HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-12-23, Page 8y,. ' n P1.. Mq•„AY�ikl
carols. ndw leaders served hot School Concert At Bayfield •Ha
cocoa, Sandwiches and coolcies: JSChristmas PartyNeW®f ay ield The Lions Club sponsored a ,F A R M E k S
Representative children's Christmas party in the Varied Program, -, No, Santa (lain
MISS LUCY R. WOODS Phone BAYFIELD 45 a3 town halt on Wednesday after- . We are shipping cattle every" Saturday for United
nope, Deeember 22. There was a (By our l3icyfieht coxd•espolident) Tuekcr, Ken' ieinbuck; Jack and Co-operatives of Ontario and solicit our at
P++t+►+ a Me r* a �w Targe attendance to enjoy comedy Jin, Robert Berthelet and Myrrna Pick thaw up .lit your farm.Y patronage. We wW
shorts and Tarzan and the Mer- There was a large attendance Scott;. Little Boy Blue Dou las " Please P
Billy Parker, London, was home FFdmily seiroice ,and Communion maid ro'eeted b AIf S at, the Christmas concert given in Kingsbury;, g HONl1 COLLECT not later than I Fina' nights.
P j y cotchmer. g 1._ g y,., Lucy Locket, Sandra
from Thursday until Saturday. will; also. be; .held on Christmas Other members ' of the committee the Bayfield Town Hall on Thurs- Middleton, Old Kin Col ■
da even d' Richard Seafarth Farmers Co -o erativ .
Mrs. R. FT, F. Gairdner left on Day at 9 a.m: : were John Scotchmer, Elgin Por- Y ; g last by the pupils of Bird; Crooked Man,' Tudor Wain e
Friday -to spend Christmas with Mr, Gild Mrs. Herbert Kirkham, ;ter and Spencer Irvine, Following Bayfield Public • School. it was 'Sister Susie Shirley i• y
g y a nborough, H, S, Hunt, Manager
her sisters in Chicago. London, spent Sunday with the the movies, Santa Claus arrived under the direction of the teach- Jack Be Nimble, Douglas Telford;
Mrs. J. H. Cobb returned home latters.parents..Mr: and Mrs.' -Em- and helped 'distribute candy to eI' A. L. McDowell; princi al, Dr. Poster, George Lindsay; ter Phones—D3
p g y, 1?e y9, Evenings 487
ort Saturday afters having ,visited ersonHeard, Mrs: Heard's;brother the children.: Mrs; William, E. Parker, assist Pumpkin, Jimmy Francis; Queen
in Oakville and Toronto. and sister;, ,George' ;Hewitt and Christmas Treat ant; and Miss Ellen Bove, Zurich, ox Hearts; Susan Adams; Jack
Mr. and Mrs. William R, Elliott Mrs_ E. Jones, London, accompan- At the Sunda morning- music teacber. Spratt and Wife, Terry Fitzsim- 39-tfb
left on 'Wednesday' afternoon to, led them'for the 'day. Y service The following program of fine ons and Mary Elizabeth' Ervine;
` y' in St, Andrew's United, Church, selections was given: Recitation of
visit in Stratford and Kitchener. Guides! Pasty" the junior choir, augmented -b" a g Simple Simon, Wayne Heard.
Miss Lola Elliott, Detroit ar, About 30 Guides and Brownies few adults in the `ba r y welcome, Cathy Stirling, I W, anna A Dose of Tire -Own Medicine; aac i€ft ic+Hrta vwt4t rgt�
back ow, oc- Do 'Something for Santa Claus, play with Ruthann. Scotchmer as
d'bri Tuesday to spend Christ- gathered for their Christmas cupied the choir and extra, .seats .senior room; ,sin 'n ame r dei school e
Inas with her. brother, Leslie El- party in the -basement of St, And- on the pulpit platform. With Mrs. I) g t g a oft ache., David Corrie; Ted .y a s f ., ;.
1-2; `A Visit of Inspections play Turner and a class of children, u °�21
Nott, rew's United Church; on Tuesday, D. Kingsbury at .the: organ the air, I•Iayd$n's Minuet b '3-4.`" -: •
Kenneth Arkell; U.W.O„ Lon- December 21, from four until led the song ,of praise. 'After. Rose Rosemarie !ford- Ela neWestony' grades-
seven O'clock. At this ,enjoyable wards they gathered: in the base- J d , The Fortune :Teller, with Donald r ))
deli, is with his parents, Mr, and u. y Cluff, Cathy Walls, Roy ;Tel- MacKenzie, 'Gerry Wallis, Ted i
Mrs, Fled Arkell for the . Cbrist affair, the Brownies entertained; mcnt whe a the Sunday , School ford, Donald MacKenzie, Steve Turner, To Hutchin
mas vacation. the Tweerues, who will join 'the children were given candy and an Scotchmer, Jerrym gs and Fi an
' Pack after Christmas. orange each, The Wilkin Work- Greydanls, Gina G'reydanus taking the .
Ronald ` Poth, U.W.O., London, g Gerry Wallis, Ron Smith, senior A dance by the senior girls. he to
came on 'Friday to spend the ` Under the'leadership of the of- ers provided the : candy: and. the room; songs by ,the• junior room Proposal",: Steve
v Scotchmer and
Christmas. recess: with his parents,. freers, Mrs, George Adams; cap- °ranges were the. gift of Donald: "The, Alphabet Sting", "Christmas Gerry.. Waris. "A '< .' :`
Mr, and Mrs. LeRo voth.. tain, Mrs. J. B. Hi MacKenzie. & deice. to the
y Higgins, !Tauten- Snowflakes the Irish Lilt; a Love Lorn,"a play.. by the senior u f'
Midnight Communion service ant, Mrs, R: Turner; Brown 'Owl Trinity WA dance by Judy Cluff,.Elaine Wes- room with Howie Scotchmer, Roy
Y Brandon, Tawny ., The Woman's Auxillar of Trin- ton and Rosemarie Telford; Telford, Rosemarie TeElaine'
on Ctinstmas Eve at 11.30 m. Owl, they played gain Recitation;, !'A Christmas Gift", Weston, Anne Gemeinh "nit and
will commence in Tnmt Church and Mrs. Ken Bra,
- p 4 ;ne ' andi sang ity Church met at on Thugs of by Gayle Turner. "Safety First' ; -Donald MacKenzie taking " ' M
- Mrs. N. W. Woods . on Thursday g part. a
afternoon last. The ' reotor; the a play by the junior room; with Christmas Carols, "While Shep-
iGkE Qaagcaai4?ISaFlelCceN&ati6a[al gCig iGxF C? . R4 Rev, W- S, Quterbridge, conducted the following- characters: station herds Watched Their Flocks. by
the o g The Scrip- "gent, Walter Orr; Mr, and Mrs. Night", "O Little Tqwn of Beth- . ti
Gadabout; Jimmy Francis and lehem:', "It Came .0 n the Mld.
tore PAS38 a was Tread: by Mrs. E," � MacLeod. nijht Clear", "Away in Manger"
i Heard.
Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner presided Aladdin and his Magical Lamp, Silent Night" and "We Three
A + over the short_ business session. bj_ grades 1, 2 and. 3, , with the Kings of .Orient Are"..Miss Lava - '
lrntoi Body and
Radiator Shop
Carl Cox and Staff"
LrhtisAn. 8
r4"6 .vraeo- --- - - ,. _�-•_ -..,, a sex i au�p,;
sage and ten. subscriptions to the Fess Mary, Jackie Weston ' Sally as :chairman and introduced. ,the
Huron Church News from Trinity Sharon Rader; old woman who Irv- program. . •'
Church. Mr. Outerbridge, expres- ed in the shoe, Sylvia Fitzsimons; A number of the little folk were
sed' :the opinion that the Huron her children, Bobby Wain, Douglas disappointed that Santa.Claus iia
Church. News was one of the best Wallis, Janice Merrier, Ted Heard; not arrive. The hour must have
church papers he had seen and Mother Hubbard Sue Ellen Bor- been too late for merry old St:
contained worthwhile 'readingfor der; Tom the Piper's Son, 'Bud Nick or :else it clashed with an -
every member of the congrega- Jamieson; Old' Mrs. Slipper _Slop other appointment, (But', don't
tion. Mrs. Gairdner expressed the per, Roberta McLeod; Jack Hor worry, children. He'll be- •back,
hope that the WA would be a ner, Michael Scotchmer: Bo Peep, even 1f you don't get a glimpse
means of increasing the subscrip- .Rosemarie Turland: Wee Wee of him!) The teachers distributed
tions in this parish, as by reading Woman, Pat Sider; Tommy the gifts off the Christmas tree.
it one kept in touch with the
whale Diocese. NEWS OF BAYFIELD
Mrs. J. B. Higgins reported that:
$25 of the cost of an• inscription
in the Dominion Book of Remem- (intended for last week)
brance was used for various mis-
sionary purposes as voted at the Mrs. D. Mackenzie, Sr., who has 'W.A. Meeting;
Dail`{ Dominion meeting of the Woman's been visiting her daughter,- Mrs, SL. Andrew's Women's Associa-
Auxiliary. in Campbell, Bronson Line, tion held its Christmas meeting at
Mrs. Percy Weston read the list Stanley Township, for a fortnight, the home of the Rev: and Mrs.
�kl of clothing, etc., which is re aired Hent to Varna on Sunday to visit
4 PeterRenner: ,It, was opened with
nit for the bale for St, Paul's School, her elder daughter, Mrs. S. Keyes, a short reading entitled "Christ-
Cardston, Alta.; in 1955. Mrs. J. MacKenzie was in De- mas" by the secretary, Mrs. Char -
The rector gave a short instruc. troit from Saturday until Monday les Scotchmer: • The secretary's
tive talk on the subject of the to be with a friend whose husband, and treasurer's reports were read
Altar. He reviewed the ornaments, William Hamill, died suddenly in and accepted.
explaining the significance of the his law office in Detroit,' The A quartette, "O Little Town of
cross, the two candles, and the funeral was held on Sunday after- Bethlehem" was sung by Mrs. D.
use of flowers. noon, Kingsbury, Mrs. G. Westlake Mrs.
Mrs. E. Heard was hostess and Misses A. M. and E. J. Stirling Ed Sturgeon and Mrs. P. Renner,
following the closing prayers, entertained members of the Camp- The Rev. Peter Renner took
Camp -
served Christmas cake and' short- bell family at dinner on Tuesday. charge for the election of officers
bread with a cup of tea. Present at this festive family for 1955 which are as follows:
Candle Llghf Service lathering were: Mr, and Mrs. Col -
On Sunday evening, December in Campbell and Donald; Mr, and Honorary president, Mrs. L.
1.9, a candle light service was held Mrs, John Campbell and little Makins; president,- 'Mrs, Gordon
in St, Andrew's Church. .The and John; Mr, and Mrs. George Sim- Scotchmer; vice-presidents, Mrs.
itorium was lighted by candies in ons and baby Dawn Carol; and Len Talbot, Mrs, Bert Greer,' Mrs.
the windows. The pastor led the lYlm. Robert Scotchmer, Albert Dunn, Sr.; secretary, Mrs.
choir up from the basement, each Charles Scotchmer; treasurer,
carrying a lighted candle which Work At The River Miss- J. Stirling,
was deposited on the organ. Merton Merrier and Reg, Fran The president, Mrs: Gordon
In this soft light, the true mean• cis are working extra hours at the Scotchmer gave a 'short Gordo
Ing of Christmas was brought to a river, welding a steel top on Don- 'No Roam in the Inn," after which
larga congregation by the Arasan- We Ing
boat, the "W. J. the meeting closed with a prayer
tatlon of a pageant entitled: "And MacLeod," a steel tug which was given by Mrs. Lloyd Makins, A
t So They Came to Bethlehem." the first one built by Mathleson dainty lunch was served by the
The Rev, Peter Renner did the in Goderich. It was purchased by hostess and committee.
narration, reading the story of the his brother, the late W, J. Mac-
v,;Ie4; Christ Child, beginning with the�Leod and used the firstwinter as The January, meeting will be
A Prophecy of Isaiah through to that an ice -breaker to keep the Chan- held at the home of Mrs, Lloyd
night in Bethlehem when the Sav- net open in Goderlch harbour. Makins,
tour was born, Suitable tableauxPre-School Agars
t were tied in nvith the narration Over 30 r
and leant a colourful background pre-school children at-zexgcaseestgcereew e;ieicira
to a glorious pageant. tended the Christmas party spon-
The first tableau was that of sored by the Trinity Club In the
b Isaiah the prophet, taken by Bert Town Hall bn Thursday afternoon
Dunn, Si„ during which the choir last. It was little Peter Outer- 1 y>
sang "O Come, O Come, Emman bridge's first party and with his
uel", The second tableau was the Parents he was interested in all `
imr scene with Mary (Mrs. M. the' Proceedings..
Toms) a n d Joseph (Kenneth For this delightful affair, the x` �
Scotchmer) seeking room from; the hall was artistically decorated. Gay ol 1
Innkeeper (Raymond' Scotchmer). balloons hung from the balcon;,
During this, Mrs. R. Moyer sang (tbese were dater released causing
a solo, "No Room in the Inn". merriment for the little ones and
M_ third sc ' w t the adults alik) 1
Haughton's 'Weld n Lm Ro
1. g P _-
"LARRY" and "HEC"
ane as he shep- Large
tching their flocks by
e . co oured
lights shone on a beautiful. Christ -
was done by Billy
mas tree (decorated by James A.
Roy and Stanley Tel-
Cameron.) On the platform stood
ter Orr, Ted Turner,
two huge candy canes made up of
and Allen Cleave, dur-
the choir ,While
largepopcorn balls colourfully
wrapped in red
and green celo-
May the music
Watched Their Flocks
phane A popcorn ball and a small
candy cane were later given to
of the bells
was the 'Three Wise
each small guest.
bring harmony
in by Tony Hutchings,
lith and Ronald Scotch-
" Mrs. R H. F. Gairdner, Mrs. R.
Moyer and Mrs, J. B: Higgins led
to your hones
ling at the court of
in the games. Mrs. R. Roddick, at
at Christmas!
Dnald Campbell) while
the piano; and Mrs. H. H. Ormond
yang Little Towri' of
with her accordion, supplied the
with Patsy Scotchmer
Porter singing the first
Members of the Trinity Club
Be C. aW�ou
verses as a duet.
serveedd chocolate milk and cookies
as the manger scene,
to the children and a cull of tea
the cast and
enzie and son Donald
to the parents,
albot in the role of the
s The li ht f
Same, old sang. but always now
Merry Ch
ristmgs to all of souir .
Modern. Meat Market
Township of Tlu e-ke>rslmith
Notice of
�..NoMlination Meeting
A iVlecting of the Electors of the Township of Tackersmith
will be held' In -
Town Hall, H•ensall
rilondaay,Dec'. 27.
1954, for the purpose of nominating candidates for the offices
of peeve and Councillors for 1954 and School Trustees
(2 to be elected) for 'the years 1855-56,
Nominations will be recelved from the hors•- of one o'cock
to two o'clock in .the aftornomr..
In the event of more being nominated than are required.
to fill the positions;;
An Election
will be hell[ on
Monday, January, 3rd, 1:955',
Polls will be opeir from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m:,, at. the,
following places
P.S.D. No. 1—Mrs. Sheila Kings D R Os—Harry Chesney
House, Egmondville ...., P:C.—Wilihm Camerom
P.S.D. No. 2—S.S. No, 8 . D.R.O.—Roy McGeoch
P C William Scotchmer
P.S.D. No. 3 S:S. No. 4 ......... ..D,R.O.—W.- .12: Roberts
P.S.D. No: 4—S,S, No. 3 P.C.—George Turner
DRO —Norris Siilery
I P.C.—John Broadfoot
P.&D. No. 5—S.S. No. 1 . .:. ,,,... ,.D.R.O—M'elviIle Traquair
P.0—Glenn Bell
P.S.D. No. 6•—S.S, No, 9 D.R.O.—W: S. Broadfoot
P.C.-Robert Gemmell
51-b_ Returning Officer,
When Chicks Get
g Foal a played on the o tableaux o er Charles CI SHUR-GAIN Start...
1"ROCLAMATION star touching and
a the cradle In u Scotchmer, who also operated the
this touching and beautiful tableau curtains. Mrs. John Lindsay dig- x THEY'RE AHEAD
during which the choir sang acted the pageant and Mrs,
"Away in a Manger and Infant Charles' Scotchmer, Mrs. Peter !fir STEP r �r
Holy". As the curtain Closed, the Renner and - Miss Doreen Mac- OR
MUNICIPAL ELECT�a1S choir sang' "Joy to the World Kenzie were responsible for the x a x°�,
with groat exultation, after which costuming. Mrs. D. Kingsbury PRQDUCI!jG
the congregation joined in "Gentle presided at the organ' throughout h ar c��
sMaeG;ry+ Laid Her Child,"
athe pageant.
i s + ^.�+� eeia r1gi �ri�rnrn¢a�iRis�rrEr r PERIOD
oloud light efectsTown$ Illpoc Stanleywere
hereby g f meeting ors
for th h
e nom notion of candidates for the position of PORIOD
reeve, councillors and trustees for the Township Schoo! 1
Area, will be held in the "
" .'iriC�NI)AY, DECFF►IBER 27 1954 .: -�'•� ` ��`� `� � ��• �
between the hours of one o'clock and two o'clock in
the afternoon. ��y �'' �, �r � '• i;
' If necessary, an election to fill the above named �r f��, '' ° When we say that SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter is a
positions or any of them will be held on IF�r _ :'• Dl
high efficiency feed, we'\;me;an that it's a highly con -
MONDAY, JANUARY 3, 1955 centrated feed — it has' more food energy .pocked
into every .pound, and every pound contains, more of
at the following places and by 'the following named the food elements ,that chicks need to grow on too—
persons. That is to say in F � ;Fz %- - more protein, more, vitamins on.d more minerals.
• PSD Na: 1—llaird�s School Duo—Cliff Stewart - '
That's why three pounds of SHUR,GAIN Chick Stader
PSD No. 2 --SS 14 Sehooi DUO-1tobe Aikenhculi „� produce as much growth as four pounds of ordina4y'
ASD No. 3 --SS 14- School .; DUO—Itortert Flood - W A � M. E S T
PSD No. 4—Twp. Hall, Varna DRO—Lloyd'.Se s starter, •
PSD No. 5-8S 5 School y as tests. at the SH Demonstration
. , .. DRO—Frank MeC ehey ' ,
PSD No. d -_S$ 4 School, W .... , ..... DRO—Leonard Talbot Y U L E T i D Form prove. With SHUR-GAIN, your chicks will get
PSD No. 7 --,john . Denommy's,, Long after the snows melt, wo hope that :our „ off to a flying Start with little mortality.
Drysdale DRO—Pliilip Durand l S E ' S
PSD No, 8--Bayfield Town worm wishes for Hoppes inof Chrhfmas end When it's time t0 start " your chicks, 'See US gbol.lf
commencing .at;a4 dm. omni continuing until
J. ■ AUTON hersoft'erwlll linger with you ... $-HUR-GAIN Chick Starter—the starter- that thousonds
., ,.... DRO—Harold Brandon
g 5 { of successful poultrymen, feed,
Cities Service
FRED WATSON, Clerk and Distributor Tr�IS
r Returning Officer, :ta��ce�>1�serr j
5�1b ^ h..: ritEDMILL
II __ i<RR�t43t6eaaGtr+a+�°,-�+,irir�f�;'�-ie�se .;�y.,`Rbc:i"•wlai�•:#tik6rErsiar�t;•�;drFs;�ar�'�>arta'+&rTtzr:7i�t�rAiwr&�i�'r;�a9i3?'r€paa,xi9t�'i�rsi87; .. -: - - '.