HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-12-09, Page 7,THURSDAY, tDVMMBER 9, 1954: < CLINTON NEW PAGE SEVM A. a; ClasIsdied 'Rates . HELP WANTED—Female BIRTHS GOOD WILL CLUB WILL l CASH ,RAS _ DeVRIES—In Clinton Public Hos- HOLD DINNER MEETING :' ROSY_; THEATRE (It 'paid by GIRL; OR WOMAN TO CLEAN pita], on Thursday, December, 9, A dinner meeting ,at the Hotel AT TELEPHONE AT U9ednesday following date of in- office weekly. Phone Clinton 445 O L I H T O N Ptln� TELEPHONE r• ertion)—Two gents a word lust 1954, to Rev. •and Mrs.,:Bren Clinton is being planned by, the THE 11$0 THEC•'PIT^L dnsertioa (minimum 50 cents); or 561, 48=tfb DeVries, Blyth, a son. Good Will Club of Wesley -Willis Now Playing, Thurs.; Fri., Sat. 47 -- FIASTY — In Alexandra Marine United, '. Church next Wednesday; . "THE GAMBLER. FROM NOW:; Thur., Fn, & $at. oubsequ nt iinnsertions 1% -,cents a LIVESTOCK FOR SALE and General Hospital, Goderich, December ' 15, at seven o'clock, a Two Attractions -Word ( thlri 35 Gents} 15 NATCHEZ Sunday, December 5, 1954, to Supper will be served; carol sing= This techn'c "THE-STRATFORD NOW Thurs., Fri. & Sat. on Su i olor . action drama Cesar Romero -' scents extra for bpi number or 40 PIGS, SEVEN WEEKS OiD. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hasty. (nee. ing .will be led by Mrs, H; Hartle ,, deals with •• Gloria Grahame tlorldireciion to,NEWS=RECORD Harry Watkins, phone Clinton Audrey Congram)RR 1, .,Dun- and :the regular meeting will foA h river pirates in ADVENTURE" and Turhau ee 804r31, 49p gannon, a daughter: low. All members,- husbands and zona before the Civil War. -- Dale Yn'Spasicling Tochnieoloi 18th, century Al legs slid HOLMES—In St. Michael's Hos- friends of the Club- are invited. Robertson — Debra• Paget, Alec Guinness'.and all the _ tiona lot' f revolu- IF CHARGED , lb cents extra, 14' YORK CHUNKS. Bob Mac- pita] Toronto on. Thu - Ticket " Saturday at 2.30 —; FREE SHOW u err h speetae zY p o seize the rulers — l_.ean, phone/Hensall 684r31. ' • Thursday, No s must be obtained by. Dee- for children u 1 S Shakespearean present- daughter and overthrow a govern - ember - DEADLINE;—I2 noon,' Wednes- 49b vember 25, 1954, to Mz • and Mrs. ',l3,. from the president, Miss — nder 12 ed at Stratford's woz4d1renowned ment, — In Toehmeolor. Gerald Holmes, Toronto, a dau-. Win; O Neil, or from 1Vlrs. Si• Rid- festival - TEN YORKSHIRE ,PIGS, six ghter (Margaret Ellen). dick, Mon. Tues. Wed. Dec. 13-15 Alco~ 1"PRISONERS pPIL%EY—In Clinton Public Pias- ° 44�'iT[ A "THE NEBRASKAN" Ol weeks old. Apply Arnold Dale, , ' tT + GIRL 77�� +ACCOMMODA'I ION for RENT ,phone Clinton 801r3: : 491 p on Friday,, December 3, Columbia _Pictures' giant -sized �[iL' CAS><y-t�H 'ROOM FOR RENT: Warm, cam- 1954, to LAC and Mrs. Alfred Ladles' Club O p 97 teehnicolor epic of the conflict be- fortable. Gentleman. Box : 481, y' Apply Clinton, a son. A BREAK tween Sioux and white. — Phil one Year old. A 1 to Bill Harris Technicolor musical tamed >ynos &Jean REGISTERED HEREFORD ull, Piikey, Clinton i�jews-Record. 48-9-p R:R. 2, Bayfield, phone .Clinton DEATHS T(j(�+ke�' h Y with pie Roberta Mon., Tues. & Wed. Debbie Reynolds as the girl who Nairn. '•, I+ernando Lamas -Mona Marls 908r3. 49b, ADAMS -1n Hullett Township, on; breaks into the big time. Starring =SIX ROOM 'DWELLING, immed- P, and John Carroll late possession. H. C. Lawson, ONE REGISTERED Shorthorn Tuesday, December 7, 1954„ the danemg of Marge and Gower Mon 'phone Clinton 251-W, }9tfb bull: Apply Walter Eckel, Varna. Thomas Edward Adams; beloved! A plus Vffl(,'erS Champion: . TV & Wed. Based on a Rex Beach story and Phone Hensall 699r25. husband of Mary Jane Stewai t, 1 Adult Entertainment filmed in Argentina, a robust tale FOUR ROOM APARTMENT. an -'his 65th year. Resting at his The Tuckersmitix Ladies Club, Thur., Fri:, °Sat.—Dec. 16= of the bandit El Macho, and his -'Vacant now. Unfurnished. Steam ' 49 50-b late residence; .Lot 21, Conces-' held their- December meeting at. '+ c �,$, GG, " relentless pursuer. heated. Phone Clinton 376W. HOLSTEIN BULL CALF for veal- Sion 9, Hullett - Township, until the home of, Mrs. Eldon O'Brien THE �TRATFORD STORY, MAN CRAZY 49b mg; also two Holstein- heifer : Friday morning."FuneraLservice with 16 members and'two visitors The success. story of the BG calves, suitable for raising. Apply tvx21. be, held under the'"auspices .Pr°sent. Shakespearean Festival: mold • - Blunt - Brutal Today's The AvengerS FURNISHED APARTMENT. One Jim Lobb, phone :Clinton 904x3. of Londesboro LOL from', the The meeting was opened with THE GLASS WALL" most searching' story of youth -- Ball and Mutch funeral .home;' the ode, followed by the Lord's Featuring Jaek Tea arden and the ten in shame and shock, tears .mile and one-half from Clinton. 49b g and tragedy, truth and terror. Coming: .Also unfurnished apartment. Ap- High 'Street, Clinton, to Blyth Prayer, The minutes of the No- orchestra — (Moria Grahame " REGISTERED AYRSHIRE heifer Cemetery, onFriday afternoon, vember meeting were read. b and Vittorio Gassman Neville Brand = Ohrlstlno Whit, Charge of the Loncere 904rA4 Lorne Tyndall, phone Clinton y, y y Irene- Anders 47tfb due in February. Bred -to Water- December. 10, 'commencing' at Mrs: Ed Layton and. seconded by Paulette Goddard—Techni,olor loo. Unit• Ayrshire sire. Harry two o'clock. Mrs. Bert ,Garrett.' I - BACHELOR GIRL APARTMENT, Plumsteel, phone Clinton 631r4. ALLISON -At his -home, Thames Ttle roll call was answered by FIVE TB CLINICS furnished, heated, reasonable. 48-9-b Road; Usborne Township,< on the paying of fees for 1955. The 'hone Clinton 448. 49b Thursday, December 2, 1854, treasurer's report was heard IN HUILON COIINTY and AUCTION U C T I !1 IRT L� A .T E LIVESTOCK WANTED John T. Allison, beloved husband passed on motion of Mrs. Ed. Lay- The cost of preventing TB ,is 1 V .lx S L NEW FOUR -ROOM Apartment, of the late Jane B. Montelth and tori and Mrs, Eldon Crich. The enormous. TB is a tough, stub - with three-piece bath, modern kit- WANTED, OLD HORS,LS AND brother of Mrs. .•Robert Kydd, flower, social, buying, sewing and born enemy deeppp).y entrenched. ONE MANS ENTIRE HERD TO BE SOLD then, heavy Wiring, unfurnished, dead cattle. Gilbert' Bros. Mink Clinton,inhis93rdyear. Funeral secretary's. reports were also Treatment is the doctor's concern, A4t the Clinton Sales Barn, .along with the usual sole ' Immediate possession. W, N. Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, from the Dorney funeral home, prevention is the responsibility of on Counter, or phone Clinton 230. 936r32, or 936r2L 9-btfb Exeter, to Exeter Cemetery, on A turkey supper was discussed all o� us. This can be accomplish FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10th. 49p Saturday afternoon, Dec, 4. for the members and their fam- ed b case finding and education.: LOST AND FOUND ARMSTRONG—Tn Clinton, on ilies. There is -to be.cards and a We have five chest clinics in Hu- Consisting of 13 good milk cows of wMeii d are Holstein; ZHREE ROOM APARTMENT, Saturday, December 4, 1954, dance after the supper. ran County at Exeter, Goderich, 3 Red x White cows and 2 Jerseys. 2 cows are fresh, the balance Tur ished, central. Available fm- LOST—HOUND PUP on Tuesday Gladys Kennedy, dear :wife of The exchange of Christmas gifts Clinton, Seaforth and, Wingham. to freshen in December and January. Also a number of young 'mediately. Phone Clinton 73J. was enjoyed. by all. Mrs. Gregor Over 7,1,000 new patients were heifers. One DeLaval milking machine (2 single units, complete). afternoon. Black and white., An. Edgar Armstrong. Funeral from 49A swers to the name of "Spark", the Beattie funeral home, Rat McGregor gave a reading, "The admitted to Canada's sanitaria A 49h 'TWO ROOM FURNISHED apart- Please phone Clinton 312J or tenbury Street `East, Clinkon, Golden Ivory Tablecloth!'. Mrs. this past ,year, The Huron County ,ments. Heated, private co ven- 312W. 49b to Clinton Cemetery, on Mon- Alice Lawson also gave a reading, TB rt into a hopes to put jmore ests Tine Greatest Gift" effort into educational lances,private entrances. Rent b day afternoon, December 6. Projects A r y POTTER At her home, on Rat- There wa sa note of thanks giv- and case findings. week or month, Pierson'I Motel, MISCELLANEOUS an to Mrs. William Pepper for her Bayfield Road Goderich, tenbury Street, Clinton on phone „ Tuesday, December 7, 195,' An- Splendid year as president. far the Ing committee, Mrs, W' am Pe /=s'a—~ h n / Goderich 980. 49tfb I.E.L. PIONEER" CHAIN Saws, club. The' meeting closed with P ' ��9rs�i�6rrME MY strongly built, dependable; low in pie E. Start, beloved wife of R per, Mrs. Bert Garre flower g Y P singing Silent Night', followed Committee, Mrs. William Pepper, .r ARTICLES FOR SALE Oliver w. Potter, in her 88th price. Five and ten horseppwer to the homemakers prayer. A Mrs. Gifford Crich. modr•Ts, Robert Glen, phone Clin- Year. Funeral from the Ball and lovely lunch was served by group -TWO PAIR WOMEN'S SKATES, ton 907r25: 49.4-p Kutch funeral home, Clinton, to two, sizes 6 and 7, White, Pixone Clinton Cemetery, on Thursday New officers for 1955 are: presi- Clinton 62, DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS. See afternoon, December 9, at two dent, Mrs. Ernst Crich; vice- 49b the large selection of Blue River o'clock, by Rev, A. Glen Eagle. president, Mrs_ Bert Garrett; see- BOY PARALYZED FRESH KILLED and Blue Bird Diamonds now on REID—At Owen S and T JARABBITS UK for sale, Call Hedley Prouse, R.R. display in our show window Terms o on uas- day, November 30, 1954, Capt 2, Clinton, phone Goderich 933r4. be arranged. can anged. John A. Anstett, Phone Edward Reid, in lits 81st year; 4913 jeweller. C)inton 562 for evening appointment. 49-b husband of the late Effie Me - Candlish, and dear father BRAND NEW ADMIRAL 17" table model $199.50, Also RCA 'Victor ONTARIO'SFIRST ANNUAL, -pony consignment Friday of Capt' Roland Reid, Owen Sound; Nettie (Mrs, Fred Terra), Chi - and Motorola floor models, See them' at T. A. Dutton, Bruce_ sale. afternoon, Dec. 10, 1954, Starting cago; Helene (Mrs. J. B. Don - oho), Fort Worth, Texas; and field phone Clinton 634x4. Spec- time 1 o'clock sharp at Elton Me - Lelland and Sons barn, Ber- Cpl. Edward Reid, Ontario Pro- ia� this week: Crown Rotators $39.95• 49b sales vie, Ont., Highway 9. Come as a; buyer, uritis] Police, Mount Forest. The late Capt. Reid rested SITE THE BEST DIAMOND En- consignor or visitor. Star- Prise the children with a real live the Kyle funeral chapel,. Owen n Sound. Funeral service was held gagement Ring Values in town at C unter's Jewellery Store now. pony for Christmas. Next cow sale will be Friday, Dec. 17. in the chapel on Friday, Decem- New goods arriving daily. One =dollar holds your Lay -Away. ShopNURSING 49b bar 3. Interment was in Green - wood Cemetery, Owen Sound. Farmers AUCTION $AEES early and save at Counter's. HOME REID—In Bayfield; on Sunday, December 5, 1954, Eva Gertrude 49p VIEW -MASTER Junior Fro actor, 3 — T 1-1 ll'I A E R- R O W L A N D AURSIWW HOMF. SEAFORTIW Wiley,. widow of the late Wil. Ilam Reid, in her : 77th year. with bulb, cord and screen, Used once only Priced for dq96Rsale. '610,00. Graduate nurse in charge 24 h ours. Competent care for Funeral from the Ball and Kutch funeral home, High St., Clinton, to Baird's Phone Clinton 296R, . 49p con- valescents and aged. Tray ser- CemeterY, Stanley Township, on. Wednes- 'USED MANURE SPREADER — vice. Quiet pleasant location. • PHONE SEAFORTT•I 498 day,, December 8, SMITH --In Clinton, on Wednes- "'New Idea". In good shape. Phone Clinton 454J, . 48-9-p 45-52-b day, December 1, 1954, Susanna Mabel Richardson, beloved, wife WHEEL CHAIR and COMMOD PIANO FOR SALE of the late John J. Smith, in her user, Mrs. Bert Garrett; secretai Mrs. Warren Whitmore; soc committee, Mrs. Mervyn Falcon, Mrs. Walter Pepper, Mrs, Eld O'Brien,'%rrs, Frank Walters, M: Ed, Layton; pianist, Mrs, Fred IM Gregor, Mrs. Bili Rogerson; kn ting, Mrs, Kristine Brown, Mi Howard Johns; sewing, Mrs, We ren Whitmore, Mrs, Eldon Cric Mrs. William Rogerson, Mrs. All Lawson, Mrs. Herman Crich, Mi 3regor McGregor; press report( Mrs, Ervht✓Sillery for Seafort Mrs. Don Crich for Clinton: bu Notice to Creditors . And Others TAKE NOTICE that all credi )rs of WILLIAM CAMPBEI. 3ROWN, late of the Town of Clh :on, in the County of Huron, (fo nerly of the City, of Woodstock, he County of Oxford), Merchan )eceased, who died on or aboi D 761h year. Funeral from the Ball CO ne entitled to share in Chair for sale. Phone .Clinton PIANO, IN EXCELLENT condi- and Mutch funeral home, I-righ are hereby required to 471M at night or 222R day time, tion. St., Clinton, to Clinton Came- THU O A N A D A PERT 49b Phone Bayfield 55x5. tery, on Saturday afternoon, De- TRUST COMPANY', t4, 49b : camber 4. Ontario, one of the Ex4 WATCHES -17 JEWEL Incabloc, • PROPERTY FOR SALE o— -- or before the TWENT •rlustproof and shockproof. Un- i00F NOTFIS day of DECEMBER,, I breakable crystal. Men's watches WARTIME., -:HOUSE' in Clinton, particulars of their claim: only, $17.95; yellow gold, $24.95. The annual IOOF Christmas erest, as after that date t Five dollars 'down, $2:00 a wee C, For detail, see owner at 208 War party will be held -in the • lodge will be distributed withoi John A. Anstett, jeweller, phone ren Street, Goderich, 4913 room on Tuesday, December 14 at Clinton 562. Free engraving on eight o'clock. A program ha been to claims of which notice all watches sold. 49b POULTRY FOR SALE arranged and a.visit. from Santa have been received. Claus is assured. Each person is DATED this TWENTY -I '1954 COLDSPOT, 7 CU, FT., frig, TURKEYS AND GEESE, nicely asked to bring a day of NOVEMBER,- A.D. Used on1,y six week, immediate finished, C. Vanderhaar, MR, 1, g Rift• Ali Re- A. C WYiALEY cash sale needed, $175 or nearest Londesboro, hone Blyth 28x24. beicahs and their•husbands and p Yt Oddfellows and their wives are Court Hous offer. Owner moving •to 25 cycle 4913 cordially invited. �' WOODSTOCYi, D area, R. W. Allan, Phone 252 SolTcxtor for the E CIinton. 49-b WOOD WANTED 47-8-9-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 10 CORD OFFURNACE WOOD, CASED OF THANKS J. Howard, phone Bayfield53x2. REV. G. G. BURTON, Bruce - :1.939 TUDOR FORD, '48 engine 49-50b field, wishes to express his since e • '� his to FOR LIFE, $77,313 1S JURY`S AWARD St. Catharines, Nov. 11— One of the largest single awards made in a Lincoln county court .. Young Mc- Lean was, injured May 27, 1953, when knocked off his h motorbike by a'truck as e was about to make a left turn . CIA recommends . third -party ,coverage of $100,000 for bodily injury to one Person, ,$200,000 for bodily iAlury to two or more persons, and $100,000 property damage. full I int - ■ state after 6 p.m. 48p49b 11 ( at'110H L gird 1 not ' sox 310 Phone: DND 'phone Clinton 29, 4913 Clinton, Ont., Clinton 557 4, l., 80 % AND ROOM FOR:TWO men, Phone Clinton 454J. Representing brethren and friends from Middle- 'sex, Oxford and. Huron Presbyter 1 g� Gall V'r)ta ®�tq� Co-operators Insurance log tors. -_ 1es who made calls and gave prat- tical help; for friends who sent Association --- CLOTHING FOR SALE 49b four new tires; heater, hydraulic' brakes $100. Phone Clinton 643R ° ° ° ° thanks and deep appreciation, dur- Ing his recent illness, to those from EXPERIENCED .BABY SITTER. after 6 p.m. 48p49b 11 ( at'110H L Centralia, Whalen, Clinton and Brucefield, who gave generously to the blood -bank .of Victoria Hospi- ' -- BOARD AND ROOM , 'phone Clinton 29, 4913 tal, London; also t6 my ministerial GET THE �A � ' ' 80 % AND ROOM FOR:TWO men, Phone Clinton 454J. A%z-STOREY; 6 -Room Dwelling, 11ot heating, brethren and friends from Middle- 'sex, Oxford and. Huron Presbyter 1 g� Gall V'r)ta ®�tq� 48-9-P water modern conveniences; garage. Early possession, -_ 1es who made calls and gave prat- tical help; for friends who sent Yv �s• �` i TI LIFETIIPZE CLOTHING FOR SALE Thane Clinton MM. 35 -tib tet -well cards and flowers; for the intense interest shown by the Le- gion and LOL of Clinton,- We in- Clinton0Y]C1Yrillriit 3' ~ SNOW -BOOTS, SIZE 'S, for a young man. In good condition. 'Phone Clinton 286. 49b LOT — 761x126' — Located on . Huron Street, Clinton. -p— clude our thanks to all those en- gaged 'through medical skill and science — doctors, nurses and orderlies of Victoria Hospital. Farmers AUCTION $AEES EMPLOYMENT, WANTED bRESSMAKING and Alterations. 2-STQ)P�EY, 0 -ROOM Dwellingg, (suitable 9-R0 'leHot It fs with a deep sense of thank. fulness 'and gratitude that we're- EVERY FRIDAY. commencing at '1.30 Phone Clinton 627x11. 49b water heating with oil; iiara- wood floors dmvn; well locat- °d. Donbh garage. call (Mrs, Burton and I) every Physical and spiritual agency which brings .restoration to those P.m, TERMS CASE J, COREY, Series Manager E: ' W ELLIOTT Auctioneer A RELIABLE WOMAN will do baby sitting,da or night. Rates y B 'reasonable. Phone Clinton 587J. —Q— who are stricken by the suffering and pain of our age," 4913 X. W. COLQUHOuN, Clerk f 49 -50-p j� j � Cj Lawon r7� EXPERIENCED .BABY SITTER. ;Available any day or illoit, Man - 'day to 'r � 7 j r� I,A �1IC�L 'pA 1? �oU TOO!, Thursday inclusive; also 'daytime Fridays. Mrs.: Crawford' R EtEiLTOR , 'phone Clinton 29, 4913 Bank Montreal Building g Phone 251W — Clinton GET THE �A � ' ' MONOGRAMMED GIFTS SAY: Furniture Re -Finishing 42-tfb 1 g� Gall V'r)ta ®�tq� LAFOS FURNITURE, PIANO AND , cabinet, refinishing and Representative SLUE RIVER `and' BLUE BIRD DIAMONDS re- pairing, apply _ W, G. Plekett,. TI LIFETIIPZE , Thane Clinton MM. 35 -tib �1�,x //'x SL` CU1ViTY. . P:O,. Box 140 Zurich, Ont. , `M[doMFlLEWINMpFG Fsbnal zed" gift from Mc.EWAN'S GIFT and STATIONERY STORE. FARMS ,FOR 'SA1,E a Canada Life Special contract - Phone 76$: mxawvaxareicm[5 ,., Managed & distributed by Investors Syndicate of Canada Limited NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR sale, L. G, -Winter, 7Zea1 Estate. Phone Clinton 448. 33-11b providing Life In- ll g surance and Pension ••.. CUSTOM WORK Option all in one J• T ' "PICTURE IIjG FRAMWe — are 'now policy available e equipped to do picture fram- ing. Good selection of mouldings; from age b to age 55.eWel'lt}1' s1Y1Ll lV8tClli�lakel' YyTONOGn's Studio. 42tY Consult— EXPERT WATCH REPAIR SERVICE MONOGRAMMED GIFTS SAY: "Thank You" You" and mean rt W� HA:L HARTLEY, "" Bulovo, Gruen .and Cyma Watches an give can give one day service on writ. paper envelopes, 'book match Representative SLUE RIVER `and' BLUE BIRD DIAMONDS 'es, playing c a r d s, serV.ettes, ,' Spode Dinnerware -Christmas cards, wallets; pen and pencils, zipper cases. Buy a "per-;; CANADA:- LIFE. Visit Our Modern Up -To -(Date Jewellery Store Today Fsbnal zed" gift from Mc.EWAN'S GIFT and STATIONERY STORE. ClidltOn, phone 454W lghollC 562Clintoni 47-tfb Y 26_tfb' „n Model 53-1.1 $39.95 Extrended Tone Speaker Full 90 -day warranty Model 53-R All Colours Only $29.95 4 �R 1 j i.`i + +'��i !LE X4t1 i r�,'. �,) „�„ "M1 4S •a •4'{ rTM1 y � $til r i -�-� �•' - socKs�i��►R $1,,00 to $3.50 SHIRTS PYJAMAS $1.00 to $2.50 GIFT BOXED BELTS - ''hYANDKERCfl1EFS Etc. GIFT. BOXED EVERYTHING FOR. A MAN'S CHRISTMAS �. a PTICKE AND fM IDD ELLA ARROW SHIRTS STETSON HATS t HONE 25 -- (Main Corner) — CLINTON n}3it5r1�i;�il,�rark,��>�i�-�i3�t��rhaaa�ai�a�i ~#�r�4'ifi177x`?rr.Yi3Si��?teen"a�tli�`t8az92�Rh3dar�a�t�`tkt�d�rtr'�r'�'tstrdr+aiir&n'ast�ri� -