HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-11-04, Page 1il �G�e ,�Fir�t
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last week, apparently, we did when No. 4q --The Home Paper With the (dews Cl.INTOi�, ONTARIO' THURSDAY NOVEMBER 4,. 1954 copy $2.50 a year
we she_ uldn't , at any rate the p u ' 6 cents a co
office has been simply rolling in
apples ever since ... First of all 7 C
we received a delicious basketful Medical. Ser vices D11rectors Remembrance Service And Parade
of the lovely things last Friday ����� Pilot
from Fred McClymont;
Varna, who. is a valued corres- Will Mark November 111 .Clin�to
pendent of the News -Record for
the Varna area ....and also is a s Remembrance Day in Clinton The parade will proceed
. rather exceptional apple producer will be marked „by a complete Townsend. Street to Kirk and then Dead Inflane, (rash.
.. Fred copped a good many -of to the Legion Memorial Hall.
the :top prizes at Western fair holiday with stords closed all day, At the Hall a memorial service A
a arae a in the orning,'folloWed young pilot, member of the as it hit the ground, and there,
h n 'one by a public serve ,in the Legionauspices,he churches RCAF, crashed to his death yest was no opportwuty of saving the
this year These apples are P under the of t
all gone, now thous no,one Hall, and another at the cenotaph. in Clinton, will be held; and erday afternoon at about 4,20 rn a pilot•
t who ate them'prior-to - Wreaths wit be distributed for the field belonging to Mac Chesney, q F/C J: G. R: Lamoureux, 20)
knows jus * * November 11; 'Clinton march to the cenofaph. mile east of Brucefield'. years old, was a student at RCAF
THEN BRIGHT AND EARLY Branch No 140;�.Canadian Legion 'The' orale wit roceed down
have planned' a= church• parade on, p P Spectators in the village and on Station Centralia, due to graduate
on `Monday morning two of Highway 4 to ` the post office nearby; farms noticed the plane in December,
the largest apples we have laid Sunday, :when all )veterans are in- where a short service will 6e held, apparentl haute
eyes. upon with the exception vi ed, olid v✓ill be weleoziied heart- and wreaths w]Il be laid.in: mem- y g some engine' The Brucefield Fire Department.
Ayr. Berets and.. medals .will be trouble, and witnessed the nose responded to a call to the scene,.
of some we remember from years worn fortis occasion„ -and the cry of Canada's war dead, dive. The plane; burst into flames but were unable to save the clot,
ago (no doubt magnified by age) h (Motorists will please note that Fire engines, guards° and rescue'
One Is a pippin, measuring parade will form;: p at the Legion on Thursday morning, no parking , - squads from RCAF Station' Clip-•
inches around', (score one ps at' _i inc ock. Will be allowed ]n the area of the CONGRATUX ATIONS. on were quick to make their ap
against last ,week's record) - . Next Thursda , a very impres- Post Office, from the south end of Mrs. Annie Brown, George St., pearance' at the scene.
and the other is a spy, measuring ;. sive • parade _ fs 't being, planned. that building to the main inter Clinton; celebrated her 92nd bixth- Police Constable Helmar Snell,.
13inches, These are from, Members. of the C`hnton.Legionr in section,) : day on Sunday, October 24, at the, Seaforth, investigated the accident-,
an' orchard whose trees were full dress (beretsland medals) ac- ` FoIlowing the cenotaph service, home of her daughter and son -iii -until RCAF officials could arrive..
C nt N WS R d
planted 60, years ago ... on the companied by riiembers :of • the the parade will return to the Le law,',Mr, and Mr's. William Hog- A continuous stream .of cars. ;
farm of Fraser Stirling, R.R. 2; Ladies' Auxiliary to th� P blic and in fro t -of the Highway
Commercial r t. Other
rnt Po the event f her
in- 'visiting the crash scene continued;
Bayfield : They look •mighty school rounds .; 9.20;a.rii. Also throughout the late afternoon.
fine eating, too but were will ggther at i the . ,o d Inn I%tei; Group Captain H. and Mrs. Ed Yungblut, Londes o -
Four :of the directors of the Huron Cao erattve Medical Will he a' parade of two Ashdown, Cammandin Officer of bora; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cutts,
fending off all samplers until after Services whose term was up. this year,. were to elected to office there g, '
the, paper is published on Thins at the annual meeting last Thursday. They are '(to eft) Fordyce fights: from RCAF Statign Clanton, RCAF Station Clinton will take Arkona and Mr, and Mrs, Wesley R'
daY Clark; Goderich; (front row, -left to right)` Walter J. Forbes; and the RCAF bAnd to'•1'ead them: the salute: Hgggart, Summerhill, Boys Rifle Chub,
R.R. 2, Clinton; Mrs,' O: G. Anderson, Wingham, and Kenneth
THEN, WHEN`, THE TWO BIG Johns, Woodham. The other; directors •above are (top, centre) e ' • ■ New Two Grow S
apple's were sitting on the counter Bert Irwin, Clinton, secretary -treasurer, and Harvey C. John. Radar 1nStrtletlQll Experts Receive Thur Postings p
a gentleman with a smile bn sten, Blyth, president. (News -Record Photo)
his face presented one equally as • i Sev
and termed it a crab enty Members
r .:: We Sawn gat 'the storyStinson Replaces Bury At No. 1 R and C School' The CIinton Police Bo
ngp t, and now a hu P Wolf River Ys" Rifle
is. keeping close Com any with'a HOe Win's'Officiamlly.X„ F:. �'3 Club has now attained the mem-
P ee and a Spy "i 17/L A. Stinson in�� a � rs fp of 70 and the roll has been
about 14 oz. and is about 3" a be h Y
�1Q��iFe��OW �, li closed until after the new year. e
around the outside � ' � has been necessary to split the
.Opened y 4 { Replaces Bury M. r group Into juniors and Intermed
w: iates, and to Bold a meeting ore
The simple cutting of a scarlet tion of doing tate Work., `We have .. �t 7 �". Tuesday as well as Thursday.
peaceful best in Clinton this year, ribbon signed the opening of the the job of providing services you : At No. 1 R 'i�n� CS
Chief of. Police thought real g Bert Clifford is treasurer f the
hard when asked to list the de- Huron County Home 62 -bed ad- are unable to get for yourselves," s s+ Club;, Paul Schoenhals, Barry Me -
cation last Friday. Hon. W. A. he said. A radar s cialist for the last sa Laren and Bt]1 Martin are actin
predations and mishaps of the it t
n g
weekend ... Finally gave us word Goodfellow, minister of public Wel Canada is the greatest .country . i decade, S/L A. W. Stinson brings e„ , • as assistant Nffv)rd a and see-
coo le of minor activities... ,., fare for Ontario, performed the ever given to people. You will ; a :wealth of exper]ence to his new reiaries. Both Clifford and Martin
B a p ceremony before a crowd of about never be criticized for any help ti A. � osition as the Chief Instructor of . v are. es -Safety Patrol Cor mem-
But they seemed hardly worth $00 interested persons, In the aud- you can be to aged, people and
reporting Apparently the ef- g P Nb. 1 Radar and Communications �' hers-
P g " ' y itorlum of the Home. children. Do. show an interest in School at RCAF Station Clinton. x ' " Formed, just three weeks ago
forts• of the Lions Club me coni- u i "
hired with 01d Man' Winter wno In charge of the program was these. poo le who have reached �� '�` �" •� .�
p �� � Commissioned from the ranks Q+ � _ �; under the guidance of Chief of
R. B, Cousins, Reeve of Brussels the eventide of life. 1"• " durin the war' S/L Stinson was = ',ia Police J. Ferrand this Club has
paid an early call . really paid' g , .
off I a harmless All Hallows and chairman of the Huron Warden W. J. Dale, Reeve of i � 4 responsible for radar convoys and grown rapidly, and has gained the
Eve . County Home Committee. He gave Hallett Township, welcomed the €" 4=t installations first in England and �1`,„. support of businessmen,' parents,
r a a a _brief history of the Home, since visitors to the opening, and thank T ! , later with the Desert Air Force coo on Monday night of the towm
JUST LAST WEEK the editor in 1894 the by -lain had been pas- ed the minister for his appearance ... n nc 1. AL the regular meeting
+ �a+ lir North Africa and in. Naples, g g
of the Goderich Signal -Star was sed to authorize the purchase of Prior to the minister's address , r F Italy. tha councillors gave official sane.
talking about Spring on the way the land, and the building of the and ribbon -cutting ceremony, a r^?. > . Coming to Clinton after three ;n,, tion to the use of the name the
Some chap o» the Huron 512,000 home the next year, until dedicatory service was held under : ,= years at Air Force Headquarters y Club had chosen.
Road in that town had reported the it opening of thei$467,- the guidance of Rev. J. E. Ostrom` . . is like returning Home for S/T. Reeve Nediger spoke in especial
an apple tree in full bloom . 000 addition. chaplain of the Home. In his ad- �� Stinson, As officer in charge of praise of the action of the Chief
and was able -,to prove his point He pard especial tribute to Mrs: dress, Mr. Ostrom stressed the - .,; t #radar training at the school from in forming the club. He said he
by exhibiting the tree 'to all M• E. Jacob, superintendent of the importance of Love 'in the world, <"�. 1945 until 1949 he is well known felt at a splendid idea, and that it
doubters Home, whom he stated was a and especialy so in the administra' known to the townspeople of was very desirable that the young
r « wonderful organizer, beloved by tion of the County Home, S/L A W. STINSON Clinton. He w911 also be welcom- S/L G. Jr. V BUILY lads should be instructed in -the
A CHAP RECENTLY brought us
all residents, the staff, and all - - ed by the airmen of the school use of firearms,
who worked with her. Mrs. Ja- S/L Bury. In World War II he Councillor Knights added his
a picture and story he'd clipped ■ ■ ■ w1 o were ori his staff when he g
from a Vancouver aper This cob always has a smile, said Mr, was Station Telecommunications was Signals Staff Officer at Can. words of praise, saying he felt it
P Medical Services Receives . Praise officer at RCAF Station Summer- adlan Overseas Headquarters in most commendable. "A number of
was about a bob moose who has Cousins.
Y Special tribute also was paid to R .side, PEI, from X949 until 1951. London and in 1946 he was Signals the citizens are 100 per. cent be -
adopted the Marten Mayfield fain- ■ ■ Liaison Officer at the Canadian hind this club," said Mr, Knights,
iIy ... Nothin special about the Dr, J. W. Shaw, Clinton, who for o-_� g
g over 50 years served as doctor of From Fseldman At Annual' Meeting Joint Staff in Washington. It is good to see the policemen
thing, except that the Hayfields the Home. He said that the Citi- Field experience gained as SI, of Clinton coming in for praise
live in Clinton a British For the seventh ermuae meeting Year, has been found quite sue- rather than for criticism.”
zens of the county would never be I iD. . ury Leaves pals' Officer at Na 1 Supply ele-
miles nor Clinton just about 200 of the Huron Co-operative Medica Ing a l and more members are be- A hunt which the boys had'
miles north of Vancouver . , . Oh, able to repay Dr. Shaw for his Services, the directors and mem- Ing added. � pot, Weston, and as Chief Tele- y
and the moose lets the little May- service to the community. bets of the plan met in the a ri_ Harvey C, Johnston Blyth, communications Officer of Air counted on for last Saturday was
L. E. Ludlow, supervisor of, i g y For New Posting Transport Command will rove cancelled when because of bad.
fields climb upon his back ... he cultural office board room last president of the organization, gave P weather, not many members turn-
eafs hotcakes and drinks six 1- Homes for the Aged in Ontario, Thursday fright, and heard Paul a group of -comparative figures
'valuable to S/L Bury in his net
s n post, w up, Presently, plans are under,
tons of milk a day . , . Poke • briefly; Congratulating the Meeh secretary PCeldman for showin holy costs had been af-
committee on their work, fettle an' • g i way to have the Club members.
of the Ministers earl g fire provincial federation tell them footed. FIe said the covered more At AFHQ Otbf�a Active in fraternal organizations
o - — , P' Y enter competition at the regular
y interest in that their re -paid lan was the Persons this ear' than last, Claims in the town of Clinton, Honorary
T1� �� homes for the aged, and in con- P P y After three and a half years P.M.C.of the Warrant Officers' rifle shoot held by the Huron Fish
LE®nS _rc ax'�r 1\Ot i ed the, coni, "ifs best yet designed, had been received from three less and Game Gun Club on November•
-- -- •- q} P Completing. the. seve tU_year. o popple, but t- ;,ayments had been as Chief Instructor of No., I7U4ar and Senior NCO's Mess as well as
AM.. Y not the house tj+at' rnalzes -the operation, the Huron Co -o has more. The , cos' per claim had and Communications School, Clan- officer iii charge of the Clinton 11.
Free OILS home But it is the love that is p ton .durin which time the school RCAF Band that won trophies at As a pre -Christmas treat, a din -
3,867 contracts, and 10,267 persons been up. He reported 11 more new g P per is being arranged for the Club
inside." This Mr: Ludlow said was became one of the most modern both the Waterloo Festival anal
"After the youngsters got to the very true about the homed ai covered in the hospitalization babies than the year before, but and efficient of its kind in the the London Band Competition, members on December 17, and
arena' last Saturday night for the field. A new surgical plan which the cost had been less. service clubs as well as local busi-
Mrs, Jacob had made for the rest- ryas introduced in. May of this. Secretary -treasurer Bert Irwin; British Commonwealth, S/L G. J. SIL' Bury will be greatly missed ness people
Hallowe'en party, they found they dents at the County Home. Bury is leaving CIinton to take up by the people oP the town of p p e are taking the ex
have to pay and had to go T. Pryde, MLA for Huron, in- -Clinton, presented the financial penses of the evening upon them—
would statement. He Was authorized to duties on lite Telecommunications Clinton as well as by the officers selves•
„ troduced the guest speaker, and Lions Awarded w Staff at Air Force Headquarters. and airmen of all 'ranks at No, 1
back home for money, said Coun- 1 Place the net savings of the 1953-4 0
cillor Livermore at the Monday also commended Mrs. ,Jacob fort 9 year (before patronage returns) Staff work will not. be new to Radar &Communications School. 7
the work she had done. He said, year Passes of $2,387, in the general reserve Hul.lett Hears
night's , council meeting. the building itself wou�d be as ( account.
The councillor , was reporting nothing if there were no someone As Party Prizes Discusslon of auditing fees was e�� r���� 7
for the work of his special Com- there Who bbrought love and sym-j Sparkling held, and since they had' doubled Council �1 intentions.Five ApiGals
mittee, which ordinarily would pathy to the folk living in it.fostumes and the. since the year before, Mr. Meehanphave charge of a town -sponsored Hon. W: A. Goodfellow stated{gaiety of action on ice helped was asked to do the work for the■ j Assessment
party at Hallowe'en time: He and that throughout the o years he make a success of the Clintondicoming year, Resigns Deputy Reeve Crich who had be- had worked for the people he had Lions Club skating ,party held in Entertainment during the even- Reeve Nediger 1i s Hallett Township Court of all,
gun plans for a free party for the gained a lot of satisfaction from the arena last Saturday night, Ing was provided by Kenneth vision met in the township hail,
youngsters had understood that helping the people, "It has been G. W. Montgomery acted as Johns, Woodham one of the dir- According to custom at the last Councillor Dr.'McsIntyre Londesboro on Monday. Reeve
the Lions party would be free, so a great satisfaction to have had master of ceremonies for the oc- octets, who sang two solos; ac- meeting of town council before I'm sorry to see Jack take this W J. Dale, Warden of Huron.
they dropped their own plans. any part in helpingg the conditions rasion, and with the assistance of companzed by ;,Mrs.. Bert Irwin, Nomination Night, members of attitude. He's had a too h year, :County, was attending -services in
was not really advertised as under which the elderly poo le of other Lions, and judging done by g Goderich for the late Judge T. M..
P Mrs, Irwin also. accompanied her the council declared their inten- I believe I'd like to stay ibe
a free party, but said the province are living." three teachers on the CDCI staff, tions at the Monday night Bath- y n Costello, and was unable to as
"It'll P g rizes•were awarded as follows: daughter-in-law, Mrs, Bob Irwin, g council for another year, because present, Leonard Caldwell was
Councillor Livermore, It 1Z never He emphasized the fact that the P in a schottische: Later Bob play- ering. Mayor M. J. Agnew an- I would like to see more of this appointed
Under 11 years, boys, David Mc- ppo'nted a member of the court.
happen again if I have anything most effective government is the ed a lively piano number: pounced his intention of staying town Tannin g
to do with the" plans." local one: ' .You are .it.
•the posi- Rae, Donald McDonald (each re- for another term if he were nom- P g The more I see George C. Brown was elected
ceived free season's skatingtic Paul Meehan kept his address of it the bigger the job is. Other chairman and other members were
mated. greta J. W. Nedigpl tined
, ket), Leroy Hugill (halt season's in the jovial mood, but became edhipregret, but that he planned towns Clinton's size have not got Thomas Leiper,' William R: Jewitt
■ • ■ ticket); girls, NancyOlde, Janet serious as he spoke of the prog- planning boards. There is no pat- and Emmerson Hesk.
cess of the Co-operatives, D withdraw from public work.
Kinsmen Entertain Press and Radio Sharpe (each receied free sea- peratthes. He' Deputy Reeve Crich plans to run tern to fallow. Id like to have There were five appeals. Three -
sows skating ticket), Mary Mae- stated that since 1951 the hospi- for the office of Reeve. Three another year at it and see what I Were for woodlot exemptions,.
■ sola (half' season's ticket); talization insurance business had can do. which were granted, to N. F..
T '■w■ Y councillors are planning to with Endi uer for $125; Cecil Cart-•
S Hoods ith !ells o� �AI comic, Roger Cummings (season's increased, 97 per cent, and in the draw, while the other three plan There's anther thing Ive been g
N ticket),• Doug Macaulay (half, sea- same time surgical insurance busi- to run if they are nominated. "belly-aching"about for years, wright.$300; and Leonard Rooney,.
W/C R. R. B. Hoodsp4h, officer way and the�,present leader, Gen- son's trcket)y: ness had doubled. This was amaz- ever since coming back from over- $200. The court ruled that a $75,
commanding No. 1 R and CS was. eral Grltenther.' Over 11 years, boys', Ken Currie Ing; he said, in the face of a Mayor Agnew seas, I can 'see no reason why appeal be granted to the estate of
the guest speaker at the Kinsmen Other guests who 'spoke briefly (season's ticket), Bob Emmerson; dropp in farm income of as much I have given this a lot of the; service clubs, park.board.and James Fairservice, Londesboro, for -
Club press and civic night . on were Mayor M. J. Agnew, Polree (Half season's ticket); girls, Sand- as 25 per Cent: thought. 7 o -night there is great alt 'the others cannot be gotten the removal of a barn, An appeal
Tuesday. W/C Hoodspith assum- Chief J. Ferrand, A. L. Colquhaan ra Addison and Sylvia Bell, tied (Continued. on 'Page Ten) possibility that I will be a can- together, tackle one big thing and from Earl Noble on lot 26, Con-•
ed his duties at RCAF Station and William Craig, for first (each received 'season's dilate for mayor for „1955, How- get it done, cession 14, who claimed his assess --
Clinton recently after completing Donate $80 ticket); comic, Brian Hu ill (sea- ever this is under certain condi- merit too high, was not granted.
a three- ear tour at Su tome ; g ilk tions: Pirst,,that T have the health Exeter has gone a ton�gg way as the court ruled that itcompar-•
P Members voted $50 tow'and the sons ticket), with a coo
rative tan.: Her in
Headquarters Allied Polders Eur- Hurricane Flbod'Relief campaign Mrs. Bill Grigg won'a season's and strength; second, providing Pe P ed favorably with the surrounding
ape, during the business meeting that ticket m adults class. I that someone nominates me; third Clinton two or three of the local
Usi»g a map of Europe, the properties. Township assessor is
followed. Plans Were made to ret o--. if the'Lord is w[lling: (Continued on Page Five) George Carter.
guest speaker showed his audience the 'annual toy campaign' under FOUR JUNIORS WILL JUDGIG " �b ti'Sf{ This is a job open to anybody
the approximate, area that each way early 'next week, Iain Don A7' ROYAL WINTI?IR PA]R that wants to take over. There
command covers and pointed out Kay was named chairman of this Four Huron ' County Junior a word, mintinain 78e area 14t of things we haven't fin- PUC Men Have Fier 11StllSSlon •
the cities in which the headquart- drive for toys that will be used Farmers will participate in the fished, perhaps they never will In y
ors are situated lie told of some friday, Nov. 3 --Rete tion: Mr. Sometimes I feel that my time on
to Malde Christmas a little lraprrer Junior Farmer livestock judging ■ ■
of the initial problems that faced for needy children of the district. competition at the Royal' Winter ori Nits. Carl East. Blyth Mem council is coming r a close. How -
the NATO powers, including the Other guests present for the Fair, Toronto, next Thursday. orial Hall. Jim Pierces Orch- ever on November 26, I may Peel Plan For Water Main Extension
unification of all nations under ;meeting were Billy Hanby, Dr, D. They are ave Godkin, R.R. L,, estra: Ladies biting lunch. Every- differently: Chairman Hugh Hawkins gave was received and the work 'was+
one supreme command, and tate g.
Palmer and Bev. Wrazth, Presi Alton; Lorne Hackett, R.R. 7, one welcome. 44ti Reeve J. W. Nediget authorized,
big problem of finance. Mr. Hoods- dent Don C...CoIquhoun was .he Lucknow; Lloyd Holland, CIinton Saturday, Nov. 6—Bazaar and a repast to the other Commission -
pointed out that of all the Tea, 3 m., Town -Hall, Clinton. T rather feel that my rnumcrpai. Commissioner it G. Rumbal men-
winner of the lucky draw made and Frank Alton, R.R.RR7, Luck- p' life is 'rapidly coming to a close. ors of the Clinton PUC last Fri -
nations willing to enter NATO by Mayor M, J. Agnew now. Aprons, touch -anti -take, farm pro- p y tiered that it was too bad the
only a Pew were able to pay their duce, home hiking. Summerhill I have served Clinton. for ten day night, of the convention m press had not been present at the
way. The speaker, � was proud of Ladies' Club. erhjll years, and for the last three years Montreal which he attended at meeting of the PUG the previous'
the art that we were playing � was up at County Council. L be the beginning of, last week. week, but that the door had: been:
Saturday, Nov. 6—Bazaar and g
Discussing New Sur�rical Pian lieve that.anyone who gives time open, and they would have been
and said that Canada was held in L� D. Tea In Orange Lodge Hall, Varna; to council gets pleasure from serv- A request from F. W. Andrews, welcomed. I% said that the.meet-
high esteem by all the countries 3.00 p,m. Homemade baking, sewer •. George Street, asked for water
he had visited: Ing the public. inn had not been called' just to,
Ing, fish -pond, homemade candy. I feel that being on business ill en and hydro service LU g his hen send men to a convention,
"Canada is the only nation that Afternoon tea 25.c. Sponsored by house, and this was granted, . as
has met her obligations in full and q F Varna United Church WA. detrimental a mein Chairman Hawkins mentioned.
on tune; and that Canada now (�.w, I'm one of them. You can't go In- being hydro service to a home
�� 43x44b to this work and lease. everyone: Wing built by Mr. Galacht»k, a a motto was n the s
th t n o book
trains all NATO pilots," lauded Wedaesilay, Nov 10 --- Benefit P When asked by the mayor why that a special meeting could be,
r�.: You make bad friends and-it'}rurts called; on 48 hours notice.
F. speaker. dance for Aldea Aubin Brucefleld. f tunate that
the extension to Mr. Andrews _-
Through . Canada's extensive_ --- _
military program, full division
have been equipped in Belgium
and the Netherlands, and Canad
ian made equipment has been sen
all over Europe. The latest con
tribution was a number of F8
Sabre. Jet aircraft' to Turkey
Greece and Italy. These. airera.f
will be used for training purposes
W/C Hoodspith said that he had
Served under three Supreme Allied
Commanders—Eisenhower, Ridge
The Weather
` 1954 1953
High Low High Lm
50 33 54 44
47 37 50 39
32 56 30
32 500 42'
57 44
56 48
busmess. It is un or
5eafarth Community G�entre. Nor- could be made by the PUC when
we have not been able to stay.
tis, Orchestra. Everyone welcome. Mr. Deseek had had to pay a cod
s� Y within the budget this year, I dot g
f #4t not feel that a have squandered share of his, Chairman Hawkins
Thuisd z Nov, 11—Euchre at money, but have done our best to replied that it With
De and ne-
t New Ritz Hotel, Bayfield, 8.15 been satisfied with. one and -one-
meet all demands.
s. p.m. Refreshments: Benefit, Local Right now, I don't think I'll be quarter inch pipe, the PUC would
g Guides acid Brownies Association, g have put- it in for him, but since
44b funning for another term. he wanted a four -inch pipe; he
t Friday, Nov.. 12—Bazaar and Deputy
Reeve Crich had offered to pay for it.
Tea, Brucefield United Church. This is my tenth year, too. I'ire Mr, Hawkins mentioned' again
d Auspices: WA. Baking, apron, been acclaimed once, .defeated that he did not feel the rate Sys
booths, booths, etc. Afternoon tea, 25c, once or twice. Thanks to the vot- tem, for sewerage was fair, and
44x ers •for -the majority which put cited as an example;'the man Willi
Wednesday, Nov, 24 Pre- me in as deputy reeve for two no refrigerator who ran extra
Christmas Tea and Sale of Dolls years. I've enjoyed working with water in the summer -time to keep
Clothes. 3 to 5 p•m. Friendship Reeve 'Nediger and the other coun- his milk cool and fresh, and was
Club, St. Paul's Parish Hall, cillors. Unforseen thingshave up- charged extra for his sewerage. In
44b set our budget, but all councils reply to this, Commissioner A. J.
�i Daincing, round and square, to are the same in that, McMurray stated that folks who
N Clarence Petrie and his everspent money on a refrigerator to
pop- I feel that others below ire
tear Night. Hawks, at the Crystal would like to move up, and that I ,)Deep milk cool saved on the
Pictured here at ,the close of the annual meeting. of the Palace, Mitchell, every Friday hould move up. I'm planning to sewerage expense,
Huron Co-operative Medical Services last Thursday; Paul Meehan, night: 44-5-6-7-8-9-0,b run for, :reeve: ilm not, involved; Certain smallaccounts
Willowdale, secretary-fiadman of the Provincial Medical Services • Dance every Wednesday and in business, and have lots, of time written off, and discussion
Federation chats with. Bert Irwin concerning some of the; detail . Saturday at Mantles Wagon to work for the town. I enjoyed given the advisability of .r
involved in a surgical piaci recently begun 'by the 14uron group. Wheel, across 'from L"1'tj "Hail,, the work this. 3'ear and have had the deposit from $10 to' $20
-Mr. Irwin Is the secretary -treasurer of' the local association and Stratford, Herb Petrie's Orch a good committee to work With estimate gi-r--•• by M. NlcAda
Is in chai+ge of the office here in Clinton:—(News-Record 1` into) estra, 50c -75c. 38tfb' me work on. the standpipe at
i the
went over it. Tliere
conversation between
:omrnissioners, Tlie i
Following the discussion Chair-
man Hawkins stated' that;he, be-
lieved that it was ,perfectly legal
for a commissioner to sell to the
Commission if through another
person, such as these sales had
been. '