HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-10-28, Page 4PAGE FOUR o CLTNPON N VS-RwORD THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9,8,',1954
O o; St. WMS
Cuntr Fair A Pe'rsOn alS
Wes�ey�.Wills Entertain G out Mr. and Mrs. lay spent SPECIALS `for OCTOBER 28-29-30'.
BAZAAR and TEA At Thankofferlln Sunday last visiting, friends in
- g Owen Sound: FLOUR, Pat-a-Pan Pastry, 24 Ib. bag $1,1'9
} `� Termed Sucees The president, . Mrs. W. S. R. Miss Effie Johnson, Windsor, FLOUR fat-a-Pan Pastry, 7 Ib: ba
Saturday, OCtabea� JO Holmes, was` in the chair for he, Mrs: M. OiZler, Goderich, were Y� 9 35c
Y The Country Fair, which, is an autumn thankoffering'meeting of �eeksnd visitors with Mrs, F, W. PORK AND BEANS, Aylmer Boston Brown
3 p,m, annual bazaar and tea held cc- Woman's Missionary Society hn on. 10 oz. tin
of .Ontario Street United CI uacn.. - W P. S. Cantelon, Toronto; """" ""' " 35c
COUNCIL CHAMBER, TOWN HALL, CLINTON' operatively by members of wain • " PICKLES, Old Towne Sweet Mixed 16 oz, r
group c The, president was assisted in the, Mrs: G. A. Shearer, Detroit; were )a ,.., 23C
ens rou of Wesle
y-Willis Unit- devotional period by Mrs. Brock recent guests• with Mrs:., A, B. -,COFFEE, Nabob, regular grind, 1 Ib. ba
AFTERNOON TEA HOME-MADE HS ed Church,awas A y afternoon,
success Olde and Miss Sybil Courtice, Gardiner. 9 1.15
E. BA Mrs. W. VanEgmond and Miss N. Davies and sisters ,'also Bert 'INSTANT PUDDINGS,' Hansen's Asstd., 2 for 23c
Elva Wiltse sangtwo ver ' ap Johnson, attended the funeral of `TEA BAGS, Lipton's, 100's, pkg. 63c
y' ......
Harr, Potato Salad FANCY WQRK Hostesses for the afternoon, propriate duet`s5 Mrs. A. J. 'Mc- the late W. C. Brown in Wood- SHORTENING Domestic Ib. .
Cabbage, Salad,,, TOUCH-AND-TAKE D-TAKE Mrs. H. C;. Wilson and Mrs. Geo- Murray introduced 'the speaker, stock on Friday. ` . ', 27e "
Pickles Jello PRODUCE rge Beattie, greeted the guests at Mrs. B. E. Newnhani, Fullarton, Mr. And' Mrs. Nixon 'Welsh, ORANGES, Florida for Juice, size 2505, doz. 29c
Extra iece'of PicPie and
10 cents HOME-MADE CANDY the; entrance to, the church school who gave a very interesting and Lambeth, and Mr, and Mrs:. Ed PRANGES, Sunkist, size 344s, doz, 29c
p ,, „• 43,b room, Here the booths were set informative talk on the benefit. of Welsh, were .guests on Sunday of -'CANDY KISSES, 11 oz, big,....,..., � ,., ,.,, ,,;• 25c ,
missionary enterprise. Mr, and MIs. Wilbur Welsh., + CHEESE SNACK, B oz. 'ar
' p e 1 27c
up in an atmosphere reminiscent Ladies wer present from Wes- Mr, and Mrs. James Livermore,
of'.country fairs, with beautifully ley Willis United Chuich,_Tdrners. Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Green and
designed and finished quilts hang- appointment and the + Ontario Audrey visited with friends in
TH 1��yp�
Street Girls' C,iub. Mrs. W. J. Hamilton' on Saturday, last, OMPSON S FOOD MAFKET
ing on the walls, tables laden-with ""` '
Plumsteel ,thanked` the guest Mr, and Mrs. Benson• Corless
;Phone 4Q
1 . tarns produce baking; etc. speaker and those,rvho contributed and family, Lindsay, spent the@ D@11Vi"If
SALE' :Baking booth convener. was Mrs. to the evening's enjoyment. ,The weekend with Mr. and Mrs, M, T
C; -Nelson, assisted by Mrs. Cam,
2 offering was received by'Mrs. J. Corless, and with •Mr:. and Mrs
exon, Miss O'Neil,, Mrs. H. Wise, B. Lavis and Mrs. Derwin Carter, Kennetb M,' Breakey,:Zurleh.
Mrs. E.
Epps and ,Miss L. Walk- o Mr: and Mrs. kaon C. Colquhbun
L A D I E.S ` bed C H I L D R E N S inshaw. The novelty booth con- 7 Mr, and Mrs. Maitland Edgar and
vener was Mrs, Harold Adams, as- Holds :Autumn Mr. and Mrs,: Ha
sisted.;,by; .Mrs. ' Seeley abd Miss ri, coIvEwan` i LEGION.
* r tended a Kinsmen' convention in
■N REA Ida WhIkinshaw. The candy booth Th of Kitchener, over the. weekend,
was in the and charge of the Mission aA:lbert , Vodden, who has spent
Gzaou took charge �tof the. Study
atethe'summer homes fthBayfield
b ? At Wes1e Willis;
V EST�7,.�- ULOOMEILS clo'thn g booth. The autumn thankoffering of: 1VI L. Langford, has returned tis o
Tea 'room conveners were Mrs. Clinton and will s
the ' Woman's Missionary ' Society pend -the sister,
COTTON 25'% ` Woo1-50 % Wool J• Nedi er and Mrs. E Iia ill; and at .the home of this. sister Mrs.
COTTON-25%' 0 g of Wesley-Willis United Church.
hostesses were Mrs. H. Henry and was held in' the Sunda '' School Bert' Langford, Rattenb St.
• Mrs. N. W. Trewartha. rooms on Thursday afternoon, Oc- Mrs:'U. F. Martell and :Janice • .'
LARGE ASSORTMENT LADIES OUT SIZE Pouring tea' at the charmingly.. tober 21' at o'clock', Visitors left. for Quebec Ci where' they . S ••
en talld table set with white ]in- were present from Holmesville will sail on,the'Scythia for Ger-, po,asored by Clinton Branch No: i40.Gonadwn Legion
golden tapes and centred and;Ontario Street United Church. -many. They. will, join Cpl. Mar=
BUY WOW AND SAY• E W1th bronze and gold 'mums,: were The president, Mrs. Norman tell who is stationed at . No. 4 - LEGION
Mrs, VanHorne, Mrs, LueaS, Mrs. ,Shepherd, opened the meeiiing. ATAF; R C A F Headquarters, . EEGION MEMORIAL; HALL
-' AT Pickard and Mrs. Innes. with a hymn 'and-prayer; Miss Buren -Kaserno Trier, Germany.
The tables for four, each ar Margaret Davies and Miss Stone Mrs. Maitell, and Janice have KIRK STREET, CLINTON
ranged with a bouquet of gold and led in the devotional part. The spent the last three" months with
bonze 'mums, were served by Mrs. ladies were; favoured with two Mr. and Mrs. John •Carter;. James
Steeps, Mrs. s. $artAn Mrs. vocal solos by Mrs. Harley accom- Stxeet,
M Thursday, Nov,®
J. McLaren, Mrs: D. Andrews, panied by MTs. Hearn at tete piano 0 1 � .
Mrs. G. Burns, Mrs. W. Holland, Everyone present thoroughly E` � J. Jenkins Is
DEPT: STORE Mrs. P. Livermore and Mrs. Sage. enjoyed the wohderful •talk given ✓
CLINTON - - - - ;CLINTON In charge of plate arrangements byMrs. Pike, Ilderton•,The speak- �i Comntencin at $:30 p
were Mrs. F. Fingland, Mrs. Rid- er was introduced by Mrs.- James Speaker. For 9 p.m. 'Sher
dick and Mrs. Shaddick. McGill. Mrs. Frank Fingland, on c
Kitchen helpers were Mrs. H. behalf of the society moved a Special Service
Charlesworth, Miss M. Chambers, hearty vote of thanks to Mrs. Pike 15 REGULAR GAMES FOR $10.00
Mrs. Shepherd, Mrs. F. Andrews, and to the soloists. The.meeting Men and Missions < Sunday was
Mrs, M. Nediger, Mrs. Laidlaw,; closed with a hymn and prayer, A observed on Sunday morning in 3 SPECIAL GAME"hare-the-Wealtk'
Mrs. M. Addison, Mrs. W. Pinning, social half hour followed_ Wesley-Willis United Church. .
Mrs, .E, Miller, Mrs. Hearn, Mrs, ---o Edward J. Jenkins, B.A., chair- 30 JACKPOT ON 47 NUMBERS INCLUDED IN
W. Jervis, Miss Mae Davies, Miss WE,SLI•;Y-WILLIS• BIBLE CLUB man of the Missionary and Maint- ALL SPECIALS
Margaret Davies and Mrs. F. Pot- MEETS FOR STUDY PERIOD enance Committee, .was in charge
Q ter. The Bible Club of Wesley-Willis and Garnet McGee, B.A., assisted, i "• SPECl,AL GAME FOR $25.00 United Church met at the, home Sam Scott, Seaforth, gave a force-
s �
2 i : ONTARIO STREET WA of Mrs, Norman Shepherd, with ful message, outlining the work
WILL MEET TUESDAY Miss Dorothy .Cantelon in charge of the special departments of the
1 The Ontario Street Woman's of the study period. The next United Church. ADMISSION:
i ' 1 Association will meet on Tuesday, meeting will be at the boos of An opportunity was given for a
i r November 2 at 2.30 p.m. in the Miss Bertha Diehl; with Miss B. special offering for the Ontario - 75 Regular Gomes $1.00; Special Games 2 for 25c
.,�I church hall. The ladies of the McRoberts taking the lesson, Hurricane Disaster Fund.
London Road and Huron Road
East will serve lunch. The pro
' y gram is in the charge of Mrs. R.
Fear and Mrs: Ernest Brown.
CORRECTION Weekend Specials
The total received by the Clirz- MEMBERS OF ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH
r•�fy+i+ �� 'ti`a ,�'%; , ton Hospital Auxiliary from the
Monster Bazaar and Penn Sale
� 2 conducted on October
was Go-Getters'C.luh WOMEN'S .DRESSES•-
ti ul - $1,990.67, a not $1,970.67 as was
1S9;Y � published in a correction item last ANNUAL
week, Pll�ilM �J L U j ld �e have selected a -special rack of Dresses-
''`' ��• o Valued to :$19.9.5 each. �[i fp.q��
Miss Dorothy L, who t, Clinton, USED 'CLOTHING SALE WOMEN'S and MISSES SKIRTS_,
formerly of. Blyth, who was mar-
vied on Saturday, was honoured
at a dinner party at the home of will be held in'$9.95.
Mrs.''Russell Jervis, -with Miss c Values to
° 'Woodena Eppsas co-hostess with St. Paul's Parish Hall - .. 'TO.'CLEAR AT ONLY $3.95
10el(£Y/ ANP 9AW77#0 Mrs. Jervis. Twelve friends with
(7 S1 T whom the bride has been assoc-H� 7 H' Oct. �® ��Ar�1� ��A� ES
fated t -hex has at Clinton u ,� and
0 U T F•' RCAF Station attended, and theJVA
presentaion, was mad- by Mrs. PLASTIC
Lou Dempsey, Ilolmeswille, PROCEEDS FOR RESTORATION FUND $ lL�a� °la ILJ f
Men's and women's hockey and skating out- TUCKIDRSMITH LADIES Donation of rticles (rain your Values #o $2.98 r.
• WILL MEET WEDNESDAY y garden, your kitchen, p e.i4f0
fits of ;Bauer quality built so endure the most Mrs, Warren Whitmore. will be your clothes closets, your attlo'or your basement, will To Clear ,pit Only 0� pr
rugged of use. Girl's and Women's figure hostess to the Tuckersmith'Ladies' be apprec�>tited.
Club on November S. The roll Donations to be left at the Parish Hall on Friday PLASTIC q%A (��® ��
and pledsure skates are of top quality call will be, The Name of My Evening, October J9 or Saturday Morning, October :i0, Ji1 G
First Teacher." For further information call 697 or 27 Reg, ,55 d. • 36" wide
material and workmanship combined with a g y -- ��
beauty you will be proud of, to give. You the To Clear At Only ...... °" d
Varna United Church WA "•' """ y '
utmost In pleasure and figure skating. '
TOT'S SIZES-from 6 to 13 .... Outfit $5.50 ,
GIRLS' OUTFITS ,. ..,. from. $7.25 , Nov.� �c _ �r ices
.... from $6.50 S y9 1 r ILLCLINTON - - - -IENSA-LL
Large Selection 3 p.m. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31; 1954
V•ARNA Viureb REV, It. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector WF
AIMHomemade Baking, Sewing, Mrs. Theodore M. lli Organist ��t�WLel l�l TREATS
Fish ond, Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister Mrs. J. M. Elliott,
Fishpond, 1viRS. M:" Ii. RENNIE, Organist Choir Leader
Homemade Candy M. R. RENNIE, Choir Director �� THE
T7T Tia�����-t
Luggage Shoes X g n.�.tf .AN
11.00 a.m.-Morning Prayer, and d
AFTERNOON TEA: 50e Sunday School.
Phone 2 Clinton SUNDAY SCHOOL 7.00 p.m.--Evening Service.
ANNIVERSARY Friday, Oct. 29--8,00 p.m., Dean- HALLOWE'EN ,'KISSES
Rev. G. A. Watt, B.A., B.D. ery Statutory meeting for
Special Speaker Board of Management. PEANUT BRITTLE
1t a.m. Monday, Nov, 1-8.00 p.m.-Board
11..20 a.m.--,-Primary School. of Management,
12,15 p.m.-Church School. Tuesday, Nov. 2-2,45 p,m.---Lad- TURKISH DELIGHT
Union Evening Service in the On ies'. Guild,. at Mrs. Morley
"Gift ® Centre'
tario Street United Church. Counter's home. TOASTED MARSHMALLOWS
� Hnday SVILLE "
9WMF.45 a.m,-Church Service and BAYFIELD BAPTIST
Sunday School. CHURCH _
Come To The House of Prayer" Invites you to services each ,
Sunday in the Orange Hail, OUR SATURDAY• SPECIAL?
Maple Stresft . Bayfield,• at 3.30' p.m., until the
new church is completed, From Our Store Only
■ Speaker: I. Bodenham
Yes We Have d Gift for Every Sunday School 9.45 a,m. Jaseph 5treei Drop in Saturday and get your
Communion Service 11.00 a.m.. GOSPEL HALL
Gospel Service 8.00 p.m. CLINTON, �R E:E SAMPLE
■ Children's Hour Tuesday Even' ALL WELCOME
e Q �y ing-7 00 p.rn,
.Member ®f the Tarn! TUESDAY, 8 pm. - Prayer. and Order of Meetings for the j
Bible Study Lord's Day: , Q our npi�
11.00 a.m.-Breaking of Bread
66SHuron Street 3.00 prnoMeeting-NOW IS THE TIME,TO AY-AWAYTHAT GIFT. 7.00 P.m_Gspt1 Meeting `
f•�._."�ry '
Minister REV. J. E, OSTROM P.A.O.C.
Or anist-Mrs. George Grant victoria Street
g g
11.00 a.m.-MorninK
g Service. . L. SWEIGARD, Pastor ----�)1
"Written Of Me" 10.00 a m -Sunday School
12.75 p.m. Sunday. School. 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship
p,m,-Evening Service, 70 p•m.- Evening'Servi Service:
Beau�tlful Des I ®f Tas s Etc.Boredom"
T _
y y "Everlasting Tuday, 8 p.m.-Prayer Service.
Evo ,one Welcome , 7.30' -Young Peo se's.f�i!
o``v cy PASI'OI,Z-REV. A. GLEN EAGLE, B.4., B.D. p�
a� °A ORGANIST--Rail, E. WENDORF Reg. 50c for ............. .... {i[
W 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship.
h 12.15 p.m Sunday School.
.m aInstallation Service.B LL and TC Spedil Speaker:'E/L B. Gar
Special . '
Offering for Ontario Hurricane �������
�. gc Relief Fund.
Phone 195 n Clinton2:00 ti,m.�--Worship. Special offering for Ontario
Hurricane Relief Fund. PHONE 1
3.00 p,n.-Sunday Scho ol, 2