HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-11-25, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
to her home on the Blue Water -------------
y: On Sun- Young People's Sunday Observed
Highway on Wedneco condition 'was BRUCEFI LD
Ae s OF Bayfield.
day evening, her con HOLMESVILLE,
hoop that Mrs` 'De wa' required St Andrew's United Ehurch YPU
hospitalization. She was` removed a
Representative` to Clinton Public Hospital for Ross Scott and Kon Scott made
treatment, where •she is still,. in B oar By field correspondent Unless s stems, o On Tuesday, November 16,
MISS LUCX, R: WOODS Phone BAYFIELD 45 r 3 ( Y y ) "• Y rganizations, a trip to Toronto this; week.. and Mrs. Ewan Ross; HolmesvYlle -
grave condition: Last week was Young People's institutions, ate„ are based and Mrs. John' Broadfoot attended and Mr, and' : Mrs., William Arm
Charles Guest, London, John Week in the '.United:'Church... In built!. on the6 Ten Comandments; the o strong,
MacLeod Brown Lindsay,William St..:Andrew!s Bayfield;. The.'Young the Golden -Rule, and the rin- Royal Winter Fair in Toronto: st ng, Hayfield, attended the foil `
" Miss Barbara Bassett London Mr. and Mrs. David Ormond, P Rev. 'G. G. Burton has: returned' eral in Ingermll, of : their niece,, '
McDool, and Keith l3randon were People's -Union marked rt by ciples of Jesus Christ,; they can
who is indisposed,, is home this, Lucy, Stephen and !Brian, Plym- on a deer Bunt near Huntsville crokinole art on Tuesdayeven- not •stand, to the village from Victoria Hos- Mary- Louise Grace Rutherford,,
week, outh, Mich., were'with the form- 1` , week but' came ]some without Ing,'Nove giber 16. Guests n. this "God:h s a lan for every hase pital, Londghi, aged four months.. She, rs survry-•
Miss Marion Makins attended er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. bur H. ass - • . n.. • i pv Y P Mr: and Mrs:_ George Henderson ed by her parents, Mr, and ;Mrs,
p a bag: They left on Monday, re- occasion included the Porter'sand activity. of life. Then let us,
the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, Ormond, over the "weekend: t ruin Saturday, Hill :YPU 'members of previous old.. and.young,'seek .to find that are visiting with friends hi the Dotiaid Fl. Rutherford, and a broM•y
on Saturday. The Rev. PeterRennerand son u , Guidos ,and Brownie's Young People's Societies' and oth- lan-see' tstern our build- United States, ther, David.: Mrs. Rutherford 'Is,'
Mr. and: Mrs. Gordon Heard, -Percy, accompanied by Raymond ' e local Guides' and Brownies e There was an attendance of In : whether of character home Alan ;Haugh spent the weekend he former Grace MacMtatlt>:.
London, were in the village over Scotchmer and Wilmer Harrison, Association 'met at the home' of 451 , 'life communit � life or national with his parents; Mr; and Mrs. Reg.N., Goderieh.,
the, weekend, left on Monday on a hunting trip the chairman, Mrs. R. H. F. Gaird- ' in the absence'of Anna Porter, life, ,according to that. plan." Mr. Wallace Haugh.. a
W. and Mrs. J. E. Hovey spent to :Sudbury. for deer and on to ner •on Tuesday evening, After reside Percy Renner expressed Renner closed b em asizin :iii Mrs. A. Hohner spent a few
nt,, Y Y Ph g S About 15 per .cent of Canada s
Sunday with the: Rev. L. C,'=Har- Hearst .for moose, some discussion concerning fund a welcome to the.visitors. Joyce text. days in Exeter with •her sister, oA labor force n -directly rlson, Dorchester. Robert . •MacLeod' and little Mrs. W. Smith. t • . i ens
raising activities; it>was decided Townshend, president, Porter's
Mr . David Dewar :left on Fri- daughter Cathy, -London, were o invite the ublic to hold card Hill Union .thanked Bayfield for '�''�"''m'''''�� Mrs. Walter Moffat,,'is visiting; Ployed, m agriculture. and about
da .16 spend'a few days ,with her with his parents, Mr, and Mrs..L. t p y P
Y parties a their homes; take up a the invitation. The party. coin and attending her mother; who is; 2n per is directs em loyed-:
Friday. silver collection and turn he pro- incased' with` a ung -song led by i h' T i ma ufac ur ng.,
sister, Mrs.
Bu haMCal a Varna.
aarrived remarried to on
her grandpa ants - P G .der�C I�N/IiShlli ill in
QD$wson visited this
on Wednesday "to ,spend a fort- until the New Year: seeds m to the treasurer, Mrs. Percy Renner with Patsy Scotch
weekend " with her brother, Ro '
• Charles Scotchmer, over the next mer- at the piano. ball-point went Y
night with'his sister, Mrs. N. W: P two months. ; This was. very sus- Prizes of a ball -1? ' On, .Miss Peggy Ann Betties has
Mrs. E. R. Weston'aceom amed Doane at Alvrnst. ton, with Mr, and Mrs. Albert.-
lbertP '
Woods Mr.:and Mrs. Donald Guest im cessful.when the or'anizationwas to -Ronald Smith, •men's high, and been under the doctor's care dur James McCullyand family,Lelbold,. R.R• 2,; Clinton,. were lw,
Mr. and"'llkis. Dalton Smith'and their return to Toronto ;on. Sun- • g• Hilda Hi'eks lades' high score in in !the past week :but is recover- Stratford, 'Visited with Joseph Me- Toronto on Monday,.
first started; and it is hoped- that g g P r Cull on the: weekend. Master, Robert and. -Hans Lep
-any Janet, London, vis ted:Mrs. Smith's day to spend two weeks -with her many ogle, will assist in the erokinole., A baby rattle was the ung nicely. Cully
rents, Mr, and Mrs., W. W.. Hig- sister, Mrs. Clayton' Guest, who worthwl�iile work.. booby prize and it went to Ronald Mr; and Mrs. Frank Jeffrey, Miss Leona Taylor,' London, pington,, spent Monday with their,
Them. -
gin, on Sund Y,• is in indifferent health, Hunting Tri Scotchmer: Goderich, were visiting. last week spent the weekend with.
'her par- grandparents,•Mr:.aud Mrs, Thain-:
Y - p The Rev; 'H. L. Parker,, Rector g p enfs, Mr. and, Victor Taylor, as Le i
Private Bob Orr, Cam Pet- George( Little, Spencer Ervine Grace before lunch was said by with their daughter,"Mr. and Mrs: _ pp ngtrle Clinton..
awawa s nt . a weekend leave a "n F cis re rued the,. Rev, Peter Renner. The lunch William McGuire. Mr: and -Mrs.- "Fred Threlfall, Mrs. Charles Snelling has r
pe of .St. Paul's Church WingIham, and Reginald ald ran turn London, s nt the weekend with turned frorir St: Jose h's Hospitals
leave with. his parents, Mr. and and Rural. Dean of Huron, will be home: on Friday night after having committee was led by Doreen Mrs. Ellen Picot returned' home pen p'
Mrs; William Orr. the preacher at the Induction of been away almost two' weeks on. MacKenzie, with Shirley Cleave, on Sunda after s ndin their son, LAC Threlfall. in London,, where she, underwent
'Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Rogers the Rev: W. S, Outerbridge in hun in t i in the Parr Soutid Vicki Cluff, Joyce Greer, Ann weeks' t • friends in Bruce Mr. and Mrs. • H. Dalrymple surgery, She is much better.
le last week' for their home in Trinity Church tonight, November • • t g r P , Y Westlake and Charlene Scotchmer C h spent Sunday.; with Mr. ,•Dal Mr; and; Mrs. R. McKay Wilson
ft a h Y district betKeen Bntt and French ounty and Goderich. rymple s brother, Hugh, in Mit- have returned' from their weddirW
Hamilton after having spent the 25, at 7:30 p.m. River. acting as waitresses. Mr. and Mrs. Sam'Scoyna, Post
past six months in the village. Mrs. William Dowson is serious- This year they took two -cars. Qn Sunday, November 21, mem- Stanley, spent a couple of. days ehelL trip; to Miami', Florida and haves.
Mrs. M. Toms visited her sister, 1. ill with pneumonia. She took George Little took his cabin, trail- hers of .the .YPU assisted in the nth• the tatter's uncle, James and Mrs. Ray F. Legging- taken up resii�ence in the village:,
Mrs. Clayton Guest, Leaside, from sick at her home in the. village er and Reg. Francis took the boat worship service at 11 a.m. in. St. Stirling and Mrs. Stirling.
Wednesday until Sunday when she` on Monday of last week, after on' a trailer. The boat enabled. Andrews Church. Anna Porter, Mr. and Mrs. William McGuire„
returned home with. Mr, and Mrs.` staying with, her mother for three them to see much, more of: the president, conducted the service; Delmac Orchards, 'visited relatives ■ �; �.�' �. r. :_ e.
Donald Guest,. Toronto. days. Mrs. L. E. Talbot took her country, giving the call to worship, the r, Detroit for several d iTM
Each of the local, men got a invocation;
deer, and the other men of the and •giving
party, George, Lew. and William Doreen
Drummelsmfth, Wheatley, aiid, Al. Scripture 1,
- LI Girardin, ,Leamington, bagged"two ter 3.
(� bears. responsive
the .TWINS The deer were plentiful but ner led in
� J were hard to get. There was. so nouneeme
much noise from the .wind in the Building:
trees that at times the men could- The ;pas
n't hear the hounds, and there was :Psalm 121
no.,snow. ` But they "enjoyed the Lord, build
outing. j in vain th
u X151 �. Trinity WA Annual I "Scriptu
W\11�1 11 IN
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"your Westinghouse Dealer"
is held at t
. Woods on
avember 19:
this to
o were guests of Mn
read the 1,...,.., „ ,,.--....6..,... ..,,..
MacKenzie toured several fine orchards in
esson from' 1 Cor:, chap- Michigan.
Don Campbell led the
reading. Rev. P.. Ren- �+++ �•
prayer, made the an-
ts, and preached on LONDE$BOR0
for based his sermon on
verse 1: _"Except ,the Misses Dorothy Little and La-
the house, they labour vina Knox spent the weekend at
at build it." their homes here.
re, history and exper- Mr, and Mrs. Harry Durnin vis -
bear . out the truth of ited with Mr; and Mrs. Eckimer,
said the speaker. Pine River, recently.
Mrs. Savauge and Miss Martha
rstlayalternoon, Leiper, Seaforth,-visited with Mrs.
After some discussion it was Bert Allen last week.,
S. Outerbridge decided td change the hour of Mrs. William Govier spent the
any. The Lord's meeting from the afternoon of weekend' at the home of Mr,: and
gayer were re- the third Thursday in each month Mrs. Lew Govier, Goderich.,
Mrs. Emerson to the evening of the third Tues- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Butler
Scripture. day, at eight o'clock. This will Area,' were with their rnother,
alydner presided commence in the New Year. I Mrs. Nellie Watson, on Sunday.
to rector, Mrs. Mrs.. E. Heard, Dorcas secr& Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Manning,
Lary, reported a quilt sent to the
.. _...b„ ,,....
ab- Peter. June and Gaii, visited with Mr.
The secretary, Mrs. R. Larson, WA rooms for the Mohawk Insti- and Mrs. John Sinclair, Kippen,
gave a fine report, showing an tute, and the value of the bale for or. Sunday:
active year with a good average St. Pauls School, Cardston, Alta., Mr. and Mrs. William Wells and
attendance. A devoted member, at $48.13. She read a letter- of Douglas, Clinton, were with Mrs,
Miss Elizabeth Morrison Cameron thanks from the principal, Rev, Jt Wells'. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ro-
was called to Hi her Service' on E. De -Wolf in which he asked for .bert Y'oungbiutt, on Sunday.
September 28. Also missed from good religious pictures for the Cliff Saundercock and family
the meetings was another bed eloved pupils dormitories. He also ask have moved to their new home
member, Mrs, George King who is for the prayers of the branches which they recently purchased
spending the .winter with her for a missionary priest for this from the James Fairservice estate.
daughter at Eimvale, Indian Reserve, the, largest in Mr, and Mrs, Charles Small who
Miss ,Lucy Woods read the fin- Canada, as he couldn't do justice have been "honeymooning" for the
anciahstatement which showed a to the work as both principal and past two months have returned to
balance on .hand after allowing rector.their borne and are settled down
for all committments. From -this, It was decided to pack a bale of to married life,
small sums were voted to the Dio- second-hand clothing for the Scott Miss Lawdy Young, who has
cese of the Arctic and the Mo- Mission, Toronto, in January. been a patient in Victoria Hos-
hawk Institute. The members of Trinity Branch pital, London; for several weeks,
Woman's Auxiliaryp will make has returned to her home here.
their corporate Communion at the Mrs. Laura Saundercock is with
regular service on Advent Sunday, her.
November 28, The St. Andrew's Mr. and. Mrs. Norman Radford,
iA Day collection for the self-denial Collingwood, visited Mrs. "Rad-
,� c e fund should be placed in separate ford's mother on Saturday last and
0 tenvelopes, marked for the WA and also attended the silver wedding
put on the collection plate at this anniversary. of Mr. and Mrs. Bert
service, Shobbrook.
0 1 have closed my ' The Rev. W. S `Outerbridge took WA Meeting
Studio and will be moV- the chair for the election of offic- The regular meeting of Londes-
in on December 7. ars: Honorary president, Mrs. W. boro Wemah's Association was
9 held in the church with Mrs. Jo
.. S. Outerbr[dge; president, Mrs. R.
Anyone wishing neg- H. F. Gairdner; vice-president, YephLyon in the chair, The meet -
Mrs, E. Heard; secretary, Mrs. R. g opened with the theme and
atives of photos taken, J. -Larson; treasurer, Miss Lucy "oGod Moves in a Mysterious
will you please R. Woods; Dorcas secretary, Mrs. Way",
Percy Weston, 'assistant, Mrs, E, Mrs, William Manning .read the
can 90 Bayfield Heard; Livingg Message secretary, Scripture and Mrs. Lyon gave the
i�efore • December 1. Mrs. C. Knuc&ey. The rector con- story. The hymn, "Breathe on
=tc4 to.cQndgct the study period Me, Breath of God" was sung.
during the year. The nominating committee is to
During the tea' hour, a letter be Mrs. Bert Shobbrook and Mrs.��u fromMrs, George King was en- Harry ed' wit The ion call was
1(11 joyed by' all present, Mrs, C, answered with donations for the
Knuckey was hostess, Children's Shelter, Goderich: Mrs,
Townsend favored with a reading
4?-pj --- and Mrs. Elgin Josling'played an
p Ij instrumental. 711111
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a u a r
his head to avoid a braneh.of a
tree, he brushed into another
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�t ;.,` c h � �Y > � x r #:: J ..•>S,�cA >» »X ' �"
branch that severely damaged his
left a y -e, He suffered complete loss
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The 110,000 Confederation Life
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' Death & Dismemb
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•$10,00 It you die from natural aauaea,
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