HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-12-02, Page 7-'THURSDAY,'DECEMBER, 2, 1954 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD d by • all,The next meet! WAGE SEVEN With small child- o e e farm forum will be Rolle renis xInt the event of his death'it of th ing y� y J Y at Staff Grout A r `thearra FOrI��IS uld help to cover debts. Wind the home of Mr. and' Mrs, Bert RCAF Persana�.s v ■ si inssurance . is of some help. Med- I36ggart. 'AUBURNIRCAr. iieal and hospitalization are .of Stat101l; " some use to the dfarmer. ►.' The 'RCAF Women's„ Auxiliary FIRESIDE FORUM bort Dalton, Mrs. William Dol- Im answer'to the second quest- S.S.'NO, 4' Stud Traxmin are holding a Christmas Part mage, Mrs:' H, Tebbutt and the ino''Do you consider that the.av- 'lhe S.S, N'o.,4 FarmForu Mr. and Mrs. D. A. MacKay ✓ i7 Monda y °ri 'feature ),Night"' for' Fireside hostess. era e f bm farm ie . m met g d f The directional t _ .y. December 6. All mem- E . a. ly carries ode u on IvIonda night .at the home of n . amzly visited Mr. and Mrs4 J. s off `and stud- hers are :cordial] ' arm Forum was held, at the ,:Next -Monday, December 6 the ate msuxance?" The ma'orSit y' R. Weir London over the e _ orfs of RCAF Staff Coli y riveted. dome of Mr, and Mrs. Bert Ho J Y Mr. and Mrs, Izvme Tebbutt, with e w elc, ego, To- Rog- Fireside Farm Forum Ivill,meet'said, "No;'''but We feel 'that if We 14'attending,' end ionto, visited RCAF Station Clin-. ++++++►++•+...�H: Bart; with 16 present, There was at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Geo- can carry the insurance •mention- This wa " Miss Clara "'Collinson who has ton on Tuesday to stud RCAF s fourth night feature trade ,strut y 'no top! for discussion. rge,Carter. ed above, it is about all we, can 'and the radia broadcast was c s, been a patient in Alexander Gen_ structures m view of tele-, �ij( A report of `the Farm Forum afford. , In depression, times,; we :tred around legal Al era -1 Hospital, Goderich, has re- communications trade training. STANLE ■ ga matters: All The r g 'tally, held in Londesboro, Nevem- have' to drop.. some 'of, these,' but 'persons are 'affected b • laws a turned home. , group of 68, headed, by er 25, Was iven by Oliver•And- Fel USIDU' FORUM we do t;z to kee them u as'lon le al document Group p p AFC- arson,a d. g y p p.. g s, and emphasis,.of Mr, and Mrs. Ed, Davis are vis- p. Captain M. Lipton, n Mrs. Welham Doimage, (Intended for last ee t as possible., "'' ` greatest im ortanc t -t itmg ,friends at Belmont liefore CD, Acting Commandant of -'the Mrs. McGillvar Port who attended the rally, in ,comp- , 1 l , . A -few games of euchre were e` .p e o, he family_ leaven .for Florida where he Staff. College Cins Bete visit! M Y' o t Elgin, >s Mr. and Airs. Oliver, Anderson being the, will. It was stated g t y will p d all sec Z ,r. and Mrs.: John Ma- nny with Mrs: Oliver Anderson, were r t played, at the conclusion of the that it i • ti spend. the winter. tions `of 1 Radar and Comma Gregor this w .11 George Carter "and Mrs' Geo- W 1 os s .to the Fireside Farm meeting. Winner ' were s Piacticai to have a prop tions' c rico eek. Forum on `Monday, .November 22, s ladies er, will drawn by each. adult in, a Mr, and Mrs. Larry C I.g&W School as well as; the School Mr, and Mrs. Melvin .Graha 'roe Hoggart. with 19 guests present, The dis- most games,; Mrs. James Howatt; family, spent the weekend in . Peterboro. of Food Services and 12 Examina. and Ron$le, Mrs. Goldie m tion Unit. and Mrs: Stewart Grahams An interesting pamphlet`,-` ,� „ lone `hands; Mrs. George .Carter; Dors, A. Robertson ,who has'been Baird,, i giving cession Farm Insurance,", was a There was a, good discussion on n `information on what the Federa very good ,topic and was'ver thor consolation, ,Mrs. Hairy Tebbutt; this subject, visiting her daughter returned The RCAF' Staff Coe - Toronto, over the weekend: tion o£ Agriculture was .striving oughly discussed b all, yMaii Men, ,most games,. Bert Hoggart; The:membeis of this for home 'with' them. - though maintained r College al Y Y lone hands, George Carter; eon- uiri have Miss Mar Houston; Hamilton" senior officers p imhrrily for to do for thg benefit of farmers types of insurance were brought solation, g a Project m 'view, and a resolut Y' of the , RCAF, - lso s at on, Harve Taylor. spent .the weekend at her a "rvvas read by Mrs:, George Carter. forth, but in the 'opinion of this ton is ,being sent to -the Township home, includes m its courses senior of ,At the conclusion of 'the bust- "Forum fire insurance was consid- Four .members; Ntr:, and Mrs. Council with regard to havin a he ficers of the other Canadian ser riess,session a few games of " e�lzre ered to bee the most important. Oliver Anderson, Mrs, William bridge and' the 'a roach to`ghe Mr, and . D7rs. Harold Asquith, vices. and the „US services ¢ tit r ��.i1 Dolmage and Mrs. George Hoggart bridge on` each side rebuilt i Toronto, spent the weeltend here. visit to Stationt'Cli The See me for remarkably were enjoyed', prizes being 'aW rd- `• Fire on a farm can be a, -very •u It and • nton was one the foIIowin ladies, most disastrous thing, taking a mah's were: chosen to attend the Farm made safe: This bridge is on ate C. E. Asquith who had been visit- of a series, which the group g; g g g p makes p games,;MitS.,Robert.Jainiason; lone life's work and investments and Foruitz Rally; to be held in Lon- Maitland Concession:.;, ing in Toronto, returned home to yar�ous Military -and' civilian �li ' yvrth ti)eni.' establishments,'in• Canal`' an W RATES ON bands, Mrs. -Harvey Taylor; ladies' with the cost of,re-building so high 25, M on Thursday,, November There was a, short recreation a and, the consolation, -Mrs. William Dolt it is sometimes impossible: for a 20'' Mrs. George Carter will at- period spent in playing euchre. - White Gift Sunday will be ob• United States_ (, p p tend as Federation of Agriculture Lunch was served. The next mee .served in Knox Presbyterian chur-' AUTO 'INSURANCE.; 'mage; risen, most games, Mrs, farmer to start again. In some t 'C'eor e. Ho cases he must start a representative for Fireside Farm ing..Zs to be at the home of Mr, ch next Sunday at 2 p.m. g ggart; done hands,'Mrs. gain on a Forum., and 1VIr§, Robert Thom Mr. and Mrs. T. 5..Johnston W� C 1I g ggart; consolation, Mrs. smaller scale than before, Thompson. —� 1f th State+ Farm Mutual! ,George Ht much A delicious lunch; served" by y spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tebbutt. Cax insurance, is essential..: Life Mrs. James Howatt, Mrs, George Roy Farrow, Mit hell. launch• was servel' by 'Mfrs.. Ro- insurance is a good thing for a Carter and Mr's. Anderson was en- IDEAS FROM, OTHER Mrs. Robert Cfaig and family ■') F T��N�. COUNTIES IN 'ONTARIO visited Mr.. and "Mrs. -Harry Wor- LLO`�D' L� n + The production of, 'highualit s oda •farm products is the : most unporell, G Mr. an Mrs. R. J.Phillips consuvis tant way in which famers can ad ited 'Rev.'and Mrs. W. J. ,Maines iz Phone " just to the'new trends' ii m- and Robert Asquith; Ef. ro, on • e • -1• er marketing; judging by the re- Sunday. , Mr, Asquith's manZurich 78x5 y ports of the 446 Farm Forums friends here will. be sorry to,hear wlio met in Ontario on November that he is in very pear' health. . 25th. At that time they were di's- Mr, and Mrs, Marshall Stone- CA,! RAN'CE cussing "The Farmer's' Share of house, Belgrave, visited Mr. and , I " the Consumer's Dollar," I&S Edgar Lawson, Sunda . _ In answer to the question "flow 'Visitors with Mr. and Mrs J. C:: j T A can- the Farmer best adjust him- Stoltz on Sunday were Mr, and 1950• AUSTIN SEDL31'\ K sell to the new trends in consumer Mr's, Roy Stoltz andsonalt and t (j r buyer "more than half the groups Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Sioltz, New ul s g Calvet sPoR�'s C0LUMN- NeWlr@CO23d1ilOned $575410'" eed that improving quality'of' Dundee. y ".. .... ..„...,..farm products? was essential. . Rep- if Nsmhiations' _ resentatives of this opinion was A nomination meeting of the • 1 •. Dixon's Forum in Peel ” County Police Village of Auburn was held 1951. FOLD "Mainline-" SEDAN who said "Farmers should always in the Libra 1117540 Y Library on Friday night, / remember that quality is the best Tlie clerk Charles Nevins, insalesman." Scu ide- 11tiOtOP`GOIIl ]cool checkedg xead Forum mg his report stated new side- v` There are presently only fourteen 10-yeary{ m Ontario County went a little walks had been' built during the, players in the National Hockey, League, And, j j� (('�� farther :in their statement wheh summer and more are expected to: considering the high speed and heavy bodily 953 RENRY . COUCH tiiL producaid: "Farmers trust try .#o be built next ummer, contacts of hockey,. it{s a wonder that so they s Produce top quality food and prey- The three trustees R, D.. Munro,. , many have survived 10 or more. years of lee $1275*No ent it for sale in perfect condition Bert Craig and Harry Beadle were warfare, We feel particularly that a good nominated along with William J. 6 -Cylinder ---L" oaded With Extras. Cash 'rice quality product is a good salesman. Craig. Harry Bgadle withdrew And it's even more surprising that in the present season, Thin car sold neW for $2300' Trade-in To have a name and proper con- leaving the• other three trustees the most amazing player campaigning today is getting closertainer or package in some cases is for 1955. to the day when he can say he broke into major hockey a great advantage."' 20 years ago. This matter of packaging was , stressed' by a good many other r r For it's almost 26 years since tete name of Milton Conrad the individual farmer who sells hForums. Many of them- Said that s HANSAL! Schmidt first appeared' in a Boston club's line-up. It was i own produce directly to the con- a� sumer should be particularly care- fur in this regard:. Others , such Mrs, I95� �IEi\TR ELas Courtland Forum ' in Norfolk is visit r `� 1� 11T JI��� felt that the use of cooperatives Mrs, S $ reduced $1[�{7� to prepack and package their Carl farm produce would be an impor. house tant step in the right direction. and M On the question "How have your Marl 1954 �ILLYS "Ace" Deluxe On liebits for food Changed in loo; is $250(� the last ten years?" buying in her gr 'With extras ....................... Was $2965 U .smaller .quantities was listed by F. Me] Reduced to s tete -great majority as the biggest • Mr. and most important change, The Son, H McPHERSON BRSO - ACAISER--WILLYS SALES and Service Front -find Alignment Wedel Balancing PHONE, 492 CLINTON peen an increase in attractively ald packaged foods, in year-round frog buying of fresh foods and Ili froz- L en foods, Shopping is done more care frequently now and to a'large ex- the tent in supermarkets where we Ing, can choose our own packages, We reec buy in smaller quantities. Be- cause of cold storage, greater var- F ietles .,of meats and other foods the are bought. We get more things hall Ili tills.' -- - ' by vu,ril.. J sly u-nrultla vultll . ° . W.b9 E -RAIN OUTFIT .:... $1,69 77 Mtn ® is v s s o ..T lian Mrs insc Lett Bal( D by Was A; M. Dunlop; Kincardine, ng this week with Mr, and illiam Pepper, Hopper, Waterloo, is a •uest this week with Mr. 's. John Soldan and family, aret Louise Evans, Water - ;pending pts Mr nd Mrs R. aren. end • Mrs, Roberts, Ibbot rbert and Arlene, Hanover, unday with Mr, and Mrs. Pepper - Leonard Noakes and her is John Douglas, and Don-- iviousseau was appointed of the local arena by Board .at a recent meet- veral applications were 'rorn-Hensall and district. Bingo Winners ng are the winners of bingo held at the town ,Tovember 19, sponsored 11 Legion: chickens, Mrs. ivis, Reg, Cox, Gordon Mrs. Roy Smale, Mrs. Lee, Ed Corbett, Mrs, 3rownl Tom Dougall, Mr, :s, Dick Taylor, Jean J: C. Goddard, Is, Mrs, Wilk - Murray, Mrs. Mrs. Sam-Rannie.. -- -- prize of a turkey was won Corbett. William Brown late in 3.036 or early 1937 that he was called up to relieve some Bruin- situation, and played enough games to bag a couple of goals. Schmidt weighs around 180 today, but he was a skinny 18 -year-old when he first played for Brulns,. He grew fast and he learned fast, Three seasons of absence from the major RoekeY front,,,, while lie wore an air force -uniform, didn't Balt Schmidt's hockey career, The hub of the Kraut Line esrme back in •1945-40. And in 146-47 lie enjoyed "his biggest scoring season — 27 goals. Among players currently active in the Big Top, only six had scored 200 goals or- more when the present campaign started, Schmidt is, of course, one of these, with 225 to his credit when the season opened. In points -malting, he excelled all but one of the current top figures. Rocket Richard started the season with 651 points, 384goals and 267 assists. Schmidt had the greatest number of. assists of., any active player, 388 — a points total of 568. Schmidt, Woody Dumart and Bobby Bauer, all natives of Kitchen, Ont., became hockey partners early in their careers at Boston, They lived together, player together, and as the Kraut Line, became one' of the great threesomes of all time, a clean -going line with tremendous scoring punch. In one season (1939-40),they led the scorers in 1-2-3 order. ThG,, Krauts were broken up when Bauer retired to a, business career in Kitchener after the 1946-47 season. Schmidt and Dumart carried on, Dumart was still with the Bruins last season, and, like Schmidt, one of 26 players to score 200 goals Ili their careers in NIM history. For durability they I ate High in the tough_wi.nter game. Your comments and suggestlons for this column will be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calved Nouse, 431 Yonge St., Toronto. calwill DISTILLERS LIMITED AMHOSMURO, ONTARIO t{r awwu:.•w•ce�wusrnw.s�e4 COAAB IT OR d®m F-HEIDI OUTFIT $1.69 r�.WERE ALL READY ,���, `F A�� ARMS MOVES.-TH A'S. JANIIi'S AN EXCITING, WONDERFUL DOLL THAT ACTUALLY' WALR51Mabe our Store your headquarters for Christmas Shopping. �'^� ?° t y„ She'll keep your favourite little in enthralled for S p n'g• . , R g r hours an We have a complete selection of gifts for young and old. 6 FORMAI OUTFIT .. $.98' l ,. a end.. Made like'a big, expensive doll, Janie's arms, legs,•' �.r gr a �q * �yg� Ev head m6ve ... her eyes open and close ... have FOR T.K7LJl" cis Y�&� c a € eyelashes. Her shining Saran hair con be washed, combed, curled. AND SHE'S MADE OF UNBREAK- ABLEPLASTIC for hours of sturdy play: 'Never before — TOYS, rQt 1, 0 Y S � L y tr iv such value of -only $1.491 TOBOGGANS SLEIGHS HOCKEY STICKS 10 EXCITING CUSTOM MADE OUTFITTO Ci05E HOCKEY GLOVES • Nutty! Order•your Janie now'ond order an of her F E <'s �' fir, t 10 exquisito'outfits.. Perfect each tiny detail, ` OR HER N -BALLERINA OUTFIT . ; ,119 1 , ELECTRIC 'FOOD MIXES CLOCKS (' custom-made for Jagie of hard - i, i wearing materials with finished VOP -UP TOASTERS SANIDT�'YCYi GRILLS .. �» a� miniatures Special hangers,'realAUTOMATIC 1R®NS _ Automatics COFFEE 1Percolators CALVING SETS dry CUTLERY Al lace and braid trim, stoles, purse, „ ��' i w / a socks, shoes. Everything a well n �i dressed doll could wish for. FOR HIM " x ELECTRIC DRILLS ELECTRIC . SiiA.� ERS A'+ MAIL THiS COUPON' J -RED RiDING N06D..Si.49 T- ALL WOODWORKING ' TOOLcS 3' .. . TO DA YI S Y z NO RISK -MONEY REFUNDED BY tRv NS r "�_ RETURN MAIL" IF NOT DELIGHTED, SPECIAL lV� i t�e ':I STRATTONMAiiilACTURINGCO.,47ColborneSt:,Toronto,Oni.D t - . � � Esc"� �R i• k 2 I D With every $2,00 .purchase. or over we. will give a FREE TiOKET; Please rush mo ..,.,...... Janie Doll(%) at $1.49 (doll only). ' on an ALL AMERICAN' TRAIN (value $45,00). Draw to be made at •4 and .,.......,.ovlFlts as indicated below at prices as shown..'( ....A Bridal Out fit....1 ..S1.98 - I _ ....B sleeping .[1..51,49 ' our -store on Christmas Eye at"8.00,p.m. This train is on demonstration ERETTEOUTFiT`S 69 I ••••C Dress.upoutR1•:Ci.,$",89 .,..D SportsOutFlt. Q„51.69, i - i n our south window. m N FARM d l ....E Rai” OulBl...... @..$1.69 ....F •Hoidi Outfit...... 0.,$1,69 I . YOUR FAVOURITE: ,HAVE STARS IN HERO Gformal Outfit ,98 H Ballerina 0uifit..,t }a .,; ,69 EYES WHEN SHE TAKES HER JANIE'FOR A WALT( IN ONE,1 ....J ked Riding Hocid, x@..$1.29 .... K Formerere oolnt.0a.,$ ,69 I We ChristmasWrap and Send Your Gifts'if Desired -'OF THESE; WONDERFUL OUTFITS --DON'T DELAY—ORDER 1 I enclose For $............. . I 'YOURS NOWT _ DEPOSIT HOLDS ANY ITEM UNTIL 'CHRISTMAS ABRIDAL OUTFIT $9.98F HEIDI OUTFIT.., I .. •Please send COD. 1 will pay poste e.. - -Si,69... g . 8 SLEEPING OUTFIT $1.49 G FORMAL OUTFIT. I NAME .. •.. / -5.9B �iu�� RHAkins Hardwam 4 'C DRESS -UP OUTFIT $ :89 IN DACLERINA OUTFIT I 'D SPORTS OUTFIT:$1..69,.J ,RED�RIDINO'HOOD $ '89 ADDRESS - •,E. RAIN OUtF(i ,......, ...51,29 ( «. - ..,$1,69 K FARMERETTE OUTFIT CITY,...... I '' ......$ 69, 1 �.. PROVINCE ........ •(Please Print Clearly. satisfaction Guaranteed: or Money sack PHONE 24.4'. ` _ _.', I �usatiDabDahiitprrraai CLINTON -°f7`,.7i�iT5'ql`�'Iii��ii3da7i'r'�t�'ji3E`di$Ytl�tili�i`�iL'rdr�i`8t�'d�7'try't�ilt�'ilii`�1',illviir�ll+'i"aRi3i"z3•fiAaY1�17}� .: