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Clinton News Record, 1954-12-09, Page 10
president, Mrs, John Middleton; vice-president, 'Mrs; Fred Midddle- Goderiek Townshi ton, secretary, Mrs, Ray Wise; p - tresurer, Mrs. Edward Wise; Dor yam+ cas committee, Mrs. Oliver Cole and Mrs. Arnold Miller; card con - School Conceit vener, Mrs, Charles Cooper; bir- The annual Christmas concert of thday box convener; Mrs. Bert S;S• No. 9 (Tipperary) School Rowden; program committee, Mrs..: will be held Saturday evening, Milton Stepe and ' Mrs. Stewart December 18, at 8 o'clock. The Middleton; press secretary, Nfrsc community is urged.q attend afid Stewart Middleon, encourage the teacher `. and pupils Mr. Outerbridge • closed t h e in their efforts. meeting with Litany and Lord's WA Annual Prayer after which the hostess The annual meeting of,the Wo- served lunch. mens' Association: of; Si. James' .,....d.� Church Middleton, was held on Wednesday afternoon, December 1, VARN i at the home of Mrs. John Grigg ` 1I�CIIiiJi with 13 women present. The president, Mrs. John Mid- dleton conducted the opening ex- Mr. and Mrs. W ,Clarke, were ercises. Mrs. Olive Cole read the in London, Thursday evening, at - Scripture lesson. The secretary, tending the Reliance Christmas Mrs Ray Wise read the minutes party held in Hotel London. of the last meeting and of the last WUS Meetiing ; annual . meetingingShe also tread a The Varna Woman's _ Mission-. o re the _ R7re of a Bedford, Engtana, tnanxmg me matt had charge of the prog W.A. for. their farewell gift of a with Mrs: charge s Coleman maple leaf brooch studded with Mrs. George. Stephenson rea rhinestones. from the Missionary; Monthly The annual reports were receiv-14Irs. George Reid giving the p ed showing all obligations met ers. A hymn was sung and w and approximately $5Q on hand. the offering was being recti, Mrs. Oliver Cole presented a Mrs. G. Stephenson gave a p splendid report and .Mrs..Charles solo, which was followed by an Cooper; as card convener, dida er hymn. very competent job. Mrs. G. Reid then took chs rs. " The birthday box netted, six of the business. The minute: dolla The meeting voted.$10 each to the November meeting were 3and' adopted, seconded by Mrs... the church organists, Mrs. John Coleman: There were 18 answer - Middleton and Mrs, Bert .Bowden ed the roll call and 20 calls to and, $5 to fireman Don Middleton, shut-ins were reported, The 'text faithful service, mere tokens of thanks for most word for January will be a New ht.'s thou The election of officers resulted yearg in the unanimous return of the 'Mrs, Percy Johnson and Mrs. 1954 officers as follows; hon. presi- Lee McConnell were appointed,to dent, Mrs, Warren Outerbridge; visit the sick. in January. Rev. T. J. Pitt had charge of the election of officers for 1955. They are as follows: honorary ���p president, Mrs. T. J. Pitt;' presi CALL IN I°ai�t% dent; Mrs. A. Coleman; vice-nresi- dents, Mrs, W. Webster, Mrs. E, �p���. McChnchey, Mrs. R. Taylor, Mrs. 'E US ABOU i G. Stephenson. x�r Secretary Mrs. H. Hayter; treas- YOUR PROBLEMS urer, Mrs.. W. Webster;correspon- ding secretary, Mrs. S. Ifeyes; on, missionary monthly, Mrs. Gladys Coleman; supply secretary, Mrs. EAVESTROUGHING Ralph Stephenson; Baby Band, Mrs. E. McChnchey, Mrs, Lee Mc- - Connell, Mrs. Gordon Johnson; ELECTRICAL WIRING temperance secretary, Mrs. 'Percy Johnson; org Christian stewardship, AIR-CONDITIONING Mrs. Hill• anist, Miss Rachel Johnson Mrs. •Pitt; expense sec ` GRAVITY WARM -AIR retary, S(rs. William OAS 1. Community friendship Mrs. G. c ° Ratd, Mrs. S. Keyes, Mrs. William HEATING MCAS';, Mrs. Pitt, Mrs, M. ter, Mrs, Lee McConnell, Mrs. E. o PLUMBING Med son, Mrs. Ralph Stephen- 9 son, Mrs. Gladys Coleman; lunch s committee, Mrs. William McAsh, A FURNACE FOR EVERY Mrs G Johnson Mrs L. Taylor, F JOB Mrs I-1. Hayter Mission Band, Mrs R Taylor, Mrs. William Me - s. for Mission Band, rorganistillWISEaBATEM Mc Mr. Pitt closed the meeting t ph013e 147 --Clinton with the benediction. Lunch was served by the front road east ; y,....a�. - group, a Christmas Suggestions ® MANTLE RADIOS APPLIANCES O THERMOS JUGS r AUTO ACCESSORIES. jOOLS 16 HOCKEY GLOVES 6 SLEIGHS ' -f1 DRILLS —EXTRA SPECIAL -- Wigwam Blankets $3.59 - Clayt. Dixon PHONE 349W CLINTON Quality : Fe(5kds A 'sow is no better than the feed she is fed- Feed a Balanced Ration and have larger, heavier and healthier litters. Balance o your home grown grains with SOW AND .PIG CONCENTRATE or feed QUALITY MIXED SOW RATION and see the difference. PIG STARTER, PELLETS, and HOG GROWER for Quicker Finish, Higher Grades ty and Larger Profits. FEEDS — FERTILIXERt. SEEDS CONCENTRATES Hotvartl ]Products and Varner Rios. Seven Separate courses are to be Poultry Coque Short Courses oLfered, farm business' manage- ment, agricultural mechanics, beer (� keeping, farm and home garden- poultry industry, a tWo-weeks,. At OAC Froin, Ing, livestocktatoes, and soils ,Poultry Short Course will be held;, and land use. For the farm girl, from January 10 - to January .21, January 310 7 home economies courses are being featured. at the poultry department, OAC,; The first wek of the course will Information on the courses; cost, be devoted etc egg production, and;; Short Course, and other' particulars, as well as The Winter Short Course pro- application forms, are obtainable the second week to meat prodtla� gram at the Ontario Agricultural from the agricultural represent•- tion: allege gets under way on Man ative for Huron County, G. W. 6ent, The complete program may b%• day, January; 3, and continues throughout' the week to Friday, .Montgomery,All applications mustcured from the poultry depa.rt•w January 7. be received by December 15. . OAC, Guelph. , "A brief dud saved me real move Ila ar after- ear r rr "When I first considered insurance I was'particularly concerned about . 'the size of premiums I'd have to pay. i "Then The Mutual Life of Canada man said: 'Remember; the real cost of life insurance is the premiums you pay less the dividends you -receive., "I studied the dividend record of The Mutual Life and found it outstanding. I bought ailmy life insurance from that Company — and have received generous dividends regularly. This brief study saved we real money year after year," You; -too, should aim.to get the best protection for your family, at lowest not cost, Consult The Mutual life of Canada representative in your community Today. THE Off.'MUTUAL of 4;ANADA HEAD OFFICE sav�►� WATERLOO,E.WbIbbod T969 ONTARIO M43�ds4. Your local Mutual Life of Canada representafiye: -H. C. LAWSON Bank of Montreal Building Phone: Office '251 W; Residence 251J` YREX ECIPE Vrr ul New Book of Pyrex Recipes with -,'' ,�11 ` —✓ 12 PIECE PYREX BAKING SET Every Basic Baking Utensil in. Sparkling Clear Pyrex plus "Pyrex Prize Recipes", Over 50 illustrations, attractively packaged for gift wrapping ., ONLY +,'64' 0 TME 060T ELECTNIC AnPL1ANDE9 MADE 0 _ Rubbermaid STOVETOP MAT (waffle style) CO 15Y2" x 17" O Choice of 5 colours a �'y © Each Rubbermaid SAFTI-CUP BATHTUB MAT ©Helps prevent dangerous accidents. © Adds a smart new note g to the colour of your $2.29 & $2.98 bathroom ...................... THREE-PIECE CARVING SETS— 0 PINKING SHEAR and SCISSORS -- $5.85 to $16.90 $139 per set WROUGHT IRON FRUIT BOWL 0 HOSPITALITY SET--- " . and CANDLESTICK HOLDERS-- I Pieces. - $4.15 per set $2.10 16 -Piece DINNERWARE SET,— y WOODEN SALAD BOWL Color—Flyte—fashioned of and Servers— > Melamine. $14,95 $4.98 YOU (!ANT MISS WITH A ,�qqT��E DEDT ELIiCTa1D,APPL1ANb68 MADD. Poultry Equlpment Thrill her Christmas x F ° morning with a Sun. d tw"tPawtestt�t++at3t$+aeit+a+a4tri+utot�-isr"+c�3" +ar,zw?euvg4s'kouu.19 Ituli,.mN beaters produce. greater, volume imL•Fiss; Litme ckatc any other 1pnior.size Go,o,d, m.i.xer's... Thumb -tip control in handle. Batter - guard beater ejec- tor. Convenient heel rest,, PHONE 114 bean; FRYPAN—her � assurance of perfect —d cooking results every n UTTWww"Oft rrn"'UE tirne. Gives perfect ' S. RIDDICK and SONS CONTROi EI3kIEAT. ,M IX..AA S. ER WATlllt-SEAL eler :Hent for easy washing. o �rs1 JUNIOR PHONE 119 -- GLINTON �t,�x, ��10�11� �'L�% +��mnto ,r�r���urtld'+�t 7atStpi"n'�o-�apr�r3at�tlO+at�' «' i�177&48rp�a�ts5�utol�aaW`^r�ra3r�tr"�tak�r2o-Tat��twa�t"�i3rx�Arbr��rrr�"wf;8?�rar�iIIn�cgt�x��alai��93Yth+ib+uta+ki9rta3t�`�rt}3hRaa�i"wrL`�rAr�iyrS•v a