HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-12-23, Page 6CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE SIX .6 TliiIRSDAy,1)ECEMBER 23 1904 herd's, the Wise Men, and -finally St. Nicholas In France Personals Kinsmen Entertain Pageant Viewed The Littlest Shepherd,. The pageant was written and directed by Rev. A. G. and Mrs. Capacity le, SThose t kinPr d rtGwere: s t..t`a William Nediger, Oakville, is Th ��ldi��'n Tha ph �.. tet.. spending the holiday period with Ai Christmas Parer J Murray Neal, Kenneth Gzbbzngs, �,. �,; r �; g n J. P p � t •n ;• ` � ^ his parents, Mr. and ' Mrs.. John Sgt, Frank IIamon was the very Jack VanEgmond; Reuben (the . ; „ Ont. S. audience,.,. , :::.:. Littlest Shepherd),:.Melvm. Crich; � ,"' i � "' �,. ,' f, ���.; ,,, 1Vedigor. , capable:master-of cermonies at t?ae On Sunday evening, December the Angel, Mrs. Reg. Ball;: angel ( Tiinsmen Club of Clinton Christ choir Marjorie Bruder, Ruth Ann ;;,,•'. n' Mr, and Mrs. Albez't Leibold and, mas ! 3ka if ,,,.,, z.;, r�, � , � �, ' ,q�',� i', Pasty on Tuesday evening. 19. ,the annual Christmas pageant Nancy Schoenhals Mary, a `.'; „^ ¢t., y, family,; RR 2Clinton spent Sun- The Hotel Clinton was the scene, i Ontario Street Lewis.Y Stewart ' dor v day last with his mother .and bro- of 'festivities and guests of the Was presented n a Mrs. A. G. EagTe;' Joseph,;. "arw7; thers at Zurich. club were I{inettes, wives and' United Church to a con re atzon Seboenhals;,Wtse Men, Bert Pep +. <,•. „. ;..a' children of the members; The short g g er, John Levis, 'George Turner; 'A „<: " which filled the church to capac P }`.�sr•; h �. # ,cN s• n n'` " Mr. and Mr's. Pere 'Town and the Stranger, Stan. McDonald; uks<. ;. , „. ? Program was featured by carol Y zt :err. ,Y, .:. :e z <. < ".i .: �;`,� Miss Emma. Lavis will spend singing by th'e.:youngsters_and in - curtain attendants, Bill Gzbbzngs :>r .., ,., : x *Viz:':.' , ssr'. * z� Christmas to Toronto an ill at The pageant entitled "The Littl- properties, Brocu ' z. z '•;>r^ ,' f f t <. ^` ! i s : t . , and eluded some feature numbers nd P � Bz1z- Tnkley, Pr9F , ._, � k.,ar� ; , .� > ,��. a �� ...' •'1;��� ;>' tend .the •Caxrne-Mulholland wed- Dau Palmer'and Susan and: tells the story of Olde George Lavis,, costumes and ;:� e�„ ,� •,� t:,.,.fv : �? 4 <. i?; fi n; d g est Shepherd" Y g s k <. k »,. k.;;„>, ding. Sharon Brown. Gifts were pre-, Reuben, a little son .f one of the L, Grant, Mrs.. S. Schoenhals, Miss ,. ' Y, t a4 , a . ? `,. shepherds who saw the "star as L, Grant, Mrs:.W. VanDgrnond and ,, �3 a ., 3 ar Mrs. Thomas Leppingtoib Can- , time, by .Santa s�� ti� r r :.k i seated to all chi P �.. r..r. e i „. a. „� �' ry. �.� ., Claus who found tam oven at Ix hong effects, Art ”. z •.. ,: .e; .s "^� ,z they guarded their sheep on a Mrs. -H. Balli. g x,';:'; '�n;1.;H..T" ton; spent- Sunday with Mr, and this his bus season to make an Judean hillside. Reuben was deft Groves, .George Colclough and w, :, �� 'i Mrs. Roy Leppington and Tamil behind to guard the sheep Virile Doug Batkin. Y y appearaneTur e Draws a xc in Brucefieid: s,<,a a, $ " Turkey ra s his elders journeyed afar to find lluring the pageant, Mrs. J. W. k y,'j ' e Messiah whose birth had• been VanE and sang O Holy, City ;q a„ a : ' y z .; Kenneth Ashton University of The ,draw- for the turkeys that th M s ah gm r•, , z `` mak': M ' Western Ontario London, is a the' club has been sellin tickets tate b the "angel", and and the unior and senior choir MiEl F ' . ,% .. sw;t; ^,;,. jlt;, rs u s g told them y g 7 familiar carols.t<" '? „sR., ><a` �^ " F," i; j Christmas holiday visitor with his on resulted in the following per - was search for whom, they said; sang a number of fa ,,, 3<; "' !rents, Mr. and Mrs, Harveysons Vroom the was not for children. Mrs. E. Wendorf accompanied x> t p' g prizes: George Alone on the. hillside, Reuben throughout at the organ, f'.% Ashton. ;.F Ruzi1ba11, Edward W. Elliott, Lards was visited by -a stranger who, %< -learning of the: boy's desire to —. D 't H t 1 Cl t d M hear about the Messiah, reveals Mrs. H. C. Wilson is spending a Himself as an angel and assures tho "Littlest Shepherd" that "The few days in her sister's home at. Messiah is for children, lie has I Aylmer, where she was called on come as a child.' The stranger the sudden Illness of her brother- urges him to go too, to Bethlehem Reuben Thomas Howse. Mr: Howse Reuben dohs, and the pageant is in a serious con tion in St, portrays .the adoration of the � Christ Child by the adult`shep- Thomas General Hospital TO ALL OUR FR I ENDS GREETINGSI Our best wishes for a holiday that Is chock-full of many, many good things — such as — happiness, good cheer and the wondrous Jay and poaco•of a HOLY CHRISTMAS. 0 1415 MARF14' I N 0"""' CLINTON DEPT. STORE ONTARIO --q i We're sending you our i�t4A!��k:!4'+r'�i'�i::{$�$�.ti�' very best wishes, giftwrapped in a ST. PAUL`S ANGLICAN. beautiful Christmas package, and tP' tied firmly with a generous bow REV. R, X. P. BULTEEL, Rector enduring friendship- ys THO SON'S FOOD Mrs. J, Ni: Elliott, "Tile Ileating Tree?' Miss NIaril n Shaddiek, nurse- .0 , o e , m on, an rs. 1 y. Patricia Harrigan, 2 Toronto Rd., in -training at Stratford General RCAF Station Clinton. t. I3ospital, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shaddiek over the PeeWee Hockey weekend, Tile first PeeWee Hockey prac- tice .for the Kinsmen -sponsored Miss Catherine Fingiand, Uni- minor hockey team will be held versity of Western Ontario, Lon- at Clinton Lions Arena -on Friday, don, is spending the Yuletide December 31, ;from 6.30 to 7,30 -holiday with her parents, Mr. and p,m. Other practice sessions and Mrs, Frank Fingland. games w111 be announced later. Before St. Nicholas left the railroad Station in Metz, France; on his traditional parade' § through the streets, he stopped to talk to two-year-old Leslie Fehr, son of Corporal and Mrs. p I. L. Fehr, Camrose, Alberta. Looking on, at the left, is Mrs. Fehr. Cpl. Fehr is stationed t at the RCAF's No. 1 Air Division, Metz, France, (National Defence Photo) 1 , .-c. .--`-a..:...-s��:.-..•�+...+.+.a�++�-r. 11'IIt.. AND MRS. GORDON �__. _ _-_ CUNIAT(k1,L%1VIE SPENDING ' A The rrrppp''^111tit WINTER iN O`�YEN SOUNDs ���� , • Mr and i O Got'don Cueing- Name are at Owen Sound, where they plan to remain during the winter months, keeping open the attractive, suburban home of their j !a3 (By BEMIAMIN BEVERIDOE) son in Balm Beach Road. For +...+..++� the same period of time,• 14Ir.. and I don't know how many people professional title. The first game, Mrs: John eumlUm a h, with their family, have tAken a (home in To - travelled to Toronto for the Grey which was played between Edmon- rant., where Mr. Cuninghame's Cup 'football final this year; but I • ton and 'Toronto in the Ontario duties as electronics engineer tie - do not think that any other single capital in 1921, was `an amateur cessitatos he live. They also in- event—not the Dominion Drama contest, but the high cost of am- elude frequent flight to Ottawa Festival or National Book Week, Drama, football on a national scale and distance points, rendering nor any firemen's convention—has. has all but destroyed it. A pity, winter weekly commuting with his ever been a stronger link between' perhaps, since amateurism is the home at Owen Sound practically western Canada and the east.; true basis of community sports; impossible, The two families will With the exception of the Mari- but that's the way it is. be together in Toronto at Christ - times, perhaps, where English ( Now that the Grey Cup has gone mas and at Owen Sound' for. New rugby is played, Canada has gone � to Edmonton, there is probability year's. football crazy, and, like hot ddogs that the great game will be played --o— and pumpkin grinners, children's:in in the west, Tiie C,R,U, has .held art and square dancing, it is a Part I that it should be played in the In 1840, Dr. George Bodington, of our national culture, east, where there are accomodat- an English physician, opened the ( For some time now I have lieen tons, But there Is nothing manda- first TB hospital of which there !perturbed about it; not because I tory in this regard in the Grey are any records. He believed that have any aversion to football, but Cup conditions, Vancouver tools rest, fresh air and plenty of good ibecause while we are all proud to j special pains with the stadium it food would benefit patients. (hear the Americans say: Those built for the British Empire Gam- Though five of his patients im- Canadians sure can play hockey?" es, almost certainly with the foot- proved, there was so much ridicule (and they can!, it Lias been em- ball final in mord Edmonton, of his views that lie had to close barrassing to know that a large which is a booming city with ade- his hospital, number of those boys who play quate hotel accomodatzons, would football for Vandouver,' Edmonton also like to be host to the event, Calgary, Winnipeg, Ottawa and and so would Whmipeg. • houses, the Ryerson Press, which Montreal, etc., are from the Uni- I hope 'the final game is played this year marks its 125th auniver ted States. in the }vest next year, . To me, this sary. In addition to issuing all Sometimes,. however, u n d e r- would seem to be closer to the the official publications of the Un - standing is as. much a virtue as idea Lord Grey had in mind. And ited Church of .Canada, it comes honesty, and I think that knowing perhaps some day the Maritimes out with up to 50 new book titles lvhy so many. Americans play on will get into the game, too. Than ,each year, an all manner of sub - our football teams is one of those the twain will. really meet. jest. The firm employs 400 men instances, and women in its Toronto offices. That was a remarkable event, I hope the and of this col- There are no denominational re - when the Eskimos won the Can- umn will bear with me in this de- quirements, either in respect to adzan championship by defeating parture from Beethoven, ballet the employers or to the material the Montreal Alouettes by one and books; but who can read a accepted for publication, although point. Such a calibre of .footbtiii book oil Grey Cup final day, the. book stewards and the editors could itevez have been accoixiplish_ have traditionally been clergymen. cd without same help from the A further note ml that most Lorne Pierce, the present book ed- U.S. And this is the way it was versatile of Canadian publishing Itor, was - ordained in 19x2 explained to me. "Football actually had its be - yearsat McGill was i university many years ago but it was ul the U.S. I that the game found itgrowth,( and there it lies become", nation- j al sport and 'big business. (Our I , � , y� '91t]�CL own national sport, by the way, �-�' `� !�'' sloweroinCanada 5 and it is conlY ( i . «Mild! I ,in recent years that football has i % ''f d ntinent-wide following �" mrx�.xrmeemexsa,am,'I BIALL• &MUTICH, HARDWARE —FURNITURE PHONE 195 CLINTON, ONT. �?',36!��!h-t�{r&!a�tGa��t�w�!����t6�!raft;+�eC'SH�'ta�a�t{"s3€aC-tee°,-t„• The Charles own a co . It is largely due to tate' money which Canadian clubs have used to entice ,ridiron stars from across the b.r`der. We have had to relinquish some of the pride we have always tak- en in doing things fol ourselves, but in tile' long• run the process Will allow more Canadian players to learn the game and to event- ually recover much of that lost prestige. They tell me that the brand of game whicli,-thousands saw in Tor onto in November was comparable to anything which itzight be seen in the United. States, with the ex- ception of the fiio'tbali played by the Detroit Lions. Cup is allowed ten American play- ers, of whole eight may be used in any one game. (As the Americans are very highly paid help, it is to be expected that they are all us- ed.) When an American plays in Canada for four Years lie is con- sidered '-a Canadian for football purposes and is not counted among the tfn; so in this respect it iS- cortceivable that the players of any one team might eventually all be Americans. With the degree to which our own boys are reach- ing star rank, however, this is not likely; although all the coaches are American.. The vicissitudes of Canadian football have been interesting. When Earl Grey, who was govern- or -general from 1904-1911,, donat- ed the famous trophy, he intended it to represent the Canadian am- ateur championship. No one seems to have minded very; much that through I the game's evolution it eventually came to represent the Sunday, December 26, 19FA ;•!�t."'!'�!.:h;!�i.4;•&! v!t;�%r.L4gi4tn,',:�R�tr"1G�Sf i�t4A!��k:!4'+r'�i'�i::{$�$�.ti�' Huron Street ST. PAUL`S ANGLICAN. BAPTIST CHURCH ` CHURCH Minister—REV.-J. E. OSTROM REV. R, X. P. BULTEEL, Rector Joseph Street Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist 11.00 a,m,�-•Morning Service— Mrs. J, Ni: Elliott, "Tile Ileating Tree?' Choir Leader 12.15 p.m. --Sunday 'School. , man, noted English pastor and 7.00 p.m. --Carol Service Christmas Eve EVERYONE' WELCOME 11.00 p.m.—Holy Communion s�4stgrrtstKtE t€ tgzgtagtR Christmas Day 10,00 a.m.—Holy Communion aI;n� taan�{l'�=lllirllYfE (1CliF Sunday, Dec. 26 �ijtiL't:Y) 11.00 a.m.—Carol Set -Ace, No Evening Service. Rev, HUGH C. WILSON, Minister st a�abryn "tit ice+ d MRS, M. R. RENNIE, Organist Maple M, R. REN1,71n, Choir Director SHALL 11.00 a.m.— Morning Worship CLINTON The Challenge of the Im- Sunday School . 9:4,5: ail. possible,, Breaking of Broad ...... 11.00 a.m, The Sacrament of Baptism. Gospel Service 8.00 P.M. 11.20 a.m.—Primary School Spenlcor- Jolut lYinrtiit, 12.15• p.m—Church School Hawkesvilte -- 7.00 p.m, Unioia Evening Service .TUESDAY, 8 p,m. — Prayer and In the Ontario Street United Bible Study. Church, eturaazirai i>a1snlrl Ito1LMrc CrII LE ST. ANDREW'S L30 Sung -Church Service and PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday School Come To 'The House. of Prayer REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister. +asitc ktatcadtM="a'R�n=!6!6i'W MRS, MORGAN AGNEW, Choir Leader and Organist BAYFISLD BAPTIST 10,00 a,m.—The Church School CHURCH will meet for study. Invites you to .services each 1.1.00 a.m,—Public Worship. Christmas Praise continued; Sunday in the Orange Hall ; .Bayfield, at 3,30 p.m., until the. Sermon subject: +!Tile PropGoey oY:Christ» new .church is completed. KNOX CIiURCH, BAVFMIM Sneaker: h Bodenhana. , — _ „- • e+,.,a; a T., wi.+gym, PENTECOSTAL' CHURCH Oh Come All Yo Faithful We would like to take this opportunity at the turn of the year, to say how much we appreciate your continued patronage and goodwill Your account with us is valued and we hope that we will continue to merit your confidence through the years to come. It is our heorty wish that you do have a Merry Christmas and that the New Year may bring to you much . Happiness and Prosperity, CLINTON11-44 W I N *As Christmas again lights the the world with its message of pztce and good' Vitt, so out thoughts are brightened by the warm memories of pleasant associations contri- buted Dy our friends, i 'hank. 'fou! WE EXTEND OUR `.HOLIDAY GREETINGS T'O'OUR FRIENDS' P,A.O:G. All Welcome ms's Victoria Street Always at Christmas time, there comes . K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Joseph Street Featuring Rev. and. Mrs: S. Gor- GOSPEL HALL that extra•spedal pleasure of extending . man, noted English pastor and CLINTON to our many friends, the greetings of former president of the Pente- costal Movement in the Brit- costal ALL WELCOME Order of Meetings for the i si the season. It is with the thought of.., ish Isles, at all services. 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School Lord's Day: of Bread .1 your good will and friendship that we 1100 a m —Morning Worship 7.30 p.m—Evening Service P 1100 a.m.—Breaking 3 00 p,m. Chzldreii's Meeting wish the fullest measure of -Yuletide 1L'veryone. Is Welcome '7 00 p.m.—Gospel Meeting you /.L4^2.L4f3�, 2^cett!IIl2 sheet and happiness at this time ...:, ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH' "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" /� r �s �y c. I'tISTOBc..-�RENIST A. GLE1US, EAGLE, WE14DOP-, B.D. B1"�1.RT J... I d.M. B RCS. ORGANIST—,MRS. ]C: WLrNDORF 11.00 a m : Morning Worship ?F 12.15 p.m,—Sunday School. AND STAFF 2,30 P.m,—Candie Light Service a BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS TURNER'S CHURCH �ptl;Q 2,00 p,m,—Church Service G `PHONE I CLINTON 3;00 p.m,—Sunday' Sclhool G t�+aa:�a�ii3'+��ih+Er�t=a�a1'i+�ar`aaar3a;�5»'hbagtl.'rna3n,$ y�,�aar�r8•r�,v"%t6��a17rsyn'Naim'iln?Ga`ir5r3rcia�a;3a5t9ti5alil#�r«ntr+�"a3a#ithkrilaHr".