HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-12-09, Page 6PAGE SIX, CLIIVPON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1954 vision has been made to use all •1 + NCLINTONWY W Y Ontario St. 1'{' MS cultural office board zoom on the oSpltal Group the available furniture now in the i�erS�XIaIS eS1�y.r� ills �A TOLD SOCIAL ILrNING nurses' rooms for the new, home, 1 �7 J1 l w7 �y�-• q> The regular EVE evening of December; 16, at eight Continue Plans.. and it Was learned that 'Miss A. �' fV 1�i Meed TueSda ng of the o'clock. Program committee: Mrs. r : Clinton Women's Institute :vlir $ H. e 7 Sinclair, superintendent, has been ' Mrs,'III.Sloman. Visited her sis- Se�eCts Leader. ✓ it Jenkins, Mrs. R. Connell. Mem- For, Nurses' Home busily making pillows for the beds. te. The Woman's Missionary So v 1 take ahe form of asocial hers are as �., r, Mrs: L. Heatherly, Toronto evening,will be; held in the' fi ked to being then hus '• Miss Sinclair spolte briefly to ciety of Ontario Street Urnted agri- bands, or a friends At .the December meeting ,of the group, stating that 1954 was Ov1Vii4 ae�weeltend, �j Church will hold their regular the Clinton Hospital Auxiliary and Mrs, J. B, Saville, To r S. F. . A]]drew "'i � an outstanding year in the auxil meeting on Tuesday afternoon at � ice g... Bt,tGi� +w0 Q Monday`:afternoon at the hospital, ionto, were visitors.tvith Mrs. Nas+atG�d+egsgR m P ary, with many demands being this week. • Y The ,Wornan's� Association of 2;30 4.elocle in the church. hall. S Mrs. Mitchell Shearing sand Mrs. -made, and slid` expressed the wish Wesle Mrs. Milton intse will conduct Lillian McKinnon were named ;as' that the same executive -ie Mrs: 'Kenneth Ni: Breakey and Y -Willis United Church met main Tri in the church hall 4n Wednesdays the worship' service, Annual re< 2 g office or a other term,, which_ ap- sen, Richard, r. an , -spent the ports will be iven and the el the nom955 $l e 6f o ficers bila afternoon, December 1: the .presi- p. given ec ' in the :1955 slate. of officers. � � � - weeitend with Mr, and Mrs: IV[,. T, � , ' pears to be just as an important dent, Mrs. G. B. Beattie; was in tion of officers will take place, All IMEN LOOK Corless, returning Sunday evening Mrs. Mrs. D. J. Lane, past presi- one.. charge with Mrs: iI. Charlesworth the ladies are urged to; attend this ' dent ofthe auxiliary, presiding in Brief• plans were made for withilVIi.Breakey;:' at the piano. meetmgwhich,will,be_ an interest- the absence of, Mrs. Harry Ball, Christmas treats for the atients, M 'Harvey MCBuen returned p to her hbme on Saturday from '�he meeting opened •by singingang one. �9 president,• conveners of the various with Mrs. Epps' committee in the theme son followed by a ° committees were asked to .present .Charge. Reports were heard from where she Hospital; Seaforth, g she underwent• surgery, and reading, ?'Do You Knew the Shep- .' CHRISTMAS .SHOPPING written reports for the: auxiliary's' Mrs. A. J. McMurray, treasurer is now'• progressing favourably, herd by the president, The carol. V�esle` ilh annual meethig. in January. and Mrs. Douglas Bartliff, secre- "O, Little Towle of Bethlehem" ✓ s Men ti' Mrs:' Clifford Epps, convener e, tary. Sh arp, Mrs. J. D,hWilsMrs, s,Mrs:; was sung: Hold Lad , 9 A. MADE, EASY. g " buying, and Mrs, H. A. McIntyre, Miss Sinclair served a delicious l if'H N1 ht Y Clem Reynolds and Mrs: John, ...The devotional exercises were Hear � �. convener of sewhi reported on cu of tea with Mrs• Epps ,Pour-. -Shanahan were �delgates last week y Scripture, lesson from You who have a %'• 6 g, P taken h Hear Rev. �/� 7 .Gift the drapery material chosen' by 'ing at .the table centred with. to the � Stratford Deanery of the Luke 2 .(8-20), Mrs'. Manning; les- 11�eLeOd the special committee for the new bronze+and white mums. son thou - Catholic Womelor ,League,; ger l Mrs: Addison and very -happy tune was had by To Buy for Her. , °' ,..•° 3,% nurses' • residence, which: will be o Mrs, Al Taylor '(nee Margaret4 Mrs. Turner led in prayer, all . present at the ladies' , night completed in,thex pelt! year. � 1 � porter) is visiting' here `at home The treasurer's report was given of the -Wesley-Willis,' g . • ONTARIO STILELrT GrIItLS 'Men (the � Mrs. Lane 'explained to, the r with her' arents'until the Chri t-., by Mrs. D. Bartliff and.the'secre` Men's`Club.of West e -Willis Unit= This is what "to dot .f3 meeting that the special commit- mas holiday, She plans .to work Carreport� ' OiiRISl'IyIAS MEETING p y's was a roved:as read � ' Y ,b ��• „ tee (which includes the resident, Stec epp ed Church) which was held on p The :Ontario Street United the John A.•.�Anstett Jewell y , •_ p y "Bob"•�, >> until then, when- er th Mrs: us p es ere from: turkey evening last. A delicious'� ' past president, secretary -treasurer. Church Girls' -Club will hold the .Store liar hus= ,the various committees were given turkey banquet, served � by the Give .Bb a ring, • and buying and, sewing, commit-, Christmas meeting die .Thursday band wr'll''arrive for: Christmas and accepted. ladies- of the Woman's Association and tell him What .tees) has, been working conscient evening, December 9, at eight leave, and they, will return to Mrs. Shepherd read an interest- began the evenm iously on the choosing of the ,ma. o'clo'ck, in the church parlour, A Portage La Prairie, Manitoba, to- ing story;. ';The heart of Christ President.. Wesley Holland was you Want. terials, and that the expense in- white, gift service will be 'held, 'gether, mas' . Tn'the spirit -of .the season, in charge of the meeting, with Volved was quite a large item. Pro- Come and bring a friend, - Travellings from •the Sutter,_ number of carols were sung, Benson Sutter, chairman' of ,'the ,household overthe weekend in- As convener of the nominating programme committee presiding eluded: Mrs. R. P. Robbins with .committee, Mrs. Nelson read the for the entertainment, Following We will `pick' out something her husband in Richmond Hill, the list.' of officers for the coming the supper hour, G. H. Jefferson (if you don't care to'' ' jj returning with Mrs, Robbins Year: honorary president, Mrs. H. expressed the appreciation of all y do it your - latter ' SPECIALS for DECEMBER' �9-10-11 az)d staying till the first of the C, Wilson; past president, Mrs. to the ladies for the bountiful self) that will suit"your purpose,' 9 1 week; Ronald Robbins with Mr, George Beattie; president, Mrs. F. meal. A period of carol singing, and Mrs; Lorne Preszeator, Cred Andrews; first vide -president, Mrs. led by Benson Sutter with Mrs.,E. GREEN BEANS, San Blest, 15 oz. ..... iton, for tbe•.weekend; ,Sohn A,,: E, Hugill; second vice president; H. Wise at the piano, was greatly �. We Willi wrap it as a gift, 2 for 23e Sutter in Mtehener on Sunday Mrs. J, McLaren; recording secre- enjoyed. BLENDED JUICE, Horsey Brandi 48 oz. tin :..... 25e attending the funeral of his uncle, tary, Mrs, M. Steepe; press secre- Ray Vincent presented the re- You the late Edward E, Ratz; Benson tary, Mrs. G.. Manning; eorres- can pick It u •. be , y g; port of the nominating Committee p . GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, Horsey Brand, 48 oz. tin Sutter at the Five Oaks Lay Ponding secretary, Mrs, W. Hal- which resulted in the following of,, tween now, and December, 24th. , 23e Training Centre near Paris, at land; treasurer, Mrs. D. Bartliff ficers being elected: past presi SALMON, Gold Seal, Fancy Red Sockeye,/2 lli. tin 37e tending aNational'Coaching Coh- Citizenship convener, Mrs. F. dent, Wesley Holland; president, gress *of the United Church YPU Fingland; flower convener, Mrs. F. Charles Nelson; vice-president, during the weekend. Potter; fellowship committee; Mrs. William Hearn;. secretary, Edward You will ,also get 4 ticket on a Genuine CAKE MtX; Robin Hood, White ,:... pkg. 25c o Addison; property, Mrs, Pinning, Jenkins; treasurer, Thomas Riley; •- COFFEE, Maxwell House, l !b. bag $I,1S ^ c�•i Mrs. H. Adams; social, Mrs. E. chairman, .programme committee Rest Rocker. Ontario Street Hugill, Mrs, R. Shipley, Mrs. D. Benson Sutter; 'social committee, °,. PEAS, Square Deal, 1.5 oz, tih a 2 for 25e Andrews; program, Miss I,. Wath- Eimer Hugili, Wilfred Jervis. r 255 Sunday' Sehool Insbaw; sewing, Mrs. Laidlaw, Mrs, M. R. Rennie oresided'at A Case, 24 tins Mrs. Cameron; manse, Mrs, X. the piano throughout tine program n CRANBERRIES, 1 Ib. k :c fans For Concert Fingland, Mrs, F. Andrews, Mrs. part of the meeting. The toast to , P g• 27c G. Beattie, Mrs W. Pickard; group the ladies was proposed by How- WIN MARSHMALLOWS:. White, l Ib. bo A Pot luck chicken supper in' 4eaders, Mrs. C. Cooper; :Mrs. W. and Lochhead, -and in response 9 35e the Ontario Street church hall was Jervis, Mrs. L. Ball and Mrs. J. Mrs. R. P. Robbins sang 'The held Iast Thursday by the mem 'Neel er. Twelve Days of Christmas", Rev, CLINTON - <• HENS�i•r, ORANGES; New Crap Novels, size 252s doz. 35c UVe of the clesnstewarct School exec- benedictionfoin glosed t henVIizpalr H: C, Wilson, minister of the r .. Ib. 35c Pe was church, proposed the toast to the `aat arat r "ra+ 7aAist� r 3ibr�ssr2rry r �h y�ny PEANUTS lin 'shell) Fresh Roosted for fire business meeting 'Which after which a delicious tea was church, with Fd Rev. Ben the Gar followed. served by Mrs, Nelson and Mrs, sett, Protestant Padre at RCAF l llOi►1I SQN� FOOD ir1�Rj1)!'IT Rev, A, G. Eagle led in the sing W. Jervis and .their groups. Station Clinton, responding. The COME ONE! COME ALL! j H MP l� l�lilLlla:1'T ing of a hymn and prayer to open o toast to the men was proposed by the meeting, The lesson was read Mrs, Frank Yco Holmesvilie,, and r �j 17 by Mrs."Dutot. The .White Gift PRESB77TERIAN WryA 1 r �S�ey- vV dills Yonne People's • evening WILL MEET TIIESDAY in response the men of the choir f Phone QQ g service n December 72, The Woman's Missionar S Yv a D�'IxVI%ir was left lir the hands of Rev. Eagle sang "A Song of Peace" and "Bid and Mrs. Stewart to plan. The gifts will be sent to the Fred Vic- tor in in Toronto. Bob Elliott offered to get the tree for the Christmas entertainment, and Mrs. Piper, Miss Freeman and Mrs. Shobbrook will decorate it, MSs. W. B. Olde will arrange the Program, Mr. Lavis' class will look after, the platform and curtains, Mr, McDonald, Miss Thompson, Bob Elliott and Arthur Tyudall will take care of eettine oranges: cfety of St. Andrew's Presbyterian the, Din of Battle Cease", Mrs. E. Church, will meet on Tuesday, De- H. Epps delighted her audience cember 14 at the home of Mrs, E,with the reading, "A Strike at the Farquhar at three o'clock, Church". Les Pearson sang two fine solos, 'The Road to Man - Eagle resulted as follows: honor- dalay"„and "The Changing of the of one number from each class. Connell; envelope secretary, Mrs. Mr. Elliott's secretary's report George Potter; treasurer, Mrs. showed 197 on the roll, and a re- George Potter; executive secre- c o r d anniversary offering of tary, Mrs, F. Townsend; auditors, $203,34. Mrs. George Potter gave Mrs. Olde Miss H. Courtice, her treasurer's report, All teachers Guard: Rev, W. Stuart MacLeod, newly - appointed minister of St. John's United Church in Stratford, was the guest speaker, and chose to challenge the men of the church to take a greater part in the life of the church and not leave every- thing up to the minister and the ladies, as the suggestion had been made in Mrs. Epps' reading. Mr. MacLeod was no stranger to Clin- ton, as .for a short time ha hail were reinstated has been proven in churches where The 'election of officers and All teachers were reinstated and the men are active that the teachers, conducted by Rev. A. G. are as follows • � e t i 1 HOW'S YOUR SUPPLY OF FUEL THESE DAYS? Be ready for that quick drop in temper- ature[ Order your win- ter fuel supply NOW . ORDER FUEL NOW G. Grigg. & Lie 74W -- CI Charles House of Beauty n Beginners, Mrs, Powell and G. churches are usually thriving, and Habkirk; primary girls, (1) Mrs, it was his hope that the men of O. Johnston and Mrs. Aiken; (2) the church could be harnessed in - Mrs. Piper and Mrs. R. Merrill; to activity all across Canada. Junior (1) Mrs, Shobbroolc and During the evening, N. W. Tre- Mrs Murch; (2) Mrs. Sly and Mrs. wartha on behalf of the men of Cecil Elliott; intermediate (1) the church and the entire congreg- Miss J. Thompson, Mrs, Olde; (2) atfon 'congratulated Frank Fing- Mrs. C. Elliott and Mrs. I{, Tre- Iand on his appointment as the wartha; senior, Miss Courtice, new county judge forHuron Boys: primary (1) Mrs. Schoen- County. Mrs, Robbins favoured hals and Mrs. E. Trick; -(2A) Mrs. with another solo, The Silver Smith and Mrs. McAdam; (233) Bells of Christmas", Mrs, Hoggart and Mrs, Proctor; Edward Jenkins expressed the juniors (1) Mrs. Dutot; (2) Miss appreciation of the, group to all L. 'Freeman and Mrs. Ross Mer- who had talten part in the even - All; intermediates (1) S McDon- ing's programme, and the meeting ald and F. Powell; (2) Mr, Lavis, closed with t)re ,lineing of the F. Powell, S. Schoenhals; hymn "0 Ccmi± ,ill Ye Faithfull" Adults, Mrs. V. Townsend and and tfie benedi ti -n pronounced by Mrs. George Potter. Rev. H, C. wilaon. � a Sunday, December 12, 8954 Huron. Street Joseph Street BAP'T'IST CHURCH GOSPEL HALL Minister—REV, J. E. OSTROM CLINTON. 11,00 a.m.—Morning Service. ALL WELCOME 12,15 p m.—Sunday School. Order of Meetings for the 7:00 P,m,—Evening Service, Lord's Day: Everyone Weleomo 11.00 a,M.—Brealting of Bread . 3.00 p.m,—Children's Meeting WeAep• illk; Wiliteb 7.00 p.m—Gospel Meeting f�huccijl Rev, HUGH C. WILSON, Minister Maple Street MRS M, R. RENNIE, Organist GOSPEL HALL r M. R RENNIE, Choir Director CIL-1 , OPENING I Sunda School 8,45 a.m. x�tx ' r OPENING 1],00 a Tri, listenng Greatp Communion Service 11,00 a.m. *,,� �r`�r�y���s,, Co-l:xistonce or Gtrent Gospel Service ?.. , 8.00P.M. s Expectations, a C3iildren's Hoyr Tifesday Even - loo 11.20 a m—Primar S hoot. g pan. ' T ry�-r r ol^s �R - x1215 g m--Chenifig crPraise— TUESDAY ii i p ii0�0 - Prayer and .-DECEMBER { �wr,� �� �7:00 m.—Evenih Piaise— Bible Study. �� - DECEMBER' old ,Paths g `^x �r, r HOLMESVILLE ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN p.m.—Chuech Service .and � v ; ,-;�``., .. Sunday School. ` CHURCH' 15Come To The Ho! se of Prayer REV, R. M; P. BULTEEL, Rector �� 15 ST. ANDREW'S Mrs. Theodore Fremin, Organist z Mrs. J. 1vI. Elliott, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Choir Leader D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister MRS. MORGAN AGNEW, 11,00 am.—Morning Prayer and Choir Leader and Organist Sunday School. The Church School meets at 1 7,00 A.m.—Evening. g Service, a 11,00 a.m.-D vine Worship PENTECOSTAL CHURCH s' Ii N OX CHURCH, SAYP I> MD 2.30—Public Worship. P•A O C . Charles welcomes you to his House of Beduty; located on ,King Street, p Victoria, street It is a good dung to give tluiailcs K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor next to, Simpson -Sears Order Office, Charles is a graduate unto Clod Ail Welcomo of Grey Beauty' School, London, Ontario. Sunday, December 12, 1884 BAYFIELD BAPTIST 10,00 a.m,—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship SPECIALIZING IN COLD WAVING CHURCH R AND MAI STYLING UCH R S I NG 7,30 ,p,m.—Evenzng Service Invites -UU to. service Y s each Tuesday, Dec. 14—Prayer Service ' Sunday in the . Orange Hall, and Bible Study. I Bayfield, at 3.30 P._, until the Friday, Dec. 17 — Young People's , SPECIALS FOR OPENING and HOLIDAY SEASON new church is :bmpleted. ” Service. Speaker: 1, 13 delibara. Everyone Is Welcome IN COLD 'WAVING. ONTARIO, STREET UNITED CHURCH o "TM. FRIENDLY. CHURCH" 2: m PAS6`OR-0EV A.'OLM, EAGLE, B.A., S.D. Free Oil Shampoo or \Creme Rinse From December 1S to December 24 m ORGANIST- AIRS. V. WEWE;ORP ~ r^. ' ,00 a.m.—Morning,1orship Also Evening Appointments M M 12 11.15 p.m,—Sunday School. Gr 730 p.m.= -White Gift Service PHONE CLINTON "520. °�ii,�1.TURNER'S CHURCHI' I. 2.00 p.m.—Church, Service 3,00 p.m Sunday School, Union 11" A L L TA uesdaY, Decelmilber 14 6.30 P.M. WESLEY-W14LIS UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL ROOM All Young People between the ages of 13 and 28 are invited to come 'for the banquet, and the inform- ative, interesting time to follow, REV. McRAE, a young experienced minister from •Winghom, will be our guest and will speak on the subject "Y.P.U. ENTHUSIASM". We are counting on YOU to be there! THERE IS NO SWEETER GIFT! CHOWO`UtES, by Moirs Ganongs Smiles 'n Chuckles - ALL IN GAY HOLIDAY WRAPS -- CHOOSE FROM OUR CHOCOLATE DROPS FRENCH NCIH CREAMS GUM DROPS XMAS MAX (a real buy) CANDY CANES For Your Christmas Dinner or -Party Be Sure To Include Our CHRISTMAS CAKE © SHORTBREAD FANCY COOKIES and DINNER ROLLS • Our Saturday SPECIAL' -- For December 11th From Our Store Only— Fresh Raspberry Pies— Reg. 60c for BARTL.IFF BROS. BARE, FS and CONFECTIONERS PHONE 1 CLINTON , 5Y Y`d'Y1i`F i1 i 4 F9 t t9t%7aht' 7r 7�E;'§tr YgJn 7��.13 idz+i dea'I",11+`37 7 3 i's'Y i,ZBa�i�dh:WDW i