HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-11-25, Page 10,
. . - To boost buying power and in- The building' of new ,houses in,
A V Walt, Ottawa, Visits Clinton vestment 'iii home industry Ger- Canada this year is running ahead:.
"Ontario Farm Business .Booklet Now Guineas Class At /
man taxes have been reduced so of 1953, when more than 100,000
the top"
op tax payable is 55 per cent. new dwelling units were completed
In Canada income tax runs up to to establish an all-time record
Available", At Agricultural Office Here Royal Entered
83 per cent, high. .
The fall' issue of the publication, leastfavourable in almost
"Ontario Faim Business", prepar- years. two By 25 From Huron
ed by the Department of Agrieul- Since butter prices will be sup- �R
-rural Economics, OAC,` and pub- ported at 58 cents until April; the The twenty-five 4-H Club mein-
dished by the.Ontario Department price of cream will remain at,pres- bers representing Huron County at
Thursday, 'November Class" on ' ,
of Agriculture, has just been re- ent levels. n the . ueen's Guineas
leased. The production of cheese in July Y. /November 1$, at, e u a ht Fee d
Fair in Toronto,,
cattle businessthe , the resent spread, last yeak for the beef. land r,st andexs its tofth date above
placed Winter
lltup in competition; ; -
between 'the prices of high grads been negligible, Unless an export with then tgteer calves, competing
and poorer cattle is seen as likely market develops there is likely to in a total`of,180,calves. ,
to continue for the next few M an eight to nine million pound All calves passed; the culling When you purchase Quality Feeds
Months. ,Expectations over the surplus this fall with gloomy pros- committee and 18 of the calves`
next few months' are similar to pests for next year. placed in 'Group 1 and seven of you are buying >and getting` the best,
those in the US, that is, for prices The relationship of milk and the calves placed stem of placing
Group 2 us- o
of good cattle to 'remain strong, feed prices in the United States 'ng the judging syst.
and "tot poorer cattle to Weaken. is the least favourable "since 1947; the calves .in three groups. A full brie of feeds for Poultry,, Hogs
select group bf eight
Hog prices are seen as contlnu• and no increase in prices here can In the I
mg to weaken this fall, and then- be expected. The build-up of dairy steers chosen for the final ehoos- and Cattle.
to strengthen slightly. , The num- cows in Canada is slowing down, Sh of the Champion and Reserve
ber of hogs on farms in Canada' but our numbers are still high competing
from the 80 calves
on June' 1 was 16 ,percent, above with exports to the,United States competing , Hobert ]Kinsman, Exe MIXED FRESH DAILY — be sure
last year, and the number of sows being down 20 percent, ter and ludo ay Gaunt. Lucknow,.
expected to farrow in the period p -: were included. 62 of the best, get Quality Feeds.
.June -November is up 25 .ppercent, n far as cash crops are "con- From tete Hereford class ; ' d,
The relationship of ,hog and barley stoned, good crops and insufficient steers Keith Coates,, Exeter; Ed
prices in September became the storage have brought :winter gar WiIle rk, Zurich, and 'Joanne GRAINS =MIXED FEEDS
wheat prices down to the point McCullough, Bayfield, were' select-
here`Pris a comparatively
s shown here --
price increase later appear to be o ins ecting one of the station facilities d ring a' liaison visit
good. US, price supports for; corn to RCAF Station Clinton on Thursday afternoon, November -12: WARNER BROS. POULTRY EQUIP -
r • are $1.62 a bushel, gpd their prices • A/V/3vI Wait has. been the Air Member for Personnel at Air
are e>Fpeeted tq 'Stay near that �r • gu MENT and a Full Line of HOWARD'S
+ ♦ Force :Headquarters in Ottawa since Au st, 1951. 'The ,Air
level,, with Canadian prices re- .,.� Vice 'Marshal was keenly interested: in the functional' activities
maimng close to the US price, ��' of RCAF Station Clinton and, accompanied by the Commanding , ' PRODUCTS.
The largest crop of soybeans on - Officer, Group Captain H. C. Ashdown, made a tour of, the
record has been, produced : in the Radar and Communications School, Examinations Unit and .the
FOIZ WARMTH US, and prices : are likely to be newly formed School of Food Services. The tour also included "
well below last year:' Support a visit' to, the married quarters, dependents' school and the
level for soybeans is $2.22 a, bus., various social and recreation centres on the station. with A/V/M S: RIDDICK and SONS
1� HEATS EACH and Canadian prices will reritain Wait and G/C Ashdown, is Corporal J. Byford. •
P ' . - ' AF Photo)
re" NOOK �O The fall issue of Ontario Farm t "
� .near that rice. (RCAF
` Business is obtainable now at thePHONE 114 -- -- -• CLINTON
EVERY CORNER • office of the agricultural repre- g M AdS C et has- recognised the 'needs of its
USE OUR OIL sentative at Clinton..
Riverside Motors, Brussels, was
again broken into, sometime No-MFOlz1't0`' vember 17. The thief, or thieves, I
the late the 1
smashed glass of of
fice door in an attempt to reach i
®wcnr cR�orK�aKs...
in and release the lock. This door
can not be opened without a key
so entry was gained by breaking 1
the plate glass in a second door ;
where they succeeded in releasing
the lock. Provincial police investi-gated.
This is the third time thisyear
that this garage has been
: '
broken into.—Brussels Post.
'� t
Total membership of all labor
unions in Canada is only one-fifth
of the Dominions labor force.
We are shipping cattle every Saturday for -United
Co-operatives of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will
pick them up at your farm.
Pleasd PHONE i COLLECT not later than Friday nights.
Seaforth Farmers Co-operative
H.' S. Hunt. Manage
Phone --Day 9, Evenings 481w
Natl6na1 47H Competitions
Clothing, `Manitoba, Elea
d F, potential . customers. farmers,
businessmen, industrial groups and
Top Award For the general public are all reached
Their _Exeellewith promotions of specific inter-
nce" est and value to them, In addi-
tion, the bank has cultivated good
nor Rated top financial advertiser will through institutional messages
Ar- on the North American continent, of importance to the community
Al- the Bank of Montreal has been and enterprise.
att, awarded the ,Socrates'. High '40riginal, timely and effective
ten, Award of the Year for its adver- ideas were used consistently; vis-
,ald tising during the past 12 months. ualization through photos and art-
ub. The award has come to Canada- work was outstanding and skil-
Tei. only once before, in 1946, and it fully presented; copy told the mes
tert was the B of M also which gained sage or did the service -selling job
len the distinction on that occasion. to
and convincingly. Each
tan, . Announcement of the award is ad was distinctively that of the
)ul- made by Vincent Edwards and Bank of Montreal, and in keeping
ry, zsasicatenewan, uuaruu mi an- Company, publishers of "Bank -Ad- with the high standards of the
on, Frank Saffnuk, Colonsay- views," , a monthly publication bank."
,stow Poultry Club; dairy cattle, which evaluates the advertising of For the past two years, -lie So-.
huebec, John C. Oswald, Kenneth banks and trust c o m p a n t e s crates' High Award has been won
AcOuat, Lachute Dairy Calf Club; throughout the United States and by. the Bank of America, the larg-
;rain, Saskatchewan, Don Imes- Canada. est hank in the world, white the
reek, Ken Serdula, Esterhazy 4-H '"Bank -Ad -views" b as e s its Bank of Montreal ranked in sixth
3rain Club. awards on a continuing study of place in 1953 and second place in
thousands of bank advertisements 1952. During 1954, the B of M
36,000 TO in daily newspapers all over the received numerous honorable men -
$ continent, scoring messages on tions for its advertising in Canada
WINGHAM HOSPITAL BOARD three counts: ideas which sell and the United States, as well as a
bank services; layout and illustra- '.best -ad -of -the -month" award, re -
A check from the Huron County tive" techniques; and general ef- sulting in its winning of the
^ouncii far $35,000, representing feet on the bank's relations with Socrates' High Award of the year.
the county's grant to the new 50- the public, o -
bed chronic wing now being erect- In paying tribute' to the B of
ad at ,the Wingham General Has- Sd "Bank Ad -views" comments: Canadian highways measured
pital, was presented to the board 'In its ads, the Bank of Montreal 512,795 miles at the end of 1952,
by Roy Cousins, at the regular
board meeting. The check covered
grants pledged to the building
program by the county over the
past couple of years. Huron NOW
County's grant was part of a total
of o er $46,000 received to date by PICKETT ands.
the hospital ort account of the new
g am. C
so far have been received from CAMPBELL x
the Township of Morris, $4,992.91;
Village of Brussels, $2,000; Town
ship of Culross, $2,500; and Village E-5
of Teeswater, $2,222, — Wingham Presents
Advance -Times.
Harrison Schoch. Zurich. is ac -
on a trip to tteglna, aasm, wnere
they art delivering one of the
largest mobile homes built In
Canada, approximately 51 feet in
length and built by the General
Coach Works of Canada Ltd., Hen-
sall. The jdurnrey will be 1,500
miles. This mobile home is a spec-
ial order, being campletely fur-
nished and we hope the boys will
lsnd it safely at fts destination.—
Zurich Herald,
The last -known passenger pig-
eon, a bird that existed in Canada
In the billions less than a hundred
years ago, died in captivity in the
Cincinnati Zoo in 1914.
`here's NEW "Travel Comfort"' on
�,�nn�sied I
to Winnipeg -Jasper -Vancouver
9to11111 find smart new travel comfort and convenience on
Canadian National's "ContinentallLimited." Attractive day
coaches, relaxing lounges, spacious drawing rooms and
compartments, restful bedrooms, popular -priced duplex.
roomettes and berths.
Here is pleasant travelling, with a wide range of accom-
modations for every budget. For example, I'ook*at these
.low coach fares between Toronto and Vancouver. One
way $67.11;roundtrip $$107.25. Proportionately low fares
apply for tourist and other types of sleeping car travel.
Ask about substantial savings offered by New jFamily Fares to
Western Canada and to Mid -West and Western U.S.A.
(East and west everyday, "The Continental limited" serves Montreal,
'Ottawa,, Toronto, Minaki, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, J:osper
,and Vancouver.
For reservations and information, see 1;*i ^ z
write or 'phone your local Canadian
ilationol Passenger Agent.,
a yarn dyed all wool doth
Gin B A R D I N .r 'h the latest
� !'� 'hthe
styled by __.. . v..
- a 1 Jott"TaN
N! rmn nl r.;lanng erhievrnunr � _
t Matchless Value
s Tailored to your measure
JD•6/f54E � '
/� With. every Car
Wash we'll send
you a bag'contbining approxi
tnafely 40 plastic toy cars (ail
kinds—cars, trucks, buses)
absolutely free .. They're yours
free so you can start right in,
operating your Car Wash like
a real, busy washing station.
Hurry, get yours to -day. Mail
this coupon Mowl
JCC VVR %dV/yLrs ■
1954 CHEVROLET ''BEL AIR" Power Glide—
. fully equipped ............................ ........
fully equipped ........ —,.... ... 1-1 .... .........
fully equipped .. ....................•. ........•
fully equipped .............. ..........•...•....•..
fully equipped .........•................ .........
fully equipped ........................................
1952 CHEVROLET SEDAN—fully equipped ....
1952 CHEVROLET SEDAN—"two-tone" •••• .....
1952 CHEVROLET COACH --"low mileage" ..
1952 PONTIAC SEDAN ............................... ...
$1345 '
1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN .., ..........................
1947 CHEV. Fleetline Coach, fully equipped ..
$ 695
1948 REO 3 -'PON Cabin Chassis ••...................
$ 600
1943 DODGE 1 -TON PANEL ........ ....
$ 245
1949 FORD TRACTOR and PLOW, new tires $, 55.0
1950 Dodge Sedan. — — $695
Brussels Motors
Huron County's Foremost Used Car Dealer
Come a' running, Kidsl . for this is the greatest,
toy Car Wash you've ever seen. Its last like the•
ka T garage where grown-ups have their car washedl
a a>: You operate the handle at the side to
bell inside the Car Wash, g the moving,:
tt move your toy can along
At the same.
�" '" � '-----�•. time a water pump sprays water from the.
roof to wash each car as it moves through,
When empty, you just refill the water•
' he alae.
Looks like,
tank et t
° ` works like a real Car Wash,
s < You'll have loads of fun lining up the many toy can you get,
along with your Car Wash running them up to the ramp,,
'v under the water pump and out the other sidel Then you give
• i them a wipe with a piece of cloth Mom will give, you. You can:
T wash 30. bis cats or 60 small ones with every tankful of wated-
IA You'll be.all ready then to operate this dandy Car Wash ... end;,
wash your pals' toy cars too when they come over to play.
with you.
HURRY! You can buy this terrific Car Wash only by mail :: x not,
on sale at any store. Be sure to get yours now ... mail.
the coupon to -day for your Car Wash and Plastic Bag with 40 toy cars,,
�,,.• ...t, ....�ti,
47 Colborne St: Toronto Ontario- "
No risk STRATTON MFG. CO., r
1l� �t i
because money i1/I1�1� a Dept.,....,...... p
refunded COUPON ' Please rush me.. .........Car Wash Unit(s),® $2.98 each
by return i 1 enclose S (post free) ❑ cash ❑ cheque C• money order i'
i f not delighted
� r
,� ADDRESS ......................................................
r• • • • CITY........................
..... ....... .... PROV................ ZONE.... e
v.�+r.+aa a aaaaaaa+�r:�aa.+a•. aa��+W a+.+w aaasr. aw+a++.0