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Clinton News Record, 1954-12-02, Page 8
1W } ['AGE EIGHT CLINTON NEWS-RECOliD THURSI}AY .IDEEMBEIZ,,2, 1 ST. ANDRF,tV'S ti'fA PS .00ARD MEMBER rids; and two.ounces of gin, which. . Garage Operators PLAN surrpR MEETIrTG County , Fedekation Hears Gets Sev ys hats, been for his heart. The two. t en Da • f• The Women's Association of St. - • together,; was the, plea, Co biped P Enjoy Ladues Andrew's Presbyterian, Church will ' j S ' to produce drowsiness andgrag- y S Milburne On •JHog In Ma is rates giesss,which gave the impression hold s supper,meeting at the'home V. • HT1 ht- I'n Exeter of Mrs, M, D. McTaggart on Tues- o dr kermess. 1\ tom;' (Continued',from Page One,) home, and the off of pro ` " Evidence given by G; Turner, day evening, December 7, at six approached parliament' and pres- ers and of packers, discussing the Court Yesterda Brucefield, that Binning had . The Huron County Branch of o'clock. �. anted the 1;080 signatures from program. , ✓ shown no signs: of intoxication a . Operators of Ontario ' Perth 'Count in dis, The s Baker said, that "too Charles Binning,Listowel, re twelve o'clock and by theaccusedthe Garage..,_ ,°_—. ��'` a��, �S'`5r,ay" farmers in t Y. p, : t + JOANNE CASTxE CONTINUES .t; a � s.i "',. 1109,marketing our farmers and officers oeived a sentence of ,seven days in that he had no.recollection-of the held their annual ladies .mgbt in i y ;,1'•0 agreement ,with theg many -of , „ r Y BASKETBALL SKILLS x it . r sx n ` r 1i tenni to a ne ative attit- -jail, "on a Charge of being in con period between tnat time and two Legion T3' 1 on<W.ed- :,.w.,.; g P i t the, Exeter Legi , , e Castle dao titer of ?�, )_. , Miss Joann g scheme. a c s g e. o i, h <, ;t s >, With this matter. ;before the, ude, What vVe need most i to tial of a motor vehicle while under o'clock when his actions were not•,• nesday, November 24. Over 160 Castle who is x Mr. and Mrs.,: S. E. _ ., s �, ; , ,w,t, .."' ,, a': And _.� ,. ,... , :,,� members ,of `the cabinet, and ;the develope a feeling of loyalty to the influence of alcohol, at magic- iced, 'did not. seem to co-irrcide enjoyed the turkey, dinner u ,, recently 1n her second year at ��� kis'#;:. w<, Prime. Minister,, Milburne reported, tho Federation. When,: someone trate's court yesterday, afternoon. particularly well with the evidence were entertained by The _Gxeat t Univer it of Western Ontario z, °' the s. ,y „ l - the :Federation officials found attacks the organization they are Evidence, given by ,Rev. A. G. given by the crown witnesses. Mires , a mmicran; was chosen 'captain of the Senior � ". f. 1n p o : :;. ,, ,,.«s «.,N:. ��R themselves talking, not about the attacking the best that you and I Eagle; witness of the man's :car Magistrate Holmes did not ac-. The,evening was spent dancing, ll team there. Last year ¢a�R: ? ,, ;t, x 0 g basketba , ,f,.,,a s, •;.,, d ,,, constructive program outlhld m and all farmers have been ,able to manoeuvering) and b Chief of sept the theory t, at Binning must,. with many prizes :that had been, the hr h::scorer on the, r ,arfir �* a2 n' a g) Y su 1 Joanne was g z' s . Jac the brief, but about the destruct- set up." , Police J. Farrand; who observed have been sleeping for the two donated by wholesale PP9 intermediate team:, Prior to that, interni }:^r,,. "sem aTf ive an les of,. ! p conclusion Milburne review- Binnin 's speech hours' intervening, Holmes said houses given away_fq"r door prizes I basketball : e a: „- g • .Q . I g sp ch and staggering,, e win- she eaPtaured the CDC y ., .r �. .• Discussing the thing later with t`dances. Among th r ed the. brief` which Was presented proved :conclusive, and. Magistrate Thera is not a shadow of a doubt - and spa team for three- years, a\ q ' �. a" .Par;ker; �sard .Mr. Milburne, he had to the cabinet, Included was a D. E. Holmesstated the 'ail sen- in my mind that he was under the• hers were: Lorne J. o- N. Percy Brown (thermos; only destructive criticism. The recommendation for two Ministers tepee, in addition to .three months influence:'° for rug), P Y F;, main, worry seemed: to be over;a to deal with. ,a reultural : pro- impounding of the car, and three; Other Cases coffee pot); ` Mrs. Harry Watkins, Percy Bgown (ladies' hose and :� y „ e . Holland necktie). P, - �z :;;. "`.` matter -of ,shrink in shipping, and rants. The Minister agricultural of: A icul- months withdrawal' of the defend-' 'Emmerson Gluer, plead guilty tn•• (coke gooier), Wesley t r. and Mrs, Wes- Chairman of the, entire program �,,;> _� a wish to -go back to the past when foie 'receives more -delegations ant's driver's license' and owner's' a charge of driving ,a- car while - ley(beverage set); , M he could dicker personally with le Holland (cup and saucer and was Carl Cox; president ,of the than.. all of* the other Ministers put permit. ". under the influence of alcohol, ani%' Y flashlight); Stewart Johnston, association is Harry Watkins, the trucker and. strike a deal per- together, except the :Minister of Bimungs case was pleaded: by was: fined $50' and costs. BlythBIyth (turkey); Clifford Walsh, William Wells is secretary; all �. haps •: profitable to the individual: Labour. Many times the Agricul- Mr: Pratt, Listowel'. Defense was Tames Ps Laurer, charged with, ');, Mr: and ,Mrs. are from Clinton.; Milburne contended that as.long tura Minister finds his health based mainly on the -fact that Bin- leaving the. scene of an accident,,' (turkey); �s as the fa niers did not take; their hos to the. lace where the were, • one 'pili plead guilty and was fined $10 r broken down from overwork, :and ping said he had taken Y efficently, at 11-45 in the morning for artN= and costs. K. W. ' COLQUiiOUN, g P y is unable to carry out .his duties sold.: then the were- not selling, who was made a member by but "accepting a price, The men Since, as Milburne quoted, •one acclamation of the Clinton Pub- in • the marketing scheme. are the wrong' decision in the Minister's IICr �"' SDP lie School Board for Ward 2; at best ; qualified men and,`their: ef- work could affect more dollars rCai6� YOUR � '' last Friday night's Nomination' forts will in the long, run get the I' meetin hjghest rice to the farmer, said than are involved in the entire g• Mi borne provincial bddget, the brief' rec- He "said that he had been close second port - the having 'a 1 _brdrja]I -Makes to the marketing scheme and had folio to take care R. the burden, At j�1 1±1 Past president R. S. McKercher, sAEAD•QUAR.TERS Provides as much as one quarter Dublin, introduced the speaker, e r of his time to meetings in his own and he was thanked by Winston Report To County Shipton. County Forums In the following question period, 'GIFTFOR According to County Librarian Milburne dealt with the wheat .CGIFI �R y09RI�G�%IaAll Pipes Tobacco Pouches Alice Jean 'Eckmier in her report i� 7 marketing scheme briefly, and the to Count Council last week, 1954 Hold Annual difficulties they were meeting, and County predicted that it might be another • �,, ' Whegi in doubt give has been a busy year for the lib- (Continued from Page One) Boxed Cigars rary, with the purchasing. service McMillan,, Walter Scott, full year before•.the details were department doubling its work over Hullett; Irvine Tebbutt, Goderich straightened out. " We may have d' << shirts" is a good rule for to clear off this hog situation last year. township; Jack Soldan, Hay, and ,. gifting men. Particular) CIGARETTE LIGHTERS To date the library has resold first,'. said Milburne, 9 9 " William Elford; ch, Toronto, In reply to a uestion about •• to members of this co-operative Floyd Griesbach, Toronto, sec- p y q i E when they're "Forsyth" ��. Ronson -Presto -Fisher $3,114.49 worth of books. rotary of the National Farm' For- beef products marketing, Milburne reminded his questioners that the The book exchange sat time le um, guest speaker, reviewed actin- c $ C ar "Van Heusen"; shirts � covers 6 days. •During that time hies of farm forums across Can- Producers of this product had not � •b L \ r CIGARETTES in Cartons ' calls ale made at 34 libraries, ada from P.E.I. to Brtish Colum- provided money to carry out their oy r three high schools, four deposit bra, narrating the various uses marketing scheme, but that this „ . \' chosen of Herman's. n stations and 102 schools. This that have been made of Farm had come from a governmental :. s year the library officials worked Radio Forums in each province grant. The five cents per bullock, They'll 'certainly please in 19 libraries weeding out old and and the varying degrees of success, deducted for the proposed adver- ^ ..•. I useless books. A discussion group on two top- tising scheme was a small amount him) ' Wingham Library has set up a ics—_ a project for our Farm For indeed, when compared with the ► new registration and charging urn and Do We Need Another 20 cents per hog for marketing l+ v 1 system.' The library is making a National- Farm Organization? — them. He said that all the work $3n95 complete and up to date'catalogue was presided over by Mrs. Greig. of advertising the beef product a of its books. The first topic showed that went through his office, and creat - The new Bluevale Library was many forums in Huron county ed a lot of work which was not as�se opened this year, , have had worthwhile projects such yet being paid for by the beef jo With 113 rooms still to be cern- as raising money for community producers. ice" iced another truck may be need- halls, seeking improved hydro When his questioner suggested f. a Chocolates services and sending Christmas that it was not the farmer's place by — trained and also the services of a gifts to shut-in"s. to advertise beef since they sold trained assistant librarian. In regard to another national the live animal, and it was up toLOWNEY'S — NIELSON'S — CADBURYS J. D. TIiORNDIKE PRESENTS farm organization, the forums the packer to sell .the processed$9M95 (All in Christmas Wrap) PINS TO SEAFORTH LEGION unanimously agreed that one good meat, Milburne said: You are the organization is necessary and that men that should market your Wed., Nov. 24-- Members of all should put every effort into neat. If the packers advertise it, ELECTRIC SHAVERS Seaforth Branch 156, Canadian making it better through their as- the money for his advertising er SPORTSHIRTS REMINGTON -- SUNBEAM and PHILISHAVE Legion paid honor to charter sociation with the local Fedora- comes from your .pocket. Why members of the. branch at a tur- tion of Agriculture and Farm not realize this, and see to it that ? key banquet, served in the Com- Forums. the advertising is done as you in Centre tonight. Twenty- want it by doing it yourselves? Cil �� Bowlin A'lle five year membership pins were D. A. RANN'S SON IS Douglas McNeil thanked the o Glorify his life of ease'` WG#h one or more of our n n g presented to 31 members, includ- GRADUATE OF BEAL TECH Londesboro Women's Institute for handsome sport shirts. Choose from our eye -taking JJ ing the charter members by Zone Thurs., Nov. 2S—Robert Rann, catering for the meal, and Mrs. array of smart heavy, medium and tight -weight lines Commander•J. D. Thorndike, Clin- son of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Rann, Stanley Lyon, president of the in lain shades or Colourful plaids, A,i;l; bines hand (Reg. Cudmore, Prop,) ton. About 100 members were Brussels,.was a member of the WI replied, p RDI,NES. ' MAGAZINES SMOKERS' SUPPLIES Present, Arranged by a commit- graduating class of the H. B. Beal President of the Huron Hog Pro- washable, YIYELLA — DOESKIN$,--^ GAOA- tee headed by T. A. Beattie, the Technical and Commercial High ducers, W. R. "Bert" Lobb thank- All Sixes i evening was in the charge of Leg- School, London, at the Commence- ed Milburne for his resume of the PHONE 199 — CLINTON ion President Stuart Wigg—Huron • ment Exercises held Friday, Nov- hog question and suggested fur- P Expositor. ember 19, --Brussels Post. ther discussion. � r a; fa ti o) 95 11 Christmas Cards by Coutts Hallmark and Rustcraft © BIG VALUES © TOP SELECTIONS Assorted Boxes 50 cards $1.00 25 Cards $1.00 Many Other Values At Popular Prices See Our Display Of Personalized Cards Games and Toys for Girls and Boys One, of the Largest Selections in Huron County. HANDIPHONE INTERCOM SET .......................... $7.50 WALKIE TALKIE .... $4.95 TEDDY BEARS ........ $1.49 to $8.95 DOLLS .. $1.59 to $11.95 SCRABBLE ... .... $4.50 MONOPOLY ..........,, $2.95 Many Other Games ,Ta" Choose. From Christmas . Decorations Gift Wrappings— • RIBBONS • SEALS — TAGS • FANCY BOWS • SCOTCH TAPE Tree Decorations • Noma Lights • Wreaths • Snow Spray • Foil • Icicles • Bells - • Tinsel Gorlond • Window and • Door Decorations FANCY TABLE CENTRE PIECES Agricultural Representptive G. tI! a W. Montgomery, Clinton, spoke briefly, and supported Milburne's request for.a positive attitude. He invited those present to the 4-H n Achievement Night program in Neckwear Exeter tomorrow night, and then conducted the election of officers. Charles Coultas, chairman of the �• resolutions committee presented o moo's taste three resolutions which were pas- ,to" sed. One cautioned the farmers to consider very carefully any ad- Here are the ties that vanes of the Farmers Union, be- are sure to score with fore committing themselves to theires. A your men on Christmas •, • second resolution was passed askin the pivincal morn. They're man- hold a vote at the next styled, man approved— election and let the people decide the kind men buy them- GIFTSlegsature whether or not to abolish daylight saving time, selves. The final resolution thanked n the agricultural rep resentatives the press and radio station for their 1 " } o $2.50 j $100 `— v co-operation. Set of During the afternoon Warden --- W. A. Dale, Hullett Township BRIDGE DECKS, Ash Trays,and Wrought Iron Stand $4.50 LEATHER WALLETS— $1.95 to $5.95 PRESTO LIGHTERS— $6.50 & $10.50 TRAVELLING KITS— ...... $2.95 to $9.50 NUT SETS 79c COCKTAIL SETS — $3.25 CEDAR BOXES— filled with Stationery $3.00 and $3.25 FANCY STATIONERY from 59c to $3.50 Get a Chance on our FREE DRAW Every $1 purchase entitles you to a free chance on an "AMERICAN FLYER ELECTRIC TRAIN" spoke briefly, L. E. Cardiff, H e r ni a n s men n s e r Brussels, MPP for Huron and T. Pryde, Exeter, MLA for Huron also spoke. Present as well were Filmer Chappel, Cromarty, rep- PHONE 224W CLINTON' , resenting the Perth County Fed- eratin, and Austin Martin from„�giggyrar�aiptiyygyrFr�rby�rnr�`r�inr3 Bruce County. _ all I weut Nrench to work where it belongs! Our men know your car from bumper to,bumper and pride themselves. - on the quality of their work. r WE. HAVE THE LATEST EQUIPMENT TO GIVE', YOUR, MOTOR A SCIENTMC TEST. ALL GUESSWORK Is ELIMINATED, WHY NOT HAVE YOUR CAR CON'IPLETELY CHEMED, NOW AND AVOID THE LAST-MINUTE CHRISTMAS RUSH?