HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-12-16, Page 5THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1954'
Iii en Chroad.urch AVIS Picks Off
lying unattended in the middle of ° Officers;
r use a system of marls in Scotland ��
as The she
3 i use
mals that is Perlia s' even i an �/�� Iiet r�1�1 As President YOUR � � :li
p iitg thea Mrs: E Kyle
otter �r
w than the North American system `\
CANADIAN, ` of branding cattle.' They marts (Ily our llensall,. coriesponiiont) NIrsr E M�s1eBeNxlrsrWe }3e11n Mrs
�' each sheep with a big patch of The following officers'were the
y r
z p tet of St.-0—
, , � u coloring across its back, lust above orated for the 1955 'slate of the R McGregor, Mrs J.:MeLe1Q •
g C
the rumR. Each owner has his Women's, United C rc y,uC18��UARTER ^
own special calor and thus can Andrew's United Church, I�ip rch Colwanosh. Ju>r��or� ++• 1{ 1\r7
�° '' pick out his own sheep even from at the meeting held in the church ,
by W. R. BULLICK, Pwi Pre�ld°nt a considerable distance: Previous- and presided, over by Mrs. Emmer- {
ly this coloring was some' kind of son Kyle, president. To Debating
ONTARIO a tar compound which used to honorary president; Mrs. John p
PLOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION spoil the wool and consequently Sinclair-, president, Mrs 1 mmer- I Pipes — Tobacco Pouches
cut dowri the yield. But lately son Kyle; "vice -Presidents,', Mrs. Contest Held Here
they have begun using a newly- Emmerson Anderson; Mrs. J.' Mc- Contest j J j J
developed coloring 'compound that Lellan, Mrs. R. Consitt; secretary;. • Bored Cigars
Editor's Note will remain as long as it- is need Mrs. Roberti,. McGregor, treasurer, In the Clinton District cently,
lick Camlaehie , HM , ; ed but can be removed at. the Mrs. Morley Cooper;. press, Mrs• iate•Institute an recently;
x William Bul woolen mills. Arnold Gackstetterli secretor Junior Farmers and Berthe toMo gan CIGARETTE LIGHTERS
Ontario, past president of Ont- /
ario Plowmen's Assn., and man- The crops in Scotland are pretty Missionary Mont, ly Y,
agen of
the Canadian plowing crz "' much the same as in all other Mrs; Archie Parsons; Mission of the South Huron Junior Farm �� Ronson - Presto - Fisher
team at the'second-annual world parts of the British Isles and Ire- Band, Miss s D othBehy Turneras-;
ere, were declared by three judges
t land, consisting of such items as sistant, Miss Dorothy Turner; as the best two debaters in a Hu -
plowing iitatch at Killarney, Ire- <' wheat barley, turnips and pota- Baby Band, Mrs. ,Ross Broadfoot; roq,:County Junior Farmers debat- CIGARETTES „in Cartons
land, recently returned to Cana- toes. 'And
,of course the Scots also community friendship, Mrs. A. Me- ing ,and public speaking eompeti-.
da with ;team members:James ys
Bram ton and ,Robert grow t Let grain specialty of theirs W.
JonesasChrist anestewaidsNhip, Iiowick Jun ors was the t p putt
Eccles, P, oats—which are not, f au ns of Mis, N. McLeod; lie speaking contestant.
i" a,c
Timbers, StourfVille. This is such quantity in other p
his third and final report on the such,
:Isles., Supply, Mrs. t Ilan Johnson; The debating competition win-
q a {p
trip Living standards on the average supply committee, Mrs. Arnold ners will b'e eligible to enter .Jun- y
Jamq 18cdu (lay William Bullick Robert TimbersMrs-.A.
Scottish farm don't
seem as high Gackstetter and Parsons; for Farmer . inter -county comped•.
'' thrifty Scots. make use ', of every as: our own, yet the average Scot- pianist, Mrs. : Ross Broadfoot, un- wh e MisseHossfeldtiWill a ter turon he
Some of the most interesting inch of land available. tisk farmer seems',to live' comfort- sistant, Mrs. Harold Jones Sun -
and unusual things we saw on our on bone -car tri ably enough, making use
-of mod- shine, Mrs. Eldon Jarrott. provincial competition for public $,
trip to ,the lowing match were For example,P . ry
• p but m Scot through Loch Lobond area,'in the ern methods and equipment to a M hi Harold
Mrs. E. conducted
neTo onto no among
not m Ireland at all, .
land which we toured before
the Highlands, my two plowmen, Jim considerable extent., worship P
and Bob got out to talk .to a man Scotland has, a custom much the reported for the visiting commit- With six teams competing, ,three
match began as turned out was lanting same as the one I learned about tee and Mrs. J. Sinclair and Mrs. subjects were. debated. Top debat- CijZQCO,IC to
The most notable thing I rem -.who, a ,
Scottish country- trees high on the rock hillside in Ireland and -described a fa r Winston Workman
forDeeemberws- i nd' Ivan McClymonta of the1Clin� by':
ember about the 5 which the where no trees' ever grew before. 'last report, ;that,,€ holding iting — -
side was the way'in Under a• overnment scheme, these day" or market day at regular , Silent prayer was observed in tor. club, who upheld the negative
were er be Left, for agen- intervals,' so farmers can: sell their memory,: of the late Mrs. R. Steph- in the.- topic: Resolved that a LOWNEY'S — NIELSON'S — CADBURY'S
trees w r
oration or more, and then logged livestock and produce dire ct to the enson, a leaf reeevebd.r Mrs Yearly, re -
Ca ad an zfe immigrants"..- Uphold (All in Christmas Wrap)
Off to be made into plumber. He public. ports wer
' g thing. I found
explained that the rig he was tow- One interestn Lellan gave highlights of the' Hu-'ing the affirmative of this topic ELECTRIC' SHAVERS
ing was. a tree planting machine iii Scotland, ahough, was that the roe. Pres6yterxal sectional held' at ,were two Hawick Junior. . Farm -
with a big disc and Piles up what farmer gets generous. subsidies Greenway. Thirty members an- , On the John topic: "Resofirred at the REMING`TON SUNBEAM and PHILISHAVE
little soil there was in .a .ridge. whenever his produce fails to bring swered, the roll call, - e
Mrs. Allan Johnson reported for Present time too many agricul-
_�, _ The trees are planted in this Dar- what the government considers a the bales and Mrs.. R. M. Peek 'lural or-gahizations are having an _
MEI:K�R row redge'of earth. He said they fair price. This is all done accord ave the study. r ,y R.
i. Peck inhibiting effect of influence on 1' ANY pOP WINTERS. have so much rain there that the ing to a grading system; and, for all" was on by James Scott and BO I■ A1�6r
AN R 'MOUSE trees "will: grow on top. of these example, if grade B beef had a sive Christmas candle lighting ser- Canton Strin el; of the Colw.anosh Clinton ng Y
D OIG' furrows, with very little earth cov-1 price set at, say 25 cents a pound vice was held in the charge' of the club who upheld the negative view.
WHEN OUI2 0700 Bring their roots. and the best the farmer could get president. Prayers were offered Speaking on the affirmative were (Reg. Cudmore, Prop.)
NEAT5:UPA We could well believe what the or. the open market was 21 cents, by Mrs. 'J.._ W. McLean; Mrs. E• George Turton and Arnold Alton,
man said about rainfall there, too, then he would receive another Jarrott, Mrs. Winston Workman; Dungannon.. MAGAZINES SMOKERS' SUPPLIES
HOUSE' rQ for it was mid-autumn
and cres of eeuiin1eents a pound from the gov- candle lighting followed for fox- Bert Morgan and Marilyn Mar-
��- b� fields still lead acresnt,-as, a subsidy.- eign:missions—Mrs. A. Johnson shall of the South -Huron Juniors, PHONE 799 — CLINTON
/ uncut wheat standing in them. We A the same•time each farmer and Mrs. Wilmer 'Jones; Mrs. taking the negative view, were
were told later that the Scottish is striving to improve the grade Bruce McGregor lit one for Miss successful over Leverne Godkin _
farmers faced a tough winter of his livestock and produce, be- Ada Bandell, prayer partner. Mrs. and Earl McSpadden, of the Sea-
F� ahead because the rain had pre, cause if he can manage to get an R,, McAllister hf one for three de- for£h club, on the topic "Resolved
- vented them from harvesting much "A" grade, he is automatically parted members in the past year: that club,
is a decided menace eto
their crops. guaranteed a� higher, fixed price the late Mrs. Isaac Jarrott, Mrs. Ontario's youth during their for -
Another thing that amazed us. than is being' for grade "B,' : G. E. Thompson and Mrs. R. mal education.
about the Highlands was the way I'm no . economist, so T can't Stephenson. Other public speaking contest-
---`~ in which the' farmers let their venture an opinion as to how this Mrs J Sinclair led in Christmas ants were Kenneth Bradley, of the Year End
sheep roam away up in those system affects the "economy as acarols `and Joan Sinclair was solo- North -Huron club, and Joyce Lit-
mountains. As high as the eye whole, but it ;must Certainly pro ist for the meeting. Lunch was tle, Dungannon.
could see through'the mist; there vide the _farmer with a Pretty served by'circle two. Judges were Prof, James Scott,
were sheep grazing on'the moun- stable market situation. WA Officers Seaforth, John G. Peacock, of the
i tain grass.Woman's Association officers staff of the Clinton District Col- � HENRY
The Scottish farmer's sheep is HARVEY H. LESLIE HEADS are: 1
honorary president, Mxs. Win- legiate Institute,_and Clarence A. °
• �H�T r just about as free as any domes ONTARIO CREAMERYMEN Ston Workman; president, Mrs. Trott, principal of A/V/M Hugh p
tic animal can be, for few of the Dec. 9—H. H. Leslie, Seaforth, Harold Jones; vice-president, Mrs. Campbell public school, RCAF $1975
i t' Pastures. have fences, and it's a was re-elected. president of •the A, McMurtrie, Mrs, Arnold Gack- Station Clinton. G cylinder, lOc`1ClC'Cl Wltkl extras ..
�o common' experience for drivers to Ontario Creamerymen's Associa- stetter, Mrs. .William Caldwell;
t �• ° 1 Have to stop their cars and honk tion, at .Toronto on Friday.—Sea- treasurer, Mrs. E, McBride; sec- —0—
a heard of sheep 'standing or I forth News. 'Mental Patients in institutions.
and psychiatrist units outnumber 1951 � 6& FORD Mainfine99 Sedan
all the patients in all the public
tan ..
i p •V s% � hospitals of Canada by more than $1175
tenper cent. ....................................................... ........... ...... .....
SE LL L®VE„ IECTOD99 .-�.....J
o Insured 1954HENRY J
Il�il Representative:
Sun Ufa Assurance Co of Canada g
Office: Royal 'Bank Buil.
Office 50 - PHONES -Res. 9W $1475-00
Bank of Montreal Building
PHONES: Office 251W; Res. to McPherson Bros*
Insurance Real Estate 111 i
• g Agent: Mutual Life Assurance Co.
� ---
gA•ISER��'IlC.LYS SALES and Service
�— insure the "Co-op" Way Front -End Alignment — Wheel Balancing
i W. V. ROY
District. Representative{ CLINTON
Box 310 Clinton, Ontario
Phone Collect PHUNI;
Office 557 Res. Usi
Pl. HOWARD, Bayfield.
Record Player Toaster ' pie:sici�cieReessRsi¢i+sa+a±�iei o
Phone Rayfield 53r2 0
Perfect toast every' time. Car -Fire - Life - Accident 13
Music you want when you Wind Insurance Fresh Cut Christmas Trees
Give the. whole family a. treat tfTWs want- It. Pop-up Models with Automatic If you need
ol cy ce, i have °
' Christmas with a new $29+9'S up browning controls, � °
'T Set frown Mer mill � FIRE T1�TSURANCE COMPANY
Head Office: Seaforth.
Officers 1954: President, John
Radio and Electric H: McEwing, Blyth; vice. presi-
- dent, Robert Archibald, Seaforth; S C O T C H
secretary -treasurer and manager, SPRUCE'
TABLE MODELS and CONSOLES M. A.Reid, Seaforth. P 1 N E
^ Directors: John H. MLeon-
Robert Archibald; Chris. eon- °
Priced as low as hardt, Bornholm; E. J. Trewartha, BALSAM
-- Clinton; Wm. S. Alexander, Wal-
al ton, J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Har- q
T7.��]]J 7Her-
vey Fuller, Goderich; J. E. Pepper.
I''OOd 1Vhxers Brucefieid; Alister Broadfcot; Sea -
Combination Agents Wm. Leiper Jr., Landes- " d
Mixes, mashes, whips, beats, Sandwich Toaster and � baro; J. F.` l?rueter, Brodhagen;
stirs blends uices etc. Selwyn. Baker; Brussels; Eric
r Munroe; Seaforth.
? from $20.951 to $58.95: 'oaf f le Iron °
O Get .Tho Facts
Phone 168 —• Zurich
Investors Mutual
Mged and Distributed by,
Investors Syndicate of
H.INI "EE. RAMOSe- Canada Ltd. �
11y o, A. L. COLE, R.O.
Eyes Examined ai
and Glasses it it vx `
Goderich -Phone 33'
PIIILCO Automatic 1 :
Electric, Irolc>t t�ic,Roaster
CROSLEY [�i1tOYl1a SEAT sday, Weekdays except
� Wednesday, 9' a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
° 1' licit control dial, has � cam-. OVen Tues Thurs. Fri., 9' a. in. }}
from to 5:50 P.M.
plete range of fabric Saturday, "
settings. Cooks and Bakes 9 a.m. e 9 Studio
�P Mondays only, from s Stumto
$22.95 up u $1295 up 54.50a.m.
p to 5.30 p.m,
PHONE 791. SEAFORTH tt e <l l
J��+Y.'t�"ti ot�tH.(»°��-�$k�"�?�{li,�E;t4Yi6tGr�"+�t�E,�-t',�CiF4.� �su�� .mmni'�t6.Rs!�a?e-�a! - .►+.►++dr+w++eh .. � ,�.�Fi�%�,.
Merrill 4 Britannia, Rd. (corner'South St) BALL • �yy
Telephone 1011 -MA.CAULA 8
CLINTON Gonia RI�>. ' ON's.
PHONE CG}�e �ESe �ny From A Service Dealer" ONTARIO REAL ESTATE
LEONARD G. WINTER Cement Lumber Lime
Real Estate and Business Broken -_ _, $EAFORTH
'%-k -MANS Phone; Office 448; Res. 599' f