HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-11-11, Page 54 THURSAAY, NOVEMBER':11, 1054,' CLINTON-NEWS-RECORA'- PAGE FIVP: , v z %,, s, , Classified Rates CLOTHING FOR SALE BIRTHS �BAYRmin HnRBovR TO, RECEIVE $38,000 REPAIR$ CASH RAIL .-: ;(If paid by GIRL'S GREY COAT,, size 14 i BACHERT In, Clinton Public ' Incl'uded in a list of engineering ROXY THE AT TELEPHONE AT.n Wednesday,'followhig date of in c ndi ' n Hospztal, on Wednesday, No- branch projects n+ the. area isnot= PARK iiAP T TELEPHONE A i AL a7 good q tion; Apply Mrs. Charles vember 3, 1954, to Mr. and ice that , 38,000 has been et,aside C L I N T O. N' THE 1150 NE ,. •THE Kiertion)-Two cents 4 word first p ger, $ s 'Aase tion (mininnun '50' cents)1 Lee, hone Clinton 25 b Mrs. Bert Bachert, ;,Zurich, a for harbour improvements at Bay- ouiiisequentAnsertleas lits cents a _ daughter. field: The work there would. be Wed., Thurs., Fria & Sak. Now Playing Thurs. Fri. Sat. g¢ord. (miri'im�O.m '-35 cents);' 15 LADIES' SUITS AND:DRESSES, GREIDANUS-In. Clinton Public an extension of, the retaining wall, 6� _ NOW -Thur„ -Fri.- & Sat. size 14; child's skirts size 4-6. Hospital, on' Friday; November A design is being considered' for ' 1„ Jud Holiida. ' Aldo ®cuts extra for E numb O D Phone Clinton 182. 45-6- 5, 1954, to..Mr. and Mrs, John _tills project, but no date for Tennessee Chan The CAINE and Madge Kennedy C0. Rb p a �' direction. to NEWS�RECO KGreidanus, Clinton, a son, start of construction had,been aet. 1 rj You will enjoy this comedy drama KEYS -In Clinton Public Has o Shelley Winteft-Dewey Martin In MUTINY IF CHARGED -15 ,cents ext Furniture R6 -Finishing -tal, on Sunday, November 7, Technicolor about a'young married couple who �' 1954, to Mr.: and Mrs; Bernard are reconciled in a court of do. FQR' FURNITURE,` PIANO AND MI's. Helen Web Herman Wo6k's' enthrailin novel' mestic relations, DEADLINE -I2 noon, Wednes- refinishin and re- Keys, R,R: 1„ Varna, a daughter, Moa. Tues., Wed. GG fey. g Pp g ROBBINS - ' In • Clinton • Public _Nov.v. 15-17 becomes a screen masterpiece! The rpaioi , apply W. G. PIckett, Hospital, on Friday, _November New �'F' . Matron 6G 99 Captain Queeg ,and his long-suf phone Clinton 461M, 35-tfb. 5, 1954 to Mr. and Mrs. Robert The Ktd]la .p err ,,+ferIng crew in an :.unforgettable 'ACCOMMODATION for RENT P- Robniris (nee 'Eileen Sutter), Clinton O.E. S, r tale of tempest aboard a destroy - phone Kind". FURNITURE FOR SALE' Richmond Hill, a son (John A• radiant fable about childhood er - A book to `read - a picture FOUR ROOMED APARTMENT, David Edward), Clinton Chapter of the Order Duncan, Maritae-Jean YOU must see! _ furnished, occupation ,immediately. STUDIO COUCH, slightly used, SWITZER Iii Clinton Public of the Eastern Star featured, the Humphrey Bogart -Mel Ferrer Apply'Mrs. Lenora..Pearson, King Hest offer., 'Mrs.•Crawford, phone Hospital, on Tuesday, November installation of the 1954-55 oftcers and Van Johnson Mon;, Tues. & Wed. .Street, Clinton; ; phone Clinton Clinton 29. 45p 9, 1954, to' Mr. - and Mrs. - Don 'last .week when Mrs. Helen Wells Fri. No advance In admission prices Chas, Starrett & Smiley Burnette -W9-R• 45b Switzer, Clinton, a son. was installed as Worthy Matron Thurs. ri. Sat. -Nor 18-20 U nl _ Out in the rangy West for a ' FARMS' FOR SALE WHITMORE-In Scott Memorial and Bill Clayton as Worthy Pat "Pick-up on South iG /y festival of fun and ferocity with HOUSE -FOR RENT IN KIPPER Hospital, Seaforth, ori Saturday, ran. p , Gori'lla �t l,`a'1' e popular Smiley and his, gun-totire -all insulated, furnace, bath, hard NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR November 6, • 194; to Mr. and Other officers are: Mrs.' Jessie pal, "Wood floors,'call Robert J, Cooper sale. L. G. Winter, Real Estate. Mrs. Erlin Whitmore, R.R. 3, Hart, associate matron; Joe Hart, ; Street 66 >?° Mystery amid a carnival troupe as } 79, Or phone Hensall 694x2. 45-p Phone Clinton 448: 33-tfb Seaforth, a son (Ralph Erlin). associate patron; secretary, Mrs: Riohard Whlmark-Jean paters their ferocious main attraction Etghbnlne Guns . . Helen' Pearson treasurer 'Mrs - VfMEE-ROOM UNFURNISHED' FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE ,apartment, share bath. Mile -and �a half from Clinton. Near 4ahool. NO. I POTATOES, $2.50 PER -Francis Powell, '•phone -Clinton bag. Frank • Falconer, Phone ':907x4. 38-43-45b Clinton 615r16. 45-p ;34EOv FOUR -ROOM Apartment; HELP WANTED -Male 'with three-piece bath, modern Idt- chen, heavy wiring, unfurnished, 'NIGHT WATCHMAN required for .immediate possession, W N. Huron County Home at Clinton. Counter, or phone Clinton 230:Hours 10,00 p.m. to 6.00 a.m. Six 45P nights per week. Applications will :F [JRNISHED, HEATED, THREE be received by the undersigned room apartment, suitable for two until 12,00 noon, November 22, adults.- Available -immediately. 1954 H, uron, ,A. Erskine, Clerk, County `Tihone Clinton 463-R. 45-b of rGoderich, Ontario. 45b THREE-ROOM APARTMENT 'LIVESTOCK FOR SALE -with private bath, heated and fur nished. Apply F. Bainton,phone SIXTEEN PIGS, SIX WEEKS ':Blyth 6. 45-6-b old. Ed Layton, phone Clinton FURNISHED, HEATED, Two- 615r14. 45b room apartment, suitable for a ONE REGISTERED HEREFORD' tousle. Phone Clinton 429-W Mpn-. bull, 13 fnbntlis old. Also some day througlr.Friday after 6.30 445b grade and registered females. Phone Clinton 910r14, John Lind - MARRIAGES Myrtle Cook; conductress;' ,Mrs, Thelma Ritter Sadie Clayton; associate conduct- COWAN-PYMAN-In the home of ress, Mrs. Helen Elliott; chaplain, the bride's ,parents, on Thursday, Mrs. Helen Harris marshall, Mrs. Coming: Nov. 24-27 October 28,'1954, by Rev. Locke, Helen Shearing; organist, Mrs. "THE CAINE MUTINY" Caroline, youngest daughter of Florence Symons; (Ada), Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. N. Pyman, Lon- Helen Hoggart; (Ruth), Mrs. don, to Johr) Clarence Cowan, Maxine Aiken; (Esther), Mrs. son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Willa Williams; (Martha); Mrs: LOBA A Dints Cowan, Clinton. Shirley Vincent; (Eleeta); Mrs. 111 BURMEISTER - GILBERT - In Ruth Newcombe; warder, Mrs. the Baptist Church parsonage, Grace Roupe; sentinel, Mrs, Grace Mrs. E. Bell: As Clinton, on Saturday, October; Forbes. 30, 1954, ,by Rev. J. E. Ostrom,Those taking. part in the, m- Worthy Mistress Mrs. Mabel • Gilbert, Clinton, stallation were Mrs. Pearl Me. formerlyof Stratford, to Court- Doriald, P.G,M.; Wellington Smith, The .Ladies' Orange .Bene4olent ney Burmeister, Dashwood, P.G.P.; Mrs._ Iris Walker, Past Association held election of offic- GREALIS'- SWITZER - In St, Grand Organist. Others assisting ers at the Tuesday evening meet - .Andrew's United Church manse, were Mrs. Margaret Kennedy, ing. Kippen, on Saturday, November Dave Kennedy and Sid Thompson. Elected were, Worthy Mistress, 6, 1954, by Rev. N. McLeod, Twenty-five dollars was donat Mrs. E. Bell; Deputy Mistress, Mrs. Ruby Switzer and Edward ed to the Ontario Hurricane Relief Mrs, W. Glazier; recording secre- G. Grealis, Clinton. Fund and tickets were drawn on tary, Mrs. T. Deeves; financial WILSON - STACKHOUSE - In a hamper of apples. secretary, Mrs. W. 11Zcnwain; Embro United Church manse, Guests were present from treasurer, Mrs. W. Burton; Junior on Saturday afternoon, Novem- Strathroy, London; Ingersoll, Sea- Deputy Mistress, Miss D, Tyndall; ber 6, 1954, by Rev. W. J. forth, Windsor, Exeter, Goderich, chaplain, Mrs. T. O'Connell; NEW HEATED APARTMENT in say. 45p Maines, Eva Mae, younger dau- Blyth and Parkhill, guardian, Miss C. Harrison; air - =. New hot water heating ghter of Mrs. Mabel Stackhouse, ector of ceremonies, Mrs. I. And - system, large living room, one LIVESTOCK WANTED Brucefield, and the late J. W, rews; first lecturer, Mrs, F. Fal - bedroom, kitchen and bath. Im- Stackhouse, to Robert McKay Cards of Thanks toner; deputy lecturer, Mrs. P. mediate possession. Lloyd Batkin, WANTED -CATTLE TO FEED 'Wilson, second son of Mr. and Harrison; pianist, Miss R. Glazier.; Y Mrs. Lorne Wilson, Brucefield. We would like to thank all our inner guard, Mrs. H. Sloman; aud- phone Clinton 692W or 542J, 45b for the winter. Can accommodate friends and neighbours, all those itors, Mrs. W. Colclough, Miss D. 15. Irvine Tebbutt, shone Clinton DEATHS who sent cards and floral tributes Tyndall and Mrs, )a. Heard. Visit - housein BrHED, SEVEN -ROOM 902x6. 44-5-p during our recent 'bereavement. ing committee, Mrs. H. Sloman house in Brucefield, bath, hot and MIDDLETON-In Clinton Public Special thanks to Dr. Newland cold Water. Call Lorne Wilson, WANTED. OLD HORSES ANA and Mrs. W, Shobbrook. Xlospital, on Sunday, November and Rev. H. C. Wilson, - THE Durin the business session it Rhone Seaforth. 65Sr21. 45b dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink 7 1954, Charles George Middle- SHADDICK FAMILY, 45b g Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 6 was decided to bald a card party ton, beloved husband Nancy . Clement, in his 90th yeea Accommodation Wanted 936r32, or 936r21.-- 9-litfb ar. Fun - I would like to thank Dr. Ad - 'ROOM from St. Paul's Anglican dison, the nurses and hospital NOTICE TO CREDITORS ROOM AND BOARD, In Clinton, LOST AND FOUND Church, Clinton, to Clinton staff, and all the friends who so byy young business lady, Box 451, Cemetery, on Tuesday after- kindly remembered me during my In the Estate of JAMES ED - Clinton News -Record. 45-p LOST -TWO-YEAR-OLD ROAN noon, November 9, recent illness. - N O'R M A C. WARD STEPHENSON, deceased. steer, yearling Hereford heifer, o BENTLEY. 45P All persons having claims against AUTOMOBilES FOR SALE Missing from pasture. Bill Cox, In the first half of 1954 labor the estate of James Edward phone Clinton 903x2. 450 income totalled $5,767 million, an I wish to very sincerely thank Stephenson, late of the Township `ONE -TON MERCURY EXPRESSincrease of $107 million over 1953 the nurses and staff of Stratford of Stanley in the County of Huron, ---1952 model, very low mileage,: MISCELLANEOUS although there were about 40,000 -General Hospital; special thanks Gentleman who died on or about exceptionally good shape. Contact fewer Canadians with paid jobs in to Dr. Ingham and my nephew, October 171-h, 1954 are required to Neil Campbell, Clinton Farm YOUNG COUPLE WOULD LIKE the period. Dr. Kirk Lyon; Leamington, also file particulars of same with Bell tai to Vancouver b car. Will Dr. _Oakes, Clinton; my pastor, Supply, phone Clinton 127 or p y &Laughton, solicitors, of Exeter, -40-J. 45b share expenses. Anyone planning Rev. Glen Eagle; the Board of Ontario, by the 20th day of No - the trip about November 15, STOVES FOR SALE Session, the Sunday School exec- vember next; after which date the please get in touch with Mrs. utive, the Bible class, my old Sun- estate will be distributed havin ARTICLES WANTED John Smith at the Brown Derby, FAWCETT SPACE HEATER, day School class of boys of On- g regard only to those claims of ONE CIRCULAR SAW IN FAIR Clinton, 45p medium size, with pipes and damp- b rs Street Church; all our neigh- which notice has been received, or control. $60. Phone Clinton bars and friends; also South iIu- �condition. Apply to Keith Tyndall, CASH FOR ORGANS with stools, BELL 4%, LAUGHTON, 91.2x13. 45b ran County LOes all Re good R.R. 4, Clinton, phone Clinton in playing condition, James Wied- Solicitors for the Executrix, 808r23, 45b erhold, New Hamburg, Ontario. friends at , the born, Rev. and g QUEBEC HEATER, Miss D, Cant- Mrs. White, the WMS, the WA, Exeter, Ontario 44-5-6-7-p elon, phone Clinton 636. 450 the WI, who so kindly remember- 44-5.6-b ARTICLES FOR SALE DIAMONDS, DIAMONDS. See SMALL COOK STOVE, fo; sale. ed me while a patient in Stratford BOY'S BICYCLE, Medium Size; the large selection of Blue River Quebec style, in fair condition. General Hospital, with flowers, 2 rull card so many beautiful get• i good condition, six months Did. and Blue Bird diamonds now on Box 4a1 ClintonClitNews-Record. well Cards, for all of which I am Phone Clinton 589-M4. 450 display in our show window. Terms 45P deeply grateful. MRS. CHARLES ® �� can be arranged. Jahn A. Anstett, STEWART. 45-p -.R �► ONE 20" GRAVITY FURNACE, jeweller, phone Clinton 562. DUO -THERM SPACE HEATER, _ five' years old. Burns coal or 45b medium size. Call Murphy, phone wood. Phone Clinton 69. Clinton 261J. 45b TELEVISION. See the new line 450 of Westinghouse and RCA Victor + WATCHES -177 -Jewel InWOOD WANTEDeabloc, Television. For demonstration GET YOUR dustproof and shockproof, Un- call . T. A. Dutton, Brucefield, WANTED -BUSHES, Standing�Q 'breakable crystal, $17.+95. Five phone Clinton 634r4, sales and ser- BIG ®� dollars down, $2,00 a week. John vice. 44-5-b Timber or Logs. Highest cash lid A., Anstett, jeweller, phone Clin- - prices paid, Phone Blyth 43r24, 'ton 562 • 451, GIFT WORRIES? James T Craig & Son Auburn I.E.L. SUPER PIONEER CHAIN Saw, used as demonstrator; like condition. Apply Robert od SOLVE THEM with beautiful hand -painted hankies .35c each. Also buffet runners and cushion tops $ Centres •and three- 45-6-7-p ffJLV1LVAXkyIUa a V Galbraith Clinton Community y.o����ffi Jarnew Gleri, I.E.L. Sales and Service, ets piece sets $1.50 each. Assorted MR. R, W. TROLLOPE, at ALTCTI®N SALES Phone Clinton 907r25. colours. Hand washable. Write President of the RY EVExeFRIDAY 45-6-p Boxi163, Blyth, Ontario, 45b Dominion Automobile Association, RADIO and TELEVISION, 21" from $264.95 up coFmneat 1.80 p.m, TERMS CASH ' LARGE ANTIQUE WALNUT "Special Notice To Motorists" 'wardrobe; large Fess space heat- er with and 'tank; 1949 We have added to our announces the appointment of 17" from $249.95 up J. COREY, Sales Manager pipes Chevrolet 11g ton truck, all in d' ' A "LOCK SERVICE" department the nimibers system Robert R. Ed y' Everybody Ever bod Sells But E• W. ELLIOTT,uctioneer K. W. COL UHOUN, Clerk Q go can on. pply Mrs, A, $. to the position of Executive 'Gardiner, after 6.00 p,m. 45b Y r car tied teys for;•. Assistant to the President. WE SERVICE TV V Your car ,and truelc doors Call 462 SEE THE BEST DIAMOND En- and Ignition, locks; Mr. Edy was formerly Assistant ��®4 gagem0 t Ring Values in town at Also various types of gas cap Sales Manager. Prior to Mr. Edy`s Counter's Jewellery Store now. locks, connection with lire Dominion New goods arriving daily. 011e We 'also do'' V Resetting Locks. Automobile Association, he enjoy- w^s��^d • � ra+• .�. �� 4allar holds your Lay -Away. Shop without keys ed a successful dual career as a e a early andsave at Counter's. V Change eombina concert singer ill London, England, P 44p tions and in New York, in addition to r t ! V Key Alike being a senior' Sales Executive 11 1 ` I -QUEBEC HEATER, large coal V 1 Minute Key with Lawson & Jones, Limited of 10 2 scuttle, small kitchen table and Duplications, Canada. More latterly, he has Chairs, electric hot plate, two sets "Don't Be Half Safe" been in an executive capacity with HOW'S YOUR SUPPLY (new) sad" irons, two. iron. frying Clintong BALL and MUTCH 9 the Garfield Weston -interests in T A I SERVICE panIndia, South Africa, and the Unit- OF FUEL bird budgie= cage breeding cage, ed Kingdom. 45b bird cage, child's commode chair, 45-6-7-b •• THESE DAYS? two good carpet sweepers, toaster ` and electric iron outside -door MONEY WANTED Get Thele Safety! -with glass top, 77 IYo. Lang- Be ready for that `,lord's Second I -land Furniture. $2,500 WANTED as First Mort- [ r CALL quick drop in temper 45p gage on 160 -acre .farm Term of Tt ® qAy �j ature'( Order your Win - three years; five if desired. Any- SALE `BOARD AND ROOM one interested, please write to , 33 ter fuel supply NOW, Boa 450, rested,Clinton leas write l/i STOREX SIX -ROOM Dwel0 - -RAVE -BOARD AND ROOM for 45-6-p ling; two bedrooms up; liv!ns ORDER FUEL NOW •one. alone dor two sharing. Phone room, dining room; bedroom, 4544,' 44-5-b; NURSING HOME and kitchen down. Immediate possession: cOr BOARD AND .LOOM FOR TWO -' G. �ji'I ,Qr S t;i four boarOOs." Phone Clinton T 11 A M E R- R O W L A N D SIX -ROOM DWELLING, fur- t A. , Vt R. 45b NURSING HOME-SEAFORTH naee and lbath, good location, ASHTON'S TAXI Graduate nurse in charge '24immediate possession, Price: one 74W - Clinton X00m AND BOARD FOR Two hours. Competent care for con- $3,700. gentlemen sharing. Mrs. Hanly, valescents and, aged. Tray ser - ,opposite RCAF Station Clinton, vice. Quiet pleasant location. I% STOREY :FRAME six -room- -phone Clinton 619r21. 45p PHONE SEAFORTH 498 ed dwelling; three bedrooms • 45.52-b • and;four,piece, hath up; liv- LIFETIME WORK inQg room, dining room. with S.ECIJRITY PERSONAL '4;od.floors, and, kitchen Eoiury down; full basement, furnace ALL KINDS CxAIN SAW work. a Canada Life (j ,Apply to Postill and Rothwell, WILL THE MOTORIST who stop- and garage. One block from Post I - Flower � phony to 906x16, Fed to render assistance at the Office. Possession within 40 special contract w scene of an accident on No. 8 days. K 45-6-p Highway . V/, miles west of Mit- ( providing Life In- Telegraphed OW GARDENS, work done ex- chell at 6,40 a.m. on November 8, ONE-STORt1 Y,' SIX-ROObIED ! surance and Pension Anvwhyyy - Phone Clanton 552-W, Ken please phone W. W. Bradley at Brick Dwelling with basement fNT e. 45b Stratford 2926 or 4111, garage (two years old). Three Option all, in 011e rrtrco '" 45b bedrooms, den, living room policy available G and Excavating, with dinette; four -piece bath;" Joe and G: PROPERTY FOR SALE modern kitchen; air-condition- from age 0 to age 55. ton 906x23. -- ed; oil furnace; Ideal location. 45-6-7-p BARN' AND LOT FOR SALE on Early possession. CONSULT- Townsend ONSULT- Real Esta Street: L. G, "WinterCOOKE e are Real Estate, phone Clinton 448, gg HAY. )EIART.LEY K C, am 45-tfh H. C. Lawson , s o Representative WOOD FOR SALE REALTOR CANADA LId'E. FLORIST ' HARD BODY WOOD, all Bank of Montreal Building $6,5D a cord delivered. Phone• 251W'--7 Clinton I Clinton, Rhone 454w Phone 66W - Clinton tcitr 805r13, J. W. Van- 42-tfb 3$tfb �a•o•oe.e-.s-:-e..�+-•.«-o.-,.+-+-r•..�•o _. nvroic -. vameron muceneu -4, days -Wed., Thurs.;.:_ & Sat. --Next Week Coming -- In Color t'4 a rius & the Gladiators" "DUEL IN THE JUNGLE;' Mature.-- Technicolor Jeanne Crain & Dana Andrews n the lodge rooms over the lib- WING}HAM MAN DIES ^dry, on November 1S at 8.30 p.m. FROM CRASH INJURIES )n behalf of the Ontario Hurri Harold Wright, 41, Gravenhurst, :ane Relief Fund, The public is became the third victim of a two- !ordially invited.Prizes will be car crash about six miles east of awarded and a silver collection Wingham on October 22, when he vial be received. died in Wingham General Hospi- ° tal Wednesday night. His 30 -year - The ten provincial governments old wife died about a week ago as lad net general revenues of $1,314 a result of injuries received in the nillion in 1953, about 29 per cent accident, and his two-year-old if Ottawa's total revenue that daughter, Jacqueline, was killed in 'ear, the crash. Je Ae AN TETT Jeweller and 'Watchmaker EXPERT WATCH REPAIR SERVICE Bulova, Gruen and Cyma Watches BLUE RIVER -and BLUE' BIRD DIAMONDS Spode Dinnerware Visit Our Modern Up -To -Date Jewellery Store Today Phone 562 Clinton 26-tfb 199.95 errit Radio and Electric rNILIPS• - PHILCO CROSLEY and DUMONT TV PHONE 313 CLINTON a r; t TH of S Christmas Stocks are now complete, See Our Selections of SWEATERS - SHIRTS SOCKS -TIES - PYJAMAS - JEWELLERY JACKETS SPORT, SHIRTS ETC.