HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-10-28, Page 9'THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, •195k CLINTON NEWS-RECORD PAGE NINIfr
""'" Aly F`orce,Golfrs Hansell Cou le "Skip" Winter would like to seer
s/L G. �. Bury
fir , all Seouterrx"ant
J -
-Goderieh TOwliship � STANLEY ` L ,
1V 111 `lGoderlelp Seriously Hurt- The cub Paok in RCAF Station
-� Honoured At 7 1 T� r Scout
Mrs. Alan Bettles spent last, Mr. and Mrs, William Sinclair, Club Ti-,1 , h1CS 1 I'UCl� ilYtS Tree ' Cintbn t really own f t,
Cub Master Ory Johnson lias44
week in Toronto, and saw the, big visited in Hamilton over the week Dave McKavery, of Ste- and. boys in the pack - There will he
-flood, end. Two teen-agers were admitted , plenty
p tion Clinton, won' the Ellis Trophy to ,Victoria, Hos rivalry between,
Dr, and Mrs. Edward Mullens Missy-.Leola Taylor and friend;. �ar.�'iwe�� Part resented at the annual Closing.. pita), London,. Sat- ���i� the Cubs in town, and the Cubs }n .
London, left by aeroplane, on a The Radar and Communications, P a irrday 'night with' serious injuries , culb camp this winter: It is ho d• to
0o e J w. School at RCAF Station Clinton, Golf Club at as a result of an accident three et a 'few
and babe, Toronto, spent the day of Maitland
;,'weekend with the lady's parents, ,trip to:M s a Goderich on the weekend, Dr. g hockey games going
Mr, and Mrs, Russell Zurbrigg held a farewell ;party for S/L.:G. miles south of Hensall on, High, between the two packs. -The town
Dlr. 'and Mrs. F're'd Middleton: and daughter Patricia, Wingham, J• Bury on ,Saturday, October 23.' Norman Jackson made the'presen way 4. - News pack were the softball champs,
Dr. and Mrs. Mullens attended S talion of the many trophies to m-
"'their: doss re-union' dinner.; at visited Mr. and.Mrs. John A, Me- /L Bury has been Chief, Instruc- divion of inner at the' club b Miss Elaine Bell, 16, student at,
Wonder who willwin the hockey.
the Universlwy of 'Western On Ewen. for in the school since January quet winners a°". South ' Huron District High School, - New home Attontion,'Mothers!
0 1951 and is now transferred to Exeter, and daughter of Mr. and It was quite a-pleasure, for the The Cub and, Scout. Mothers?'.
Carlo. Air Force Headquarters 'in Ot- The. $: Lloyd trophy was won _ .Cubs of Clinton to mea Auxiliarywill b'
t Mrs. William Bell; Klbpen; suffer t for the a held; ,in the
Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Middle- None Hurt In Hv. 4 tawa. S/L .Bury is weir known by. Joe Morgan; also of, RCAF Sta- re first; time in Cou c
'-to}1, Stuart McEv✓en,;lVIrs.'WilIi'am tion Clinton, Other were
red and head' injuries, and a : thein new home.",By nil ,Chamber on ,Tuesday
to residents o£ Clinton,a3:nd district ,'dislocated- hip: ` Irvin Ford Ere- vibe courtesy. of the;Chnton Public evening, `November. 2 _at 8 .m.
' Nbbutt and Mr. and Mrs, Eimie '
through the man social and Civic Tony-Bedard, Maitland Club, who, P
a Sunday'
uttered a fracturedr ankle'School Board the Cubs have been All mothers.'of ,Scouts and Cubs
-Carter attended' the Grey-Bruce L1CCldelfii Sunda functions he ,has attended as re won the Garrow,Trophy and the; ter, s Permitted to meet ' are invited ^` •
J ' $ club championship. Harry Thom and face and head injuries, ten the :auditor- V ted to this, meeting. Ficial
•Aberdit6n ' Bus ,sale' held t. Damage was estimated•at about resentative of the station. P p'. P rum. Of: Clinton's fine new school arrangements .must. be a
Walkerton : on Thursday lash, $225' in a two=car collision , on : t son was crowned Juiuor champion Police said the accident hap- .eve Mon of made for
. Y Ata social gathering , the Bury
and wo : t e: Vic ;Elliott Tro pend when a pick-up, : truck driv- ', • day night between• ter; •the annual Father and Son ban-
Stewart •had four cattle consign- Highway 4 between RCAF Station tion Recreation Centre; S/L Bury n• }' phy' e p - • p and X8.30:, The new ,Cub Master gnat, •
wed to this sale: Clinton and Clinton on Sunday at- was h sever v _ Mrs :Jimmie-Ubakata won the en:by, Ford went .into ,the ditch Tom Darlin was abl '
, s presented wit al ,alu ;club championship in the women's and struck, a .tree., , : Darling Y: assisted at
ternoon. No one was m�ured, able gifts from .the personnel of P P the meeting by, Ken Cervantes:III�I�III�MNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIInINI(IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIINI�IIIIIIIiIIIIiE
Police said a' car, driven by No. I R. and C. S. and wished division and also the coveted rase Dr. J ;C, Goddard, Hensall, at-; and: Doug -Hardy,.
'BRUCbD C e Jacqueline,Jett, an airwoman from every success in his new position! bowl, tended at the -scene of the acei- The former.Cub Master, Frank N
EFIELD RCAF Station Aylmer, yeas in coIb 'The evening was rounded; out with i o- dent. Ling, is now ahe,Assistarit District
• lison with a car• driven; by ,an un- ',an informal 'dance and buffet 100 At Hensall --0�^ Commissioner for Cubs in Huron TOWNS '
Mr, and Mrs. Ro Lo identified Clinton airman, lunch. ' . Distract: ", HULLETT
Y,. ppington; Constable T.'.C. WHitfield, of the o- (�• Stop Ar Mall Training.Gourhe The CounaiiPof 2jirwnsiiip
-.Monday.ld, Were at Toronto on inial, Police, in - Sta a Grand 1 y ... glia first Cub scouters Training of Huilett win hold a.'
yestigated. LOST 5 Hours' Course for the ` Huron District
Master Hans •and Bobby Lep- Constable'
Prov U ' / g • that has:.been held for- some COURT OF REVISION
p N j� Two We Before Years will be held: in Clinton on for the hearing ' of APpeala
theiirograndparents, Mrs and Nirs , USE THE WANT AD-SECTIO14 Found On Beach MaSterg 1•!"ight November 3 and 10. Field,Com-
,ThoMas . Leppington, Clinton, on OF THE a missionery Harry. C. rViiith,, will against the ' 188G Assessment
Monday, CLINTON NEW5-RECORD (Continued from Page One) (By our Hepsall correspondent) BOYS Come Home' lead the. course, Scouters..from R011 in the
ed. The Lindsay and Finley homes .Grand'"Masters` Night of ,the ✓ -1 Centralia, Exeter,Gravid B nd;
'Community Hall,:Londesborop
served as canteens all evening. Independent Order, of Oddfellows The Canadian Army is doing its, Seaforth,-Goderich, Hensall and
At,ten o'clock `Mrs. Poth tele District No. 8, was held in the best to take the kinks out of Clinton will be attending :the at s`0 Pn'•
phoned Radio Station CKNX and 'town hall, Hensall, on October 22, Santa Claus' addres list. course, MONDAY
had word on the air, This was attended by 150, representing If troops scheduled to returli to Scoutem Council r NOVEMBER i,
p;eked up by the CFPL-TV Lon lodges in Exeter, Seaforth, Gode- Canada from the'Far.East before The'.'Clinton Group Scouters 29"
d P
came from iatery districts f Just fish, Clinton,Lodgesf fel m Hensall,
Christmas. heed the words of wis- Council will be; rneeting on Mon- GEORGE Q �l.I TY FEEDSdom of the Canadian Army Postal day mght; November. 1, in ,the RGE W. COWAN,
after George was -found, Ron Nich- Seaforth, Clinton, :-Goderich. and Corps, their parcels and' letters District Commissioners office. Clerk
oils telephoned from Seaforth . of- Hensall. Amber Rebekah Lodge, %mill . end' up, where they belong District Commissioner L e. 42-3-b
•�,� w.. fering the services of a group of Hensall, catered :for a delicious under the Christnjas trees' `at �IIIINIIIIIIAIIII@Vll�llll�III�IIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIi
men, Someone, else telephonedbanquet."ry for home, not in
ntthe staarmEast waiting
from Brucefield, Lloyd, Hudson; St. gMa s, a .
2 T Dr. 'Paul Walden, who was member of Hensall lode welcom of
ongrairxhxfions l D Officers and men a all units
`s among those searching (he had ed the visitors. A toast to the slated for return to Canada .have
not his medical case 'with him} Queen was proposed in, a very
Ste ed • with Mrs, 'Mont ower able manner by Garnet -Hicks, been warned to. advise their fain- Y t1 C CaIVIM
S.nO�4rY g y dies and friends to discontinue iI GP, ! S COLUMN,
Gibbings who had fallen' while doing down PDDGM, Exeter Lodge.d writing letters two wealth prior to
the bank, until her own physician Several sing-songs were under their' departure date and to dis-
arrived. At. no time did Mrs. the capable direction of S. G. continue sending parcels immed-:
Montgomery collapse. Everyone Rannie. A delightful program was
. on having -the two top animals at the felt she Rept up wonderfully weII. enjoyed consisting of pleasing lately, !�
She was not injured but it was vocal duets by Hazel McEwan and; parcels which are received in
South" Western Guernsey Sole at Ilderton felt that the long strain miglit Edith Bell; 'readings, Evelyif Me- the Far East after the soldiers British o
the results •of Good Breeding, Careful Mon- have ill effects a on her health, Beath; vocal solos, S. G. Rannie; return to Canada will be redirect- ,; People are almost proverbially
9r y. q the under-dog n trad Ins ally addicted to the side of
Yesterday she had uite recovered violin selections, Nelson. Howe. ed to the addressee, or returned in s
agement- and'Good Feeding - Bert has one from the ordeal. Noble Grand. of Hensall, Lodge, to the sender and will be `subject Ports contest. There's some-
Wilmer Jones, asked the ladies to return .postal charges equal to t it "fine and sincere about thi$, ynd ft's
of the' leading 6i jh-test Guernsey herds, sup Had the child not been found � r and the original doubtful that British sentiment Over reached
plying highzgrade milk to Clinton and has the. RCAF had promised to fly wasthreeslondedtto ystheeNoble g_ Postage. p p ;Eng mats world
a finer itch when all land's to
bloodhounds in from Winnipeg to rooted with feverish acclaim for Jaroslov
' Grand of Hensall Rebekah lodge,
been on our 'Felling Program for _Calves, continue the search Wednesday . ■ . Drobny, a Czech exile, to win the Wimbledon
YoungStock and 'Milkers for the est seven Mabelle Whiteman, Toast to the Chauen a Cu the past summer.
P morning. Grand Lodge was proposed by W. RCAF Division P
At ten o'clock there was some R Dougall, PDD SM i_ This was amazing, in view of .the fact that Drobny was
Yds• At
of recalling tlLe RCAF RoberWilliamson, PGM, Lon- Helps Orphans' playing Ken Rosewall, a crafty, speedy and young Australian
searchers but when it commenced don, introduced the speaker of the p who had just knocked the last hope of the United States, Tony
to rain, it was felt that the child,, evelein
Results that -Pay (presumed to be asleep) might g, Newton Foster, an Trabert, out of the running.
have awakened It was fortunate Master of Kingston, who present- Enjoy.•e� Ou�1•,<„ Not even could the Hollywooded a Wonderful address speaking Outin wizards of film have
that they continued. George was on the accomplishments of Odd � nee' a final fade-out more dramatically—for a kin a plan-
soaking wet from rain and whimp- Fellowship, and the splendid work For 56 children from l'Orphel dupes and duchesses and masses of commoners 'screamedcand
CnNC erhig when found only 20 feet being done by the C. P: and T. inat Saint Michel, Plappeville, applauded and actually wept with sheer joy as "Old Drob"
KRIDDICKV and 'S V NS from the water's edge. Wednes- committee. Mrs. N. Foster was France, a week long vigil came to at last attained the goal for which he began striving as a boy ;
day morning waves were washing presented with a beautiful bou. an end recently. The Royal Can- of 16 in 1939,
up to the bank. quet of roses from the IOOF by adian Air Force, 1 Air Division,
PHONE 114 -- CLINTON Little George did not speak to Noble Grand Mabelle Whiteman, France, aided.by representatives Since then he has been in the finals twice and always in
anyone, not even to his overjoyed of .Amber Rebeli:ah Lodge, of the officers' wives association the quarter-finals or semi-finals. He played first as a Czech,
parents. He •was given first aid •Albert Keys, PDDGM Exeter provided the means for another' then for a time as a man literally without a country as. he
and just smiled at those around Lodge; was presented with the sight seeing tour. fled the Communist regime which had swallowed his own
him He is quite well; having suf- past Distixct Deputy's Jewel by This was the second group of country, a regime he found distasteful.
fared no ill effects from his.
ad- Grand Master Newton Foster, who orphans from the Metz area to be
venture. com limented him on the past taken on. anexcursion, following aKnowing all this, appreciating a background not untouch-
It is thought now that the boy years work, Mr. Keys made a Project inaugurated by the RCAF with Personal Heroism, and seenting,that, perhaps, it was
may have gone down onto the suitable reply and thanked the a few weeks ago, This affords 600 now or favor for this quiet man, Ids final 'victory to a long, ,
beach after his pet collie, 'Willie lodges of the district during his orphans the opportunity of an bitterly-,ought match was greeted by a most extraordinary
Tlie dog was heard giving tongue term of office, outing, scene of genuine tribute and congratulation.
while chasing rabbits in -the' af- Norman Jones, DDGM, was un- Two large RCAF buses proceed Here was a man who had overcome all .the vicissitudes
mm ■ nn ■ Q ternoon. "Willie" went to the able to take part In the ,evening's ed towards the cities of Mondorf of fortune to become champion, Six times in nine years
D®1llt'1�o� Royal Tires beach several times during the proceedings due to Illness. Lloyd and Luxembourg. Sing-songs were Drobny had reached the semi-finals. at Wimbledon. And at
search but would give no lead, He Hudson, toastmaster, expressed the order of the day as soon as this, his third final, he was champion at last. So, even
just ran around in circles as if thefeelingof the meeting, hoping the youngsters were settled in though lie had defeated a Britisher to achieve the goal at
604i�A confused. for his speedy recovery. their seats. last, sporting England rose to give him a tremendous ovation.
--56 First to be visited was the The self-exiled Czech now a naturalized Egyptian but
beautiful park a'£ Mondorf Les ,
Our ReguTor Price $14,50 Bains, adjacent to the renowned married to an Englishwoman and living in England, had every-
OUR SPECIAL PRiCE summer resort and Casino. At body but the most Ioyal Australians on his side, Even the
�� �� Q the park the children played Duchess of Bent told ]nim as she resented the glittering silver
Rumall's 1GA games and refreshments were p' g ge. Specials
served by the ladies of the oferechallenge cup that she had her thumbs crossed for him.
ars' wives association. All this, we thinic, rates as one of Cho finest sporting
A tour of the City r Lamme gestures of a year wieich has had a neat man of them.
670-15 boulg was next on the programme b' y
Our Regular Price 15.50 28 where the party visited the fam-
ous $ Libb S®mato Guice •18 07, 2$C ous old cathedral with its solemn Youreommenlsandau e r
OUR SPECIAL PRICE Crypts, the palace of the Grand suggestions
ID2g Duchess, the fortress ruins, and by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert Nouse; 431 yonge Si., Toronto.
``�� e Dacr(red Peaches a oz. I many more points or ifiterest.
e1x9.50 bb
a Supervising the excursion were
e g . . Sisters from the orphanage; two C& 1vP
Libb s F reit Cocktail 15 oz. . . . . 27C officers from the RCAF Bead- D t 5 T 1 L L R 5 LIMITED
quarters; and the foliowin repre- AMHERSTBURa, OMTARIO
Graham Oil Service Station Clinton 5 ntatives of the officers wives
association: Mrs. Hugh Campbell,
HOURS: 7.30 a.m. to 1(0.00 p.Tn.l �'afast Club Raspberry Jam JQ,' wife of AMM Campbell, Air Of- - ---�- ��
a ficer Commanding 1• Air Division
Mrs, W. M, Smith, Winnipeg,
Kan . , 39c Mari.; Mrs, E. C. Kerslake, Tren-
ton; Mrs, J. F. Mullins, Moncton, i
Hawe's Lemon Oil . • 29c_ N.B. ' .
Till s Peanut Butter ..... , . 31c yo�� � �1c a nin, 9INSEN 1i no R
Delmar Marerine .... 29c ca��
STATE FARC LATEST Im!&�®I• L�a�rVEv .�Rccs
Sunny'Morn Coffee ........... $1.09 INSURANCE AGENP 1954 CHEVROLET "BEL AIR" Power Glide-
00A r f full equipped ; $2295
White Sugar y q
�j ��c 11 195' fully equipped .. ,.,..,,., Candy Kisses LB. r d $1995
. •� . • ., ... ; • • , . TRIPLE _ � 4 CHEVROLET STANDARD SEDAN—
' PROTEmON fully equipped .: .., ,...,.
. ........ ........ $1895
'Vo 1 s Ri�S fully equipped ... $1650
dour Dome=Grown Grain Suns ljr r
Rumball's IGA Market, 1953 CHEVROLET STANbARD SEDAN .
Can. Last Lon er ---' PUONE s6 - � u equipped .. ....
.` fully $1595
4 Lloyd Etua 1953 CHEVROLET COACH—
and grain Y. u a ret t rhe for feeding your livestock � y fully equipped. $1595
The, rain you row of ho
poultry. pretty. important commodity. it has PHONE 78r5 — ZURICH 1952 CHEVROLET SEDAN—full equipped',,.'.,,.
taken a lot of time and money to produce that, grain Y$1395
crop . and you donSt want to waste any. You CAN • Thurs. • Fri. Sat 1952 CHEVROLET SEDAN—"two-tone" .., ,.... $1295
waste a lot. of grain if you don't.' feed it properly, ]� Oct: 28-29-30 ` 1952. CHEVROLET � COACH-"low mileage!' $1245
BEFORE you feed our rdin, a ICKETT and , T I•c K E TS
l on all Joluiston, 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN
You see, grain Supplies energy in a' livestock or poultry. / \� - Snits - ROYAL HOME 1949 PONTiAC, SEDAN : $ 89$
feed but; it DOES NOT supply sufficient protein, min-
1949 STUDEBAKER (5- asses
erdls and vitamins to meet proper requirements. That's i ® - P ager coupe) , .. $ 49S
exact) whyIt takes about 'i100 lbs. of straight rain v 7.CHEV. Fleetline Coach, fully equipped...'. $ 695 '
to put a hg to' market compared to just 600 to 700 PRESENT /� Thifteezduslvo.wan Nov.® 954 194
lbs: of a.rnixture of grain and SHUR-GAIN Ho' ( us and Royal Yorktio0ns, Nov.12 t0 Nov. � 1948 REO 3-TON Cabin Chassis $ 600
g Dozens of sparkling now
Concentrate. ickets, Including General Admission i947 CHEVROLET 1 TON PICK-UP 2'
m E M B E °� � ®N E i00% virgin wool fdrks T • • . •
In the eztlling diodes of ' Monday, Tvosday,Wednesday, �2" $ 95
DON'T WASTE GRAIN. - `'2 ' '°'�J char Grey, char Brown Thursday Evenings: 1943 DODGE 1-TON PANEL ., .. $ 245
$2.50 $1.50
and see us about a $HUR-GAM custom �%
and char ewe: 1949 FORD TRACTOR and '.PLOW, new tires $ 550
ice that will SAVE YOUR GRAII.N'. >, . - ` Friday and Saturday Evenings, .. -i
$3.00 $2.00
... 86 y—, l ling ✓rhrend, rear i Made fo your measure Wednesday& Fnday Mafinaes:—'$1.00
SO Saturday Matinees:—$11.50—$1.00 if Brussels Motors
- f�.. E close a half addrnsmd anvaro with - "
t 5' 69
2 PC 4 Your chaque or money order and sood fo: '
E '� � Royal Agricultural Duron Coillity's Foremost Used Car Oenler
• , : Johnston s low
o.-/ Fsnr s Rayai Ya,k Mice. ''`'Winter Fait RiJS5EL5 ON'I' 1R]CO PHONE i3X