HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-12-23, Page 1101ft C1 THE°' NEW ERA -90th YEAR Na. 51—The ___ _: __ _.. _ ---- THE NEWS -RECORD -74th YEAR Home' Paper With the News E9 3, -4 — P I — ,_, �Q.QNTOCd,-S�NTARQfi ''1•Q�i1(LS17AY _P)ECEMB 2 195. .. _ ...•.:`-,.._-__._� 6 cents a copy — $2.50 a year y 1 � ,� � -lam, �.�,���F �� 1t£! si £'��a��i�`�ti , ��ra `.''�Yi.'k'.';,: • • n B W. D. D. ) CSI iSAL MA5 SPIRIT ...!: • ";I I u `'?- ' SEVDRAL(WEEK were WS AGO we OF t �1 11,„ i the east went before them till asked to do a job, by the.produe- ate people in Clinton who have + ers of radio programs for CFPL y and love. It is the spirit the whole world needs most, If it were to animate mankind In general and were to continue throughout job me . The J .. .See d at first simple one ... We were to pre- a _ 4 i � ., , � t;' the yettr, a new era of human experience would be ushered in, But there are hearts in which it does not 'find `� ro:} i #:�.. �:: ! s ~••>:: b it came and stood over where "' ' rare a three-minute talk about a place, and others in which it finds a place for a little while, onlay to mangered Babe, or a beautiful stable, make a graceful ornament. •' Chri turas in Clinton" , .. Sounds .. after a light snowfall . • . triumph for a little Child born so long -ago, in the humblest surroundings in a little unimporta»t, country. To them Christmas is not on] y a holiday itis a Holy Day." A day hallowed by the birth of .the Son of Gots, who became a man too, easy doesn't it •r t the young child was. G BUT WHEN WE FINALLY set- They also know the Christmas Star; but they see' it as the ment which practically comes out of the walls up at the Public =r g fled down tohe story w t ri e ry ' School during the weeks before Christmas. It' is the finest and most patent power moving the s .n ' after ,the excitement "at Mi: hearts of men .everywhere. tion of God's inexplicable Love poured out on a love -hungry man - mention how the, young ones there sang the carols with such Brown's store had died down a enthusiasm ... nor of the delight- ful presents that everyone of them poor, the sick and the unfortunate. At Christmastime, therefore, it is especially fitting that these should be remembered.: And little (by the way there are two got from beneath the trees ... this, of course, is especially a children's festival, the birthday at Christmastide their joy and reassurance. "letters to the editor" published of a Child, and of One who loved children. WE COULDN'T MENTION eith- on page five this week, on the For those who still retain the Sacrifice of the Mass as their central act of worship of God; Christmas holds its even deeper, er, how pretty the town looks, especially to the visitor coming Christ, that this Happy Christmas may be.the beginning of a new understanding and accord among the nations of the world: Brown story) ... We found that a that there may be greater spirit of tolerance, a new recognition : of the rights' of man; and a greater concern' for the spiritual: And when the y saw the the job was not at all as easy as May. Christ find his rightful place in all our homes and in ` all our hearts, this Christmas Da y' alapearance of a helpless Babe, but under the form of bread- and wine as He came at the Last Supper, many years later. hall sports nor the matched string or pea is which 'decks the it looked ... Most particularly we = Where shall we find the full ! ,o of Christmas?. Certain] of not top of the PUC building . , , were unable to pick and choose the correct items to make it a in the the greetings, the M RCAF star, they rejoiced with exceed' real] story ; WE HADN'T TIME TO TELL Or tions, the hearty feasting them - THERE RE ARE SCI VERY MANY <.� �. ' ing y things going on in 'Clinton ati Christmas time ... there are so, many organizations doing good . r things for other people . hold -''t ing' meetings ...planning parties . There are so many apeclal Christmas things goingon that we, J ust hardly knew how to start... And after wve had starteda we r thought. of •se many ways that a • And when theywould, have perhaps been' better A"� "'�• .n e � i.. and after it was recorded last Sunday afternoon, we were very'. ; `•� rr..� 'i ;yi i tx�,� ` ' <✓ were come unto the . house conscious that the whole thing G r ' could have been done much' better if we had just done it over once> more u "� : �• t: b •� they, Saw the young child ,,, , � p„�;;} r . t, > h • 41'E WOULD HAVE LIKED TO mention; for instance, the pageant ` r '' �� y t with .Mary his mother,and that .wasso well performed- in 3. Ontario Street United Church. last { Iw'' Sunday evening .. and' the young people and their candle -lighting ` r I u •>: ' Y [< : i' V , °S - } << f ell down, and worshipped service at Wesley -Willis United t F Church the same night We x ? e }: would have liked the radio listen -him; ers to have heardabout the and when they had Christmas concerts that all of the Sunday Schools held ... and the baiting but 'so cute" way in which the little folk presented l ! � a „ opened their treasures, they their very first recitations 4 <, � WE WOULD VERY MUCII LIKEP i resented 'unto -him gifts; � to have described the decorations � ,,� } �`;• � . :.,.",. i r, in Clinton . . , from the store ,�,, - window displays to the special lighting effects some of the stores r t3 b •. n Q.. t a gold and frankincense and r , have achieved: the Santa Claus on the canopy at Beattie's furniture store . , . and the trees up above Pickett and Campbell's front door , the really gay lights over the now Graham service station on Highway 4 ... and the twinkling lights on all the trees in nearly all LL10 houses ]n town . . . „ WE WOULD HAVE liked CSI iSAL MA5 SPIRIT THE FULL JOY OF CHRISTMAS oneto hear about the gaily ilium- mated candy cane which is on one (By Ituv. H- C. Wilson, Minister of Wesley Willis United Church, Clinton, and liolmesviue United Church) ) ($y Rev. J. Crrnl,Fun , Parisi, Priest Of 4t. JOSCpIi'S Roman of the doors up on Vinegar Hill incl about those truly fortun- C111MISTAXAS 'as Catholic CiTrel,, Clinton, and St. Michaels Roman ate people in Clinton who have is here again and it brings, it always does to a multitude of people, the world over, a new spirit of kindliness Catholic' Church, Myth) evergreen trees growingg In their front yards, all ready for Christ- Iights We and love. It is the spirit the whole world needs most, If it were to animate mankind In general and were to continue throughout For some, Christmas is simply a time of general celebration. It means a rest from work; a season' of a parties,friendly mas . , . did mention the green trees which the Cham- her the yettr, a new era of human experience would be ushered in, But there are hearts in which it does not 'find gatherings, pretty decorations, and hearty feastin. A liste star adds a finishing touch to a sparkling tree; the image of the of Commerce had mounted on each of the light standards down- a place, and others in which it finds a place for a little while, onlay to mangered Babe, or a beautiful stable, make a graceful ornament. town, but we couldn't take time to tell how nice they looked vanish away. But it might be said that almost all hearts are . happier and better at this season than at. other. What a But those who love the Christmastide for its deeper and richer meanings P outward -things, gs are not content. with just these outward thio j after a light snowfall . • . triumph for a little Child born so long -ago, in the humblest surroundings in a little unimporta»t, country. To them Christmas is not on] y a holiday itis a Holy Day." A day hallowed by the birth of .the Son of Gots, who became a man too, THERE' WAS NO TIME, either, But the Child did' not remain a child, The arranger became in order to redeem mankind. to mention the feeling of excite- a throne and the Child a King. His kingdom was in the hearts They also know the Christmas Star; but they see' it as the ment which practically comes out of the walls up at the Public of men, and is in the hearts of men today. It . is the chief influence in the kindliness which has become associated with manifestation of the vast creative, protective, redeeming, sanctify - ing power of Almighty Good, who rules the created world, They School during the weeks before Christmas. It' is the finest and most patent power moving the too have the Babe of Bethlehem, but to them He is the manifesta- Christmas . . . and we couldn't hearts of men .everywhere. tion of God's inexplicable Love poured out on a love -hungry man - mention how the, young ones there sang the carols with such The Child of Bethlehem became known as the friend of the kind, They enter, in spirit, the Stable -cave, bowing low Ili humility, knowing with shame their own pride as they stand in enthusiasm ... nor of the delight- ful presents that everyone of them poor, the sick and the unfortunate. At Christmastime, therefore, it is especially fitting that these should be remembered.: And the presence of God's lowliness, shown forth in His having taken our human nature. And in this Star, Child, and Stable they find got from beneath the trees ... this, of course, is especially a children's festival, the birthday at Christmastide their joy and reassurance. W W W of a Child, and of One who loved children. WE COULDN'T MENTION eith- It is the Christmas prayer of all men, who acknowledge For those who still retain the Sacrifice of the Mass as their central act of worship of God; Christmas holds its even deeper, er, how pretty the town looks, especially to the visitor coming Christ, that this Happy Christmas may be.the beginning of a new understanding and accord among the nations of the world: original meaning. Christmas, for them, finds its focal point in the Mass offered on Christ's Birthday; In the Mass, through which from the north . and of the brightly coloured lights on either that there may be greater spirit of tolerance, a new recognition : of the rights' of man; and a greater concern' for the spiritual: He enters their midst again as truly as He entered the world' on that first Christmas morn. Yet now He comes not under the side • .. nor of the gay string of bead. at the May. Christ find his rightful place in all our homes and in ` all our hearts, this Christmas Da y' alapearance of a helpless Babe, but under the form of bread- and wine as He came at the Last Supper, many years later. hall sports nor the matched string or pea is which 'decks the = Where shall we find the full ! ,o of Christmas?. Certain] of not top of the PUC building . , , Judge Fingland Is Reviewing Officer in the the greetings, the M RCAF Station gatherings, the pretty decora- WE HADN'T TIME TO TELL Or tions, the hearty feasting them - myrrh. "Christmas Day Program On CFFL Warden of Huron County W. J. Dale, Hullett Township, and Wilma Dinnin, editor of the News -Record, pose here with Jack Illman, production manager, and Jim Stanley, chief operator of CFPL Radio, London, as they completed preparation for a broad- cast on the afternoon of Christmas Day, between 3 ande4 o'clock. Recorded at Wesley -Willis United Church, "with the assistance of the Men's' Choir of that church, and their director M. R. Rennie, Seaforth, the ten-minute long program will be part of the "Christ mas Chronicles" hour which will Include music and messages from six counties in Western Ontario. • (News -Record Photo) Santa s visit, when the ver Scotch q 7 `r' the ex merely y 3 neves or these are mere ��♦ �������s OK ®� Spending Bannockburn lads led the man pression, not' the source ` from the north ri ht up to the of true Christmas joy: town hall, where little Canadians ; Like the Magi of, old tyho of English, Irish, Scotch, German, a French, Dutch, Polish, acid many , other ancestries gathered for his * ,: coming . nor could we tell of Santa's visit to RCAF Station Clinton yesterday afternoon THERE WAS NO TIME TO tel] r s Of the pillar of colour which. the: men in blue have made of the tall silo at RCAF Station Clinton, nor' }: „ br the gleaming white cross at It's top nor of the prancingb�+k:4. of 'Santa and his sleigh as he s , mounts and of the buildings near the road . .nor of the dozens ,,�:°'� f,.:'f,1 �� �i•<., ', `i of lighted trees, tall and small. which decorate the Station and the houses of Adastral Park . iso �?s z NOR WAS THERE TIME to ,tell�4F of the season's gaiety at the Hurons Coounty Home just outside of Clin- ton lin- is ' • , x;'. d all'of the visits which are made to the boys and girls there . . AND WE FELT VERY BADLY, indeed, ,that there was' .not time for all of these things. for all xr,r. s�tsb,;r, of this is Christmas lir Clinton , . ...E And thea vena, and the skating, �, .� � � �. • , and the dances, and the home par- ties' all of it is part ofz' 'fix Christmas as we know ' at .. ,and It is a very wonderful time of year indeed . (Continued on Page 12) The Weather 195.4 ' 1953 high Low High Low Dec. 1:6 31 11 24 14 17 35- 7 20 1 The reviewing officer, Judge Frank FIn land Clinton Ss' seen in ti l8 36 29 24 0 on the occasion of the graduation of Telece unicat' sues ng the Guard ion Officers Course at RCAF Stat 19 30 16 28 19 With Judge Fingland are Group Captain H. C. Ashdown, CD, MBE, Commanding Office 20 19 - 7 36 94 Station Clinton (left) and. F/L N. K. Young, Guard Commander. The graduates were: 21 13 -12 36 34 Allard, Chicoutimi, Que.; F/O Evans, Newtownards, Northern Ireland;'F/O`F. M, Ham 22 25 0 35 25 fax, N.S.; F/O W. S. Howie, Montreal; F/O G. R. Kierstead;-.saint John, N.B.; F/O C snots,: 3 ins. Snow 6 ins. Amherst, N.S.; r/O J. S. Stolle, Vancouver,'B.C.; F/O kl. J. N. -Van :Bureil, Nault ,Ma I Rain; .13 ins, B. Weick, Ocean Falls, B.C, (RC 11 sought beyond the beatify of the Star in the .East, and found. $25,598 On. Hydro Rewiring the Source of all beauty, the Christ Child, we must seek first According to Chairman 14, R. Hawkins the Ontario Hydro has financed by a debenture issue and from 'funds estimated to become the Babe of Bethlehem, ana-. then, and only then, will our approved an ex enditure by the Clanton PUC ot�'y25,59$ for ex- available. Mr;Hawkins reported that ap-. Christmas joy be unconfined. tensions and improvements to the proval was given. to Clinton's de - electrical distribution system dur-, benture issue for $15,000 to pro- Pliss Elizabeth Cooper, pupil' at 1119 1951-55. The program will be vide part of the funds required, Noire Dame Academy Is visiting hei grandmother, Mrs. J. W. Tre- Rates Higher er — leaven. At the same time, offset in- I o Phone ���� �OU]r ci eased operating costs, and the Mr, and Mrs. William Town- send, Souris, Man., were weekend .} carrying charges of the debenture issue, approval also was given for guests with the latter sister and limband, Mr. and Mrs. Albert N 1`i�HW,,99 ViSits increases in its retail rates in ac- cordance with the schedule sub Colclough; Mr. and Mrs. Town-mitted send flew to Toronto to. celebrate At Christmas �g �, to Ontario Hydro. All kilo= att uUefbilledDecember their 50th Wedding anniversary on 1,1954,areto b atnthe December 14 with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. It's not too late yet to send a new .rates. This program of extensions and Fred Townsend and. family, To- gift subscription of the Clinton News -Record to imphis rrogra will enable the PUC ron a, someone on your to give its customers• improved gift list. We will send out a card electrical service and meet the announcing your gift to -day, along needs of the growing community.. With a copy of this week's News- O I Q Record, bringing your Christmas Ball -Macaulay Ltd.greetings, along with those of many other• folk in Clinton. I -lave Stab Party 4c a word, minimum 75e There is no better gift than that Ball -Macaulay Limited of Sea- of the home paper, which brings forth and Clinton held a " Wednesday, Dee. 29 -- Euchre party for the news of home every weep to and Dance, 'Varna Town Hall. .their staffs of both towns in the Harry Norris and the Ranch Boys. someone who N away. For our Commercial Inti last week. This, Sponsored by LOL 1035. Adonis_ last-minute shopping, buy I;&' lift was the second annual Christmas t sion 50c, Prizes galore, 51b that lasts all year—a subscription Thursday, Dee. 30 — Dance in to the News -Record. Party which Ball-lyracaulay has Londesboro Community Ball, Nor- During this ,coming weekend, held for their employees, and there ris Orchestra, 9 to 1. p.m Admin- you may have visitors at your were 19 adults with lune childreb G Lad 50c; Spoisors: Tuckersmith Home. Perhaps you are .going out. present. Ladies' Club. 51b 01' town to celebrate Christmas. Following g n n Friday, Dec. 3.1 — Annual New g a goose f os served Year's Eve Dance - fun for all. Wouldn't you like to read about it under the direction in host parlour in the Clinton News -Record next g a games di evening a parlour Fish' and Game Club House, Ad- week? If you would, just drop us mission 75c. 51-2-b a line by mail, put a note in the games, including .an musical chairs Fun galore pit the New Year's letter slot beside. the door' of the 'was eiajoyed, and the children also Eve dance in the ,Crystal Palace, office 'or i' were treated to a visit from Santa you prefer, phone Claus, who distributed Mitchell, The entire Night Hawk Clinton 4, We 'will be .glad to gifts. band will play 'for dancing from print the news of your ristmas ° 10 till 2. .Hats, horns etc. Ple'tlse visiting, or of Christmas parties Harris and Davi ]Vote: The regular weekly dance which d Oakes, Uri!, you h� held or attended, versity of Toronto are with their is on Thursday, December 23 In- Just let us know. We'll do the parents, Dr. and Mrs. We. A. Oakes, stead of Friday. 50-1-2-b I rest. for the Christmas vacation. ter