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Clinton News Record, 1954-11-25, Page 5
P ,THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1954 CL�N NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIVE Women Teachers " Meet In School` Vbituanes,�p -CE N�O,Tl .�t A.dasiral Park,,,$X T. Rees Jen%ins Mrs. A. Cardwell DRUG STO . The November meetmg of the �. Clinton Unit , the Federated Women Teachers Association of The deaih occurred on Novem- Mrs. Adelaide Cardwell, 73, The Estate of the late William C. Brown Ontario was ,'held Wednesday ber 17 of Thomas Rees Jenkins, died suddenly on Tuesday; No- , sl seevening, bl g'r000m.,ofr 1/V in %e h sono ofasthe�late Thomas Woods -the second son, Walter Osbaideslb 42 Portia must be settled as, soon. as passible. y Ai i g Campbell Public School at RCAF Jcnkms, and Elizabeth Salkeld. Boulevard, Stratford. She was I THE LARGE STOCK AT Station Clinton. Through his whole life, with the .the former Adelaide Ferguson, ° p Miss Edna Jamieson, -president, exception of the last three years, Blyth. DEAD THIS TDA Specials opened the meeting by asking 'fie lived on the farm in Goderich Most of her life was spent rl each teacher to answer the roll Township where he was born. On Clinton, but she lived irr Sarnia call by giving the name and ad the death of his father in 1917, he for some time' before going to i� YOU ever rrr. BROWN'S DRY GOODS continued to live there with his Stratford tivo years ago. She was 1 hur Fri. Sat. dress of ,her first • During the business period that sisters, Mary and Alma, twice married, her first husband gave C►f CeC@1VeCi IiITJST $E SOLD. followed, Miss Olive Johnson, see- Irl 192$ he warned Ruth. Walk- being Aubrey Osbaldeston, who inshaw, Clinton., died in 1y14, Later she married d retary-treasurer, read the minutes , AROMATIC CASCARA of the previous meeting and pre Mr r Jenkins was a, member of Thomas Cardwell, ,who died 2Q s`ented her financial statement. It WeslWWillis United Church years ago., She was a member of 3 oz. — 23c D� Sale throughout his life, and a member the Anglican Church, and of the p�l'�' G"'gantic-Selling. was decided to continue the study b oz. — 39c rs. He Mary Hastings Club. of the Session for some yea of the topic, The Teacher", Miss also was a member of the Loyal Surviving are four sons,. Amos Wfnnie.,.Gray, Miss Grace. Good- FLOOR WAX I� fellow and Mrs. Parker were nam- Orange Order of Clinton. Osbaldeston, . Goderich; Walter; N 0• Will be n For reasons of failing health he Stratford; Alex, Toronto; George 1 Ib. — 39c ed a committee to take charge of retired from the farm in 1951, and Cardwell,. Sarnia; and one sister, Fri<da ,•. December 3rd this project.. LT • p i e meeting was then turned moved to Huron Street, Clinton, Mrs. Lily Carter, Clinton. ✓ Th where a; number of business ven- Restin at the Ball and Mutch Ci tY1C11tCiI111 I lb .- y IDAMA a11C1 will run ,for a Ver l.lmzted tjllte.' over, to Miss Edith Beaeom; who where services. g 59a .� welcomed all teachers to the tures claimed his y histwiife and will n._=tin condu ted' this afternoon 2 Ib. 98c school.. She asked Mrs. Gertrude He is survived by, RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES Wendorf' to. conduct a Short sin by a sister (Anna), `Mrs. Ellsworth at 2 p.m., by the Rev. R. M. P. _ 4 Ib $1.89 g" Erratt,• Auburn; also a brother; Bulteel. Interment 'will be. , in g which was,enjoyed by all. Edward, Go&rich Township: Clinton Cemetery. 7� p 1 son ' OFFERED Miss X. McCarthy ravoured with ' Funeral se ice .was conducted � MINERAL OIL a le MINI. . 1 b oz. _— 4,3e WATCH FOR BE T WEEK S PAPER pleas of-the levenmg; Miss from riburyBstreet`'E traCl nto e. Thomas G POStalls' o�'�er 40 oz. $9a' Helen Wallace, a native of Cape to Clinton' Cemetery on Friday Services for Thomas G. Postans, FOR SALE A17VERTISEIGIENT. Breton gave an intereessting talk afternoon; Noyetnher 19. 'Rev. H. 72, Ba r on the teaehing'professiiSn, in her C. Wilson, Wesle -Willis United Yfield,.who died iri Clinton BALL PEN SACCHARINE TABS. y Public Hospital, were conducted Y -- 15C SALES LADIES native province of Nova Scotia, Church officiated. Wednesday afternoon, in. the Bali /4 qr. 100 ES NEEDED She compared' teaching conditions r'y� and Mutch funeral home, High 500 — 39c A i there with these, in Ontario, and. Robert f : 1 albot Street, Clinton, by Rev. I. Boden- 1/2 gr. 100 19c at store Monday, ,November 29th proved,.to all present that''thc lot • , ham, Central Baptist Churbh, $ 500 —, 49c PP Y' of the teacher hi Ontario is indeed P �OQ between 11-T2 a.m. much happier than that of man (BY aur Bayfield correspondent). London. Interment was in Bay - much Y field Cemetery, .! UTILITY members of the profession,,in.Other Relatives here received! word Pall-bearerswere Ralph Cor- ? r H. E. Passmore, Li idatoTr provinFes, recently of the death of Albert nigh, Clifford -Talbot, Ed Sturgeon, HOT WATER BOTTLE , A film dealing with problems in James .Talbot, 75, of 100321 -117th George Grant, Frank Raithby and 58.75 gold` $1'.29 nutrition was shown by Miss Street Edmonton, Alberta' who J. H Rulataugh. 1 Agnes Muliooney: ' died in hospital, Tuesday, Novem- Born at Ancaster, he was em- filled' cap /// PONDS -ANGEL SKIN ber 2, ployed for 31' years with the Ford With Dispenser He was a resident of Edmonton iylotor Company, Detroit, ' and af- The amazing ball pen for 41 years, having moved there 'ter retiringin 1950 settled at Ba 98e SHOPPERS! from his farm, le the Blue ip, In y- that writes 5 Times field. He was a member of the e y _ Highway, Stanley, Township, in Baptist- Church there. longer than ordinary TRU S H A Y 1913. Surviving besides his wife, the ° types gives you your with Dispenser A well known business man, he F From Now Until Christmas Day Stores In Clinton established. the Imperial Fuel former Helen G Leman, Hamil- choice available he 99e ton, are two brothers, eR.a G. Post- is now available as the 7�1OPEN' Wi11 Remain Companywhich he.to k Over tun -he and, Montreal; Alex, Heath, Alta.; WOODBURY'S til 1925. lie then took over the and one sister, Miss F. M. Postans, i:e ideal companion piece Operr< All Day Wednesday Hetes Equipment and Supply Ancaster. to your Parker "5P•.. SHAMPOOwhich he operated until 1948, Rei 1.20 for 59c when, owing to poor health, he relinquished the business to his Neil Allister Brown From December 15 to 24 (inclusive) the majority of son. Cutex HAND CREAM VICK`S LOZENGES business places will be The deceased man was the last Funeral services- were held in Spediol tt� 0sat of a family of ten children of the Stratford on November 10, for z -49c ars — $9e 49c 91 7 Edward Talbot and Isabella Neil Allister Brown 1 who died at 'a pen un p m. _ e Brown. (a brother of the late Ed- his residence; 109 Caledonia St., - ds ward and'William Henry Talbot) that Monday morning. He was 65. On December 22, 23 and 24, Groceries and Purveyors of Stanley Township. He is survived by his widow, the A service was held in the Hein- n buck funeral home, Stratford, at I of Foodstuffs will be. SHOP "TIL 9 . ' Open 9 former Esther Murray, a son, El- gin, Edmonton, and three dough- o •1.30 o'cloclt, Wednesday afternoon. y Rev, Donald B. Mackay, Knox o 'TIL CHRISTMAS unto. p.m. ters, Greta, Stettler, Alta., Anna Presbyterian Church officiated. Pearl; Vancouver, B,C., and Mar- BurIal was in the family plot at y" • Retail Merchants' _ • r �1 ion, Edmonton. The Rev. Ian Kembt conducted Mount Forest -cemetery. Pallbear- . ere, all Stratford residents, were p �✓ommittee • the burial service at the Howard and McBride funeral chapel, and members of the Masonic Order ` and the Independent Order of Odd CLINTON A N D DISTRICT o H A M B E R OF COMMERCE a at the graveside in Edmonton Cemetery, on Friday, November S. Fellows in Stratford. Members of Stratford Lodge No. 332 A,F, and st2r2farsn�r$riaar.iiidraa>s="r+atst�i �+brlyt2r�atria`r'ar+attli+s?° t ' A.M. held a special service at the Iieinbuck funeral home on Tues- ;C;.erCL'+�n�" t6rCt.t'.-r�'•+5''+•4KKtdua�+°t-t4tr.Ir`uao`wrR.t;ate'stn"`xt0.'?GtG't'„;.�i:r�iG't&;a�$tR:r�i2r�'hk�r.°'rb't`dr°�r'r°dr�rl day .night, . rq�tacaec� tcegaciecw„ +ci ate e+a+e�c+��{tt��l 66 "BUSINESS Later the same night members of the IOOF held a special service !I� T St>SOPPER i�id'l JC6i x J� Vr t� r s. • �� A SMART g�T wTVRy and this was followed by service by members of the Knigiits i7 ll C of Pythias. ��f Oliver H. Bove' e INSURANCE. i1 „ „ ,, . er @1FTSVV Be Sul©- Be Insured Oliver Harry Boyce died at his home in Mitchell on November 15. K. W. OOLQUIIOUN Tie was 66. (( I( DL'if�trlSj�T �fl�j DS IL SMALL JH �f Y iJ!_.1 GE "RAL INSURANCE Representative: p Sun life -Assurance Co of Canada s He was born in Brucefield; and when a child moved to Fullarton j-� 1VAfiii.Iji1 YJjI Royal BankNES Building Township. He attended the Mit- High School and later Lon- t � j�� R� HE191 ITTL CHItLYSr110MAS. THEM ffPiee: 50 -PHONES -Res. 9W donche don Technical School. in 1912 he ,IL H'0. LAiVSON married Lillian McCadry, who sur - vives him. ,- Bank of Montreal Building For a number of years he was O Clinton station agent for the Grand PRONES: Office 251W; Res. 2511 Trunk Railway Company in Wind - y Insurance Real Estate Agent: hfutual Life Assurance Co. sor, then returned to rullarton Township where he kept bees, - -- farmed and was a rural mail car- Insure the Co-op„ Way rier, He had apiaries at Monkton, Palmerston and . Topping before t. I W, V. ROT retiring to Mitchell where he and PHOTO F. B. PENNEBAKER PHONE SERVICE DRUGGIST 14 District Representative his wife operated the Braeside n gy Bo. SIU Clinton, Ontario Rest Home. ( W O U L V N( T 1 1 AV E Phone Collect Mr. Boyce was s member of Office 557 Res. 3241 Mitchell Main Street UnitedSALE OF COATS f %I (� /� (�'T” —_ Church. iNN Y i' AP 1 OF IT " ` J. E. HOWARD, Bayfield. Surviving besides his wife are Phone Bayfield 58r2 one son, Edward, Seaforth; three SPECIAL D R D D $2`6 G Oar Piro - Liu nAccidont daughters, Mrs. C. H. (Gladys) f'And neither would my Dad. He knows the 38 V7 Wind Insurance Meier, Stratford; Mrs. Elwoodvalue of trust Company experience is looking ■ If you need Insurance, I have (t elma) Coughlin, Atwood, and after o estate. o wouldn't experience withoutit loo a Policy Mrs, John (Verna) Johnson, Windsor; three brothers, Robert, So man wise men to -da rel oti the experience and ` THE 1VLOIfILLOP MUTUAL Hensall; Wesley, Windsor; Nor- y , y y BALANCE ��� �� FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY man, Walton and four grandchild< to=operatron o£ a trust company. 20% ��AAAA A'0111��` {{{��� [[[ Head Office: seuforth i Service was held from the Write for free booklet headed: "Blueprint For Your Officers 1954: President, John Heath funeral home, Mitchell, ,on -Family", covering some aspects of estate ad- H. McEiving, Blyth; vice•.presi- Wednesday, November 17, by the ministration. CO'AL'S dent, Robert Archibald, Seaforth; Rev. J. Robert Watt, Main Street secretary -treasurer and manager, United Church. Interment was in M. A. Reid, Seaforth. . Woodland Cemetery, Mitchell, THE Directors John H McEwmg, o TRUSTS Robert- Archibald; Chris. Leon- . . STERLING ip � � . A el rim hardt, Bornholm, E. J Trewartha; Classified Ads Chnfon; Wm S. Alexander, Wal- i� ton• J.L. Malone,' Seaforth•' Har- C O R .P Q' R A T I O N vey� Fuller, Goderich; J. E. Pepper, Pa �' Brucefield•'Alister Breadfoot Sea - HEAD oFFtce BRANCH OFFICe � forth. j Cost, 372 Bay St., Toronto i-3 Dunlop St., Bamic a,a� ce " $ Age m. Leiper Jr., Londes- Low 6.3 its: W h�rtK boro; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; S, Selwyn Baker Brussels; Eric eol WWr- LA �j u P iF Munroe,, Seaforth 3� too Of 00 INVESTMENTS Shop 'Earl For - ` Early Get The Facts t all VIC DINNINNOTICE C �'3rSt . �'h0YCe of n. 1 f Phone 168 — Zurich `-• a�4\ s f.." u 1 Iirvestors Mutual Y� I Managed and Distributed by Investors Syndicate of OUT Gift Values! Canada, Ltd. Awe is 1P 1 on � K � a OPTOMETRY' 'rown o nt / xza 1", A. L. COLE, R.O. - K a. Eyes Examrned and Glasses .Fitted Pecgaan+3ew+3aenatc�.ck• f�° Goderich Phone 33 ;REE FLEE �d u J. U. LONGSTAFF �,4 x .t #X * .e HOURS: 3 0 SEAFORTH:Weekdays except ® ' . )s , Wednesday, 9 a,m. to 12.30 p.m. C�'�+�°T A 1gr�sA (•"t r Tues., Tliurs„ Fri., 9 a.m. a ! a7 I A� D /psiIN to. 5.30 p,m, y C Saturday, 9. a,m to 9 pm. Second Instalment of Taxes are dire' 'on ii ¢� CLINTON: MaclAren's Studio T Mondays only, from 9 a.ni. Motorola. 1 i h to 5.3a p.m. •.Tuesda, November 3O 1.9�� t.of 1 Flo per 211 'PHONE 791 SEAFORTH y7 'TO BE GIVEN AWAY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT x954_ t will cha ON DECEMBER 24, q lle a�beCl olt overdue ROY N. RI!.NTLEY 1dI1to7C1t1 interest task>uti tee e .tvG+cr. +S+ c+ rG� Public Accountant ,. S ' Wear GO,I)ERLCTLI 4 BritanpiwFAI. (corner South St). taxes paid on or aftEr December 1. elephone' 10il A e�r'radxes ONT. REAL ESTATE J.W. MANNING0 FOR SMART THINGS TO WEAR 1R,cai Estate and .Buslness Broker- CLINTON ONTARIO SLOAN BLOCK c IN°I'ON `$'ax CflilleCto n7ki2asriae9virn,r+id +sitfv5a7aizta pr2rto-5ns:asrSgsi7trar} Phone;. Office 448; Ices. 5991. N�WLfStE�llf94c*t�N�C=1WR1C3CNENU�?4�1'* «" Q"+Ct6'CSCSrt°'EaR�. M�f�r�r�t�rYktT�7tr7ngtft�i"ars'rr�r�tSW:rt�'ihz,'+vrEYtDiB+`n . ... .:., _ '. ,` .. ..