Clinton News Record, 1954-11-04, Page 10PAGE TENCLINTON NEWS -RECORD : TH'U'RSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1954' Small 'Group At ORA Refuses To Storm Sewers Are Problem Praise For Co-op Kippen Trap Shooi, Release Colts t From Fi dman Sunday Afternoon u ork begun At East Stree (Continued, el Page One) (By our Iiensull correspondent) �'royll ORA Serifs Work has begun : on the west to. accommodate the hospital, then V We do, not spend enough time end of the East Street drain, the ' Were ,treating the Situation in estigating ,our own -businesses," At the Sunday afternoon shoot Are nest by the management y than they had the said,'Mr. Meehan, and this is ..I in K} n ^there was a small at-, q - cam which is part of the malar project differently fortunate. He mentioned the high per• t( the drawn Colts hockey t of _enlar m storm sewers m Desecic one. '(Mr. ^Deseclt had. of ten on account of the snow, raw from the OHA so g•' g cost of laying costs of medical care; and men following " scores were `:made: to Withdraw Clinton this fall. When complete, fered to stand .the Yi g The g the 24 -inch tile will be laid` from `storm sewer.at his property, and tinned that -people now live an William Lumby, Goderich, 21, 22, that they could enter a team in the WOAA home-brew" ,league . average of 27 years ton er than 23` Ashley,Gilbert; Goderich; 13, the Station Street; oast on East taking his chance with 1954 conn-- $ bases refused. Asa result the they did 100 years ago. "These 22, 19; Stewart Black, Goderich, f n intermediate hockey st, p �? 'Ile to get some rebate of the ex- extra years are costinga- great hopes • o grqundso the new ub ,e school. pense.) 20, 20, 21, H. Mathers, Exeter, 21,. e m in Clinton have almost, been• deal, said n Meehan, 23 Lloyd Venner, Hen 23, 24; a g n Orange Street Councillor Dr. McIntyre, 'speak - y , forgo A publicmeetmg is set La of file o He went on to predict that :if T. J. Sherntt, Hensall, B2. `Next g to :connect with the Mary Street ing as a representative of the 'Hos for tonight (Thursday) definit- drain, has been coni leted and - hat if the town everyone were willing.to pay $120 shoot at Ki n will be. on Sunday,. n P pi' Board, said t. per year With single persons pay- PPe el decide the matter. n are hem constructed he sewer, P y November ber 14 at `two o clock. y catch basins. g did not see fit to put in the s w r, in $60 ` per year, 'then medical m f The `executive of the local team there. then the Hospital Board would he care 'for, all cases, would be ,paid. decided at a meeting last week Reeve Nediger,' speaking, , at outlet for the surface water by t Mr. Meehan, complimented th BADMINTON � that they were not m a financial Monday night's council : meeting olosest method which was' right Huron Co -o erative on their' to IN N ` ition to ice a team strong ion g p JtIADM TO Pos _ - OHA mentioned a roblem which had across the road, 4e e enough to compete in the P ,, arisen at ,the new nurses'..zest- overhead of 12 per -cent of earn aver - intermediate "B this season. TheMitchem McAdam; , who' was premiums. per said that the aver j�/� (� In, Bence: Originally the contractors i•ese t as a spectator, 'advised age is 15 per that for co -opera MEETING fact that six players from 'last had planned running the roof present year's squad have been lost and p against putting in into tives; and that some medical in water from the building into; the in All. those interested in some of the other players have sanitary sewer, but bad ,agreed to ofrMrs.t McTagga t'snhouse.froIt cent for o plans ate paying n ,pe expressed the desire to hang up g M pfor benefits.. , only3 playing' lies plan• isn't big enough for the present per cent for benefits. .this. season are re- the request. to change t nested to meet at the Town their skates, prompted the. delis- To get easy access to existing if said "andEncouragingly,he stated tha 4 ion. It was thought that if Clin- flow of water, he n eservice' storm sewers, however, meant Hall, Thursday, November 4, on could get permission to enter crossing the black -topped road you put any more -into it then that could eea achieved, the' bas of 8 m: Both new dnd -for- the "homebrew' league, '-hockey sur,: to .the large drain going you're beat ;', that could be achieved, and recal p would be kept alive in town and The matter was left in the led that a prepaid plan costing $1 mer Members are .needed to program south' on the west side of Shipley pp that a•_ reconstruction, p , gr hands of the public works cam- in 1946,.cost $64 now:'' He eomPli organize ,and. "carry on this, could be launched based on local Stfeet• mittee for further action,, and mented the Huron Co-operative o u e, talent; In this way it was hoped Councillors were averse to yesterday work had commenced' pioneering the deductible clause counties ar exciting m w illi man other au i x rag 9 MURRAY. DRAPER that in `playa years some v the breaking up the road surface. •on the the of the sggwer h y ' younger players would be develop- Meanwhile it was discovered that do}yn the yeast side of, Shiplelr; • to now using, and said :that it ha ed and that Clinton would once the -two houses south of the restl cross the street to ;a connection done wonders to keel? costs down again have a strong club. Bence were draining surface water •in,. front. ' of Mrs. • McTaggart s "Your plan,' he said, has bee What the future:of intermediate into the sanitary sewer since no hcme. scientifically designed to give th e PUBLIC hockey will be will not be known storm sewer was .on the east side maximum value for your nolle until tonight when '.all the, players of the street. o -- 7Cou can't improve on it, But yo an parties are ,request- However, to put in a storm must do more to let people kno ed to attend a meeting in the sewer on the east side of the about the service. Spend' -sem ., council ehamliers to decide the street meant more money - from money and work thlough .the. Hockey matter. the public works, department, 61' Wins and the Federation of A o ready ,threatening to be far . in culture. Let the people know th debt. As Mr. Nedi*er said "Where Scout service that is available." tin Badminton Birds is the money coming from?" _ People on the farm need to b Mee Councillor Knights contended better educated about the need g. that if the town put the sewer in and carry Workmen's Compensation Are In The Alr., said Mr. Meehan: , "There are ,r cords to show that it is more da Meeting Z`O Y11ht . Cub gerous to work on the avers TomNight S ecial Events To farm today than it is to work i The season for playing badmin- p � the Average factory in the town ton is fast 'approaching, and a1- News city. Yet since 1917 employe ready arrangements have been Lure. Marksmen Two Packs have been required by law to pr Thursday, NGdT 4 made to use the auditorium of the vide Workmen's Compensation . town hall' as a playing court. To Annual Shoot Well it has happened at last. factory workers." Since 19 Since some of the regular play- Clinton has now got two Cub Workmen's Compensation has b in the els from last year club . have Packs. As. a direct result of the made available .to farmers, .but s - moved from town, there are open- Clinton Scouter Council held in far, said the speak6r; only a fe inas a -plenty for any newcomers The second annuaYRemembrance Skip" Winter's house Tuesday hundred have taken advantage Council Cham�ers who want to get into the game. Day Shoot is being held next night, Ken Cervantes has been it. The Co-operative Medical Se And all former members are Thursday by the Huron Fish and made Cubmaster of the 2nd Clin- vices of Ontario and the Ont heartily invited to came on back Game Gun Club. Last year mark- ton Lions Cub Pack. Tom Darling Federation of Agriculture are t of 8.30 P.M. and "Bat the Bird" this season. ed the opening ,of the shoot, and yS Cubmaster of the 1st Clinton Ing their utmost to persuade An organization meeting is cm since that time, the Club has ad- Lions Cub Pack. farmers to take advantage All players and other persons led for to -night at eight o'clock in ded a rifle range for all types of The 1st Clinton Lions Pack will Workmen's Compensation. interested in the future of the In- the town hall, and Murray Draper rifles. meet at the new school and thanks Mr. Meehan cited two cases termediate Hockey Team are in- is looking forward to meeting Shooting will .be done for troph- to the ,efforts of Bill Grigg, the nearby counties where a farm viten to attend this meeting. everyone who is In in the fes, merchandise, turkeys and 2nd Clinton Lions Pack .will meet not protected by Workmen's Co game at that time: chicken. As a specim event, there d penation, lost his farm and li will ens. "Trout Derby Turkey" in the of school. Both packs will shoot, which Earl Doucette, chair- meet an Monday nights at 6.45 savings as the result of a serlo man of the club, tells t is be- p.m, The present Cub Pack will accident to a farm-hand. be divided, into two packs of 24 The fieidman mentioned, t cause no winner was pronounced boys. ;Xen McRae and Bill Grigg that the, services had no contr ' for the trout derby, so there is a of the 'Lions Club Boys' and Girls' over the hospital costs. And turkey to. spare, Committee, are to be congrAulat- deplored the lack of good admi Trap shooting, the special "pal- ed on their fine efforts on behalf, istration in hospitals and �� ����� lets in the card" event, darts, a of the boys of Clinton. knowledge of cost accounting. special event for the ladies, and it Banquet lot of us would be broke long a b Hoped a special range for mem- bers em q The Father and Son banquet if we operated our businesses t Rifle ofthe willmakeis yce Bear's will be held in the Parish Hall on way some hospitals do." Shoot bigger than ]a t, and twice at 6.30 p.m, The L dies Auxiliary Bruce Com ty Armstrong, siServic as interesting. will be catering and have promised was present and spoke briefly. R a fine dinner. All fathers of Cubs Strong, Gorrie, thanked Mr. M and Scouts in. Clinton are urged to 'ban and the others for their a attend with their, sons. Prizes won istance. by the Cubs and Scouts during Re-elected to the director BEAUTIFUL Skates the last few months will be pre- were Mrs. O. G. Anderson, Wi II �j' serted by the chairman of the ham, Fordyce Clark, Goderi RUST CRAFT Lions Club Boys' and Girls' Com- Walter J. Forbes, R.R. 2, Cliiit y iniitee. and KennetlyJohns, Woodham, Sharpened (ROAF) Apple Day Other directors include M The R AF Cubs and Scouts had Lloyd Taylor, Exeter; Russell CHRISTMAS a very § cte nearly apple day. The Bolton, R.R. 1, Dublin; Gord We Have the Finest •buys collected nearly $180 on Fig- Kirkland, Luc ow; Betram Iilo a«a Equipment day night. The RCAF group also Zurich, and Gordon Richards earned $15 on their coat hanger Brucefield. L'en thwise and Hollow drive, Cubmaster Ory Johnson,-0-- Lengthwise o— — CARDS g with assistant Ken Noble and Farm Forums JC la Ground for Best Scouter Harrigan hope to be able Results, to form two packs in camp in the Annual Meeting. very near future. 44 boys m one 'La ,ill alko in decorated box ack are just about 26 boys too many. At the moment they are On December 2 Nelsoil �7 shoat of leaders. Any parent who Huron County Farm For Special Values would like to assist Ory would be Committee, meeting in Clint 7 n MACHINE SHOP welcomed. last week set December_2 as 1.V�t0 �. Wingbam Apple Day date for the annual meeting a V OQ Clinton On October 16 the Cubs put on banquet to be held In the Co. 43tfb another. apple day. A total of 56 munity Hall, Londesboro. Formal Scenic - Cute �'" ey boys turned out to shine apples Miss Eleanor. Saracuse Onta and later sell Boy Scout Apple Folk School Council, ana a pa Family - Religious Day tags. The Mothers' Auxiliary president of the Ontario Jun served 'cocoa. Total collected dur- Farmers, has been invited to ing the day was $281.01. Expen guest speaker. o CLINTON ses were $80, showing a profit of To date there are some 29 Fa , $201.01. Forums in Huron County, and Careless -Driving . Witch, Wins Top k Charge Laid Prize At Le 'on. After Accident Masquerade Party Charges of careless driving are being' laid ,against, Sgt. L, John A, large crowd attended the - Lorenz following an , accident masquerade dance staged by the which occurred at the main inter- Clinton Branch of the Canadian section in Clinton Sunday night. Legion No, 140 last Fridayeven»- A car driven by William Floyd ing The Legion Hall ws ap-� Dowson, 16, Varna, was crossing proprately, decorated and proved from west to east on a green an ideal setting for the over 70 light, when it was in collision with persons who came in _ costume. a car driven by Mr. Lorenz. Total Judging- was by three teachers, damages amounted to $300 with from A/V/M' by, , Campbell' the Dowson car damaged to the ,School, Mrs: Ed. Sturgeon, dres- extent of $200.. sed as a witch, was: selected the e Corinne Dowson, passenger' In winner for the best -dressed cos– the Dowson car, suffered a sprain- tume. ' Miss Ann Radley won the - ed ankle. spot dance and Mr, and Mrs, Ray,, . The case will probably be beard Vincent in Chinese costume took. iI magistrate's court. here Won the prize for the best dressed'' Wednesday, November 12. couple. r 0 t 'a t November, 11 � •19 4 _ be 5 8� HURON FISH and GAME CLUB` n i ' d Annual � E . n e Trophies, Merchandise, Turkeys- and Chickens u • Trop -shooting; Pellets in :the card ; e Rifles of all types,' and Darts far Special Event for Ladies - Trout Derby Turkey e Refreshments on the Grounds =�je to e- n - °s Summer the Year round o- to — with — i 46 . en W I//e �� of 1 r- . alio al \ �\ of i in � er, 1 m-: fe us , he Automaticu.� Conti -oiled P°ar TORRID -COIL Te of SP,, -,,CF,- HEATER es oy _ SS- FREE! FREE! Win ch; on, °n' um ton the A $17.00 Automatic Control T. �F Absolutely Free! on pp ti $ • NO ASHESI • NO SOOT! n • NO DUSTI l Comfortable even flow of heat for the full 34 hours,, 1 x; Styled to enhance your liv- ingroom. 4 sizes to choose nd from. ,.... j' rio On Display at -- at- for .., `^"." . r 000 be the Merrill Radio and Electric AGENT— committee has made plans to or - HAVE YOUR NAME INSCRIBED ON 'YOUR CARDS (� ganize at least, two more., rHILIPS — PHILCO — CROSLEY and DUMONT TV' a LONDON No Assessment All Farm Forum members and FOR AS LITTLE AS' $1.75 - PRONE 313 CLINTON P g SNAPSHOT � A D u T respective members are Aske to i7Nt1E Silo l pp attend the local meeting Nevem- ' A eats Heard ber s. SERVIvu CE'' By Goderich Twp. For the first time in years the Mc' Ewan9s Another "Select" Photo court ° ip revision of Goderich Township, heard no appeals for re - Finisher. duction in assessments at a session Gift and .Stationery Store at He court, ' Two -Day Delivery The court, presided over by Thank Reeve Edward Grigg, made sev- eral adjustments. Ewan Ross was C m t� n granted a reduction of $150 be- cause five acres of his 'land was sold to the Ontario Department of I Bowling Alley Highways. Fred Bell received n r o e �l Bowling reduction of re because his barn o We grate everyone attended We,are fur t e e who a nded nue first showing l ' had been bloydown. DONT MISS OUR of - the all-new AL LEGION ` ■ 1_+x::5 otoramic OF,- ; MADE-TO-ORDER let evr® Sponsored by Clinton Brandi No: 140 Conbdion Legion l • LEGION MEMORIAL FALL 3� a You were thrilled with the appearance. May -we' invite yad to be A large• selection of Fine Wool KIRK STREET, CLINTON ' Worsteds, tailored; by Hobberlin; thrilled by its performance? ',formerly priced at Thursday, Nova 62.50 to BZ.soCall us to -day for a (DEMONSTRATION x Commencing ut FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY ,8 30 p.rei. Sharp _ _ RIDE? 1 = SALE 54m95 15 REGULAR GAMES MES $10:00 IT PRICE Y EXTRA PANTS 3 SPECIAL, GAMES— Share•the-wealth - - WITH SUITS ............... C 14.95 - $30 JACKPOT ON 49 NUMBERS INCLUDED IN ALL SPECIALS. - Lorne BrownMotoriqA ' ' 1 SPECIAL GAME FOR $25.00 Herman'. � e � Wear ADMISSION: Chevrolet -- Oldsmobile Sales and BILTNIORF HATS - FORSYTFH SHIRTS. 15 Re ular Gomes $1 00' Special' Games 2 for 25c CLINTON PHONE 224V6' CLINTON 9 r