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News of.Bayfield
Representative ,
Ken Arkelle UWO, London, was Mr. and Mrs. Bopar Aust and
horne over the weekend. family, London, were at their cot -
E. A. Featherston, London, was tap over the holiday.
home over the holiday. , Mrs. W. Carnie2 Milton, arrived
Miss Jessie Metcalf, Detroit, was on Tuesday to visit Mrs. Robert
. home over the weekend. Scotchmer for a few days.
Miss Cecil McLeod visited in Mr. and Mrs. E. Parke; London,
Goderich over the weekend. spent Thanksgiving at "Parkcliff,"
*.r. and Mrs. Arnold 1i/fakir's and Their, home in the Village:
babe spent Sunday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Little and
Mrs. E Geddes, Seaforth, called family, Lcindon, occupied their cot-
' on friends in the Village On Men- tage over the holiday weekend.
Miss Parbara Bassett, London,
Miss Dorothy. Reinke, Hamilton,
was home over the weekend and was a guest,at the New Ritz Hotel
over the Thanksgiving weekend.
Mr.and Mrs, Charles R. Will, Mr. and Mrs. Dn Lance and
' London were at their cottage over family) Birmingham, Mich
, ' were
• the holiday. , at their cottage over the weekend.
•yir. and Bare. Erie Earle, Len_ Mr. and Mrs. A. Turland, Rose -
don i were at their cottage over marie, George and baby. Charles,
-7 were in Kincardine for Thanksgiv-
weekend. , -
Misses M. and R. K.ruke, Dear-
born, were at the Village Guild Mr. and Mrs. Norman Toms, De-
- over the weekend% troit, Spent the Thanksgiving week
end with Mr. and- Mrs: Charles
NA and Mrs. 'James P. Forging!" 'Finns.
London, were at their cottage from.
rriclaY, until Monday,
William L. Cameron, Detroit,
spentthe weekend.with his sister,
Miss Helen Cameron,
lyfri a,nd. Mrs, S. McPortland and
two daughters, Chatham, spent
the Thanksgiving weekend at their
Billy Parker, London, was with
" ore' shipping, eattl& every Siturdey for United
Co-operatives of Ontario and oUctt pine patronage. .We will
plat- themqv at your farm. ,
Please PHONIDCOLLECT not inter then Friday nights.
,Seaforth Farmers' Co operative
•EL S. Hunt, Manager
Phone—Day 9, Evenings 401w
THURSDAY, OC'T013ER 14, 1954
`I-loliday visitors over the week-
end were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mc-
Bride and family, Exeter; Mr. and
Mrs. W. R. Stephenson, Hensall;
Floyd McAsh, Hamilton; George
Beatty, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.
Harold, Connell, Seaforth.
The United Church was filled to
Capacity last Sunday morning and
evening with Rev. J. Stinson, Sea -
'forth, in charge of both services.
The choir was assisted in the
morning: by Miss Jayne Mary
Snell, Clinton; and the Zurich
Male Chorus gave several\ fitie
selections in the evening,
The Court of Revision
On the Assessment Roll, for the year 1955, will be held
in Hohnesville on
November ist at 7.00 p.m.
Any appeals to be considered must be in the clerk's'
hands as ,stated on Assessment Notices.
• . 5. TH-OMPSON, Clerk
. •
Huron County Cream. Producers'
will be held in the Agricultural Office Board Room in
Clinton at 8.30 p.m. on
OCTOBER 19th, 1954
Guest speaker for the evening will be Mr. Harvey
• Leslie, of Seaforth, chairman of the Ontario Creamery
Association, '
Huron County Cream Producers are urged to attend
• tlds meeting.
Clinton Farm Supply
With colder weather, rats in
farm buildings will become an
increasing problem. A good
rat elimination program be-
gins with a general cleanup;
all old lumber and junk, etc.,
that may be laying on the
ground should. be gathered up
and stored. a foot ow two aboVe
the ground to eliminate hid-..
Ing places. Feed rooms should
be clear and feed stored off
the floor. Once the farm has
been cleaned up, a rat bait-
ing program, using a good rat
poison, will bring good re-
Last year we had to disap-
point customers who wanted
chicks "when they wanted
'em". To avoid such disap-
pointment this year we are
• booking chicks right now. We
don't think it's too early. It's
easier to supply you with. the
kind of chicke• you want ---
right when you want them
when we know in advance.
Remember those records we Isv3
told you about — the ones
showing $80.00 to $90-00 extra
inconie froni. each 100 early
hatelie& chicks. We don't
knowliciw to say it am' Plain-
er than that.
One way to save pigs is to mixed in water. This removes
clean and disinfect the far- - that
rowing pen and then 1,w4' ash germs and worm eggs
down the sow's sides and ud- might otherwise cause scours,
ders with Purina Disinfectant disease or worms in baby pigs.
Clinton Farm Supply
At the close of the meeting,
:000.00000NOMENCre.100011:11:11: lunch was served in the basement '
of the church.
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Et Parker, from Thursday until
Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Smith,
Ronald and Margaret; spent the
weekend. at Niagara Falls and
Mr, and Mrs. Stuart Sturgeon,
and Gerald, Preston, were_ai the
parental home for the, Thanksgiv;
ing holiday.
Mr. and, IVIfs. F. Burch, Frank,
Janet and Dontald, Willowdale, oc-
cupied their cottage over the holi-
day weekend..
Mr. and Mrs, Warren P. Cook
and family, London, occupied their
cottag.e. on Tuyll Street over the
long Weekend.
J. A Orr, Stratford, was at the
family cottage on Bayfield Terrace
last week while having some re-
novations made..
Ken Conyard, a student at Hu-.
Jame S Fornwall, Detroit, visited
Mrs. I3arbelle Thomson and Mrs.
a Chesney last week.
Mr. and Mrs, James Cameron,
Hamilton; visited Mr. and Mrs.
John McGregor over the weekend.
Mrs. Dallas McEwen and, Mar-
lene of Aylmer is visiting at the
home Of Mr. and 1VIrs. John A.
Among thOse who were home for
the , Thanksgiving holiday. were:
Miss Kate McGregor from Wing -
ham; Mise •Margaret McGregor
from Toronto; Miss Lois Moffat
from Windsor; Mr. Bob McGregor
from Stratford; Morley Taylor and
John Graham. from Toronto; Mr.
and Mrs. Randal Pepper,, Carol
Ann;. and Lawrence from Little
Current Manitoulin Island.
Mr. and. 1VIr.s T. S. Neale, Glen-
coe, spent the weekend with
Mrs. J. W. Stackhouse and Eva.
Mrs. W. V. Dinnin is spending
this week with her son and dau-
ghter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H. IL
Dinnin, Petrone. '
, Rey„ Watt, Whitecluirch, was
guest minister at Brecefield Unit-
edChurch last Sunday, October
10. Rev. G. G. Burton, minister
of the charge, cohtinues in hos-
pital in London.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W.
ron College, London, conducted V. Mitten over the weekend were
the service in,, Trinity Church. on Mr. and Mrs,' Victor Dlnnni and
Sunday evening. Billy, Zurich; Albert Dinnin,
Thomas postai., who has been in Department•otLands and Forests,
poor health, was taken to Victoria Toronto; Mr, and 'Mrs. 1.1: IL Din -
Hospital, London, last week where nin and Kathy, Petrone; Mr. and
he is a patient.
Mr. and, Mrs. -Roy Scotchmer,
Mr.,and, Mrs. Lloyd Makins, visit-
ed in Pert Huron from Sunday un-
til Tuesday evening.
• Mr: and Mrs: Dalton Smith and
Janet, London, were at their cot-
tage- on Sarnia Street over the
Thanksgiving weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl ;Ward and
family, London, accompaffled by
Miss Donna Leckie,, spent the long
weekend at their cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Burch leave
today for Safety Harbor, Fla., hav-
ing sold their cottage in The High-
lands to J. Stewart, Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacLeod
and Cathy, London, were with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.
H. MacLeod, over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gingrich, Bad
•Axe, Mich., visited the latter's
brother, Paul Cleave and Mrs.
Cleave, for a few days recently.
Mr, and Mrs. David Dewar and
George, Toronto, were with the
former's mother, Mrs. David De-
• war, over the Thanksgiving week-
• end..
Jackie Fraser is recuperating at
his home in the village after hav-
ing undergone a tonsilectomy in
Clinton Public Hospital on Satur-
Mr.. and Mrs. S. Ervine and
yary Elizabeth were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Matthews,
Port Dover, from Friday to Mon-
Mrs. B. T. Stephenson and Miss
• Barbara Stephenson, Toronto and
Miss Ada Bingley, Detroit, spent
the weekend at their home on
Ann Street. '
John MacKenzie returned to Al-
• bert College, Belleville, on Tues-
• day after having spent the long
weekend with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. MacKenzie.
• -• Miss Ethel Blair, London, Miss
Helen Blair, accompanied by Doug-
las Wright, Alliston, were with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R,
• Blair over Thanksgiving. i
Mrs. Lucy Plater was n Detroit
• for a few days last week. She re-
• turned home on Saturday with her
• son John and family who were
with her over the weekend. '
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weston and
• Cathy,. accompanied by Bob Park-
er visited Mrs. Weston's brother,
• Charles Parker and family in Wes-
ton from Friday until Monday,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Graydon and
farnily accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Willis, London, occupied
one of the McConkey cottages
over the Thanksgiving weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker and
daughters, Connie and Gwen, Lon-
don, and Mrs. Don Robinson,To-
ronto, spent the ThankSgiving
weekend at their cottage, "Wheel
Mr. and Mrs. George Fellows
and family, Riverside, were at
their cottage over Thanksgiving.
Guests with them over the week-
end were Dr. and Mrs. Hall and
family, Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clerk epd
gUests, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Shen
bell, Cleveland, Ohio, arrived en
Monday to spend a vacatinn at
their recently -acquired honie on
• Sarnia Street—the residence of the
late Miss E. Cameron.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Toms re-
turned home on Wednesday of last
week after having attended the
funeral of the latter's nephew.
They were accompanied by Mrs.
Karl Gloin, Yarmouth Center, who
visited with them for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Colbourne
who were married in Toronto on
September 25, have taken up resi-
dence in the Brisson upstairs
apartment after a honeymoon trip
to points east. Mr. Colbourne is
a civilian instructor at the RCAF
Station Clinton.
WMS and VITA. '
Members of the MKS and WA
of St. Andrew's United 'Church
were entertained by the Varna
ladies at their.rneeting on Wednes-
day of last week.
WMS Entertains'
The Woman's Missionary Society
thankoffering service was held in
St. Andrew's United Church on
Thursday last when -members of
the Brucefield branch were enter-
tained. In all, about 70 persons
were present.
Mrs. Gladwin Westlake presid-
ed, asSisted by Mrs. p. Renner and
Mrs. Harvey Harker. Two vocal
numbers providesL.by the Bruce -
field ladies and' two by members
of the local branch were much ap-
preciated. • "
The guest speaker on this oc-
casion was Miss Irene Douglas,
London, who took for her topic
the theme of the second meeting
of the World Council of Churches,
"Christ the Rope of the World."
In her splendid address, she told
of " impressions gathered by the
Rev. Mr. Goth, pastor of Metro-
politan United Church, London, in
his trip to Europe last year. Miss
Douglas is the hospital Visitor
from that church in London
Mrs. Robert Barr, Patsy and
Jeanne, Burlington.
Anniversary service at Bruce -
field United Church will be held
en Sunday, October 24, with Rev.
Sidney Davidson, Parkhill, as
guest minister. Special music is
being planned by the choir un-
der the leaderhip of Mrs. J. R.
Variety Program
A. variety program of local
talent will support an evening of
travel pictures shown by Robert
P. Minn, of his recent tour of
the British Isles. Sponsors of
this evening are the Brucefield,
choir and the Woman's Associa-
tion group lead by Mr. Triebner,
WA Meeting
The October meeting of the Wo-
man's Association was held on
Tuesday afternoon with a large
attendance. The meeting opened
by singing "Sing to the Lord of
Harvest". Miss Bowey read Psalm
110 and led in prayer. Mrs. Ross
Scott gave the topic on Thanks-
giving and "Come ye thankful
people, come" was sung. The creed
was repeated.
Mrs. Walter MacBeath read the
minutes. The roll call was asnwer-
ed by a thanksgiving message, fol-
lowed by the treasurer's report.
Correspondence was read and lous-
iness was discussed. The WA and
WMS members were invited to
Bayfield on Thursday for their
WMS thankoffering meeting, The
WMS members also were invited
to visit Duff's Church WMS on
Friday for thankoffering meeting,
Ladies were appointed .to be in
charge of the various booths for
the bazaar on November 10.
A social half hour followed with
contests and lunch provided by
the members of group four, in the
charge of Mrs. N. Baird,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Youngblut
nd little son, Niagara Falls, vis -
ted a couple of days last week
with the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Youngbiut.
Grandmothers' Day ,
The regular meeting of Londes:
boro Woman's Association will be
held in the basement of the church
on Thursday, October 212 at 2.30
o'clocic. The roll call is to be
answered with "Conveniences we
have that our Grandmothers didn't
have." Program committee is Mrs.
Stanley Lyon and Mrs. T. Fair -
service. Hostesses are Mrs. W.
Howatt, Mrs. S. Lyon, Mrs, Len
Shobbrook and Mrs. W. Griffith.
Winners at the Londeshero
Cooking School held last week are
announced as follows:
Mrs. Jack Clark, Mrs, Jack Mc -
Ewing, Mrs. E. Wood, Mrs. Joe
Shadclick, Mrs. George, Ruth And-
rews, Mrs. Glenn Carter, Mrs.
George,Cowan, Mrs, Clarence Ball,
Mrs. Donald Sprung, 1VIrs. Art Mc-
Clure, WS. Wilmer Howatt, MrS,
Meehan, IVIrs, Dave Anderson, Miss
Laura Leiper, Mrs, William Jewitt,
Mrs. Arthur Clark, WS. Throop,
Mrs. Stanley Ball, Miss Ida Leiper,
Mrs. Norman Tyndall, Mrs, Jim
Scanlon, Mrs. Gordon Miller, Gail
Manning, Mrs. Sol Shannon, Mrs,
C. Crawford, Mrs, Ellwood Clark,
Mrs. R. Fairservice, Mrs. Les Reid,
Mrs, Randolph Lourie, June Man-
nirig, Mrs. Freeman, Mrs, Jack
Armstrong, Mrs. Bill Little, Mit.
Cliff Procter, Mrs. John Miller,
Mrs. Frank Miller, Mrs. Harve
Wells, Mrs. Arthur Grange; Mrs.
Lorne Lawson, Mrs. N. Alexander,
Mrs. Alex Wells, Mrs. Torn Allen,
Mrs. Bill Lovett, Mrs. R. Town-
send, Mrs. Len Caldwell, Beryl
Reid, 'Ms. slim Snell, Miss Edythe
Beacom, Special ; for a barn, Mrs.
Len Caldwell.
The S.S. 4 Community Club
rnet at the home of Mrs. W.
Biggin for the October meeting.
The meeting was opened by re-
peating the Creed and the Lord's
Prayer in unison.
Mb minutes of the previous
meeting were read and adopted
and the treasurer's report was
given. The roll call was "The
most important item in my
medicine cabinet"; it was answ-
ered by 11 members.
During the business session it
was decided that a social evening
would be held in .the school on
October 22. The meeting was
closed with the Mizpah bene-
diction. The remainder of the
afternoon was spent in quilting.
Lunch was served by the hostess
with Mrs. Jack Tebbutt and Mrs.
Frank Jones assisting.
The next meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. S. Farquhar.
Named Agent
For State Farm
' Insurance Co.'s.
This carefully•seleeted and
trained insurance agent will
be happy to advise and assist
you in selecting the instil--
ance protection you need,
Why not have him visit you
so you cart secure his valu-
able assistance on your needs
of Life, Auto and Fire insur-
ance. No obligation. Call or
write him now. ,
Lloyd Etue
J. S. Scruton
Oils -..61-ireises Gasolint
• Petroleum Products
Phone Clinton 377
Phone Goderieh 320-W
At the annual meeting of the
Seaf or t h Athletic Association,
Monday evening, a decision was
reached te sponsor three hockey
teams this winter. Carmen Row-
cliffe was named to manage a
bantam team; Gordon McGonigle
and Hugh Thompson, a midget
team, and John Baldwin, the jun-
iors with Farmer McFadden as
coach, James T. Scott was renam-
ed president, Frank Kling, vice-
pres., and J. A. Murray, sec.-treas-
urer.--,Seaforth News.
Now is the time to check:
• We have Replacements—
Priced Right.
Western Tire and Auto Supply
(Associate Store)
Cloyt. Dixon
Voters' Lists,' 1954
NOTICE is hereby given that I have e,oinplled with
Section 9 of the Voters, Lisle ACt and that I have post,ed
up at my office on the 9th day .of October, 1954, the list of
all persons, entitled -to vote in the. said Municipality at Weal-
eipal elections, and that such Ust remains there for inspection.
And 1 hereby call upon all voters to talte,,inunediate
proceedings to have any errors or 0MiliSiOnti corrected accord-
ing to law, the last day for appeal being the 30th day of
October, 1954.
,, r
, . .... rX
--. EVEREAJJY PRESTONE . $3.39 gal. 1
. .
Asbestonos Ethyokne Glycol Anti -Freeze . . . $2.69 gal.
(permanent type) 68c qtDominion
RoyaI Tires,
. '
--,0•• ...•';';°•••,-;:----------7--•••;•_ •
• 600-16 — $14.50
• 3" -47--- - - -. ) 1 670-15 — 15.50
_ • ''v-F--r.=-=--*-'.i ., Tubes — 600-16 — $2,90
•....._,,,-,-, ,-,,,,N — 670-15 3.20
— 710-15 — 340 4' -
, '..W.
„ ...,-.:,•.:6-1,-„-
Dominion Royal Traction Grip
and Snow
600-16 — $20.27
A C Spark Plugs
,... 65c each
• Presto -lite Batteries Gas
(13 -PLATE HD $10.35) PONTIAC
(15 -PLATE HD 113.6
1.605)) piSisfarguni STANDARDnPREMIUM — 4308:
(2 1-15 PLATE HD $11•65) FORD
(2 FH -17 PLATE HD 13.75) Veedol Oil
(2E-17 PLATE HD 51195)PONTIAC Products BuiCK .
Graham Oil Service Station Clinton
HOURS 7.30 A.M. TO 10.00 P.M. ' ,