HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-12-23, Page 5IS
-- _......... it
Christmas and New Year's
vt r Ty a + e i6 +tdle` iG4g � b' x wunau me gay trimmings n
�r1 t of an old-fashioned ue6—
shind Yltid
that w
r r a'kilaQleiFifEo is bright with glowing candles
5, VOD .. EW'a
i n, : • a 9 5 ., � , � and rich wftbgolden carols •._
�i �
is our hearty thanks for your
friendship: May you all enjoy
e�S� S $¢etwt S the Best Christmas ever.... "
• � t� Clinton. -- Ontario We wish to hake this.
s opportunity to thank you
s one and all, for this our PHONE $G -- '
best year in the Watch i ss rata razors ct �etar;�sne
repairing p r :r
re n profession. Also
to convey to you our
There as still time to call in and. 'a- most sincere wishes for a
very Merry gasp and CLINTON MEMO�[AL S��OP
a Happy andnd Prosperous
male your selection. New Year. ' -,q e � �` \ �'�►+„
Toeochand every one OPEN EVERY FRIDAY
#b of you, and the RCAF. At other times contact J. J. Zea fephone
SMART C j+ r' P , 'East
WATCH CLEANING CLintrn 103. Residence, Rattenbury Street East.
FOR tab;t. �+
ICE; e r WAR PrecisionCleaning At T, PRYDE aid SON Clinton '
t rrw ry la mf►rarrv:mi rae�rai111r raribi9nsr1rsr rlr"i"im-Nr01 7 s , > yyrtor r brato-lrr a ANIS STAFF t
,M�R+�:�>�alatak�aw �Stlt4tgielt�r
Funeral services were conducted Mayor of Clinton (later MP for If my brother Fred was living
on December 16 by Rev. Constan- West Huron). He hung it on the he could give you the 'history ane
tine Trued, with burial service un- wall of the council chamber, where anecdotes about Clinton for year:
der the auspices of the Du Nord I saw it on several subsequent back.
Lodge of the Scandinavian Fra- visits, to 1 "home town•', though Very truly yours,
ternity of America. Pallbearers I missed it when in If Aon last —ARTHUR JACKSON
were John F. Howard, Listowel ; summer, Christmas Greetings to you all,
Ross McCartney, Beachville, .and My father when he died was Hollywood, U,S.A.
Clifford McCartney, Jr ; Earl De- one of the few old inhabitants” December 15, 1954,
Mar, Frank Serridge and August left from the village of a hundred
Sweaburg, all of Detroit. gears ago today. Tozer and Brown Editor's Note: Thanks Mr, Jack-
�?__ bought the business from his son—we are very glad to hear
Mrs. S. Ian Cly_ estate from tial from you. Your explanation of the
y S 1 �7 111 Y "rolled" business Is quite enjoy -
Friends in the community of .1 M H. COATS able, We believe, however, that
Blyth extended sympathy to Bern- December 12, 1954 the term referred to the practice
1 and hall last week in the loss of Oi:tawa, Ontario,. of rolling a bolt of material onto
his only sister, Mrs. S. Ian Smith, o a bit of board, during stock-tak-
i 120 Old Orchard Grove, Toronto,ing As the cloth was rolled off
1 Mrs. Smith died suddenly at her C�u]atybillen'S one board, it would be measured,
home on Sunday morning, De- J and rolled on to another. All or -
comber 12, She was in her 58th ently •each man before he roiled`
year, a new length on this particular
Before her marriage Mrs. Smith roup Meets board, made note of his name and
was Mary Elizabeth -Hall, only the weather at the time,
c daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs, At Stratford—W:D.D.
Frances Bernard Hail, Clinton, --- 0 7
She was one of a family of four rAventy one farm women repres- Carol Ser'61'1Ce Held
I children. In 1936 size married enting Huron, Wellington, Water -
and since that time has resided •loo, Brant, and Pertli Counties met �Ilih1J]t•)vl
in Toronto. in Stratford for the annual meet -
Surviving besides her husband Ing of Zone 2 of the Ontario Fed- �atist ChOaLI'Ch
are two brothers, Bernard Hall, eration of Agriculture. Three 1
Blyth, and Charles Hall, St, Other counties in the zone are Ox- The annual community carol j
14Iarys, One brother, Willfam Hall; ford, Bruce and Grey, service held in the Auburn Baptist
was One
in action in France Mrs. George Weir, Burford, ' Church was largely attended. The
1917 g the first World War, in ehaft'man of the zone and also pastor, Rev. J. E, Ostrom Clin-
A funeraservice was held on alraumarr of the Worrier's Com- ton, presidedwith Mrs. R, -J. Phil-
Tuesday, December 14, from the rnittee of the Ontario Federation lips at the organ. Many old and
Trull. funeral home in Toronto of Agriculture, presided and re- familiar carols were sung, The
following which tine remains were Ported oil some of the year's de- Scripture was read by Rev,, Bi -ell
brought to Clinton where Enter velopments at O.F.A. level. As DeVries and Rev, C. C. Washing- j
ment was made in Clinton Cc t- chairman, Mrs. Weir offered some tori offered prayer.
tory, good suggestions for interest and A double trio, Rena slid Gladysli
Pallbearers were three nephews, action amongst the women in the McCiinchey, Elizabeth, and Margo 1
Stewart Toll Charles Hall, Jr„ zone for .the coming year. Grange, sang, Ruth Million and E
and Richard hall;'Willfam Stoot,As a result of a recent Enter- by sang, accompanied!€
Roy Bell and Ross McGregor. Flew with the Minister of Educa y Margar•et A. Jackson, A trio
tion, Mrs. Weir suggested that an was sung by Edna. and Lila Daer u
investigation by the women into and Frank Nesbit of St. Mark's a
e+stere�creige the cost of education in the local Anglican Church, accompanied by 6
areas might reveal some startling, 112rs. G, R. Taylor. Rev. and Mrs, Q
• information, which if followed up Ostrom of the Baptist Church and could be used to the advantage of Mr; and Mrs. D. A, MacKay of
A tax payers, In the discussion on Knox Presbyterian Church, sang
i this, figures were quoted which duets•
showed that about 50 percent o` A Christmas message was given
rural taxes goes toward educatlori by Mr, Ostrom The offering in `
HAPPYrIn connection with Health, Mrs aid of the Bible Society was Ie-
�� ell's suggestion was that if rur- ceived by Glen and Frank Rafthby.
al women wish, they can have the Mr. Ostrom offered the closing
HOLIDAY:(" services a avVicailable
rof Nur Prayer.
(• sec made available in inial coni The church was decorated In
munitfes at a low cost keeping with Christmas,
• Reports from the counties were
May your Chrittma• b• received and discussed, Emphasis Ressler. R R 1 Elmira; vrice•pres-
tgll of fun osa irolte) was placed on the service given to !dent, Mrs. L, D Taylor, Fergus;
.� farmers by the Federation of Ag- secretary -treasurer, Mrs. J. Scott
riculture It is and always has Davidson, R.R., Britton
been the aim and also the achieve- press
ment of the Federation to assist secretary, Mrs O: C, Anderson, .,
and protect farmers in marketing gham.
their products to reasonable ad Me Women's Committee oef O F,A,
vantage. Without"- this farmers for the past seven years has given
1 have no security nor stability in a
�e their industry, It was noted, too, therworkeand al f M s. LloydfTaylor
that the social and sutural side of of Huron County voiced the dp-
i;d ,•x farm life depends a great deal on preciation of all present to Mrs.
the financial prosperity of
rmer. the Weir Lor the excellent contribut-
faMrs. Weir recommended ion she has made at county, zone
x ar that the farm women should ed Mild provincial levels, Mrs, Weir
q ueate themselves in consumer automatically retires this year
buying of foods, and it is hoped that she will coir -
n Officers elected for 1955 are as tinue her interest in the future of
follows: presfdent, Mrs. Emerson this important farm organization. �
' N +�'•6'•c��'3.�etQi�tit-a�v.,�'P�tstsreu:i� a,a sf
White Rose Products
Phone 680 Clinton
To all our Friends and
Bill Counter — Lou Duta
In the spirit of Him
Whose Dap this is — we say
to you - Way the blessings
of Christmas guide you and
bide with you, always!
Clinton Laundry & Dry Cleaning
Phone 312W Clinton
• O��tVa��es
With Tie Local Farm Forums Aaron
to tO the, EditOl
In Canada an automobile repee-.41
C. Eiscller
cents about -light months income
FuneraSS 4 FORUM PAIL LINE FORUM on n vi conducted; R,C. Rc S.- m E. Adams-
Wednesday, esda ACe for Aaron C. The Editor, REMEMBERS, TOO
for tile,average industrial worker,
• Fischer, 75, who died at his home Clinton News -Record Clinton News -Record _ The funeral of the late TI ` —i--- --�
The SS 4; Goderich Township (By our Hensall carespondcint) in Colborne Township on Dece - entlemen::: Edward Adam comas r, ----
Farm Forum met this week at the The December 131h meetingof m Clinton,n, Ontario. „ sof the ninth con- .eta a„ u w w:P� : v
home of Mr, Mrs. her:20 after: a l long illness. The T have been reading 1st cession of `� `' S P R°
and Attention: W;D D your l3ullett. Towns
William the Parr Line Farm Forum was Rev, D. W. Williams officiated, Column' and you are w passed away hip, who
Lobb. The topic for discussion held, at tiie home of Mr: and Mrs.; Ina ated. T can answer a question i Co t " ondering ay suddenly;' after' as-
was 'Trade, or Aid, or What?`' Gordoi Love.' ment was in Colborne Ceme- n your a R.C: $s, S. means. casting a neighbor
' z
with his tractor
A very interesting teryr Column of December :9. Well, doubtless before o get his car ' The ' R.C,&S." of whom you ask 'were born .- you is r back on the slippery
First question was; Why do you 'discission.was held, led by John He was bora, in Colborne Town- Y , Robert Coate,and his oad;was held on F
Solden with 25 members was: Robert Coats and Son= t e brother Jaixxes o e the B 1 Friday from
We should be'eo icerned with present; 'ship, the son' of the sate Joseph "gotief p rated a. dry a 1 and Mutch
' •
helpingk funeral h
what sources do o i being: ), father (bol goods store under tile fir High Street, home,
triesofthe under -developed, eoun- niers in our area loo Young 'far- Fischer and'Elfzabet}i Webber, He m :Scotland: it m name g. et, Clinton. A ver la
e World. It was decided Y k for credit was a member of Benitiiher United - 1829); and the Son Of Robert Coats and: Co." crowd was in a st• large
Jbein Ox attendance
bel i when they are establishin m testzf ying
1h�', p'ng:under-developed •eoun- _ , g their Church, and a member of the Can- g , Y elder blether William, Ii.:and J, Coats." t0 'the high :esteem- in
tries, we m p own farms? The for many years Town Clerk of Robert Coats had a son William was held, which he
may open u new. oven- young farmers, adian Order of Foresters. W 1
nes of trade for our Is ro- in this ,area turn to: the various Besides his : w'fe the o Clinton and later the County Reg- Popularly known as "Billy"
ducts;,theyma. inaurn P loan `corporations, such a'V.L.A. i f rmer istrai:- They',, were in or Billy and' lie was a member of the
y, retaliate s• Lettfe Jane Sprung, he is•survived business . _ completion of his education desboro Unite Lon
Junior Farmer (1882 1963) d Church
;doing our country a favour, Establishment by four sons Elm xn the store lately oc- was taken into -the t • and for 30
Haniiltoh; cupied by Mr: Brown who boa Subse store. years had served on the Session
should the necessity arise. Friend- ,Loan Corp., but in the majority, of Ross, Aaron;' andgHerman' Col- , bought ,, quently, when he was o and_a
ly case's, 'Mortgages the old Iso the Board of
are obtained borne Township; business from my brother on enou h he be _Stewards.
relations and, support cogld from rivate -. p,. four daughters, the deo • g Carrie Town Clerk, a He belonged to the F
P sources, . Banks fin- Mrs; Alvin Wilson, Seafor-th• Mrs, th of my father• •• posit1on he held for ears. ' the orresters and
mean less chances of�war breaking ance. the The y Londesboro. LOL
purchase of farm imple-. J. Corey, Clinton Mrs. David Denison, William, The. Coatst .wex' from which
out. R. Shand: :cTa ' art, Daniel Witmer; ,e'c: staunch "Grits" ' e always very, the pallbearers were chosen. .'
Second question was: ghat is menu; eta Toronto; Mrs. J. Knight, Toronto, were ger so it was, a very
How -can farmer ks in
a young avoid two brothers, Ezra and ,W,esle : the store -m the easy matter to h have young i The flower -bearers we
tho'best form of help to give as a a y ng Bi]ly' re seven
ttndul •heavy investments in land, 'Goderielf;' one sister, Miss cif' eighties and 'nineties ,=, all -'well appointed Huron Count nephews: Walter and T
longterm ,solytion; agazt m livestoyek aiY Y Regist- Tom Cun-
M c
«y 11 the jo s
,fro. and equipment whenget- Fischer, Toronto. remembered by me, `The Bob lar, Position he held - mngham and Aubrey Toil
teri�pQrary relief and direct relief? ? Coats who "ran, into :the building death. Whe until his :Auburn; Lloyd S y all of
It<,was decided that long -ter' bel ting. started, We think" that_the g n James Coats retired.Stewart. Hullett;
P 'prices
of the se anon b�
a be present and neail
of farm. products, y broke his brains" must from the dr Kenneth Stewar ; Beechwo •
t Y given by sen , skilled p • 7 y goods firm, Billy was Henry od,
g coupled with the trehiendoas cost Robert N. Rei be myself, though I have no ie= taken in, hence the firm name m3 Youngblut, Niagara F
teFhnicians to instrtiict'tlie Peolile 'buying ffi
delivered to You
of and equipping a. form collection of the incident, It is a changed to " . Was and Fred You ails
in t}se'use Of Ore modern maohin- $ Robert N. Reid, 64 Kinear ' pleasure, howe e • g Robt. Cots and Son , ngblut, Woodstock,
cry and more oc hfs own, `.very often equals dine, P v i, to'be told that so that accounts fpr the,"R;C; & •The service was conducted b
profitakile.methods the died on December' 16 had
at this ,happy _tluwl
cost' of the fazzri. rp, in Victoria I brains in those days --I was S.', and the his pactor, the Rev: T. J y
Of production. They, of course, young Ptosp. ital, London, following a I aid the opposite., y afterwards sold out d White,
must, be ,willing to `go half-wa farmer 'would have to revert to stroke l• g Usually l.- Apo ite,, at the to Tozer and". Brown, or J. C. Lon esb)tro United Church assist_
' Y. the horse and bu He was born an Bruce time• Detton of Goderich•
the experts iriahat 6gY methoas of ed by a cousin, Rev, John'But
S#ani ery Abettor
swith I don't k
country; his forefathers. Township, and was the son of the, The three stores about which which: now of Atwood A ton, .
itu,very often axe axile versed late nephew, Aubrey
This fo Mr, and Mrs, -John Reid, You are asking were built b I: Toll, sari
l y my remember David Dennison g' a solo. Interment was
our own so called experts.'Some rum sexggests that: young For many years he resided _at uncle; William Coats,' in 1881 or quite' a well :he m the Blyth Cemete
peopple could' be taught in • Canada to er should rent land adjacent• Teeswater, later taking si t , Performed Several - rY.
unci it died
Burt's Little Super
1 r i�Iarket' '
resit not' to ,_ functions
and •return to pass oh their know- . his father's farm, sharing the dence in Kincardine, . . ' wards. 'The ??g atter fors the town. and the � —o "
ledge to their own people. use of implements; - until such arurvivin the original One.that stands out in my memory IOD)E
his, widow, 'x0
Phones 414 -5 --Clinton `
are t stores on the :replaced
time that he has saved enough former Alice Shipley, four sons 9n 1852. 'M father, built by him fs that•he was 'Town Bell ringer", STS NPlyi
Them was a recreation period capital to start on his own Some Clarence,. John
with s younger He rang the bell at 6,00 a:m., 7.00 CANADIANS AT PARTY
f '11en- Brother,
a and NoxVal, joined him' s
, and members held.. II a a partner am., 12:00 noon, 1.Q0 p.m• and
, that V.L.A. might salt; Irving; Wi ghom; `three dau-1 fa 1856. The old' store, which was 6;00 P.m. and tluite 'often he ' Dec. 16—Christ
ristmas carols were sung with be advised to cover all �eph
young gliters, Mrs.' a
Helm, T1ver- burnt down m 1881, had a large his. hand on the Pire " got m s carols ,sung
rs. Marra Forbes at the piano. fanners of Canada. alarm; in both 'the Ditch and German
Lunch was served by the ladies., After this discussion, progressive J mesHarkeessYoung and Mrs, maple tree in, front and. a large , In this item in the First Column languages were to be
heard at e
Toe next meeting, will be on Jan- euchre was held. Prize winners 2U grandchildren Teeswater, and tall board fence at tipill side hi sed' bus! es understand this rolled,, th
seventh annual Chitistrnas
@ry' 3 at the'horrie of Mr. and were, ladies, Mrs. John Soldam; The Linklater funeral home in to play in this Party
for new Canadians held by the
Mrs. Ira Merrll2,
gentlemen, Howard Adkins. Kincardine was' ,in char e, Navin been born in�ansannexltdo ors ell, t kept se to Mute Farm- Maple Leaf Chapter of the TORE,
Kelly, at the Goder ich Pavilion '
,, a
the store in 1$74: On a'visit to opposite Irwin's grain warehouse evening,—Goderieh Signal -S ar:
an aunt in Scotland in 1897, she and another hotel in the rear of rai'�rarlrHrAr�^raipiot3r-
i r Arnold Anderson
Use, Neiwss-Record
gave me a small' photograph of the new Grand Trunk Station andararxr
a Want Ad Arnold Anderson, beloved hus- the place which my father had run by "Sam Pike"; and 'probabI
-----,--_.:_._ band of Mayetta McCartney, as- sent her in 1872, I'had it enlarg- when some men
got retty wellz4
,�•,,�, sed away an December 13 in De- ed and reproduced, and remember lit up, they would be rolled" up
"±�ic� =XV111, gcg q�,�, troll; Mich., following a short ill- giving a copy of it once to my old town to the "klink"
ness.. friend, Bob Holmes, when lie wasWheatley or Bill. Paisley wQ��„6llN,.
-- _......... it
Christmas and New Year's
vt r Ty a + e i6 +tdle` iG4g � b' x wunau me gay trimmings n
�r1 t of an old-fashioned ue6—
shind Yltid
that w
r r a'kilaQleiFifEo is bright with glowing candles
5, VOD .. EW'a
i n, : • a 9 5 ., � , � and rich wftbgolden carols •._
�i �
is our hearty thanks for your
friendship: May you all enjoy
e�S� S $¢etwt S the Best Christmas ever.... "
• � t� Clinton. -- Ontario We wish to hake this.
s opportunity to thank you
s one and all, for this our PHONE $G -- '
best year in the Watch i ss rata razors ct �etar;�sne
repairing p r :r
re n profession. Also
to convey to you our
There as still time to call in and. 'a- most sincere wishes for a
very Merry gasp and CLINTON MEMO�[AL S��OP
a Happy andnd Prosperous
male your selection. New Year. ' -,q e � �` \ �'�►+„
Toeochand every one OPEN EVERY FRIDAY
#b of you, and the RCAF. At other times contact J. J. Zea fephone
SMART C j+ r' P , 'East
WATCH CLEANING CLintrn 103. Residence, Rattenbury Street East.
FOR tab;t. �+
ICE; e r WAR PrecisionCleaning At T, PRYDE aid SON Clinton '
t rrw ry la mf►rarrv:mi rae�rai111r raribi9nsr1rsr rlr"i"im-Nr01 7 s , > yyrtor r brato-lrr a ANIS STAFF t
,M�R+�:�>�alatak�aw �Stlt4tgielt�r
Funeral services were conducted Mayor of Clinton (later MP for If my brother Fred was living
on December 16 by Rev. Constan- West Huron). He hung it on the he could give you the 'history ane
tine Trued, with burial service un- wall of the council chamber, where anecdotes about Clinton for year:
der the auspices of the Du Nord I saw it on several subsequent back.
Lodge of the Scandinavian Fra- visits, to 1 "home town•', though Very truly yours,
ternity of America. Pallbearers I missed it when in If Aon last —ARTHUR JACKSON
were John F. Howard, Listowel ; summer, Christmas Greetings to you all,
Ross McCartney, Beachville, .and My father when he died was Hollywood, U,S.A.
Clifford McCartney, Jr ; Earl De- one of the few old inhabitants” December 15, 1954,
Mar, Frank Serridge and August left from the village of a hundred
Sweaburg, all of Detroit. gears ago today. Tozer and Brown Editor's Note: Thanks Mr, Jack-
�?__ bought the business from his son—we are very glad to hear
Mrs. S. Ian Cly_ estate from tial from you. Your explanation of the
y S 1 �7 111 Y "rolled" business Is quite enjoy -
Friends in the community of .1 M H. COATS able, We believe, however, that
Blyth extended sympathy to Bern- December 12, 1954 the term referred to the practice
1 and hall last week in the loss of Oi:tawa, Ontario,. of rolling a bolt of material onto
his only sister, Mrs. S. Ian Smith, o a bit of board, during stock-tak-
i 120 Old Orchard Grove, Toronto,ing As the cloth was rolled off
1 Mrs. Smith died suddenly at her C�u]atybillen'S one board, it would be measured,
home on Sunday morning, De- J and rolled on to another. All or -
comber 12, She was in her 58th ently •each man before he roiled`
year, a new length on this particular
Before her marriage Mrs. Smith roup Meets board, made note of his name and
was Mary Elizabeth -Hall, only the weather at the time,
c daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs, At Stratford—W:D.D.
Frances Bernard Hail, Clinton, --- 0 7
She was one of a family of four rAventy one farm women repres- Carol Ser'61'1Ce Held
I children. In 1936 size married enting Huron, Wellington, Water -
and since that time has resided •loo, Brant, and Pertli Counties met �Ilih1J]t•)vl
in Toronto. in Stratford for the annual meet -
Surviving besides her husband Ing of Zone 2 of the Ontario Fed- �atist ChOaLI'Ch
are two brothers, Bernard Hall, eration of Agriculture. Three 1
Blyth, and Charles Hall, St, Other counties in the zone are Ox- The annual community carol j
14Iarys, One brother, Willfam Hall; ford, Bruce and Grey, service held in the Auburn Baptist
was One
in action in France Mrs. George Weir, Burford, ' Church was largely attended. The
1917 g the first World War, in ehaft'man of the zone and also pastor, Rev. J. E, Ostrom Clin-
A funeraservice was held on alraumarr of the Worrier's Com- ton, presidedwith Mrs. R, -J. Phil-
Tuesday, December 14, from the rnittee of the Ontario Federation lips at the organ. Many old and
Trull. funeral home in Toronto of Agriculture, presided and re- familiar carols were sung, The
following which tine remains were Ported oil some of the year's de- Scripture was read by Rev,, Bi -ell
brought to Clinton where Enter velopments at O.F.A. level. As DeVries and Rev, C. C. Washing- j
ment was made in Clinton Cc t- chairman, Mrs. Weir offered some tori offered prayer.
tory, good suggestions for interest and A double trio, Rena slid Gladysli
Pallbearers were three nephews, action amongst the women in the McCiinchey, Elizabeth, and Margo 1
Stewart Toll Charles Hall, Jr„ zone for .the coming year. Grange, sang, Ruth Million and E
and Richard hall;'Willfam Stoot,As a result of a recent Enter- by sang, accompanied!€
Roy Bell and Ross McGregor. Flew with the Minister of Educa y Margar•et A. Jackson, A trio
tion, Mrs. Weir suggested that an was sung by Edna. and Lila Daer u
investigation by the women into and Frank Nesbit of St. Mark's a
e+stere�creige the cost of education in the local Anglican Church, accompanied by 6
areas might reveal some startling, 112rs. G, R. Taylor. Rev. and Mrs, Q
• information, which if followed up Ostrom of the Baptist Church and could be used to the advantage of Mr; and Mrs. D. A, MacKay of
A tax payers, In the discussion on Knox Presbyterian Church, sang
i this, figures were quoted which duets•
showed that about 50 percent o` A Christmas message was given
rural taxes goes toward educatlori by Mr, Ostrom The offering in `
HAPPYrIn connection with Health, Mrs aid of the Bible Society was Ie-
�� ell's suggestion was that if rur- ceived by Glen and Frank Rafthby.
al women wish, they can have the Mr. Ostrom offered the closing
HOLIDAY:(" services a avVicailable
rof Nur Prayer.
(• sec made available in inial coni The church was decorated In
munitfes at a low cost keeping with Christmas,
• Reports from the counties were
May your Chrittma• b• received and discussed, Emphasis Ressler. R R 1 Elmira; vrice•pres-
tgll of fun osa irolte) was placed on the service given to !dent, Mrs. L, D Taylor, Fergus;
.� farmers by the Federation of Ag- secretary -treasurer, Mrs. J. Scott
riculture It is and always has Davidson, R.R., Britton
been the aim and also the achieve- press
ment of the Federation to assist secretary, Mrs O: C, Anderson, .,
and protect farmers in marketing gham.
their products to reasonable ad Me Women's Committee oef O F,A,
vantage. Without"- this farmers for the past seven years has given
1 have no security nor stability in a
�e their industry, It was noted, too, therworkeand al f M s. LloydfTaylor
that the social and sutural side of of Huron County voiced the dp-
i;d ,•x farm life depends a great deal on preciation of all present to Mrs.
the financial prosperity of
rmer. the Weir Lor the excellent contribut-
faMrs. Weir recommended ion she has made at county, zone
x ar that the farm women should ed Mild provincial levels, Mrs, Weir
q ueate themselves in consumer automatically retires this year
buying of foods, and it is hoped that she will coir -
n Officers elected for 1955 are as tinue her interest in the future of
follows: presfdent, Mrs. Emerson this important farm organization. �
' N +�'•6'•c��'3.�etQi�tit-a�v.,�'P�tstsreu:i� a,a sf
White Rose Products
Phone 680 Clinton
To all our Friends and
Bill Counter — Lou Duta
In the spirit of Him
Whose Dap this is — we say
to you - Way the blessings
of Christmas guide you and
bide with you, always!
Clinton Laundry & Dry Cleaning
Phone 312W Clinton