HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-12-23, Page 9HUR.SAAY, DECEMBER 23,1954 CLINTON NEWS-RE(;ORA r' a tee ie+ °talretar�iteictetattEa it¢it w6nReniicaNiiwtKtEisaEit+ertr� Hayter; Mrs. Roy McBride; Mrs. Bruce Keyes; Mrs. Melvin Elliott; S OF Auburn.: Goderich ?ownship GOSHEN LINE` MrsBob Pck; Mrs, Alan Arm- New.+.......�+rr�++� strong. ♦-a�-a� The. treasurer, Mrs. John Robin-. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stirling and The Woman's Missionary Soc- 'son; recording secretary, Mrs. Ar- iety of Goshen United Church met nold Keyes; corresponding secre- Mrs. A.,•Weston,,'loronto; is vis-' the age of six years, she came baby Mark,:Toronto, are spending on Tuesday, December 14, at the tary, Mrs, Richard Robinson; press iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. With heft parents to Canada. 77rey this week ;with their parents, Mr, home of Mrs. Allan Armstrong; secretary, Mrs. Clare McBrhe; par and Mrs. James R.' Stirling. Rollinson,, : settled at Toronto for a while, The meeting, in charge of Mrs, lituz'ature seeretary,.Mrs Claierce Miss Amelia McIlwain is visit- Hien at 'Whitby and later, in SS 4 Community Club Melvin Elliott opened with singing Park;, supply secretaries, Mrs. The SS 4 Community Club met ing her uncle, Thomas 'Rogerson, Muskoka. at the home of Mrs'.'Murray For- ' Mrs. to the Worlds Assisting Floyd Armstrong and 1VTrs, Anson Streetsville.. Seventy-two years ago she mar- bes for the December meeting. Mrs. Elliott were Mrs.' Anson Mc- McKinley; Missionary Monthly On an` invitation from the Hor- ried William Wiles: They lived at The- vice-president, Mrs. S, 'Far_ Kinley and Mrs. Allan Armstrong. secretary, Mrs. Murray H, Mrs ticultural Society; Santa Claus ar ;Toronto following. their marriage P Misses Donna Hayter and Merle associate helpers secretary, Mrs. rived in Auburn last week with where her 'husband died a year Which conducted' the meeting Armstrong favoured with a piano Bert McBride, and Mrs: William his pack, 'cutter and reindeer and later. Since then she has lived in which was opened 'o repeating Hayter; BobChristian stewardship, g duet.' is parked on Miss M. R. Jackson's Toronto, Buffalo, and. other the Creed and) the Lord's Prayer Mrs. Richard Robinson had Mrs. BMcKinley; '.temperance a" lawn. places, coming to Auburn "nine in unison. The minutes of the charge of the business which in- and s citizenship secretary, Mrs; ears ago. She has two rand- Previous meeting were read and eluded the minutes and roll call John Keyes; community friend- Women's institute Y g g a proved. The treasurer's report b the secretary Mrs:: Arnold Key- ship, -Mrs. C. Parke and Mrs. W. children and nine great grand- p y.. Mrs. J, E. Ostrom, Clinton, was showed a balance of $38.40, es, there was an attendance of 27. Clarke; children; also two sisters; Miss guest 'speaker at the Christmas During the business discussion, The treasurer, Mrs. John Robin- Baby Band secretary, Mrs. Clara and Miss Minnie Collinson, a: good report, It was Y g meeting of the Women's Institute and a brother, in British it was decided to send $10 to the son:, gave-' Floyd Armstrong;. organists, Mrs. held in the Foresters' Hall on Auburn, a , Children's 'A'id Society and $2 For decided to pack a bale, Mrs: Will Bruce Keyes and Mrs. R. Erratt; Columbia. Tuesday: Mrs. Ostrom ended her TB Christmas Seals. Clark thanked the ladies for the greeting cards, Mrs: Keith Me - About one and one-half .years ; Me - the birth of Jesus and ended fier In future the date of the meet- otted plant sent to her while in Bride- birthday, Mrs. Elgin Me - ago Mrs.; Wiles fell broke her P 'talk with a lovely Christmas solo. ing is to be,the third: Tuesday of the hos rtal• Kinley, Mission Band leaders, Mrs. hip,' but despite her age made a P Mrs. William Straughan extended the month, the next meeting be- Election ofofficers was conduc- Bruce Keyes, Mrs. Clare McBride remarkable .recovery: She : lives g ted by Rev. M J. Pitt. The 'new Y a vote of .thanks to Mrs;. Ostrom in on January 18,"at the home of and Mrs.. Arnold Keyes; ten cent for her interesting: and inspiring atone and does all her housework. tea secreta She is a member of St. Mark's Mrs. Walter Forbes, and the roIi. President for 1955 will be Mrs. „ secretary, Mrs. James .Keyes. talk, call to be a cent for-, each num- Infant Hol was sun and Anglican Church- and was a reg- John Armstrong. The group lead- y„ g Carol singing wase enjoyed, led g g her of your shoe'. six in all, are, Mrs. Elmer Mrs. Pitt 'pronounced the, benedic- ular attendant until her accident. ers, by Mrs. Fred Plaetzer; a reading The meeting was closed with , tion... , was given by Mrs. William Hag- , the Mizpah benediction, and a gitt; Mrs. Sid McClinchey and pot -luck lunch was served. Afterrtre�$� Mrs. Fred Plaetzersang- a duet. p p the' meeting there was an ex - A piano instrumental was .given EBENEZER change of Christmas gifts. r by Mrs R J Phillips SS 4 Concert ",i May we convey ciar sincerest hopes 0i;:i� you, our friends, will enjoy a mast happy, cheerful Holidayl BALL- ACAULAY LIMITED CLINTON -- -- SEAFORTH During the business period It. ►++ - A very successful Christmas was decided to send a Christmas concert was given by the pupils i t holiday party s treat to a family where there is A Christmas hoof SS 4, Goderich Township, on sickness. The roll call was an- being held in Ebenezer' Church on Friday, December 17. The pupils, swered by gifts for the Children's Wednesday evening, December29, under the leadership of them Shelter at Goderich; The presi- at eight o'clock, under the auspices teacher, Miss J. Mt Pitt, gave an dent, Mrs. W. Bradnock presided of the Ebenezer Sunday School. appropriate ; programme. There oAn invitatin is extended' to' any - With Mrs: D. Fowler secretary, ..were many present: and thorough- one who wishes to attend. and Mrs.. P., J. Phillips, pianist. ly enjoyed the various items. A lovely lunch in keeping with The chairman was Irvine Teb- Christmas was served by Mrs. Since 1941 the number of horses butt who thanked the pupils and William Straughan, Mrs. Bert on Canadian farms has declined the teacher for a fine programme. Craig, Mrs. Roy Easom, Mrs. from 2,789,000 to .993,300. Reference was especially made to George Sturdy, Mrs. Fred- Plaet-, the part singing of carols by the zer, Mrs. M.' Bean' and Mrs. Wil- school. W. J. Forbes, a former liam IHfig itt. The hall was de- member of the school board,spoke corated with a .lighted Christmas tree, snow -men, etc.' 90th Birthday Mrs. Alice Wiles quietly ob ter'ved her 90th' birthday at her. home in Auburn on December 18, 1954. She is a daughter of the late Francis Collinson and Emma Limpton Collinson,. and was born in England, December 18, 1864. At best wishes for the Holidays A. Q GRIGG and SCAN Phone 74W — Clinton 0 Whoops! it's Christmas Again! 'Amid the bright excitement of the Iioliday preparations = we take this jump into your Christmas 1)a and say "We hope that all of ray Forbes assisted at xv, Potter, member of �d in the distribution or guts &n Santa arrived with his pack. o— Resigns After 16 Years President Of Hensall. WMS (By our Hensan correspondent) Mrs. W. B. Cross, retired re- •ently as president of the Hensall Jutted Church Woman's Mission - try Society after leading the or- ;anization for 16 years. This is relieved to be one of the longest terms of presidency in the history rf the United Church organiza- "tons. Mrs. Cross joined the W74S 20 Dears ago when she and her hus- oand, a bank manager, moved to Elensall. The following year she was elected president And remain - =d in that position for eight years. After relinquishing the position fox three terms, she returned for another eight years. Never during her reign has the society failed to meet its financial allocation, She attributes this to the "wonderful co-operation re- ceived," 'if you have a number of ladies working together, you don't have too much trouble ac- cornplishing anything you wish," says Mrs. Cross. Mrs. Cross feels the outstanding feature of her presidency is the fact that "a group of women could get along without any quarreling for 16 years." In recent years Mrs. Cross has led the group despite an arthritic handicap which preventsher from walking, WMS members and her husband help her get to church in her wheel chair. Although no longer president, Mrs. Gross will remain active in the society. She was elected treas- urer in the 1955 slate of officers. Quick Canadian Quiz Y ♦ O 1. Ranked by total area, which are Canada's -five largest prov- inces? 2. Do Canadians pay more taxes to the federal government or to the provincial government? 3. When did Manitoba enter Con- federation? British Columbia? Newfoundland? 4 In what one year did over 400,000 immigrants enter Cary ada? 5, The money for federal unem- ployment insurance payments comes from what sources? Answerso 5. From insured work- ers and their employers, and from federal taxation. ' 3: Manitoba 1870: British Columbia 1871; New - EVERY GOOD WISH CHRISTMAS Groves Electric PHONE CLINT6N 688J � a,r In the little space we have here, we send to you our many friends — the BIGGEST WISHES ,for the very Happiest of Holiday Seasons may itbe filled with the Best of everythingi ipxoperly planned estate can bring. y «rto, at"141Jt1 w=== =n, n t u, Saskatchewan, 4, 7913. 2: Orta - you enjoy a bright and Merry Clhristmasl" wa's tax revenues are about twice -k McPherson Oyu �s,�p go • ��� the combined tax revenues of a11` J9< a7 n :���ee/11i os7 ten provinces. 'STERLING TRUSTS` Material prepared by the editors of Quick Canadian Facts, the g'��SE][�^�.',LyS SALES and Service Nelson's Machine shop pocket aimual of facts about Canada, fron#-end Alignment — Wheel Balancing C O R P O R A T l O N o ' HEAD OFFICE- r BRANCH OFFICE - Clinton' The average length of time un- PHONE 492 CLINTON der construction of new homes 972 Say St., Toronto T-3 Dunlop St., Barris - built in Canada in 1953 was 6.3 - »A 124 . + maaarnai rata rcara+ars+raaa *atar2rssroa 3�r r a str3rBiaayi months. •:rat r s �F.�1SdN' GFGT/NGP .TO ALL OUTZ FP'oiy! YOUR RdE FEED DEALER z2 YOUR IND 1 AT ��' \`�( l Do you often worry about ,the fact that you haven t a ylanned estate? Why not put 1 your mind at ease right now by contacting Sterling_ 'Trusts? ou nothin It will costg to Y "•^' "''+'° • ���:;: s: have your estate planned •during your lifetime. And it;..;;''• .gives such a feeling of satisfaction—a certain peace: -of mind, to know that all is in order. A qualified:Stexiing Trusts Counsellor will enable you to ,enjoy the satisfaction that a During the business period It. ►++ - A very successful Christmas was decided to send a Christmas concert was given by the pupils i t holiday party s treat to a family where there is A Christmas hoof SS 4, Goderich Township, on sickness. The roll call was an- being held in Ebenezer' Church on Friday, December 17. The pupils, swered by gifts for the Children's Wednesday evening, December29, under the leadership of them Shelter at Goderich; The presi- at eight o'clock, under the auspices teacher, Miss J. Mt Pitt, gave an dent, Mrs. W. Bradnock presided of the Ebenezer Sunday School. appropriate ; programme. There oAn invitatin is extended' to' any - With Mrs: D. Fowler secretary, ..were many present: and thorough- one who wishes to attend. and Mrs.. P., J. Phillips, pianist. ly enjoyed the various items. A lovely lunch in keeping with The chairman was Irvine Teb- Christmas was served by Mrs. Since 1941 the number of horses butt who thanked the pupils and William Straughan, Mrs. Bert on Canadian farms has declined the teacher for a fine programme. Craig, Mrs. Roy Easom, Mrs. from 2,789,000 to .993,300. Reference was especially made to George Sturdy, Mrs. Fred- Plaet-, the part singing of carols by the zer, Mrs. M.' Bean' and Mrs. Wil- school. W. J. Forbes, a former liam IHfig itt. The hall was de- member of the school board,spoke corated with a .lighted Christmas tree, snow -men, etc.' 90th Birthday Mrs. Alice Wiles quietly ob ter'ved her 90th' birthday at her. home in Auburn on December 18, 1954. She is a daughter of the late Francis Collinson and Emma Limpton Collinson,. and was born in England, December 18, 1864. At best wishes for the Holidays A. Q GRIGG and SCAN Phone 74W — Clinton 0 Whoops! it's Christmas Again! 'Amid the bright excitement of the Iioliday preparations = we take this jump into your Christmas 1)a and say "We hope that all of ray Forbes assisted at xv, Potter, member of �d in the distribution or guts &n Santa arrived with his pack. o— Resigns After 16 Years President Of Hensall. WMS (By our Hensan correspondent) Mrs. W. B. Cross, retired re- •ently as president of the Hensall Jutted Church Woman's Mission - try Society after leading the or- ;anization for 16 years. This is relieved to be one of the longest terms of presidency in the history rf the United Church organiza- "tons. Mrs. Cross joined the W74S 20 Dears ago when she and her hus- oand, a bank manager, moved to Elensall. The following year she was elected president And remain - =d in that position for eight years. After relinquishing the position fox three terms, she returned for another eight years. Never during her reign has the society failed to meet its financial allocation, She attributes this to the "wonderful co-operation re- ceived," 'if you have a number of ladies working together, you don't have too much trouble ac- cornplishing anything you wish," says Mrs. Cross. Mrs. Cross feels the outstanding feature of her presidency is the fact that "a group of women could get along without any quarreling for 16 years." In recent years Mrs. Cross has led the group despite an arthritic handicap which preventsher from walking, WMS members and her husband help her get to church in her wheel chair. Although no longer president, Mrs. Gross will remain active in the society. She was elected treas- urer in the 1955 slate of officers. Quick Canadian Quiz Y ♦ O 1. Ranked by total area, which are Canada's -five largest prov- inces? 2. Do Canadians pay more taxes to the federal government or to the provincial government? 3. When did Manitoba enter Con- federation? British Columbia? Newfoundland? 4 In what one year did over 400,000 immigrants enter Cary ada? 5, The money for federal unem- ployment insurance payments comes from what sources? Answerso 5. From insured work- ers and their employers, and from federal taxation. ' 3: Manitoba 1870: British Columbia 1871; New - EVERY GOOD WISH CHRISTMAS Groves Electric PHONE CLINT6N 688J � a,r In the little space we have here, we send to you our many friends — the BIGGEST WISHES ,for the very Happiest of Holiday Seasons may itbe filled with the Best of everythingi ipxoperly planned estate can bring. y «rto, at"141Jt1 w=== =n, n t u, Saskatchewan, 4, 7913. 2: Orta - you enjoy a bright and Merry Clhristmasl" wa's tax revenues are about twice -k McPherson Oyu �s,�p go • ��� the combined tax revenues of a11` J9< a7 n :���ee/11i os7 ten provinces. 'STERLING TRUSTS` Material prepared by the editors of Quick Canadian Facts, the g'��SE][�^�.',LyS SALES and Service Nelson's Machine shop pocket aimual of facts about Canada, fron#-end Alignment — Wheel Balancing C O R P O R A T l O N o ' HEAD OFFICE- r BRANCH OFFICE - Clinton' The average length of time un- PHONE 492 CLINTON der construction of new homes 972 Say St., Toronto T-3 Dunlop St., Barris - built in Canada in 1953 was 6.3 - »A 124 . + maaarnai rata rcara+ars+raaa *atar2rssroa 3�r r a str3rBiaayi months. •:rat r s �F.�1SdN' GFGT/NGP .TO ALL OUTZ FP'oiy! YOUR RdE FEED DEALER z2