HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-10-28, Page 6„ v
of her mother, Mrs, J. Des Jardin, Rector Arriving -� �• ---}�•4t�;� 0 read the correspondence, inc1U'ding
, o -e
Colina Street; over the weekend p /� 'AUBURN
a letter for a donation for the- .
• I Ir and Mrs Charles Hopper, LONDESBORO AUBURN CNIB. It was decided to give $10
Desbarats, were guests of ' .the Friday For and to ask for the government
News of �a field . ..,.,.....
Rev: and Mrs Peter and C ..w.�...,.��.�.�-�� WI grant. Announcement was
Representative Mr; and Mrs. Roy Fitzsimons re- Pji�ylheld ParjSh SVA Meeting made, of. the Huron County c6n--
BAYT, D ,45 r 3 cefitly. The refit ar,)meeting of the Lon- Mrs. George„ Hamilton was a vention to be held In Blyth.
-MSS LUCY R, WOODS : Phone T, Miss Ethel Blair, London, spent The RtiRev: G. L. Luxton, Lord weekend visitor with friends in
The president welcomed the vis-
•+•+0 the: Weeltend with her parents, Bishop of Huron; has announced heldwithMrs, sJoe Lyoni�n, the Seaforth,_ itors'and called on the president.
Mr. and Mrs, R. Blair, after hav- the appointment of the Rev. War- i e with the theme • Mrs, Alice Wilson„ Toronto, is of the:Goderich Institute to, p re -
Mrs. E. Beaton was inDetroit and Margaret, spent Sunday in ing been in Detroit :for a couple P chair. It opened wit t p
ren'`S. Outerbridge to the parish and a hymn. Mrs. Lyon ave' a visiting her sister, Mrs. 'George side for the program which was
from Thursday until Saturday. Woodham: of, days. ' _ of Trinity Church, ,;Bayfield, St• few. thou ht on Thanks ivin XUnghlut. presented ;by .the visitors, The'
`. Mr. and Mrs. George Fry; Loner Mrs. William R. Elliott return- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Farrell and James' Church, Middleton and St. - h g S e g ,Miss Amelia Wellwain was ' a
She led in prayer and everyone Scrpturewas read by. Mrs. Geo. -
don; occupied their cottage over ed home cri
after having Mrs, M. Palxner,,Kincardine, visit John's, 'Varna. Mr.", and- Mrs. e weekepd visitor Mr; and Mrs. rge Matheson, current events re-
the Weekend, visited in Krtehener,and Stratford 'ed the format's daughter, Mrs: A. repeated the Lords Prayer.
g Outerbridge and baby (formerly Clayton Lad Blyth. land.
Mrs Bonar Aust and for a week. Turland and family, over' the of Cardiff; Wales) are ,expected .This following, -week the ladies d viewed by 'Mrs., Cliff: Hol
Mr. and, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Scott and Mrs:, John Westbrook,. sang a s to
are catering to a masonic banquet Mr.:.and Mrs. William Strau
family, London, were at their cot- Mr. and Mrs., J. A. ,Orr and weekend. to arrive in :Bayfield; Friday. - ghan accompanied by Mrs..,J. Snyder. -
i John Stratford; occupied , their Mr, and Mrs, E., A. Featherston and a golden wedding. Mrs. Bert spent the weekend m: Kitchener., A a er on the motto was given,
Cage over the weekend. They, will occupy the new: reef- . p p g
^ cottage on Bayfield Terrace over were in Eiamilton. overrthe .week- Allen gave' a reading and .Mrs. ^.Mrs; harry Arthur, Who; has
George Fellows, Riverside, was her the attended the wed- ory—the ,former summer home of. Torn Allen ` favored with an In- . by MYs1 Harry Trved ne. -
t his cottage on, Louisa Street the weekend, end where Y been a patient in Alexan a Hos-,
a din of the format's nephew on James Forbes on Howard Street— strumental. The WMS' conducted pital, Goderich has returned home. lunch was served ,by Mrs. R.
on Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, William Munro, g ., which •was purchased by the reef-' heir meeting after which a de- r J. Phillips, Mrs, J. Craig, Mrs. W.
London, were ' at "Shangri-La"; Saturday., or•y_; commlttee last summer. , The M and Mrs.. George Wilkin T. Robison, Miss Margaret Kin
Mrs. 1Z, M, Burt; London, spent erved by .thee 7 o g r
their home m the village the first P.C.-Lloyd Westlake who was � and fartnt�']y; ;Goderich, spent Sun -
the weekend,at the, home of her duty at: the Holland committee is having an oil furnace hostesses ch was s day with Mr. and Mrs. z W, J. Dae Chanes Scott, Mrs, Bert
of the week. called to d y installed, Several roo s have been Daer and Miss Amelia Mclawain.:.
sister, Mrs• Lloyd• Scotcbmer. ...rte e * -Craig,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker, and 1GTr. and Mrs,"William H. Clark, Marsh on ,October 19, spent Tues-, decorated by Trinit yurch Guild +�++++� �+++�++++• The hall was decorated in keeping
rY t their cot Union re visiting the :former's day wih his wife and small son under the, direction of a woman's Mrs. o of from
Stra visit has re- with ITallowe'en,
Gwen, London, were a h , .a
tage, Wheel, in, over the week- brother-in-law and sisteri Mr. and at
the, home here. c6nimittee representing the,_three turned home s. R a visit with -her
end, : Mrs. CharlesTonis, Mrs. W. J, McLeod and family, churches, t NSTANCE daughter, Mrs. Ron Pentland and
who have been occupying I4Irs. CO' Mr, Pentland. -
P.C.. and. Mrs. -W., J. Ferguson, The annual- Halloween party v -----
Meaford were the. nests of Mrs. sponsored by the:. Bayfield Lions Webster's house op. -,Clan Gregnr �. Mrs. Verne. Dale, group leader, - . MemiSers of the Ida. White Mis-
es k on Thur da and Club will ,be ]ieldf.•iii the. Town Square, moved4n;to'Norman Toms' g P sion Band of Knox •Presbyterian WeddinLloyd W tla e s y cottage on Main Street last week. MS -Sects Dual held; a quilting bee on Tuesday at Churcki attended ' a Mission $and 9
Friday; Hall on Saturday, evening. The Holmesville `softball team the home of Mrs. Lorne Lawson. rally at Seaforth last Saturday.
Miss Lola Elliott and two Mr, and-t%rs: S; H, Bryant left sponsored b the Bayfield:merch= • Mr, and Mrs. Bernard Riley and Miss Mary Houston, Hamilton +a•
friends from Detroit visited her on _Saturday :for their home in j� f . family, ,Kitchener, spent Sunday
ants, held a very• successful dance Has Mei'tLJ]] !?t, p dons spent the eekend ith Lon -
brother, Leslie Elljott, over the Byron after, having closed their . g at the 'home of:•his stents, Mr. and Miss Francis Houston, .
Pe w J. their, Des.: Jardine'Piatei'
Fr>day eveniiigHwhic hiietted� the � � � •' and Mrs. C. W. Rile P
cottage.for'.the season, Houston.
Mre ar'i'd Mrs, J, 111. Parker, Mr. `Mrs. Barbara Terribile and Earl club 0: The farmers of Constance are stents, Ce and Mrs: g
and Mrs, Lindsay Smith, Ronald' Martin, Detroit; were at the home Bayfield UnitedCentenary Bingo
taking advantage of the good wea - (By,our, Bayfield correspondent)
Johns Fraser was able to ,oreturn A large number attended the In a civil ,ceremony at Marys;•
• Home on Friday :afternoon: from Cher the first of this week and
y 13T bur est Se correspondent) are busy storing away their corn. cbrnmi ee road by the, Centenary
Alexandra and Marine Hospital, The West Section 'of Huron y committee to the Forester's Hail villa, Mich., on Saturday after
ent and Mrs, Charles Inds i t noon; October 23; 1954, at 3,30+
• Goderich,, to recuperate, following Presbyterial of the United. Church Friday night. Special bingos were o'cloc]¢, Lucy Plater, eldest daugh�
the injury.' to", his. foot seygrai WMS met in convention at the spent Sunday with friends a pop-up toaster, won by Miss ter ck the late Emma Richards
ends in
weeks ago. United Church Bayfield, on Wed- Brussels. Donna Iiaggitt;; one gallon of, me-
Mr. and• Mrs. Walter•Scott vis- and W. X. -XdLeod Bayfield, was.
MAKE YOUR OWN F/O. and Mrs. Andrew -Toms 'nesday, October 27, with an at- "ited friends in London last week. for oil won by Mrs Draper, Port d
who have occupied the Gardiner tendanc& of almost 100. Two ser- Albert; gallon of paint and room married to James Des Jardinel.,
Mr. and Mrs. Phyltips and Bob- ll son. of Oscar and 'Gertrude Des;
cottage in Bailey Park 'for the cions were held both under the , lot of wa paper won by Mr's. Don- Jardine, Detroit,
P leadership , of Mrs. Fred Toll Au- th are leaving this week to make
ast six nnonths have moved to aid FoKler;::two.blahkets won by
one of H. Jackson's apartments in P their home m Toronto :owing to Cliff Brown; $25 was split, three The bride was attractively ,at_
burn, vice -.president, Mr. Phylli s ill health.
�■.�a■ ,�`ryl Egmondville, p ways to, D. A. MacKay, Mrs. no- hired in a smartly -styled powder -
11nlIIlU�il Sturm ' Mr, and Mrs. Earl flicks, Des- The words of welcome were giv- best Turner and Janette Dobie; blue slut dress with matching hat.
en' by Mrs. Peter Renner, . Bay-
barats, N. Ontario, who, been? one gallon motor oil won by Mr. Her corsage was of. white rose --
honeymooning in the district, were field,
the Goderich North member OBITUARY McKercher, Jamestown, buds =4�white button 'mums.
field, and replied to b a
callers at the home of Mr. and Street BVI Entertains She was attended by her. sister -
SAVE TIME AND MONEY was chiefly concerned with session
` �4lrs, Roy, Fitzsimons on Wednes- Auxiliary. The morning WidComhe ice, Wes Bradnock presided in-law, Mrs. Donald McLeod, who
th hear- MrS• s
day of last week. Y for the October meeting ,of the wore, agrey -suit with navy 'blue.
Dr. . and
a titer ares Walden
this to iesepaiso'from prfrom esbyterial sec- tBy our Aaytield correspondent) Forester's Institute
Hail utThuraday nwhen rosebuds and he b button corsage mi'I
small a .g spending retaries of departments. After an
ONLY 4 EASY STEPS .. week with Mrs. Walden's parents, excellent dinner served in- the The funeral service for Mrs. they had as guests the women of Donaldly oLeodwas groomsman.
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon M. Gal- Charles Widcombe was held from the Goderich Institute, Mrs. R, J, Congratulations and best wishes,
- braith; "Sylvan Acres”, .Blue. Wat- church
basement,-theft rn on Bayfield es- Calvary United Church, Windsor, Phillips was at the piano. go to the couple who have taken
er Highway, Goderich Township. Sion convened. on; October 8, 1954, The pastor, The secretary,. Mrs, D, ,Fowler, up residence in Bayfield.
Come `in to. see this new ideal — Mrs. E. Heard, Mrs. R. J. Lar- Rev. J. C. Hazelwood, officiated.
son, Mrs, J, B. Hughes, and Mrs, . There were more reports, and Interment was made in Green
R. Ii, F. Gairdner attended the two addresses, one by Mrs. L. Lawn Memorial Park.
fall meeting, of the Woman's Warwick,. secretary of Mission Formerly' Miss Lillian Lucy,
-- We think you'll want to try i# Auxiliary of the, Deanery of Hu- Circles for the London Conference
ron in St. Paul's Church, Clinton, Branch and the other from Mrs, daughter of the late Catherine
on Wednesday afternoon. G. FT Wheable, first vice-presi- Gwulam and Thomas Lucy, theF-Clinton
dent o fthe London Conference deceased woman was born in Cole-
. Mrs. J. E. Howard has received ford, Forest of Dean, Gloucester
W. Counter Builders Supplies- w°rd that her nephew, George Branch, wlro =had as .her main shire, England, August 19, 1877,EN EVERY F R 1' D' A Y +
p Boyd, wife and small son, who thought the theme of the Evan- On November 19, 1903, she was
livedBrani a safe. They lost their Ston Council of Churches, Christ, they made Charles Widcombe andther times contact J. J. Zopfe, phone
PHONE i20 --- CLINTON trailer home and everything in it lovable solo was contributed by ilei eornbe home at Blake-
lived in a trailer camp at Long the Hope of the W°r7d". 'An en- married de Char
Mrs. Crai 920, Mr, and Mrs.03.. Residence, 'Rottenbury Street East.in the recent flood. At present Auburn. jiii• d d three childrenthey are staying with friends Another interesingfeaturewasemigrated to Canada. After aboutr X77George is an aeronautical engineer the question boxconductedbytwo years at Forest and a fewT. i►R 1 L1Lj' and SON
a -I has his commercial pilot's Mrs.' E. De 'iardine, president of mon+ha ...r znrioh. thev located
Based at Malton, he
regular flights to Mt: Joli
ept. Illes, Que.
and Mrs, Ralph Moyer and
daughters, Linda and Lee -
returned home on Friday
having been absent five
on a motor trip to Edmon-
Mrs. at B
�f the to ri
was accepted to hold.
sectional meeting in
United Church.
ney they were awayea a weeic
following a motor accident in Min- Willing Workers ed
nesota. The king -pin in one of The October meeting of the me
the wheels broke,'causing the Willing Workers of St, Andrew's mi
vehicle to roll over one and one- 'United Church was held/ at the
half times. Cpl. Moyer received home of Mrs. Jack Seotchmer. In vi-,
injuries to his back which were the absence of the president the lar
not thought too serious, and Mrs. vice-president, Mrs Fred Wallis, sol
Moyer and the children escaped took the chair ho:
with scratches and bruises. The meeting was opened with an
The Last Straw the Willing Workers prayer re- an
What a witches brew seemed to peated in unison. Mrs, Wallis read Jai
be stirred up on Tuesday night! 'a short article using throughout Kc
After all the weary searchers had the thought In Clu3st We Are gr,
returned to their homes, some of Incomplete". In the business side Kt
the men, about to retire, saw the of the meeting it was decided to :
sky south of the village lighted purchase more folding chairs for by
up, No. Fire -alarm had not been the Sunday School. The meeting 19.
turned in; but some went out to was closed with the benediction.
investigate, Fortunately,'tnstead Lunch was served by the hostess so:
of a farmer's house or barn going and the committee in charge. The A`
up in flames, it was only Robert next meeting will be held at the to
Blair's straw stack, home of Mrs. Fred Wallis, CE
-- - th
Clayt. Dixon '
de in Windsor 13 years ago.
ough not a robust person,
Videombe was always cheer -
,he had seemed in her usdal -
until she succumbed sud-
to to a heart attack at her
797 Huron Line, Windsor,
] a.m., October 6.
i her husband she had visit-
:nds in the village last surn-
y whom she will be greatly
desherhusband, she is sur.
Al -
by two daughters, Mrs. Al -
ye (Kathleen Luev), Wind-
nd Miss Mary Widcombe at
- grandchildren, Wayne,
e and Randall Pye,
;, Widcombe was predeceased
it son, Samuel Thomas, in
body rested at the Ander-
uneral home, 895 Ouellette
until Friday morning, Oc-
8 when it was transferred to
ry United Church of which
aceased had been a member,
st until the hour of service.
'Farm Supply
to over 50 lbs, per head last
',�`. � �'� �, .° spring. We .know because we
Your sow is a pig factory.
weighed' 'em. quite a job
a " You feed her "taw materials" catching and Weighing those PLUMBING
� �'`'i
�. t we think
1t was
�' squealers, bu
s converts to s . 9
' which he pigs
': °` i„-„ °:5 s�.r•„ y,,:.� • s� but she must Havethe right worth it because it shows how ERY
kind and the right amounts of to make some extra money. A FURNACE FOR EV
- raw materials Those big pigs get to market JOB
sooner and on a lot less total .j Q
s i N y Sows havo the ability to "re- feed than pigs that weigh the WISE and sJATE��N
sorb'' the efnbryos if their ra- normal ,weight at weaning rr
- a n� xs z.,a.v.,si tom” tion isn't meeting nutc3tioiwl about 35 lbs, The trick to get-
` G �f needs, For this reason as well ting big pigs at weaning is to Phone 147—Clinton
as the size and vigor of the feed PURINA PIG STARTENA
pigs, it's important that sows in a separate creep where the
n be fed a well-balanced ration sow , cant get to it, Startena
like PURINA SOW and PIQ makes about the cheapest gains
CROW. you can put on. Drop in and
ray Purina Sow Bs pig Chow con- let hie show you the facts,
tains ingredients needed to
baild big litters of husky pigs
ft to . the kind tJiat ase 9"d-
-- doers from the start. i(
A(/if�/%,i/I7c�/T u
PICTURE ��,. p►G
lfs the first 17 -inch TV set
incomparable picture
the s;t:
W •'' p re quality li "Quality Cattle Cleared at '
t is Canada to brine Image',' £; Shady Prices — Heavy lEiold-'
of RCA Victor 'Dep oven• Common . That s a ,head -
TV, r line you often see in market
CAN YOU WEAN reports; and it's a powerful
argument in .favor of finish,
+itCAVictor'sexclusive "Deep 50 -Ib. PIGS? is
Not many cattle with
Image" Picture provides the - - the kind of finish put on by
finest gradation of tones -ever soon. 1955 Townsman, in "Several farmers around here STEER FATENA are held over
_M warrior weaned pigs averaging from 45'to next week's market!
e "Golden Throat" ton* system. ;nisi'
only;�69s%, Q • 1� n , $1!yhtly higher In
e Advanced RCA Victor engine*ring- 9 t�ij ��JJ mahogany er
Timed oaka,Rnishss,-. ''
Phone Clinton 634,r4
1952 Plymouth Sedan--- $1,345.
Radio - ONLY ,. ..
1950 Hillman Minx Sedan ddCQ�
ONLY g495•
1948 CHEv- Sedan$541,
1949 FORD Sedan 69J•
Real Sharp ....
Compare These Prices Anywhere
And You Will Find. ,Nobody
Undersells Your Local;
Chrysler - Plymouth Dealer
Sales and Service
PHONE 4 6 5 Huron Street CLINTON, ONT.
Based at Malton, he
regular flights to Mt: Joli
ept. Illes, Que.
and Mrs, Ralph Moyer and
daughters, Linda and Lee -
returned home on Friday
having been absent five
on a motor trip to Edmon-
Mrs. at B
�f the to ri
was accepted to hold.
sectional meeting in
United Church.
ney they were awayea a weeic
following a motor accident in Min- Willing Workers ed
nesota. The king -pin in one of The October meeting of the me
the wheels broke,'causing the Willing Workers of St, Andrew's mi
vehicle to roll over one and one- 'United Church was held/ at the
half times. Cpl. Moyer received home of Mrs. Jack Seotchmer. In vi-,
injuries to his back which were the absence of the president the lar
not thought too serious, and Mrs. vice-president, Mrs Fred Wallis, sol
Moyer and the children escaped took the chair ho:
with scratches and bruises. The meeting was opened with an
The Last Straw the Willing Workers prayer re- an
What a witches brew seemed to peated in unison. Mrs, Wallis read Jai
be stirred up on Tuesday night! 'a short article using throughout Kc
After all the weary searchers had the thought In Clu3st We Are gr,
returned to their homes, some of Incomplete". In the business side Kt
the men, about to retire, saw the of the meeting it was decided to :
sky south of the village lighted purchase more folding chairs for by
up, No. Fire -alarm had not been the Sunday School. The meeting 19.
turned in; but some went out to was closed with the benediction.
investigate, Fortunately,'tnstead Lunch was served by the hostess so:
of a farmer's house or barn going and the committee in charge. The A`
up in flames, it was only Robert next meeting will be held at the to
Blair's straw stack, home of Mrs. Fred Wallis, CE
-- - th
Clayt. Dixon '
de in Windsor 13 years ago.
ough not a robust person,
Videombe was always cheer -
,he had seemed in her usdal -
until she succumbed sud-
to to a heart attack at her
797 Huron Line, Windsor,
] a.m., October 6.
i her husband she had visit-
:nds in the village last surn-
y whom she will be greatly
desherhusband, she is sur.
Al -
by two daughters, Mrs. Al -
ye (Kathleen Luev), Wind-
nd Miss Mary Widcombe at
- grandchildren, Wayne,
e and Randall Pye,
;, Widcombe was predeceased
it son, Samuel Thomas, in
body rested at the Ander-
uneral home, 895 Ouellette
until Friday morning, Oc-
8 when it was transferred to
ry United Church of which
aceased had been a member,
st until the hour of service.
'Farm Supply
to over 50 lbs, per head last
',�`. � �'� �, .° spring. We .know because we
Your sow is a pig factory.
weighed' 'em. quite a job
a " You feed her "taw materials" catching and Weighing those PLUMBING
� �'`'i
�. t we think
1t was
�' squealers, bu
s converts to s . 9
' which he pigs
': °` i„-„ °:5 s�.r•„ y,,:.� • s� but she must Havethe right worth it because it shows how ERY
kind and the right amounts of to make some extra money. A FURNACE FOR EV
- raw materials Those big pigs get to market JOB
sooner and on a lot less total .j Q
s i N y Sows havo the ability to "re- feed than pigs that weigh the WISE and sJATE��N
sorb'' the efnbryos if their ra- normal ,weight at weaning rr
- a n� xs z.,a.v.,si tom” tion isn't meeting nutc3tioiwl about 35 lbs, The trick to get-
` G �f needs, For this reason as well ting big pigs at weaning is to Phone 147—Clinton
as the size and vigor of the feed PURINA PIG STARTENA
pigs, it's important that sows in a separate creep where the
n be fed a well-balanced ration sow , cant get to it, Startena
like PURINA SOW and PIQ makes about the cheapest gains
CROW. you can put on. Drop in and
ray Purina Sow Bs pig Chow con- let hie show you the facts,
tains ingredients needed to
baild big litters of husky pigs
ft to . the kind tJiat ase 9"d-
-- doers from the start. i(
A(/if�/%,i/I7c�/T u
PICTURE ��,. p►G
lfs the first 17 -inch TV set
incomparable picture
the s;t:
W •'' p re quality li "Quality Cattle Cleared at '
t is Canada to brine Image',' £; Shady Prices — Heavy lEiold-'
of RCA Victor 'Dep oven• Common . That s a ,head -
TV, r line you often see in market
CAN YOU WEAN reports; and it's a powerful
argument in .favor of finish,
+itCAVictor'sexclusive "Deep 50 -Ib. PIGS? is
Not many cattle with
Image" Picture provides the - - the kind of finish put on by
finest gradation of tones -ever soon. 1955 Townsman, in "Several farmers around here STEER FATENA are held over
_M warrior weaned pigs averaging from 45'to next week's market!
e "Golden Throat" ton* system. ;nisi'
only;�69s%, Q • 1� n , $1!yhtly higher In
e Advanced RCA Victor engine*ring- 9 t�ij ��JJ mahogany er
Timed oaka,Rnishss,-. ''
Phone Clinton 634,r4
1952 Plymouth Sedan--- $1,345.
Radio - ONLY ,. ..
1950 Hillman Minx Sedan ddCQ�
ONLY g495•
1948 CHEv- Sedan$541,
1949 FORD Sedan 69J•
Real Sharp ....
Compare These Prices Anywhere
And You Will Find. ,Nobody
Undersells Your Local;
Chrysler - Plymouth Dealer
Sales and Service
PHONE 4 6 5 Huron Street CLINTON, ONT.