HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-10-14, Page 10PAGE TEN
4, 1950
' Although most a the intermed-
iate hockey executive have just
about resigned themselves that
Clinton will be without a hockey
team for this year Manager Bert
Gliddon still has high hopes. When
we were talkingto the Colt's men-
tor the other day he was btibbling
...over with enthusiastn. He thought
That Clinton could have e home-
brew team for sure (if there were
enough teams interested) and he
added that he expected to be able
to ice a contender even if it went
to the other extreme. To our
quesions about where he was go-
ing to, get the players and how it
could be financed --all we could
get out of Bert was evasive re-
plies, It is to be hoped that Bert
can keep hockey going and give
-the fens the type of team they de-
Ferve, tart WO g9/199` R•Way Very
I-tu 'that might have a
great deal of bearing on the hoc-
key situation in Clinton was held
- last -night, Wednesday, in Wing -
ham, It is at this meeting that
the •WOAA would find out how
snitny teams. are interested In home
brew hoekey. If they have enough
and group can be formed in which
the travelling expenses would not
be too high then it is expected that
a series will be inaugurated for
teams of this classification.
Possibly in two or three more
years the home-brew group, which
is the coming thing, will be ready
to operate but we doubt very ranch
if there are enough towns of sim-
ilar population who will go for this
idea right now,
°DOI Redmen although they
lost several of their big guns from
last year have a splendid record
SO far this year. They have play-
ed their first two genies and are
tied for the top spot with a win
and a tie. To top that off they
haven't had a point scored against
r,4,12`T, TII°1K°1-1711."
The Magnin Thankoftering meet-
ing of the Woman's Missionary -
Society of Wesley -Willis United
Church will be held in the Sunday
Sehoel, room of , the church on
Thursday afternoon, at' 3 -o'clock
on October 21." Mrs. Pike, Ilder-
ton will be the guest Speaker.
Happy CDC:I Trio
Ice Box Flowers
Table Centres .1195
china finished flowers
omp ete with chino troy
1..4033.g ROSES (yellow, white, rose; red)
CARNATIONS (red, white, -salmon)
Stemmed GARDENIAS (yellow, red)
Box of Six Blooms $1.89
SIMPLICITY CORSAGE (raiebuds, violets,
gardenias) 49c
PETITE CORSAGE (pink, blue, yellow, green,
white) 25c each
SPRIGS OF FERN 2 for 15c
"•.;-- Gift and ' Stationery Store
Phone 84 - Clinton
Sponsored by Clinton Branch No. 140 Canadian Legion
-Thursday, Oct 21
Commencing at 9.00 o'clock sharp
3 SPECIAL GAMES—Share-the-wealth
— 1 SPECIAL GAME FOR $25.00 —
15 Regular Games $1.00; Special Games 2 for 25c
Gridiron Very Wet;
Recliner' ;Goderieh
Play To 0-0 Tie
Clinton Redrnen and Goderich
locked horns on the Goderich grid-
iron on Tuesday afternoon. The
game, which was expected to de-
cide the league lead, was played on
a very wet field and with weather
conditions far from perfect. The
score ended 0.0 with both teams
missing several good scoring op-
portunities. Ron Steepe went over
early in the second half but a Clin-
ton penalty on the play ruled the
touchdown out. D. Weymouth and
Ken Porter made the largest in-
dividual gains of the game; Way-
, .
' Three ,winners in the Jinalor MUM pleked up 38 Yards and
Girls' high jump at the CDCI Porter 10. Yarclt3, Both gains came
Field Dy are (left to right) out of a denial@ reverse play that
Viola Lightfoot, who placed the Refiffiell haVe foland very ef.
third; Joan Stewart, winner of fective,
the event, jUthPing folir feet; Both teams played well with
m1A viaki,cluff WhO plated gee. Clinton having a very definite edge
ona (Nevv's-rticortnet9).- tlIKOUghout,-,...Tha-Redrnell arc tied
with goderich for the league lead
withone wuten a le, eir next
gqne,is Octop9r, 20 in Seakrth.
Clinton Re nen. Ashdown,
quarterback; Tyreman, Farquhar,
Batkin, Shanahan, insides; Falcon-
er, T. Cunningham, Ladd, W. Ctn.,-
nignham, middles; Steepe, McAl-
pine, Youngblut Thomason, Shar-
key, H. Colquhoun, halfs; Walpole,
Elliott,' centres; 'Weymouth, Hu -
gill, Jones„, Porter, ends; Howes,
Armstrong, flying wing.
Goderielt: Fred Skelton, Bob
Dockstader,.quarterbacks; Wright,
Barrow, McBride, Gregory, Wilson,
Buchanan, halfs; Smith, Simpson,
WOrsell, ends; Fulker, Overholt,
Straughan, insides; Kane, centre;
Hicks, Chisholm, Volland, middles.
IfCr144111rAce S;:VINGS BOND
which you purchased in former
years drawing Zys% you may
exchange it for a higher rate
of interest-31/4%—at
no'extra cost.
Call nee and I will exchange
it for ybu. There is nothing
as safe as Canada Savings
Bonds. Can be cashed at 100%
plus interest at any time. ,
Phone 60
Toronto, Ontario 4044)
Successful Shoot
At Alma Grove
Thanksgiving Day,
Attendance at the Thanksgiving
Shoot of the Huron Fish and Game
Gun Club held at Alma Grove, was
greater than ever before, and over
Clinton Youngsters vie For Honours
-(Continued from Page One) jump, Don Colquhoun, Raymond
Germ Doug 'Macaulay; running
broad jump, Laurie Colquhoun,
Don Colquhoun, Alari O'Conner;
running high jump, Don Colqu-
houn, Borden McRae, Paul Brod-
eur; softball throvv, Don Colqu-
houn, Raymond Gavin, Laurie
Colquhouri; 220 yard relay, (1)
Paul Bateman, Don Fremlin, Bruce
Cooper, Raymond Garon; (2) Doug
Fremlin, Ken Smith, Borden Mc-
Rae, Robert Clayton; (3) Bill
Chambers, Lloyd Hoy, Campbell
McAlpine, Doug Macaulay; slow
bicycle, Teddy Bridle, Bruce Coop-
er, Don Frernlin; bean bag toss,
Don Colquhoun, Bruce Cooper,
Junior boys' champion, Don
Colquhotin (14); runner-up, Bruce
Cooper (13).
25 yard dash, Elaine Brown,
Nancy Schoenhals, Glenyce Jewitt;
50 yard dash, Elaine Brown, Nancy
Sehoenkials,- JOanlie Cntimore; 75
yard dash, Nancy Schoenhals,
Glenyce, Jewitt„ Alice Treffers;
runnini broad jump, Wendy Mc-
Gee, Nancy Schoenhals, Elaine
/3rown; standing broad jump, El-
aine Brown, Nancy Sehoenhals,
Carol Plumsteel; running high
jump, Elaine Brown, Joanne Cud -
more, Connie Smith; bean bag
toss, .Joanne Cudmore, Donalda
Freernan, Nancy Olde; slow bicycle
race, Barbara Mock, Nancy Seh-
oenhals, Patty Horbanuik; 100
Steven Deseck, Michael Murphy;
(3) Budd Boyes, Barry Elliott,
Robert Addison, Bobby Thompson.
Intermediate boys' champion,
Roger Cummings (15); runner-up,
Gary Jewitt (11).
50 yard dash, Ruth Steinburg,
Mary Jean, Colquhoun, Mary Mati-
aulay; 75 yard dash, Mary Jean
Colquhoun, Janet Sharp, Christine
Bridle; 100 yard dash, Mary Mac-
aulay, Mary Jean Colquhoun,
Janet Sharp; standing broad jump,
Helen Freeman, Christine Bridle,
Mary Jean Colquhoun; running
broad jump, Mary Jean Colquhoun,
Mary Macaulay, Helen Freeman;
running hop, step and jump, Mary
Jean Colquhoun, Mary Macaulay,
Janet Sharp; running high , jump,
Mary_Je,an Colquimun, Dianne Lee,
Janet Sharp; softball throw, Chris-
tine Bridle, Bonnie Hamiltbn
Gwen- Fowler; 220 yard relay, (1)
Dianne Lee, Gwen Fowler, Sharon
Jury, Patsy Carter; (2) Mary Jean
Colquhoun, Christine . Bridle, Mar -
fed D'ales, Marie Andrews; (3)
Janet Sharp, Effie Phimattel, Bev.
erley Beattie, Maty Macattlay.
Intermediate girls' champion,
Mary Jean Colquhoun (),9); run-
ner-up, Mary Macaulay, (9).
50 yard dash, Bruce Cooper,
John Cooper, Don Fremlin; 75 yard
dash, Doug Macaulay, Bruce Coop.
er,/ John Cooper; 100 yard dash,
Doug Macaulay, John Cpoper,
Bruce Cooper; standing broad
$500 was taken in receipts for the
day. Earl Doucette was in charge
of arrangements for the event.
Marksmen attended from Lon-
don, Woodstock, Hamilton, Gode-
rich, Kippen, Blyth and locally,
and many prizes of merchandise
and poultry were awarded in the
nearly 100- different events.
Trap -shooting drew the most
interest, but the new rifle range
also attracted attention, especially
of the ladies present. At the next
big shoot, scheduled for November
11, there will be a number of
trophies shot for as well as for
merchandise and poultry. The new
rifle range will be open for all
types of rifles at that time.
Happy Penny Sale Winners
Take Home Over 75 Prizes
Appreciation is extended
the Clinton -Hospital Auxiliary to
all those who donated prizes for
the Penny Sale, and congratu)a-
tions are extended to the kicky
winners. Both donors and winners
are listed here: •
Large doll, donated by Hospital
Auxiliary, and dressed by Mrs. A.
3. McMurray, Mrs. Alex Riley,
Londesboro; smoker, Ball and
Mutch--Donna Sharp; fancy pil-
lovv slips, Mrs. A. J. McMurray—
Miss Emma Plumsteel; fire ex-
tinguishers, Clinton Farm Supply—
Mrs. Roy Mann; .trilight lamp, pur-
chased by Auxiliary with cash do-
nations of various persons—Archie
Robinson; men's shaving set, New-
combe's drug store—Jackie Dren-
nan; , wall plaques, McEwan's —
Mrs. Jerry Barrow.
ri Mbst compact/
get ever made.
17 -INCH
Feed Mill—Mrs. Ed Layton, Sea -
forth; paint, D. A. Kay and Son—
Mrs. Roy Tyndall; end table, Beat -
tie's furniture store—Mrs. Sarah
'Thomas; Woollen blanket, Sher-
lock -Manning Pianos --Mrs. Chap-
man; two yellow rugs, Martin's—
Mrs. Harry Williams, Holmesville;
luncheon cloth, Lovett'S Specialty
Shop—lVliss•Marion McCann; sheet
and pillow set, Schaefer's — Mrs.
Alex McMichael; cloth and ser-
viettes, Irwin's —.Joan Benninger,
Blyth; man's white shirt, Pickett
and Campbell—Lloyd Moore; plaid
shirt, Epps Sport Shop—Mrs. C.
Livermore; foam pillows, T.
Eaton Co.—A. J. McMurray; wool-
len blanket, Sherlock -Manning
Pianos -- Mrs. W. Vanderintrgh;
Fur neckpiece, Furter Furs,
London—Mrs. A. W. Gough, Leam-
ington; groceries, George Rumball
— F. if. Rumb al 1; groceries,
Thompson's—Miss Glad Thompson,
Seaforth; groceries, Reg. Ball —
Mrs. Alex McMichael; minute
minder, General Electric Co.—Miss
Win O'Neil; groceries, N. Fitzsim-
ons — Mrs. Harold Glew; steak
knives and vanity set, Hugh R.
Hawkins—Mrs. Chapman; two tis-
sue dispensers, Lorne Brown Mot-
ors—Bill Gerrits; brush, comb and
powder box, Simpson Sears—Edna
McDonald; white vase, Anstett's
jewellery — Mrs. R. 3. Rumball;
musical powder box, N. W. Count-
er—Wilfred Parker; three flower
containers, K. C. Cooke — Mrs.
James Cox; electric -coffee pot,
Merrill Electric—Mrs. Ada Adams;
pyrex teapot, Galbraith Radio and
TV—.Louis Looby, Dublin; 'per-
colator, Avon Products—Stan Mc-
Donald; quart paint, Counter's
Builders' Supplies —Jean Sinclair;
quart paint, Ball-Macaulay—Mrs.
Pearl Hutchings, Bayfield;
Hostess chair, purchased by
Auxiliary through cash donation
of various persons—Leona Fink-
beiner; boudoir lamp, Groves Elec-
tric — Mrs. Frank McCullough,
Hohnesville; two-year subscription
to Clinton News-Reeord — Mrs.
Elizabeth Graham; feeder, Riddick
Kiddie car, Stedman's Mrs.
Gladys Hoggarth; one gallon
jar of cleaner, Howard Brunsdon
—Mrs. Chapman; motor oil, West-
ern Tire — S. McLachlan, RCAF
Station; drug packages—Miss Lu-
cille Grant Mrs. V'. Radford, Mrs.
Harold Gibbings, Alex Haddy, Mrs.
A, Robinson, Miss Alie Heyink,
Wayne Stanley (four prizes) and
Mrs. Eldon Stanley (three prizes).
Christmas cake, Bartliff's—T. J.
Riley; box chocolates, Weston's
Co. — J. B. Fotheringham; box
chocolates,McCormick's Co.—Mra
John Hatnilton; two dolls, donated
by Mrs. Garnet Cornish and dres-
sed by Miss Dell O'Neil and Miss
Emma Plinnsteel — Mrs. A. G.
Grigg (boy doll) and Mrs. Earl
MacLaren, Goderich (girl doll);
two wooden trays, Ball -Macaulay
—Vera Murch, Sarnia and Ruth
Glazier; assortment, Sutter -Perdue
—Mrs. Ada Adams; surgical apron,
J. Frank O'Nfears Mrs. Fern
Surbey; flashlight, Wells Auto
Electric -- Mrs. E. Ellis; lighter,
Ruby and Bill's—Mrs. H. Kennedy,
Londesboro; cuff link set,. Her-
man's — Mrs. George Charter,
Myth; mirses' kit, Imperial Surg-
ical—Mrs. R. Shipley; shoe polish,
A. Husty—Emily Scruton; hair
tonic, John Plumtree—Mrs. Alice
McMichael; flashlight, Freeman's
Service Station, Mrs. Harriet Law-
son; billfold, Aiken's—Mrs. Grant
Rath; hair tonic, Heard's Barber
Shop—Mrs. George Goettler, Dub-
lin; nylons, Chapman's Beauty
Shop—Mrs. W. Haddy, Oxford St.,
Nylons, Staniforth't Shoe Shop
—Mrs. Fred Taylor; billfold, Ag-
new's pool roorri—Dianne Murphy,
nylons, Par -Knit Hosiery — Mrs.
Mary Milne, Blyth; chicken, Liver-
more's—Miss Ann Tate Bayfield;
dry cleaning, A. Garon-2-Mrs. Ross
Feagan, R.R. 2, Clinton; milk tic-
kets, Fairhohne Dairy—Mrs. Ewan
Ross, Holmesville; milk tickets,
Clinton Dairy—W. Bird;
Two steak dinners, by Pingei's
Restaurant —Ruth Ann Twyford;
grease job, Currie Service Station
—William Freeman; pail honey,
Gordon Scribbins--Mrs. A. T. Heb-
den; bug killer, H. Charlesworth—
Mrs. William Smith, Dublin; case
of peas, Johnson's Grocery—Mrs.
W. Colclough.
Following are cash donors who
gave generously to the Auxiliary's
project. It is believed that the list
may, be incomplete, and since.the
Auxiliary is anxious to give credit
to 'all those who assisted, they ask
that anyone who may find their
nanie has been left off this list,
to phone the president, Mrs. Harry
Orville Stanley, T. 3. Riley, ,Dr.
D. B. Palmer, Clinton Electric,
Brown Derby, Clinton Locker Ser-;
vice, Haughton's Welding Shop,
Dr. W. A Oakes, Butler's Service
Station, Murphy Bros,, Dr. F. M.
Newland, Watkin's Service Sta-
tion, John Nediger, McPherson
Bros., H. W. Colquhoun, Levis
Contracting Cbnipany, Canada
Packers Ltd., Gliddon Cleaners,
George German, 1:>. H. A. Mc-
Intyre, Burton Stanley, George F.
Elliott, Dr. J. A. Addison, Herb
Bridle, A. G. Grigg and Son, Fred
0. Ford, Sherlock -Manning Piano
Co. Ltd., Commercial Inn Hotel,
F. B. Pennebaker, Frank Pingland
Q.C., Clayton's Ice Cream Bar,
Hotel Clinton, Ashton's Taxi, II.
C. Lawson, Don C. Colquhoun, L.
G. Winter, Dr. J. W. Shaw,
Boy Scout Apple
Day, Saturday
All the Cubs and
Scouts of the Clin-
ton area are very
busy getting ready
Lor Apple Day
which is to be on
Saturday, October
16. Baskets are be-
ing decorated, ap-
ples polished and
uniforms pressed ready for the
big day.
Apple Day is the one day a year
when Scouts and Cubs all over the
Dominion of Canada get together
to raise funds to help meet their
expenses for the coming year. The
boys are not permitted to solicit
money or donations so that for
some groups Apple Day is their
only means of raising nviney.
Clinton Cubs during the past
Year have spent over $300 in mak-
ing a permanent camp site for
the boys of Clinton. In addition,
money has to be sent to Scout
Headquarters to help defray head-
quarters expenses. Dues have to
be paid to Huron District Council.
Flags, test books and a hundred
and one items have to be bought
to ensure the smooth running of
training during the winter months.
The best of equipment is none too
good for training the future lead-
ers of the Town of Clinton.
A. few cents invested th the
training of a young citizen today
may pay large dividends in the
building of the character of the
councillor or leader of tomorrow.
So when the Cub or Scout ap-
proaches you to buy an apple Fri-
day or Saturday, make a good in-
vestment in Canada's future.
• Takes up less space
• New SuperNertical Circuit
• Front h all screen
'Owe deeim.ot--
'You can see it
• Light enough to carry
• ',Tube -Life Extender
* Choice of 3 finishes
Merrill Radio and Electric
Keit from genuine imported South Afriesa
lush's 'maw ,Ids Tony bay original has a
luxurious softness only equalled by costly
cashmeres. Very 'smartly' styled in. choice of
several colours • . and priced for out.
standing valne
191N1=1122361211!!! --ZZ
WED., OCT. !20
Phone 224W — Clinton
yard relay race, (1) Elaine Brown,
Alice Treffers, Donalda Freeman,.
Susan Brown; (2) Joanne Cud --
more, Patty Horbanuik, Dianne-
Cudmore, Nancy Schoenhals; (3).
Nina Macdonald, Marjorie Woods,
Wendy McGee, .Lynne Shipley.
Junior girls' champion, Elaine,
Brown (16); runner-up, Nancy,
Schoenhals (15).
Be ready for that
quick drop in temper-
ature! Order your win-
ter fuel supply NOW
A. G. Grigg &Son
Phone 74W— Clinton
n the first half of 1954 imports
exceeded exports by $357 million
Paper Drive
Octi lber 20
Don't Burn Your Papers!
Save them and old mattresses, magazines, rags,
for the Legion Paper Drive. Have them securely tied
andat the curb at 1 p.m., Wednesday.
Annual Clearance Sale
Sioo Credit Note ammw $100
This coupon entitles purchaser to $100 off listed price for any
post-war Car or Truck purchased from us in the period—
October 14th to October 28th inclusive.
'51 FORD SEDAN................$1295 $1195
'48 PONTIAC SEDAN. 795 695
'51 CHEVROLET COACH . 1350 1250
'52 CHEVROLET 1/2 TON PICKUP 1I50 1050
'52 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1495 1395
• ala Ow
Clearance Special
700/17 , 6 -ply Tires; Four -Speed Transmission;
Heater and Dual Horns; Antifreeze.
We'll give' you an additional Discount on this!
You'll never make $100 easier, You'll get a locally owned vehicle. Your
satisfaction is guaranteed! Come and- see these, and others on our lot, all. reduced
for this Clearance Sole. Unfortunately, we cannot apply your credit as down pay-
ment should you wish to finance your purchase.
orne Brown Motors Limited
Chevrolet — Ordsmobile Sales and Service