HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-12-02, Page 6" i'AGESIX CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1954
44+ �+++a come from the three churches of "Oh, Bayfield is nicer in the sucm-- -
r nOuterbridge Lhearish, to the rector,, Mrs. merbrae:" But when morning;
LONDESBORO Rev.1Wa re Sr Outerbridge and their young son;; came aild� they could see around
Ne"w's of Ba f1e�di` Peter, He also referred to Bay,- 'the village, they thought that it.
+H-f��++++++ field "as being -such a nice place in .was'charming. "But maybe, come
d at Bay��eld Church I nductethe Summer. In welcoming thein summertime, we will -know what
Representative phone BAY Mr: and Mrs. Wilfred P ralicic, to • our midst, he said: "We do people mean when they 'say, "Oh,.
P FIELD 45 r 3
Wingham, Were the guests of Mr. (By our Bayfield .correspondent) not expect you fto remember all: it is' no nice in the summer.,'
W-4- . r++t+ *� ^� **�' and; Mrs. Harryi Dunin on Sunday, our names at first, but we all
Arthur Brunsdon Trinity, Church, ,Bayfield, 'decorated with white mums ands Mrs. ' Stewart ,Middleion and,
Mr. .and 1VlrS. t wish to give you a,glad Handshake
on, been Christmas roses, was full almost to capacity on Thursday even " M4s. Percy Weston poured tea and
Mr. and Mrs, A.Brisson, their Grosse Mr. and Mrs. J. ) Atkins, from Western Canada has b ,, at our services. ....
Mich., re :at their cottage St, Clair Shores; Mieh., spent -the, tug, November 25, 1954, for fire induction of the Rev., Warren, coffee. Mrs.'George Adams, Mrs. _
Pointe, Mlc a g � visiting With mother, MTs. Wil •
the village. American Thanksgiving holiday at S: Outerbridge as rector of Trinity, St. Junes'; Middleton, and Then the, rector eMpressed his Maynard Corrie; , Mrs. Dean AIdK
In h g lidms'Bruiisdon,
Marion Francis is visiting her' their home in the village. i 'n is visit- St. John's Church, Varna. thanks to his .brother,clergy, some win'ekle; Mrs. Fred Weston, Mrs.;;
r . James -Mr: and Mrs. George I-Iopson at- .. Thomas Moon,. London, , V. God:' Wheli Jeseus Christ lives. of ,whom had come a,'.goodly dist Merton. Merner and' . Mrs. Lloyd'
McMillan, Th Mi. and Mrs. h ueg with hes sister and brother This solemn and impressive:: in, our ]ieart have no fes • ance also to the eo le lord
McMillan, Thamesfoxd. tended the'stamp auction of the Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- - - Yo - we r, P P._wl�Q were of the Le assisted the memhersi
u, law, and with Jesus .Christ m your responsible for the pleasant wel of. the Le in ser.
Miss: Jessie L: Metcalf, Detroit, co lection of the late Brigadier service was conducted by ,the
1 Cool and Phyllis.. Venerabl" Archdeacon F, G. serving the
was ;with her mother. over the Hill: m Toronto on .Wednesday of N tt s int : p. , - heart, we Have no fear: for Bay- coming reception. He thanked guests at .,tills delightful social
Mr..and.Mrs . John o P Hardy, Lambton (rector of St. field.Parish. May God rant. you those who were responsible for hour. The, committee
American Thangsgiving 'weekend. "last week: several days. last week .at ,tile g P in
t MacLeod Dr, and Mrs. A, Newton -Brady George's' Church, Sarnia), repre- strength." getting the; rectory. ;ready. ' -Mr, included Mrs: 7. E. Hovey,
Mr. and Mrs, Reber home' of their, daughter Mr: and
sentln the Rt. Rev. G. N: Luh- Y, Mrs,
London are with his - arents' Mr. Who, spent the weekepd in Goder- anr'1 g Reception Outerbridge said that been Percy -_Weston, Mrs. Alma Bassett
P Mrs. Frank. Roberton and f family tong Lord Bisho of I•luron: FIe
• p follow- late ,when they arrived here and. and.° Mrs, Alf, Scotchmer, Jr.
and Mrs. L. H. MacLeod, oveg: the. ich. called on, friends in the village Seaforth.. P For the rice tion which fo
e route "to their home in.Hamtl • , ' ed the Town Hal was gay` with they tried to peer gout into the The, flow 'Air
on the to '
' was .assisted by the Rural Dean
Weekend. s The .becember meeting. of ,the of Huron, the Rev. )I. F. Parker; baskets of:'mums. darkness, wondering 'what Ba were : e a table,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nesbitt, his aster. Women's Missioliary. Society, Longi t1 e Rev-. G. G:. Stone: g d w presented to Mrs, Outer
Seaforth' were the'' nests of Mr. • Miss S'. M. Postans, Aneaster, d o December point_ in, 7 The tea table was done wiwith field was like: "People then said: bridge;
g desb' will schoolroom
her n Point; Edward, the Rev. Norman
and Mrs, Robert Turner, over the Ont., Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Rulat- 9 in tide.. schoolroom of the white,madiera cloth, centred with • •<
weekend: 4 ...- augh, . Mrs: Wilson Oliver, Berle church. Ellis; Brussels,. the -Rev: J. H. an attractive low • arrangement of
Mr, and. Mrs. Arnold Makins ton on Sunday. This is the Christmas meeting, James, Seaforth, -the Rev. Norman various coloured 'mums, with
and Brenda accompanied Mr: and Mr. and Mrs. F. Arkeil, Mr, and the last WMS meeting of 1954. It Knox, Exeter; and the Rev.. R. M. silver tea services at either end:
Mrs., -Re ' Framis` to St. Thomas is necessar to have all reports of P' Bulteel, Clinton. Tames A. Cameron expressed
g• Mrs. Thomas Arkeil and Mr: and The Rev. Bulteel ;read the insti-
on Sunday; Mrs. Robert 'Turner attended the the year and all moneys including tution • and the Archdeacon read appreciation ad',co visiting clergy, • '
y P
Mn and Mrs. Thomas sArkeil, Western Varsity 'game in London Mite boxes in at this" meeting in some who had come a long way. Used
oAnn 'and Ken Hamilton sent on Saturday;, br er to close the -books: .,Also the of induction. Clruroh- to b at t s important service. wardens, Alfred Scotchmer Jr As he called out the names, each C Spe' tJoAnne
e eekend with his arents Mr. Mr, and Mrs. LeRoy Poth' went bran an as soon as possible the �� ' 'l }
and Mrs. Fred Arkeil.. P to Kitchener on "Friday for ` the .donations of articles for small the' rector t Middleton; 'pr Of the clergyman rose and 'bowed. �'
Mr. and Mrs. James Des Jard- funeral of the former's aunt, Mrs. children., for, to Christmas,. rector
The Rev.,D. J, Lane, pastor. of i
c h church. with the key of the Knox Presbyterian Church, was
ine, Bobby and Kenny Plater. and, William, Habe1 on Saturday. They Donations, c".,be left at, Mrs, B. Then, :followed hymn :466, We '
Dale Terribile left.on Sunday with returned home that, evening. Allen's or, Mr& `Wagon's The loVe'the lace O' God," a verse called upon. c give a welcome
Mrs, Barbara Terribile -and-Earl Mrs. Emerson FIeard was in slate of officers fon 19M will -be p from the churches in -Bayfield. 1950 r ORD COACH
Martin to spend the winter in De- London from Thursday until .Sun- read. of which was sung at each paint Mr; Lane said that he was very
as the newly appointed rector I glad to, welcome a young .couple
troit. date malit visiting her daughter; Group three will have "char-" ,,,,. ,,i,o„ i„ .,,:,, c—i�„ r� rs a r____ ,,._,__ i
Mrs, Thomas Postans returned
home on Saturday after' having
been the guest" of the, Rev. and
Mrs. John Ostrom, Clinton:
Mr. and Mrs, 'William F. Buch-
An,, Dunnville,., were the guests of
the former's sister; Mrs. N. W.
Woods, on Sunday and Monday. J.
_ Lauder Buchan; Windsor, came on
Saturday'" to spend - a week with'
ley, Mrs. Fred Dyer; Royal Oak,
and Mrs. William Kerr, Hunting-
ton Woods, Mich., attended the
funeral of Thomas Postans on
Wednesday` of last week,
J So Scruton
Oils - Greases Gasoline
Petroleum Products
Phone Clinton 37-7
Phone Goderich 320-W' .
Clinton Farm Supply
Just how much mineral cattle
need depends on what else they
are Ferric fed. : But '- mineral,
ys high. When -
al , free choice
ume as much as
during the first
uniess fed on
1 ration known
the consumption
ally drops back
6 ..a,. .,.y uv a y- - . - i
+ eat much, but that little is
very important to your results.
Do these things to help pre-' Disinfectant' ablution in buckets
vent scours: Clean.and disinfect after each 'feeding.
pens, Beep litter dry, and ' If your calves slid pigs do
quarters reasonably warm and scour, we have a "wonderful
Product to use as a treatment
free from drafts. If milk or — PURINA CHEM-R-MYCIN."
milk replacer is fed, use Pu inar See us about; how to use it.
Clint®n Farm Supply
N Thomas eK.L Pitt spent the week-
end with his parents at the Unit-
ed Church parsonage, Varna. He
is taking graduate studies at the
University of Toronto for a M,A.
degree in Biology,
it" heiasked, "that Canadian ions
are not growing up to enter the
ministry?" But -he was glad to
welcome this '•new young couple
and wished them happiness and
J: M Stewart was called upon
to• welcome them in the name of
the Council, and the Tirustees of
the Police Village of Bayfield, Mr.
Stewart spoke of. the beauty of
Bayfield—its sunsets and its life
in ,the summer time. He said:
"Bayfield is like a big family. One
into grocery store and
Ernie or- Dorothy wait on you.
People I hardly know, . call me
Jack,—"Hello, Jack!" Then. there
is Les. If.you pay taxes, you soon
know him. Or the.constable, he
is George.
Then Bayfield is a good place
to.livb because we have so many
oldsters.. There is one lady of. 86
who gardens in the summer and
does her own washing. .Another
lady of 89 lives alone and does
her own work. There is Mrs,
George King, 93, who still writes
long letters back from where she
is spending the winter, and giving
advice to the younger.members as
loves visitors, and they-'siy yo`a
cannot get away from, her with-
out being invited to' hayd a cup
of tea. So you see; Bayfield must
have happy and healthy surround-.
ings. May your stay here be long
and happy,"
Fred Middleton extended a wel-
Owing to there being no Elee,-
tion in the Township of Hud-
lett, the
Regular Monthly. Meeting
On Friday, November 26, the and to counsel you. Follaty him of the Hullett Township
Varna. United Church Woman's and I know you'cannot faiI., He Council
Association catered to the local has the authority to give you the held as usual in the
I.O.O.F. which meets at Bruce- sacraments. He is the pastor of Will be tth Hall, ' usual In -t on
field. Seventy-five partook of a the flock. His main job is to
delicious' turkey supper served in teach, What is he to l7teach? Monday, December 6th
the basement of the church. 'Whatsoever' I have commanded
Addresses and a, sing -song and You'." at 1.30 p.m.
violin solos made up the program Referring to parochial pi'ob- GEO. W..COWAN,-Clerk
which followed. The ladies were Mems, Mr. Parker said: "We must 48-b
heartily thanked for the excellence not water down the gospel. We
of the supper, and Mrs. Louis must teach what Jesus command
Taylor, president, replied. ed. So'aet your rector be your
teacher.` Let him be your shep-
herd. . The Bishop is -responsible
for the diocese; your rector for
POR* 1 this parish with the help of his
1 ER � HILL board of management.',
"Let your whole church life be l
centred in God, Jesus .said:
arokinole 'Whom say ye that I am?' 'and
The Y,P.U. of Grace Church Simon Peter answered: Thou art
held. a crokinole party in the church the Christ, the Son of the living
basement on Friday evening" of
nv g>
last week. Prizes went as follows, -ss�
high lady, Shirley Bell; high man, Bu. At Home
Grant Sowerby; low lady, Dianne �.
Harris; low man, Richard Harris-
' } Just-ilke. a real:' ' aY
on. Lunch was served. Advertise At Home l little girl
Be Sure Tires Are Safe
Special December Sale
All tires pt cost including -
truck, tires.
y. $1150`
($2.00 below cost)
We now .have X complete line of
Graham Oil Service Station
Victoria Street
PHONE . 439 9
47 Calhokoe Street, Dept, i
OW ,MILEAGE .•. ...;. .., .......qP70i7® 1
„ .....$590.
`' . � ,PHY � BROSJ
Sales and Service
PHONE 4 6 5 Huron Street CLINTON,nON7.
It's tater Than You Think
19 Shopping Days Till Christmas
Lay. Away or Budget Terms, 1;
Clayt. Dixon
Men who feed cattle are con-
stantly hunting ways to better '
and cheaper grains. That's why
so many feeders men who have
tried many other feeds, come
back to STEER PATINA. They
like the condition , of their
cattle, like the way they stay
on feed, like the way they con.
vert feed into gains.
Just how much mineral cattle
need depends on what else they
are Ferric fed. : But '- mineral,
ys high. When -
al , free choice
ume as much as
during the first
uniess fed on
1 ration known
the consumption
ally drops back
6 ..a,. .,.y uv a y- - . - i
+ eat much, but that little is
very important to your results.
Do these things to help pre-' Disinfectant' ablution in buckets
vent scours: Clean.and disinfect after each 'feeding.
pens, Beep litter dry, and ' If your calves slid pigs do
quarters reasonably warm and scour, we have a "wonderful
Product to use as a treatment
free from drafts. If milk or — PURINA CHEM-R-MYCIN."
milk replacer is fed, use Pu inar See us about; how to use it.
Clint®n Farm Supply
N Thomas eK.L Pitt spent the week-
end with his parents at the Unit-
ed Church parsonage, Varna. He
is taking graduate studies at the
University of Toronto for a M,A.
degree in Biology,
it" heiasked, "that Canadian ions
are not growing up to enter the
ministry?" But -he was glad to
welcome this '•new young couple
and wished them happiness and
J: M Stewart was called upon
to• welcome them in the name of
the Council, and the Tirustees of
the Police Village of Bayfield, Mr.
Stewart spoke of. the beauty of
Bayfield—its sunsets and its life
in ,the summer time. He said:
"Bayfield is like a big family. One
into grocery store and
Ernie or- Dorothy wait on you.
People I hardly know, . call me
Jack,—"Hello, Jack!" Then. there
is Les. If.you pay taxes, you soon
know him. Or the.constable, he
is George.
Then Bayfield is a good place
to.livb because we have so many
oldsters.. There is one lady of. 86
who gardens in the summer and
does her own washing. .Another
lady of 89 lives alone and does
her own work. There is Mrs,
George King, 93, who still writes
long letters back from where she
is spending the winter, and giving
advice to the younger.members as
loves visitors, and they-'siy yo`a
cannot get away from, her with-
out being invited to' hayd a cup
of tea. So you see; Bayfield must
have happy and healthy surround-.
ings. May your stay here be long
and happy,"
Fred Middleton extended a wel-
Owing to there being no Elee,-
tion in the Township of Hud-
lett, the
Regular Monthly. Meeting
On Friday, November 26, the and to counsel you. Follaty him of the Hullett Township
Varna. United Church Woman's and I know you'cannot faiI., He Council
Association catered to the local has the authority to give you the held as usual in the
I.O.O.F. which meets at Bruce- sacraments. He is the pastor of Will be tth Hall, ' usual In -t on
field. Seventy-five partook of a the flock. His main job is to
delicious' turkey supper served in teach, What is he to l7teach? Monday, December 6th
the basement of the church. 'Whatsoever' I have commanded
Addresses and a, sing -song and You'." at 1.30 p.m.
violin solos made up the program Referring to parochial pi'ob- GEO. W..COWAN,-Clerk
which followed. The ladies were Mems, Mr. Parker said: "We must 48-b
heartily thanked for the excellence not water down the gospel. We
of the supper, and Mrs. Louis must teach what Jesus command
Taylor, president, replied. ed. So'aet your rector be your
teacher.` Let him be your shep-
herd. . The Bishop is -responsible
for the diocese; your rector for
POR* 1 this parish with the help of his
1 ER � HILL board of management.',
"Let your whole church life be l
centred in God, Jesus .said:
arokinole 'Whom say ye that I am?' 'and
The Y,P.U. of Grace Church Simon Peter answered: Thou art
held. a crokinole party in the church the Christ, the Son of the living
basement on Friday evening" of
nv g>
last week. Prizes went as follows, -ss�
high lady, Shirley Bell; high man, Bu. At Home
Grant Sowerby; low lady, Dianne �.
Harris; low man, Richard Harris-
' } Just-ilke. a real:' ' aY
on. Lunch was served. Advertise At Home l little girl
Be Sure Tires Are Safe
Special December Sale
All tires pt cost including -
truck, tires.
y. $1150`
($2.00 below cost)
We now .have X complete line of
Graham Oil Service Station
Victoria Street
PHONE . 439 9
47 Calhokoe Street, Dept, i
OW ,MILEAGE .•. ...;. .., .......qP70i7® 1
„ .....$590.
`' . � ,PHY � BROSJ
Sales and Service
PHONE 4 6 5 Huron Street CLINTON,nON7.
It's tater Than You Think
19 Shopping Days Till Christmas
Lay. Away or Budget Terms, 1;
Clayt. Dixon