HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-12-16, Page 9IIJRSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1954 C1INTO11T NEWS -RECORD _ 'AGE NINE" good attendance. The president, was In peeping with' Chi#tmas, A Cold DUCklil ♦ �++++a �+. Mrs, Lloyd Scotchmer, conducted Rev'. P. Renner offered prayer. g the opening exercises and prbsided. News, aFPayffidd -Mrs: William E, Parker gave the In the business part `of the meet- Lr+•+a+Ht ing; Plans 'were made to have a Experienced By BRUCEFIELD HNALL secretary's report, The treasurer's pot -luck supper some time iiiJan- a �*y r Representative statement, read by Mrs. R. H,' F. wary: This being t}ie anual meet- GOderlCh Kin Supped ti<ISS 'LUClr R, WOODS Phone BAYFIELD 45 r 3 Gairdner, bowed a successful ing; :the new officers were, ele'ete Mall T• ,B. Baird'is in Clinton •At the Kinsmen Club of •Hen - bazaar, . -$ing d the for the corrin d honald Bert MacAdam, Code• Hospital, where ;he ung a 1C 'sail upper meeting last Thursday The decorat g year, :Before giv- risbmas was discus- rich; a m jorsurgery: nt one new member was admitted it'-' church for Ch ing up the_ chair, the president, grandson of Captain Bert qa n The Rev. and Mrs: F. H. Paull Miss Barbara Bassett London, sed. Arrangements were made'to MacDonald, Mis• Mruce to membershi , hold the Sunda School Christ Mrs: K.' Brandon, thanked the , n d, also of Goderich, . - Menerey; Bayfield, P It was disclosed xeturned to Listowel on Thursday, was home over the weekend. Y mss members for their kid received -a cold ducki last spent a, few days with he that the club had been very party In she town hall on. Thu n co. ,pet a ng r nieces, rt' 'suc after having been the Gddes Parc *. tion during the past year. Wednesday; when he slipped Kay and Marie Elliott.' cessful: in their Christmas tree afternoon a Y da f P peed and guests of Mrs. N. Wr Woods over Tlae First Company Goderich toy afternoon, December 30. Fol Mrs• fell into 'the water at Bayfield project and had: sold a consider ,last Wednesday night, wing the closing prayer; Mrs. Fred Wallis was chairman y CJoncerts able Mumber; The winner o Girl Guides extended an mvita fox, the election of officers, wfiteh Harbour, f the Perch`. Litt tion. to 'the First Company Bay- Merrier served refreshments. are' He had been at work on the SS 3 Tueltersmith laps draw,was Bill Rowehffe. as follows: president, Mrs. Christmas Concert on p a On Saturday, De I ff' According" to "the' local fisher- field Girl' Guides to;attend their„ Knox W1YIS Fred al is fir government scow which is dri1- December r 18 a =mien out of Bayfield Harbour; the Christmas art in. the Goderich W I first vice- resident, 20. SS 10 Stanley spectacular party The annual meeting the Wo- p ling for bedrock on the south Y will bald picture shod, will be perch lift is Improving, Public School auditorium on De- Y Society of Knox NIrs: Grant Stirling; second vice concert on December , hL I. the Town Hall man's Missionar side of thq river, re irate to e 21, The It will be y president, `-Mrs.' Robert Welsh; huildin �x p p church concert will be the last one of the e r "' p am!ng wall: on Decem „ Y a Alice Carol Stn eember 15:' It was with rest Presbyterian Church was held at g a et >a g the home of Mrs. J, J. Richardson third vice- resident, Mrs. Lloyd FIe was' pulled from' the is ter 22: m Wonderland. Following Sunday Schoof • in pleasure that the local company Westlake; secretary,; Mrs. Arnold water b other . y 'Trinit C urch on Sunday•,after With their' leaders; Mrs. George on Wednesday afternoon of last Y e men working Yosper Service g Makins;' treasurer, Mrs, Reg. with; him and suffered no m u ' moon, Yihe pupils and' teachers re- Adams Captain, and Mrs. 'S:; B: Week Mrs. C. W. Brown presided; _. Goderich Township aired to the Higgins, Lieutenant, accepted the and gave a :Christmas reading,: Francis. other than being Bold and very ial Chris 'LT.'is in charge of spec p paired e, home, of Mrs. R. H. The annual thankofferin , to The meeting. was closed with wet, in th tmastune ' vesper service Mr. and Mrs: Grant t' F..Gairdifer to sing' carols -around invitation and attended this en- tvhic there g prayer by Rev. T. Renner. Lunch ' w e Church -on 5'unday evening, sent Stirling 3oyable affair. At the meeting of h re was a generous re- December 19, Mrs, ng, p ,last week with the fanners the Crib; ;There were about 35 g g was served by the- hostess` and W. Scott -is sister, Mr, and Mrsc'Le • the Bayfield Guides on Monday sponse •was received at this. meet- committee. The • next' meetin -is their leader, Lewis friend children present, at this annual evening; Mrs: George Adams read ing, Mrs. Russel ear ave the g. good results 's the year's world Ainherstburg, and with Erie nt. Mrs, George Adams was secretor ' g to, be ;the usual birthday meeting The treasurer's report rid zn eve p f indicated Detroit. y s 'report of - an active Y. ,that the allocation of 225 had at :the piano. Mrs. W, S. Outer- a Guide Christmas card to .the at the home of Mrs. John Lindsay. dg g company from Rosalind Carew year: Mrs, Bruce, Menerey read tri a sin as . -a solo ' e Little the financial statement WMS Annual been reached,„and passed, 'Town of 13ethlelaeni” in very ane .Jones in England. showed, Which The Women's Missionar Society The executive having met and voice, Before. 'the left . Mrs. Trinity Church Guild iiia£` all allocations had y Y y been meta of. St, Andrew's United .Church arraged a slate of . officers for laairdner treated them to artistic , The Trinity Church Guild met Arrangements were held its annual meetingand elect- the coining year,., these were voted PROCLAMATcookies'and a lollypopat the hoYrie ofMrs. Merton 1VTer- g made to ion of officers on Thrsda last upon and elected to office. Z7ie corrimenoe the study of India In Y I ON fof each pupih I nor om Tuesday :evening, with a the New year. Mrs. Brown va- at the, parsonage. There was a Rev.' Peter Renner conducted the cited'the chair for the election of Westlake dance and Mrs. Gladwin installation ceremony, officers •which resulted in all be- s in the chair. 1955 officers -are as follows; ] • ing' returned by acclamation ;for After the opening exercises, Mrs. past president, Mrs: G. Westlake; MUNICIPAL Voters List Pon ', 1955. They are: president, Mrs. P. Renner was asked, to come for- ,President, Mrs. J. Scotchmer; first 'ELECTIONS • C: W, Brown; vice-president,; Mrs. ward' and'Miss A. M. Stirling; in vice-president, Mrs. Harvey Koh- TOWNSHIP OF "STANLEY Dewar Talbot; secretary, Mrs: a few well-chosen words, asked nor; second vice-president, Mrs. TO�Vih�]si her to accept a WMS.Life Mem- P, Renner, third .vice-president; V Of Stanley I,; Fred 'Watson, Clerk of the Municipality of the Russel Heard; treasurer, Mrs. Mrs; L. Smith; secretor P Bruce Menere Glad!Tidin sec- bership Certificate. Mrs. Gladwin y, Mrs. Ro- y' gs bort Scotehmer; treasurer, Mrs. G. • Notice is hereby given- that a meeting of elect To of Stanley, in the County of Huron,' declare rotary, Mrs. J. J, Richardson. At. Westlake made the presentation. Wes 1 for the n g ors, thpt I have ,posted up in my office, R.R. 3 Ila field the. close of the meeting,the host- In her gracious response; Mrs, # ake; Associate Helper sec- nomination. of candidates' for h rets the position of ' ' y ess served tea: Renner, expressed her thanks and .. i3'. Mrs. L. Makins; Christian.; reeve, councillors and. #rustees-for the Township the' -"Voters' List for .the year 19,54 and I hereby call real appreciation of the ft. The citizenship, Mrs„ Robert. Scotch ownshtp School wllung workers Area, will be held in .the upon ail voters to take immediate proceedings to have rpll call was answered.. by gifts mer, Christian 'stewardship, Miss any omiSgions or errors corrected according to lad. The December meeting of the foi- a welfare fund. M. Stirling; Missionary Monthly, Willing Workers was held at the Miss . Stirling gave a talk on Miss J. Stirling; literature seereWN]f HALL, VARNA This. fist, was posted in my office on the 30th home of Mrs. Kenneth Brandon, 'The claim of Christ to our Chris- tart'; Mrs, F. Watson, friendship . day of Novemtte'r, 1954. and `opened by the president, lead- tion stewardship", and urged that secretary, Mrs. D. Dewar„ assisted FLED WATSON,- Clerk, ing'in the Willing Workers pray- Christ should be remembered and by Mrs, F. Watson, Mrs. J. Mae- er. This was followed by a hymn, honoured more on His birthday. Kenzie,• Mrs. L. Talbot, Mrs. I. MONDAY, ]1EaEMSER 'i P — g Steckler Mission Band secretary, s 2 r 1954 on' Come and Worship", winch made their xo rts, all showin Mrs. C. Scotchmer; Baby Band The resident then read ail article The de artment ,secretaries secretary, Mrs. R. Greer. between the hours of. , P one O'clock and two o'clock in - o the afternoon. ' y�,/ Aberdeen An the if necessary, an election to fill the above named IBMEwTION Group Sees Slides ATTAM,Positions or any of Them will be held on n eeaT MONDAY, R. Baker MONDA, dAN(7A:RY 3, 1955 s tRFAR H- JE" S The first banquet sponsored by at the following places and by the following named thr• Grey-Bruce:Huron Aberdeen persons. That is to-sqin 1 hod Is Breeders' s' Underwood, Cattion s P , Y r SD No. 1—Baird s School f sial Bring was done by the Underwood PSD No. 2 --.SS ' Sohoel """ _Cliff Stewart DRQ a 3r. rsRs Women's Institute, A most sumpt- PSD No. 3—SS lk School DUO-JbortFlood / Starting December 1$• 1954 and Vous and generous turkey repast PSD No. 4 7C�vp. ]Flail, Varna DUO—Lloyd Flo PIMA IN DISTI ttl�i E IS�P�AS G9�TS! g was provided by the Institute. PSD No. r> ss s schoolYS DRQ—Frank Neciinchey, Nearly 120 Angus Breeders and PSD No. li--SS 4 School, W DRO -Leonard Talbot CUllt112tllllg until spring 011r elevators their wives were present. PSD No. 7 ---John Denommy's, Guest speaker was Stephen Drysdale .; DRO—Philip Durand will be closed every Saturday,after Stothers, B.S.A., secretary of the PSD No. 8 --Rayfield Town t Ontario Aberdeen Angus Breeders' Hall DRQ—YTarold Brandonnoon. Association, and once agricultural ., repraroeldtatBi ker, BSA riassistant County. it5 commencing at. 9 �.m. and continuing unfit 5 p.m. ' I • agricultural representative for o------ o - - W. G. Thompso'n (�.���Of his Coutrip to showed many slides FRED WATSON, Clerk and V[Lg of his trip to Great Britain and the continent taken when he ac-. 50.1-b Returning Officer, s Cioyt. Dixon eninnanied the Ro al F t { PHONE 349W CLINTON l choose CII DIAMOND EVGAGUAENT RING Perfect because EACH DIAMOND IS CUT $5 BY AN EXPERT Perfect because EACM STONE IS MOUNTED IN EXQUISITE SETTING To ACCENT ITS BRILLIANCE Perfect because EACH RING IS MOULDED OF PRECIOUS PALLADIUM for in combination with a - Gold) FOR LASTING BEAUTY.. AND PERFECTLY PRICED TOO f Terms Can Be Arranged 1u A. ANSTETT for Evenire6g Appointment$ s PHONE 562 CUM Limited HENSALL Y an oui summer. of u --w- vw-uun =uey unoer- PHONE 32 wood, who had charge of the ban- quet arrangements, Hr*1 nam t. o ems¢.. ��W t a s h'' ti @ 2. FOWL `'�a, Sri in k ,3'%5..,� ♦� Y �l�' BINGO "M C1 eHensal.l Town' Hall , rd a-%7- s �u.� .ate s:•;,;.t�:a33y�h>M^•:av'..< . :. ,•,�`. WITH THESE VISION AIDS...i2 R9.0o p.in. ouiads for Chickens In SPECIALS f T vpj SEALED BEAM SPOT LIGHTS or UIilGEYS Door Priaet 'Turkey ADMISSION 50c - N UNITS ' 25c ' DRAW Give maximumlight,long life. Increase safety, re- Streamlined, bright chrome, powerful beam, For Legion Ladies'AnxlUa'iy hostess chair,. duce fatigue. Meta(refiec- Available also without Sponsored by Hensall Branch 468 Canadian Legion tors IRiniMize dangers of breakage, mirror. Easy to operate, 50-b simple to install. 1'` ( WIND- MIRRORS SHIELD WASHER Makes windshield dirt go Large -size, qual,ity- =a't the touch of a toe chromed. Add beauty to Special solvent cleans bug your oar and provide extra spatters. driving safety. We have a complete line of CHI3YCO Accessories to help YOU increase driving pleasure. Drop in and see them i You'll find them high in quality—low in cost .` CHRYCOYs'a trademark of the Chryslor Corporation of Ganodn, Umitod MURPHBROS* CHRYSILIQI�-PLY,M OUTH F;A:RGO Sales and Service P H O N E 4 6 5 " Huron Street CLINTON, ONT., HOW'S YOUR SUPPLY OF FUEL THESE DAYS? Be beady for that quick drop in temper- ature!.- Order your win- ter fuel supply NOW • ORDER FUEL NOW L G. Grigg & Lor 'hone '74-W -- Clintor 350 Stag ecials IGA , ORANGE JUICE 20 oz. . 2 for 27c ; Martin's APPLE JUICE 4. oz ........ ' 25c ' ' IGA — Orange MARMALADE 22 oz. :. 27c SALADA TEA BAW tio'a 71c A D'� I4 tEATIES .. . .. . , . .. -------------- ... chic OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRY SAUCE . ..... 23c IGA—RED MARASCHINO CHERRIES e 23c ANGELUS MARSHMALLOWS .. '. lb. 37c CHALLENGER SOCKEYE SALMON ......... 37c ICA FRUIT COCKTAIL 20 e:,. . ... 31c° Fresh Crinis and Ve tta tiles CHRISTMAS NUB'S & CANDY -at IGA. Low Prices Rumball's IGA Mduket - – PHONE 86 -- By Roe Farms Service Dept. - .a 1