HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-11-18, Page 10i WAGE TENCLINTON NEWS -RECORD I�IURSDhY,. NOVEMBER 18, 19554 i Ki en TaraShoot 23, 20, 20; John Burn, Woodstock Remembrance Day Shoot Attended Zurich Flyers Zurlch? RCAF Start Hockey Season T pP P 18, 18, 23; Cal. Singer, London, 19, . . Held Last Sunday 24; , William" Lumby, Godericb, 21,' B More Than 100 District Marksmen With Ex -Colts To-nl ht At Clinton Lions Arena �3; 41oyd VLnner, Tlensall, 22, 23; By g (By ore Ilonsnll correspondent), John Anderson,; Hensadl,• 21; Nor. - The second annual trophy shoot E. R. Doucette won one turkey Zurich Flyers and Chnton.Elee- Edgar;- Danny Colquhoun; Bill At; the Sunda afternoon sho t' was held by'Che,Huron Fish and and four, chickens. T. Sherritt, Open Schedule tras will open the 1954-55 hockey Hanly;:and possibly a few.oth is , n o .man ITarburn,. Cromarty; 19. The at Kippen, the, fo)lowing scores next 'shoot at.IKi e Ganite Gun' Club last Thursday at two turkeys; ,and A. Gelve and' G. season to -night, Thursday, in from_ the Clinton Colts. `' pp n will be held y were made: Tom Aldan; London, ori. November• 28"at two o'clock. Alma Grove. Briggs, one turkey. Zurich Flyers,. who this year will Clinton Lions Arena: The game The Electras, "winners of the The trophy for high team. in The high ladies' rifle score was. ,)ave a decided Clinton Colt ap- is scheduled to get under, way, at Tri-Servdee League . last season, trap -shooting was won for the sec- won by Mrs., Louis Freeman with pearance, open their hockey sched- 8,30, have looked very strong in prac= : and year by the Kippen Gun Club, a score of 90, and E.. R. Doucette ule in Seaforth on Tuesday night- Both teams have been practicing tice 'sessions and should matte with a score of 110, Goderich was the winner of the high mens The Zurich club has been practic- things very interesting"" for._the at the local arena and will be We Are Pleased Club was second with 108. score with a' perfect 160: ging on Clinton i e and are expect- Fl ers, To Announce= T,hatr Individual, scores for the two. Mrs. TomSteepe" won four ed to play their home games in playing their first exhibition;.: ,of Both teams will be usin Clia- high teams were:''Kippen,,'J, An- chickens in rifle competition, A. Clinton Lions Arena until ice' is the season. Zurich "are, expected ton ifor their home 'ames, so this MRS. EFFIE FINLEY Berson 21, J..Burns 23, L. `Venner McClinchey, 3. Two chickens were available in, their home rink. to ace a strong club. "They have should be a real opportunity for 21; T. Sherritt 23, 'H. Mothers, 22, won by Ken MacKenzie,.:A. St, -Players of last year's. Colt team most of last year's 'team back.in hockey fans to ick their favorite is The W' Of The Case (T2.49c°boxes), of, Goderich, " T. Allan 24, -W. Hart. Anions, C. Dixon, A. Gilbert, C. who have been practicing with the harness and have added Malt for the season. P j�/� man 25, W. Lumley, 19, A. Gilbert Freeman, G. Lawson. ' One chick- Flyers include; Jerry Holmes, Al.Made Rite PQtao�, ChY 20, J. Gilbert 20. en each won by C. Prouse, R. Bel- May; Danny" Colquhmin, Bill L t' b Ube high gun trophy nesented linger, H, Hamilton; H. Turner; J. Hanly, Malt Edgar, Johnny Wil- " y g was-, p y presented W, Watkins, Ellwood "Epps',.W. Seel- son and lien:, Armstrong. It is Mobile Library HenSall "Memorial Offered' At The; Hartman,, Goderich, ith a pprf- ey, L. Freeman, ,C, Rutherford, understood that the. Flyers, can 7CLINTON BOWLING i T �T ect score .of 25. The Gliddorn,chai- Mrs. R. Chambers, Mrs. George sign four erten and still remain in Sets' Dates For CLl� 1 Old BO 1'F' LING ALLE .i lenge trophy, . for the high club Elliott, Mrs. L. Freeman, J. Hod- .their C' group, p ,] score; was not shot for; but is gins, W: Lumley, Dick ,Steepe, A. .Following is the classification of Parade Led ;B 7o the League Bowler 'shawl»g mrosf' improved' average .. currently" held by E. R. Doucette, Livermore, H. Lamoureaux. Bags the competing teams; St, Mar s, Book. Exchanges " aurin Two turkeys and one chicken of, sugar, were won by A> Gilbert, A; Seaforth,-B; Luean and Zurlch The Huron County Mobile Ex- B .n ,] f > 9 month of October. were won by J, Burns, J. Ander C. Prouse, E., -Livermore and Dick- •C; and Ilderton, D.'.- ., change Library has issued its a noekb rn Band S pe Nov. schedule for the • next two-week andand b Allan: D.on Smith Stee (lay our 'Hensall cora tw. Well over 100 were ,presenti, and 19—I1derton at Lucan period. , espondentj chickens, and a turkey and the new events were very ;well, Seaforth at, St. Marys Local libraries will beeserbed on Remembrance Day was observ- chicken were won' by L. Veneer.; patronized,. including; dart -throw- 23—Zurichrtat Seaforth the following dates: ed in Hensall in the Town Hall ing; competitions, which proved 2"t. Marys at Ilderton -Nov, 23 — Varna,- 8.45 a.m.; under the auspices of the Canad- • very popular. 2&—Ilderton at St, Marys Brucefigld; 9.45 a.m.; Hensall, ran, La ion, Hensall •BroneTr` No, i n Store, W �"c o Seaforth at Lucan , I g Attell'tldn Owners 1o.4s a.m, 30—Lucan .at Seaforth Nov. 29—Bayfield, 9 a.m.; Zur- 468: A parade composed" of Legion � 1. g �. Neat er Now a.m: and Ladies' Auxiliary' members 3 1 Zurich at iltlexton Nov. 3Q• ---No. 2 Goderich; 10 marched to the school and back to j�( (%��j(� ; (� �J . .: :. 3—St; Marys at Lucan - a.ma Clinton; 10.45; a.m.; Auburn I AM MO !" ill \ lT TO, , TOWN . �1 l"" Seaforth at Zurich Libra m the Town Hall where Rev, Nor- (�.p Lp President, Lawn 7 -St, Marys at Seaforth 3 p man Knox, minister- of Tiivitt B—Luean at Ildorton Dee. -IVa. 4 Stanley West, 8:45 Memorial Church, Exeter, and St. 0 arm,; No. `4 Stanley East;, a.m,; Pours; Hensall addressed - the The Red. Nosed' BOWling Club zuriCh at St. Marys Heirsall School, gathering. :COMPLETE FACILITIES FOR 14—Luean at Zurich Dec. 9—No. 6 Hallett, m.; No. • Allerton at Seaforth " p The ladies' community choir un- �� — � a The Clinton Lawn Bowling Club 7 H071& P•ni.; No. ' 11 >Hullett, der. direction of J. L. Nicol, sang (++fir Reindeer 15—Seaforth at Ilderton DELIVERY L'tRY SElll ppointed' J. W. Nedfger as the 17 Allerton at Il Marys p Tri No. 5 1iWlett; p.m, ori anthem, "Song of Peace', Miss ? r new president of the club at their Dec. 10—No. 5 Goderlch, a,m.; Jew Henderson was soloist. Zurich at Lucan c � meetingI, last Wednesday: Pres:.-, — rich No, 9 Goderich, am.; lle 12 Hal- service w the.serviee in the hall ly; 21 Zurich at Zurich a dent' J. A. Sutter presided over lett,:' a.m.; No. 10 Hallett, a.rn.; _ To Have Your Deliveries Handled Fastand' Economical 22 Lucan at St. Marys a service Was held at the cenotaph the meeting in the Council Cham No: 8 Hullett, a.m.; Auburn of " s a 28—Zurich at Seaforth with Rev. W. J. Rogers, and Rev. Cham- ber. School, noon. , ,o Clinton'., 29—Lucan at Ilderton N. McLeod, Kippen; assisting with Contact JOHN W. LADD' Mrs. Hu Ladd, Other officers and committees 'yon.o the service. Wreaths were placed for. the coming year were elected4—Lucan at Seaforth Bazaar `Planned as follows: Province of Ontario, There' are a few openings yet` ovailahie to-. as follows: vice-president Waiter St. Marys at Ilderton Mary, president Mrs. Legion Aux- C. Newcombe' secretary, Rev, D. Mrs, R. Taylor S r l egion Aux- � 7—Seaforth at Lucan ilia meet with.. your requirements; " J. Lane; 'treasurer, J. Lovett, St. Marys. at Zurich By. Huron Road` Legion, president Donald Dayman; p Committees: grounds, J. Sutter, 11—St. Marys at Seaforth 9 village of Hensall, Reeve A. W. SCC r err R. Vodden, P: Livermore; jitney, Zurich at Lucan Ladles Club Kerslake; Tuckersmith Township; Act NOW For Efficient SfiTV13�G' Crlch Leslie Jllustrated with VOWit l i stereoscopic pictures IN THREE DIMENSIONS --'see.Rudolph,theRed-8losc4Rain- deer. "comm to life" in the breath- taking realism of three dimension full color Kodachrome piotures, Other children's Stereo -Story sub• leets for use in View -Master Stere. soo'es and Projeetore include Mother Goose Rhyrebs, the Christ. teas Star ell as yy, Wild Animals, Indians, Fa[ryTaleaPerFormingEkphants w"travel" scenes #romall over the world, Stereo Pictures aro (mounted in durable View -Master Ncene heels, See for yourself, sTEREoscoPE $2.95 REELS Soc each ON mer array, a Ball; tournament, C. W. Draper, 12—Ilderton at Zurich 14--Seaforth at Ilderton The November meeting of the Councillor Roy Bell; Hay Town - slop, Reeve Earl Campbell. P. Livermore, Bert Gliddon; fin- once, J. Lovett, W. Nott: W. New- Zurich at St. Marys 18 Zurich Ilderton Huron Road Club was held in the afternoon at the home of Mrs. Last Post and Reveille were by membership, M Crich, H. Hawkins, Rev. D. J. Lane.. at 19—Lucan 19—Lucan at St. Marys Wilfred Glazier. It opened with the son "Singing e g; S ging in the Rain", sounded trumpeters Dr. Di Me- Kelvie, W. O. Goodwin F. Beer i Old members' annual fee for 21--Seaforth at Zurich Ilderton at Lucan " • followed by the Lord's Prayer. The and S. Ronnie: Two minutes siI- enee was observed. playing privileges will be$10, with a $5 fee to apply to new members. 25—Lucan at Zurich Ilderton at Seaforth' secretary's and treasurer's reports were given. PIans were Parade marshall was Sydney MacArthur. Colour party was led The official executive was ap- social to arrange for social 26—St. Marys at Zurich colnpleted for the bazaar on No- vember 2T; to be held in the coon- by William Brown and color bear - entertainment evenings during the 28—Seaforth at St, Marys Feb, Cil chamber. Names were drawn ' ers were Lawrence Baynham and Roy Smale. coming winter with a view to strengthening fhe tie binding the 1—St. Marys at Lucan for Christmas gift exchange. Novel lunch- was served by The Bannockburn Pipe Band from Varna headed members together, and incidental- the hostess; Mrs. Gla 11'assisted and Clinton, the parade and played several ly adding to the funds of the club". ORILLiNG FIRM MOVES TO OHATHAM AREA by Mrs. G. Glazier, Mrs. Bi11 Hol- land and,. Mrs Noble FTolI selections, The deep -well drilling firm of Mrs. Cliff. Glazier won the lucky Dozen Hunters Stub' & Stub have moved their draw, The' meeting adjourned with equipment away from Zurich dis. "God Save the Queen, The De - Leave For The tact to the Chatham area where cember meeting will be held at they will be' doing similar work the home ,of :Mrs. George Glazier, this winter. They are planning Group 4 will be in charge of the Northern Woods to return in the spring and d if lunch. Roll call will be answered some more wells in search of wWat by, 'What You Would Like For More than a dozen% local and, Seaforth hunters left last Sunday t in the bowels of the earth in Christmas.,, for a week's hunting trip to Lor- fou locality. This year the —0 — for Northern Ontario, There near found gas on two farms, and who HUILON INSUILANI I MEN knows, by another year .they may (r)ryE xg TO RLrL11EF FUND the Lake of Many Bays they are hit oil in substantial quantities. trying their luck for the .elusive ---Zurich Herald. The Huron County Insurancedeer. Agent's Association, meeting in The men making the.trip in Hotel Clinton last week donated the sum f 25 t ti.r,t • — eluded C. H, Epps; Mrtcheal Aw- o $ o e n aria Adam, Earl R. Doucette, Carmen Hurricane Relief Fund, Repres- i Rowciiffe, Harold Jackson George entatives.-from Exeter Goderich &EWAN ` « Ifruse,Dr.Brady, W. Leyburne, Sk(�,te,,'S' Seaforth t and Clinton ' were oriIJ Jack Modeland, Frank Harrison, hand to discuss matters pertaining Mr.Mc Ca11, F. Kling and J. Scott, to the association. I K. W, Colquhoun and Harold C. Sharpened Lawson, both of Clinton, are presi. Sponsored by Clinton Branch No..140 Canadian Legion I /MACHINE SH.OP LEGION MEMORIAL MALL Clinton 43tfb KIRK STREET, CLINTON CLINTON ThursdayNov,, 1.8 AGENT_�'LONDON , Commencing at 8:30 P.M.Sharp _-,.1 — SNAPSHOT 15 Regular Games SERVICE 3 SPECIAL GAMES Another "select-" Photo Finisher. ALL PRIZES ARE FOR TURKEYS ' Two -Day. Deutlery AOMissroN: Clintontry 15 Regular Games $1,00, Special Gomes 2•for'25c Bowling. Alley TURKEY N, GO` 4 We Have.the the Finest Equipment Lengthwise and Hallow Ground for Best Results. s Nelsons dent and .secretary, respectively. � OL, C�MoN OVER ASID SF.ETWISWr IA A 'oil Sponsored by Clinton Branch No..140 Canadian Legion I /MACHINE SH.OP LEGION MEMORIAL MALL Clinton 43tfb KIRK STREET, CLINTON CLINTON ThursdayNov,, 1.8 AGENT_�'LONDON , Commencing at 8:30 P.M.Sharp _-,.1 — SNAPSHOT 15 Regular Games SERVICE 3 SPECIAL GAMES Another "select-" Photo Finisher. ALL PRIZES ARE FOR TURKEYS ' Two -Day. Deutlery AOMissroN: Clintontry 15 Regular Games $1,00, Special Gomes 2•for'25c Bowling. Alley IS WDTO V t/GStTdSE... • YOU JUST HAV�'VDS'f�P ' . .. OVER AN0 SEIE lTSA'T ; oil CALLit ;I Lions Parcel Delivery Service Owned and Operated by John Ladd, 59' Gsieiph 5t., I Stratford -- Phone 959 GET, YOUR 'WINTER'S SUPPLY OF i Electric Light Bulbs From a Member of Clinton Lions Club Who Will Be Canvassing Every Home In Clinton NEXT WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY EVENES;G' NOVEMBER 24 INS 25 - 26 10$2,00 40, 60 and 100 -WATT A S S O R T `E D BULBS iN B U L B S CARTON ------------- PROCEEDS of the Lions Light Bulb Sales Drive is to promote the work of the Bays' and Girls' Activities Committee of the Clinton Lions Club. R. S. MACAULAY, President, BILL GRIGG, Chairman, Clinton Lions Club Boys' and Girls' Committee tCIIAN U"SED (ARS These have to be seen and driven to be appreciated. Inside and outside they're, 'really clean, Mechanically perfect! Came in; and. test 'drive the " car. of. your choice. 151 CHEVROLET SEDAN ... a good one ... $1350 147 CHEVROLET SEDAN ... none better. , 675 49 DODGE SEDAN :... a real ba'rgaln...... 854 '52 AUSTIN SEDAN.. motor over•�hauled . . . really. good. . . . 995 '50 T?TLLMAN (; '" AN reduced to 550 SEDAN 1550 Spotless Inside and, out LOW PRICE ..., ..... TRUCK $PECIALS - - - - - 'S2 CIIE'VROLET 1/ Tori Pit-, .11y). value $I I50 ONLY 32 SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. Pion to do (/�t your shopping early. Use our convenient LAY -AWAY PLAN, j c } X49 FAlLVO x/ Ton Express "" �llll�l 595' now. A small deposit will hold your purchase until ,December 24. 4 J. t '.' Scrutoji' ' ✓ p 39 DODGE SEDAN —fair Value . 150 We have a Complete, Slorl� of:. ---- , SHIRTS TIES S _. �. OCKS a;;>Is . Gee&�e� - oa.�a,��f, Have you had your Demonstration Ririe in the 1455 CHEVROLET ROSES BELTS SLACKS Petroleum Products AAOTORAMiCi' Why not call us now -- we`IO are piod to arrange a __.. s o JACKETS — BLAZERS time uitdble P' you, SWEATERS.--- SPORT SHIRTS -�- Vtc. Phone Cl ton 377 ALL PURCHASES GIFT BOXED_ Phone Goderich 3O-WornrMMotors Ll ,,,. Herman's, filen s Wea1 CITIES SERVICES Chevrolet Oldsmobile Sales alid Selrvia x PHONE 224W CLINTONDI$TRIBUTaR CLINTON y IS WDTO V t/GStTdSE... • YOU JUST HAV�'VDS'f�P ' . .. OVER AN0 SEIE lTSA'T ; oil CALLit ;I Lions Parcel Delivery Service Owned and Operated by John Ladd, 59' Gsieiph 5t., I Stratford -- Phone 959 GET, YOUR 'WINTER'S SUPPLY OF i Electric Light Bulbs From a Member of Clinton Lions Club Who Will Be Canvassing Every Home In Clinton NEXT WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY EVENES;G' NOVEMBER 24 INS 25 - 26 10$2,00 40, 60 and 100 -WATT A S S O R T `E D BULBS iN B U L B S CARTON ------------- PROCEEDS of the Lions Light Bulb Sales Drive is to promote the work of the Bays' and Girls' Activities Committee of the Clinton Lions Club. R. S. MACAULAY, President, BILL GRIGG, Chairman, Clinton Lions Club Boys' and Girls' Committee tCIIAN U"SED (ARS These have to be seen and driven to be appreciated. Inside and outside they're, 'really clean, Mechanically perfect! Came in; and. test 'drive the " car. of. your choice. 151 CHEVROLET SEDAN ... a good one ... $1350 147 CHEVROLET SEDAN ... none better. , 675 49 DODGE SEDAN :... a real ba'rgaln...... 854 '52 AUSTIN SEDAN.. motor over•�hauled . . . really. good. . . . 995 '50 T?TLLMAN (; '" AN reduced to 550 SEDAN 1550 Spotless Inside and, out LOW PRICE ..., ..... TRUCK $PECIALS - - - - - 'S2 CIIE'VROLET 1/ Tori Pit-, .11y). value $I I50 ONLY 32 SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. Pion to do (/�t your shopping early. Use our convenient LAY -AWAY PLAN, j c } X49 FAlLVO x/ Ton Express "" �llll�l 595' now. A small deposit will hold your purchase until ,December 24. 4 J. t '.' Scrutoji' ' ✓ p 39 DODGE SEDAN —fair Value . 150 We have a Complete, Slorl� of:. ---- , SHIRTS TIES S _. �. OCKS a;;>Is . Gee&�e� - oa.�a,��f, Have you had your Demonstration Ririe in the 1455 CHEVROLET ROSES BELTS SLACKS Petroleum Products AAOTORAMiCi' Why not call us now -- we`IO are piod to arrange a __.. s o JACKETS — BLAZERS time uitdble P' you, SWEATERS.--- SPORT SHIRTS -�- Vtc. Phone Cl ton 377 ALL PURCHASES GIFT BOXED_ Phone Goderich 3O-WornrMMotors Ll ,,,. Herman's, filen s Wea1 CITIES SERVICES Chevrolet Oldsmobile Sales alid Selrvia x PHONE 224W CLINTONDI$TRIBUTaR CLINTON