HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-10-28, Page 8•PAGE EIGHT _ CLJNT4DN NEWS-REOCIPM ` THURSDAiy, 41 0Leaders Of;'Creai Producers " Ives - St. tuarie a St. Paul's ' edd'n s Wingham. v Wednesday; ?' ' is ding of i Miss Jean Mustard Mrs., Jane Cousins : e wain na �• d r, ,•e 'n 'a ankle -length dress U o ly i Mrs. Jane ',: •. Whittin¢ton- Ii e' st 'of nylon tulle in a'shrimp shade: Hugh Gieorge A veteran of the nursing field Mineral service for M s, 3i x s �° wn0 a he wore a, matching, jacket over est son of 1% d a former resident of the .Cousins, 4222 E: Court ,Street, a??. �r w� In a quiet ceremon at' the he le - The ceremop an m', i., �� r? Church or , " Brucefield area; Miss- Jean 'Must- Flint; Mich,, , was conducted on � x � � , � , e y strapless bodice, ' Her head. • ,p: > �w ,J � Christ's Disciples, Lon. ,dress was floral m deaf three o'clock d died : in her 82nd year in , St. Wednesday afternoon; October 20; ? a e s< ) � ,, ' q ' � r y don, on October 15> Mrs. Sadie design and her Rev: H. L. -I ar�w.b flowers were Pale yellow Shasta Joseph's Hospital, London, after a from St. Andrew's Episcopal £> • West, folarierl of Clinton,' became chrysanthemums. Paul's. Will month's illness. , Church, "there, `Rev. C, C. Wat- j t' ti�yFs ` Y y Brucefield, daughter of.,kins officiated "and interment was4',s'. the bride of Leonard Whittington; The flower-girl:,was little Diane at the elides _ e. late Bru d g Eckert Falls. The Rev. E. C. T e b ' the. la e •Mr. and. Mrs. William: in'Sunset Hills; Flint;' Mich'."' Miss '' � i,F�� " ansink, Seaforth,'wea in a dress Th ride as , F Eckert officiated, ) g by her f -ler Mustard; she received Ther early Sadie Watkins and Mrs. Wallace l r, i r The bride wore. a ° nav dress of powder. blue :nylon net,: She street-len! education. there and,later`,at Clin- Powell, "Clinton, attended the k h. y' carried a 'nose a of yellow and co funeral. with navy and white accessories pink chrysanthemums: stume; wi ton. " and corsage of pink carnations. She wore a She' taught school at SS 10 Mrs.,•Cousins was born ,in Clin- The only attendants were Mr,. and ,George De Jong, ',R.R. 3, '..Sea- and carried Stanley Township, for a number of ton, _'the daughter' of the late F::' Mrs. Harry Harper, brother-in-law forth, was his brother's groom- Miss Mary years before' training fora.nurse Henry Watkins and•Mary'Beacom. �,3. and sister,of the bride, London'. man.' Anthony De .Jong and Neil sin of -the h at St. John's Hospital, Brooklyn, With her husband, Archie and t' A recgption was held at the R. ushered wearingl,a ci their family, she; moved ,to flint home of the bride's sister, and gat- Following" a wedding dinner at wool, cut on In 1917 she served overseas with 44 years ago; and Mr.: Cousins the American Red Cross and' until died there on March '20; 1936. F" er Mr, and Mrs. Whittington mot- the home le ,the bride's mother, brides costu ' 4 she was ; Well :known in. the district,, Mxs. - ` tired" to` Burkes Falls. the couple eft on a. wedding tri s s, her retirement m 19" 5 - in Easterh' Ontario; To travel, the, oThe grpo affiliated with hospital institutions Cousins paid many visits back to Detectors of the Tiuron'Cqunty Cream Producers' Association, l bride•ehanged to Il wool 'dress in Fisher, Clin -and 'the United Clinton,_ and this" year had spent were returned to office at the .meeting of'that body fn the agri- m both; Canadafour months' here with her; sister,, ;cultural office. Board room here! week. 'They are from left raspberry red, with matching: hat, ding States: DC Jori --Lane a. grey, coat and black accessories. ng dinner lYIiss',Sa'd a Watkins„, to dight; Simon Hallahan; Belgrave; Hume R.R. 5, Gode- "j On thele, return Mr.. and Mrs. De :deuce nn J. Miss United. was a member Iii, Flint, she was a. inember'of .,rich; Russell Bo1'ton Dublin and -James -Simpson, Seaforth. In Ass United. Church. Rev. mss' Weber officiated in Jong 'will ere re London.•k'i _; St. � Andrews Church -for many, , ,front. the :right �is ,Harvey,. -Leslie,, president -,6f , �, St, James Roman Catholic Guests, resent From Lon-. immediate' The happy She was the last other genera ears ,, and also of the Durand Ontario Creamery Operators Association, who was guest .speaker .. Church 'Seaforth for. the wedding do Strat tied' New Toronto Lu- Ym00 tion rand only survivors' ai•e a num- Y dig n, f , , a hone and,ne hews.. • chapter;,,of the Ladies' Guild there. 'at.. the meeting. (News Record` Photo) of "Mary '"Elizabeth Lane, Reg.N.;, can, Formosa, bublin, Clinton' and an W, of nieces. P She died. on Sunday, October 17, the bride c The body rested at the home of . and Cornelius A. De Jong, Lon Seaforth. - her nephew,John .A..NIcEwen; of In Hurley Hospital, Flint, ; liant colouring later in the fall; don. The bride is the daughter blue orlon'v ' concession' Stanley Surviving besides her. sister„ are; and which has the advantage that of ,Mrs; Charles: Lane; Brrtcefield;: 'Bride Is Honored and black'. the 'secchio , two daughters, Mrs. Norman Har- Autumn ColoUxiri and the late Mr- Lane; .: and he Friends and neighbors return they Township until Monday when ser the leaves” stay longer on the g gathered ve and Mrs; Richmond k'ridaY; trees, is the. red oak.,; The leaves bride oom is the son of Mr, and at S.S. 3• Tuckersmith on Friday' Ville. • . Ace was conducted -in Brucefield Flint; 'one; son, "Oliver, Davison, Mrs. e` Jon — Umted Church -by Rev. Charles Mich. seven grandchildren'an s 12 In, Many S iCiCs of this species turn. a brilliant Anthonyy g, R.R, , 3;' evening; October 8, to. honor Mises Mustard, Toronto,, a, rfephew. In- J > red. It will. grow any place in Seaforth: Mary Lane, prior. -to her marriage. ZURICH L1 great-grandchildren,• . , First part of the. evenin • s Cemetery. - r , .• Southern Ontario, although it is The organist, Mrs,•Alice g was AUCTION 1 terment was in Baird' Of Untario Trees not distributed .generally and. Stiles,; played traditional wedding, spent in progressive, euchre, Mary Knowing • : there are sections where it would. music and .accompanied- the. solo- :wag seated In' a decorated chair to contribut A. - M. Passinore Mrs., William Hari. (By I: C. Marro; District Forest be impossible to find." There are ist; D Orlean Sills, Seaforth, while Eleanor McCartney read an sist the Tor ($y Our Hensall ..,,respondent) er; Department of Lands and several species of shrubs that also Given in marriage by her broaddress. She was presented with Zurich Lion Albert Melvin Passmore, , 41,, Mrs:, William Hart, Varna, died Forests, R.R. I, IHespeler) colour early. and they are found thea William Lane, •the bride 1! beautiful end table, hostess a' "White I on Saturday, Octubek 23, following growing in all parts: There are wore a,floor-length gown of nylon ,chair, and table, lamp and other very soon t Ayhner; a buyer for the•ImPerial, Many people correctly credit the Tocco'Company,-and sponsor of: a three weeks illness.' She was 83. su ar maple tree with the bril- two'species of :dogwood, the bine tulle and Chantilly lace over.sat- gifts for which s enjoys ed every„- donate th T ba g P beech and sumach. in. 'The snugly fitted tulle bodice' one. Lunch was enjoyed and the donate • at;ti a modern subdivision there which . The former Rachel Ann• McP giant colouringseen in the fall. g y bears his, name; died on Friday;, Clinchey; she was born in, Stanley There are .othr species that add ° was ftamed at 'the. shoulders, with .remainder of the evening was use to s im wide bands of lace with a hqued spent in dancing. ' October 22 m Elgin General Hos- Township where she spent most of to this colouring and several col The first Canadian postage lace lilies outlined in sequins. The On Monde evening, Mrs., Mer- October St. Thomas. He bad been heShe was a member of the Ang- or married life.ur weeks earlier than the sugar stamps were issued in 5851.- sleeves ended in lily points ex vyn Large and Mrs. Gordon Rey- m fazling 'health for the last five mapple, The red maple turn a. o tending over her hands. Layers nolds-' a e: ht stesses at, a"shower years with a heart condition, glean Church, Varna. Her nus- brilliant red about fhe middle of of tulle over satin formed the held t fie home of Mrs. Lane, Mr. Passmore ,contributed much band, William, liaim, p de ease brother, d her. September and they are followed' The News-Recor. d kirt which featured a deep Polon- Progressive euchre was enjoyed, to the development of modern soon by the white ash which has arse of lace ' cascading into a after which" a bountiful lunch was housing in Aylmer with the Pass-. Arthur McClinchey, Stanley - a bronze colouring. The hickory 77 chapel train. Her flowers- were served: Mary was led to the seat more 'subdivision in the southwest- Township. She was one of a tam-: are yellow and they colour before • Sells COU.nter white- Shasta chrysanthemums. of honour and -. presented with ern section of Aylmer, which he ily of 12. the sugar maple, Miss Frances Lane, West Mont- 'm Funeral service was fro the many beautiful gifts after which developed. . ` n Another species that has brig- Chock D rose, was bridesmaid for her sist= she thanked the ladies. T% was .born in Hensall, son of Bonthron funeral home; Hensall, -Check BOOlC.S Sohn Passmore and the late Mrs'. on .Tuesday' afternoon, with Rev. Passmore; received his education T. J. Pitt officiating. Interment in Hensall and Exeter High was in Bayfield Cemetery. School. He. was a member of St. Paul's United Church, Aylmer, and a lied Cross At Work .... Low. pow• • • and behold! d former member of the board of stewards.' Surviving are his widow, the former Zella 'Anteicknap; two In Toronto's sons, Kenneth and Bobby, nine and 11 ;years • of age; his father, John Passmore, Hensall• three Humber Disaster brothers, Passmore, N wichL; Rev. ine inot ®EaInic Robert Passmore, Norwich; Ken. At half past eight a Friday neth, Aylmer; two sisters, Mrs, evening, October 15, Red Cross William (Zetta) McLean and Mrs. started receiving. calls for help to Lorne (Gladys') Elder, Hamilton. meet the emergency created when Funeral service was conducted homes were flooded. Less than from the. Hughson funeral home, an houVlater a Red Cross official Aylmer, on October 25, by Rev. was on his way. When he arrived T. G. Husser, St, Paul's United he found that a further 15 families Church. Interment was in Aylmer were in danger of being flooded Cemetery, out. It was the first warning that a disaster of major proportions ' Dr. A. Aikenhead was _in the making, Albert E. Aikenhead; 72 Throughout the night more and Da more calls came into the Red formerly general practitioner in Cross switchboard. Etobicoke po- Hensall and 1908 graduate of the lice telephoned at eleven and three University of Western Ontario, quarters of an hour later a..Red died at Calgary, Alta., on Mon- Cross volunteer team was speed - day, where he was living in retire- 'Ing westward with a police, escort. _ ment. Half an hour after midnight an - Born at Brucefield in 1882, Dr. other group was rushing bedding, Aikenhead was a son of the late blankets and sheets. to Weston. Mr. and Mrs. James Aikenhead. They left part. of their load there He was a graduate of Clinton and drove on to Bradford which CollegiateInstitute. had,sent out an urgent call. PI,G He was a member of Grace All over the weekend Red Cross - Presbyterian Church; Calgary, and crews worked the clock round at practiced , for many years at a Bradford, Weston, Long Branch, clinic in tht 'city. Pine Grove, Woodbridge — every- He is survived by his wife, for- r , • ,....:,:•:,•t=><r: Y..•>,.:� ;a'k;,,w �� merly Blanche Armitage, London; Where help was needed. Private ✓ "" a , g individuals and municipal author- three daughters, Mrs. Marjorie ities worked equally ]lard and q Y Courtice, Mrs. Helen Maxwell, long, preparing acid distributing . � • • �''r.� d � � • �. Cal and Marion Vancouver; wherever ° v Calgary, food, in rescue parties, one son, Dr. John, Marion, two their help was required. v sisters, Mrs. Margaret Baird, It is not pos able to estimate Brucefield; Mrs. Bell Caskey, the final figure yet on the amount-' `' °- � �•� ��` .,8.. � "• Portage' la Prairie; four brothers, of blankets food beds sheets and Frank, Hensall; Duncan, Seaforth; clothing that has been distributed Dr, Will,, Toronto `and Malcolm,'ed Cross but it is certain by the R .,,� • ? w ` t ;" # London, an eight grandchildren. that it will run into thousands of Funeral sea rvices were held Wed- dollars. nesday at Calgary.`®� M ` at final/oN/eelr partes A General Morors vacua THE BEL AIR SPORT COUPE Chevrolet and General Motors took a whole new loot rp " F - the low-cost car -- and just look what. happenei BEING SHOWN! NOW serve C'ke Now Chevrolet, the leading builder o£ Can't you telljust'bi Pleasing young ghosts The Va1Ve'rn'head] $ valve 4n -head engines, introduces the Chevrolet and Genera r. hti •*- and goblins is easy—just .. - "Turbo -Fire V8." It carries the V'8`de- come: up with a eo 1, ;;::. . ? � s Bring out frosty bo,)tleo 's: of Coca-Cola, That's n sign to a new high-ia efficienc with its s a$` :O111y:, IAC va1P@`lEl'h(',a11Y idea about the low- x r high horsepower (162 ! ), high-compres- idea is this: to bur treat they all go for sion (S to 1 !)+ h hi performance and deiiolops, wholosomo and.: _,. leader call build . It q g P offers "ills very nes pure as sunlight. Better - surprisingly high gas,mileage..Available styling, the most mQ 'wi • have plenty,, -.a hoetoys _ i 'with standard transmission, or with the ry _ the finest kind of pe who serves Coke is extra -cost options of, .Overdrive or the hi hest 44.4ty o ... bound iole o ulurf n P P .. • Powerblide, all. at a modest pr thing that took a lot that only"tl}e world builders , could do. �011ll call choose' from Chevrolet, also offers the 'last word in i � •-six-cylinder performance and econ- omy! een- , new m this. ` 1VIotorai a.: i. • , omy ! There's a new "Slue -.);+'lame 136'.,' from its lower top rf two new, sixes, too 'teamed with PowergWe• and a new tubeless tires. Come..i "Blue -Flame 123" with either stiindard fapcinating" visit you ut O transmission or Overdrive._ an A om bile chow,, ...: , This poster atdealerf `: ` Is a timely reminder 6 Bottle Orton �� —lake home a cation or two. Including Federal Faxes -- More than a nem car --- � a new �'O�yLIG�L�`% t of low:"co st motor - Phis debosit 2e her• bostte • - Aglhorized bottler ox Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-ColuAtd.- ESBECO LIMITED 658 Erie :Street , •STRATFORD, ONT. - Phone 78RNE,,,. -BR r "Coke"fs a regl6lered Irado-mdrk - 4.16% - '' '"