HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-12-02, Page 9."THE'NEW SERA -90th YEAR
No. 48—TheNoroe Paper With the News CLINTON ONTARIO, `rlflUR$DAY, DECEMREit,` 2, 1954 IuSECOND" SE9TION = Pages 19 to 16- 6 cents a copy -- $2.50•a yeas
Dr. J. A. Addisoln Contesting Goderich Twp. R�eveship, ■
Re ord
y..Y; .,:�. � (andidate's,For •PUC
A ointed
Aga Pp
n 4.
'Dr. A. J: Addiso,n, Clinton,and
George Reid, hav,
`ht" To CDCI Board OR omnationNi
e.beenre-named ri aYas Huron County representatives' Scwen Hares appeared on the slate last night to
r.;'.`:. >•
::'..,<<, :' «::: u, ,::�•»: .<..,,.,:.:< .,:.-s..,":;,, :,..,.,,<,?.;;,... .,;:�,..,..z�.a., on the Clinton: District C, olle late
Institute Board for 1955..`tvo Vac n re$ on the P ohs UtilltieS sion made
b the completion, of the second year 'of their term b 'II ,R.
,.,, ..,. �„����_•:,:.'•';: c��'' ,Other representatives named Y P h n y Y
1 Hawkins and' A. 'J. McNLur ' ' ” Nominated' were C: H. Epps
are: Ai -D, MaeWilliam to Wing:. ,>�:
Ors ' ., : 4w A wz :r.a ' u, : n, .
• > e s „ . • <: .. :: e.zst. District `• Ken- ,„, a y<. .:y,,:.....: ,� r r .y � >;;:� �. n,�..McMurray,
ham .Dist ret. High School, K n ,;r,• , �:> s v,, �» r . Ernest -Brown, Charles; Brown, H,`R.'Hawkins,. A, S.
neth Johns Harold Walker South
• , . � ,;�� � x�'��,��� � :�' Hatry Watkins and A. J; Deseek. (Since then, C. Brown Haw-
• t y l�:':., .' rF ', u .,Z, '.. a gni'
Huron High School, E>f-
_. °t
;t :;•' > s r: kinS McMurrayandDeseckhave
eter• Russell BoIton to Seaforth
Hr h School, ,and, Robert ,s s:,z t
s> s s Wi „ ? H R. Hawkins ers, Hawkins recalled that
Bissett to the . Goderich: District i;='�'.: _ t he
u�u:.a' Present chairman of the 'PUC chairman had said that the only
;aa : Collegiate Institute,
tom';, reason to dissolve the PUC would
;:.,. f..;<.;xx i :e,,,.. H: R. Hawkins spoke of the work
o- t • s �r r be if there had been mi resen-
4 of the PUC, saying that we're , P
x s” xxw .h>. 4, s iia kn ' g Yr g tatron of funds, and that thele had
c a tr € ,, z.„, ,, . .7 9 not as black a we've been paint
.x„s:>x ,,s»• Reeve: William H.:Morritt (ac- .£mN a� r+ > « ? a3 »' ed.” During .the past year the been no such in evidence;
'�z ::'iII:iz, :� a i?'� �� i g P Y Y.
claimed). iFx,�: �. J c; a' 'ra�sY had installed 35 new hydro ser-
' zi� �' Y ,Concerning sewerage, . Hawkins
Council (four to be elected): �” f " ''s.,,;.
_< , R. 3�{ I�Y, �3 f vices, 24 of thein in new homes„ 'stated there were now 1,875 con-
rr, Cecil .Wheeler, George ,Radford, 0 Tliat s mighty good for a town of nections. He said they had' iiud-
> Lewis Whitfield, W. Fred How on, P' �; �z'kzsv�t ,sem r �, pedally so when they eted to return to the town $8500,
Ss our size, es
J G� E _
Wishes to thank every Citizen of Clinton for. their
confidence and support, and Mr.N. W.
Trewartho in particular;` -his attitude,
was much' appreciated.
3 orae Scrim eour.
School Trustees (three to be
F.. _ , ,.•_v
,� _� ss �€3r ..�
are not a housing project, but all
to individual home builders: and
and had already turned over
$6;000, ex' eti to 4000
.elected): Harr Gibbons, Waiter
E: Clayt' ,LA1TiTWAITE, ; '... 'JOH14 W. DEEVES
owners,", Mr. Hawkins stressed.
more. O f waterworks ''the same
utt l e McDougall,C.
B e 1, Mrs. Jack
Mrs. Fran Bai ton n
Frank n Frank
R. R. 1,' God'ecich; is contest- R. R. 2, 'Bayfield, bachelor
Of the wiring program, Haw-
pins listed spent last year,
was true,' some $6,500 had been
given to the town.
man: + ..
PUG (one to be elected}: Stew-
ing the re'eve's position in fanner, is entering the race
Goderich Township; following for the Reeve's position in
Present debentures being issued
Concerning the petition, chair -
art Johnston, William
a resignation' of Reeve .Ed, Goderich Town9hip next Mon-
for another $15,000; and he pre-
dieted an expenditure of $100,000
man Hawkins said, you had a
man working for you and he
N. Grigg. (N Photo) r day. (N -R Photo)
before the work was complete. He
believed this renovation would
showed a surplus every year,
would you retire him or rehire
PUC (acclaimed) : Thomas Tay -
Hullett Reeve For
take- care of the low voltage. Re-
ferring to the visit to Mr, Saund.
him" ' I don't believe we did any-
(Continued on Page: 12) ,
George Cowan. give a detailed re -
Mayor: Mayor John H, iiueliins,
R. Jewitt, who has served on the
port on the finances of the town -
Reeve: Reeve John I.I. Graham,
Wm. R. Jewitt Acclaimed Joseph Allaire. '
77arn itv Rnavn• 7. F. Tl—
Ernest Fisher.
WILLIAM J. DALE—Nominated by William -R. Jewitt; seconded
Councillors (six to be elected):
by Thomas Leiper.
Frank Skelton, Reuben Besse,
WILLIAM R. JEWITT—Nominated by Oliver Anderson; sec-
John Vincent, Frank Walkom; Joe
onded by Howard Armstrong.
Snider, C. M. Robertson, John
Spain, James M. Donnelly.
THOMAS LEIPER—Nominated by Elgin Josling and John Riley.
Public School Trustees (one for
each ward to be elected) : St. And-
EMMERSON HESK' —Nominated by Harvey Hunking, and John
rew's, Burns M. Ross; St. David's,
Mrs. Madeline Edward; St. Pat -
GEORGE C. BROWN—Norninated by James Armstrong and Ross
ricks, Carlton J. Worsell; St,
George's, Brian Ainslee, Ralph
ARCHIE YOUNG—Nominated by Hairy Snell and George Brown.
PUC (acclaimed) : Thomas Tay -
No election is necessary in Hul-
50 persons were on hand to hear
lor, Rod Johnston.
lett Township this year. William
George Cowan. give a detailed re -
R. Jewitt, who has served on the
port on the finances of the town -
council for 11 years has stepped ship and hear the reports of the
up to be Reeve for 1955. His ac- councillors, road superintendant
e amation was made possible when and representatives of the council'
the present reeve and warden of
Huron County William J. Dale de -
on the Clinton and Seaforth Dist-
cided to retire from public office. rict High Schools. .
The clerk, George Cowan hagto Resolution from County Council
extend the nomination period or
approximately 40 minutes in order Clerk George Cowan was made
to, get enough men to fiII the chairman of the meeting. He
slate for council. Those receiving read a resolution to the ratepayers
acclamation were George C.
Brown, Emmerson Iiesk a n d of Hullett from County Council
Thomas. Leiper of last year's coup- asking that they return Reeve
cil along with Archie Young, who William J. Dale for another term
served on the 1953 body. sothat the incoming county coun-
r1lbancial Report Heard cif could have the benefit of his
A small crowd of approximately (Continued on Page 12)
Thank You
After 11 years on
the Council of Hullett
Township it is gratifying
to be elected ' Reeve by
William R.1ewitr
P U Member
I solicit your support on Monday, December 6, and
if elected will continue to serve in your interests as
I have in the post, If you need transportation to
the polls CALL 244 or 470 and a car will call.
A. J. "Andy" DESECK
rnon' ra'on ln'195
•'I have- been a resident .of this community for 32 As a comparative newcomer to Clinton, I have
years, • served in the armed forces and have conducted a end.eavoured to take a keen interest in the affairs of the
successful plumbing and electrical business for many.,years. town. During World War II, i served as a flying instructor
My experience in thin line should pxove a valuable asset in the RCAF. Before and after the war, I have been actively
engaged in the construction business and feel my experience
to the Public Utilities Commission. would be of benefit to the Public Utilities Commission.
I believe That .greater -consideration should have I:believe in consistency. of policy and equality of
been given the 4;33 petitioners. service to the ratepayers of Clinton. -
I would appreciate your support on Election Day, I respectfully solicit your support on Election Day,
Monda. i, December 6th. _ *Jonday, December 6th.
(Signed) (.Signed)
Charles W. Brown "Andy"' Deseck
e xFor `r resp rtation and �nf r titian °i � owe 363o