HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-11-18, Page 7A duet was sung by Mss lienneth McDougal:. '.A reading •'" '""'"""' ,was given, by Mrs, Everett Taylor, Oliver he,, John ohn c Mrs. cMMt s. Olive x • A ens nd an.g paper ve'a a 0rtihis on Christian Pa t: hxis ' ap stewardship. stew ids ` h . Act P .Mont r• Ms Mrs. Albert Campbell presided Mrs, Ken McD for the business period'. Mrs, Olive Anderson, Mrs, Ken' McDoukal, and f Yh esbyt Mrs. John Durnin were appointed Mrs: J. W..G a nominating -committee, to bring far," t 'e Noveir in a. slate: of. officers at the De- Women s Mis'si cember meeting:y Mrs. Campbell K"n"oll' Presbyte: offered the 'closing prayer, r devotional peri Turke `Mrs, Edgar Y,SuPim I13f3radnock gave' The Woman's, . Association of I 'I'IJe.program PAGE StVIDN g with Mrs, C. C. r Clarke. Tt was'' dedicated by the Rev. F, H. Pauly; the Rev; R, NC the piano duet, Margo Grange; n'l�Cr, �r �/'� �Serected the Cairn m Clan Gregor, Gale coffered prayer; the Rev_ et, " Mr: • arid'[ Mrs: , ♦ „ quare :at very little cost. They! Gordon , .Peddie read the 1 s No,N.6Ve es 4n athered the stone themselves mnd 'tile special speaker was the Rev- . g helped with the work, Weston Canon E,. Appleyard, tette, !gars, George �����: ` Sros,did• the cement and stline At°airtelt" Carter,' Mrs: rn � 9' 54 other im' esthey Mr`s. Fred % work.- `(Unfortunately the papers Sunda p' .sive`seswice onfg„GlarI Mills;or- (By our!�if` coerespouitont) For the filet` time i relating to it. were burned, •when Y, August 10, 1947, .a second. n 36 years, tablet et to b the error of: Bert Craig, Gor- There was no there was no service on Armistice Walter: Johnston's bakeshop fell Y Warrant. Day, Bayfieldprey to flames; Hugh R. Al ' K Officer Richard O. Weston, Mer, ., seiwtce , of y Piano rnstruin- Remembrance at' the Memor D ainfotateer mghytimThere one of the veterans, informed its) chant Seaman ' Robert D&yid, G Washington, 1a1 Cairn in Clan Gregor P The bronze memorial. tablet was James, Iiopson, Private Charles George Million, Square, Dayfleld, on Novem-' , was not that mystic communion removed Stewart Cann, who ave their m d fr g Bir Gordon M C' it from th c ]m w h 'tho e To se wn tie. who had Hal' r it t ii made the 1 1h res, ear It had been 1. r k Y n� es i n,Wor Id W ar T I An. rev' was en- susous n. reP Arm' � " me sacrifice, satsee Y P f ce whDa'.' ached onto. the annual en at theY veiled by Mrs..:, R. Weston and un - were Mrs. R. P. elan~ ihl{talt: turn.ltr held the; same time as in all other towns, services, had been held) and set' Mrs. George Hopson, It was also rdon McClinche , g thoughts into the, Cairn. Later a torch light dedicated by. the Rev. F; H, Paull' Y pteiic.us Surtd:ry, villages and hamlets our thou hl was set a rgal. and :prayers ascended. to the glow on top of the Who also y WINS ° throne of God. not only in remem structure. Rev. I a egaee the address. The brance; but :in thankfulness; and V n Morgan. said .the At a service held on, July 26; 'prayers and the.Re'v. F. G. States- sham`was hostess' Gr in petitions for Peace. 1933, the Cairn was, unveiled b bury er meeting of: the �1tii UnOtt1edAre•ii - y u Y read the address. -g -we• growing apathetic? Was Mrs- .Agnes Currie and Mrs. Eliza In future . ears nary.,SoeietY of it T ,,. ... ., y let iis'take a „ ,.,,, a matter of convenience—why Toms. The .names an the tablet few minutes of our time on un Church." The `j' turn out on the morning of No- read: .Harvey : Currie, Kenneth day set- aside for, Re e ° ' time, t was conducted . ;..vember 11 when one can "kill two' Currie, ' Wilfred Toms, Robert, to kee alive M m...inbrance: isdr Mrs. Wes: MacLeod p. Y n this coinmuxrity - wso buds with one stone," Wand "let , Allan MacDonald, Vic- the memory of those Who sacizfic mng• { �r George do it" in the, larger places? for levans, Edward Adley, Arthur :ed their lives for us. and. study. book w,' Or was it that there had been !n by Mrs, Joli' sucha small, attendance on prev rs. Don, n received and iou's oceasionk, that the local Vet - that „ erans who ,arranged it, thought red" Che dedicaf that there'd be°a larger attend- ". ' 't•"•"' r��a'4�u,av+E.;a ante if held in connection with the li. r y a variety prggram whic;i opened Past resident Mr`s Edgar Law- church' parade? ' son • presided for the: election of offpv s which resulted as follows: ass�cY No matter what the reason; . president Mrs. W, Good vice there are several matters for ser- presrdegt, Mrs. D. A. MacKay; ' lous thought before another Arm - secretor treasurer, istice Day rolls around and those DORMEYER Y Mrs. F Ross; ' in charge here complete arrange M7012Ei 7500 N.assifsnt' Mrs. Alvin Letherland; menti for a service of Remem ( .04 I, Home Helpers secretaries,' lysins ` Minnie ,Wagner, Mrs.. Roy 'Doer. brance. _ �, things Y YOU Welcome and; welfare„ Mrs, H. If we are growing apathetic, let Govre• 'literature and library,: us recall that these men gave cQ^D .their lives, that our Veterans FOOD �t{tlr they rnorket;'. for a)II' ksndti of GVdih, L.o1a W. J. Houston; supply, Mrs. J.' : fought, to preserve our. way of y �r regi,.i �� W. Graham, Mrs, Carl Gooier; life -our freedom. Just pause for MIXER y ice rticaes" pttti'r demand qua1sty ntutst be' goo:' Glad Tidings, Mrs. D. A. MacKay; a.moment to think of the horrors flower -committee, Mis. F. O. me- of concentration mnttcam in some groin o necessity; will bq pleased. tel Mit your Ilveen, Mrs. D. A, MacKay; pian- countries, the starving millions in lets, Mrs, Don Plaines, Mrs. John other lands; the refugees, . the in for mo'esture befoee delitretry. Houston; student and press, Mrs. ,,; aff OF JT r ' J. Hallam Mission Band, Mrs. homeless, Perhaps we. say quite PRICE �� 'l - Don Haines, Mrs. Ed, Davies, Mrs. glibly, '"Oh, this couldn't ,happen Wilfred Sanderson; : This picture of the stone to us 'in Canadail' Couldn't it? t` ' Ladies' Aid,' president, Mrs. Don cairn in r_w-.ieJd Square, was Then if it is a matter of con o Baines; secretary -treasurer, president, Mr, Mrs. first published in the Clinton venience, it smacks too much of News -Record in U63 at the time the idea of celebrating important Fred (J Ford Edgar Lawson. of,its un veiling. 77re cairn, as historical events on the Monday I Y A vote of appreciation was ac- first erected incorporated a pla-- nearest the date to give people• a; corded.:, the retiring secretary- que bearing= the names of the long 'week -end,' forgetting that it ONE 123W treasurer, Mrs. Jack Hallam: The .' men who died in the First should' be the anniversary of that C�1 TON meeting Closed' with a:hymn and World War, Now another plaque date which should be -marked; and 0 N,,E - prayer by.: Mrs, Letherland, The with Second World War vie= that holiday really means holy hostess served refreshments,' tiros names has been mounted day. Thus it 'tends to lose its - an otherrhil sere of have been: e. ' Gives you all theselfeatures: 5 full• on another side of file cairn., sacred significance. held annually vi the ole of "The shall /�. powered speeds . . hili' site Pe P y r grow not old, as "CLOTHES ES beaters ... finger-tip beater release Bayfield and district m front we that are left grow old: of this cairn, -Age shall ,not weary ,them,one-hand operation. Stands d% nor the years condemn, DRYER` _ an base for easy draining, GUAR - _76y Zhu At the going down of the sun ANTEED, e- .•mow. ...•or.•s•.�-a•.�-aw04� and in the morning S, emember them," We"wilt r .. �wh�<' �`•, Ve 's` ' ��` Will the above lines be true if (` for Oi�i1 week Icy •�<.:•a`.�, we who. grow.old do not teach `'� efmshz n . r �ar ,a �;n> the coming generation that these•. P• ,,�"` The. Woman' Missionary Soc- men fought and died for them?' ON THE e iety and Women's Association of This year there was no interlude Holmesville United Church met in school for the pupils to march '//j ' M1i`•""4" "':''s;= for the regular meeting over to the Cairn to take art in x ;•:z g gin the p Sunday School rooms on Tuesday, the solemn service and know its November 9. Mrs. Ninian Heard; meaning, (In fact it has been as leader of the W.M,S,i took as revealed that some 'enterprising' the theme of the meeting 'Dis- youngsters took the poppies plat. nA t coveryand Mission," and gave ed on the wreaths by the Veterans the call to worship, and •attempted to sell them again r , The hymn "From Greenland's before Armistice Day no one Clothes Tcy Mountains'' was sung and Mrs. would buy them afterwards). 2 t Carmen Tebbutt read the scrip- There was nothing to impress the Dryer li. ture lesson, taken from the book child with the significance of the 2, of Acts, Mrs, Fred Mullholland occasion. Perhaps it passed In a led in prayer. Airs. H, C. Wilson one ear and out the other as an- :�i;rr� •;..��`rl>>:. gave a temperance talk. Mrs. Nin- • other holiday or holy day did to WAq Ever da g y 9 xMan Heard gave a short talk on 193"5• "%«`'`'this new y is -g Dd dr in da with the means ryer. Beats the sun, ng of the scripture less- At that tins; the writer was`'`'because it drys without exposure. No on, and the hymn "We Have K , worry about wind at rain or lee or snow. Heard a Joyful Sound" was sung. serving the public behind the ;. ' t:'s ::: %a> " : < �• Post Office wick; Two lite Krz/:'� Drys quickly—BUT ONLY :s:�A;�»:»::;.;., •x>:'<;.:.�'s Thexeparts of the sectional meet- t. little ..�; .rs. Y A5 MUCH ;:,:;;v:a<s;., iris A, and B. came in a AS YOU SET IT FOR. Dryness # ; `# ;:. ' ''Sss ?•,. >..c i gi , to th ,ris regu. ng at Bayfield were given by �EM� . a.. fated b `, he c ... �.,>.,. , Post Office e o � y control dial. ....�.. .:..�: f c n their w I. Sto a to s auto. .::.,. a.. :•»d�:,,,:>.. Mrs. s]' Y p ?j� 1 Leslie Jervis for Lite morning #''`!: '`': ':t:t<:. ..', z:,'+,•.'x.:,,....., m0 ntng mats t school: A. stepped u ca ty --load it and leave it pp p to the Bring a b ,Keeps s;. <:,.::': {•: v :.. •:::; :...::. and Mrs. F basketful rank McCullough for t t of dam g p the ct em as coda o wicket and asked for three gg 9 colour as the sun . wti c the afternoon. Mrs. William Nor- Clothes down .o our show- gets !tram -saves coloured things from one -cent stamps for her letter, room and see. fa ourself g man took h _�'_". ...::.,• � `.,. z,� � .,.< t e chapter in the study y fadin w g B. followed and asked for one how nicety the Dryer will 9• book and the meeting closed with the hymn The Day Thou Gavast Free -cent stamp. They went do them, Hos !hese features: Thermostatic control Lord, Is Ended, and the benedic- around to the shelf at the end .. Vacuum Drying System preheats air e$ • �t°i' wicket. A; already had one of has highest drying rate costs less to tion was given by Mrs. Heard, heir stamps 'licked' when she operate. Alt- cooled cabinet... eas'' to NPA Meeting spied the large stamp eom- clean lint trap ...outdoor humidity yen! t ;; wx, i With Mrs. Harry Cuumore, the memorating the Silver Jubilee when needed. Hapdyciean-out duct. w' "•. e WA 'president in charge the WA of the Reign of King Geor e with a sing V -and Queen Mary which B, ♦Washington Nows of -Auburn A'uburn Elizabeth mouth =organ song and repeating the. creed. The . Everest Tay Womerhs:' my I wish I'd got one Million, Mi: I KnoxS- Sadie .Carter and Miss Mar.'garet in,of. the R. Jackson. Gordon • Mc Piaetzer; re Siiet Y of A re rt of the seotio al, c - n mePo . tdonM ., , ..BCM .aw heI isd n ni held i B � � g n avf eld was riven by chestral nun i.. n ,:....., ..__ A duet was sung by Mss lienneth McDougal:. '.A reading •'" '""'"""' ,was given, by Mrs, Everett Taylor, Oliver he,, John ohn c Mrs. cMMt s. Olive x • A ens nd an.g paper ve'a a 0rtihis on Christian Pa t: hxis ' ap stewardship. stew ids ` h . Act P .Mont r• Ms Mrs. Albert Campbell presided Mrs, Ken McD for the business period'. Mrs, Olive Anderson, Mrs, Ken' McDoukal, and f Yh esbyt Mrs. John Durnin were appointed Mrs: J. W..G a nominating -committee, to bring far," t 'e Noveir in a. slate: of. officers at the De- Women s Mis'si cember meeting:y Mrs. Campbell K"n"oll' Presbyte: offered the 'closing prayer, r devotional peri Turke `Mrs, Edgar Y,SuPim I13f3radnock gave' The Woman's, . Association of I 'I'IJe.program PAGE StVIDN g with Mrs, C. C. r Clarke. Tt was'' dedicated by the Rev. F, H. Pauly; the Rev; R, NC the piano duet, Margo Grange; n'l�Cr, �r �/'� �Serected the Cairn m Clan Gregor, Gale coffered prayer; the Rev_ et, " Mr: • arid'[ Mrs: , ♦ „ quare :at very little cost. They! Gordon , .Peddie read the 1 s No,N.6Ve es 4n athered the stone themselves mnd 'tile special speaker was the Rev- . g helped with the work, Weston Canon E,. Appleyard, tette, !gars, George �����: ` Sros,did• the cement and stline At°airtelt" Carter,' Mrs: rn � 9' 54 other im' esthey Mr`s. Fred % work.- `(Unfortunately the papers Sunda p' .sive`seswice onfg„GlarI Mills;or- (By our!�if` coerespouitont) For the filet` time i relating to it. were burned, •when Y, August 10, 1947, .a second. n 36 years, tablet et to b the error of: Bert Craig, Gor- There was no there was no service on Armistice Walter: Johnston's bakeshop fell Y Warrant. Day, Bayfieldprey to flames; Hugh R. Al ' K Officer Richard O. Weston, Mer, ., seiwtce , of y Piano rnstruin- Remembrance at' the Memor D ainfotateer mghytimThere one of the veterans, informed its) chant Seaman ' Robert D&yid, G Washington, 1a1 Cairn in Clan Gregor P The bronze memorial. tablet was James, Iiopson, Private Charles George Million, Square, Dayfleld, on Novem-' , was not that mystic communion removed Stewart Cann, who ave their m d fr g Bir Gordon M C' it from th c ]m w h 'tho e To se wn tie. who had Hal' r it t ii made the 1 1h res, ear It had been 1. r k Y n� es i n,Wor Id W ar T I An. rev' was en- susous n. reP Arm' � " me sacrifice, satsee Y P f ce whDa'.' ached onto. the annual en at theY veiled by Mrs..:, R. Weston and un - were Mrs. R. P. elan~ ihl{talt: turn.ltr held the; same time as in all other towns, services, had been held) and set' Mrs. George Hopson, It was also rdon McClinche , g thoughts into the, Cairn. Later a torch light dedicated by. the Rev. F; H, Paull' Y pteiic.us Surtd:ry, villages and hamlets our thou hl was set a rgal. and :prayers ascended. to the glow on top of the Who also y WINS ° throne of God. not only in remem structure. Rev. I a egaee the address. The brance; but :in thankfulness; and V n Morgan. said .the At a service held on, July 26; 'prayers and the.Re'v. F. G. States- sham`was hostess' Gr in petitions for Peace. 1933, the Cairn was, unveiled b bury er meeting of: the �1tii UnOtt1edAre•ii - y u Y read the address. -g -we• growing apathetic? Was Mrs- .Agnes Currie and Mrs. Eliza In future . ears nary.,SoeietY of it T ,,. ... ., y let iis'take a „ ,.,,, a matter of convenience—why Toms. The .names an the tablet few minutes of our time on un Church." The `j' turn out on the morning of No- read: .Harvey : Currie, Kenneth day set- aside for, Re e ° ' time, t was conducted . ;..vember 11 when one can "kill two' Currie, ' Wilfred Toms, Robert, to kee alive M m...inbrance: isdr Mrs. Wes: MacLeod p. Y n this coinmuxrity - wso buds with one stone," Wand "let , Allan MacDonald, Vic- the memory of those Who sacizfic mng• { �r George do it" in the, larger places? for levans, Edward Adley, Arthur :ed their lives for us. and. study. book w,' Or was it that there had been !n by Mrs, Joli' sucha small, attendance on prev rs. Don, n received and iou's oceasionk, that the local Vet - that „ erans who ,arranged it, thought red" Che dedicaf that there'd be°a larger attend- ". ' 't•"•"' r��a'4�u,av+E.;a ante if held in connection with the li. r y a variety prggram whic;i opened Past resident Mr`s Edgar Law- church' parade? ' son • presided for the: election of offpv s which resulted as follows: ass�cY No matter what the reason; . president Mrs. W, Good vice there are several matters for ser- presrdegt, Mrs. D. A. MacKay; ' lous thought before another Arm - secretor treasurer, istice Day rolls around and those DORMEYER Y Mrs. F Ross; ' in charge here complete arrange M7012Ei 7500 N.assifsnt' Mrs. Alvin Letherland; menti for a service of Remem ( .04 I, Home Helpers secretaries,' lysins ` Minnie ,Wagner, Mrs.. Roy 'Doer. brance. _ �, things Y YOU Welcome and; welfare„ Mrs, H. If we are growing apathetic, let Govre• 'literature and library,: us recall that these men gave cQ^D .their lives, that our Veterans FOOD �t{tlr they rnorket;'. for a)II' ksndti of GVdih, L.o1a W. J. Houston; supply, Mrs. J.' : fought, to preserve our. way of y �r regi,.i �� W. Graham, Mrs, Carl Gooier; life -our freedom. Just pause for MIXER y ice rticaes" pttti'r demand qua1sty ntutst be' goo:' Glad Tidings, Mrs. D. A. MacKay; a.moment to think of the horrors flower -committee, Mis. F. O. me- of concentration mnttcam in some groin o necessity; will bq pleased. tel Mit your Ilveen, Mrs. D. A, MacKay; pian- countries, the starving millions in lets, Mrs, Don Plaines, Mrs. John other lands; the refugees, . the in for mo'esture befoee delitretry. Houston; student and press, Mrs. ,,; aff OF JT r ' J. Hallam Mission Band, Mrs. homeless, Perhaps we. say quite PRICE �� 'l - Don Haines, Mrs. Ed, Davies, Mrs. glibly, '"Oh, this couldn't ,happen Wilfred Sanderson; : This picture of the stone to us 'in Canadail' Couldn't it? t` ' Ladies' Aid,' president, Mrs. Don cairn in r_w-.ieJd Square, was Then if it is a matter of con o Baines; secretary -treasurer, president, Mr, Mrs. first published in the Clinton venience, it smacks too much of News -Record in U63 at the time the idea of celebrating important Fred (J Ford Edgar Lawson. of,its un veiling. 77re cairn, as historical events on the Monday I Y A vote of appreciation was ac- first erected incorporated a pla-- nearest the date to give people• a; corded.:, the retiring secretary- que bearing= the names of the long 'week -end,' forgetting that it ONE 123W treasurer, Mrs. Jack Hallam: The .' men who died in the First should' be the anniversary of that C�1 TON meeting Closed' with a:hymn and World War, Now another plaque date which should be -marked; and 0 N,,E - prayer by.: Mrs, Letherland, The with Second World War vie= that holiday really means holy hostess served refreshments,' tiros names has been mounted day. Thus it 'tends to lose its - an otherrhil sere of have been: e. ' Gives you all theselfeatures: 5 full• on another side of file cairn., sacred significance. held annually vi the ole of "The shall /�. powered speeds . . hili' site Pe P y r grow not old, as "CLOTHES ES beaters ... finger-tip beater release Bayfield and district m front we that are left grow old: of this cairn, -Age shall ,not weary ,them,one-hand operation. Stands d% nor the years condemn, DRYER` _ an base for easy draining, GUAR - _76y Zhu At the going down of the sun ANTEED, e- .•mow. ...•or.•s•.�-a•.�-aw04� and in the morning S, emember them," We"wilt r .. �wh�<' �`•, Ve 's` ' ��` Will the above lines be true if (` for Oi�i1 week Icy •�<.:•a`.�, we who. grow.old do not teach `'� efmshz n . r �ar ,a �;n> the coming generation that these•. P• ,,�"` The. Woman' Missionary Soc- men fought and died for them?' ON THE e iety and Women's Association of This year there was no interlude Holmesville United Church met in school for the pupils to march '//j ' M1i`•""4" "':''s;= for the regular meeting over to the Cairn to take art in x ;•:z g gin the p Sunday School rooms on Tuesday, the solemn service and know its November 9. Mrs. Ninian Heard; meaning, (In fact it has been as leader of the W.M,S,i took as revealed that some 'enterprising' the theme of the meeting 'Dis- youngsters took the poppies plat. nA t coveryand Mission," and gave ed on the wreaths by the Veterans the call to worship, and •attempted to sell them again r , The hymn "From Greenland's before Armistice Day no one Clothes Tcy Mountains'' was sung and Mrs. would buy them afterwards). 2 t Carmen Tebbutt read the scrip- There was nothing to impress the Dryer li. ture lesson, taken from the book child with the significance of the 2, of Acts, Mrs, Fred Mullholland occasion. Perhaps it passed In a led in prayer. Airs. H, C. Wilson one ear and out the other as an- :�i;rr� •;..��`rl>>:. gave a temperance talk. Mrs. Nin- • other holiday or holy day did to WAq Ever da g y 9 xMan Heard gave a short talk on 193"5• "%«`'`'this new y is -g Dd dr in da with the means ryer. Beats the sun, ng of the scripture less- At that tins; the writer was`'`'because it drys without exposure. No on, and the hymn "We Have K , worry about wind at rain or lee or snow. Heard a Joyful Sound" was sung. serving the public behind the ;. ' t:'s ::: %a> " : < �• Post Office wick; Two lite Krz/:'� Drys quickly—BUT ONLY :s:�A;�»:»::;.;., •x>:'<;.:.�'s Thexeparts of the sectional meet- t. little ..�; .rs. Y A5 MUCH ;:,:;;v:a<s;., iris A, and B. came in a AS YOU SET IT FOR. Dryness # ; `# ;:. ' ''Sss ?•,. >..c i gi , to th ,ris regu. ng at Bayfield were given by �EM� . a.. fated b `, he c ... �.,>.,. , Post Office e o � y control dial. ....�.. .:..�: f c n their w I. Sto a to s auto. .::.,. a.. :•»d�:,,,:>.. Mrs. s]' Y p ?j� 1 Leslie Jervis for Lite morning #''`!: '`': ':t:t<:. ..', z:,'+,•.'x.:,,....., m0 ntng mats t school: A. stepped u ca ty --load it and leave it pp p to the Bring a b ,Keeps s;. <:,.::': {•: v :.. •:::; :...::. and Mrs. F basketful rank McCullough for t t of dam g p the ct em as coda o wicket and asked for three gg 9 colour as the sun . wti c the afternoon. Mrs. William Nor- Clothes down .o our show- gets !tram -saves coloured things from one -cent stamps for her letter, room and see. fa ourself g man took h _�'_". ...::.,• � `.,. z,� � .,.< t e chapter in the study y fadin w g B. followed and asked for one how nicety the Dryer will 9• book and the meeting closed with the hymn The Day Thou Gavast Free -cent stamp. They went do them, Hos !hese features: Thermostatic control Lord, Is Ended, and the benedic- around to the shelf at the end .. Vacuum Drying System preheats air e$ • �t°i' wicket. A; already had one of has highest drying rate costs less to tion was given by Mrs. Heard, heir stamps 'licked' when she operate. Alt- cooled cabinet... eas'' to NPA Meeting spied the large stamp eom- clean lint trap ...outdoor humidity yen! t ;; wx, i With Mrs. Harry Cuumore, the memorating the Silver Jubilee when needed. Hapdyciean-out duct. w' "•. e WA 'president in charge the WA of the Reign of King Geor e !N/:9.QSHORPELLPFORM ww H. Charlesworth - CLINTON A. J. MUSTARD BRUCEFIELD meeting opened with the theme V -and Queen Mary which B, r song and repeating the. creed. The was affixing to her letter. 'Oh, n;x. ' scripture lesson was taken from my I wish I'd got one Ephesians and was read by Mrs, of thosei" she exclaimed. \" _ Cudmore; who also gave a short With a good deal of inner as Wilesppsjt teeG"ag the 4,11's >lvearr and reels talk on "Spiritual Growth." Mrs. Lloyd Bond read .the fin- satisfaction, we replied, "If you'd, put three -cent stamps " M 4 TERNS les toondedul bow Coca-Cola brings you anciai report of the annual bazaar and a recent banquet. it was to on, your letters, you'd have had one,' (A. always bought ; ""` " y Well make it easy for — o toff back -69 refreshed.. So quickly... and with What's bile e1Mak that's beyond! aU eoMpW*? passed send a dohatiort to the Ontario hurricane Relief Fund, one -cent stamps because she delighted to stick them on— h � " 3 — -" will pay f i y or file in The time wo as low calorie; as batt an rvera oic g°' juicy Mrs. Jack Yeo, Mrs. Stewart Far- which irked us a bit as it re ., � �, Cod t \s fj1 i 4lve yoe. What ed you lee! ibilvex 2 � 1 ralm(nAt. Bey Colne by the carton. F quhar and Mrs. H. C. Wilson were appointed a nominating committee to bung in\the quired three whacks of, the hand obliterator to cancel them.)a� t new slate of of. ficers. "What's it big like COME !0; ' The "81wP Is eat[ : - E h Th , Thou ng closed with the ym 1krt The Way" and prayer by Mrs. Cudmore. A de- for?" sked A "Whydid you have a hoist day last week?" we parried. \� � ' .>' �Q ' WE'LL I f colli Saw licious lunch was served by the hostesses Mrs. Elmer Potter She, shook her head You, don't know \ I 8 GLAD a llrke...angl?Ime... angtnhered and Mrs. claimed. "Loo 3 ., glace Norman and Kenneth atthe stamp. Whose on it?" p TO SHOW �. " I?otter vgg?;er til Togoilt_o a .Seton, ,. day, attendsn the Ro a Winter fire Suddenly A. s face brighten- . ed "Oh, I know," she said, ;...: YOU air and taken m Det _it g . "the King and the Queen got f / `e and Toronto hock; match. Y Congratulations_ to Mr, and Mrs. John Greidanus, on the birth of married.", But to return to the subject, e!s R Four generations have made Coca-Cola son. a o Ing the Canadian Legion is e ndeavour- to: have November 11 pro- claimed a federal holy day. I£ this ' S e p O M t N i O N DEALER bl (a the niostnsked-for soft drink in the world. iROPE SOLD ,TIMS FOR TION_ PAYMENT OF TAXES comes to pass will it be just an - gther holiday in Bayfield? If the Five properties were sold, tar service is held on the Sunday nearest Armistice Day then there AulAati:ad botOter of Coca-Cola under contraef with coca-Cota ted 'I�,� non-payment of taxes at a sale by Huron County last es ay The sale was conducted by I county would , really be no need for a hoirday !sere. And so the question resolves itself into another: Are a Groves Electric �+�-+'p �r �7 Er7[lEl i .■O� clerk -treasurer A: H. Erskine Mr, l chat we this district.- prepared to r 558 Erie Street NT. • Phone i8 rskl7te said. one pro pert in oderidIr' Townshi¢ had loin Y been sold one, in Hawick, one In en make November Ila holy day, and m remembrance before' the Cairn itthe trorbrssr rod" taxa - lett anda one each in the, oil- all .exactly same tithe as . other communities in our e]1p111g G$$rT ClilltOri 'e" k o regldaed trade mark ., +-t� lager of Bayfield: and Hensall. country?' —Gaderich Signal -Star The local Veterans: of World War 603 ft,��U UUIIC�i 6y Rae Farms Service Dept, VOIrMER PI6 60NE, I x I'M, LOSINy , )OMANTTHESE OAYS.COA�EANUHAVE' `� r SEE"ANYTHING' WELL PERHAPS ID ; THERE'S WHAT I MEAN,, JOE. SEE THE DIFFERENCE. IT'S 60EA�TOMAKEYi1URPEN;6W6HTANDCLEAN,70 SHGCkS, JQE,THE TIME AND LABOR Y,pU:USE . WILLPAY,FCrRTHEMSELVES WHYSAV)U.YS E FOR, aQB�JST HEALTH MY FARROWING PEN WRONG, DOC? BETTER SHOW YOIf IflHAT MAKE A S1` ftI H01/ERTO GIVE HEAT TOTHE LITTER;tOTS LIFE OF ONE PI6, WOULD PAY FQRTHESE; AND FASTSOUND GR0WTN __— l MEAN f TRO NDER PLITTER HANCE IMPROVEMENTS IN ONE SEASON AT r^WIT14 M ^ EIAN AND P'VViDCH EVE%CHANCETO6ROWAND �- �' WFAN1N6TIME S I[ll - ~U'� THRI E $ "t_DONTINANT76:RAY :• % FEED aoi vBe. TOO PIMA ;.N�0t1E.YFOP. IMpRAYEMEN, t , / FARM-PROVENrr rr • 'Doi. y ROE _. yt ,-`� �}��.,`��'.. — �AREEQ L ( i` s �.y�..��_ � ♦ • r � �`�7 ,.•'� =� PI6 5TARiER 9r(IAAMSN IIINL L/ PfG 57'ARTER n». ', !N/:9.QSHORPELLPFORM ww H. Charlesworth - CLINTON A. J. MUSTARD BRUCEFIELD