HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-10-28, Page 10VA'GE TEN C1.I4TON NEWS -RECORD T13URSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1954t 'SI'��I�`l'S Yesterda 's Px eOn to n ndrlfouraagai against fivein pife n:: GODERICH WINS IISSA FOOTBALL yet - _ TITLE DEFEAT CDCI REDMEN - 9-4 By'. ­ HANK" g " N'T MISS OUR BY HANK Shoot Called Off' About 3Q of the !litre were shpt. Football in Clinton has Come to .fpr r� No advance notice of the shoot: MEN DO an end, The CDC1 Redmen had 'By Town Official had been i Goderich Blue Devils are the up by either a pass interception given to citizens. u / 1954 HSSA football champions, or, a Clinton fumble: a very good season, losing: only i one, game and tieing another. The In mid-afternoon; ° l They captured the _title with a The Clin$on team gave •it every- yesterday, p convincing 9-0 win over' CDCI thing but tkiey couldn't make any one loss was to Goderich., yester Mayor M. J. Agnew called sudden FACTS AND FTGUIi''ES Redmen yesterday afternoon in a of ,their plays produce any results. day and that was enough to ellm halt to.a pigeon shoot being carr- ABOUT TB DE wN , w ,r game that;, wase. played op the The new champions will now meet !nate them and send Goderich on ied on within the town limits by DEATHS water -soaked RCAF sports field. Mitchell in the first round of the int tilt WOSSA title hunt against veteran marksmen, members of The tuberculosis 'death rate in: The ,big, - hard charging. Gode- WO$$A playdowns. Mitchell, The season seemed very the Clinton Rifle Club. Canada for ' 1953 was 12,3 per - OF rich line, prpved'just too much for Goderich: ' Dockstader, Skelton; short, being cut from six •'games Complaints' were received by the 100,000. This is the lowest rate i' last ^ year to four: The decrease mayor with regard g p g Gregory, i d . to alit shoot, ever reached for this disease in ,^ the hei riVa operon u big holes quarterbacks; Gro or McBride, 'wag made for two reasons: the and he exercised authorit m Canada. The tot MADE TOsORDER for their erichieteam get through. fullbacks, •,Overholt, Chisholm, first was to allow h e •y al number o£ the Stud nts stp m ! p The Goderrcli team seemed to Fuller, insides; Ricks, Chisholm, more time for their 'studies and` pP g t. A poll of opinion deaths was 1,810, There were 39$ sense each. Clinton play as. it de- Holland, middles, Wilson, Bowra, council members taken by the more men than women died of TB, veloped ^and the Redmen's,.6ack- Buchanan, Wright, halfbacks; the second to eliminate the num- field couldn't get away for any Smith Worsell, Simpson, ends; ber of injuries "that are received SUITS , the With player, • sizable gain. Only once did the Youngblut, flying win; Kane, big Red team push inside their centre. x ice going into "the opponent's '25-yard.line line and then Clintdn: Ashdown; quarterback; Lions arena this week hockey L teams should be soon ready to x a.> •'.', > A large selection of Fine -Wool they lost the ball when they failed Tyreman, Farquhar, Batkin 'Shan- start their pradtice sessions, At Worsteds, tailored by Hobberlin; to make the necessary ten yards_ ahan, insides; Falconer, Y. Cun- the present motrien,t the, Clinton Biggest gains made'were by Ash mngham, Ladd, W. ,Cunningham, a, 3 y priced at down who picked up 25 yards on middles; Steepe, McAlpine, Young- Colts g to too sure just what former! is going to happen to them. They a play that started from a ;short blut, Thomasgn Sharkey; H. ;Col- haven't received any official word ' 67.50 to 82.50 punt formation and Barry Young- Whoun, . halfbacks;' Walpole,: El- from .the ORA that they have Ulut, a 35 -yard kick return. Nott, centres; Waymouth,• Hugiil, been a `' FOR, A LIMITED TIME ONLY The game was over as far as Porter - ends; ;;~Lowes; Armstrong, granted permission ec enter s� Clinton ;was concerned on the flying wx the WOAA.. This is expected. to seaurifoj dinnerwar. third 1a o be lust a formality as a letter has that won't crack, break K d P y f the game. After a First Quarter been• sent to that organization or chi EVER -MAID is c ? °,SALE very bad, kickoff .that was return- Goderich Touchdown (Wilson) and the p' z 1s v $'S4. 95 cd''to Che'mid-field stripe the Biue Y will decide on Wednes- satin ,moam, smarty PRYI CE . p Second Quarter d " night. However, with . that y Devils, with an end run, took the No scoring. d Y designed In rich decor•, ermissbion, the Colts fjrid• their • ator colon—fora,t' ball dee into Clinton territory. Third Quarter, P 1 home- rew group . ailing a art e a EXTRA PANTS [ Dockstader flipped ,a short pass No scoring, p ' pr ap, 'chartreuse, bur - PANTS i e�l-R,�Jr .over the dine to Alex.Wilson Wilson in Fourth Quaater; h front of their eyes. to. Whig ;oundy and pear. gr.y.. t aa, WITH SUITS. has already. .decided not to. enter Irsheatretistont, quick the end -zone and it was 5-0. That Goderich--single (Overholt), a team and it is reported that it ended the scoring Goderich-single, (Overholt) GUARANTEED weeps of .unitary, g.until the final Krneardiire wants to play in a t., :Keeps hot foods hot r quarter when Overholt booted Goderich—single (Overholt.) - • BREAK. RESISTANT f' „ i i Wear, four singles, Each single was set Goderich—single (Overholt) group farther to. the north. ••This (never needs preheat• leaves Clinton, Seaforth, a»d we �'. r � s r hope, St, - Marys, and Zurich, al- a ata a 206 i Id food cold. • jjjj//�� • though nothing is, deflnite on the Pace starter sets Holstein Breeders Hear N. LiJlartln• ' last two teams. ^ 'Should only Clir - e�l> y far only $19.9 BZLTMORE HATS.— FORSYTH SHIRTS ?^ , to and Seaforth enter it would *'" �� zr Complete your set with .�`••4ur , e!~k. available companion be a dead loss all round, no inter= a , n ,..r1� PHONE .224W C1"TON Present :Certificates and Awards est for the fans, no money for the '• • .•,.. - pieces. One hundred and sixty guests love for good livestock, It 'is ah pla arena rs r tThdeath deadline d no for entr for es +� attended the Huron County Hol- organization with Dominion, pro -,is is Saturday, so next week we -, Extra Specials October 29=3Q ' PEANUT BUTTERM,cLarems 9 oz' glass25C JELLY POWDERS LuiHUS 3 for 25c CATSUP AYLMER. ........• ...:..... bottle 2Ic Strawberry :JAMTalisman, 24 -oz. jar ..•..... 45C RAISINS SEEDLESS — Australian ......... lb. 19C PEAS CULVERHOUSE Choice .............. 2 Ztins d Tc PORIK and BEANS CLARK'S 2t ins' 35C CORN YORK GOLDEN ...... g 2l? oz. 4 tins 3SC SHORTENING jj SNOWFLAKE .........2 lbs.49C MARGARINE ry C ALLSWEET. ......:......... 2 lbs. i .7C CHICKEN PURE JELLIED .1. ..................... it. 69c. Jellied VEAL .. ...:............ per ib.. 59c ROUND STEAK. ,.... ,... , . ,......... per lb, 65c ROAS •t• S ROUND STEAK, Boneless ....... lb, 65c SMOKED PICNICS , per lb, 45c EXTRA SPECIAL— FRESH PICNIC HAMS Boned and Stuffed with Qressing -- LB. ........ 39e LITTLEty Market .urs SUPER STANLEY'S ABATTOIR, PHONES 414 and 415 t3 n-Friesxan Association annual vincial,• dxstrxet and county board quet in Blyth. meetings, in which breeders -meet allowing greetings by Presi- and discusstheir problems." He t William Gow. R.R. 2, Au- said he' is convinced the 'snlendid ton and Mrs. Clutton. R.R. 5, God-. ministration in our office in Brant. umsmen will carry on •with four erich; .Jake Terry and Mrs. Terry, ford. The organization demands town league pee -wee teams. Lambeth; William J. Dale, war certain responsibilities. We have den of Huron County; William to keep up our good record, We Morritt, reeve of Blyth, and Mrs. cannot underestiEnate the good their surplus, it won't be long un- Morritt; national • director Earl relations we haw in other conn til we will have to create a new Hooper and Mrs. Hooper, St,tries, where we sell our cattle. surplus." Marys; 'president W. Gow and Last year' money was set aside It is a wonderful safeguard,' Mrs. Gow, R.R..2, Auburn; first for research work. he added, "for the dairy farmers vice-president Simon Hallahan, CLess `•than 30 per cent of our of Canada that dairy products Blyth; second vice-president Bert children are drinking enough milk may no longer be adulterated." Dunn, and Mrs. Dunn, Bayfield; to keep Up; a healthy standard," Awards Made national director, Lorne Reid, Mrs, the speaker said. "If we support CertificAes were presented by L. Reid, Ripley; Graham Holmes, our dairy farmers in the use of Mr. Terry to Hume Clutton, R.R. president, Bruce County Holstein 5, Goderich, the county. associa- Association; Byron Rath, secre- tion's secretary, who, according to tars Middlesex County Holstein Huron Trappers the fieldman is one of tjie few Association, and'Mrs, 'Rath- Leo master br@ede'rs.— Bissett Bros., Baeker, -past "president, Middlesex, See Humane Trap Goderich ::.received two ce ode - and Mrs. Baeker. tutee Baxter and Tutton, Gode- Community singing was led byrich, a certificate; J. W. VanEg- Clark Johnston, Belgrave, with Demonstrationmond, Clinton, a certificate and Mrs. Harvey Brown, Blyth, at thefour awards went to Tom Hayden Piano. (Continued from Page One) and Son, Gorrie. Warden Dale and Reeve Mor- In response to a request for in- . Awards announced by Mr. ritt extended greetings. formation •'on the fox bounties .Montgomery, were presented to Earl Hooper introduced the there was active discussion... Some winners in Black and White Show guest speaker, Norman Martin; of the men present felt that the including premier exhibition, Ross St. Thomas; president of the Hol- fox was beneflcial in many ways Marshall, Kirkton; runner-up, stein -Friesian Association of Can- for the mice that he caught. Oth- Glen Walden, Lucknow; premier ada, who congratulated the local, ers contended that the fox killed breeder, senior get of sire and best club on its good work of the past skunk, and after all the skunk senior herd, Ross Marshall; best year, was a better mouser himself than udder female, Peter. Simpson, Sea - "One reason we have grown so the fox was. forth; best two-year-old in milk, rapidly is that we are descended One reason . for the fox bounty president Gow, Auburn. from staunch ancestry who had a being witheld in Huron 'County Wins Calf was brought from the floor, One Winner in a draw for a Holstein of the -men mentioned that the calf was Mrs. Don Steepe, Gode- County was obligated to re -build rich. CLINTON the Court -House, and to raise AGENT— money for fox bounty this year would have"meant a raise in the LONDON mill rater which the Cbunty Coun- ��ll 1� c refused to do. Mer Skates Batkin requested in - SNj PSHOT formation regarding the muskrat A marshes which the Department had been s there s other areas, Sharpened SERVICE asking if there was any chance vIof some being begun in Huron. Mr. Ducharme answered stating that they plan mentioned was be- We Have the Finest Another "Select" Photo gui► originally to improve hunting Equipment Finisher. for the Indian population in areas where reserves were plentiful, He Lengthwise and Hollow Two -Day Delivery said there was no money available. Ground for. Best for work in this district on musk- Results, at marshes Clintonj tt Speaker for the evening was S. J, Daly Toronto, representing the Bowling Alley Humane Society for the ls- tion of Cruelty to Animals,, whoNelson"Is presented with demonstrations a A new style humane trap which had MACHINE SHOP been tined out in the north with Clinton good success. The feeling of the 43tib meeting was that thou h the tra s Jutter—Perdue All Barriers Philips Super M Reception, 17 -inch Table Model. Beautifully designed cabinet' in walnut, mahogany or oak with matching base. Aluminized picturetubefor better reception, Philips. Cascade Tuner, 5" Super -M speaker. Resiptor Shield• antenna. Equipped with Phono-input jack. 20" wide., 20Y2" high, 21" deep: Merrill Radia. and Electric- rHILIPS'-- PHILCO — CROSLEY and DUMONT TY PHONE 313 OLINTON A. ;:. Party' Supplies yx, f'.0 .`' O SEALS TALLY CARDS l ` A� might •b2 effective in the north where trapping was much differ- ent and carried• on with the �„. • SERVIETTES. + CREPE ' PAPER. •' STREAMERS O CUT-O,UT,SKELET¢NS "tubby sets", this method would 0 CATS O..NOVELI ES,.. False Faces not work in this area where ani- ':CLOTH PAPER mals were wary of man, and especially where steel was used in ' 5e to 54P each MASKS ..........,.' Be Jo 25c Paper Costumes an obvious way. We CardialivInvite Cloth Costume You. - -` The president related his obser- ` ...,, ,..... $3.39 A. ;:. Party' Supplies yx, f'.0 .`' O SEALS TALLY CARDS l ` A� • TABLECLOTHS �„. • SERVIETTES. " CREPE ' PAPER. •' STREAMERS O CUT-O,UT,SKELET¢NS 0 CATS O..NOVELI ES,.. False Faces ':CLOTH PAPER RUBBER ' 5e to 54P each MASKS ..........,.' Be Jo 25c Paper Costumes Large and Small size, Cow Girl, Dutch. Girl, .Peasant Girl, Witch- Red Riding Hood, Batman, Cow Eby,. Magician, Owl ,: ... 49c each Cloth Costume Sizes 4 to 6; 8 to 1,0— s Devil, Clown ........................... ..... :...:....:: ...,, ,..... $3.39 Mr.F; wan'_Q vations of trapping .in the north,' and stated that if a humane trap was found practical in this area, then it might be all right. 'We Here"s your personal invitation to -the don't go out into the bush and a ; kill for the fun of it. Ours is a :G:ir5t public showing of the car that's 'new alb. business — in fact Canada's first business — and we must use what p Is practical.in our area," said W. through-- a Johnston, m Winners of the draws made at the meeting were Mrs. Wilham Hill (daughter of :they president) who won the .222 rifle; Lawrenc i Beckett, Woodham, (who came 35 miles to the meeting),, 12, free tic f kets on the rifle draw; Keith Cox,n e , vro et For secretary-treasurer;:won ;the free. draw offered .for the.,member• whose number was ;.drawi (am Wspl' munition); NBilI Snell Exeter muskrat stretchersi, Earl Dou tette Clinton huntingknife; `Sieo e�e man Aldwinckle. Varna, steel trap, On y lits cin 28' >>l 9 a.m. to 9 p.m HOW'S YOUR SUPPLY a OF FUEi�AYse YOU WON'T WANT" TO MISS SEEING. THE Be ready for that FINEST CAR IN CHEVROLET ,HISTORY! quick drop in temper - attire! Order your win- --+,• ter fuel supply NOW . . ORDER FUEL NOW I T �►r, n,,wn �1 f �""1 Y'C I • A. G,rlgg Or: Doll + aVA %y 10 -- ®ldsmobile Sayer and (Gift: and Stationery Store � Phone 14W -- Clinton CLINTON