HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-11-11, Page 2— — Ia PAGE TWO CL NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, NOVEMBER IRI, 1954 e ,,w- ►ec, r 'UnhaPPY dance __ • Further'Details. toiled all day long turning the grindstone for • • Of 'The Recent Mm .1 tries which delight in being able to sell their THE CLINTON NEW ERA THE CLINTON' NEWS -RECORD eOhm G WHY HALLOWEPEN PARTY WAS PUC Meeting First issue 'June 8, i„ First isvue�,(Haron News -Record) COASUMP.iION 1885 + C January 1881 NOT FREE The Editor In reviewing. points in a letter dp {NC0kbL (t Clinton News -Record published in this paper on October i Amalgamated 1924 The Clinton Lions Club has um 7, and signed '"G. E, .Rumball", he following was brought out at An endent Newspaper devoted to the 'interests 'of the Town of Clinton and Surrounding District R P fortunately received 'unfavorable "':of the h PUC• meeting:. On. request of .Inde ' Rate 4.5a> r line flat "'' Population,, 2,548; Trading Area, 10;006; Retail Market, $2,000,000 pe Circulation 2;016 "' (to criticism their efforts in regard the Hallowe'en Skating •Party. . Commissioner W. E. Perdue, other ' issioners Sworn — ) I �.' • Home of Clinton- RCAF 'Station and Adastral Park' (residential) >7 ,,., Ontario -Quebec Division,; CWNA; < �+ We believe much of the critieWn has 'arisen because neither : the Co" were . excluded' from the argument. MEMBER: Canadian Weekly, Newspapers Association; : :.w ,• ~�� Western Press cif are conversant with to .le that "The Ontario' Counties --Association �,.,. . R NIGH a�MEZ the facts. Reader" whichsthe tier refer - 41 • SUBSCRIPTfON RATES: Payable in advances Canada and Great Britain: $2,50 a. year;," •*. ,.,;• RAT2 United States and Foreign: $85,0; Single Copies Six Cents '' w - C2i Undoubtedly it is not generally known the Club enters, the, cur- red was Commissioner W. E. Perdue. c_ •, Delivered by'carrier to ;RCAF Station:and Adestral" Park -25 cents a month; seven cents a :dopy -� . ��; rent, season with a deficit of $900 In justifying the 1953 PUC Authorized as "secori'd 'class mail, Post Office Depsrtmertt, Ottawa from last year's arena operation, action of establishing a $50 a week .. +. ;,�• - PublisLed EVERY THURSDAY at CLINTON; Ontario, Canada, in the Heart of Huron .Cqurity ., .;, .�> �.. p' '" `' nor that it cost $123.60 to. put ice in :the arena to have one night of pension for (the at that time: xe- tiring superintendent) A. E: Rum- - 1•^, - •• skating in October on the occasion ball, Commissioner,' Perdue quoted THURSDAY NOVEMBER 1:1, 1954 '.; ' l - -- `, ?* , • 1�� of Hallowe'en —the children's night. This meant:. an outlay of verbal approval received from the HEPC, and recalled, a like situa- funds we did not possess. A"small tion in Clinton recently, when, a emembrance Oa p� "Life, to be sure, is nothing much to lose; Butyoung men think it is, and we were young. A. E. Housman Today we will pause momently from our tasks to pay silent tribute to our honoured dead. That we should do. this is altogether fitting, small though the tributebe.' So great is our debt to their devotion that whatever honour we may pay is but a token against the homage due their sacrifice. No warrior class these, but men from farm and factory, desk and counter who rallied to spend youth's unfulfilled maturity as the price of their belief in human decency. Yet into the scale with our moment of remembrance we can throw the resolve to revitalize our faith in their ideals. In some small measure we can lessen our obligation by a consecration to those principles for which they died. The'light of democragy grows dim beneath the fog of a cynical materialism which threatens to engulf our world. Let us, then, resolutely dedicate ouselves to the task of rekindling that flame which so brightly blazed for them. Our duty be it to guard the -ancient faith steadfastly and without equivocation that these hallowed dead shall not have made the last supreme sacrifice in vain. THE "TWO -YEAR -TERM" AS A MATTER. OF INTEREST, when elec- tion day is now so near — (only 16 days until Nomination Day) perhaps this small it in the way of a new view of the oft -proposed two-year term, is appropriate. Editor of the Arnprior Chronicle, R. S. Atkey, has this idea: "Would the two-year term have the effect of retaining seasoned men in Council, thus al- lowing the town to benefit from their exper- ience? We can't see that it would matter much if the term were one or two years if a man was really interested in his work and desired to remain in Council. The voters likely would understand and return him, sma;"The cost of holding an election is only a l fraction of the cost of running the town for a year, and the so-called saving that might be made, is a little ephemeral in view of quite a few other places where savings could be made in the cost of the town's administration." RURAL COMMUNITY SCHOOL ONCE A WEEK for 16 weeks this winner, adults will gather in the Seaforth District High School for instruction in a variety of sub- jects, ranging all the way from oil painting to contract bridge. Those attending will use var- ious utensils ranging from the space -man like helmet used by electric welders, to the dainty needle of the basic sewing class. This is the fourth year the school has been held in the County, and each year the idea gains more support. Here is a chance for the instruction of adults in basic skills and useful hobbies, for which so many have been asking. With the shorter working• hours resultant from the increased numbers of machines now in use, more and more adults are finding spare - time hours, of idleness. To fill this void, adult education was born, Along with skilled instruc- tion in the craft chosen is included a friendly atmosphere among people interested in the same work. The classes have been held in Exeter and in Seaforth. Since the plan is to move the school every two years, organisers will be look- ing for a new location next year. Why not Clinton? With any sort of luck at all, the renovat- ing at Clinton 'District Collegiate Institute should be complete in time for next season. Already night classes in stationary engineering, and in basic English are being carried on in CDCI. There seems no reason why further classes in other subjects could not be instituted. There would need to be an invitation sent from the CDCI Board. Then, through co-opera- tion of the Department of Agriculture, and the Community Programmes Branch, Department of Education, the project could be carried out here. IT SPENDS OUR MONEY TILE "GOVERIVIINT" spends a great deal more of our money than many of us realize. As a director of the Canadian Chamber of Com- merce recently said, at present thirty-six point nine cents out of every dollar we earn goes to the various levels of government in one form of tax or another," Translated this means: if your salary is $50 per week, the "Govermint" will have the pleasure of spending $18.45 of it. We would conclude that most of,us should• be paying a lot more attention to how that money is being spent than we do right now. The same speaker mentions the twotop expenditures of the Canadian government—of defense expenditure he deplores the fact that nothing much can be done—of welfare expense he warns of letting She government institute any new schemes. He says, "it is practically Impossible ever to abolish or even curtail them. In case of a recession, no matter how much wo personally may be feeling the pinch, we will still have to pay taxes to finance the govern- ment's welfare program." "Essentially, all welfare schemes are a pro- cess by which the government takes our money and, then redistributes it, after deducting the expenses entailed by this operation." Still another item to be considered is this: Every time the Canadian citizen asks the "Gov- ermint" to do something more for him, he is giving the "Govermint" more control over his own interests. "This power stifles the very freedom upon which our progress has been based and our future depends.' WHO TURNS TRADE GRINDSTONE? - (Contributed) REMEMBER THE story about the boy wno as an example to the world. And what do they toiled all day long turning the grindstone for get for their efforts? Nothing but kind words the agreeable stranger? Every time he grew at the Geneva trade conference from other coun- weary, he was spurred to new exertions by the tries which delight in being able to sell their praise which fell from the stranger's lips. Fin- products in the Canadian market, but have no ally, at the end of the day, all he had to show intention whatever of taking a turn at the .grind - for his efforts was praise, and he was worn out stone of freer trade themselves. . ' in the bargain. Praise is a pretty empty reward for the hard That's the way it is with the architects of work of practicing freer trade. Yet praise is Canada's trade policies. -They grind away.with all that Trade Minister. Howe and members of enthusiasm for freer international trade. They the Canadian delegation at Geneva are likely to expose the Canadian economy to the inroads of get -for their efforts to make the General Agree - foreign competition and dumping. They stand ments on Tariffs and Trade really work. - CODE OF THE RIFLEMAN 1 I will cock my gun and pull the trigger onlywill never carry my gun while it is cocked'. when I am aiming at the target which I cocked, intend to shoot. Post was in town on Tuesday. J. E. Hovey, Dr, J. C. Gandier and Rev. A. A. Holmes are spend-". ing a few dans duck hunting up t ' —//— i`' Spend the Evening doing your own Oil Painfing— r •� SCOTTY 7 I will never shoot my gun at a songbird, ZI will never load my gun when the muzzle illegal, game, living tree, private or public property, or at persons. is pointed at any -part of my body or at any .TWIN OIL SETS person, nor stand in 'front of anybody who sloading a gun. - I will never cock my gun fs I will never shoot at anything before mak- before arriving at — or after leaving — the ing sure there is nothing within range that my shot might injure if I miss my mark. I, firing line. will always remember that my shot will skip across water. J I will immediately make sure . that any gun J that I handle is not loaded. I will always put my gun, muzzle first, through a fence before I climb the fence I will never cock m un and ell 'the and will climb over between the next two Y g P fence posts. trigger "just for fun." 1 /► Through membership I will learn to shoot 5 I will never shoot directly' at .a flat, hard : 1 V safely at official targets. I will urge my C curve, such as a bottle or similar, object,—friends to do the same; and I will see that as the shot is certain to ricochet (glance) everyone around, me obeys these, rules for from it. the safety and good of all. OFF MAIN STREET We'Re GOIN,To OH? OF,COURSE, OH,' O.K.,AL_. , SAY--. E I, HAVE OUROFFI@E TELLTHESTAFF SURE, SVERVTHINGS PAINTED, RICHARD/' „ OUR WORK WILL 8055 I COVERED GO ;ON DURING NOW,I F"t z s, THE PAINTING IN ' admission .fee was the only way retiring employee; had, been,grant- to provide for at least part of the ed an equal ;pension paid over a expense incurred, period, of years. Liquor offences are responsible for near ,aff, of all commit- A: member of`Council did con- The product which Mr, Perdue 9 P IY tact us a few days prior to Hal- assumed the letter referred to merits to Ontario reform, institutions. lowe'en, stating he would attempt --A. R.:Virgin, Ontario Reform institutions• Depart ant, to obtain sanction of a Special ny to to pay $35.00 for. free skating for children that night. - The Lions Club 'agreed to accept •same in lieu of an admission ° ` charge 'for the children. Later t'rorn ` Our Earl Files we were gi that 'to understand Y members of that Committee had o been contacted and decided 'to e• a t." As a re- sult their nos out." r ++. sult , the Club, carried the load 40 YEARS AGO Middleton, liohnesville Church, to with no financial assistance from The Clinton, New Ere the rectorship of St. Thomas Ang-. any source. Gross gate receipts re $68.00. A conservative esti Thursday, November 5; 1914 licai; Church, Owen Sound. we Severs years ago this week E. Decidedly tame was Hallowe'en-, mate of value of prizes awarded Blacker commenced thishis4we buss- The moonlight. helped to keep , on this occasion is $53.00. misehievi'ous young folk from get-' ness and has never lost a day in May we state that free skating ting away with the usual number time for minor hockey and child - that time. This is a pretty" good of steps' and. other loose articles. record and hard to beat. ren last year gave every child in The following officers so far Public School one hour through have volunteered The Clinton News -Record . to serve with the week, and two hours on Satur- the 33rd Regiment on the second Thursday, November 5, 1914 day mornings. In addition each contingent: Hon: Major R. S.. Several Clinton bowlers were group of minor hockey, Juvenile, Hays, paymaster (Captain's cer on the greens on Monday of this Midget, Peewee and Squirts, were tificate); Capt. S. E. Sale, Captain week. The bowlers have had an also provided with approximately N. T. Sinclair, Hon. Major Rev. J. excellent year. two hours' practice time each W. Hodgins has also volunteered. Mr. Littlewood, formerly book- week. Bishop Williams announces the keeper at Doherty Piano Company We were the only body to un - appointment of Rev. Charles L. has lately been heard from in dertake the provision of any form Langford,-B.A., late rector of the Hamilton, Bermuda. of entertainment for the children War Summary this year. Last year $50.00 was Servia breaks with Turkey and donated toward the Children's this may lead Bulgaria, Greece Party, the Lions providing the and Roumania into the conflict- arena free as their share. It is "BUSIGG Italy may be in the war before evident we were financially un - NESS long. able to make it free this year, It is stated that the total Brit- much as we would have liked to. DIRECTO ish force under General French is We are sorry that -due to cir- JIt cumstances beyond our control it Turkey commenced war on was not possible to have judging Russia by bombarding Theodosia, of the various classes at the time INSURANCE Crimea, for over an hour. advertised. Prince Louis of Battenburg re- R. S. MACAULAY, Be Sure Be Insured signs from the Admiralty. K: W. COLQUHOUN 5,000 men have been called in President, GENERAL INSURANCE England for another naval Brig- Clinton Lions Club Representative: ade, November 9, 1954 Sun life Assurance Co, of Canada Clinton, Ontario Office: Royal Bank Building Office 50 - PHONES - Res. 9W 25 YEARS AGO The Clinton News Record was a type of pipe used in -ex- tension work last year, which the Commission had found uns ilt- able-to the work. Perdue stated that Chairman, of the PUC had made, arrangements for showing of motion Pictures of this pipe to the Commission. Of the reference to the 1953 Mayor, Perdue could get Mr. Rum - ball to provide no further mfor- •mation. Perdue refuted the statement of. Commissioner Rumball that tie` had asked Rumball to resign from. the PUC this year. Perdue said that he had suggested the two of them should resign, and then the people could go to the polls to elect all four members of the PUC. Commissioner Rumball asked for receipts for the last month, and found therein an amount of some $3 paid to Sutter -Perdue. He brought to attention other pay- ments to Wise and Bateman and suggested that these were for aricles originating in the Sutter - Perdue store. He said that "they' seem Cb be getting a pretty high majority of the business." HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA AT HOME I PROGRESS RAPIDLY FLOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS ALL BOOKS SUPPLIED E If you send your name and ' address now we will send yuh a Free Sample Lesson and 44 - Page Book. AMERICAN SCHOOL 71 Lorne Crese. Bra ntfo4, Ont. --- H. C. LAWSON Thursday, November 7, 1929 Bank of Montreal Building Clinton PHONES: Office 251W; Res. 251J Mrs. W. Shipley has purchased the Wilken residence, Ontario St. Mr. and Mrs. G. VanHorne and • �erv�eeInsurance Quality — heal Estate family have moved into Mrs, Ink- Aent: Mutual Life Assurance Co, ley''s house, Victoria Street• John Rath, who has been oc- cupying Miss M. J. Moore's house, is moving into the one he recently 1 • Insure the "Co-op" Way Put ZIP in Your Health W. V. ROY District Representati built on Ontario Street. The executive for the CCI Lit - Ono Box 310 Clinton, tari erary Society this year is headed Phone Collect Office 557 Res. 324J by R. Noble. Other members in- elude, I. Chowen,, J. Gaudier, O, Glew, A, Carter, M. McLeod, D. Mutch, A. Fraser, S. Livermore,0:0 B. Middleton, .D. Watts, R. Carter, take iii/ ENER L+ry��+ Ll 11Lr �lLr iL til If you don't feel good in 30 v✓il be re - ® — J. E. HOLVARD, Bayfield Phone Bayfield 63r2 - Fire - Life - Accident Insurance M. Ross, H, Johnston, J. Cameron, and R. Doherty. day your money funded. 30 -day treat- C Wind Wind If you need Insurance, I have J. Leslie, Kerr of the Brussels •(11,� ment only .._...... ifi a Policy Post was in town on Tuesday. J. E. Hovey, Dr, J. C. Gandier and Rev. A. A. Holmes are spend-". ing a few dans duck hunting up t ' —//— i`' Spend the Evening doing your own Oil Painfing— r •� SCOTTY THE McIILLQP MUTUAL P'IILE INSURANCE COMPANY H 1 Off • Seaforth>' in the Bruce Peninsula. .TWIN OIL SETS OfficersE 1954: President, John H. McEwing, Blyth; vice• presi= dent, Robert Archibald, Seaforth; secretary -treasurer and manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth: Directors: John H. McEwing; Robert Archibald; Chris. Leon- hardt, Bornholm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Wm. S. Alexander, Wal- ton; J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Har- vey Fuller, Goderich; J. E. Pepper, Brucefield; Alister Broadfoot, Sea - forth. Agents: Wm. Leiper Jr., Londes- boro; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Erid Munroe; Seaforth. INVESTMENTS Get The ' Facts Call VIC DINNIN Phone 168 — Zurich Investors Mutual Managed and Distributed by Investors Syndicate of Canada, Ltd. OPTOMETRY A. L. COLE, R.O. Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted Goderich - Phone 33• J. E. LONGSTAFF HOURS: SEAFORTH: Weekdays except Wednesday, 9 a.m, to 12.30 p,m. Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. CLINTON- MacLaren's Studio Mondays only,' from 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. PHONE 791 SEAFORTH PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT ROY N. BENTLEY Public Accountant 4 Britannia Rd. (cornier South SO `Telephone 1011 GODERICH ON T. REAL ESTATE LEONARD G. WINTER Real Estate and, Business Broken SLOAN BLOCK, CLINTON Phone: Office 448;r Res. 599j L# /y® 10 YEARS AGO Clinton News -Record urs a "h November 1.944 Thursday, d Y, .. Pte. K. B. Streets, RCOC, Hali- fax, has been posted to London. Congratulations are extended to Mrs. E. Herman of. Ontario Street, who will celebrate her 95th birth- day on Monday, November 6. An accident occurred on Tues- day morning at the junction of Highways 4 and 8, when a car driven by W. H. Lobb struck a car driven by Clarke Stanley, causing considerable damage to the Stanley car. Neither of the drivers were injured. Mr. Stanley's car had the left fender nearly ruined. The accident was investi- gated by Constable Dave Elliott. Miss Lois Middleton was the guest of Miss Jean Elliott over the weekend. Mrs, Phil, Sparling, London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sparling, Mrs'. Annie Brown celebrated her 82nd birthday on Sunday with her family. At the end of the ninth day of the Seventh Victory Loan cam- paign Clinton citizens have sub- scribed $90,000.00, exactly half of the quota, aK,k by s 2 Pietmes—Brushes 2 /1 (A ONLY i and. Oils ONLY H0MEfflg PERMAN#0T„ Musical Powder Boxes •? With your own favorite tune CUSTCSlVi 1VlADE 4.95 and 6.95 ". NONE pERIlM11UIN I"C)R �� -//- `4i SEE OUR FINE yi SELECTION OF CHRISTMAS CARDS t A Boxed Cards — 49e to 1.50 Individual 0ards-5u,to 1.00 KO.DAKS - PkINTING and DEVELOPING — FILMS SIMILES 'N CHUCKLES CHOOOLATES W. C. Newcombe, Phm.,Bo Chemist and Druggist PHONE 51 ANOTHER Beattie Furniture Special in Wrought Iron 3 -PIECE - VROUGHT IRON DAYBED SUITE— Upholstering in Greg, Tapestry with Metallic Thread— THREE PIECES ................... , TRILITE FLOOR AND TABLE LAMPS BOUDOIR SETS MAGAZINE RACKS COFFEE TABLES with Limed t)ak Tops SMOKERS COMBINATION BRIDGE and SMOKER Attached .I These wrought iron pieces will meet with your approval, SEE THEM AT— Beo Fung t t • • ` o — YEP? BU51NE9S %b � � U9UAL