Clinton News Record, 1954-10-14, Page 5"THURSDAY, 'OCTOBER 14, 1954 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD •itet4.12i,S14,1‘4."' • PAGE FIVE • Classified Rates (CASH RATE -- (If paid by Wednesday following date of in- tertion)—Two cents a • word first inseffion (minimum 50 cents); Vubsequent insertions 11/2 cents a word frninfintim 35 tents); 15 fa exits extra or box number or Nor:direction to NEWS -RECORD Office. ° IF CHARGED -15 cents extra, DEADLINE -12 noon, Wednes- day. ACCOMMODATION for RENT 'ROOMERS AND BOARDERS. Janies A. Cox. Phone Clinton ' 15493. . 41-x YOUR. ROOM APARTMENT, fur- tnished, heated, with sunroorn. Pos- session immediately, phone Sea - !forth 370J. 41=x 'UNFURNISHED HEATED apart- ment suitable for couple. Available 'November 15. A. Lobb, phone Clin- ton 691R. 41-b BOARD AND ROOM FOR. TWO ;gentlemen sharing. Mrs. A. Mc- IVIichael, phone Clinton 163R. . 41p FURNISHED APARTMENT, suit- able for two; modern conveniences, .own entrance. Phone Clinton 636. 41-b 'MODERN FURNISHED HOUSE, 'central, two bedrooms. Freshly decorated. For six mouths com- mencing November 1. Box 410, Clinton News -Record. 41-b .ACCOMMODATION FOR TWO -adults. Three-room heated apart- ment, available immediately. Phone Clinton 463R. 41-b , TOR RENT IN SEAFORTH, new- ly decorated, oil -heated apartment. 'Contact Mrs. J. Besse. Phone Sea - 'forth 583W after 6 p.m. 41-b THREE-ROOM UNFURNISHED 'apartment, share bath, Mile and 'a half from Clinton. Near school. Francis Powell, phone Clinton 907r4. 38-41-b NEW FOUR -ROOM Apartment ,with three-piece bath, modern kit - 'then, heavy wiring, storage room, 'unfurnished; no children. Apply -W.. N. Counter, or phone 230. 4i - GOOD BRICK FARM HOUSE, without hydro but with propane connected; hen house; some barn space available. Six miles south- east of Seaforth. Apply to Harold Coleman, Staffa, phone Seaforth '653r25. 40-1-b Accommodation Wanted FOUR -ROOM HOUSE or apart- ment, for couple with one child. 13399 Cpl. B. Dompe, RCAF Sta-. tion Clinton. 41p ARTICLES FOR SALE LARGE SIZE PLAYPEN, on cast - 'ars. Also baby car seat. Phone Clinton 48. 41-b LADY'S CCM BICYCLE, over- hauled, in excellent condition, $30. Bob Morgan, phone Clinton 579W. 41-b BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE. 1VIrs. Harvey Boyce, Varna. Phone Clinton 626r31. 41-b TOR THE FINEST VALUES in Diamond Rings visit COUNTER'S Jewellery Store. Ask to see our "Four Star Specials" and compare. • 41-p 'TELEVISION. See the Wide Open Look of the new RCA Victor 24 - inch Bystander. Now on display at your RCA Victor dealer. Brand new 1955 models from $214 up. T, A. Dutton, 13rucefield, phone Clinton 634r4, 39-40-1-b HOME FREEZERS -14 cubic foot 1S385.00; 15 cu. ft. $435.00, at the :Mildrnay Furniture showrooms, Also new and used pianos; used •accordions; new and. used dining room suites. Godfrey Schuett, liVliklmay. Free delivery, 40-1-b The Classic BATHROOM SET • $136.50 Delivered A beautiful bathroom set at a , reasonable price. Everything in plumbing and heating. Write Dept, CNR or visit our showrooms. Open Wednes- day and Friday .evenings and all day Saturday. S. V. JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES Streetsville, Ontario 41-43-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1939 CHEVROLET COACH; ex- ellent condition, owner going verseas; $195. Also electric wash - r, $15. Phone Clinton 444W. '41-p 953 MONARCH SEDAN, fully :quipped, priced low to sell, Mike ew condition„ Apply at Lorne urch's, next to Clinton Dairy. 41-p BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, E YOUR OWN 1308S1 Earn, coney the first day with a profit- ble agency consiSting of 250 pro- ucts, including cosemetics,,tonicsl ood products, hopseholcl necessit-- Wonderful territory in your, rea. Write immediately for free etails. FAIVIILEX, Dept. 2, 'Mont,' eal 24. 41-b TARMS FOR SUE , UM LIST br FARMS FOR, le. L. G. Winter, 'Reel Estate. hone Clinton 448. 33-tfb ARM PRODUCE FOR SALE UIT FOR SALE: IVIcIntosh, elicious, Spy and Winesap -apples e immediate use, at very, attrac- ve prices, • Bring containers to ovenloek Fruit Farxn, 1/2 mile rt' of Forest,. on No, 21 IL h - CUSTOM WORK DOES YOI.YR GARDEN NEED ploughing? Have garbage or leaves to draw away? 111 do it for you. Will also cut wood with circular sdw. Phone Clinton 554J. ' 41-2-3-b EMPLOYMENT WANTED GENERAL LABOUR. Odd jobs of all kinds. Any repair work— (carpentry and cement). Digging sewers; gardening. Phone Clinton 294W. Kurt Van Riesen. 39to42-b Furniture Re -Finishing FOR FURNITURE, -PIANO AND radio cabinet' refinishing and re- pairing, apply W. G.' Pickett, phone Clinton 761M, 35 -tib NINE -PIECE DINING ROOM suite, walnut finish; kitchen cab- inet; single bed with springs and mattress. Phone Clinton 618r4. 40-1-b 24 LIVING ROOM SUITES, at the Mildmay Furniture Showrooms. Show cushion from your old suite to salesman for trade-in valuation. Also 20 Bedroom Suites; chrome furniture: appliances! bedding; linoleum; gift furniture. Easy terms. Godfrey Schuett, Mildmay, Ont, 40-1-b FLOOR SANDING' OLD AND NEW HARDWOOD floors, sanded and finished. Pine floors, cracks filled, sanded and finished. Cree Cook, phone Clin- ton 233. 40 to 43p LIVESTOCK' WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collegt, 936r32, or 936r21. 9-ptfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE .16 NICE YORK CHUNKS for sale. Charles Stewart, phone Clinton 808r3. 41-b 35 GOOD FEEDER STEERS, mostly Hereford, from the West six weeks. Apply D. McKenzie, phone Blyth 189. • 41-2-p PERSONAL HUSBANDS! WIVES! Want Pep, Vim? Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets for new vitality today, "Get - acquainted" size only 60c. All druggists.41b&43b POULTRY FOR SALE 100 PULLETS, Red X New Hamp- shire. Six months old; laying 50 per cent. Roy Cantelon, phone Clinton 6200, 419 PROPERTY FOR SALE SEVEN -ROOM HOUSE on Huron Street, four -piece bath, modern conveniences. Phone Clinton 4335. • 41b SIX GOOD BUILDING LOTS on High and Kirk Streets, various sizes. Contact W. N. Counter or Phone Clinton 230. • 41-p ONE AND ONE-HALF STOREY, insulbrick, seven -room house, full basement, furnace, three-piece bath, built-in cupboards, sunporch. Good gardens with fruit trees, small barn and garage. Apply L. G. Winter, Real Estate, phone Clinton 448, 41-b NEW RED RUG HRICK HOUSE with perma-stone trim, east end of Rattenbury St., close to school, consists of large living room and dining room combined, den, mod- ern kitchen, three bedrooms, four - piece bath, full basement, with garage in basement; oil heating. Phone Lloyd Batkin, 692-W. 88 to 41-b STOVES FOR SALE BEECH WOOD & COAL range, priced to sell, Ewan Ross, 11,R. 2, Clinton. Phone Clinton 901r4 in the evenings. 41-b LARGE FURNACE, LENNOX, used. With oil burner. Complete with controls, pipes and registers. Lloyd Batkins, phone Clinton 692W. 40-1-o WOOD FOR SALE DRY HARD BODY WOOD, all maple. $6.50 a cord, delivered. Phone Clinton 805r13. J. W. Van- Egmond. • 38tfb AUCTION SALE -- Of Cows, Heifers and Young • Cattle' At Lot No. 31, Concession 6, Crocierieh Township, 1 mile south of Porter's Hill, on Tuesday, October 19 at 1.30 p.m., consisting of: 40 cows and heifers; some fresh, some springers, balance due No- vember to February. They are Holsteins, Herefords, Jerseys and Ayrshires, mostly vaccinated and raised on our own farm and bred Hereford; also 10 Hereford year- lings and 6 Hereford calves. 100 one -year-old he (last fall chickens). Arrange to attend this sale as the cattle are of good quality and will be sold without reserve as the proprietor is- in ill health.. Terms—Cash A. E. TOWNSHEND, Proprietor Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 41-b FOR SALE ONE -STOREY, four -room Dwel- l:2;',nrgele(sil'Otls=iorilliritrhn- in 60 days. , SIX -ROOM DWELLING, furn- ace and both, good location, immediate possession. Price: $4.300, 11 C Lawson ' REALTOR Bank of Montreal Building Phone 251.W -- Clinton . p 4-0-0, BIRTI1S BONTHRON — In St, Joseph's Hospital, London, on Friday, s October 8, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bonthron, Hensel', twins, a boy and a girl. • LAWRENCE — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, October 7, 1954, to LAC and Mrs. Barry Lawrence, Clinton, a daughter. McCAUGHEN—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, October 12, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald cCaughen, Clinton, a daughter. NI LSON—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, October 12, 1954, to Sgt. and Mrs. Nielson, Seaforth, a son. PEPPER—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, October 12, 1954'to„..Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pep- per; Brucefield, a son. SIMONS—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Monday, October 11, • 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. George Simons, R.R. 2, Hayfield, a dau- ghter. . STIRLING:—In Toronto, on Mon- day, October 4, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs.. Jack Stirling, Toronto, a • son (John Mark). TURNER—In Clinton .Public Hos- pital,- on Wednesday, October 6, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Turner, Hayfield, a daughter. VAN MUYEN—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, October 12, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Cor- nelis Van IVIuyen, • Clinton, a daughter. MARRIAGES EAST-CALCUTT—At the Wesley - Willis United Church manse, Clinton, on Saturday, October 9, 1954, by Rev. Hugh C. Wilson, Joyce Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Calcutt, Strathroy, to Carl Edgar East, Hullett Township, son of Mr. and Mrs. James East, Hullett Township. MacFARLANE-SANGSTER — In Elmwood Avenue Presbyterian Church, London, on Saturday, October 9, 1954, by Rev. John Fleck, Margaret Elaine, daugh- ter of Mrs. Sangster, Henze:11, and the late William Sangster, to John Scotland MacFarlane, Forest, son of Mrs. Margaret MacFarlane, Riverside, and the late Hugh MacFarlane. DEATHS BONTHRON—In St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, on Saturday, Oc- tober 9, 1954, infant son of Mr. and lidrs: Harold Boilthron, Hen- son WREN—Suddenly, at his home in Hibbert Township on Saturday afternoon, October 9, 1954, Thomas Wren, beloved husband of Grace Chalmers, in his 63rd year. Funeral service was held from the family residence on Monday, October 11. Interment was in McTaggart's Cemetery, NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Jr 0 S 151? FOSTER, late of the Village of Varna In the County of Huron, Gentleman, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on .or before the let day of November, A.D. 1954, after which date the assets will be dist- ributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this 12th day of October, A.D. 1954. F. FINGLAND, Q.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 41-2-3-b NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Matter of the Estate of JAMES E. FAIRSERVICE, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, who died on August 11, 1954. All persons claiming against the above Estate are required to for- ward full particulars to the under- signed not later than October 23, 1954, after which date the assets will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, September 23rd, 1954, By Donnelly & Don- nelly, 18 The Square, Goderich; Solicitors for the Estate. 39-40-1-b "THE SUREST WAY TO KEEP FUNERAL COSTS LOW" • CALL 4 tatti Alumna 71citonte CASH if you live. CASH • if you die. Protection for the family, Comfort for your retirement All in one policy, Consult— HAL HARTLEY, Representative CANADA LIFE. Clinton, phone 454w Mrs. W, B. Olds Talks of India To Ont. St. WMS There was a good attendance -at the meeting of the Ontario Street Woman's IVIissionary Society held in the church on Tuesday after- noon. Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes, pres- ident, was in the chair, and Mrs. E, Radford was at the piano. - The devotional period was led by Mrs. M. Aiken, on the theme "Thanksgiving". A very compre- hensive talk on the study book, "The Church in India" was given by Mrs. W. B. Olde, and it was encouraging to learn the progress being made. Mrs. E. Radford gave a very fine piano solo. Plans were made for the fall thankoffering meeting to be held in the church hall on October 26. Mrs. B. E. Newnharn, Fullerton, will be ,the guest speaker. Miss Sybil Cdurtice closed the meeting With prayer. In Memoriam KEYS — In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, Mr. Amos Keys, who passed aWay five years ago; October 13, 1949: "His weary hours and days of pain, • His troubled nights are past, And in our aching hearts we know He has found sweet rest at last," —Ever remembered and sadly mis- sed by the family. 41b FINLEY—In memory of George R. Finley, killed in a Hydro acci- dent, October 15, 1953: "We little knew when we awoke that morn The sorrow the day would bring For the call was sudden, the shock Severe To part with one who was so dear. We wonder why he had to die Without a chance to say good-bye, No morning dawns, no night re- turns But what we think of you, Those left behind are very dear But none replaces you." —His wife Effie and wee girls„ Linda and Judy. . 41-p AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects From the home of Mrs. A. D. Beaton, Osborne St., Clinton, on Saturday, October 23 at 1.30 p.m., the following: ' Walnut desk; desk; cherry chest of drawers; chest of drawers; 3 - piece bedroom suite; three beds, springs and mattresses; sideboard; glass -top kitchen cupboard; cherry drop-leaf table; drop-leaf table; 2 small tables; end table; dining room extension table; 4 dining room chairs; 3 chairs; 3 rocking chairs; day bed; organ and stool.; hand washing machine; Beatty electric washing machine; mantel radio; Clare Jewel enamel range; 2 Quebec boatel's; lawn mower; drop -head sewing machine; pil- lows; feather tick; kitchen chairs; sealers; garden tools; books; Pic- tures & dishes; trunks; hot plate; numerous other articles. Terms—Cash Mrs, A. D. BEATON, Proprietress Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 41-2-b ••••••,00•41180.41NOSINNPJAP•041.041.#4.1.0 • i 'CLINTON •THE' irm" 1150 THE 47 ROXY THEATRE PARK AT TELEPHONE AT CAPITAL TELEPHONE TOP SCREEN FARE IN AIR-CONDITIONED COMFORT — Adventure Stories at Their Best Now playing—Thurs. Fri. Sat. "MEN OF THE FIGHTING LADY" . Van Johnson — Walter Pidgeon Mon., Tues., Wed., Oct. 18-20 "Kiss Me Kate" Kathryn Grayson — Howard Keel Thurs., Fri, Sat., Oct. 21-23 "Lawless Breed" Rock Hudson — Julia Adams Coming: "SO BIG" Sane Wyman — Sterling Boyden nossmiem. NOW: Thurs., Fri. & Sat. Audio Murphy -- Lori Nelson & Chill Wills Filmed in Technicolor and packed with action: a swift -paced story of the Yaqui Indians and of a beset wagon -train. "TUMBLEWEED" Mon., Tues. & Wed. Marlon Brand° — Karl Hidden and Lee 4. Cobb A stark and realistic picturiza- tion of New York's waterfront: filmed on location in Manhattan. On TheWaterfront COMING: Marilyn Monroe — Jeff Chandler -- in "EAST OF SUMATRA" Technicolor NOW: Thurs., Fri. & Sat. Cameron Mitchell --Amanda Blake and Carl Benton -Reid A romantic tele of high adventure with a rollicking crew. "Smugglers' Gold" Mon., Tues. & Wed. Paulette Goddard -- Marilyn Maxvrell & Eva Gabor A daring and exclusive Paris- ian evening gown provides the motif for a bright romantic comedy. "Paris Moder , Coming: "CORKY OF GASOLINE ALLEY" Bused on the comic strip AUCTION SALE of Dairy and Beef Cattle To be held at BERM, on Friday Evening, Oct. 15 at 8.30, 15 fresh and springing Holstein cows and heifers, including some really top cows; 10 1% and 2 -year- old Ho/stein heifers in calf; 10 good quality Hereford spring cal- ves; 40 Hereford yearling steers; 12 Angus yearling steers; 6 Here- ford heifers, open. Every buyer has chance on Free Chest of Silver; also three door prizes will be given. Come as buyer or visitor. Elton IffeLelland & Sons, Props. Donald Blue, Dome and Doris McLelland, Auctioneers AUCTION SALE Of Property and Household Ef- fects from the home of /Mfrs. Edith McPhail at the Village of Holmes- ville on Saturday, October 16 at 2 p.m. Furniture: China cabinet; 6 din- ing room chairs; wicker arm chair; cherry gate-leg table; leather arm chair; 3 rocking chairs; 2 small tables; Beatty electric washing machine; White sewing machine; glass cupboard; 2 metal beds; day bed; 2 dressers; chest 'of drawers; 2 trunks; dishes; silverware; num- erous qther articles, Property: At the same time, subject to reserve bid, the property will be offered for sale. On this property is a five -room , asphalt shingle house, equipped with hyd- ro. A one -car garage is attached to the house. Terms: on furniture, cash; on property, 10 per cent down on slate of sale and balance in 30 days. Mrs. Mary Warner, Committee for Mrs. Edith McPhail. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. 39-40-1-b • J. A. ANSTETT Jeweller and Watchmaker EXPERT WATCH REPAIR SERVICE Bulova, Gruen and Cyma Watches BLUE RIVER and BLUE BIRD DIAMONDS Spode Dinnerware Visit Our Modern Up -To -Date Jewellery Store Today Phone 562 Clinton 26 -tib TAXI SERVICE Get There Safely! CALL 110 ASHTON'S TAXI Clinton Community Farmers ACCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY Evening, conunencing at 8 Pm. TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIO'TT, Auctioneer K W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk AC 1 Stock up now on Winter Underwear --all makes of F'etiman's, Stanfield's, Harvey Woods— Lowest 'Prices. PICKETT # CAMPBELL "The Store For Men" PHONE 25 — (Main Corner)' — CLINTON LEGION PAPER DRIVE WED OCT 40 MODEL 17T19 37" table •model. BIG LOOK aluminized •0 Built-in UHF -VHF antenna. Tinted filter. GALBRAITH RADIO AND TELEVISION Clinton's TV Headquarters .PHONE 482 - - CLINTON • tube,, • ,