Clinton News Record, 1954-11-11, Page 8IPAGE-`MGliri" CL.IIVPC1iuNEWS-RECORLI<
Slippery Roads , J ,
Huron Presbytery WA Folds Annual PP y , S. Haliahan P''rexy Staley C�un'ci�` Remove *55o From Hallett Council
Cause Minor'
F6r' , ,Hohit in Men Tueke> $I�nith
At Centralia; Heah London S eakfrevievs 1'9
p Mishap Sunday � Rolf'
�rI'aritS �75.�
" The sectional autumn •rally of .organizations'in the church;. espec. I" J, ' ., ,,...• _. r ,, AS�ief.S$I1r1.Pi17.t ' •
the; Huron. Presbytery Woman's tally the WMS and the .CGIT, as Slippery. road conditions ;early A■■�� A } Tuckersmiit }�
Association of the United Church' well as. the Sunday School, "she October 31, were blamed forth, HtirlDrl ',�oNntj/ SSeSSIllentS h Munieipa1. Council To FederatYon
of •Canada was, held air Centralia continued, adding, "We should be an accident near the railway eros-
met in• the:. town., hall,. Seaforth,
(Continued from Page,One) Stanley Township CourVof 'R'e_ on,November 2. All:,memhers were A, rant of 750 w ,
st..Wednesda -afternoon, wlth••a about Our Father's business. The sing at the RCAF Station Clinton, vision ranted two appeals resent n g as made, b•
y g pP als Tiles p. and Reeve D
large nurnber of delegateaPresent, 'emphasis this year
is on leader- on Highway 4; take„ all, inventory;, of -what, has olg presided. Hallett Township to the Townshij
been takin day afte',far lastl late assess- Members an th alth it Court Federation-; of Agriculture, las
Mrs:., C. C. Washington, Auburn, slit and the theme is 'Christ the g,place in our=business: ,,, g
g h p f According ri Constable, Police,
oli e, We have a with.
inept on"",; farm buildings (if Mile of, , Revision and ,dealt with one. week, 146rinan Ale an e
presided, ops o the world;" she said, Groves, Ontario Provincial :Police, of free.,ser- i:,e Beau was reduced by; 8O0 •appeal on the assess ant ro1L in d r, .ani
Mrs.., McKinnon vices, .and:, with: the government . '$ rxi ilia Lloyd Pape;' representing the 'Fed
The worship service 'was eon- • commended, Goderich; a• car driven by Mae wi lin while ^the assessment on the Col building assessment of $55& as
1 9 . to help, we, ,could hate W elation - approached the court
ducted by the Blyth WA with Mrs.[L� M. Scrimgeour on her coos- Tally, -RCAF Station. Clinton, was lard"property in, Bayfield, was struck off SYi- jot; 2. concession. more herds on Record of.Produc, S Cil, as delegates. ,,
Mrs; E.. Wright. in charge., The ship service secretary
so Mrher. ffic- G collision with e a car driven by , dttced -by $100. 'Tax assessor for 13 -HRS; as the building, had been
Selection . registi,ation� � g Council accepted, a petition fron
scripture reading, given: b Mrs. literature secretary for her: effie Gerald Hoelscher, Seaforth; tion tests, - the township is H. M; Haply. - removed from- the. -property.
Y rs offered a the, A of the -k . thisre, ratepayers'of school' sections No
G ^Ladd, was followed' b • a dexo- lent way of presenting the:: book- Thelma. Shields, -member 'of the ' you Presidin was Reeve Alvan Mc M. A, Reid appeared to explain Y• shelf. An interesting discussion gives you an idea of the of r „ . PP . „ . p „ 1 and, ,of .the townshxp,reggest
tronal talk :by Mrs. L. Scrimggeour, g womens, division at the Clinton cattle .you should. be•. keeping,. in B lde, an sitting on the, Court..townshitt Insurance and advised in that a roximatel 10
who. spoke. on, being •a "good for- period was., held. with, IMrs. Me- Station and James Tremblay, air- ,. were • Councilloas• Carl Houston, that claims were al y • $1 , 4
„ Your herd.,, paid only where arse ons 1; s
getter. ,She suggested; that we; Kinnon representing ,the laresi- man at the Qliiiton Station, pas e. al re
Alvin Rau, Harvey. Coleman and there was rte 1 e e on• , ,, rx, assessment slop ncessi
„ , . _ .. - _ H apps ed�.ta. breeders :not to;-rt,.:g,,,, � ,.r�?-1. paF:t :3-,and.Y`4,b@ ,tri, . e�?gLd„tx±i' th
Ins dents and the "vice residents, a..a Ji., •A
forget bur oivn troubles, insults, P sengers= m' the Tally ,vehicle,; were sell a "cow which has passed, Harvey Taylor.. of, the municapq�ty,,.. Coytlgr �stig. 'eaf . h'r : as ''
• Mrs. McGill, the secretaries and : P d her. Township c c 1 es � , , 5 ort D triQtr,High,,•Sdo1 t
either real or fancied; sorrows, taken to'the station hospital along usefulness Ao a new breeder—but P. curt 1 meeting m g; ted that. ;the,Tos� t 0 Cli l, ' =Dfs • c 'r , o "a
disap intments, and to remember, assistants; Mrs; Wilbur Turnbull, with Tally where they were treat Varna; received a repo tffrcm, C.' sibility of-hwWri 'dao alit ” fw s i n Co r''C Bei-te In
" ppoo the .treasurei5; Mrs. G., 'Hi
to seel the animal to the slaugh fi g Y statute. council, on motion, wi.
frienttliness; and help .'recaivedr' gins+ ed for facial lacerations. Hoelselier teres, P'i Corbett, Lucan, township; engin surance included in the township forward th etition to the con
Mrs: Wright closed the ,devotional. Blyth; devotions; Mrs. W. Van was unhurt. ser, on a survey of Howard°:and policy. a .P..
service with prayer. Wyck, Wingham membArs of par- He concluded;; by saying•,..that, sultant,eomriit�tee of the Huro
• p Y r p The Tally car was damaged to there is' a• eat future.,.for the, 'ilnyll ;Streets, in the Village o . The treasurer was instructed to CountytCoui ejta -
sgnage committees: the eittent of about 250 while Bayfield; Council instrueted_ReeVe Pay subsidy on the Brown Drain Nomi o s 'n Hallett coil 'b'
. welcome was extended by i $ . Holstein breeders m spite.of;Iowa Fl-atiln-,,.}.. 1
,�AA• An invitation to hold the annual damage to the Hoelsoer, car was e• McBride and Ciepk Feed Watson to; eligible parties, Fxiday,allove»1 er«26, with a PC
Mrs, . G:b God oltr• Centrali after z graces; He, voiced appreciatron be .
p :. a• meeting; in the, spring of 1955 was ;estimated at about $150: to; nk cMnel ,,township solicitor,. ilso tenders n Wilson Allerton- on Njonday-:De¢embei 6 if pec
w ich the secretor of ,the Pres- B e W: Mon aural. y prose .lative rank Donne]] q ,
h Y e�,ctended by the, WA of Jamas : • • - � - . y. QC., G derich• to Wilson McCartney for snow -plow- sary:.., • , +. ::
b�rtery, association,, Mrs: (;J. , MC- 'Street. United Church Exeter; o" Baker,.; agricultuzal.sepresentative: take: legal ,action to have hedges in township r
Gill, ;Clip€on,' read the, nighlaghts and assistant kgricultural repre g ns p cads at the rate of -- p:,--
Mrs. 1Vi Reld,.FVaiton expressed �,( sentati e, res eti removed that are encroaching on $6 per hour each were accepted "
o$, the,,,annuai mesting;. held •an the thanks of the ;visrtting women v,, pe vely, for, their these streets. sub act to thea rov 1 p - Their last leltiers .written
Walton"in May. The treasurer's Burns WA tt MS : co-ogerataon- especlaily with the 1 gp a of the De
_ to the Centralia WA for,the warm ? 4=H Calf Clutis.. Followinga communication` from partment of Highways of Ontario. lin; and h
its rt was vert by Mrs. W. Tmza Morquis de, Monaca
Qo welcome accorded to: them. Rev. • . J:- Kenneth Hunter; Goderieh bar- MacKay Harper was,: appointed 6-eral Wolfe,., ove preserved
ball,_ Brussels. Mrs. S. Argyle, M. Clark, of the Centralia church ¢ SPeaks.,on;-Liits-$reedI-9 rifter,,agent:for, the Deputy Min- township auditor. l'ldit?s: of Abraham .va quish"
erlch, literature + segretar �olnt Meetln General 'Wolfe .a a re erved
y, work,. on, the importance of their b - Guest speaker for the meeting,: ibjec f, Justice, council, voiced'no Council were advised by the'De- , fi : i 0
showed copies of the literature work, after which he closed the Thirty -five ladies attended' a ,George C. Jackson, Downsview; objection, -to the expropriation of partment of Highways : •that.' re -,
e the Public=Archaues Irr O}tawa:
available for the use of the WA's. meeting with prayer. Burns' Woman's Association and owner of Lolielm Farms,. -s ke=iri certahr• lands in the, village of I paving of that section of No. 8,
Highli ht of the after -
g e noon was
a `stalk by Mrs. J., Y. McKinnon',
Tea was served. bi the church
Parlor by the hostess WA, Nlrs:
'Woman's . Missionary Society
meeting held at. Mrs. George
his capacity as a national seeder
on 'The line -breeding' of. cattle.
Bayfield^ for the purpose of tiling.
the river -bank. Council agreed to
London, who said that the WA
had 200,651' members in 5,914 or-
Washengton, the capable president,
thanked all those who had helped
Smith's home on Thursday, OC_
tober 28:
Our thinking on how to breed
better cattle is controlled largely
g y
a,quilt.claim,on this property.
Nomination in Stanley Town -
ganizations, in 1952, She urged
the Iii. tubers ^to be an asset to the
a -
in any way.
Mrs. Tebbutt and members of
by public opinion—but how, is pub-:
lie opinion established and how.
ship will be on Monday, December
spiritual life of the church re-
her group were in charge of the
reliable is it?" Some may place a
expediting work programs and
establishing controls to assure that
minding the that the making of
motley was but a minor concern.
'The of
Do You, Need
worship service: Mrs. Carter,
Christian citizenship secretary,
gave a reading; A nominating
great deal of value on show -ring
winnings, while some may be car-
Bl�'yr�� � Arranis
purpose the semi-annual
meetii3g;_ according to Mrs. Mc-.
AL Place to Live.
committee, Mrs. Hesk, Mrs. Geo -
ried away with high , production
records made under favorable qr
✓ L
Kinnon, is to "lift the WA out of
the kitchen as it were." All mem-
T>< y a Want Ad.•'
rge Carter and Mrs. Leslie Reid,
will bring in the 1955 slate of
officers at the. November meeting,
artificial conditions.
This may be," said Mr. Jack:
Store Open Hours
bars shoul co -o erste with all
Shirley and Myrtle Knox sang
a duet, 'Don't Turn the Saviour
Away". Mrs, John, Riley, vice.
president, conducted the WA busi-
son, our breed -journals
report these items with large head
lines, Our sales people, who handle
our auction sales, find it profit-
able to use show, winnings and
In Winter Mon#hs
Blyth Board of Trade have dis-
Bess session. The society decided'
to donate the profit (approximat-
high records as means of sentry
Ing higher pricess ." Consequently
cussed Saturday night closing
Hours during the fall and winter
ely $25) from the lunch counter
the buyers optimistically believe
at George Brown's sale, to the
Hurricane Relief Fund. A bazaar
that these animals will produce
offspring like themselves, stated,
The following, schedule was
drafted and accepted: The stores
will be held at the . November
the speaker, "Ali too often the
will close at ten o'clock' Saturday
evenings, comencing the first Sat-
meeting. All articles will be auc-
young bull from the all Canadian
Tenders Will be received by the undersigned until
sire and the 1,000 -pounds fat cow
fail to produce with any
urday in November. Commencing
he first Saturday in January,
Satlurda November I3 1954
Saturday, 13, 1954,
]Hensall kinsmen
desirable qualities,"
Mr. Jackson said that plant and
the closing hour will a nine
o'clock effective until daylight
poultry breeders have long dis-
saving time comes into effect,
( for plowing snow in Goderich Township
Support Drive
carded tilts method of selectingThroughout
breeding stock.
December and dur-
ing Christmas week, the stores
Contractors to state size of trucks, ploughs and
7� 7
W>,th $500 For lee
reeding History
Mr. Jackson went on to say that
will remain open Wednesday af-
ternoons, December 15 and De -
price per hour. Contractor to supply a helper,
a review of the history of the
cember 22, During Christmas
The Kinsmen Club of Hens all
breeding and development of bet-
reek stores will remain open
in the
donated $500 for artificial ice
which is being installed in the
ter livestock reveals that the most
successful breeders, like ones who
evenings, commencing
Tuesday, December 21 and con -
Road Supertendent, R.R. 3, Clinton
]Iensall. arena.
T. Pryde, MLA for Huron, ad-
have made s6frre definite and last-
ing contributions to breed im-
tinning through until Friday even -
Ing'December 24. Monday, De -
dressed the meeting on "Reform
provement, have also invariably
cember 27, will be observed as
Boxing Day.
Clerk, R.R, 2, Clinton
in Ontario." Dr. D.
McKelvie, president of the Kin,
was in charge.
achieved success through a pro-
gram of close breeding of related
animals. They have practiced
This winter, the "TRAILMAKER" can make the
difference between getting stuck and getting through.
The wider, deeper, more flexible cleats walk through
snowdrifts . wade through mud . . . grip on
slippery roads.
And while the B.F.Goodrich"TRAiLMAKER" gives
you, such positive traction, its continuous, style tread a
gives smooth, quiet running on
-clear pavement.
Come in today and let us
equip your rear wheels
with: famous B^F.Goodrich
We've got them in whitewalls; .
tog•': come in now, while
we have a complete stock., of
all sizes.
sired characteristics and abilities
which the parents possess.
Artificial units are now facing
real problems in bull selection, he
said, adding that at a meeting of
the A 1 Breeders Association in
Toronto last week, Dr. Bratling
of Cornell stated that genetic re-
search was "far behind our test-
ing and proving method."
In the type analysis the work
done by the Holstein Association
and the Department of Agricul-
ture, Guelph, is a valuable guide
especially on bulls with a large
number of daughters,
Introduced by Clem Galbraith,
Blyth; a past president or the
club, Mr. Jackson, was thanked
by Simon Hallahan.
Jake Terry presented red seal
long-term project certificates to
George C. Tervitt, Wingham,
whose cow produced 103,886
pounds milk and 3,559 pounds fat;
and to Turton and Baxter, Gode-
rich, 100,635 pounds milk and
3,680 pounds fat.
Husbands! Wives!
Want new Pep and Vim?
Thousands of couples am weak, worn-out, ez-
hausted solely because bodylacksiron.Fornow
vim, vitnEW, try astrez Tonto Tablets. Supplies
iron you, too,� may need for pep; supplemen-
tary tloscs Ytmmin By, Introductory or "ggat-
nceivalnted' sista only 000, At all druBBists.
Harphurey would be carried out
at•.the same time as the re-surfac
ing from Clinton ,to Seaforth.
Council adjourned to meet on
December<7 at 1 p,m,
Logan Mountain; towering to
19$,500,feet- on the Yukon Alaska
boundary, is Canada's highest
peak. -
Don't Lose Anti -Freeze,
To protect you against the loss of anti -freeze,,
we have recently, purchased a cooling system tester
which actually shows up the smallest leaks in radiator,
water pump, heater, gaskets, hose, etc. It only takes
a few minutes and the test is completed right on the car.
Drive in to -day and be sure that you will no"t lose
your anti -freeze:
"The Original Tune -Up Shop"
Looks to the Future
In an operation such as Hydro's.
preparing for the future is
a continuing activity. The
Commission's Planning Division
carries out that function,\\\
formulating and specifying new
capital facilities, scheduling and
expediting work programs and
establishing controls to assure that
plans are carried out efficiently"
and economically. Ever alert for
improved methods and systems,
the Division plays a major role
in assuring ;an adequate supply of
dependable,' low-cost electricity
far into the future.
Information concerning Ontario Hydro can he obtained by writing to your
Hydro Chairman, 620 Unlverslty Avende, Toronto.
.rink ... or Blue ?
Son or daughter, that new baby is bound
to mean some extra expenses. So it's a good
plan to get set, now, by starting a special
'Royal Bank savings account. Later on you
may want to keep the account going as a
handy reserve against your child's medical,
clothing, education and other needs. It's
A simple matter to start such a savings
Plan for this or any purpose you wish. You
can account in a matter of minutes
at any Royal Bank branch. ,
• There u always d good reason for saving
of the -0,779,000 hersepower o1
dependshie peak capacity avail-
able to Hydro In December
1953, 3,874,800 horsepower, or
81� was derived tram water
power sources.