HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-12-02, Page 15'T%-A'}LSDAY;-•DECEMBEFl.2,`1954 " CLINTON NE -RECORD PAGE FIFTEEN Do, Not Delay Sail Sam les Sixty, Bushel +11T�i THE . 'O. n. tario PotatoesCarlOstreicher CadburPt o�nted head The Milk Of App Should Be Taken ' k �n Wheat Club cc �0 11T'1 Top All, Spuds Strawberries' Hay Federation Right Away, Chocolate Bars Winners At Ro al At 'Royal:. Winer,: The mulching of strawberries The Hay Township Federation Farmers,who'•mtend to'., plant Not so many months ago George L. B. Mehlenbacher, Cayuga, in Ontario r should' not be left •until too bite- of Agriculture banquet was held spring grains and wish to' have Cadbury died at his home in flier Haldiman'd County was the winner gown potatoes out In the fall; or injury to the plants in the Community Centre, Zurich. their soil an before planting .+ 1 of the 60 bushel wheat contest l: ranked all others at this year's. ing lam; Bngland. - .,will result through exposure to Gordon Greig; Bluevale, secretary should not delay taking soil,'samp- sponsored by the Maple Leaf Mill Royal Winter Fair, winning the cold, advises B. J, Teske Depart- y , ger, advises Professor His name was not one that was. znl Co., the Ontario Soil and Crop op`awards in both seed a y p and county chair- les R. Ion a and table ' '.rent of Horticulture, Ontario Ag- man. N; R.. Richards;, Head of the known throughout the cour'itry nor in Association and .the' g throughout the Commonwealth:' Ontario De stock classes, as well as a good ricziltural College.. The election of officers resulted Department, Ontario' Agricultural g Department, of Agricui- ' The mulch should be a died as follows: president, Carl Oest- College, . Guelph;. Although. the, It's highly probable a lot of people ture. His entry was Genesee. number of lesser prizes, p richer, Dashwood; first vice-presi= "Soils Departtnent now has a con-: had never heard of George Cad Wheat.' l The Championship in the table When the temperature goes down bury. Yet, in his way, he dtd,a lot 230 entries finished the first stock class went to, Comme Trots -to about 20, degrees Fahrenheit, dent; •• Lloyd Hendrick; Grand siderable number of 'soli samples. • life Bend; second of ore pleasant. stage at this contest, with an av- 9i tier, R;R. 1, Chelmsford In .the which in most of N November. i5 Love, Kzppen;vdirectorseLeonard les before freeze un willoen ure a to make haIL-a century `a o erage yield of 51,3 bushels Sudbury District 'toward the end of November. P g 1 ,R rY r who won the Merner, Harold.Deichert, Herbert report in good time for spring. George Cadbury took the suggest- acre; The highest yield was chalk Snyder's'Potato Chip Special; In, Clean straw, or wild liay, steak Klopp; Jack Faber, Elmer Rowe, planting. ion of.a+ farmer and turned it -into ed up by Ed: Ruthven, Port Hope,. Yst CLINTON LIONS CUB P this glass which had 113 entries eh well to free It from weed seeds, Harold Rader, Clifford Weido and Soil 'boxes and instructions for an idea that, was happily, accepted 'In Durham County, with &--yield ACK 65 out of a possible.80 prizes went makes a,good inch. Leaves do• . y g p r of .72.8: bushels, also of the Gen-' With the splitting pack to Ontario rowers:, xFr Theodore Geaffer taking soil sam les can be obtain- by both farmers and urbanites. plittm of ^the g, -,mot make the best mulch . as they Two short .films were shown, ed "free of charge from the office Fox' George Cadbury was the man esee variety. there is much more time for_in- in In the cookie tato - Class, are apt to .smother the plants. Tom Pryde;' MLA for South Hu- o(Agricultural Representative G. who put; the milk in milk choco- o g Po a , "The mulch should be. applied about ron„ and Elston Cardiff MP for V. 'Mout orae- late. LATEST WINGiIAM'.iE'LAX dxvidual instruction for -the `boy which was judged on the basis of ' three ,inches dee and,zs best a g _ ry, Clinton, or from „ s 50,percent for dry matter or. star - P, p- Huron -Perth, •spoke briefly.. the Soils De artment, O.A.C, The His family was already in the • Thurs• Nov: ,25 Mr. Pim At a xecent meeting Paul Bate-. lled over the complete patch. To - y' p ch content and 50' percent for ex- p 1 Harold Baker, assistant agricul- questionaire on the back of the in chocolate and cocoa business when Passes -:By;" .:the latest production'' man, passed his Tenderpad, Teddy terns) appearance, keep . the mulch from blowing tural :representative for Huron, struetion sheet should be fill d he ,joined the.firm.in 1898, so he of thb Wmgham Community•Play pP e,, Ontario grow ,awn Ion les may be laced g Bridle passed his ball throwing ers won four of the six prizes from y>. g : R° p County, .spoke on the TB 'Act out, . and sam les zzixist .be taken had lots of ,help in '.learning 'the ers; was enthusiastically received a t _ on tap:of rt down the rows.directions-In b and', catching., Roger Ciynmings ., Arthur T. and stressed that it should be,-aceoxdirig. 'to . order chocolate -milking art. But; it.w s y- alaombined audience of ovefi H r of 17 entries. Arth ,..F'urthe'r details may'be'secured, enforced throughout the province, that the, soil test may v on a holiday in •Switzerland 'in 700 peg 1e at the town all last Passed'his leap fro ".God' Save a twicks Green Mountain las. g P y ha a any pp g. xety ,won top honors m this class. from -,the Ontario Department of value. - 1'903 that he got"his big idea. Week:! , In the cast were Mary ;the Queen" and "O Canada"; -'Niel- Martin' Maurice ene h6ulse Flack, Vii Dittmer; Cath=Keswick;tang . came AS?clllture bulletin Ther Straw- Agricultural' representative, Clin- o A. Swiss farmer suggested that - - .. vin Crich and: Bi1an'Lavis seed fourth with Jack John- -derYy in, Ontario, obtainable from. ton, or from the Department of The 1954 Christmas Seal Cam- chocolate might be better with seine Keating,. Tim Currie; Bdb sqn, Uxbrid e:was fifth th ttae office of G. W. Montgomery, Lewis, Barbara. Edwards and LIr_ their tenderpad tests and Robert . g wi Kat- g Horticulture; O,A.G, Guelph: paign opened on November 15. (milk added. andin and Norman Marchand six- sola Moszkowski.. Adb s M seed. his time -telling, t with Ca x Cu seer Tom Darlin and h w nso sect . • Assistant Bob'Hicks re doing a a incl) seed pd to se's fit(1 ;., „ . I very _good job with the Pack. ' total entry'of 34, out o a possible 96 prizes were claimed by rOntariogrowers. They co;tlpeted FATHER AND SON BAN UET with the exception of froin Newfound- land, v found- rl�elsf Plyfi�flr ever/ . P ' Outside the weather'was darn" laDavdaHacoetateCochrane won and dreary u inside the Angl l the Internat4o0al Championship. „ V can„Church Parish Hail there -was with hie' a «s 4 Sung. e • r 5 PLYMOUIH. New 11orizon full -wrap windshield wraps around not onlyatthebottom end -8 �� to 157 HP ' corners, but unlike ordinary wrap- arounds, also at the upper half where it really counts. Cotner posts have a rakish, rearward slant emphasizing �e the flowing lines ofthe>IiSPlymouth. Completely new.. , every inch and every exciting line of it! Unique mq ardeck tlike rent There's the bright spirit of tomorrow evidenced in ever line withY fend graceful, mpha fin Me rear '<: ' of the spirited new Plymouth for '55! For here's a car • fendersemphasizesthe9ow, i£�%�`'~ ' racy look of the sweeping Plymouth silhouette` I so refreshingly free of meaningless fads and frills . , . Luggage compartment is so artfully styled, so,slim, so taut'.. you Sense a feeling �bigenoughtoholdasteamer • • g trunk with room to spare) of forward thrust even when the car is standing still. r �:.:: I And under the hood you'll discover silky -smooth ower in :• .. p new V-8, and 6 -cylinder engines. Yes, from roof to road ..:......::....: . s 'o, from bumper to bumper, you've never seen, so much that's 0�0 new... so much value! Be sure to see this 'eager new Plymouth on display at your Chrysler -Plymouth -Fargo dealer's! `a <' Manufactured in Canada by Chrysler Corporation of _Canada, Limited New curved instrument panel with gleaming recessed dials has the look and efficiency of an airplane flight deck The PowerFuto "PowerFlite, power steering, and power brakes available automatic transmission* Flite Control lever is mounted on the on all models, and power window lifts and power beat on Savoy dash with other controls that are seldom used. and Belvedere models at moderate extra cost. Make it a date! Don't miss this.exciting event at your Chrysler -Plymouth -Fargo deader*s! AM °HONE 465MURPHY'.18RU%wo, CLINTON ` Q� of1� 'rad@a5 o odd DOC, TELL ME WHAT FRANK, ALWAYS REMEMBER ELIMINATE THE CAUSES OF CANNIBALISM, SUCH A5; THERE ARE WAYS To HELP STOP IT Buz PREVENTION I6 YOU N . YOU WATCH FOR IN YOUR THAT WORD PREVENT- 1,100NEi0Di'M OF 6RAIN, THROWS OUT PROTEIN YOUR FIRST STEP, HERE'S NOW TO CONTROL PICKING: ANKLE 6ALANCE JN OVERALL Ti 4Ti0N. MY BIROS CIKE } FLOCKS.TO PREVENT, PREVENTION ISYOUR KEY 70' F1 PST- REMOVE ANY BIRDS THAT SHOW SIGNS of CHILDRENy CANNIBALISM: HANDLING CANNIBALISM �' �'W®/N6 70o MANY 8fRo5 PER.PEN. : INJURY OR WEAKNESS. i 1N ANY FLOCK,. , 3• /NAVE—O A EATINGAND•DRINKING. SPACE. SECOND -DARKEN PEN so FLOCK CAN S MELYSEE .FEED EH, DOCr? 4. /OLENES$ - KEEP BIRDS BUSY.. MOPPERSANDWATERFOUNTAINS. TH IRO - AOD I TABLESPOON OF COMMON SALT To EACH \ C WORM9YAV6- LEA DING•TO' PtCK-OUTS':: GALLON OF DRINKING WATER FOR ONE cN NESTS - POORLY CONSTRUCTED. MORNINGONLY. REPEAT TNREE..ry 9AY6LATER. �+ FOURTH- USE SPECKS OR OE -BEAK' - G a J �.. • YOUR BIRD$.IRK,as i putting ori a banquet for the fatly In potato classes for 4-H Club ers and sons. - When the ladies members 43 exhibits were shown. .said "Turkey .with all the trim Club members from Ontario took mings" they meant what they said. 33 of the 37 prizes in four classes. I .never knew that there were so 0 many trimmings to a turkey. thewas hardly room left for Kippers Bazaar the pumpkin pie and whipped cream or, the 'appple pie and cheese. _c� c1 There was. no doubt about It, the, Raises 232 ladies put on one of the best feeds that the Parish Tull had ever '(BY our,Hensall correspondent) seen. Mrs. Dale and her commit- tee did an exce�lent job. The . Woman's Association of St. One of the Cnbs, Bill Wilde said A'ndrew's- United • Church, Kippen; grace to start the banquet. When sponsored a very successful bazaar all the fathers and sons lead ad- and realized $232. The church mitted to the ladies that they schoolroom was beautifully decor - were beaten and could not eat ated for the occasion'. even one small piece of pie more, Conveners of the various booths the master of ceremonies, District were as follows: tea room, Mrs. Commissioner L. G. `'Skip" Win- .Archie Parsons; vegetables Mrs . 'ter, welcomed the fathers and in- Ed McBride, Mrs . John Anaerson; tr. du'ed the leaders at the head cakes and cookies, Mrs. Russell table, One of the fathers, A. Consitt, Mrs. William Kyle; pies "Red" Garon, was called upon to and tarts, Mrs. Harold Jones, Mrs; present the '.'prizes won by the Emmerson Anderson; bread and boys in the last few months. Po- buns , Mrs. Arnold C�ackstetter, bert Addison, Morris Darling, Bor- Miss Isabelle Caldwell; fish pond, den , McRae, Ken Johnson and Mrs. ' Ralph Turner, Mrs. John Steve Cooke were the Cub prize- winners, Lewis Ling, Paul Pic- kett, Wayne Stanley, Bob Emmet - son and Ken VanReisen were the Scout winners, The District Commissioner next called on the leaders to report to the parents of their activitiec'in Cooper Sr.; baby booth, Mrs. Ro- bert McGregor; fancy work, Mrs, R. EI e, Mrs. A.'McMurtrie, Mrs, Bert Faber, Mrs. C. McClinchey, Mrs, J. W. McLean; candy, Mrs- sion Band. • Mrs. Winston Workman is the president of the WA. ?ast year. Tom Darling, Ken antes, Doug Itardy, and Dave le- reported on Cub activities. er then summed up the various Vezina reported -on the scouts. reports and stated that the town Grigg, chairman of the Boys, of Clinton should be very proud Girls' Committee, and .Ken of the strong Scouting movement ae, first vice-president, both and the line way the leaders and .Ireton Lions Club, spoke of the Group Committee were doing activities .of the Group Com. their work. The banquet closed :e.. The District Commission- with the singing of "O Canada." `sArer4-n u' �® BATTERIES I :d battery is your bestiavestment able -free" motoring: Builtforde• udiaag the famous Willard ": With a Willard you start, everywhere. .By Roe Farms Service'�Dept. THAY%RIGHT,FRANK•- (EIpS T6. VMA OTHERS JUST LIKE MRJ?0ftS%#ftrHAND YOU MUST KEEP+THEM BUSY STOP MISCHIEF-•YOV FEW THEM. IEXTRN �V6 PMOf�T�!/SE -LAY SO THEY ARE•NOTCRANKY- '00 TAKE AWAY SMALL ONES SO DON'T PICK ON THEM 100 MAKE IT EASY TO FEED, DRINK ROE %�� AND LAY, 50 THEY DON'T BECOME IMPATIENT. v- -"`�� 1 '�•7 • E66 ,. MASH 6 MASH 1 Auf a..AkuAA.G. , M / H. Charlesworth CLINTON A. J. MUSTARD ,• PEI .. �.. _<.� _... . .. ,�,.:.�..,,,.'�i'unx.:i� :.ce.Jee.,:+ .e�srcd,4::.:'•45,..�.:..�r_ .t'.