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Clinton News Record, 1954-11-18, Page 4
a, PAGE FOUR CLn%-roN NEWS=REC ORD: THURSDAY; NOVEMBER 1$, 19u4 . Children Baptised ' Clintonian Club ' Mrs. I. � Tebbutt Rev. A.G. Eagle Leaders" led e discussion group of P Good W�11 Club E.. C. F.orste� Will the Huron Presbytery bor Yt ry of the Lon - At Ontario St. HaS Five Visit don Conference of the` United Thankoffe ' Tell of TV Woriz Presides For, SS 4 Leads Discussion Church in Wingham. This .was a Church, Sunday Last Wednesday Co121111Unity Cluh Rev, Glen Eagle, Clinton, con- 'Christian Education, Promotional Meeting, TtleSda sidering the 'Subject., "Securing Rally. During the morning and even- Y The Clintonian Club met on At Ontario Street . (By correspondent) trig, services at Ontario; Street The tlianitofferiii meeting of Mrs, es MacDonald opening h The Novemb* meeting of the Wednesday last at the home of United, Church last Sunday the tie cod Will Club f Wesley- creed and Lord's P ng wit E. C. Forster, Bell Telephone .SS No. 4 Community Club was Sacrament of Baptism was .admin- l , G . Il o y five rayer, , 27 representative, will describe how held; at the home of Mrs. Stewart istered. Willes United Church was held m members and five visitors, attend- Farquhar, . Mrs. Irvine Tebbutt The following, children were the Sunday School room on Tues-' ed. the mierawave radio relay chain reserited'at the morning service; da evening, November 9, with President, Mrs. W. CoIclou h of the Bell carries live television 'presided at the meeting which p g . Y g' - g programs between Toronto, Ot- was opened by repeating the Creed Thomas ,James Fletcher, son of an attendance of 37. The meeting welcomed the. visitors. Secreary tawa and Montreal'; in ,an ad- and the Lord's Prayer in. unison. Mr. a. 'Mrs. Thomas Fletcher; was prepared and conducted by Mrs. George Glazier read her re- The minutes of the We' Pip'eciadress at a meeting' of the Girls' meetin previous @ en IDianne-Marie Jane Tyndall, dau- Mrs. L; Jervis. Mavis Steeper was Pox t. The roll call ,was answe)ed and Mens Club at Ontario Street g were, read and the• treas- liter of Mr, and, Mrs. Lorne. at the piano. Mrs. Jervis opened by each member giving, her maid- gg T3 n` p g g United Church on November 25 at urer's report showed a' balance of dall; Debra Ann- Gibbings, daugh- the meeting by reading from en name. The treasurer, Mrs. Ed • $60.41. There were 14 members ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gibbings; Psalm '92 and'a poem on "Thank- .Welsh gave her report and sold eight dclock'• answered the roll call: Merlyn Ada „Hbugh, daughter of fulness A hymn was sung and tickets for the birthday banquet, The talk, entitled Your Tele , y g phone Company and Television" , It was decided to change. the Aar. and Mrs. William Hough; the general thanksgiving repeated Jeans and shirts will be bought, date of the meeting Will be illustrated by equipment g to `the third , ' William Edgar Hough, son of Mr. in unison. by the work committee. Mrs. R, showing the devolo went of, tele- Tuesday of each month, with the and Mrs, William Hou h; 'Brian .The, business of the meetin was MacDonald will represent the club p December meetin to: be held on CHILDR [11 Hough- g vision communication, and will g IJ at the ,organizational meeting of A December 3, to avoid the 'Christ - George, Hough, son of. lyr, and conducted by the .president,.. Miss show the 1Vi kow disc, .first -step .. , Cancer Unit. 21: calls"• Mrs. William Hough; Kenneth Ray W; O'Neil. The secretary's report m the engineering'of television. mas rush. This meeting is .to be the. Clinton Plumsteel, son of Mr, and Mrs. was approved as read by Mrs. M, W Ele ere made :to shut-ins.,The speaker will also' illustrate at the home of Mrs; Murray For- SNOWSUITS' Barry P.lumsteel; Heather< Joan Steepe, The treasurer's report was ctlon" of officers resulted as how microwaves—radio waves of -bes; a'lpot-luck lunch to be taken McAdam, daughter of Mr. and given by Miss L. Walkinshaw. follows, Mrs. Lockhart, member exceptionally, high fkequency are by the members. ;The,roll call is TA r 1�7 � Mrs. Eugene McAdam, of the Chathamites (Mary Hast- to be a ,25 -bent excha STATION WAGON COATS The of , supper, . for. ,the, ins group used simultaneously to carry tele- nge, gift. ? , At the eveningservice, Glen g p (acted aschairman for It was decided to donate $25 to ` Good Will Club. is seven be held,. In Phone, conversations as ' well a �t JNTER , INDBR E the election of officers: the Ontario Hurricane ;Relief A REAKETiS Washington gtgn James Eagle; son of December .12 at seven o'clocit in , television pro rams ,through the ,Fa Rev. and Mrs, A::'G. Eagle,'was' Hotel Clinton, It, was decided that` ]honorary president, Mrs: " W, airlanes. Tkie talk -wli1 dem"on- bd, ,•Meeting was ;closed with . �� baptized by •his grandfathers, Rev, the club'' : "Would dough, president, :Mrs. ,H. the Md SNOW PANT Col strate the unusual characteristics Pah benediction. S i wo d follow the usual Managhan; first. vice-president, "Tile remainder of the afternoon A. J. Eagle, Toronto, and -;Rev: C. custom and supgly;the..red ¢arna- Mrs, E.;,E s second vice- resid of microwaves, .and Mr. Forster.' C Washmgtgn, Auburn. tions for ,the chuxcli for Christmas. pP ' p • wa's <s nt in" uiltin will transmit voices'. and, music pe 4 g. Lunch was est; Mrs. John Middleton; secre- over a miniature systern. served by'.the hostess, assisted by % All. Re ., The following donations were dry, Mrs. T. beeves; treasurer, Mrs, I. Tebbutt and Mrs, H d.11Ce:d 40 decided upon: WMS, $25; CARE, Mrs, Ed Welsh; "program; Mrs, M,. , b Oakes. airs �� $25; Save the Children, Fund; :$25. Wiltse, Mrs. Maxwell; buying • Y g, —o �/ �i Mrs, H; Jenkins read a note of Mrs. George Glazier; social; Mrs. Girls Club Meets • B A -Z A A R thanks for fruit received. Jamieson,, Mrs. A. 'MacDonald; Suinrnerhill Group The nominating committee is to' press reporter, Mrs. T. O'Connell; Miss p • ; be. Mrs. S, Riddick,. Mrs. L: Rall flower committee;, Mrs. H. 'Slom Ltllss Dunstan • Will be held by the Ladies Aid and .Mrs, G. Grigg: an, Mrs. J. Wise. Can 'e n r Section of .the Christian Reformed C r DelCgates' ante Vo� Mrs..J. Middleton favoured -,with with • r W is f. Mrs. Don Middleton sang "Bless M1sseS Church This House", The Scripture •les ,a piano solo. Mrs: E. Epps will Guest S ewer: The November meetin of the son from;: Matthew 2; was read by `be hostess for the Christmas sleet- P Summerhill Ladies' Club was held Sizes' 9 to 14x Saturda Nov', 20 Mrs. Paisley, A hyimi. O Safe to mg. The meeting closed with The OntarioStr`eetUnitedChurch at the home. of Mrs: Wilfred•Pen - .17 • the Rock , was sun lunch served by the hostesses, found, with 20 members and two ✓ g Girls' Club held the re ar mon- Assorted Colors In introducing the speaker, Miss - g par. present, The president, SP CIAI;S .:, ,:........................... Z0 - .Qtr regular 2.00 pm E. Jamieson, a former teacher, they meeting in the Church visitors TOWN' Mrs. Jervis read "A Tribute to t n� r lour on November Il. The presi- Mrs. Keith Tyndall, opened the Girls `Club Met In dent, Mrs, W. B. Olde, opened the meeting with singing, followed by HALL CLINTON Teachers". 'Miss Jamieson gave a meeting with a poem taken from Prayer in unison. HALL; g the Lord's .Pra most interesting talk centering Church Basement the church, calendar. The treasurer's reports showed around the theme, "Men and, Wo Pe a favourable balance, due to the • " EVERYONE WELCOME hien as Builders". Mrs., Middleton u Mrs. d wi t opened the devotion- j�, „ At St. rrdre'W $ al period with a poem, and a'liymn Successful bazaar held in Clinton. �Y m sang Building, Daily Building:' was sun Nellie Lawrason read Mrs. Tyndall and Mrs. N, For- fff 11, oiLien S�ner Coats For - Proceeds .of the bazaar will be in. Mrs. C. Lobb moved a hearty from Psalm 85. Mrs. Dutot bes were nominated delegates to aid of Che building of t e new vote of thanks to all contributingThe regular monthly meeting of gave ga the St, Andrew's Presbyterian an appropriate address on Arm. the organizational meeting of the Church to the program. A hymn was sung Church. Girls' Club was held in istice Day. Mrs, Knox Williams Clinton Branch of the Perth- We still have Some of the and Mrs. H, C. Wilson closed the the basement of the church with lead in prayer and another hymn Huron Unit of the Canadian Can sale Coats left from last It is'lhoped everyone will -attend meeting with prayer.- A. social the president, Ruth Neilans, pre- and closed- with devotions. cer, Society' held in Clinton on. _.Reduced �0� 45-6-b half hour was spent, siding. After the singing of hymn Minutes of the last meeting November 16. week --HURRY ........, O°� 110, Ena Cook read the Scripture were 'adopted as read by Miss The program consisted of a con - and the Lord's Prayer was repeat- Lucille Grant. Miss Emma plum. test by Mrs. Keith Tyndall, a ed in unison, steel gave the treasurer's report. bingo game conducted by Mrs. The 'secretary, Ann Shaddock, Plans were made concerning the Lloyd Stewart, won by: Mrs. Roy N9S read the minutes of the previous bazaar to be held under the aus- Vodden; a Nolte contest, by Mrs. TO YLAN Dmeeting and the treasurerreport pices of the Girls' Club and Wo- Wes Vodden, won by Mrs. James was given, by Verna Morgan. mans Association on December 4. Bell, A nominating committee con- Mrs. Steep entertained with a The December meeting will be slating of Lillian Cowan, Betty solo, 'Whispering, -Hope," . held at the home of Mrs. Keith HENSALL e� p �r•p�7 p��T1 �T Sims, Bea Gibson and Joan Hog- The guest speaker, ,Miss Dun- 'Tyndall. The roll call is to be CLINTON - - - O��H� �6A lie li �, J �1®V . �j® Barth, f officersf r to bring in a Stan, formerly of the Salvation answered u a donation to the slate of officers for the ensuing army, and now nursing in Cluxtoii Ontario Hurricane Relief Fund, year. Public Hospital, gave a very int- and the Childress Shelter. COME Plans were made for the lona- eresting talk on her life in the The lunch committee will con TO OUR S I ORE AND SE's ONE OF THE tions to the Sunday School for the Christmas entertainment, and the Salvation Army: Kelly Lavis mov- ed a vote of thanks to Miss Dun- sist of Mrs. Percy Gibbings, Mrs, Russell Good, Mrs, G. Rapson, and ��� ��� may" �� � ilsp collection for a Sunshine' basket. An auction sale of stan, and the meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction, Mrs' W Penfound, Those ir. charge of the program are, Mrs, d various art- ides brought in by members of The next meeting will take the Fred Vodden, Mrs. George Wright, IN HURON COUNTY the club proved very entertaining and profitable. form of a Christmas party, b Mrs. Norman Wright and Mrs. Earl Blake. L� ALL PRICES LOWEST' The meeting closed with the singing of hymn 399 and the re- IVIOTI�RS' STUDY GROUP �i•�l� POSSIBLE, peating of the Mizpah benediction, Hostesses for the evening were WILL NiBET ON' TVMSDAX Ann Radley, Phyllis Strong and Verna Morgan. Members of the Mothers' Study Group of Wesley -Willis United You arq using M A R T I N�, o n� Stratford, bail Is Church will meet in the church pparlour. next Tuesday, November 23. Mrs. A. Dale will be in charge, the. mortgage plan Of buying your ' �• 01 -,.-- home, inner Of Draw Rebeka:�s Hold. YOU should know DEPT.. STORE A.t, CWL Bazaar about our s • ecial CLINTON ONTARIO Tui -ley SUIp�Der p Clinton subdivision of the Cath- ' Mortgage I11811rance olic Women's League held a very The Huronic Rebekah Lodge successful bazaar last Saturday were served turkey dinner on CONSULT— afternoon, Proceeds will be used Monday night by the members f In League work.the Woman's Association of On :HAL HAR,TLEY, SPECIALS'for NOVEMBER 10-19"20 Booths were as folloyvs: sewing, tario Street United Church, who Mrs. L. Denomme, Mrs. Bert Glid. catered for tile- occasion, Represeniative �e don, Mrs. John Scruton, Mrs. After the regular lodge meet - Picks]]; produce, Mrs, J. Blake, Ing, a draw for a quilt was held, rCOANADA LIFE. t. S�� ed�la.oand Miss Tighe: candy, Mrs. C, and was won by Mrs. Manley,Trott, Mrs,. J, Shanahan;- baking, sister-m.IawofMrs, Mabel Nicht-on, pi10118 454w i Mrs,'Theo, Flynn, Mrs.'J. D. Wil- erson, Clinton, SEEn,LESS RAISINS, Sultanas .•.......... 2 lbs. 35c son, Mrs, Clem Reynolds, Mrs. O: I' SEEDED RAISINS, hulk Ib. 21C Pr,estap: fish -pond, Mrs. M, Le= Beau, Mrs: Lloyd Medd. CURRANTS-,.... ........... „ Ib. 19c Chief of Police J. Ferrand drew t ALMONDS, Blanched 1/a Ib. 23c the ticket for the Christmas calte »" which was won by Thomas Cullit=A WALNUTS, Shelled Halves .. 1/a ib. 23e on, Stratford, Lill �� �gR$$✓✓// CUT MIXED FRUIT, 8 oz pkg. .............. 21c CUT MIXED PEEL, 8 oz, pkg............ .,,........ 19c � � � � Sunday, November 2], 19,54RED GLACE CHERRIES, 8 oz. pkg. .. 33C 1 GREEN GLACE CHERRIES, 4 oz. pkg. : 19cgglg1cICtS tll[teb Joseph Street r.'; PINEAPPLE RINGS, 4 oz pkg. .. 19c >:: ` YELLOW SUGAR ..• 5 lbs. 43c ` � (tC(jUl C�j G®CLINTON Rev. HUGH LL C, WILSON, Minister FLOUR, Robin Hood or Five Roses, 7 Ib. bag . ,. 48c{13 %#.,,< MRS, M. R. RENNIE, Organist ALL WELCOME BAKING POWDER, Magic, 16 oz. tin ............. 35e A M � $ M. R. RENNIE, Choir Director Order of Meetings for the z2 Lord's Day: _ 7 i Men's Sunday 11,00 a m. Breakin of Bread + r 9 1 � # � a1 11.00 a,m.—Morning Worship 3.00 pm.—Childrensi .Meeting THOMPSON S FOODY 1t.9ARMET �` , ,.g... MEN'S OHOiR. 7:00 p-m,—Gospel Meeting 11 at both services.m Phone 40 d We Deliver / Mr.. Bruce Suitor, Emanuel H4ron Street i College 11.20 am.—PximBAPTIST CHURCH axy . Minister—REV, J, E. OSTROM i:a 1 12.15 p m.—Church SchoolSchool. Organist—Mrs, George Grant P.m.— Praise— _ Mr Ralph Howlett; Kitchener 11.00 a m. -Moi Service. t HOLIVIES'VILLI 12:15 P.M.—Sunday—School. r 1,30 m.—Church Service and , 7.00 p.m: Evening Service, •, � ., Sunday School: `. Come To The House'of Prayer Lveryone Welcome ST. ANDREW'S Maple Street p €€ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH GOPEL HALL ° LA MFRS � s g " REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister CLINTON e . • MRS. MORGAN AGNEW, Sunday Schobl, 9.45 a.m.z Cho' Communion Service 11.00 am. Choir Leader and, Organist Gospel Service O POWER TOOL DISPLAY € I Sunday, November 21 1964 iii xcnuk Childress Hour Tuesday Even - (Note en- 10,30 a•m.—Church School ' © FURNITURE ix z� t ing.-700 p.m. ' (Note time) �- s TUESDAY, i e S —Prayer and ; • , � � � L,00 a.m.--Divine Worshi Bible Study: Presentation of Church School• ` ����•• '""'"`£��� ," ' . on subject: Asa T Sermon Diplomas; BAYFIELD BAPTIST i d � Bidden Ins,, CHURCH. , L 2.30 p m Knox Church, Bayfield, Invites YOU to services each .+ + with studies at 2.00 o'clock, Sunday in the Orange lh g We Welcome All Worshippers Bayfield, at 3:30 p,m" untif th_e In Christ's Nuine. new church is completed: © CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS Speaker: 1. Bodenham. RCA V11DURI, ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN PENTECOSTAL CHURCH CHURCH' P.A.O.c.'' d] vy REV. R M. P. BULTEEL, Rector toria, Street Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist K, L. VicSWEIGARD, Pastor Il 8.30 a.m Ho Comm Elliott', Choir Leader Sunday, November 21, 1954 �O INCH 10,00 a.m. Sunday School OUR SATURDAY SPECIALI +°r ` LY union 11.Q0 a.m. Morning Warship 11,00 a.m,—Mornin'g Prayer and 7.30 p.rn.—Evening Service From Our Store Only NO NEED TO LOOK FURTHER— Sunday School. Tuesday, Nov. 23—Prayer Service ONE STOP HERE AND YOTTII `"°'Q'�'e°' 4 7.00 p m Evening Service. and Bible Study, J-plcturos: I "�•�� Thurs:, Nov. 25;'6,30 p.m., Chancel Friday., Nov. 26—Young People's Fresh Raspb rry Pic— Guild 7 WORRIES Guild will hold.a'potluck sup- Service.' ti7110PPiNG 1Y ORRIEr7 •' Exclusive I to Wal .t Onish.' per in the Parish Ha11. L+'veryone Is Welcome "Golden Throat" I Slightly h,ghor ,p - tone system, mahpgany or - for ........................... .. .........•��Y , I,med ock enrsho:.� �y ONTARIO 'STREET. UNITED CHURCH REG. 150c ARE OVER. , I Esc "TFM'FRIENDLY CHURCH" See the difference in a t " PASTOII —REV. A. GLEN EAGLE, B,A., B.D. BALL &MUTCH. side-by-side demonstration ofi- m ORGANYST-1yTRS. E. W'PNDORI' 11.05 a.m.—Morning School. Worship �� 4 p � T ^ T. BR DUTTON 12.15 oan Suion School Ll +�a{.R HARDWARE •--- FURNITURE ''� � 7.00,p:m—Union Service in Wesley -Willis, UCi tIELD °�� ,may TURNER'S' CHURCH - BAKERS and CON'FEC PHONE 195 ; CLINTON, ONT. Pi1sllle Chilton 634,4 + s�� . 2.00 `n.m.--choral, service PHONE ' 1 3.00 p.m.—Sunday . SchooI• INN0UVC-I.N6 FREE GOLD STAMPING t ON FINE LEATHER GOODS (Any Item Over $2.00 Value) a 0 BILLFOLDS 0 KEY CASES UTILITY CASES y ® WRITING MASES s See; The New ,Styles Just Arrived In FINE LUGGAGE FOR MEN and WOMEN A I K E N Slippers and Shoes Phone 2 Clinton Scbe US :Now