HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-11-04, Page 6bedeoked wedding old,son Peter, arrived in Bayfield collections of; attending the -Ca
which 'marked the on Friday evening 'in company adian National Exhibition in T
with the Ven, Archdeacon J. N. ronto with his parents when eigl
cony, performed last H. Mills who had met them in years, of age.
n in Blyth. Though St. Thomas. Mr: Outerbridge was born
` r' . .
staying; with her slaters, Misses
at her spent the past five months
-q 148 years; the newly-weds• " o rs. R.
t H, F. Gairdner, by Mr.' and Mrs,,
eas y; a uac on. In the United regular corporate worshi .
States, he attended Athens High The rector' invited the 1 -to
A, M. and E. Jr. Stirling.
' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davison De
at•Dr.r and tagrs.' A. C. Cha man
M P.:,e
and'sonc'Pau1,.Aetroit, spent tiro
,>. are, happily enjoying max- J. E: Hovey, Mi% and Mrs.: Alf.
a tied life in''one of :the Scotchmer; Jr.; Mr. and Mrs.
School for two ears and. grad- call . O a
uated fro' y gad on himself and. Mrs. Outer-
m,Susquehanna Uniuer- bridge at the
from, visited his mother,; Mrs, J.
weekend at their cottagebefore
`'13 z two -room apartments in .Lloyd Scotchmer -and Mr. and
rectory, and he -ex-
slty,; 'Pennsylvania. He received pressed the -'I10 e that they y would;.
' Davison over the weekends
Mrs: E. R. Weston returned
closing it for the. season..
' . E, A. Featherston was 'home;
file Iluron County Home Mrs; James A. Cameron.
- After being the guests of Mrs,
his theological training at the Col- be invited into the homes of the
lege of Resurrection; lVIirfxeld, parishioners, so that they
. heme ox1 ,Tlivsday after having
spent a'.fortixight in Goderrch.
over the,weckend, Mrs. Feather-
toaccompanied him on his re-
. were i. ded in Gairdner over night, Mr. and Mrs•
the new wing. Outerbrrdge and baby took ,up
Yorkshire; En gland.' He served, get to know each other and be as
two' years as assistant curateone large Christian family,
Dr. and Mrs. R: G. •hunter and
turn to spend' the winter in Lon-
residence in the new. rectory on
At the oEficlal opening
the large parish of Rumney, Car -
diff; Wales (one e
Sally Beth, Toronto; were at their
1loine in the village over the week-
,Misses Alice and;, Anne. Drouin,<<�
of, the Home held last '+°
year of which he
was a deacon before being ordain -
and Adele: Fernette 'left on Tues-,
e¢ Friday afternoon, Mr: and
GOtlerlch 'I'OWIIEIiI
'Kechnie p
ed a priest by the Bishop of. Mon -
mouth).. BAZAAR TEAS
Mr, andMrs. J. M. Atkinson,
St. - Clair Shores;; Mich., spent the
day for Detroit after having clog-
.ed their respective cottages. in the.
• q Ai[rsl f, held' reg-
alar, open house,, conduct;
The Rev. and 'Mrs. Outerbridge
weekend at their home in the..vil-
village. _
J. E.:.Howard received word re-.
ing. `tours through then Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Torrance
Mitchell,, Mr.
and 'baby left Cardiff on Septem- $RUCEFIE D
bet 14, and visited his mother in L
Mr. and Mrs. T. -1h• Leckie. and
cently from the Deputy Provincial
visited . with and
partment. — (News- Mrs. Grant Stirling,
Bermuda -before arriving in New UNITED CHURCH
York October 22,
Donna,London,de wereat their he
Secret poif Od t
card Photo). Mr, and Mrs. Ted Harrison,
on They also
visited Mrs. Outerbridge's
arx Commissioned
for Oaths.
Weston, visited with the . latter's
parents, Mr, Mrs. James
-n �
" Loekpor
$ t, N.Y:, en route to Friday, Nov. 12
Mrs. Robert Clark,'
and ,R.
" ' r
ayfield. i'
Mrweekend. and Mrs. Charles Parke
and Bonnie, Westmount,-spent the.
Mr. and.
Cleveland, who came on Friday `to
Stirlin over the weekend.
For the text of his first address
reading of ,the 23rd Psalm; follow-
by the Lord's Prayer
Weekend with his parents; Me. and
Mrs. J. H. Parker.
stay at their summer home in thein'rrinity
village for a time; are spending a
Church on Sunday even- 3 to S p.rn.
ing,. the Rector chose Acts, chap -
tel' 2,
Mr. and Mrs. -.Herbert Kirkham,
London, visited her parents, Mr.
few days in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rehn were
ed repeated
in unison.
News. of Brucefield
verse 42: And they con- Home B •
tinned steadfastly in the Apostle's m Baking, A tans
g, p
and fellowship, Touch
' aid Mrs. Ernerson Heard on Tues-
with her mother, Mrs. D, Dewar,
There was a generous response,
and in and Tgke
breaking of bread,^and in
day and, Wednesday.
Mrs. George Adams, Captain;'
over Saturday night, en route to
their home in Grosse Pointe
the appeal for children's cloth-
ing and a large parcel was packed
pray -
ors, Candy, Fish Pond
Mrs, J. B. Higgins; Lieutenant,
Farms, Mich., after a vacation
for, the Children's Aid Society.
Greeting cards from the meeting
After thanking the people for
their kindness to himself and his Afternoon Teo:, 25e.
Mrs. Turner, Brown Owl,
attended the meeting of District
spent at Kingston and Toronto.
The .local Guide Association met
were sent to the former president,
Pat Worth, Trenton
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dalrymple WA Meeting
have moved into their new home The November meeting the
family in having the rectory so
nicely pre Auspices— Woman's Association
pared for them, Mr.
Guide Leaders in Harriston on;
at the honCof the chairman,, Mrs.
Mrs. and also
to Mrs. R. Hiesler, Aylmer.
in the village. g ci
g Brucefield Woman's Association
Outerbrfdge stressed •the four M -h
Saturday, _
R. H. F . Gairdner, on ' Monday
evenin and
g planned a� euchre
There was a diseussioh re the
Miss, Elizabeth Scott; London; was held in, the school room of the
visited M" M Cl_ h h Tu
marks of a practising Christian
Varna United Church WA '
Saturday, Nov., 6
3 P.m.
Horne -made Baking, Sewing,
Fish Pond,
Home -Made Candy
purchase of new white altar fron_ dry wan an c urc on esday evening, No -
party to be held at The New Ritz P Mrs. Alice Ham last weekend vember 2, with an attendance of
Hotel on Fridayevening, Novem- tal and falls for the prayer desk
g, pulpit. Mr. and. Mrs, Glen Swan and 33. The meeting opened with, a
her 12. This fund -raisin activity and 1 it. It 'was decided to
g family have moved into their farm hymn, and Miss Edythe Bowey
deserves the support of the whole in donations to the Guild bazaar home just "north of the village. read_the 4th chapter of Ephesians,
community. A December, to be ]eft with Mrs. Mrs. Ross Scott took the topic A. M. Bassett. Mr. L. PlumJohn Stevens,on as, "Spiritual Truth" and "lead In
Euchre Part sisted by John St, conducted
Party Plans were made for the. annual ,prayer, Hymn 339 was sung.
Be patriotic; Attend the pro -
Christmas P g P re -school-age arty to the service in the United Church
last Sunday. This was to mark The secretary, Mrs, McBeath,
ing spo euchre art which is be- be held 2 the town hall s ill
party comber 29. The members will layman's :Sunday: read the minutes of the previous
ing sponsored by the local Guides
and Brownies Association as a meet in the' town Bail on Decent- Recent word' concerning tiro meeting. The roll call was answ-
fund-raising activity. Remember her 8 to decorate after which they well-being of Rev, G. Burton, who ered with a verse from the Bible.
the date and place, November 11, will repair to the home of Mrs. F. has been a patient in a London Thank -you notes were read from
at -The News Ritz Hotel, Bayfield. Arkell for the business session and hospital for some weeks, is that Miss Marnger, Mrs. Tom Baird,
lunch. he is slightly' improved. y Gibson, Mrs. Aubrey
WMS Moots Beautiful coloured slides were Mr, and Mrs. Robert Dalrymple Farquhar and Edgar Allan.
The Women's Missionary Society projected by F/L Alan White, His have moved from their home in The collection was received by
of the United Church met on commentary on these pictures Kippen to take up residence in the treasurer, Mrs. H. F, Berry,
Thursday evening of last week at which he had taken in British the house formerly occupied by The business part of the meeting
the home of Mrs. Ben Rathwell, Columbia and Alberta, was most Mr. Daldraple's parents. included plans for the annual ba -
with a good attendance. The first interesting and instructive. zaar, to be held on November 12.
vice-president, Mrs. J. Scotchmer, Lunch was served by the host- • + r. It. was moved . by Miss M. Mc -
was in the chair for the first part ess and Miss Berthena Sturgeon. HENSDonald and Mrs. R. Allan that the
of the meeting and conducted the same executive should be in
worship, along the lisle of "Our HALLOWE'EN PARTY • charge for 1955. These are Mrs.
Country" and "Thanksgiving." N. Baird, president; Mrs. W. me -
The president, Mrs. G. Westlake, There were not as many in cos- Vernon Hedden and son George Beath, secretary; Mrs, H. Berry,
was in charge during the business tune as usual at the annual Hal- and Bob, St. Catharines; Mr. and treasurer.
session during which some details lowe'en party held in the town Mrs. W. E. Hedden, Woodstock, Mrs. George Henderson con -
of the sectional meeting held here were weekend visitors with Mrs. tributed two pleasingpiano solos.
hall on Saturday evening by the
the previous day were discussed, were
Hedden and Herb. Mrs. D. Triebner and Mrs. G. El-
and resulting business completed. Lions Club but those who attend- Mr, and Mrs. Jack Morrey. Sar- liott put on a skit "How to Call
ed had a good time. A committee nia. Mrs. William Jarrott, Brigden, on a New Member and How not
United Church WAof Lions, Alf Scotchmer Jr., Grant
were recent visitors at the homes to Cali on a New Member". A
Tile November meeting of theTurner and Spencer Ervine were of Mr, and Mrs. William Hyde, dainty lunch was served by group
Woman's Association of St. And- and Mr, and Mrs. Jack Faber and one in the charge of Miss M. Swan
row's United Church was opened in charge. Joyce, and Mrs. H. Berry.
S J' k l•ttl d I t f
up to 4 YEARS
Nnwaf dWana alb- "WESTERN" b brin0 yaa the R,.,i
b. f ,y v, l.. ,nM. C,nadl.n m 44
Clayt. Dixon
with the WA creed rn unison. A Mr. and Mrs. H, H, Ormond act- usgn rn s, i e augl er o
reading was given by Mrs. Lind- ed as judges and awarded prizes Mr. and Mrs, Manley' Jinks, and �—
say Smith on "Talent", followed as follows: girls' fancy, six and Michael Davis, little son of Mr.
by prayer by the Rev. Peter Ren- under, Marlene Scotchmer, .Karen and Mrs. E. R. Davis, had their
ner.. It was decided to send a con- Fitzsimons, Janice Merner; comic, tonsils removed at Clinton last
tribution to the Institute for the six and under, Cathy Weston, Saturday.
Blind. Stephanie Berthelet, Lynn Bran- LAC George Lefebvre, who has
A nominating committee was don; boys' fancy, six and under, been stationed at RCAF Station
elected to appoint a new slate of Michael Greer, 'Calvin Scotchmer, Centralia for two and one-half
officers for the coming year, The Barry McClinehey; comic, six and years, has, been posted to France '
president asked all members to under, Allan Armstrong, Kenny for three 'years, and following a
bring bells and talent money to Heinbuck, Garfield Merner; girls' leave with -his parents, Mr. and w
the December meeting., Mrs, Gor- fancy, seven to 12, Elaine Weston, Mrs. Joseph Lefebvre, Ottawa,
don Scotchmer, president, gave a Gail. Turner, Pat Sider; comic, will leave by plane for France
very interesting reading, entitled seven to 12, Jacqueline Weston, early in November. Mrs. -Lefebvre
"My Mother-in-Iaw," Bonnie Parker; boys' fancy, seven and little soil Bobby will join her
Following the benediction, pro- to 12, George Lindsay, Billy Scot- husband in France in the near
neunced by Rev. Renner, the host- coiner, Robert Berthelet; comic, future. Mrs. Lefebvre is the for-
ess Mrs. Ben Rathwell and com- Seven to 12, Michael Scotchmer, mer Betty I qrr,
mittee served lunch. The Decem- Ted. Turner, Terry Fitzs1mons;1 ,]party Winners
ber meeting will be held at the girls' fancy, 13 and over, Doreen
home of the Rev. and Mrs. Peter MacKenzie; comic, 13 and over, Following are the winners at
the Hallowe'en party held in the .
Renner. Mrs. Spencer Ervine, Mrs. ; Byrd town hall Saturday night for the
and Mrs. H. Darnborough; boys'
trinity club comic, 13 and over, Donald Mac- children of Hensall and commun-
The Trinity Club met at the I{enzie, sty, sponsored by the TOOF and xt�
Amber Rebekah Lodges.
home of Mrs, Ross. Middleton on 'Following the judging, candy Character, under six, Ann Mc-
Tuesday evening, November 2 donated by the Lions Club and I{elvie, Colleen Baynham; comic, 0
u,Ith an attendance of 17, Mrs. apples donated by Grant Stirling, under six, Robert Taylor, Mary
Middleton presided over the meet- were distributed and much enjoy- Mock; character, six to ten, Bob-
ing which opened with a hymn, ed by all. bic Middleton, Linda Noakes;
To Citizens of Clinton
and District
Due to your fine co-operation
we have just completed one of our.
most successful model years,' and
"have retailed over seventy. five new
Chryslers and, Plymouths.
comic, six to ten, Bill Shaddick,
Howard Rannie; character 11 and
over, Jerry McClinchey, Betty
Parker and Gladys Baker; comic, ®�
• 11 and over, Margaret Reid, Ger- ?�,. �3
Proclamation aldine Harburn. s
The,Annual Meeting of the rate- ( • pA',A �� p
payers of the Township of l-lullett
will be held in the The United Church Young Peo-
ple's Union .met at the Goshen POWER mgr o�
Community Hall, United .Church on'Monday night,
In the absence of the president, ? a �xi,5
- LONDES80RO Berne McKinley, Miss June Me- z i,
j�� .Clinpchey gave a paper on steward- ^ iii u t g 1; aka
]Friday, Nov. �� steward-
ship- BLOWER(
Refreshments were served,—MIX,
Attends Oonference 3W,
On Monday Rev. T. J Pitt at -
t -1954 tended a conference on evangelism YOU RAY ONLY
at Hamilton, The guest lecturer
The Clerk will be in the Com -
was Rev. Dr. Hildebrant, of Drew r .,"'a'"'
munity Hall, Londesboro, from 1 Seminary, New York. : f
to 2 p.m. to receive Nominations golly Day Service 4 3a ext
for Reeve and Councillors for to �K��n`„
Orr Sunday, October 31, a Rally $12995
hold office for the year 1955, ` Day service was held. It was also
When proposed candidate is not• Laymen's Sunday and. iii the ab-
present his `nomination paper shall sence of the layman appointed by x
pp Your. choice of 2 beautiful
;not be valid unless there is at- the Presbytery, Fred McGlymont
May we take this o tached thereto evidence satisfact- finishes -blonde hammeriaid
y pporturiity gave an address in which he ap-:i
city to the Returning Officer that Baled fora rester interest in ,� r � z, • •
he consents to be so Nominated. p g or shadowed mahogany „Y
of thanking you one and o(i, the missionary work of the church.
A meeting of the Electors willGeorge Reld, one of the superin-
be held in the Community Hall, tendents of, the Sunday School
p.m. Friday,' No- so tgok part. 'Rev. T, J, Pitt
Don't for et—comm soon-- eke briefly to the children.
Londesboro, at 2
9 9 vember an to hear proposed Can- p ERE 1S WHAT YOU GET!
' drdates' and in case more than the ,The, ladies of the Wom""en's As -
the greatest CHRYSLERS and required number of Canadidates sociation are holding their annual
to fill the offices are x'iominaCed, bazaar in the Orange Hall on.Sat- ` A heater that Can heat u to 5 or 6 rooms with natural circulation
PLYMOUTHS ever built. and a vote demanded,, P
urday, November 6 at 3 p:m.• ; l
a Poli Will be held on The United Church will hold'' pus directed warm ail at floor level
Sunday service at 2 p.m. and Sun -
Yours sincerely,
r School at -3 p.m. beginning
MODEL 877 C L EnANOIL HEATER. 7 for the next six $119-95
MondaReC�1 7 months.
1954 The members of LOL 1035 are POWER BLOWER (Instlled n heater) S 29.9
annualholding. their at the eot. iT �1� 'Joe
•ryRTpn rhdening, November in oine.ifolwg` pia teall
YOU PAY ONLY. . , . • ... +29•,97
erfui VQIUCS STANLEY ton g
And Polling Cl .. {►.+++'..+..++.�.++.. �
P. S.: We stili -have Borne wond= DRO You ])jerk
in G66D USED CARS. 1—Forester's Hall, Kinburn t YOU
E .
Secord MCBrien, Ephriam`Clark •
• r•r' - S.S.No. 6
2—School House, Mr, and Mrs. M. J. Durham are
Bert Beacom Leo watt I g BURRY i6i�HILE THE SUPPLY LASTS e SEE' US NOW
3—U, School . House, U.S.S. No. 2 s rendrn this week with the •lat-
Toseph Flynn Bernard Tighe tor's brother, Caw] Diehl, previous i
ty Hall, Londesboro to moving to Stratford, whereMURPHY BROS* Thomas Millar ' . Emerson Hesk they will make their home at 121, ;
5—Community Hall, Summerhill Douro Street. Miss Margaret Dur- k
Rphriam Snell Orval Rapson h.arri, London; spent last weekend 1L� "Ad f T
C1MYSLER PLYMOITTH--Fl]lRlid at the home of her `uncle, Carl
6—Community Hall, Londesboro Diehl. '
Bert Shobbrook Robt. Townsend
Sales and Service 7 -Forester's Hall, Auburn °
Mrs: Wm. Craig Geo, Lawlor r= HARDWARE-- FURNITU
PHONE 4 6 S Huron Street CLINTON, ONT. BU' At Home" n
GEORGE W. COWAN, •, TV Phone.195
Township Clerk Ad At H
vUrtlsU one
AA= _ --