglit Clear" aqd prayer. Praise Him' . The roll was called lor, presided;' The meet ro ned . ,' pats—Commercial No. 1' ” " �+ Hark the era An ' Is" Y b g pe $1.50 grade, ge wp§ Minutes were read' b . Mrs: Y Dianne Webber, Mrs'. Taylor- with the theme son Study of per bushel; R..qgisteneA%,No:,,,1 sung. ;,'! (Townsend. A letter was read from' gave "the storr--'The Tree Watch the devotional lea God's Gift"' grade, $1.75-,ppr ,bushel, —' --=- Miss Ann Fairserviee haft a dis-1Miss Sandell, Korea, regarding the Us" -,Pat ,-Dawson read from was led by Mrs. Louis Taylor and Barley =•' to ,No. T play of her beautiful hand paint -bale and a letter fromrMiss'David-s. Anson ,Coleman. "Silent Node; $2.00 per' bushel;' RegisteredtRrgr� Night"was sung and' Mrs T: J. 1 grade, $2,50 per bushel. to I., ? ; son telling what the Korean Pitt read Luke 2 5-20:'.^ Mrs, The above priceshasSi •,: money and ho m make some the n an g retail sales of, treated, ed on •. `+Riti�v��+�."� ��aegegt�gts s men''are Mervyn JohnstonSoread thoughts. on seed, bags W , much the parcels d followed with inciaded,'at focal shipping points, senf•'were appreciated ' -Cards of prayer. It rs,eX cted•that due to demands, sym�iathy were read Mrs, Percy Johnston gav , a based an -merit some varieties will ��+�� The treasurers report was giv-reaflng Love Came trus i a sell above these minimum prices; Qpafity Ali+ en and it was la er stated ttie Song Mrs. Orrin' Dowson �ve Order Soon WMS was well over thetop with a reading 'Love Came to us •in Losses to seed grain by rust and the allocat:oli for this a Star' wird Miss Rae a Johnston roan have been p year. The >J heavy this year slate of officers was read, there followed with the ieang "Best over a wide area of the province, Feed Or Health being quite' a few changes. The of all, 1 ve. come to us in a in Particularly in Easter 1 H tiny >i and North names of the officers will be given winsomd Babe, the Saviour of eche ern Ontario as welt as in Western g t in the. January report, when the World". Oh, LttTis ' Town t'tof Canada -arid the ,JTniter. -States.' installation .of 'new officers will Bethlehem" was sung. Supplies,..".tligrefoVk are not too And you will. have Weaith; a take place. Business period was conducted Plentiful considering the large That There was a re -organization of by the president and a thank -you number of farmers who will re- rR 7_at JM�aYiS Happiness groups. Mrs. F. Tamblynresigned note from Mrs. Ralph Stephenson quire seed and growers would be ll the office of president which she and babe, was read. well advised to<arrange for their had very ably filled for the past 'fore treasurer, Miss R. John- 1955 supply as soon as possible. five years and voiced a flew words Ston; reported $566.18 on hand; Qnly varities suitable to parti- A•nd Pr their of appreciation to the ladies for $300 was voted toward the build- cu'lar localities should be seeded , their co-operation during that Ing fund. Secretary; Mrs, Lee Me• irt"En der to,.secure best results A t>me. Connell, read her report. Roll call. ' Birthday pennies were given by for January Will be answered with several members.. A cordt�ftitable quantities of r'eco NO 'ded , varieties should be 'avoid small bale'of 'Paying membership fees,. Mrs. Pitt new articles for children has been acid Mrs. AIdington are in charge saved in order to the pmsl- biR of feed grain being MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY AND sent to Miss Sandell, Korea, as a of contests for January. Christmas gift. used as seed, and the use. of western feed The president, Mrs. Louis Tay- Group 3 tools charge with. Mrs. lox, thanked everyone for the co- PROSPEROUS.' NEW' *EAR' C. Crawford as leader: The candle- operation they had grain as seed should be •discour- aged' Each year it becomes given her dur- light service was observed. Mrs. Ing her term as president, and TO AEE Dora Shobbrook with the candle then turned the meeting over for India more im- portant to "buy by grade," giving to special atteention toM�germination. and Mrs. Ivan Carter Rev. T, J. Pitt for the election with the candle for Canada. Mrs,. officers. Mrs, Lee McConnell of Considerin`g'prPces ,registered seed afters exceptiorfaIIy good ' mov- �_•, Howatt read from Matthew 3, ed a hearty vote of thanks to Mrs.. commencing at the tenth verse, Taylor for her untiring efforts value. The Seed Marketing and Pub - Ilcity Committee consists Christmas. carols were sung and during her terin as president. This were given by Mrs. Arthur was seconded by Mrs. George Reid ®J Claris, Mrs, Clare Vincent sang and followed by a round of ap- a `Joy dl� of rep - resentative growers from across the Province, together with crop officials of the Canada and Ont an'prayers' solo, the Christ is Bold', plause. IMNS Mrs. Watson - silo Departments of Agriculture tools the offering and Mrs. Fred McClymont and Mrs, Mrs. a Mrs.' Edwin Wood: played an in- Orrin Dowson.. expressed W E• Breckon of Burlington is chairman and R. their "Star of the Bast"; gratitude to the WA for the lovely PHONE 114 '- - --; CLINTON The carols 'An els from the wedding dinners E. Goodlin, To- roilto is secretary. ' y served to their Realms of Glory and "Infant daughters, Mary and A2arilyn. Holy' were sung and the moo: it Ill It has been said th&t demor:racy ar�rsrar a�a`ib iaix^rar�iol i�`rAr a� .meeting Mr. Pitt proceeded with the �r rbt aaartsr ra�r�ibrA"ice«'r3z ra closed with prayer, election of officers for 1955 which is the worst form of government 1 except those, r. all other forms that have11 been tried from time to BEST WISH. ES fof,'CHRISTES Our' wish to you -- That your Christmas be ever so joyful! C. W. BROWN Plumbing — Heating -- Wlriag PHONE 174 CLINTON Pine. — Sir Winston Churchill. s'—as ever, ppd tors of joy for, .:all the da s e y ah ad l W ELLS Auto Electric "The Original Tune-up Shop" 1w; Phone 762J Clinton ,r .c rri��+;biffir'bar:Arsrbr�Sr�;ar;ar3r�Ihtotrar9,;is7Yrbs�sti�C�l One of the memorable joys of 6hrfstmas is the pungent aroma of pine needles ... Another is the privilege of wishing happiness 4a *or friends. r�t3�ratrarrr"r= a Cfayt. Dixon PHONE 344W/r CLINTON, ' a s x 5fy �' ,;:;.y..,\� >.:.: - �s c � au wt,\\ : y.•��\� c\\ \a\a �wF,.a}ca\�: , A a z MAWR` ` \ �i°w,, .•e .� \ s•M<��p g�c �\y a � 't�t\� s'�\ \� de••R \ �a �°� ��� yr � „ �P ii� i t •;� �/r�� a%/r� fll�i;�'�/li, Rl�` �llls<!/�B///�Illl��%l'�l���ll� �, ? �a �. �•�„'" " ' ,, � a,'��a, � ` y`'��; •� �"�: �"v�; ," x' ,.�.'�\,3:.,, \.'°•i.�" }u'.�'t�''`t„s �,,,x�'\� ,>^�\\ \„cr a,\\y,�'b+.:}e�\;, to'?Cs. tisF ,nt"r' �.,:- �, >'U�., �: , \y%%ir\I�WrI. N � .rr� ,.'�'I'�•t r �:��,up, '4`}� 'r � , •'' ���' �S�' ,a �• fi� � n. 1 /�,'–''t„i'`; rl' I .1'• �\�\'' 1 1 • •• - •1'� I 1- 1111 4� �' • � , G rat\\W. Tv .l`\\•t f %:,-. B! ,�)+: fl _'liiEa ' I I 1 • I 1 1 � �i,. 3>� ' :d.A� � Y • LtN w'✓�%///��Airi1G '3..••;'JS ,f„ ,,h r T:y.'��I�r / fix. ' a � 'S„'�� ,.�+�ca _ '�'b r+.. �t 3` •. .111 17 %M ”W. \. %% 4+ >.<il r V 140. i7 0. 6 if f CgNADIAN ?”, �l 1 NATI O.NAL \ ' t, ,j/ ~ .li- QI LWA1'S y/ "IM PER CARTON Including federal raaas Plus dehofit 2c Per bWk