HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-10-28, Page 5RSDAX, OCTOBER 28, 1954 CL, NI7WS R1 CORD PAGE FIVE 4 • fill w ,, � � � REQ► � � �"" 1 �� �� � ..� .�� „ "-,, . u R , ;Classified Rates •` CUSTOM WORK BIRTHS HOSVITAL AIMIr" WILL BARTON=In Clinton Public Hos MEET ON NOVEMBI R, X CAS RATS (I# paid, by PLOW GARDENS, work done ex pital; on 'Saturday; October 23, The :Clinton ,Hospital, Auxiliary ROXY THEATRE `, AT p pv AT 89edrie day following date of. In- pertly` Phone C.hnton 552W, Ken 1954,'to Corporal and Mrs. Ro; will .meet at ;the hospital next. C"#, PARK TELEPHONE CAPITAL TELEPHONL aertlon)-Two germs a" word first P ••,bert.:Barton, Exeter; a Son. i x T O' >s THE ] 150 THE McKenzie, 43- Monday afternoon, November 1, at. 47, Snsertion (lniriirnum 50 cents) PICTURE FRAMING - We are BAYANT-In-Clinton Public, Hos- three. o'clock. aubsequent.msertions 1% cents a pi -tai, on Sunday, October 24;, Now Pla in ' word (minimnnm 36 renis); 15 now .equipped to-do pleture,fram' • 1954; to Mr, sand Mrs. Harry y g -• NOW -Th Fri, & Sat. INOW Thurs., Fri. R Sat. ing. Good selection of mouldings. Br ant R ll . 1, Bl Thurs., .Fri., Sat, SHELLEY WINTERS -Dew cents extra for .box -nun** Or MacLaren's Studio. 42tfb y Blyth, a laugh- T 44 Martin - Keenan Wenn � Jimmy Lydon Patti. Brady to I ids o 1.halJlici' rj a } 77 and Scotty Beckett fMr direction .to NEWS -RECORD , In Clinton Public, ods cannot: express our ati;, East o Sumatra Shelleyreferees a conflict be- The ; black sheep DlEioe. DOES YOUR GARDEN NEED. ELL p .cousin rof hospital, on Friday, October 15, tude to all those .from Bayfield tween'a conniving fight,manager Corky's wife conplicates matters - 'to, CHARGED -15 ,cents extra: ploughing, Have garbage' or leaves •.•1954, to Mr: and Mrs. Cecil E1- and surroundingcommunit stn Jeff Chandler -Marlyn Maxwell and a deeply religious, young, and practically wrecks the - to draw away. Ill do it for yoy.<, Y, a pugilist; to everyone's patisfac ily's restaurant. Based oil f th DEADL Will also ,cut wood. with circular Nott; Clinton; . a daughter. RCAF Station; and the Provincial the tion, coinrc.strr LNE -I2 noon, Wedneep saw.. Phone Clinton::554J. GREGSO'N In .Chriton Public Police who assisted in .the sears$ p characters fty. Hospital, -.on Thursday, October for our son Tuesday. night, Thank MON.; TUES., WED. 4 (+ 7 G4 r 41-2-3-b Dou 9 .Gre son , Brucend G. E. ND MRS: Nov. <Y 2 . Tennessee Champ Corky O� GaSO� Inc 21; 1954 to Sergeant,'and Mrs: You, everyone. -;CPL, A ACCOMMODATION for RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE daughter,g ¢g d, -a MONTGOMERY, 43b G40N. THE 'Alley" , ON'THE 11 In Technicolor r McKAY- In Clinton Public HosW ' "He's `found." Wonderful *ords! v `TWO FURNISHED". GREEN CIiESTERFIELD AND ,tat, on, Saturday, October 23; We thank everyone who respond- 77 J 3ooms, share bath, Phone Clinton chairs reasonably, priced. Phone 1954 'to' Mr. and -'Mrs. Kenneth ed Tuesday evening to our call for R ATERFRiJ MON., TUES. &WED. pp Fred, MwMurray - Barbara MON., TUES. & WED. SMALL FURNISHED APART Clinton 547�J, 43-p McKay , RA, 2; Ki en,. a son. heorge- Montgomery. for two-year-old AND Brando-Eva Marie Saint Stanwyck & Ward' Bond 64 George- Mont omer Marlon A r1 orient, Phone Clinton 2s. 438 Furniture Re-Fm�shmg MARRIAGES MRS. LEROX DOTH. 43b Lee J. Cobb In Western parlance a moon- 1 kit UNFURNISHED HEATED apart. FOR FURNITURE, PIANO. D Anglican ;Church; Win ham; on I smoerei wish to than Filmed in Manhattan , . , fighter is who rustles' cattle of the IVES-NETHERY• -In St, Paul'5 p Ahj g Y • thank my by moonlight: this is the advent- ment suitable for couple. Available radio cabinet; refinishing and re- Wednesday,. October. •20, 1954, friends: who. so, kindly sent me THURS., -FRI., SAT.: urous storMoonlighter' y�of such a man. 'WILDCATS" T 9y ''November 5. A. Lobb, phone Clin- Pairing, apply W. G. Pickett, by Rev. H, L: Parker, Ella cards -and flowers, also the staff- NOV. 4-5-8 `The Moonli fire ' ` WIERI i� JL S :ion 691R. 41-2-3-b phone Clinton 761M. 35-tfb Elizabeth, only daughter of Mr, of nurses at, Clinton Public Hos 4n 7 � r and Mrs. Gilbert Nethery, Blyth; pital. Special . thanks .to Dr. Oakes C ®WDEi R RIVE apartment; share bath. Mile and youngest' ;son of Mr, and Mrs: cent illness iri ds, during my. re- �� Coming: TiTFIEE-ROOM UNFURNISHED FLOOR SANDING to Hugh George Ives, Clinton, 'and Dr. Newlands, Guy Ives; Clinton. MRS.' OLIVE G the hospital. Rory Calhoun -Corinne calvet'- Coming, "LAW and .ORDER Ron Randall & Devera Burton in :a half from Clinton. Near -school. OL AND NEW HARDWOOD RAINGER, Bruce- „ l7amoron Mitchell, In Technicolor with- Ronald' OM00 - OMOO" . 'FYancis Powell, phong : Clinton floors, sanded and finished. Pine De JONG-LANE Sn St. James field; 43b Technicolor Western Reagan Dorothy Malone b the author of "Moby Dick" 907r4. 38-43b floors, cracks filled, sanded and Roman' Catholic Church, Sea- Y. SEVEN ROOM HOUSE 4h Bruce- finished, Cree Cook, phone Clin- forth Mary Elizabeth, daughter We would like to thank our ton 23J. 40 to 43p of Mrs ' Charles Lane Bruce- friends, neighbours ,and relatives T 7 7 field, 'unfurnished. Hot and cold field, and the late Mr. Lane, for their kindnesses shown and London Road. Club 'water. For nine months. Lorne -FARMS FOR SALE and Cornelius A. De Jong, Lon- cards and letters sent during the 'Wilson. Phone Seaforth 658r21• don, son of Mr, and Mrs. Anth- recent illness of A. B. Gardiner 1�� 43b ony De Jong R.R. 3, Seaforth. and at the time of his death, - 1/1a��eS D011at1011 =-^� - NICE LIST OF , Real FOR WITTINGTON-WEST - In the IRENE GARDINER and the meat, ROOM HEATED apart- sale. L. nG.t Winter, Real Estate. Church of Christ's Disciples Gardiner family. 43b Hurricane Fund % !P r ode unfurnished, private bath, phone Clinton 448, 33-tfb London, b Rev. E, C, Eckert,01 located. conveniences. Centrally Y Fifteen members and one visitorof . �(� O 1® on October rl 1954, Mrs. Sadie V located, Phone Clinton 643R, after attended the October meeting of FRUIT FOR .SALE West (formerly of Clinton) and -' Six o'clock; 43p the London Road Club held at the - QUANTITY OF SPX and Baldwin Leonard' Whittington, Burkes In Mlemoriam home of Mrs, Van Ninhuys. The QUIET COUPLE HAVE accom- apples, variety of grades. Appy Falls, Ontario. GLAZIER -In loving memory Of singing of "The Maple Leaf For- - rriodation for an elderly person for to Fraser Stirling, R.R. 2, Bay- DEATHS a dear husband and father, Thom ever" followed by the repeating of d 'the winter months, Please apply field, hone Clinton 900r. as Glazier, who passed away, Oc the Club Creed opened the meet - 'In writing to Box 430, Clinton P 43b AIKENHEAD-In Calgary, Alta„ tober 31, 1939. - Always remem- ing. P Stews -Record. 43-4-b on Monday, October 25, 1954, bered by wife and family, uCi Arrived— ,ONE E Dr. Albert E. Arkenhead, (for - The roll call was answered; f ,ONE AND ONE-HALF STOREY EQUIPMENT for •SALE merly of Brucefield and Hen)- 43-P The of the last meeting were brick house, on The Square in sail) beloved husband of Blan- McCLINCHEY - In loving mem- read and thank -you letters were 'Daffodils -- Tulips -- Narcissus Bayfield. Available November 1. ONE THREE -FURROW Inter- the Armitage, formerly of Lon- ory of a dear husband and father, read. The, treasurer gave her cLC111�1LS -- Crocus — Etc. ,Apply to Mrs. James Webster, national Plow with rubber tires, don, in his 73rd year. Funeral William McClinehey, who passed monthly report. R,R. 3, Goderich. 42-3-b Phone Clinton 560-M. 43p Service in Calgary, on Wednes- away October 25, .1945: It was moved by Mrs. Watkins day, October 27. We loved him and no tongue and Mrs, Bennett that the club These are all Dutch .Bulbs imported direct THREE ROOM APARTMENT a- HELP WANTED —FEMALE ANDREWS -In London, on Wed- can tell g make •a donation to the Ontario variable at once. Furnished; light; nesday, October 27, 1954, Kath- How much we loved him, Hurricane Relief Fund. The in frolxl Holland. washer, Newly painted and pap- erine Ami Andrews, dear laugh- And oh, how well cry box was won by Mrs, Rooth. eyed, Mrs. Marie Heckey, North PART TIM. HELP, Afternoons, ter of • Mr. and Mrs, Homer God loved him, too, and thought A reading was given b Mrs. Main St., Seaforth. 43 -pp 1 p"m, to 6 p.m„ five-day weep. g y Apply ndrews, in her 3rd year. Rest- it best Manning entitled "Our MillineryKe U. Cooke �P Y P.O.POBox 83. 43-b ing at the Beattie Funeral Home To take him home with him to Madness" and the remainder ENT FOR RENT IN Rattenbury Street, E., where a rest." the afternoon was spent playing Seaforth, furnished, heated, self- LIVESTOCK FOR SALE private funeral service will be -Lovingly remembered by his bingo, contained, ground floor apartment held on Friday afternoon, Oct- wife and family, and grandson - The meeting closed with the arge living room; three-piece PUREBRED YORKSHIRE Boar, ober 29, at 2 pan. Interment will John R. Cools, 43-b singing of "O Canada" and a iov- FLORIST "bath, modern kitchen, bedroom, 6 months old. Harry Thompson, be in Clinton Cemetery, ely tea was served by the host- - R shoo, Sed. Apply Huron Ex- R,R. 2, Clinton, 43b be Flint, Mich., on COLCLOUGH-In lovingmemoryesses. The November meetingwill Phone 66-W + positor, Seaforth. 43p FIVE SMALL CHUNKS. Apply Sunday, October 17, Jane Wat- of a dear wife and mther, whbe held at the home of MrLe- Clinton NEW FOUR -ROOM Apartment, to Don . Crich, Phone Clinton kids, beloved wife of the late died on October 27, 1947: Beau. The roll call will be "A with three-piece bath, modern kit- 614 r 3. 43b Archie Cousins, in her 84th "Please, God, when'l am lonely, Soup Recipe." then, heavy wiring, ultfurnished, year. Funeral from St. And- and wonder why she's gone, ]mmed]ate possession. W. N. LOST AND FOUND rew's Episcopal Church, -Flint, Forgive me for my heartache Counter, or phone Clinton 230. to Sunset Hills Cemetery, on and help me carry on. 43-p LOST -LITTLE GIRL'S PUPPY, Wednesday afternoon, October) What peaceful hours we once --- - in Clinton near the railway tracks 20. enjoyed; 01JR BUSINESSAUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Highway 4. Coloured sand and HART -In Varna, on Saturday, How sweet their memory still; white. Has one blue eye and one October 23, 1954, Rachel Ann 1$ut they have left an aching void INSURANCE WORK 1953 GMC I4ALZ -TON PICK -(IP. brown. Mi der please Phone Clin- McClinehey, beloved wife of the The world can never fill." CLDTHES late William Hart. Funeral -Ever remembered Phone Clinton 909r21, ton 631r32. 43p er(W.J. by her loving DEPARTMENT 43-4-p from the Bonthron funeral husband (W. J. Colclough) and NICKOPRESS TOUL, MADE BY home, Hensall, to Bayfield Cem- sons, Bill. and Glen, and daughter 1949 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE, National Telephone Supply Co., etery, on Tuesday afternoon, Roxanne. 43- has been organized FOR THE MAN wilt -in radio, air-conditioned, ex- Cleveland, Ohio", on Bayfield Rd. October 26, P to give helpful ,eilent tires (two practically new) Between Clinton and Middleton MUSTARD -In London, ori Fri- specialized service ON THE JOB r� Inotor 100%, clean a pin inside, Church. Please return to Charles day, October 22, 1954, Jean for the protection'of M@I hone Clinton 647-W after 6 p.m, Wise, Kirk St., Clinton. 43-b Mustard, in her 82nd year. Rest- ®l3 m PARTNERSHIPS - 'WARM�WORK SHIRTS 48b ed at the home of her nephew, 1 KEY MEN - LIVESTOCK WANTED John A. McEwan, Concession 2, SOLE OWNERSHIPS - 952 FORD, MAINLINE SEDAN, Stanley Township until Mon- 5 -ROOMED COTTAGE BE ASSURED— ewly painted, air-conditioning, day, when funeral service was Plaids, 'Plains, Doeskin and WANTED. LD HORSES AND CONSULT- Flannel. ,cod rubber, excellent motor, Q conducted from the Brucefield with Garden and Nice Lawn. can inside. Car must be sold. dell cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink United Church to Baird's Cem- Full cellar; equipped Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, eter q Aped with hot NAT, IIAI�TLEY, `���� gf rade-in might be accepted. Phone y and cold water on tap. New tloor inton 396-W after 6 Pm. 936r32, or 936r21. 9-gtfb NEWMAN At his home in Stan- coverings and oil -burning stoves; Representative 43b lew Township, on Monday even- heavy duty wiring for electric PROPERTY FOR SALE ing, October 25, 1954, Frederick stove. Three-piece bath, CANADA LWE.%®R �t]1�T� ARTICLES WANTED Newman, beloved husband of Tenant to be of high standing SEVEN -ROOM HOUSE on Huron Lillian Hendershot, in his 55th with small family, Clinton, phone 454w NACE WANTED - Medium Street, four -piece bath,: modern year. Funeral from the Currie This property is situated be- DENIM — DRILLS DRILLS ize, coal and wood. Francis conveniences., Phone Clinton 433J. funeral home, Wingham, by tweed Seaforth and Clinton on Etc. owell. Phone Clinton 907r4. 41-2"3-b Alex Nimmo, St. Andrew's Pres- New Highway' 8 and possession �'�� 43b byter]an Church, Wingliam, to given in 2 weeks. JC MISCELLANEOUS Greenhill Cemetery, Lucknow, ARTICLES FOR'SALE on Thursday afternoon at three Apply to; JONATHAN HUGILL X�HITII FIGURE SKATES, size DRIVING ur TORONTO Sunday PASSMORE-In Elgin General •Phone Clinton 616x13 !P o •` UNDERWEAR Tl MD�RW AR night, returning Friday night, g e �,, . LJJ,1 M j1 !?/a, worn clic season, trice new. weeltly. phone Clinton 475, g Hospital, St, Thomas; on Fri - 'hone Clinton 230. 43p 43b day, October 22, 1954, Albert �_ •° :OLD SPOT electric Refrigerator, Melvin Passmore, Aylmer, form- a Penman's- Stanfield's ievv, used only 6 months; kitchen HAIRDRESSING. Back to work eriy of Hensall, beloved husband NOTICE TO CREDITORS. t { Horyey Wood's inette set, table, buffet, and four on full time, .Mrs, Agnes Gatting- of Zella Antechnap, in his 42nd In the Estate of J O SR P 11 T g� rig er, 60 Winnipeg'Road. Phone Year. Funeral, from the Hugh- ZOSTER LO`VeS� Prices In Town hairs, light Polished wood, new; , late of the Village of tanding tri -lamp, green, Phone Clinton a04J. 43-b son funeral home, Aylmer, to Varna in Ube County of IIuron v I - ;linton 684, 43-b Aylmer Cemetery, on Monday Gentleman, Deceased.' r �• PERSONAL October 25, All persons having claims against t r �J / p g 'L+',LEVISION. See the Wide Open o the Estate of the above deceased ��y� See Our GYY lA Work Clothes .cote of the new RCA Victor 24- HUSBANDS! WIVES! Want Pep, PRESBYTERIAN WA are required to file the same with CIIntOn VOIn1lllillli '1. ich Bystander. Now on display Vim? Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets ]PLANS 1vIEETiNG TUESDAY the undersigned Solicitor for the vJ t your RCA Victor dealer. Brand for new vitality, to8ay, "Get -ac- The Woman's Association of St; said Estate, on or before the 1st�+ e�o� ew 1955 models from $214 up. quainted" size only 60c. All drug- Andrew's Presbyterian Church day of November; A.D. 1954, after A. Dutton, Brucefield, phone gists. 43-b will meet at the home of Mrs. which date the assets will be dist- AUCTION SALES Hinton 634r4, 39-42-b Norman Ball on Tuesday; Novem- titled t amongst the parties en-' E�I♦J,I�Y I+'I�IIiAY 7ETT)4 EE THE BEST DIAMOND En- WOOD FOR SALE' bei 2, titled thereto, Having regard only to the claims of which notice shall Evening, commencing at 8 P.M. CAMPBELL agement Ring Values in town at DRY. PIC"' HARD BODY WOOD,' all have been given, TERMS CASH 'ounter's Jewellery Store now, maple, $6,50 a cord, delivered. DATED at Clinton, this 12th day J. CORIIX, Sales Manager "The Store For. Men" few goods arriving daily. One Phone Clinton 805r13. J. W. Van- FOR, SALE of October, A.D. 1954. E. W. ELL'IOTT, Auctioneer Alar holds your Lay -Away. Shop Egmond. 38tfb F. FINGLAND, Q.C., K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk PHONE 25 — (Main Corner) CLINTON irly and save at Counter's. ONE - STORE Y Two - Bedroom Clinton, Ontario, 43-p Central Mortgage Dwelling, Solicitor for the said Estate. 41-2-3-b The Classic equipper) with oil bru•ner. , BATHROOM SET Down payment $1,650, balanco $136.50 Fa For 5��� monthly payments, $23. HURON COUNTY HEALTH Delivered. SIX -ROOM DWELLING, fur. UNIT 7� A beautiful' bathroom set at a TWO -300 -acre farmsthe very once, and bath, good locatlon, Better See reasonable price, Everything best of land; one with 2 sets of immediate possession. Pri,ce: "IMMUNIZATION CLINIC" in plumbing and heating. buildings. Must be seen to be $3,700. Write Dept. CNR or visit appreciated. ONE -STOREY, SIX -ROOMED The first in a series of pre- the New our showrooms, Open Wednes- �- Brick Dwelling with basement school Immunization Clinics for da and Friday evenings and A Modern home, bath, pressure Clinton and District Y Y g garage (two years olds; 'Three - ° • ° fetter all day Saturday. system'; new 'barn; garage, seven bedrooms, den livid room will be held in the New Clinton i �bUU� V. JOHNSON PLUMBING .• acres of land, lots of fruit. Eight with dinette; four -piece bath; Public School turn Ieft inside • SUPPLIES miles. from Clinton, modern, kitchen; air-condition- main entrance -on . -O-" ed; oil furn•nce; ideal location. Friday, November Sth, Streetsrille, Ontario FOUR Clinton.about 3 mhos Early possession, from 3.00 p.m. 4.30 p,m. Boner BU 41-4&b from ton, One 61 -acre for Tile second andAhird dates of • •• • Better �7. $6100; one boax,-acre farm with goodH. this series have been set for No- ­— o ✓ BABY SITTING gams, silo, roam, y loam, double' C. Lawson. vember 26th and December 7th. ' - .garage, hydro, Clay .loam; 4 acres- , ILL LOOK AFTER WORKING of bush --,$8000. I( Children 4 months of age to other's children during day only, �- REALTORI school age may be brought to my own home, No more than ONE 100 -acre farm; 8 -roomed Bank of: Montreal Building these clinics to receive initial 4*rn ree ' ebildren please. Margaret house, with barn, henhouse, gar- Phone 251W Clinton plunization or reinforcing Inocula Ke1Ims, Box 432, Clinton News- age, silt, lots of fruit -$7506, Itions for Diphtheria, Whooping T01h0LA fiord. 43b Td- 42-tfb Cough, Tetanus, and Smallpox. - ONE 116 -acre farm, with a very EnhwFqi OPPORTUNITIES good 8 -roomed house, basement, garage; :barn, drivesbed. 16 acres NESS FOR YOUR- of bush. Easy terms Only $8000, .ncy consisting of -o- ducts including Our aim is: we list to sell, and Jo A• TE $!�D mins, spices, whether buying or selling, let us GALBRAITH` r ,:polish, help. you with your problems. Jeweller and WatC111>iiiLl?"cr ' Ter- We have a nice list of farms AM- t6 choose from.EXPERT WATCH ;REPAIR SERVICE —o– 'Bulova, Gruen and Cyma Watches RA010 ANj6 i' T L V1-S10x ®ltlL�N BOS.VFLY BLUE RIVER and BLUE. BIRD" DIAMONDS P eal' Estate Broker w Spode DinTV Clinton's V Headqu,arte rs LLESLEY STREET Visit Our Modern Up -To -Date Jewellery Store Today DE 1I10f8 I'hODe 562 Clfill!t�6 tfb t "'Everybody Sells � BUT -WE SERVICV1 -