HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-12-16, Page 2?AGE TWO CLrW r�"++ar+�+••++�+ Repeating the Lord's* Prayer and the "Glad Tidings" prayer in unis- on. ori: News O •� i ubu." d prayer wa lesson, meditation v' � Mt■ and prayer .was taken by Mrs. +'•'•'"-+ Herb Govier. A pleasing -duet was Rober sung by Miss Sadie Carter {and ed race Mrs. D. A,, MacKay'and and Mrs. R. Mrs. R. D. Munro who under- Church this Sunday evening at Frank Z ant an operation in Toronto Gen Z30 p.m: It is hoped that "every- J•' ;P,hillips gave a piano instru- mental. The program and study tl hospital, has returned home., one will be present to sing the. The The Horticultural Society decid- carols, book .were in the charge of Mrs, of SS11 I not to ,sponsor a "Decorate J. Houston and Mrs, Don Hames. will be our Premises" contest this ear, Knox `W1VIS The treasurer reported to date day eve y- $156.85 had been raised. The so-�Iat - v The Christmas meeting,; of the; „ , eielii )r prizes, but they hope eery tle will do some decorating in Women's', Missionary. Society of eeping'with Christmas. Knox Presbyterian Church was held at the home of Mrs, 'Fred' Community Carol Service Ross.on Thursday with 21 present. The annual community carol The, president, Mrs, W. Good pre- rvice will beheld in the Baptist sided and the meeting opened by ON SAVINGS 0 MP THE, PREMIER TRUST COMPANY s 428 liichmond Street, London, Ontario Telephone 4.2116 �rt3raaetdwarci�tettfl�Ct'���tei�iHie+�ia�+ ItoHISS 4�' ..F jRt.,- • Yy :.,ice H c �r c � c� 4 aff/ e' e WESTINGHOUSE SMALL APPLIANCES AUTOMATIC TOASTERS ................. $29.50 STEAMand DRY IRONS ................ 21.95 RADIOS ...................... .......' 29,50 and up . ~ FOOD. MIXERS ...:,... .........:.... .49.95 ELECTRIC TEA KETTLES .............. 13.50 MENU -MASTER ......... ........:....... 14.50, Clinton. Electric Shop -•xour Westinghouse Dealer" PHONE 470 CLINTON and of thanks was 'read from the The amily of the late -Mrs. Bern}ce Holmes, Aonck. in the Mrs. D. A, MacKay invited' the ,meeting adies to her.home for the January Bobby neeting. iMrs Govier offered theu as in losing prayer. The hostess and which < firs. W. Bradnoek served refresh- nents. 'Hark, (Intended for last week) ollow P • o. Nan Jess Walden quietly observed his q o e an '&th birthday on Monday, mas sty Miss Jetrid Anderson, R,N., Port thew :olborne isisitin her, v g drs. W. T.. Robison. prayer. visitors at the home of Mr.. and, article qrs. John Houston were Misses The 1 Vlary Houston Hamilton; Francis was sur .Iouston London Jean Houston peace s and Jean Jamieson; Toronto a pian, Mr and Mrs J R Weii and read th Pamrly, London, spent the weekend 'of offfe with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. MacKay. A ca Dr. B. C. - Weir, who has been and the visiting in London, :returned home the lee ,with them.. Mrs. I WA Annual meeting The annual, meeting of the Wo-,ent Nil man's Association of Auburn Unit- diction. ed Church', was held on 'Tuesday Offic evening with the .'"Knox Helpers" for obe9t group m charge. Mrs. Carl Mills let]_ the meeting with Mrs. C. CLeonar • dent, Washington atthe _piano. The Barbar. Scripture. reading was given by :Yeo; Mks. Oliver, Anderson and Mrs, .James Alvin Plunkett led in grayer. •• secreta . Mrs. C. C. Washington gave a Cathie report on the semi-annual; We- Frank man's Association Presbytery con- vention held at Centralia recently. mittee: A duet was sung by'Mrs. Elliot ,Franlcl. Lapp and Miss Margaret Jackson, Charlet accompanl'ed by ,Mrs. James Jack- Gahwe son. A reading entitled, "Diamonds Squire: at our Door" was :elven . by' Mrs.- Potter, Mfrs. C. Straughan. The business period was i charge of the ,president, Mrs. Craig. Following the usual ness period, Mrs. B. Craig on Rev. C. C. Washington t duct the election of officer year 1955.' t ' Following is the list of of �N dLMESR Er r r /gyp 'Mrs.D. YILLE I PORTER S , HILL. mittee, Mrs. Wilmer Harrison and John 14IcCowan, Mrs, Allen Bet- McDougall; work commit- ,les, tee, M s, Reid Torrance, Mrs. Aus- The meeting closed with the tin , Harris, Mrs. Peter 1larrison, Mizpah benediction and lunch was Mrs: William Townshend, Mrs. served by the hostess: +�"`����""'• "`!�'•'�' +•�+-.-�+r-.+a. Bezeau, 'Kitchener, 'visit- My with - Mr. and Mrs. Carol Service 6'Cullough. `The YPU";are .holding a Carol Cudmore; secretary, vener did a very competent Job. -o; treasurer, Franklin Roll call was answered by giving setvice' on Sunda evening, Concert Y, g, Id, Friends secretary, a gift to the church kitchen: nnual Christmas concert ember 10, at 8.p,m. 'Everyone_is ;ullough; corresponding The meeting voted• $25 to the �. 3 (Holmesville, Schoal), invited ,to come out and join in Ing in the school on Tues- this service. Eng, December 21`, starting School Concorli CLINTON L j� j jVl (�'j TON j�/�•EMO�Ay SHop c ad- ' pupils and teacher of: S.S. L helock; teacher of this sS , Ghe oderich Township; are busy Mission Band preparing for their Christmas con- ' '0 P E N E V E R Y. F R I D A Y Uilhelmine Mission Band, cert: to be held on Wednesday, Elle': United` Church, 'met I)eeember 22: `At other times contact .'J. J. Zapfe, e. >chool for :'their regular S.S. Concert on Friday; ,December 3. The Sunda school of Grace Un- Clinton iO3. i?esidenee,: Rattenbury Street East, 'Trigg, first . vice-president, iced Church held their annual onita Williams, Cathie er the election' of officers which charge., of the meeting, Christmas concert on Friday. ev- tend ,iwtth the singing of ening of last week. A splendid �+ T.PRY 1 , ill 1 �L' and SON the; Herald Angels Sing", program was presented with Rev. b the ission and r - M B u Y . Peter Renner actin as chairman, man. CLIFTON EXETER - SEt�RT,H i Santa Claus arrived at the -close of _ Haughton read he hris - t C t g th e . program and the ,distributed. ry as told by St. Mat- gifts;, - ar3 'd�tar hriiaar ti5iatbt9ihr + rlrr°�avY2aet�r rrr t nib r +Or rwr asnadr lar. 11 nd Marilyn Yeo led m WA Annumeeting !Franklin Yeo ea .read an The, annual meeting of the Wo - in Temperance. man's Association of G ace United ymn '1lwayin a, Manger"• Church ryas held last Wednesday k d g, andaDonald Yeo read a a't`the home` of Mrs. A. Lockhart. ory: Cathie Potter :.played The president, Mrs. John McCow- solo.. Mrs. McCullough r in IF it's f was char a of the meting K g names of the 1955 slate Chris opened with ging ur niture rs, , ., . ca d Mrs. tin Christmas carols and Mrs. Austro of sin -`son was en' g g toyed, Harris led in.,prayer. stud y period, was taken by • Scripture, lesson :was read by ' - lers, Mrs. Jack Yeo' and Mrs. Donald Harris. The usual rank McCullough. , The secretary -treasurer's report was YouC t✓P closed with the carol! Sil- given and also a splendid report ht" .and the Mizpah bene- on, the year's activities. The .have ^"V ill treasury showed a neat balance. rs for the Mission -Band after all bills' were -paid. DIlIn& ;.are as follows: president, Conveners of the various -com- gg; -first vice-president, mittees gave their 'reports and Io.r -dill ilson; second vice-presi- Mrs. Alvin-Bettles as card eon- + t q' Cudmore; secretary, vener did a very competent Job. -o; treasurer, Franklin Roll call was answered by giving CI1T1StIYlcL$'"-- iy,y.: Id, Friends secretary, a gift to the church kitchen: ;ullough; corresponding The meeting voted• $25 to the 3obby Norman; pianist; M & M Fund and $200,00 to the ttter, assistant; Mrs. Board of Stewards.. Cullough;- peace. com- --A crib quilt was, during a a a rrp n p Ca Beattie Orniture a quilted dwar.,d' McCullough, the afternoon bringing the total' Nt Nt �' Yeo Leonard` Wilson, number of crib quilts made during 1Plaughton, Dominique the yea rto 31: tem erance, Mary Mrs. Austin Harris presided ov- p onita Williams, Cathie er the election' of officers which lul Cudmore, Marron 'resulted' as follows: president, Mrs. YU1A $s ! s re- Lerbold. A, Lockhart; first vice-president, a t and Mrs. Itay. Cox; second .vice-presi- ' [ a A` h included a so.o by Mrs. Gordon dent, Mrs.' Bill Cox; third vice- i44 n the Taylor, accompanied by Mrs. R. J. president, Mrs. Gordon Manning;. Will. Be Bert Phillips, secretary -treasurer; Mrs. Peter busi- Mrs. Taylor gave the highlights Harrison; pianist, Mrs. William called Cox, card convener, Mrs. Gordon of the year's , work accomplished to duct Manning; sick and visiting. com- CO7[ viliced , by the society which has a mem ,? bership of 67. During the year It etings were held with M4Master, Seaforthi CONSTANCE Lane, Clinton and Mrs. ad as guest speakers, theire is lueny A rose tea wa- -- ' - vice the home- of N sec- MLTveen, and .gall, was held in SE iyl Miss ciety has .two Miss village which R. D.: village. - vs. C. Mrs. W. T. R visit- the meetinga kson;"na 1 Sid Lansing. a Lunch was served by "Knox: Helpers" group and` a sopial time was enjoyed. The benediction was pronounced by Rev. C. 'Cs Wash- ington ..Horticultural Clitb Mrs. Raymond Redmond was fguest speaker at the annual meet- ing of the Auburn Horticultural Spciety held last week in Forest- ers Hall. Mrs. Redmond'took her audience on an imaginary trip from San Francisco to Australia telling of the beauty and mM'_"1"_ . ' giorrn mere, also showed a'vote ( for her numbers rn June l Mrs' F. 0. . R. Jewitt has been taken to Stratford hospital. . 'lower show p er, The so- Mumps are still. the order of beds in the the day in this vicinity, beautify. the The many friends of Mr. Adams; are pleased to hear he is able to presided for move • around after his recent ill- )pened with mess. zasurer, Mrs; Mr, and Mrs. James Attwood a her report and family, Windsor, spent the $479.34, ex ', weekend at the home of Mr. and th' a balance Mrs. Grimoldby. !son thanked The Christmas .tree concert will iters for the be held in. the Sunday School she had re. room of the. church, on December n nF nfRi 21. Everybody is welcome:- Synlpath is extended to Mr, e c- and Mrs. Austin Dexter and Mr. as and Mrs. Charles Dexter in the loss of their brother, Thomas F. C: Adams, Londesboro. s. W. ,Visitors at the home of Mr. and R. 'Taylor, ;Zlrs. 13 a. Keri Sco'ttp^retort Mrs R,: J Phillips t.C M.. $traughan for one ja%lgrs. Edgar Lawson, S ''F i a its, Mrs: kl.. L. a urdy, Mr sc R , D. Munro and Ar- thur Yunggbint; ,for two ears, Mrs. H. 1Vlogridge, Mrs, J. Hous. ton Mrs D. Fowler, Mrs, William Straughan Mrs Raymond Red- mond Auditors are;Miss M. m Jack - Sol. and Mrs, Sidney Lansing; and pianist Mrs R •J Phillips' BE;! a t ti e 'Iff" u r ;i *1 t u r e Phone 184W ' rar>;r��m"rR��uriSre7eun�a9raRtTM�rlat9tt�a�rkhU`t�ibt`�^�t'�h7sh�19th�1�t�tbikalY�z;>trt'"rat€'ter`�'+h`kl+rat9a�7:hYehr7la�'t�9�r9tr`�'r`�rz'7ria UO"UALITY RVICE !I i 'ate, a.a � i rasm. iiaataiaa u 2 imsi�aaSeveral contests were conducted rlathtar i tas t r9i9r ar r sia� lt9 aawr9r�arx sr � r2rbi3r� ruavr ��la�ly rStbubswr9+aavihi tsi r by'Mrs. W. T Robison and -Mrs, Our h �` bL Sturdy. A lunch was served, n ! y Mrs. A. Nesbitt, Mrs, A. Cam - y T iA bell, Mrs, Bert Craig, Mts. Frank ° " f er : Jr,i . BQ' �c�� iJ c Rafthby, Mrs. Roy. Easom. y��p" �tts a �i�J���:t��� � � s ' ie ' �1 11 Gifts fir' PICTURE ALBSJMS- 011 gpp 1.25 to 2.50 9p. 0 ' a 5 Are SET OT ASH TRAYS in rash, t: w` a a ° with PLASTIC PLAYINGi' 20 v fii . ✓� l CARDS --4 tr s-2 declts TV­yT , 6 Suggestive " Dards 4.25 } a BILLFOLDS Varioue colors FLASHLIGHTS 1.85 grg,A� �jj 1.69 to 7.50 CRIBBAGE BOAUbi ...., 1.85 �0 For KEY CASES .... 1.55 x o GG 8p CIGARETTE CASES, 1.25 3.00 Zd ^S Ch Immediate SMILES N CHUCKLES CIGARETTE' LIGHTERS $1 up YOU CHOCOLATES SHAEFER PENS and a seryl kl PEETTE ..OLL to . 1,ro 99 Gift Wrapped CIGARETTE ROLLERS .1.25 CAN ice $1:25 to $3.00 VA ��BOTTSEs _- 8 up DO IT OAK 111) CIN r k a YOUR IN YOUR LOCALITY And ;,i, r Electric Razors - Q ti CHRI5T/6tAS t° FOR 1 I Stu, Scam- THISi _ g BEAUTIFUL i _ s i)rrt 121litishave i ti SHOPPING Estate PlanningrAe111�5. ; t Shaving Sets- " ;: a and Wills MOTOROLA >:?':: :;<y HERE jI- b Bachelor, Yardley, Woodbury > Investmentn and Se:,forth 95o up TV :» Management and ' isory Service Adv" SET ' ; • - 3 a/ /o oA Guarai2teed Children's Suggestions T1NG PADS .. 4.95 to 7.05 J ANIMAL SOAPS . 99c " Investments 11ATHROOM SCALES .. $10.05 MANICURE SETS .. 1.50 WiN ^� - Zi�% On'SQVIng$ DRE ETIC BAGS Co TS $: O98o BRINGS FOND MEMORIES WALLETS .....E . 1.69 s HAUL BRUSHES 1.50 S A KODAK for Christina aUTEX NAIL SETS :.....,.., 80a FREE $SER SETS .. 7.95 to 15.00 IN FUTURE YEARS BUBBLE BATH Plastic A deposits may be CUTEX NAIL SETS, $1.' to $5. Holiday Camera 3.110 a , , ...... $1.00 mailed BATH POWDERS .,. L50'& up With Flash 9.50 B •..,r PIGGY Bag #ull of Bubblo DRAW CoLO(#NES 1.00 to 3.75 Movie Camera 45.75 Bath ......... .......... 1.00 NEW Real Estate Services PERFUMES ..... 85cto6.50 Pony 135 Camera .............. 35.75 SOAPS boxed 51% to 2.50 Tourist Folding 26.50 TICKET 1955 For rom t attention call BATH SALTS 98o to 3.50 'Hawkeye, with Flash 12.45 P P Duoflex Camera............ .... 17.95 Musical - Powder Byes WITH COSMETIC SETS FIt1SII BULB rrtt COLOR FILMS for all with your favorite tune 21 INCHi 1LAYE stp0T>JRS�N �ABUNY..:.. 2.50 iii 7. O, IES, ]0'a ....... 1.70 4.95 and 6.95. EVERY 50 110118all, Phone 515o to 50 6 Ou��a6�t3tC4s Z�+ �N' MOTOROLA YARDLEY..... ...... 1.85 to 10.00 CHRISTMAS CARDS $1.00 or 47il (GERMAY) 1,75 BOXED CARDS ..;. 40c to 1.50 TV 1vOODBURY ..1,00 any omee of SHULTON 1.00 SINGLE. CARDS 5c to 1.00 PURCHASE TUSSY i.s0 & up IrStB� ts uu�$r"!IP6.45Ttkt4iR.Qt0ADRIENNIGUARANTY sl Gift Wrappings PAPER . 10e lse 25o - 69c ' * �p L TRUST RIBBONS 10c - 25c This c�►�i'i�! 1be YO R Christmas }�'yli�• TRUST Shavin"g Brushes TAGS & SEALS .50e,>1bc, Me COMPANY OP CANADA Nylon and Badger Bristle PLASTIC SNOW' BOWMS �+ 1.00 to- 7.50 89c & $1.39' i" ronoivro . � etotvTasnr. We Will Pack • orrnwn . WINDSOR We will'gladly - , sch xtncnrsn ttuus . svn>ivaY ', Christmas Wrap • • Newco �� Phmm ® Your Parcels of ft r Lad snu m sru Nee Your Gifts; g For MailingAt CALGAflY • VANCOUYEa. •. Chemist and Druggist n dI No Charge. No Charge to you PHONE 51 ' • ` aitabixyli9aiir2a;tYi±i3sn5vr9r9a8i5irlhrphaSnSq�ihi�r36altat3rt,`"zo�iiyr or9ihi9t8t�rial3rbiayi9r�a3tibi �rhet,�rrw�;���iOR�.�t;iCt+��#u�p�Rtc#t4tri'.�R:R+6�GnG,�4�i.> t�t0ist�ra�t0i �OtarBi�ir&r3s -