HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-12-02, Page 10Only 19 IVlore "Sho" iu Da' s" .
Clinton l'�ewSwRecQrd � �►�► g , � • • . . �� —
Top.Shelf.Issue June 6. 1685, >sirst .,sine ($urs-News-Reoord) b.
Januaiy '1821 r
An Independent ,News aper devoted to the Int este of the Town of+ t (By $ENdAM'IN IiEVE11i1DCiE)
Amalgamated 1924
2 4 P Clintonc linton and Surrounding District
Population, ,5 8; Trading Area, 16 o00; .Retail Market, $2;000,000• 'Rate, 4.5c In the current catalog of books
per line flat i work of ,the church,
, well as the
�� 1 from the .Ryerson Press there are. q.Qzk of the, church, and in this •
Sworn Circulation 2,018 / " : s F^ still enough tracesCof thins ec-
Home of Clinton RCAF Station arid-AdastralPark residential p/ I r "'' r u. g g anniversax
(residential) ,� / w" 111 ; � ;: ^;c >; ; ,'..: celeszastic to remind readers that . Y' Year those of us who
MEMBER: Canadian . Wgekly, NewsPaPera Association• ntario- uebec �Di i / ` ., R r F `^^` �i ::> _ • know t at books .are proud to
- .. Newspapers , ,,O GI v stop, CWNA, � :.•� �� : �.� �,,,,,, ,, .k., h, , it was the Church that .gave lit- know that Ryerson is ani ternat-
Westorn Ontbrto Counties Press Assoeration / . , „',"+`,A> erature its start in Canada; , just Tonal house publishing n
P2.;.;• ^ s > Pu sic more books
5UBSCRiPTION RATES:, Payable In advance --Canada and Great Britain: $2.50 a . year; -•�� ��x ??"' ..,u�l. � ";.; �<,^* ; .,. .�'� n� as it had given the ,first impetus ;about .art. and'musi
United States and Forel g p r ; r f to writing in practically 'every and ' more books byandabout '
r en: ,5350^ Single Copies Six Cents y � � �«
•3'` j other civilized country—although alf r. oil
Ilelivered by carrier to RCAF Station and Adastrai Park -25 -cents a month; seven cents acopy , a •�. �Fv" '�:. .� ',<s;�-����r ;<,<. _. Y— hough. Canacbans-than ever.
Authorized as second class mail; Post' Office Department; Ottawa 3 : ' ', _hx sus{ perhaps in some of these count- : The very first book from the
^ ries a bit sooner. Methodist Book ;Room was called
Published EVLRY THURSDAii'; at E,'iI,1NTON; .Ontario, Canada; in the heart, of Huron County a < � >
6 xa>; z tri a Thea„Ryerson Press of , Toronto, ;'A Disciple of ,the Methodist Ep
' ;',ren is' Canada's oldest book publish- Isco al Church in Canada;” and
HURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1954 ing house, and because it is now fox, number of years much of
celebrating its 125th anniversary what came ,.from the house was
in this vein. But towards the end'
,Y . " i $�z3;zy mit this year remiss
ozend Without say of the century the religious worsts
ELECTION ON MONDAY ,� F. , x ,^ ;. 2 ing something about it. were overshadowedby text books
;;, Back in 1829,.when.the clerical, forischools (Ryerson had been the
s : ,,a . leading educationist of the era),
THE DIE has been cast. There is to be an man qualified. Two of those in the running are /,
b / x collar of the Methodist circuit .
} it +"�f y y ° »<v . rider was a familiar si ht in the -medical books, history slid fiction,:
election In and 13 men .are setting out new to council work, but have in the past shown sy r li ' r ^' g
From the press •m 1835 came
Clinton, g Asa .xa; . $ e;: ^, . s, .: Pioneer forests: of Upper Canada,
into the field to find their popularity among the their interest m the work of the community. �, x •� .,••r.- Defer Jones Pun e
.,: certain elders of this denominat- g Ewe Oeedez'-
voteis, -
For -the PUC we have a two-sided battle., * ; ;;" ^ , ion found it necessary to establish hewahezewinewah, Egewh Anah-
i ti Two men with years of experience. Two men * t >, E,;S. , ^, ,,, 4 a ,printing shop for the purpose of meahaig. No publisher would
This may seem an unlucky number, Car- with no ex rience but with a will to ma �` � g have the courage
to rint a book
Pe make a �;} publishtn the numerous tractsp
tainly it will be so for four of the inert, for there:.[`E and pamphlets which were part by such a name today. There
change Which. they and their supporters hope and parcel of the Methodist man-, was hardly a subject overlooked :.
are only nine offices'to be filled The re'eveship will be for the better, iryd ner of preaching., They `selected by Ryerson if, it had an uplifting
is being.• contested; by two well-liked-men—one "Our blessings upon all contestants at the as their editor a'man named' Eg motive, There was `Physical
who has served Tri that capacity for three Go forth uickl dear husband and rib do. not for et 'erton Ryerson,. Training in Schools"„in 1852, and
y ars-” polling booths nett Monday.. G Yi , • p y g Y rsan. He was no doubt "The Female Emi ants Guide".
tl)e other,has shown capacity for work and get- your . great-aunts Cousin's husband's niece." the man for the: job, s publisher by Catherine Parr TiailT in •1854.
We would urge all electors to take the trip the donyears he was publisher ,.
ting things done; in the deputy -reeve's post; # long The Duty of Giving Away =a. Stat
to the polls and make their decision one way or - and leading contributor the Book ed portion of our Income" came
nc on the the other. Let's show the men who we're behind, Shop continued to grow in stature out in '56. In 1860 came "The
nominated for, council ' y pert of those as the mother house of Canadian
sifter some resits
to reallymake up their and just what actions we condone. or disprove, a per-• publishing. In 1831 there were 79' Teetotaller's Hand -book,". and in
min4 to quality, the. lists ended with one "extra Let's get there and vote. From Our �/arl lll✓�T, tities.on' the list; In the 40 years recent years sucb titles as :Brain
•ythat William Briggs (a successor Lesions and Functional Results.
FARM AND TOWN :MEETINGS - to Ryerson) published under his ,The New Arithmetic." „Canard
own name 800 -more titles, were Tan 'Banking," Clothing Desi
40 YEARS ACO �3 YEARS AGO added;
d ed; r3 since Dr.
, Reading S udyFand-.
in Lorne Oe as and
d Dr
WE ATTENDED three very important ison we believe -the farmers' meeting was more The Clinton New Era - .The (Clinton News-Reeotd many as 1;500 books and booklets Practice," have been published.
meetings during the past six days.,, efficiently conducted' than either of the other two Thursdhy, November 26, 1814 Thursday, November 28, 1929 have appeared under the Ryerson Some of the books were under
One was a. -town meetin -the nomination - - Canadians, irrespective of their imprint, Upwards-, of a. million Pen names such as Esperance,"
g This has not always been the case; Only David Camra y is celebrating P P _ A.LA.M. (A Lady of Manitoba),
night of the Town of Clinton. Public officials recently—and after ears of study party differences u to Sir extend- his 81st birthday today. copies are now printed annually,
s nt three hours y. dy and education mg congratulations to Sir. Wilfredo - John Hall has moved ,into. the in addition to all - the, Sunday and "Katherine Hale." And,some
pe res explaining the workings of under the guidance of Federation of -Agriculture Laurer, who on Friday Iasi reach- school of the bylines were illustrious--=
west half of Irwin's house, Huron, papers of the United Ch Sir Richard Cartwright, right -
the town government to`their electors.' Another heads; Department of Agriculture representativ- ed his 73rd birthday. Street, hand man to Si
Wilfred Laurier,
was a township meeting—when Townships of as and 4 H Club training—has the farming pop Miss, Nelle Medd is visiting her Ephraim Snell was in Toronto It would be folly to presume who wrote "Reminiscences;"
old school chum, Mrs. George Lay last week judging sheep at the that all the books turned off theGeorge-William
Goderich reeve and councillors talked over. the illation been able to produce such a woll-ordered, ton for a few days. Royal Winter Fair, - Ryerson George• William Ross and Sir Ol-
townshi" business.Y Y presses in those many. tver Mowat, both re
P and informative meeting as this one was, Henry Peacock has improved junior and intermediate team in years were premiers of on. _
The third was the annual meeting of the • ' the a aran¢e of, his kitchen b great books. le lot of ,arta; Sir Wilfred Grenfell ("Tales. _
V7e feel that this indicates wise leadership • PI?e Y junior and intermediate teams in them were worth very little. Some of the Labrador") and Sir Charles,._
Huron Farmers' Federation, giving it a Coat ofpaint, the OHA and later on it res the of the poetry, for instance, could
. indeed, and the 'activity of the farming groups Thomas Adams, Sr.; had the intention to form a town league. find no other publisher. But the Tupper, minister of Canada.
All of the meetings were ,different—and at An reasonable planning for their future promises misfortune to lose his gray horse The following officers of the hock- fact that there was at least one Emil
the same time there was much that was: alike much for the future of Canada. last week. ey team: Hon -president, Dr. Me- Canadian publishing house willing Y P. Weaver (1865-1943)
about them. At each of these meetings a roil Upon the farmin Thomas Mcl4fillan, Hullett, a Ginnis; president, John Zapfe; to build tiie groundwork of a nat wrote history books—and poetry
g group p g industry in the past can —for Ryerson. John Frederic
well. known Farmer has been eros- vice-president; H. B. Manning; Tonal •literature for this Country Heroin wrote his "Grand pre" in
was receiving an accounting of a year's work by Curies, when labour of hand, muscle and strong an the Liberal standard bearer for secretary -treasurer, J. Wigging- encouraged many poets • to try 18 9 8, and Margaret Marshall 1
men they had put in office: At each the people wills were necessary Canada was built, the riding of South Huron: He is ton; manager, Andrew Steep; coin- harder. Some of them were such Saunders came out with a novel
• present were there voluntarily to share in the And through the efforts of the farming in- ' one of the ablest speakers inthe mittee George Jenkins, C. Drap people as Charles G; D, Roberts; in 1901. Ernest Thompson Seton
province besides being one of the er, E. Crich T. Morgan, E. Wen- Frederick George Scott Charles appeared at R
e discussion and knowledge of their own business. dustry in the future centuries when planning, best farmers, dorf. g Mair, Arthur Stringer,' Isabella • yeravag m 1903 with
There was no compulsory attendance at any, thoughtful conservation of present soils and Mr. and Mrs. Proctor Palmer Valancy Crawford, Wilson Mac Two Little Savages, Robert
Each of the meetings was _conducted as a their capacity for feeding the nation is nevesThe..-Clintonand son Donald, have returned Donald, Robert W. Service and E. Service, who now lives along the
News Record French Riviera, published his
business meeting—and if the may make Compare- nary—Canada will continue to grow. Thursday, November 26, 1914 from a visit with the formers J. Pratt. They are big names in "Songs of a Sourdough" in 1907,
War Summaay mother in Detroit. — our literary tradition, to be followed in 1916 and 1923
+ Ross Carter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Like no other publisher, Ryer- by "Rhymes of a Red Cross Man"
gg gy � � 0 TAXES
Eight more Victoria Crosses W. J. Carter, met with a rather son has believed in Canadian and "The Roughneck. This was
TAIL®SC FEDERAL I A lsE� have been awarded for conspicious severe acident while playing bas- writers. It had the brave concept a great time for stories about buf-
service Iia the British. Army. Imtball at the Collegiate on Mon that out of large amounts of lit- falo and homesteading, and in suc
CANADA HAS a new finance minister. For be a mistake to insist on cutting, expenditure The British admiralty announ- day evening, erazy chaff some genuine kernels ceeding years writers like Wilson
some time Walter Farris has been in charge withozlt careful thought. Tbere-are so many. ced that so far a total of 7,343 Misses Marion Davison and An- of good writing would come to MacDonald, Jack Miner, Bliss
directions in which money prudently spent now men have been lost in the naval nie McLeod, ,left on Friday for light, and there is no 'doubt that Carman, Will Bird, Merrill Denis
of immigration to our nation. Now he is placed service. London where they have secured Ryerson's was right. Without it, on,:Blodwen, Clara Dennis, Earle
in charge of the obtaining sufficent moneys in can help enormously in building our future. We,. Lloyd's of London say war will employment, Canada's growing literary prom- Birney, Arthur Bourinot, Arthur
must remember that the present is the future end by March, St. Paul's Church is being re- inence would not have been pos- Ford and J. V. McAree have con -
the, tax coffers of Canada to properly operate of"an earlier generation, and if the present is All German attacks around decorated. Bible. This fine publishing house ,routed over and over again
this Ypres fail, is no longer a producer of mere through Ryerson to the Canadian
gigantic "ocean to ocean' country, sound and substantial it Is because someone in The Germans blew up the town 10 YEARS AGO pamphlets, It has carried on the culture.
Last -week Harris made a speech to the the past was 'willing to take, the long-term view. of Chauvincourt.
Canadian Tax Foundation 'in Montreal. First Their immediate need was greater than. ours Japan stands ready to swell the Clinton News -Record —
reports of the speech' in the daily press were ever could be—and so I su illlies"battle ranks:. Thursday, ATovembor 2S; 1944 �#
ages, that we have Tire Dominion government plans George Thompson, Londesboro, t;T� Be�� p��� 91
rioted with interest by nearly all citizens. At no excuse whatever for thinking only in terms to have 50,000 men in training at hag purchased Mr. Wilson's house N" i �4 a a r
last a finance minister is taking a sensible look of today or tomorrow. Instead of wielding an once, on Princess Street, (By Lewis Milligan)
at the situation, everyone thought, and now; axe Indiscriminately in a field where so many Mrs, I. M. Nay has purchased
there is a good chance of some inequalities being sturdy oaks of national well-being have grown, the MCBrIen house on Ontario All this talk about the necessity is ridiculous—it is a joke. So far
straightened out, some unfair taxes removed, and we ought to consider doing a little planting mi - z' Street from Mrs. Morley Taylor, for "coexistence" between Com as I. know from history, that
general righting of 'an in some cases unhappy our own,' London. munist and non-communist count- never been
a _ Mrs. Lillie Lavis has been ad- ries is rather ridiculous when One forestamong scivilized people, sand it
situation can be looked for. This quotation is part of the speech That we - - vised that her son Elwin Thomas comes to think about: it. What may be an indication that man-
The Editor, I3unldtng had been promoted to does it really mean? It syggests kind is reverting to Savagery,
Some of us unfortunately have lumped to missed in the daily press reporting. We fee] Clinton News -Record
the rank of Flight Sergeant. with that one or both sides are of the when one tribe would completely
the conclusion that Mr. Harris' point of view that it is the crux of the entire matter, prices DEAR SIR: effect from June 8, 1942,' opinion that the other_ side has exterminate the other in warfare,
of the situation, and his stated impression that are high. Everyone wants higher wages, Every- Recently James Eccles, Brant Miss Mildred Heard spent the no tight to exist, and .that as a That very nearly happened in the
tax rates are pretty high" would mean a lower, One •wants the "government to do it," As long ford, first world tractor plowing Weekend in Goderich. compromise they should agree last world war, and did really hap,
Ing of taxes. as these things continue we cannot ho a for nor champion and Robert Timbers, Miss Lots Connell visited friends with each other to let each other pen to some countries in Europe,
P 1953 Canadian plowing champion in London for a few days last live, 'There may be some setrse so far as their national identity
Somehow' we missed' ills fbrther statement expect our taxes to be lowered, returned from the second world week., in that when atomic warfare is and freedom were concerned;
that though our tax system is large, complex Upon us, however, rests the onus of making plowing match in Ireland, During Mrs.. Dia Cornish has returned considered, for that could end ex- Poland, Czechoslovakia and the
and rates are high, he.felt the system was "a sure that our elected men are responsible per- their month-long trip overseas home after visiting in Detroit and istencei for both sides. With at- Balkans for example.
they toured England, Scotland .and Dearborn, Mich., and Windsor for omic bombs they could blow each This whole question of our co»
very.sensible; well-balanced and flexible tax sys- sons, who will see to it that these huge taxes Ireland; observing plowing meth- a week. -and a half renewing old other to atoms. By agreeing not existing with Communist Russia
tem•" . The Financial, Post .quoted. the following are spent properly, and that as little expense as ods• acquaintances, to do that, they could both con- reminds me of HainleVs soliloquy,
exerpt from the speech as well: possible goes into the collection and administer- We think the observations .and Mr, and Mrs. W. M. Aiken and t#ntle to exist. • 'To be or not to be?" in which he
"In a country such as ours I -think it would Ing of these funds, experiences of these Canadian Miss Florence, spent the weekend Who started this question of co- was arguing with himself whether
farmers abroad will interest your visiting relatives in Alieriford. existence? It arose out of the soc- or not he -should commit suicide.
CHt� A CLINTONreaders and at the same time pro- Mrs. William hunter celebrated ial doctrines of Karl Marx, who He felt that he could not co -exist
RISTMAS IN CN mote 'a better understanding of Fier' 80th birthday on Sunday, was a.sociological Calvinist. He with an uncle who had murdered
1� some of the universal problems of November 19. believed in predestination, that his father and with all the "slings
agror iculture. It was announced on Monday, Communists were the "elect" and and arrows of outrageous fortune,,
CEMIST31AS TIME in a small town is like much more to do than we can comfortably get Fthis reason we are arrang- November 25, that Rev. C. R, those who did not believe were which assailed him. Why not have
no other time in the year.. • - done, mg the distribution of a series of Holmes, rector of the Anglican doomed everlastingly, The chief done with it all and put himself
` No -where else can one meet with the he three „articles covering. their tour, parish of Dorchester; has been a dogma of Communism is that it out of existence? he argued. But
arty Give me a smaIi town to live in at any time The articles have been written by pointed rector of 13ayfield, Varna can exist only by the destruction he had some doubt as to whether
greetings shouted hack. and forth among the of the year, But during December, when the William Bullick, Camlachie, a Past and Middleton. of all other social and political he could- really do that, and was
pedestrians, and yes, even from motorists—as in window displays take .on the glitter and trig-,- president of tree Ontario Plow- 0 systems, • That is what is meant "jiuzzled" with the thought of
mems Association, who accompan- by 'world revolution, which something after death.',! He fin -
small town with such a' friendly ' atmosphere ness of any of the great big stores—and the iee the plowmen as team manager. DEEPEST SYMPATHY by - be achieved before the Com- ally decided it was better to He
as Clinton ,and so many other towns have. merchandise has a sparkle and newness all its Any comments - or suggestions- ISL PRINTER'S
y munist millennium' arrives, Stal- -the ills we have than fl to others
Sure, the cities have their tinsel and brightly own—and the gnthusiasm of.' the children, the you may have on this material will TI in believed that, and it is, the ex- that we know not of." y It seems
coloured Iights. We have them too. Sure, the people and the merchants merge as one, (for be welcome, (Reprinted from Blyth Standard) planation of the Iron Curtain, to me that, there is a parable for
F. A, LASHL]7Y, The weekly Glenville, West Vir- which was to separate the people our times m this quandary of the
Cities have their entertainments and gala par after all everybody knows everybody else) -then, Secretary_ manager, Ontario ginia, Democrat went to press last of Russia and its satellites from melancholy Dane, Its application
odes. ' We have them, too, Have week with a front appl n ion
you ever a small town has a, flavour and a Comfortable . Plowman's Association. , only its ma Page bearing contamination by the rest Of man- is personal, social, national and in -
found yourself in Clinton in December with noth- happy feeling that no "big city nor town can Toronto, Ontario, Y masthead and an embar- kind, There could be no coexist- ternational. If we are to exist at
Ing to do, and nowhere to go? Most of us have ever have, November 18, 1954.. raised .explanation to its readers. ence of Communists with non all in this world we must co -exist
oIt only happens once in a life- communists within that charmed with our neighbors and our troub
17 time, but it does happen," the pap- circle, les as best we Can.
County Gives $416 ' er explained' in a two -column box Since the death of Stal;n, how- , o
A i`al� S DUTY l7RITI�7R MEN In
in the middle of the page, ever, we are told that the present i
Ica First Four Days "We had -the paper made up and Soviet regime has modified its at- �s, Thomas Ilan
(Ingersoll Tribune) ready to go to press at,.3:00 p.m. titude, if not Its views, on the
Wednesday. En route from the question of coexistence. The by- Art DIs la ill
I DON'T really believe we're just a ball HITTING BASK _ Of TB Seals Sales make-up stone to the • press we orogen bomb may have had some- Display given a certain bias and rolled up the green: ° Meaford Express) - The first four days' returns Pied the whole front page. That thing to do with that. Mr, V'h-
towards heaven '0 shell at the end. of it. I' do THIS THING of women taking over pre- from Christmas Seal letters mall- means that all the type, cuts, cut- #risky modified, the tone of his SeafOrth I.ibrar
believe t on the contrary, that we humans are ro atives long sacred to men. has ed to residents of Huron County lines, heads, . leads, slugs, and, so speeches at the United Nations.
g g gone far an- P
total $416. This said the resi. forth fell in a jumbled mass. He has one so far as to hint that Seaforth Public Library Board
only a. little lower than the angels; and that the Dila-, men of Britain have decided. -. ���' P g
dent of the County TB Associa» Well, that's all, Just a jumb- the Soviet' Union might consider has the honour of announcing that
human destiny is happiness, by :which I mean Today the women are doctors; dock workers, tion, "is a good, start on the 1955 led mass of slugs. We couldn't co-operating' with the non-com- ' an exhibition of '
bud . ut� them together Paintings n Mrs.
the Peace of God which passe,- understanding; taxi drivers, storekeepers; bankers; printers, and get for. tuberculosis. preven- PP g Iter in less than a munist nations in the reduction of Meur#g Thomas, D.A., (signed D.
and that every human being can. get there by painters, tion. day, with the whole force working, armaments and' entirely .banning M. Norrie), Walton, is on display
his own efforts; but that he can't do so on a Although only 144 persons have Come then the stories wouldn't atomic bombs, In other words, at -the library from November 20
They do everything the men do. And, we'll sent in their contributions so far, out right." - the Kremlin is willing to allow us to December 3. _ ,
desert island, so to speak (unless he happens have to admit, they do it ever bit as.well. Mr. Snow is quite confident that ,. The other seven pages appeared to exist,. for the time being,at . Mrs, Thomas -received y last intact, but brother, when that least, if . we will disarm ourlves training at the Aberdeen College
o l ge
to be genuinely shipwrecked), but can only do so year's mark will be ,passed.Col ege
Inside the human community In the full flow of But some tradition -minded Britishers do -not "Our program for the next 12 happens around a printing office and hot^ •be too inquisitive about of Art, there being awarded . a
lis months res more. extensive than we on Pubhshzng morning,. fresh air what is
life, by piunging'tnto the stream, of Iife, 'and not see it in that light. have, undertaken before and I'm is a: necessity, whether it hap s armaments 3li h on nd rt the way, of ei2 vstudg scholarship for advanc- .
Pin a he iron cur y in Germany, France,
running away, from it; by being a fuII member sure that the public wants every- to West Virginia,• or. Blyth. " twin, Belgium and Italy. She has ex
of the human,. community which means, at a. Women should stay in their place. They thing possible done to prevent; TB Standings of the ten prize will. But as I have said the question hibited her wore '
ny of the
refuse to do so. So these men of the old breed and will therefore supply the Hers included William Turnbull as to whether one arof the well known ;art galleries in Brit-
guess, putting more into the community than - money for our campaign," he said, (seventh), Brussells.' p
one takes out of it"—Robert Henriques. of wooden ships and iron men are doing, some world can 'co -exist, with the other ain.
ASKING FOR' TROUBLE she workining g o entries for the t h exhibition,men. OPP MAIN 51`=T
Win ham Advan Out of . ndon < apress-despatch
: a By JQE DENNETr' '
g ce Times) 6
' I WASHED' ` I C*LEANEI7 UP 9V! W AT Q vss ~ ' G'HRt3,TMA5 IS i
of -embroidery to be held in 01d Lannon next GOOD! H N I DONT OH
CHILDREN ON bicycles on the streets of f AND HEIR
town at night can bea positive menace, Bart#a AOR YOU R YOU ONLY THREE WEEKS
warl when their bicycles are not a ui DAD! Y.OU , MA . HOW KNOWS. j St
Y Y 9 PPed with i AYJA�/
tights. 7 / ? ; ( r,� n e N SO GOOD? Z'
It's too much to expect of the,town police MOTORISTS PRAYER "• p (IIIC(IIUIi',' S.
.force to ask them to control the offenders. And Grant me a steady band, and, watchful eye,
some of the children are too young to know, That no man shall be Burt when I pass, by.
Parents of children n their
h -And pray no act. bf mine t , %
avithout instruction, re their own can ere• Thou k est ay or mar that gift of Thine.
g g
With bicycles would in, 111'ay take. away
struet them on the proper way of riding a bicy- Teach me to use my car for other's need = _ z•
cls in traffic, and should make sure that they Nor miss through'love of speed�
dq not venture out after dark without be lights ' Tree beauty of Thy world; that jus i may
�< Y
s`equ.ired by law. With joy and courtesy go on my way.-
r ,