HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-11-11, Page 4PAGE FOUR CLINTON NEWS -RECORD
"Pot -Luck" Dinner' The treasurer, Mrs. George Pot.
Londesboro I as Two Banquets Persoanals �Juni�r: farmers Di cuss Tractors; �� The,
reported a balance of $126,43
• after all bills were paid Miss H.
• ® �° P , At Next Me(',tin Courtice was appointed as auditor,
Ilea, Miss Nora Cunn>ingham Rev, Wesley Cope, Brantford, Institute Membets I Study Cookware . �' in Mrs, Gilbanksoplace with Mrs.
was a guest on Sunday with Mr. �t°� EXeeLit;� requested
(Sy our Londesboro correspondent) The topic on home economics I and Mrs. A. J. McMurray. JUNIOR FAliMERS JOINT MEETING the
Olde. Mrs. Potter
g Mrs. Jean' McMurray, Toronto, ( + the books re audited before she
The ladies ' of the Londesboro and lreallax was in the charge of . Y, The November meetingof Clin- The joint meeting, was held. in The Sunday School Executive of assumed. ]xer responsibilities.
Women's Institute met in the Nlrs. Glen Carter and was taken is visiting at the home of Mr. ton Junior I aimers was held at the School auditorium with Gail' r
communityhall on Tuesday, No by Miss Noi 11 Cun n ham; Hu-, and Mrs, A. J, McMurray: I Ontario Street United Church met A ` pot -luck chicken supper will
a m• g the Clinton bistrict Collegiate in- Manning as chairwoman. The be held at the next meeting,White
vember for the.regular e ular meetin ron County Health Umt, tellin of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas' Lopping- in the church hall with 17 mem-
2 g g g stitute on .1'ucsday; . November 9I meeting opened by `singing 'b
which Was opened in the usual her work among the schools and ton celebrated their; 35th wedding at 5.30, m, The . roll call was Canada", The minute..of the las hers present and F: Townsend `re Gift Service will be on December,:
manner- with the president, Mrs, homes, "Children, need, Iove, and anniversary on November'7. P a a . h t P 12 at the evening, service, The
p t the number of quarts of anti- meeting were read and adopted. It siding. 1he.hymn Onward Christ-
' Stanley Lyon in the chair. The erstanding and security, she Mrs. E. Whitmarsh and NIis. freeze you put in your tractor this was agreed to send $10 to the Christmas "concert vnIl be on ;De-
secretar treasurer, Mrs. Arthur said, tl,isten to them when the ruse Janes, London, spent Sun- $ ran Soldiers" and prayer by C. 'El- cember 20.
y- Y B winter: Ontario Hurricane Relief Fund. liott o e g
Clark read the minutes 'of' the want to. talk over, their problems, day with:Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Mc H. 'E; Gellman 'Walkerton a ri- Jones A nod the meetin . S: Mc- Mrs. Potter very ably conducted
last meeting which were a rove Murray, g StuartSivaxt e club t and Lois J n Donald rea$ the Iesson from Pro- study of chapter eight of the study
• PP Mrs.: Eddie Bell -sang a solo, ac- culture engineering fieldmati, who gave the club paper, verbs. book.:
ed. The treasurer's ' report was Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Huller and P P
P eompanle by Mrs. Tom Allen, organized 'the tractor maintenance .The guest speaker was o sof of
two children, Aylmer, called to see
heard; Mrs. Milton Little gave a reading. : club i s his area. this summer, was Police Joseph Ferranti who spoke
A committee of Mrs. Edwin,Mrs. Elgin Josliti la ed a iano the fe Huller,
grandmother, Mrs: s calcer. Ilio topic was, Et on "Safety on the Highway" and '
6n g P y P g with Mr.'g P' P y g, ,
George a Huller, and also
` Wood,. Mrs. Milton' Little, and, lvlrs.instrumental and Phyllis McCool i'iciency of Operation`of Faxm` Ma- showed .a ,very interesting film.: `
Leonard; Shobbrook were appoint sang a solo, accompanied by Mrs.. and Mrs, Re Shipley, chinery," Mr. •Ferrand answered questions. ORD $ R Y 0. U R
ed to plan for the next two ban Tom Allen. Mr. and Reg.
Fred Hanley, („ Howard Pym, Exeter, president Robert Mustard 'thanked. Mr.
Sarnia-, newed_old acquaintances
quets coming up..' The roll call The meeting closed with the i Clint, -this eek. .bile visiting}of Huron County Junior Farmers; Ferrand and everyone went into CHRISTMAS,.
was answered by giving a house- singing of "God Save the Queen with 1VIr. and Mrs. Mervynwas present and spoke briefly, the school:cafeteria for lunch: ;��"��';T��
hold hint, and lunch was served to 23 mem- Han-. JUNIOR INSTITUTE ;
bers and four visitors. ley ,and Mi. and, Mrs. Dick Eli o - FROM THE -
- Mrs. Adolph, Fangrad gave her _ yob, Clinton Junior Institute met�on
report on- the areal, convention in -- Tuesday in the Clinton District Goshen Ladies CLI (�
Wellington Cook and Mrs. Gor- NTON `KINETTE CLUB
London and thanked the Institute �%' 1 don Coates, Hamilton; Mrs. Chris -Collegiate Institute with the presi-
for 'giving her the opportunity of Kinettes �. ]Il • Crozier and Miss Maud Coultes, dent; ,Lois Jones; in charge After 1
attending. Mrs. Edwin -Wood gave Toronto, were'weekend visitors of .the Institute Ode, followed by the Serve 100 At ILY ABOUT DEC. 15
a very ,fine, paper on the motto, l Mr. and Mrs. Chester Farquhar Lord's Prayer, the roll call was i -VARIOUS PRICES -
"it isn't what we start, it is what Make Wreaths,
and their .aunt, Mrs. Margaret answered by giving •the number Tilephoue Clinton 647Ji 704J3, 782M, or "703W2'
o o- an utensils
you would
use to cook Big Fowl Supper .'or der from any Kinette
that counts:' � Johnston: i� r Or
we What! -(o fai19 For Christmas - Lois Jones introduced the guest On Tuesday evening, a fowl
Vl11deS Pre, speaker ,who was Don bieeh. ,supper,' serving approximately 100
No! Seventy-eight v. thousand The Kinette Club-of•Clinton met Salesman FZech gave an interest people was held in Goshen United
people live together happily and on Tuesday night -at the 'home -of For Parade To Ing talk on cookware. He demon= Church basement.
q how the whole set- could Following an intermission after
Mrs.. Ji. W. Col uhoun to make (Strafed
practically crime free. Their sys g
tem of . public schools is almost plans p manufacturing this be used and all the different coni-' the supper hour -a programme was
Sri be To -Day,
' perfect. Every ;child of ten can y supply of the gaily coloured binations. Margaret - , Holland held.
read.. There are seminaries and Christmas wreaths•whieh were'so Twenty-three girls attended ttie thanked the speaker. Miss Donna Hayter and Miss
a ors and bush popular last season Painting ses- 'meeting of the Girl Guides in the Helen Johnston the county Merle Armstrong gave" several �/ej ej colleges, newsp p pn sions, the actual manufand
cture, and $Pecials
ing establishments. But there is old public school on Tuesday president, `spoke briefly. - pittnc duets during the supper �
nota single pail or penitentiary> other details were arranged. (Or- :night, under the leadership of 'The meeting ended in. a sing- hour and as the people were re-
The place? The island called Ice- ders are being taken for these now Mrs, •K. B. McRae,- song and the girls 'met with the turning to their places for the
land;" a sovereign state since 1918. and phone numbers are listed After roll call,- practice for the boys far .the joint -meeting: programme.'
elsewhere in this paper):
Formerly it was ruled ' in pen- Remembrance I?ay parade was. The, programme 'opened .with a • I
Mrs, G. Rumball, president, con- held under .the- direction of J. D, °] ' short sing song led by Mrs. Robert
mark. 'Two other facts about. this ducted the meetin , and resented elslQ,. 1? 1l�is t•7 A
remarkable island are very .sign- Thorndike. Barbara Jones was McKinley and Mrs. Kenneth Parke Women.sWinter
ificant. No beverage alcohol is Mrs.:Burton Sta ey wit abun- chosen to lay the wreath.Pat with" Mrsa Bruce Keys at the Coats-
permitted to be imported. All are red percent pin. Mrs. D,G Col- Irwin xl chosen to be .flag bear-upiano,Rev. T. J. Pittacted astotal quhoun called the Toil to which er. The meeting closed with Holds Reffular chairman for the evening. Leslie
This advertisement is §ponsored ten members answered the ques- games, and "Taps". • Pearson, Clinton, sang a number YI/e, have Selected a number of Coats to sell of a
by the Huron County Temperance tion, "Why,I Like Being,a Kin-' o - of very true solos such as "Chang
Federation. 45-b ette". November Meetingg of the Guard", "Old Man saving to you.
Kinette Club accepted the Mrs• B• Stanley Is River" and "Macnamara's`Bend!% ASSORTED COLORS:
f it a ,r1
• , job of providing for a needy family- v The November meeting of�. the Mrs. J. Willis VanEginond, Clin- ��°Jv Off In Clinton, and the president was
°• ° °° Woman's Association of Wesley- ton favoured with several accord- SPECIAe.
asked to .obtain furtherdetaails Legion AUXillary Willis -United Church was held in ion selections. She played 'many
Mrs, Don I{ay m o uce o
guests: Mrs. C. Trott, local repre-
sentative of the London Free
, .
President Again
the church parlor, on _ Thursday
afternoon,. November 4. The presi-
dent, Mrs,• G. Beattie was in
old favourites such as, Home on
the Range", "Annie Laurie",
"Loch Lomond" and asked the
Will be held dy the Ladies Aid
Press Stratford Beacon -Herald
and 6KNIf Wingham, and Wilma,
Auxiliary to the
charge with Mrs. C. Charlesworth
at the iano. The meeting opened
audience to sing them with her.
Not to be forgotten, was the
Fall Dresses
• Section of the Christian Reformed
•Dinnin, 'representing the Clinton
The Ladies'
Canadian Legion Mrs.
by sin ging.the theme hymn follow-
Goshen home talent when -Mrs:.
News -Record.
Following the business period, a
Burton Stanley as their president
ed by a poem, "The Glorious Min-
ority" and meditation by the presi-
Elmore Keys and Richard Robin-
son sang twd eery pleasing duets.
Noy 20
.L �
few hands of court whist were
played, with Mrs. Percy Brown
p y
at the .election of officers which
featured Monday night's meeting..
dent. A hymn was 'sung
Scripture lesson from Ephesians
They were accompanied by Mrs.
Elmer FIayter. from Goshen
, -
winning top place and the News-
the min-
Mrs. Alex Ha read Habgood
4, 11-16, by Mrs. McLaren; les-
was Mrs. Clare McBride who gave
2:00 p.m.
Record reresentative taking home
re sented the -t treasurer's state-
son thoughts, Fd4 F. Fingland
two trumpet solos, "If I give my
A Real Buy At Only .... ..•• ...........:.4.95
the consolation prize. Lunch
served by the hostess,
ment showing a balance of $318.80
and Mrs, Lockhart led in prayer.'
The secretary's report was approv-
Heart to You", and one of the' old
Strauss favourite, `Blue Danube".
0- --
din the general account and $46.45
in the welfare.
ed as read by Mrs. M, Steepe and
She ; was accompanied by Mrs.
The Women's Missionary Soc-
Mrs. Grace Castle, on recom-
mendation of the property com-
mittee, will buy 20 tables for use
the treasurer's report was given
by Mrs. D. owerBartlc -
For the flower committee, Mrs.
three bouquets
Bruce Keys.
Mrs. John McKinley; one of the
older. members, gave an excellent
Maternity Dresses
Proceeds of the bazaar will be in
ie$y of St. Andrew's Presbyterian,
ux the hall. Mrs. Stanley reported
Potter reported
readin g.
aid of the building of the new
Church will meet on Tuesday,
November 16, at the home of Mrs.
$514 the amount from the sale
and six cards sent. -Mrs. Pinning
reported for the. kitchen. 'Mrs.
The nest speaker for the even -
Ing, George H. Jefferson, Clinton,
It is hoped will attend
G. Roberton.
of poppies.
Mrs• Roy Fitzsimons will be in
of the check room for so-
Laidlaw reported one quilt corn-
pleted. Mrs. Hugill reported the
was introduced by Mrs. John E.
Robinson. During his address, he
VALUES TO $14.95- �er95
Ottawa collects about $30 mil-
sial events. Mrs. D. J. Lane will
bazaar tea-room a success, For
recited several poems, some on the
SPECIAL A! ONLY .... •......::........
lion a week through indirect taxes,
represent the Auxiliary in the
Christian fellowship, Mrs. Addison
humorous side of life, while others
- -
Cancer organization meeting.
Election of officers with Mrs.
reported 12 home and four hos-
Pita, cans. made.
were more thought-provokingand
serious. He closed reciting " In
Strict, Cash - No Refunds - No Exchanges
Y g
Alex Inkley in the chair, tools
Mrs. Fingiand spoke for citizen-
ship and .gave a short talk on
Flanders Fields'', reminding. all er
Remembrance Day on November
place, as follows:-.
Mrs. Burton Stanley, president;
missions, quoting Mrs. Fairelough,
11 and askiii all to observe it as
• 'Specialize
Mrs. Grace Castle past president;
Mrs. Senneth C. Cooke, first vice-
resident; Mrs, Robert Morgan,
Missions begin m home"•
An appeal from the Deaconess
Order will be answered with a
dcnatiozi. Mrs. N. W. Trewartha
a "holy day"' not just a holiday.
Tlie program was brought to a
fitting close when Leslie Pearson,
by special request, sang "The
TEA TOWELS-GaldWell'sPart Linen,
Only r. 49c each
second vice-president, rs. arg- was appointed as re resentative
aret Dutot, secretary; Mrs, Violet to attend the Canadian CancerLord's Prayer•:" REMNANT LENGTHS of Materials -'Wools,
A CHDT TTtL��Ti Hab ood; treasurer;Rev. T, J. Pitt moved a hearty
RE1V S WEAR Members to the executive, Mrs. meeting on November 16, vote of thanks to all who Helped Draperies;, Rayon All Reduced t/3
Laura McAlpine, Mrs. Marie Two piano selections, "Jesus Is on the programme or helped in
GIRLS -Cradle to College. Schoenhals; Mrs. Mary Grigg; My Joy' and Romance' by Ru- any other way to make the even-
BOYS -up to .12 years. standard bearers, Mrs, Helen Bis• benstein by Mrs. Vincent were err ing a Success. "God Save the
back, Mrs. Babs Fitzsimons; pian joyed, Mrs. N. W. Trewartha gave Queen was sun People attend- y
9 ist Mrs. Alex Haddy; . buying, some 'interesting- highlights fromd from 2uricl Clinton, Varna a�i a
® LADIES 'SEA the WA resbyte held at Cent-
r�'/� Mrs.. Grace Lawson; social con- P rS' and other places.
Mrs. eybuiam Watkins, xalia• o.
Mrs. Arthur Leyburne. A nominating committee to -Constable R. P. Robbins; Rich-
The December meeting will take bring in a Slate o$ officers at the mond Hill, visited in Clinton this CLINTON _ ,
O I�EN�j®�D �t�Nffi�ETS the form of a Christmas party next meefing was appointed. They weep at the home of Mr, and H7CNSE�i%I.
A ly r9 lv with a visit from Santa Claus are Mrs. C. Nelson, Mrs. A. And
Mrs J. A, Sutter.
and installation of officers• The rows, Mrs, H. Adams.
* PATTERNS -Simplicity and meeting closed with the . usual
1C l ceremony.
i�IeCall An enjoyable party was held in m
the Legion rooms last week with l Wea-ber p
the members of Clinton Ladies' WS,
Auxiliary hostesses to the Exeter
group. Games and cards were November 14 1954
M A 1111" ���+++ Played, the visiting ladies carrying Sunday, MEN'S PLAID Sl1j�nn
off the Prizes Lunch and an --- l� ��
especially beautiful birthday cake ST, PAUL'S ANGLICAN
DEPT. STORE brought to a close a fine celebra- feAl.ey-WiIN5 Saiteb CHURCH
CLINTON - - - - - CLINTON tion of the 22nd birthday of Clin- flCbUCCIJ REV, R_X P. BULTEEL, Rector MEN'S SPORT SHIRT STYLES •
ton Auxiliary to the Canadian 10i°
Legion. Rev, HUGH C. WILSON, Minister- Mrs, Theodore Fiemlin, Orgavist Sonforized from
MRS, M. R: RENNIE, Organist Mrs. J. M. Elliott, - °
10.45 a.m.'-The Session will meet 65 to 5
M. R. 1tI1NNIE, Choir Director
.11.00 a.m.-Morning Prayer and Sanforized -- from ........:..::..... °
11.00 a.m,-Morning Worship Sunday School:
a Sacrament of Baptism 7.00 pan -Evening Service, CARHARI•T EXTRA i°IEAVY OVERALLS-
of Members; Tuesday, Nov. 1.6••-•2.45 p.m.- The
Sermon subject: Women's Auxiliary will hold Sanforized 10 oz Denim
12,15 a.m.-Primary.
"Life With Wings" the annual meeting at the High Back ,.;. 5.95
Union Evening Service in the On Joseph Street t13ff. • •
w 11.20 am. -Primary. School. home of Mrs, H. Bar CARHARTT EXTRA HEAVY SMOCKS
.. N
tarxo Street United` Church. " 5.95
^� � " I oLMESV1LIair' . GOSPEL Sanforized 10 oz. Denim
1.30 p.m. -Church Service and
i P, r Sunday School'. ALL W E L C O M E 9
Come To The House of Prayer
Order of Meetings for theImak S
® x? Huron Street Lor1,1,•00 a.m. Breaking of Bread
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
BAPTIST CHURCH Luggage 3.00 p.m. -Children's Meeting gg ge $Shoes
Minister -REV. J; E. OSTROM . 7.00 A.m,-Gospel Meeting Phone 2 Clinton
Organist -Mrs. George Grant r'-`-
A"niivi Th;Q Vd-nan gn1MtA C1mils \``' /-mss' 7i nn iv-nin Service PENTECOSTAL CHURCH.
Sunday So.
Gospel Ser
Ml�: T
Choir L
"A 1
2.30 p.m. -1
with stu
Everyone wl
. with us -will
day gSchool. P.A.O.C. r
niVService, Victoria Street
eloome K, L.•SWEIGARD Pastor
e Street - Sunday, November 14 1954, HERE'S • YOUR CAIS E TO
L HALL 11.00 a,m and 7.30 P.m. -
NTON Mr. and Mrs. Echenswiller and son 1 �'
will be presenting God's Word KEEP 'ENI: S11iI,ING?
9:45 a.m.' by both word and song.
.vice,„ 11.00 a,m. x a .
Corrie and enjoy Sister ch-
8.00 p.m. enswI r as she preaches the Q Purest -premium
Even- Word', also special musical xv quality ingred-
'm P Prayer and numbeis by Douglas and his °� rents, ' plus our
Study, 10;00 a mr-=-Sunday -School a baking skill, pro-
VDRE�'S 11.00 am -Morning Worship = �i gs duce the colics 1
IAN CHURCH 7.30 pm.- Evening Service you'll serve with
Tuesday, Nov. 9 -Prayer Service pride. Win his
ATE; B.A., Minister and Bible Study.
xAN AGNEW, raves-seiwe our
Friday, Nov. 12 -Young People's
r .and Organist Service. goodies at eiiery
ember, 14, 1954 Lrvervone Is Welcome meal.
Murch School
Chu ,
Bible Study, ; ' BAYFIELD BAPTIST ,
Worship Period-• CHURCH
to ,Lose". Invites you to services each OUR .SATURIDAY`SPECIALI
x Church, Bayfield, Sunday in the Orange Hall, From Our Store Only -
a, at 2:`.p.in, for all; Bayfield, at 3.30 p.m., until the Y
cares to worship new' church is completed. RHUBARB TA-ftILwelcomed Speaker-:- I. Bodenham.