HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-12-09, Page 8'PAGE •ETGIiT CLINTON NEWS -RECORD ,, UHURSDAY,.DECEMBER'9, 1954 William McDool was in Owen -Pussy Chases Fday'of oters List Patin a eral of his brother, Captain Ed- BRUCEFi ID Pheas -` , Sound from Thursday until Mon- News - f ay ield _ day; where he a'ttanded the -fun- p ward Reid. Ca taro Reid was a w+r +.+.+ ++-r. + p (13y our 13a cphxrostMiontTOWNSHIP, OF SItAN.I fay Representative native of Bayfield; and left. Here iVlrs. Victor Ilargreaves and ) .with jus family about 4U years r- The, cats are stalking thered Watson, Clerk of the Municipality of the, ; MISS LUCY R. WOODS Phone BAYFIELD 45s 3 Brenda Ann are visiting her a ago -to Teside in Owen Sound eiits, Mr. and Vs. Henderson at pheasants hi Bayfield! There.p of Stanley, In the County of'Hur'on, declare Mrs; Clayton Guest, .Leaside, has been a female hanging have posted up in my office, R.R. 3, Bayfield, came,on Saturday.to spend a fort- Ingersoll • , . around The Hut, but on Tues Harold Brandon sent the week- Dr. Paul Waldem London, s elft -• Miss Betli Murdoch, Hamilton, ers' List for the year 1,954 and I hereby call P P night with her sister, Mrs. Malcom is cony lescin at the home of her day our',neighbour; Mrs, C, y Y end m London. ' the weekend with his wife and Toms. Mrs:` E. R. Weston<who a Bell, looped out over her gar Voters ,to take immediate proceed ings'to 'have ' YSunday,small daughter, Julia at "Sylvan , . Parents, Mv, and Mrs. John R,. Mrs. T, Posans left on g •, ,, ,,as with her ,sister fora couple den to see what their, cat,ssions or errors. corrected''accordin to law. to visit friends in Hamilton: Acres", Goderich Township, of weeks, .acco aiiied her home,. Murdoch, after her recent cox ac Tommy, was creeping u on., 9' J. MaeKenzfewas in London for: Miss Helen Edith Forrester- re- y mP ctde4t• . I ere stood, rp g Ps list was pasted in my, office o' the: 30th, Clayton Guest who motored _here - h oo Mrs. Pheasant a couple of . days 'r last week., turned to Goder.ich oil Monday ev- with them returned to Leaside on Mr. and Mrs. George Pinkney and she ,tools flight just inNovember, 1954'. Billy, Parker, London, was Home ening "after havmg,spent a couple Sunda ^" and daughter Doreen, Walkerton, time -to avoid Tonin s sha from Thursdayt-o Saturday. aturda of days' with her mother Mrs. y spent Sunday with Mrs, W.: H• Y' ? FREDWfrTSON; `Clerk. Y• George Weston, who had been claws. It' .doesn't look as a Don Kingsbury, Dundas; :'spent James A. Cameron, frame for. a,week, after spending a Pepper, she will be allowed to beebine - the weekend at bis home in the Miss Patsy Scotchmer has talten Mrs. William Hohner, Zurich, is month in Detroit; :,returned on domesticated, village. a position as -:operator under Mrs. ,Monday, with his son Harold, to in -la , this 'week with her sister - Mr. and -Mrs. John Clow and Malcom Toms on the local Switch- in-law, Mrs; A. Hohner. : ` o the Tuckersmith'Munici _spend the winter there. Miss Eliza= 14Ir. and Mrs. Robert' Fettis er's i^eport and the offering was family spent the weekend at Owen board f .P beth Weston accompanied them to spent and with" friends at received::.., Thank -you notes were ' Sound al al Telephone System; pe Sunday y T p C p p u o : Cl r- spend the winter with her sister, Markdale, „ read by Miss Swan from Rev. G. 1 p E. k1 T, s P O R. T S , C: 611 u; M . Mrs, George; Reid', Varna, ,spent ,Rhehny Larson, and s n, a going first to Mrsk E- Eudo New- Mr. and ,Mrs. • William Lobb, G. Burton, Mrs. C. Snelling Mrs:' Friday with her sister, Mrs. R. enco; went to Toronto on Sunday ,ton.; J. Larson. to attend the funeral of Carl H01= mgrs, Fred Weston,. accom anied Michigan, are visiting with Mr. A. A}•kenhead Little'Kathy"`McLeod is s nd= lerbaum ori Monday: Mrs. Holler- „ p Lobb s- cousins, Mrs. George Hend- Nifs. D. Trexbner reported for pe by Mrs, Donald McLeod and Miss ang ,this week with her aunt, Mrs. baurp is 1VIr., Carson's niece. Ellen MacKay and Mrs. J. , E. erson and Mr. Henderson. the manse committee and it was Andrew Toma, Egmondville .. , Mr, and • Mrs. ,G. M. Galbraitia, A reception for NFr. and Mrs. moved, by Mrs. Thomson, seconded Hovey, accompanied by Mrs, J. A. M, Wilson Was held at Seaforth by Mrs, W. Fotherin ham" that a Ken Arkell, London, wars with. returned tp Dundas on Sunday Cameron; motored to London on g „ That Groy,Cup battle of last week may his parents; Mr:, and•Mrs. F::'W having spent the. week at ,Sylvan on Wednesday, December, 1,,and a gas .Stove be urchased for the Thursday > last. They were all . be the last of the classics, to be played in_ church kitchen. Moved by Mrs, thankful to get home safely. over Toronto-luiless,.of Course, Toronto, Argonauts, Arkell, over the weekend. Acres their home on the Blue shower 'for Mrs. Wilson (nee :Eva Mr, and Mrs. Emerson Heard Water Highway, ,Goderich .Town the -hazardous roads. Mrs, Weston Staekhouse)'was held on Tuesday John Braadfoot, seconded Mrs. M - ski" night of this week' in the school- H. Dalrymple' that a Christmas are rCbullt Into Eagtein champions, .and win were in 'London on Sunday with p• sari followgd• the man ,who was later of the church. More than 'box be sent to Dori Ross who is the right to meet the West Mr. and' Mrs: Herbert, Kirkham. Rev. Peter Renner and killed in'. aif accident, as far as Percy, Ray: Scotchmer and, Will , er ry " n r J FI a as 100 ladies of the, community' at- in'the Navy. The meeting closed I , Mr. anfl Mrs. Farrell,'Kinard- A, .a, a d M s. J. E. ,oy y w tended. with ra er and group two served:' t.S•, a couple of feais'sinee this cele. nn Haruson retdrned home from a held u on the road owin to., the prayer raised its voice in favour of eight other cities ine, are spending. a ;few days with hunting trip lit Hearst on Satur- p g' W.A. lunch. their daughter; Mrs. ; A. Turland accident. getting . a .first-hand "live peek at the Gpey Cup,' :battling. and famih . day. They bagged an 800 -pound Studio 'Closed, The Woman's Association met t avTtaiateert ttttR a IT happened, although 'the feeling=for,• a more equitable y moose Miss Ann Tate'who conducted a in the "schoolroom of the church on division of the -colourful spectacle .'is still grown g. Montreal 111 Mr, and- Mrs. William H. John- Mrs. E, A..Featherston returned', Tuesda December 7 with 31 in Avisiones f r i e= m t' 1gift shpp,and photographic studio y,o nstanc , have co e•ou flat-footed,for•ahome Ston visited• their daughter; Mrs., to London on Tuesday after'hav--' attendance." Mrs. -Scott ani; Mrs. .Angus McRae, London, from Sun in Mrs.lYIalcom Toms' shop for and=home series. Before 'now,. the'teamrepresenting Canada Sing:.been with -her mother, Mrs, ;he past seven :years, closedher Ham had"charge of-theAevotions. - big est' city wa_s scarcel fn a itfonto ush its",.Gre Cupday until,Tuesday, Charles, W Parker, from 'Friday Studio' this fall and left on Satur.A Christmas • carol opened the ,•claims for 'the arkin which it wa 1 ln' built for base-1tonald'" Path, Huron College, owing to her sister, Mrs. R. J-, day -to ':reside with relatives in meeting. The Scripture was-read'ball -had neither the ror ardaenay go erl arra edwas with'his parents; Mr. and Mrs. Larson, being' indisposed. E. A. London. Miss Tate was the night from Luke 2: 5-20 Mrs. Scott seats.pg"xpPygLeRoy Pothi from Friday "until Featherston was also, here over operator on the local ,telephone took the topic Gods Gift and v y Sunday' evening. the weekend, switchboard since it was installed led in prayer; Another carol was/on March 16 1949" ng• But tide year the Alooettes moved to tea,massive McGill.su.`_i., Miss E. Bowey `took the ladies bowl, a perfect football' stadium with a comfortable seating • WESTINGHOUSE SMALL APPLIANCES AUTOMATIC TOASTERS ................ $29.50 STEAM and DRY IRONS ............... 21.95 " RADIOS 29.50 and -up FOOD MIXERS •..... ...... ..:......... 49.95. ELECTRIC TEA KETTLES ......•....... 13.50 MENU'MASTER ...........................•.. " 14.50 Cashmere finish. Wear it the ••• Mrs, J W. Meeks, " Beryle and Clinton E.le- c tr is Shop D' W. do nXISltl 4 er, Keith Fryer, AIfred Meel{s v "Your Westinghouse Dealers' Stratford; Mr, and Mrs. Harold ° •P11;ONE '948 CLINTON P i "OBBY-CRAFT TOYS STUFFED TOYS =DOLLS W The Lions Club feather party in ti Saturday evening: won the live fork the closest to the nies contained in keys were won In Adams, -Mrs. Fred Lindsay (2) and I besides numerou. ducks by other_ pl Oil S annual for an imaginary trip to other Ha;l oilcountries to see how they celebrat- Stinson ed Christmas. "It Came 'Upon .a aessii' Midnight Clear"'was sung as the if pen- Christmas hymn. r. Tur- The president, Mrs. N. Baird, George tool; charge. The WA creed was Brownrepeated in unison. Mrs. McBeath then gave the section report and singer; the roll call was answered by "The S and Best Christmas You Ever Had, Mrs. H. Berry gave the treasur- 4,. Mr. and Mrs. -William. R. Elliott enter- OQ tained at a, happy family athering pa 'of 25;00(1. They aro now expressing the sentiments ? origimilI volved in this colnntn; namely, that,the two elties creating the clubs which' clash i a the: filial are entitled to a Grey cup game each: Toronto, in proportion to its- population perhaps the most sporting on the .continent, has had a monopoly on the Grey ; Cup these Many years. This great pigskin event draws thous- ands of football followers to that city.. Montreal;, and un- doubtedly every other city that boasts a major football team five in the West and three others in the East—is drooling at the economic delights of such a sports- invasion. There will be talk; of course, that, such a gathering holds ireat advertising value for the city concerned. Don't let thatfool fool you; Every city concerned is thinking in highly practical terms of the economic windfall accompanying the 5 Grey Cup game, which could run into half a million dollars i or so. Quite apart from this, we believe the Wiest Is entitled to a portion ' of• the spectacle; that the city which made the Western .champions possible by paying at the boli -office to I support it, should have a glimpse at the finals; And the same tC for the Eastern cities, now fretting a little because Toronto, whose Argonauts didn't make the Eastern, play-offs again, bi gets the g plum, sporting and economic. at their home in the village. Fowl Your eommeMr and suggestion for fhb eofum" Wol'bs wokotned act making any money, you'd consider yourself omething of a i2 Rounds for Chickens For a chicken dinner served at night, the following were present: wears Here is Osmalane, the feather -light British flannelwitha by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calved House, 431 Yonge St., Toronto, !', V go Mr. and Mrs: John Elliott; Jimmy and ,Nancy, Kitchener; Mr, and Cashmere finish. Wear it the ••• Mrs, J W. Meeks, " Beryle and 3y2% Guaranteed Trust Certificates Rhoda Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fr 1;. TOWL4 HALL, HENSALL er, Keith Fryer, AIfred Meel{s v CatvtrtD,,T,LLER-SL I M I T E D Stratford; Mr, and Mrs. Harold EDAMIDFC 10 Fryer, Jimmy and Diane, Inger- roll; Miss Diane -Woodward, Ham J • ilton Mr, and Mrs. Glen Fryer, 9 P.M. St, Marys. Flashlight picture; were taken pa 'of 25;00(1. They aro now expressing the sentiments ? origimilI volved in this colnntn; namely, that,the two elties creating the clubs which' clash i a the: filial are entitled to a Grey cup game each: Toronto, in proportion to its- population perhaps the most sporting on the .continent, has had a monopoly on the Grey ; Cup these Many years. This great pigskin event draws thous- ands of football followers to that city.. Montreal;, and un- doubtedly every other city that boasts a major football team five in the West and three others in the East—is drooling at the economic delights of such a sports- invasion. There will be talk; of course, that, such a gathering holds ireat advertising value for the city concerned. Don't let thatfool fool you; Every city concerned is thinking in highly practical terms of the economic windfall accompanying the 5 Grey Cup game, which could run into half a million dollars i or so. Quite apart from this, we believe the Wiest Is entitled to a portion ' of• the spectacle; that the city which made the Western .champions possible by paying at the boli -office to I support it, should have a glimpse at the finals; And the same tC for the Eastern cities, now fretting a little because Toronto, whose Argonauts didn't make the Eastern, play-offs again, bi gets the g plum, sporting and economic. Sponsored by Honsall Branch 46j,the church on Friday evening. The &gyptian cotton and it's the basement was recently re-decorat- Merino thgi coo» rsC' Actually Cattadlan Legion ed and presented a very attractive 'improveswithwashing.Comeand appearance. Rev. D. J. Lane said see For yourself the marvelous the Grace. Osmalane shirts, superbly styled Following the repast H. H. Or- and immaculately tailored by IF, mond showed coloured kotochrome Forsyth, Plain shades tto,es. views of I3eykotofleld and .a fewofChecks and tartanssli lit! higher. Brazil, And kotochrome pictures slightly s . taken on his honeymoon trip " through the Canadian West b Gordon Westlake were also nuc i Herman's Men's Near enjoyed. One of diose he showed was of special interest to members of the congregation since it was Phone 22 IW —Clinton the church at Banff of which the ta> hone 2242 rra i Hinton £ Rev, Gordon Peddie, a former.pas- tor here, is now hi charge, t ieteigttieiigt i„iet;taitG Church Bazaar The annual Christmas bazaar under the auspices of Trinity Church Guild was field at the Al- ° bibn.Hotel on Saturday afternoon, December 4. Mrs. W. E. Parker, Mrs, Merton Merrier and Mrs. J. M. Stewart were in charge of the sale of aprons, homemade baking and candy. Mrs, A. TMland had charge of the -gift tree and Mrs 70 ON'SAVLNGS.4 1 O, THE PREMIER TRUST CWANY ,128 Riehmond street, undon,.0ntarib, Telephone 4.2718 eo _ Grge Adams -the sniffle tree. Mrs, R•: Id, F. Gairdner was cash- ier?' ash- e eRaw IS YOUR MONEY 1e For the buffett tea, the table , was done with Christmas dt:cora- tions, lighted tapers and silver ser- + r o UT a F w o R K vIW, "e trayys of dainty sand- Step up your savings this week with these dollar. stretchers. IGA's moieties made. by Mrs. James A.I7 every day low prices were never more apparent than right now: " of the" gathering and Glen Fryer Something brand new in sports- Your eommeMr and suggestion for fhb eofum" Wol'bs wokotned act making any money, you'd consider yourself omething of a i2 Rounds for Chickens showed coloured movies of scenes m Muskoka, Algonquin. Park and wears Here is Osmalane, the feather -light British flannelwitha by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calved House, 431 Yonge St., Toronto, the tea room, and Mrs. Donald 10 Specials Turkeys p y Door Prize: Turkey Vancouver, B. C.soft Hnox Dinner Cashmere finish. Wear it the ••• , 3y2% Guaranteed Trust Certificates -- The Congregation of Knox Pres- byterian Church enjoyed a sumpt- year'round—because Osmalane is a perfectly balanced blending of CatvtrtD,,T,LLER-SL I M I T E D See me for remarkably Admission: 50 cents uous dinner in the basement of . Authorized investment for trust funds. No fluctuation in A"INSTRURO,.ONTARld principal. Sponsored by Honsall Branch 46j,the church on Friday evening. The &gyptian cotton and it's the basement was recently re-decorat- Merino thgi coo» rsC' Actually Cattadlan Legion ed and presented a very attractive 'improveswithwashing.Comeand appearance. Rev. D. J. Lane said see For yourself the marvelous the Grace. Osmalane shirts, superbly styled Following the repast H. H. Or- and immaculately tailored by IF, mond showed coloured kotochrome Forsyth, Plain shades tto,es. views of I3eykotofleld and .a fewofChecks and tartanssli lit! higher. Brazil, And kotochrome pictures slightly s . taken on his honeymoon trip " through the Canadian West b Gordon Westlake were also nuc i Herman's Men's Near enjoyed. One of diose he showed was of special interest to members of the congregation since it was Phone 22 IW —Clinton the church at Banff of which the ta> hone 2242 rra i Hinton £ Rev, Gordon Peddie, a former.pas- tor here, is now hi charge, t ieteigttieiigt i„iet;taitG Church Bazaar The annual Christmas bazaar under the auspices of Trinity Church Guild was field at the Al- ° bibn.Hotel on Saturday afternoon, December 4. Mrs. W. E. Parker, Mrs, Merton Merrier and Mrs. J. M. Stewart were in charge of the sale of aprons, homemade baking and candy. Mrs, A. TMland had charge of the -gift tree and Mrs 70 ON'SAVLNGS.4 1 O, THE PREMIER TRUST CWANY ,128 Riehmond street, undon,.0ntarib, Telephone 4.2718 eo _ Grge Adams -the sniffle tree. Mrs, R•: Id, F. Gairdner was cash- ier?' ash- e eRaw IS YOUR MONEY 1e For the buffett tea, the table , was done with Christmas dt:cora- tions, lighted tapers and silver ser- + r o UT a F w o R K vIW, "e trayys of dainty sand- Step up your savings this week with these dollar. stretchers. IGA's moieties made. by Mrs. James A.I7 every day low prices were never more apparent than right now: " Cameron were most attractive. If you yourself were out of work— Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer poured. act making any money, you'd consider yourself omething of a The Christmas theme was carried out at the small tables with light= failure, wouldn't gyout B the ed tapers. Mrs, Alma Bassett and Mrs. Fred Weston had charge of sdine token—NW should be the tea room, and Mrs. Donald workin too makin inotemone g g Y McLeod and Miss Ellen MacKay and making it safely. were in the kitchen. 3y2% Guaranteed Trust Certificates -- s Unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest,`, See me for remarkably e Pay 3Y2%, payable half - yearly. Short term --=5 years, LOW RATES ON . Authorized investment for trust funds. No fluctuation in AUTO INSURANCE principal. [, { p With State Farm Mutual N 5 YEARS $120,36 ACCUMULATES TO $WAC T"E LLOYD ETUE STERLING TRUSTS c0ar.0It' AT 10.N eli a Phone HEAD OFFICE BRANCH ;OFFICE 372 Bay St: 1 3 Dunlop St, ..4 : Zurich 78r5 Tnroefo Ramie a-4 iGA Evaporated CHOICE MILK .. S :CA1,L CANS $1.00 SPECIAL! P, CRISCO . . . . a LB. CAN , $1.00 BONELESS BEEF 5 Star Special—* BREAKFAST CLUB Pat RoaSt 1b. 29c RASPBE Y JAIlis .00 BLADE or SHORT Rib Roagt lb,. 41c BONELESS •Ftt9"T'. IL VealVAI . 39c We Have Our . MACHINE SLICED _.-- Supply Of . rr , ► Breakfast Bacon Ib. 49c Christen as 195 ra SWIFTS PREMIUM Trees,franks hoose 3 lbs. $i00 " — WE DELIVER UNTIL CHRISTMAS `EVE - And suggest, you make "Ample Parking at Rear of St®re" your choice Meat Specials earl i StTxctly Cash * ' S Star Speciall—* * k" WHITE SWAN Toilet 'tissue. 10 "LLS $1. 5 Star Special—* UNIVERSAL FANCY RED. SOCKEYE SALMON 3 73/4 OZ. CANS $1.00 5 Star Special--* DOG 14OUSE Dog Food 1015 oz. CANs,$1.00 ' IGA Cholee Pew, 6 2o: oz. CANS 5 Star Specigl- IGA PEANUT RUTTEER. 3, 1.61.0 .0 .BALL & MUTUn Store WIIibe open Satutdoy afternoons until Christmas RUMBALL'S JGAMARK'.' HARDWARE —FURNITURE ; J• W• COtTIoT R Fi i. r PHONE 195 CLINTON': ONT. 9 CLINTON ONTARIO .'Br i ai trm^t + t2t "r t i +r t t mat rfirfr btXarr t9rsctt rTiu"?iBiida2r a rar7aw I aRttr3rraaoabrw•r «biEa}mri'°iiia:,ai,ifas, iL lm',mt rSr t*.rl xAaiiv a;a i "t int rr'n't±a'rar '.C-kti4a4t tl4 taRRi4.atm' ori'td4 6t6: tt kltllaH tatstC;.ata tGttt{ai ekc+r M: v! bt#etCtk 'i4; i 4+ ?6Y