HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-11-04, Page 5'1,HURSDAY"NOVEMBER, 4, 1%4 CLINTON .NEWS -RECORD
The assessment'ort. farm build- o, r, an r1s. 01 and Doves, Burton
far direction to T MR, Clinton, a.son, van ,on the Alaska Highway, Was An Malone
tee IN10
in s• owned by Mae LeBeau was IW turned rancher By Herman Melville, author of
WHITE --In Clinton Public Has- guest speaker at the Women's Rory Calhoun - Carbine Calvet, picks his badge and sets out "Moby Dick", a tale of primitive,
reduced by $800 ftile the'assessw pital, on Thursday, November Missionary. Society,ymeeting of St. to • avenge the murder of his emotions, Wild dangei,s and vie-
IFCHARGED-15 cents extra. merit on the Collard property in 4, 1954, to, Mr. and Mrs. Ray- Andrew's Presbyterian Church on
Bayfield was -reduced by $100. brother. IOUs Animal combats.
mond'White, Hensall, a son, Wednesday, October 27. Mon. Tues. Wed., Noy, 8-9-10 46
g�ADL..1NV_-x2 ' noon, Wedues- Court members included Coun- Mrs. R. W. MbNenziel President 11OM00 0
cillors Carl Houston, Alvin Rau, Law and Orde
DEATHS welcomed- the ladies of the W M0017
Harvey Coleman and Harvey MS "Calamit. Jane"
from the different churches and y In Technicolor, —Th6'Shark God
ACCOMMODATION, for RENT Tay- SHADDiCK—lit Clinton, on Tues- with Mrs, J., R. Makfils, conducted Doris Day sings "my socrA Love"
I 1_ T day, November ,2, 1954, Thomas the worship set -vice, Mrs John
HELP WARTED — FEMALE' Shaddick, , beloved husbind Of Ostrom contributed a be* in her usual ng,style.' Also Mon. & Tues. Only
'THREE beautiful charnia Mon., Tues., &Wed. j.
-ROOM; APARTMENT, -Elizabeth Brom- solo. Tbe.offerl received several Western numbers,
1urnishe&OPIlone Clinton 363. the late Atinie ng was 1 Doris ay Howard Real GREEK GARSON.— Harry Douglas Kennedy and
44b. PART TIME HELP as sales clerk. 16 in his §5th year. Funeral and dedicated by Mals. George Sullivan -Robert Ryan
I r 'hi
Two MaTiorle Lord
a.. years gh school required. the Ball and. lylutch fun- Roberton.Mrs, D. J. Lane intro- Technicolor: an or The brutality of prison chain
'THREE 960m.. APARTA[EiqT Sales. experienceWrite era home, High Street, Clinton, duced the speaker.
mrid bath, in Clinton, heated new to Box 440, Clinton News-Rpi,,ord tv Blyth Union Cemetery, no- Miss Judd, showed slides of the Thur. Fri. Sat:, ;Nov. 11-12-13 gmal Louise Baker story tells, gangs, inspires a- newspaper re -
trials of a teacher in. an ex. porter -to a vigorous cleanup
'but Waterbeating system�� heated,
44b der the auspices of'Londesboro Alaska Highway, the Peace River .4nn elusive boys' school. campaign.
.1minton 692-W. 44�p 1-91, No. $63, on Friday after- Country and Whitehorse. Mrs. . Tennessee Cha 46
LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, noon, November 5, at 2 o'clock. John Snider,* on behalf of the !np Her Twelve'
,QUIET COUPLE. HAVE accom- ladies, expressed shanks - to the Shelley Winters, - Dewey �,Men""', 66CHAIN GANG"
miodation f0t;, an elderly. person for HOLSTEIN, CALF, suitable for 0 ClUb speaker and soloist for an inter-, Mar"
'the winter .months, Please apply vealing. Walter Forbes, phone Miron Road esting and 16formative address, Adult Entertainment
in writing to Box. 430,' Clinton Clinton 904r3l. "b Plans
Appreciatiori for the invitation Coming — FOUR D' COMING—Wid. Thur. F0. Sat.
!NewaLRec9fd� .434- DAYS 4 DAYS — Nov. iLo to, 13 COMING: ........ . . .
ans Annua to hear Miss Judd and'her splen- '.... .!_•... .... ....
TWO-YEAR-OLD ROAN STEER, Nov.N24L to 97 "THE CAINE MUTINY- Holliday & ilila. nay •in
did message- was voiced by Mrs, ;dy
UNFURNISHED, Heated Apart- yearling Hereford heifer. Bill COX. � "THE CAINE MUTINY H . MARRYWO' kINW1
'anent, self-'ebirtained,'available im- Phone Clinton 903r2. 44b 'Fall Bailin R. Fear, Ontario Street HMS, and • In Technicolor E
'Mediately "' Centrally located. B. by Mrs, Norman Shepherd,, Wes-
- The October meeting of the ley -Willis WMS.
Holland ,.-P ; hone Clinton 444-W. .- HEREFORD -STEER about 900 Huron Road Club was held in the . After singing a hymn and the
44p founds; two Durham and Here- afternoon at the home Of Mrs, benediction, a social half hour, was NOTICE TO CREDITORS
Ord steers about 40Q Pounds; Hugh, Ball. The * meeting opened enjoyed. WA the Estate of JAMES ED.
-NEW FOUR -ROOM Apartment, three Durham ! Herefords, ap- bsinging "The Old Rugged —0 STEPHENSON, deeease(L
'wiffi three-piece bath, modern kit-' Brox. 700 lbs. Also 400 Barred Crross" followed by" -the Lord's �Our1tli In Action All persons having claims against
.=;dheavy wiring,* unfurnished, Rock pullets, five months old. Prayer' -- All -ember,, Of Council attend- stoves that were sold were in bad the estate of James Edward
ate possession. W. N. James East, R.R. 4, Clinton, phone The , secretary's and treasurer's Councillors, Tell,
ter, or phone Clinton 230. 807r6. ed the Monday evening meeting, repair, and would not have stood Steg
reports were given. Roll call was •r1nII which was the last regular session the dampness in the tower for of henson, late of the Township
44-P "Your tanley in the County 'of Huron
d by favourite ntlonS of council before nominations and long- Another oil stove which had Gentleman, who died on or aboui
with 13 members present. ISCIOnte election. been in use In the Police office October 17th, 1954, are required to
WANTED—CATTLE TO FVED raffled quilt on display will be (Continued from Page One) Permission . was offered to the Department, file particulars of same With Bell
off at the bazaar on No organizations are SPDXISGrIng hGC- Permission was given Clayton and if that did not work, it was & Laughton, solicitors, of Exeter,
1953 GMC HALF -TON PICK-UP. for the Winter. Can accommodate ember 21 in the Council Chant- 1, teams this year. I'd like to Dixon for banging a lighted sign suggested that they try the small Ontario, by the 20th day of No -
Key coal stove
,Phone Clinton 909r21. 15. Irvine Tebbutt, phone Clinton hers, Clinton. The annual banquet see a co-operative effort. We're in front of his place of business. C vember next, After.witich date the
43-4-p 902r6. 44-5-p was planned for November 5 in not getting ,a far separately as Council uttered the usual corn- small Deficit estate will be distributed having.
-2952 CHEVROLET, HARDTOP, WANTED. OLD HORSES AND Brugelleld. 'The program earn- we wtail� Jointly. I plaint of, "Why is it that these Councillor Knights reported for regard only to those claims of
completely equipped, listed new at dead cattle. I Gilbert Bros. Mink mittee is Mrs. William Holland, , Councillor Shaddlok signs are always erected before the finance committee and men- Hard only
has been received,
Mrs. Wilfred Glazier and Mrs, I plan to try to stay in for permission is asked for?" tinned that the estimated deficit
$3156. 18,000 original mileage,Ranch, Goderich. Phone ctilleet, Elmer Dale. at the end of the year would be BELL & LAUGHTON,
Zantee. Telephone i.Wtl'nl 936r32, or 936r21. several , quilt blacks were another year. Lot *far $400 Solieltors. for the Executrix,
,r4 44b brought in; also flannelette given Councillor Livermore Letter from town solicitor F. $2,455.
I.hate to see the Reeve drop Fin land, Q.C., reported that the Report of Meetln Exeter, Ontario
1949 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE, MISCELLANEOUS out for layettes for the North. out.
Ido not see how he has price asked for the Rheinhart Clerk Holland reported on the 44-5-6-b.
built-in radio air-conditioned, ex- A lovely lunch was served by found the time to get everything property was $400. Council had Municipal Officers Association
cellent tires ]two practically new) DRIVING TO TORONTO Sunday the hostess, Mrs. Hugh Ball, as- done this year, k meeting held III Exeter last week,
night, returning; Friday night, sisted by Mrs. Wilfred Glazier, . �en willing to Pay $150 for the
motor 100%, clean a pin inside. Mrs. I wish this town were better lot in order to get an easement and requested permission to invite
) p.m. weekly. Phone Clinton 475. Albert�Glazler and Mrs. Jack oft financially. Most of the for a storm sewer to alleviate the 1955 fall meeting of body
Phone Clinton 647�W after r 44.
The meeting adjourned own their rinks, Right now we flooding conditions at W. Burton's
43-4-b 43-4-b Smith. to Clinton.
with "God Save the Queen" don't even know it we're going to corner, No action was taken. Building Permits
- CASH FOR ORGANS with stools, The next meeting will b4. held Building permits were granted
1952 FORD; MAINLINE SEDAN, have a hockey team or not. It's Offers To Lay Tile
-newly painted, air-conditioning, in playing condition, James Wied- at Mrs. Wilfred Glazier's in the too bad we can't see and mill A. J. Deseck suggested laying to the extent of $4250. To C.
good rubber, excellent motor, erhold, New Hamburg, Ontario. afternoon, with group three In given to the Lions Club. If the eight -inch the in open ditch for Connell for a storefront, Fitzsim-
ons Food Fair, fl,000; Frank Reid,
'clean inside. Car must be sold, 44-5-6-7-p charge of the luncli, children do not get on the ice 3.00 feet north and south of his a garage on Princess Street, $250;
Trade-in might be accepted. Phone TELEVISION. See the new line _n more,. then soon we'll not have new houses,and offered fill to cov-
Clinton 396-W after 6 p=' CHOIR HOLDS PARTY FOR hockey at all. Tile Lions Club er the tile. Figured at the rate of and three permits to Cities Ser -
43 -4-b of Westinghouse and RCA Victor LEADER, MR. BENNIE Will soon need help, for without er load for 50 loads, Mr. vice Oil Co. Ltd., totalling. $20,DOO.
0 The latter Included a service
Television, For a demonstration Members of the chair at Wesley- a good hockey team they won't Kesep 'k figured his cost as $200.
ARTICLES WANTED call T. A. Dutton, Brucefield, Willis United Church held a spec- even have a rink. The ice time Meanwhile town cost would be station for $10,000, a storage shed,
phone Clinton 634r4, sales and ser- $4,000, and a storage tank, $6,00Q,
44b W party last Friday night follow fot- youngsters Is not long enough. about $80 for tile and $20 for a all on Victoria Street, Th are
ABOUT 200 BUSHELS of Feed PERSONAL Ing ac at the home of Mr. Last year they were getting about needed catch basin. to be erected just. south e.� the Clinton Community
Jim Lobb, phone Clin- and M. Nediger, The Oc- half an hour, or an hour a week: Reeve Nediger reported that the id
t the se
tracks, ac, on e eas
ton 904r3. 44-p casion was the birthday or ,the for the minor hockey teams. I'm budget would not stand the cost. railroadFarmers
HUSBANDS!' WIVES! Want Pep chair leader, and at the conclusion interested in sport. The town will He admitted that the fill would of the street.
of the evening, a birthday cake never be advertised well without make a neat Job,, but actually AUCTION SALES
ARTICLES* FOP. SALE -Vim? Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets
for new vitality, today. "Get -ac- was presented to Mr. M. R. Rensome winner in sports. there was no particular need to PRESBYTERIAN GIRLS EVERY FRIMAY
33EATTY AUTOMATIC Washing quainted" size only 60c. All drug- tile. Councillor Gliddon fill in the drain. WILL MEET ON TUESDAY commencing at 1.30 P,M.
Machine, nearly new. Phone CHn- g You all know how I got back Councillor Gliddon suggested
gists. The Girls' Club of St, Andrew's TERMS CASH
ton 99. 44p In here. I said then I'd.come back that the town streets foreman Presbyterian Church will meet S COREY, Sales Manager
POULTRY FOR SALE Cards of Thanks fox one year. My time and ability should view the situation and see next Tuesday evening, November K W. ELLIOTT Auctioneer
'NEW $65.00 STUDIO COUCH, ARTHUR McCLINCHEY and is limited. I'm •-unable to go up what should be donii, "It's not 9, 1, the Sunday School K. W. C05�tfif6um clerk
Best offer. Mrs. Crawford, phone 100 PULLETS, RED X WHITE thb nieces and nephews of the late the ladder. There are a lot of what somebody wants us to do, the church.
Clinton 29. 441) Rock, Laying. Young fellows just waiting for a but what we think should be
Clintonall to ex-
0 6.1 Willis Switzer, Mrs. William Hart, w!
like new. 2r34. it press theirfappreciation to neigh- chance to get oil council. I carry done," he said.
FRIGIDAIRE, 9 foot, ours and riends for their many quite a loadHere an there.Reeve Nediger spoke again sav-
Phone Clinton 772k4, before .3.30 STOVES FOR SALE acts
rve enjoyed the wQrk, and was ing, that he felt. that when a man"
or after six. 44b ac Of kindness during their. be -
COLEMAN SPACE HEATER reavement, Special thanks Is to � be bac this year. A built houses as' Mr. Deseck had
t? change in committees was a pleas- done. then the council should co -
HOTPOINT OIL BURNER; heavy nurses Nay Elliott and Mary Mar -
duty electric range plus annex. co -
medium size, one year old. $13(� tin, Dr. Oakes, Rev. Pitt and the ure. I feel it is a mistake to keep operate. He was in favour of ® Ae ANSTET"A"
Renfrew cream separator, like Gordon Herman, phone Clinton Bonthron funeral home and also a mail on one committee too long. the project but. his budget was
-new. Phone Clinton 909r12, 423J. 44b for the beautiful floral tributes Two years is enough for anybody. already going to be,in the "red" Jeweller and lVatoollmaker
I'm glad to come back and sit and he could not do the work.
Ring Values in town at medium size. Phone Clinton 224J under Mayor Agnew, but I won't "The property would be worth
4a We would like to thank our be a candidate for next year. more with the ditch filled," said Bulovo,Gruen and Cyrno Watches
Counter's Jewellery Store now. neighbours and friends for their Councillor Schoenhals the reeve.
New goods arriving daily. One COLEMAN SPACE HEATER, kindnesses at the time of our sad I've enjoyed my two years with Mr. Deseck asked permission to BLUE RIVER and BLUE BIRD DIAMONDS
dollar holds your Lay -Away. Shop large size. In good shape. Harold bereavement..' Of, our daughter council, but both in time and
me eego ahead with the work, and have Spode' Dinnerware
'early and save at Counter's. Peck, phone Hensall 696r23, Katherine Ann. ' Special thanks ability is limited. that I've the next year's council Include the
44p 44P to Rev. 11, C. Wilson. — MR. AND ,had it", and don't plan to. come expense in their budget. Visit Our Modern Up -To -Date Jewellery Store Today
CHAIN SAWS, all in good PRINCESS ROSE RANGE. Burns MRS. HOMER ANDREWS., 11 back next year. � I Mayor Agnew stated that he pholle 562 Clinton
condition- 3 --McCulloch 7.55 (two coal or wood. Good, baker and 44b Councillor Knights. . could not promise what action,
This is rather difficult -to say. the 1955 council would take. 26-tfb
man si�vi, 8—McCulloch 430 (one heater. Phone Clinton 81. However, A man who is working Mr. Deseck was advised that
man saw), 2—McCulloch 33 (one 6 W 44b In MemoriaM for someone else finds that his following investigation by the
saw). —Diston �Ll h.p. (two time Is already I
man , I Laken up, I was streets foreman, he would receive
man saw,. These saws will be for WOOD FOR SALE CARTER—In loving memory of fortunate this year in having com- permission or dental in the mail.
sale at A. Buchanan's farm, "A Isaac A, Carter who passed away inittee work that took Up 'little I By -Laws
mile west of Constance on Satur- DRY HARD BODY WOOD, all two years ago, October 31, 1952: time. I have a very co-operative Three by-laws were introduced
- d d ember, limit, by chairman'of that corrintittee,
44b Phone Clinton 805r13. .17. W. Van- I have enjoyed the work for the Bert Gliddon. An amendment to Men's Rubber
Egmond. 38tfb past two years, and am sorry to tile traffic by-law included several
BOARD AND RIDOM set-, thu Reeve leaving, He has more -streets as throu It streets,
FURNACE, WOOD, mostly elm. given a lot of time he coulohl't af- and was given two reagings, After
HAVE, BOARD AND ROOM for Apply Eldon O'Brien, R.R. 5, Clin- ford. receiving ON from the public
- day, November 6, 1954, only.- I 6r phone 615r33. 44-p A we
, a rem,, EL A L Footwear
maple, $6.50 a cord,. delivered. ATh's n y thought
we a employer but there is
To one no longer with
But in our hearts still live.. 'illy
iWEv-r remembered a d
f In
sad by family,
one alone or two sharing. Phone to" I don't believe I will be d can- works committee it will go to the
44b didate for next, year.Department of Highways for ap-
'BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I A proposed firearms by-law was
E Ung P e0ple given one reading, A by-law to FULL RUBBEIR
Ing business. Work to be done ONE —STOREY Two - Bedroom t accept the 1954 assessment roll I
Tiear Clinton. Apply !it writing Central Mortgage Dwelling, Get Certificates was 6aa-eTd(;wu. Hall Use
�'to Thompson Cohfictions, Box 929, equipped with oil burner. Permission was given the Bad PrE
, Marys, 44p Down payment $1,650, balance At SS Annivers TOE RUBBERS
t =a Ino ...... y payments, $28. ary minion Club to play in the audit
onium of the town hall for two
'CLOTHING FOR SALE Anniversary service for the Son- nights a week throughout the will -
SIX -ROOM DWELLING, fur- HOW'S YOUR SUPPLY day School of Wesley -Willis Unitr ter months, Permission was given
,GIRL'S GREY COAT, size 14, in nam and bath, good location, OF FUEL ad Church was held in the church the Cubs and Scouts Mothers Aux-
.go6d condition. Apply Mrs. Charles n. immediate possessioprice: last Sunday, when Rev. George D, Mary to meet once a month in the ZIPPER
11', ee-ainton, phone 251-W. ' $3,700. THESE DAYS? Watt, B.A., Dungannon, was the council chamber,of the-townhall. JERSEY CLOTH $2.95 pr.
44b Fire Hall
ONE -STOREY, SIX -ROOMED guest speaker. J. W, Nediger was
Briek Dwelling with, basement. Be ready for that, in char of tile service., Councillor Livermore presented NYLON ...... .... $3.95 pk.,
'GIRL'S THREE—P-1ECE —Xenw—ood. Ken Carter read the.scriPtuM a request from the fire depart- OVERSHOES
'coat set, size 4-6. Two lady's garage (two ears old). Thiee quick dro ' t" lesson. The chair provided an menti for a stove to dry out the Jl
. p. in emper-
coats, size 16.' Man's overcoat,* bedrooms, den, living room
41ze 40. Freshly cleaned. Cheap. With dinette; four -piece -bath; ature! Order your win- anthem. Donald. Hugill sang a hose hanging in the tower. He
solo, and a mixed quartet by lovil Asked where the two oil stoves
Apply to Blyth, Phone 1506,- modern kitcheiL, air-condition- fer fuel -supply NOW, , people added to the service. were that, used to be in the hall.
ett; oil furnace; idoal-lo&itklon,
44b Highlight of the Occasion was Deputy Reeve Crich reported
CUSTOM WORK Early possession. ORDER FUEL OW the, Vresentation,of certificates to the sale of two of them� one for
intermediate Sunday School stud- $35 and the other for $15. He also PICKETT CAMPBELL
'H. C. Lawson ants by Howard Lochbead. Those told of a coal stove upstairs in
'PICTURE FRAMING — We are receiving the certificates, which the hall. "The Store -For Men"
now equipped to.do picture frarn- REALTOR Go Grigi & Son -marked successful coMpletion of Councillor Shaddick was dis-
10 t the Fire Depart -
Ing, Good selection of raouldings, an intensive study course, were appointed that
.MacLaren's Studio. 42tfB Bank of Montreal Building 74Wetty Lou•Nediger, Margery Cut- �'t 1'. not been given. achiance PHONE 25 (Main Corner) CLINTON
Phone —ClintonClin nl�
1docational phogle 251W — Clinton rte, Donald Covaish," Ken'Carter to. use one. of them.
Opportunities and Ron Steep. According to the clerk, thel
her or
t Lessonk
Furniture Re -finishing
isning ana
G. . Piel<4
Classified Rates
Stanley Holds BIRTHS Presbyterian "WMA
Revision Court Hospital, on* Thursday, Novelty- Hears Miss M. Judd
fW Of I.-
aertion)—Two eprits a rd first
ber 4 1954, to Mr. and Mrs C L I N T 0 N
Stanley Township court of re- F,.iiiil Komarski, R.R. 1, Blyth, S ak Of Ala Alaska
THE 1150
THE 47
NOW-Thurs., Fri. & Sat.
Inset"' n - (minimum 50 cents);
subsequent insertions i%. cents.0
vision on Tuesday afternoon met a son: - Pe
At Varna with Reeve Alvin Me- LOBB, In Clinton Public Hos i- Miss Muriel Judd, Montreal,, Now plbyinS[—Thurs. Fri,. got.
NOW—Thurs., 'Fr.,& Scit.
.word. (mi. -
tim 3
ition, 5 cents); 15
t"ts Odta for box timmaber or
Aride presiding, and granted' two tai; on Monday, Octobe hinese olid
appeals art assessments. + .4 " October 29„Worker among' C
re ntl,, with the Presb feria
Ronald Reagan — Dorotby
Lisa Klaepid
Ron Randall •— , " I
The assessment'ort. farm build- o, r, an r1s. 01 and Doves, Burton
far direction to T MR, Clinton, a.son, van ,on the Alaska Highway, Was An Malone
tee IN10
in s• owned by Mae LeBeau was IW turned rancher By Herman Melville, author of
WHITE --In Clinton Public Has- guest speaker at the Women's Rory Calhoun - Carbine Calvet, picks his badge and sets out "Moby Dick", a tale of primitive,
reduced by $800 ftile the'assessw pital, on Thursday, November Missionary. Society,ymeeting of St. to • avenge the murder of his emotions, Wild dangei,s and vie-
IFCHARGED-15 cents extra. merit on the Collard property in 4, 1954, to, Mr. and Mrs. Ray- Andrew's Presbyterian Church on
Bayfield was -reduced by $100. brother. IOUs Animal combats.
mond'White, Hensall, a son, Wednesday, October 27. Mon. Tues. Wed., Noy, 8-9-10 46
g�ADL..1NV_-x2 ' noon, Wedues- Court members included Coun- Mrs. R. W. MbNenziel President 11OM00 0
cillors Carl Houston, Alvin Rau, Law and Orde
DEATHS welcomed- the ladies of the W M0017
Harvey Coleman and Harvey MS "Calamit. Jane"
from the different churches and y In Technicolor, —Th6'Shark God
ACCOMMODATION, for RENT Tay- SHADDiCK—lit Clinton, on Tues- with Mrs, J., R. Makfils, conducted Doris Day sings "my socrA Love"
I 1_ T day, November ,2, 1954, Thomas the worship set -vice, Mrs John
HELP WARTED — FEMALE' Shaddick, , beloved husbind Of Ostrom contributed a be* in her usual ng,style.' Also Mon. & Tues. Only
'THREE beautiful charnia Mon., Tues., &Wed. j.
-ROOM; APARTMENT, -Elizabeth Brom- solo. Tbe.offerl received several Western numbers,
1urnishe&OPIlone Clinton 363. the late Atinie ng was 1 Doris ay Howard Real GREEK GARSON.— Harry Douglas Kennedy and
44b. PART TIME HELP as sales clerk. 16 in his §5th year. Funeral and dedicated by Mals. George Sullivan -Robert Ryan
I r 'hi
Two MaTiorle Lord
a.. years gh school required. the Ball and. lylutch fun- Roberton.Mrs, D. J. Lane intro- Technicolor: an or The brutality of prison chain
'THREE 960m.. APARTA[EiqT Sales. experienceWrite era home, High Street, Clinton, duced the speaker.
mrid bath, in Clinton, heated new to Box 440, Clinton News-Rpi,,ord tv Blyth Union Cemetery, no- Miss Judd, showed slides of the Thur. Fri. Sat:, ;Nov. 11-12-13 gmal Louise Baker story tells, gangs, inspires a- newspaper re -
trials of a teacher in. an ex. porter -to a vigorous cleanup
'but Waterbeating system�� heated,
44b der the auspices of'Londesboro Alaska Highway, the Peace River .4nn elusive boys' school. campaign.
.1minton 692-W. 44�p 1-91, No. $63, on Friday after- Country and Whitehorse. Mrs. . Tennessee Cha 46
LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, noon, November 5, at 2 o'clock. John Snider,* on behalf of the !np Her Twelve'
,QUIET COUPLE. HAVE accom- ladies, expressed shanks - to the Shelley Winters, - Dewey �,Men""', 66CHAIN GANG"
miodation f0t;, an elderly. person for HOLSTEIN, CALF, suitable for 0 ClUb speaker and soloist for an inter-, Mar"
'the winter .months, Please apply vealing. Walter Forbes, phone Miron Road esting and 16formative address, Adult Entertainment
in writing to Box. 430,' Clinton Clinton 904r3l. "b Plans
Appreciatiori for the invitation Coming — FOUR D' COMING—Wid. Thur. F0. Sat.
!NewaLRec9fd� .434- DAYS 4 DAYS — Nov. iLo to, 13 COMING: ........ . . .
ans Annua to hear Miss Judd and'her splen- '.... .!_•... .... ....
TWO-YEAR-OLD ROAN STEER, Nov.N24L to 97 "THE CAINE MUTINY- Holliday & ilila. nay •in
did message- was voiced by Mrs, ;dy
UNFURNISHED, Heated Apart- yearling Hereford heifer. Bill COX. � "THE CAINE MUTINY H . MARRYWO' kINW1
'anent, self-'ebirtained,'available im- Phone Clinton 903r2. 44b 'Fall Bailin R. Fear, Ontario Street HMS, and • In Technicolor E
'Mediately "' Centrally located. B. by Mrs, Norman Shepherd,, Wes-
- The October meeting of the ley -Willis WMS.
Holland ,.-P ; hone Clinton 444-W. .- HEREFORD -STEER about 900 Huron Road Club was held in the . After singing a hymn and the
44p founds; two Durham and Here- afternoon at the home Of Mrs, benediction, a social half hour, was NOTICE TO CREDITORS
Ord steers about 40Q Pounds; Hugh, Ball. The * meeting opened enjoyed. WA the Estate of JAMES ED.
-NEW FOUR -ROOM Apartment, three Durham ! Herefords, ap- bsinging "The Old Rugged —0 STEPHENSON, deeease(L
'wiffi three-piece bath, modern kit-' Brox. 700 lbs. Also 400 Barred Crross" followed by" -the Lord's �Our1tli In Action All persons having claims against
.=;dheavy wiring,* unfurnished, Rock pullets, five months old. Prayer' -- All -ember,, Of Council attend- stoves that were sold were in bad the estate of James Edward
ate possession. W. N. James East, R.R. 4, Clinton, phone The , secretary's and treasurer's Councillors, Tell,
ter, or phone Clinton 230. 807r6. ed the Monday evening meeting, repair, and would not have stood Steg
reports were given. Roll call was •r1nII which was the last regular session the dampness in the tower for of henson, late of the Township
44-P "Your tanley in the County 'of Huron
d by favourite ntlonS of council before nominations and long- Another oil stove which had Gentleman, who died on or aboui
with 13 members present. ISCIOnte election. been in use In the Police office October 17th, 1954, are required to
WANTED—CATTLE TO FVED raffled quilt on display will be (Continued from Page One) Permission . was offered to the Department, file particulars of same With Bell
off at the bazaar on No organizations are SPDXISGrIng hGC- Permission was given Clayton and if that did not work, it was & Laughton, solicitors, of Exeter,
1953 GMC HALF -TON PICK-UP. for the Winter. Can accommodate ember 21 in the Council Chant- 1, teams this year. I'd like to Dixon for banging a lighted sign suggested that they try the small Ontario, by the 20th day of No -
Key coal stove
,Phone Clinton 909r21. 15. Irvine Tebbutt, phone Clinton hers, Clinton. The annual banquet see a co-operative effort. We're in front of his place of business. C vember next, After.witich date the
43-4-p 902r6. 44-5-p was planned for November 5 in not getting ,a far separately as Council uttered the usual corn- small Deficit estate will be distributed having.
-2952 CHEVROLET, HARDTOP, WANTED. OLD HORSES AND Brugelleld. 'The program earn- we wtail� Jointly. I plaint of, "Why is it that these Councillor Knights reported for regard only to those claims of
completely equipped, listed new at dead cattle. I Gilbert Bros. Mink mittee is Mrs. William Holland, , Councillor Shaddlok signs are always erected before the finance committee and men- Hard only
has been received,
Mrs. Wilfred Glazier and Mrs, I plan to try to stay in for permission is asked for?" tinned that the estimated deficit
$3156. 18,000 original mileage,Ranch, Goderich. Phone ctilleet, Elmer Dale. at the end of the year would be BELL & LAUGHTON,
Zantee. Telephone i.Wtl'nl 936r32, or 936r21. several , quilt blacks were another year. Lot *far $400 Solieltors. for the Executrix,
,r4 44b brought in; also flannelette given Councillor Livermore Letter from town solicitor F. $2,455.
I.hate to see the Reeve drop Fin land, Q.C., reported that the Report of Meetln Exeter, Ontario
1949 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE, MISCELLANEOUS out for layettes for the North. out.
Ido not see how he has price asked for the Rheinhart Clerk Holland reported on the 44-5-6-b.
built-in radio air-conditioned, ex- A lovely lunch was served by found the time to get everything property was $400. Council had Municipal Officers Association
cellent tires ]two practically new) DRIVING TO TORONTO Sunday the hostess, Mrs. Hugh Ball, as- done this year, k meeting held III Exeter last week,
night, returning; Friday night, sisted by Mrs. Wilfred Glazier, . �en willing to Pay $150 for the
motor 100%, clean a pin inside. Mrs. I wish this town were better lot in order to get an easement and requested permission to invite
) p.m. weekly. Phone Clinton 475. Albert�Glazler and Mrs. Jack oft financially. Most of the for a storm sewer to alleviate the 1955 fall meeting of body
Phone Clinton 647�W after r 44.
The meeting adjourned own their rinks, Right now we flooding conditions at W. Burton's
43-4-b 43-4-b Smith. to Clinton.
with "God Save the Queen" don't even know it we're going to corner, No action was taken. Building Permits
- CASH FOR ORGANS with stools, The next meeting will b4. held Building permits were granted
1952 FORD; MAINLINE SEDAN, have a hockey team or not. It's Offers To Lay Tile
-newly painted, air-conditioning, in playing condition, James Wied- at Mrs. Wilfred Glazier's in the too bad we can't see and mill A. J. Deseck suggested laying to the extent of $4250. To C.
good rubber, excellent motor, erhold, New Hamburg, Ontario. afternoon, with group three In given to the Lions Club. If the eight -inch the in open ditch for Connell for a storefront, Fitzsim-
ons Food Fair, fl,000; Frank Reid,
'clean inside. Car must be sold, 44-5-6-7-p charge of the luncli, children do not get on the ice 3.00 feet north and south of his a garage on Princess Street, $250;
Trade-in might be accepted. Phone TELEVISION. See the new line _n more,. then soon we'll not have new houses,and offered fill to cov-
Clinton 396-W after 6 p=' CHOIR HOLDS PARTY FOR hockey at all. Tile Lions Club er the tile. Figured at the rate of and three permits to Cities Ser -
43 -4-b of Westinghouse and RCA Victor LEADER, MR. BENNIE Will soon need help, for without er load for 50 loads, Mr. vice Oil Co. Ltd., totalling. $20,DOO.
0 The latter Included a service
Television, For a demonstration Members of the chair at Wesley- a good hockey team they won't Kesep 'k figured his cost as $200.
ARTICLES WANTED call T. A. Dutton, Brucefield, Willis United Church held a spec- even have a rink. The ice time Meanwhile town cost would be station for $10,000, a storage shed,
phone Clinton 634r4, sales and ser- $4,000, and a storage tank, $6,00Q,
44b W party last Friday night follow fot- youngsters Is not long enough. about $80 for tile and $20 for a all on Victoria Street, Th are
ABOUT 200 BUSHELS of Feed PERSONAL Ing ac at the home of Mr. Last year they were getting about needed catch basin. to be erected just. south e.� the Clinton Community
Jim Lobb, phone Clin- and M. Nediger, The Oc- half an hour, or an hour a week: Reeve Nediger reported that the id
t the se
tracks, ac, on e eas
ton 904r3. 44-p casion was the birthday or ,the for the minor hockey teams. I'm budget would not stand the cost. railroadFarmers
HUSBANDS!' WIVES! Want Pep chair leader, and at the conclusion interested in sport. The town will He admitted that the fill would of the street.
of the evening, a birthday cake never be advertised well without make a neat Job,, but actually AUCTION SALES
ARTICLES* FOP. SALE -Vim? Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets
for new vitality, today. "Get -ac- was presented to Mr. M. R. Rensome winner in sports. there was no particular need to PRESBYTERIAN GIRLS EVERY FRIMAY
33EATTY AUTOMATIC Washing quainted" size only 60c. All drug- tile. Councillor Gliddon fill in the drain. WILL MEET ON TUESDAY commencing at 1.30 P,M.
Machine, nearly new. Phone CHn- g You all know how I got back Councillor Gliddon suggested
gists. The Girls' Club of St, Andrew's TERMS CASH
ton 99. 44p In here. I said then I'd.come back that the town streets foreman Presbyterian Church will meet S COREY, Sales Manager
POULTRY FOR SALE Cards of Thanks fox one year. My time and ability should view the situation and see next Tuesday evening, November K W. ELLIOTT Auctioneer
'NEW $65.00 STUDIO COUCH, ARTHUR McCLINCHEY and is limited. I'm •-unable to go up what should be donii, "It's not 9, 1, the Sunday School K. W. C05�tfif6um clerk
Best offer. Mrs. Crawford, phone 100 PULLETS, RED X WHITE thb nieces and nephews of the late the ladder. There are a lot of what somebody wants us to do, the church.
Clinton 29. 441) Rock, Laying. Young fellows just waiting for a but what we think should be
Clintonall to ex-
0 6.1 Willis Switzer, Mrs. William Hart, w!
like new. 2r34. it press theirfappreciation to neigh- chance to get oil council. I carry done," he said.
FRIGIDAIRE, 9 foot, ours and riends for their many quite a loadHere an there.Reeve Nediger spoke again sav-
Phone Clinton 772k4, before .3.30 STOVES FOR SALE acts
rve enjoyed the wQrk, and was ing, that he felt. that when a man"
or after six. 44b ac Of kindness during their. be -
COLEMAN SPACE HEATER reavement, Special thanks Is to � be bac this year. A built houses as' Mr. Deseck had
t? change in committees was a pleas- done. then the council should co -
HOTPOINT OIL BURNER; heavy nurses Nay Elliott and Mary Mar -
duty electric range plus annex. co -
medium size, one year old. $13(� tin, Dr. Oakes, Rev. Pitt and the ure. I feel it is a mistake to keep operate. He was in favour of ® Ae ANSTET"A"
Renfrew cream separator, like Gordon Herman, phone Clinton Bonthron funeral home and also a mail on one committee too long. the project but. his budget was
-new. Phone Clinton 909r12, 423J. 44b for the beautiful floral tributes Two years is enough for anybody. already going to be,in the "red" Jeweller and lVatoollmaker
I'm glad to come back and sit and he could not do the work.
Ring Values in town at medium size. Phone Clinton 224J under Mayor Agnew, but I won't "The property would be worth
4a We would like to thank our be a candidate for next year. more with the ditch filled," said Bulovo,Gruen and Cyrno Watches
Counter's Jewellery Store now. neighbours and friends for their Councillor Schoenhals the reeve.
New goods arriving daily. One COLEMAN SPACE HEATER, kindnesses at the time of our sad I've enjoyed my two years with Mr. Deseck asked permission to BLUE RIVER and BLUE BIRD DIAMONDS
dollar holds your Lay -Away. Shop large size. In good shape. Harold bereavement..' Of, our daughter council, but both in time and
me eego ahead with the work, and have Spode' Dinnerware
'early and save at Counter's. Peck, phone Hensall 696r23, Katherine Ann. ' Special thanks ability is limited. that I've the next year's council Include the
44p 44P to Rev. 11, C. Wilson. — MR. AND ,had it", and don't plan to. come expense in their budget. Visit Our Modern Up -To -Date Jewellery Store Today
CHAIN SAWS, all in good PRINCESS ROSE RANGE. Burns MRS. HOMER ANDREWS., 11 back next year. � I Mayor Agnew stated that he pholle 562 Clinton
condition- 3 --McCulloch 7.55 (two coal or wood. Good, baker and 44b Councillor Knights. . could not promise what action,
This is rather difficult -to say. the 1955 council would take. 26-tfb
man si�vi, 8—McCulloch 430 (one heater. Phone Clinton 81. However, A man who is working Mr. Deseck was advised that
man saw), 2—McCulloch 33 (one 6 W 44b In MemoriaM for someone else finds that his following investigation by the
saw). —Diston �Ll h.p. (two time Is already I
man , I Laken up, I was streets foreman, he would receive
man saw,. These saws will be for WOOD FOR SALE CARTER—In loving memory of fortunate this year in having com- permission or dental in the mail.
sale at A. Buchanan's farm, "A Isaac A, Carter who passed away inittee work that took Up 'little I By -Laws
mile west of Constance on Satur- DRY HARD BODY WOOD, all two years ago, October 31, 1952: time. I have a very co-operative Three by-laws were introduced
- d d ember, limit, by chairman'of that corrintittee,
44b Phone Clinton 805r13. .17. W. Van- I have enjoyed the work for the Bert Gliddon. An amendment to Men's Rubber
Egmond. 38tfb past two years, and am sorry to tile traffic by-law included several
BOARD AND RIDOM set-, thu Reeve leaving, He has more -streets as throu It streets,
FURNACE, WOOD, mostly elm. given a lot of time he coulohl't af- and was given two reagings, After
HAVE, BOARD AND ROOM for Apply Eldon O'Brien, R.R. 5, Clin- ford. receiving ON from the public
- day, November 6, 1954, only.- I 6r phone 615r33. 44-p A we
, a rem,, EL A L Footwear
maple, $6.50 a cord,. delivered. ATh's n y thought
we a employer but there is
To one no longer with
But in our hearts still live.. 'illy
iWEv-r remembered a d
f In
sad by family,
one alone or two sharing. Phone to" I don't believe I will be d can- works committee it will go to the
44b didate for next, year.Department of Highways for ap-
'BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I A proposed firearms by-law was
E Ung P e0ple given one reading, A by-law to FULL RUBBEIR
Ing business. Work to be done ONE —STOREY Two - Bedroom t accept the 1954 assessment roll I
Tiear Clinton. Apply !it writing Central Mortgage Dwelling, Get Certificates was 6aa-eTd(;wu. Hall Use
�'to Thompson Cohfictions, Box 929, equipped with oil burner. Permission was given the Bad PrE
, Marys, 44p Down payment $1,650, balance At SS Annivers TOE RUBBERS
t =a Ino ...... y payments, $28. ary minion Club to play in the audit
onium of the town hall for two
'CLOTHING FOR SALE Anniversary service for the Son- nights a week throughout the will -
SIX -ROOM DWELLING, fur- HOW'S YOUR SUPPLY day School of Wesley -Willis Unitr ter months, Permission was given
,GIRL'S GREY COAT, size 14, in nam and bath, good location, OF FUEL ad Church was held in the church the Cubs and Scouts Mothers Aux-
.go6d condition. Apply Mrs. Charles n. immediate possessioprice: last Sunday, when Rev. George D, Mary to meet once a month in the ZIPPER
11', ee-ainton, phone 251-W. ' $3,700. THESE DAYS? Watt, B.A., Dungannon, was the council chamber,of the-townhall. JERSEY CLOTH $2.95 pr.
44b Fire Hall
ONE -STOREY, SIX -ROOMED guest speaker. J. W, Nediger was
Briek Dwelling with, basement. Be ready for that, in char of tile service., Councillor Livermore presented NYLON ...... .... $3.95 pk.,
'GIRL'S THREE—P-1ECE —Xenw—ood. Ken Carter read the.scriPtuM a request from the fire depart- OVERSHOES
'coat set, size 4-6. Two lady's garage (two ears old). Thiee quick dro ' t" lesson. The chair provided an menti for a stove to dry out the Jl
. p. in emper-
coats, size 16.' Man's overcoat,* bedrooms, den, living room
41ze 40. Freshly cleaned. Cheap. With dinette; four -piece -bath; ature! Order your win- anthem. Donald. Hugill sang a hose hanging in the tower. He
solo, and a mixed quartet by lovil Asked where the two oil stoves
Apply to Blyth, Phone 1506,- modern kitcheiL, air-condition- fer fuel -supply NOW, , people added to the service. were that, used to be in the hall.
ett; oil furnace; idoal-lo&itklon,
44b Highlight of the Occasion was Deputy Reeve Crich reported
CUSTOM WORK Early possession. ORDER FUEL OW the, Vresentation,of certificates to the sale of two of them� one for
intermediate Sunday School stud- $35 and the other for $15. He also PICKETT CAMPBELL
'H. C. Lawson ants by Howard Lochbead. Those told of a coal stove upstairs in
'PICTURE FRAMING — We are receiving the certificates, which the hall. "The Store -For Men"
now equipped to.do picture frarn- REALTOR Go Grigi & Son -marked successful coMpletion of Councillor Shaddick was dis-
10 t the Fire Depart -
Ing, Good selection of raouldings, an intensive study course, were appointed that
.MacLaren's Studio. 42tfB Bank of Montreal Building 74Wetty Lou•Nediger, Margery Cut- �'t 1'. not been given. achiance PHONE 25 (Main Corner) CLINTON
Phone —ClintonClin nl�
1docational phogle 251W — Clinton rte, Donald Covaish," Ken'Carter to. use one. of them.
Opportunities and Ron Steep. According to the clerk, thel
her or
t Lessonk
Furniture Re -finishing
isning ana
G. . Piel<4
ri lowers
An excellent method
of having an
adequate insurance
estate for the man
with a young family.
RepresentA tive
Olay hone 454w
Phone 66W Clinton