HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-12-16, Page 4AGE FOUR CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1954
%,xtnton Newsow�ecard From Our Earl Files !
First Isaiie Jwie 6, 1865 "i`'' First issue (Huron News 410' ® Will remain
January 1'881 The Clinton New Era The Clinton News -Record ' , Open until' 9 p.m.
4Ti ursdaY, Dece,n,Uor 10, 1914
Amalgamated 1924 1 Thursday, December 1?.,. 1929
The officers of the 33rd Regi- EN Most Sellers of Foodstuffs
W Independent Newspaper devoted to the Interests of the Town of Clinton and.Surrounding District Ment„assembled in Clinton o J. H. Wylie was 87 years old on ”
Population, 2,548;, Trading Area, 10,000; Retail Market, $2,000;000; Rate, 4:5c per line flat day, December 4, fox the uzpose Tuesday, WiII remain open until 9 p.m.
Sworn Circulation — 2,01E of expressing then appreciation to J. J. Allan, who at one time on December 22, 23 and 24.
Home of Clinton RCAF Station and Adastral Park (residential} Capt. ,Sale, of his enthusiasm n conducted a drug business o d Of
MEMBER: Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association; Ontario -Quebec Division, CWNA; enlisting m the second contingent. ton, was elected to the board of �
Western Ontario Counties Press Association The Clinton Knitting factory control of the City of Ottawa last NITES
Retail Merchants
• � � ° has started on an eight-hour a day week,
advance—Canada and Great Britain, $2.50 a year; schedule. -Charles McIntosh, a respected Committee of the
United States and Foreiga: $350, Single Copies Six Cents Jay Holmes of the Huron 'Road resident of Hullett Township and
1 r to AF Statici and Adastral Park -25 cents a month; seven cents a copy• is attending the, Clinton School of father: of J. P. McIntosh and Miss SHOP TIL 9 Clinton and District
Dallvered by aarrAuthorized as second class mail,Post Office Department, Ottawa Commerce for«the winter term, Mary McIntosh, Clinton, celebrat- TIL CHRISTMAS Chamber of Commerce
Published EVERY THURSDAY, at CLINTON, Ontario, Canada, in the Heart of Huron ,County Frank Walker, Winnipeg, is ed' his 100th' birthday on Wednes-
spending the 'winter at his home day of last week.
here. " Police MagistrateJ.
THURSDAY DECEMBER 16; 1954 Mrs. J. `Leslie Kerr returned W l' Andrews
last week from her visit with her and Mrs: Andrews will" celebrate
parents in Toronto. the 50th anniversary of'their mar -
Rev. Mr. Powell gave his lime- ri e • Kenneth Tuesday.
TRIS WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS SEASON light views in the Methodist kedRoberton spent the
Church,. Constance, on Monday weekend with his parents in town.. NOTICE
THE CHRISTMAS SEASON' is here again. evening.
Fred Elliott, London, was at his
home in town offer the weekend,
This is that bright wonderful exciting time The Clinton News Record that s. Mr, and Mrs. W: J. Elliott. rye 7
of year when we . are all ready for Sanaa . . and :he's Thulasdayi December 10, 1914 Mrs. J. Torrance.anit Miss 1VI&ud There, �, Wlll J➢i `1\ O M7�� I�L'i1Vey OY7
coming to `Clinton this Saturday for• a preview visit before It is expected that the I-lullett Torrance leave ey 'to-wrraw for To -
coming y ac- route„ where they will spend the „December 25 OI' January l
that, night of nights tmas 'Eve: r f .
Council will be returned b winter.
clamation. 'Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Grant, left
Santa. is making his first'special trip at the invitation. Miss Jean Mustard has return- last week for Florida to spend the • } • + •
of the• Clinton ' and District Chamber of Commerce . and ed from New York and is at home winter. Clintou 'Dairy '- Fairholme D ky
e at present. Miss Belle Dra er, Brantford,
the Town,
the Legion; and the Lions have already promised' The German cruisers , Scharn p
help financially . . . Many of the business men ur town _ �4l horst, •Gneissneau and Leipzig spent `the weekend at her home ' 50-1-b
have" volunteered their help in planning the parade r ,a> y :xl. went, down with most of their men m 'town.
and to assist Santa in receiving his small guests at the: x in the South Atlantic by British
-UM:' squadrons.
Town Hall. f: r British' ships are shelling Ger-" t s
On that same 'day, Saturday, December 18 there man positions on the Belgian �, �;
will, be- the last of three free shows in the Roxy Theatre . coast.
Many persons from here attend-
ttend �yg
for children under 12 years of age and this will be ed the Guelph Winter Show last' fie a
shown right, after the youngsters have Iliad a chance to week, s ` :� F r
visit with Santa Claus. William Snell, Hullett Township, tF t
won the prize for the best steer a •
The stores are gay. with sparkling decorations of 'the �%� i "��`�� h
p g or heifer, two,years and under, at^ro �.w.ff4lifiy
season the; shelves are loaded
with . gifts to make the Guelph Winter Show. The"�
Christmas giving more fun than ever! Whether you shop prize wa soffered by the Huron'�h.
in Clinton or in the villages and hamlets surrounding us..• County Council.,
(Bayfield, Varna, Brucefieid;...1-lolmesville, Londesboro; Sum- 10 YEARS AGO
merhill) you'll find: your fellow, shoppers aglow with the Clinton News -Record "
Christmas spirit. 'That's why you'll enjoy malting your gift
, . AB Maurice Maguire, RCNVR, <.,:.- �' x <� a)�s • �;.;
shopping headquarters in the stores that supply your wants a is spending 'a few days leave at.
his home in Clinton, having just
throughout the year. t
returned from overseas.'
You'll find the sales -people the friendliest . , values - Kenneth Whitmore, the editor `
the greatest extra holiday services—complete! So shop and proprietor of 'The Blyth
Standard" underwent an operation r '
now ... in your local stores for p
THE MERRIEST CHRISTMAS EVER. for appendicitis in the Clinton
Public Hospital on Monday. Mrs.
Whitmore got the paper out this
week with the assistance of a for-
A LIFE WILL BE SAVED mer proprietor, J H R. Elliott.
Donald Ward Bill Ducasse, Bill
THIS IS THE TITLE of a recent editorial "And tomorrow, this will happen because Shearing, Cameron Maltby, all re-
ceivad proficiency awards at the
the Cornwall Standard Freeholder., It reads: ,today -somebody -Is reading these lines. regular meeting of the .Clinton
"Tomorrow a life will be saved, Tomorrow "Some one will remember these words to- Wolf Cub pack on Thursday even-
car will approach a stop street—and stop. morrow and be a little more careful. ing, s
"A' driver will glance at his speedometer "It could be any one able to read and It is rumoured that all mem-
em ease his foot off the accelerator—and an able'to drive, bers of council are seeking 're-
election. Reeve Falconer will be
evident will have been prevented, "This life which will be Saved may be that seeking a third term and will be
"A child will dart from behind a hedge or of an obscure workingman, or a person of opposed by Coun. Melvin Crich. aa`' "lir` %°si �CtlyAop'�4'
parked car. An approaching driver will see wealth. It may be that of a baby or a debu- Miss Gertrude Holmes, R.N.,
im in time because he will have been looking tante, a ne'er-do-well or a youth of promise. It London, spent the weekend at her .
home in town.
him. may be your mother's or your wife's, It may A/B John MacLeod arrived on
"A pedestrian will start, _across a busy be your son's or your neighbor's. It may even Saturday from an Eastern Canad--
treet, remember and wait—and the morgue will be yours!" ian port to spend a 28 -day leave.
ave been cheated of another victim.. Sgt. -Ken Rg.at t RCAF` Mont-
real, is visiting at the home of his lr0 ,�OY'1iFG'l"--c�ds�®mets of the
- "Somewhere ata party tomorrow'raght a, Season FOS' Poets uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rowden
an will drink a final highball, sway a little Misses Helen Crich, Mary Hu- a�®ERICH TQINNSH�P MUNICIPAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM
nd ask his wife to drive. He'll be drunk, but CHRISTMAS with its bright colors makes die and Ruth Middleton and John
Cook are practice teaching this
live. Death may, not take a holiday tomorrow, poets of us all. It was the colors of the rain- week at Clinton Public School.
ut there will be one less story in the paper, vow that made a poet of Wordsworth when he now served b
e less headline to write, one less figure to sang a g3;�aew�ezags t&a aq s
d to amounting total. "My.heart leaps up when I behold THE BELL TELEPHONE EOMPANY
"It is not .possible to, tell where this aeci- A rainbow in the sky:
tit which could have happened did not happen. So was it when my life began; Santa ta
It could,have been on a long, level wide So is it naw I am a man; f On December 16, Goderich. Township Munic pal .Tele-
ighway, or a hedge -marked intersection.It So be it when I shall grow old, phone System joined the Bell Telephone family, and
uld have been in the busy centre of a city. or let me diel • We're happy indeed to welcome and serve all our new
could have been on a dark, narrow, winding The child is father of the man; Says: telephone friends. As always with our customers, we
try road. No one knows—or ,will ever And I could wish my days to be will bring you the best -possible telephone service at
now, There will be no sign to mark the spot Bound each to each by. natural piety. the lowest possible cost. We look forward to, many
here the death car which was not a death years of pleasant associations with our new customers.
drove quietly by. That could be said or sung about the The Best Gift
"But tomorrow night, somewhere, a human colorful season of Christmas, which. takes tits
ing—a man, a woman or a child—will go back to the simple faith and wonder of child- �� A�� If you call any of the former Goderich Township
ut his every -day affairs, never knowing hood—a faith and a wonder that were born ISA SUBSCRIPTION Municipal numbers,, the operator will tell you the new
cath passed him by. into our world with the Christ Child. n
Clinton telephone umber. For your own convenience,
to the as, you learn these new numbers, jot. them down in
T I h N b If 'd M_
Buyer and General
Managers Passmore's
FOLKS..Textile Mill ,End
H E. PAssmouE
Proprietor We_ were engaged. by The
Passmore Stores Ltd. Canada •Permanent gust Comp-
any, Woodstock, Ontario, to con-
duct a sale ,in. the store of the late W. C. Brown, for the
purpose' of liquidating his Dry Goods -stock.
Mrs. Kennedy, Mr. Raymond Palmer (in charge of �
Advertising and°'Supplies) -and myself, want to thank the a
people for their patience, courtesy, and friendliness, while. �
We twrere in Clinton. It made/our visit very pleasant. We
would also like to. thank our, staff of fifteen sales 'people,
who were most co-operative.
Our firm, operating under the name of Passmore's i
Textile Mill End Stores, is located in Woodstock, which is
the Head Office, in Stratford at: 77 Ontario St., and in
Londori at the Corner of Hamilton" Rd. and Rectory St.
We specialize in 'Fabrics cs, Remnants, Mill -Ends etc, Feel
free to call In at antime you are in any of these cities,
and look around. We Will 'be pleased to serve• you. a
111. E ,Pt9S l�®R1C+,
Passmore Stores 1.imite� .
��jCd$®ilE �eo1ilS��C®1d your Blue`Book of cep one um ers, you !
a' new FREE copy—regular or pocket, size—just call
."The Home paper With or visit our Business Office,
the News"
(A handsome 'gift card will be
expense to you.) �®
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