HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-10-07, Page 8PAGI7;,,,EIG#iT.
CLIr> 1`T.: NAWS.li•LrcQRD,
• Mr. and Mrs. Fred Riley, Toron-
to, spent Sunday at the home of
the former's parents and with Mr,
and Mrs, A. Riley, Seaforth,
George Hoggart is home from
Clinton Public Hospital and is feel-
ing fee.
Friends and neighbours are in
deepest sympathy •with Donald
Lamont and relatives in their sad
There will be no church in Con-
stance on October,10,
Jennie Mann is a patient in
Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth.
Charles and Ronald Riley spent
the weekend at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, Bernard Riley, Kitchen -
Charles Riley was in Goderich
op Tuesday.
In value of
production, manu-
facturing leads agriculture in the
province of Manitoba.
We are shipping cattle every Saturday, for putted:
Co-operatives of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will
pick them up at yeur,farm. •
Please PHONE' COLLECT not later than Friday nights.
P e
Seaforth Farmers -o erativ.
H. S. Hunt, Manager
Phone --Da 9 Evenings y. , en ngs 481w
They'relresb; t ; ower full
SC: ready to provide instant,
constant power under tough-
estconditlons. Cb rycopower-
line Batteries are approved
by Chrysler Engineers and
recommended for use in
a Chryco Powerline Battery...
and be sure!
trademarkot the
Chtyater CorF,ora-
. tion of Canada,
Sales and Service
PHONE 465 Huron Street CLINTON, ONT.
Mrs.•Mar , aret
Mrs. Margaret Johnston, 92, died
on Sunday at the home of her
daughter' Mrs, Fred Middleton,
R.R. 3, Clinton, Born near Varna,
she was one of the oldest resi-
dents in the community.
She was the daughter of the
late John McNaughton and Kath-
erine iVlacDonald, Her father came
to Canada from Scotland in 1832.
He blazed the trail from London
to Varna and helped in 'clearing
the track' from Bbuce€ield to Bay-
field and building 'that road. She
was married in 1869 and resided
at Goderich until 1936 when her
husband, ° James, died. She has
since lived with Mrs. Middleton.
She was a member of St. George's
Anglican Church, Goderich.
Surviving are one son, John Mc-
Naughton Johnston, Goderich, and
Mrs. Fred (Muriel) Middleton,
R.R. 3,: Clinton; three sisters, Mrs.
Katherine Leslie, Mrs, Maude
Jackson, and Mrs. Ernest, Shar-
man, Lethbridge, Alberta; .ten
grandchildren and seven great-
Mrs. Johnston was predeceased
by a twin sister, Mrs, J. E. John-
ston, 54 years ago; three brothers,
William McNaughton, over 40
years ago; John McNaughtonpLon-
don, in July 1952 and by David Mc
Naughton, Bayfield in August'1952:
Service was conducted from her
late residence Tuesday afternoon;
by Rev. E. Carew -Jones, rector of
St. James' Church, Middleton.
Burial was in Maitland Celnetery,
Pallbearers were six grandchild-
ren; Donald Middleton, J.. v.
Counter, and R, B. Campbell, Clin-
ton; F. J. (Ted) Middleton, Strat
ford, and Edward Johnston and
William Bogie, Goderich.
Flower -bearers were: Jack Gor-
don, Seaforth; Percy • Graham;
Sheppardton; Reg, Johnston and
Thomas Sowerby, Goderich; Ken
Taylor, Blyth; Stewart, John and
David Middleton, Clinton.
on: •
Phone 147—Clinton
No doubt about it, sparkling ice-cold Coca-Cola
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No other soft drink has ever won the approval
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Wording Federal Faxes
Plat deposit 2c par Coale
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658 Erie Street STRATFORD, ONT.
4°Coke" Is registered undo -mark. . 445'
Phone 78
Elizabeth Morrison
Carilmer Qn
(By our Bayfield correspondent)
Miss Elizabeth' Morrison Cam-
eron, a patient in Clinton Public
Hospital for two and a halt
months, died shortly after eight
o'clock on Tuesday morning, Sep-
tember 2e,4954.
The oldest daughter of the late'
Helen Logan and Alexanderc,Cam
eron, shewas, born. in Bayfield,
August 15, 1871, As an infant she
went with her parents to live in
Kinloss, returning. to the village
when she was about eight years
of age. ; She had resided 68 years
in her late home on Sarnia Street.
The deceased woman's life was
one of unselfish devotion to her
family and her church. In her
early 'teens, the responsibility of
keeping house for her father and
caring for the younger children
fell on, her shoulders, owing to her
mother's illness and ' subsequent
Asa member of Trinity Church,
Miss ' Cameron taught Sunday
Scholl • for many years, acting as
superintendent for some time. Her
home was ever open to young
people, She sang in the choir for
a great many years and was one
of the original members of Trinity
Church Guild, organized,' in 1907.
A Junior Guild was active under
herleadership for some years, To
the last she was keenly interested
in the work of the Woman's Aux-
iliary of which she had, been a
member 'as: a young lady, and
again : from the time of •its re-
organization in this parish over
25 years ago,
Although In failing health for
several years, and losing her eye-
sight, this gentle woman cheer-
fully carried. on as long as she
was able. She was possessed of
a remarkable memory, and her
thought until • the end was for
those whom she loved.
Surviving are the following bro-
thers and sisters: Donald, North-
ville, Mich.; John A.,, Palo Alta,
Cal.; Misses Grace and Helen,
Denver, Col,. William L. and
Frank, Detroit, and Miss Mildred
Cameron, Bayfield. One brother,
Harry, predeceased his sister in
1908, and her father on March 11,
The body rested at the Ball and
Muteh funeral home, High Street,
Clinton, until noon on Friday, and
lay in state in Trinity Church,
Bayfield, from one o'clock until
the hour of service at two.
In a short tribute, the rector,
Rev. E. Carew -Jones, said that he
felt that Miss Cameron was one
of God's saints.
Interment was made in Bayfield
Pallbearers were: John Marks
and James A. Cameron (cousins),
John G., F. Robert and Donald A.
(nephews) and Richard Cameron
(great-nephew), Detroit.
Bearers of the many beautiful
floral -tributes were Walter Orr,
and the following members of the
Church Boys League, David Cor-
rie, Howard Scotchmer, Stephen
Scotchmer, Dick and Jim Heard,'
Binnie Sturgeon.
Relatives from a distance who
attended the funeral included:
Miss Helen Cameron, Denver, Col.;
William L. Cameron. Mr. and Mrs,
Frank Cameron and two sons,
John and Bob, Mrs, Ray Vernier,
Mr. and Mrs, Donald A. Cameron,
Richard and Dorothy, Detroit;
Donald Cameron and .Miss Ethel
Cameron, Northville, Mich.; Miss
E. Logan, Miss Jessie Douglas and
Mrs. William Meikel, London;
Mrs, J. Reid and Miss M: Gal-
braith, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. A.
Galbraith, Varna.
Mrs. Bertha Bell
Service' for Mrs, Bertha 13e11, 80,
who died, suddenly front a heart
attack, in South ,Huron Hospital,
Exeter, on Saturday,was conduct
ed in Carmel Presbyterian, Church,
Hensall on Monday . afternoon, by
Rev. J. H. Fox. Interment was in.
Hensall Union Cemetery.
She was the, former Bertha Dick,
Hay Townshi, and had lived for
several years In Western Canada.
After returning. to Hensall she
conducted a millinery business for
15 years. She was an active mem-
ber of Carmel Presbyterian Church
and of the Women's Institute; Her
husband, Thorns P. Bell, died sev-
eral years ago.
Surviving is 'one son, David, To
A. -G. Smillie
Word was received, in Hensel]
last week,. of the death of A. G.
Smillie, Toronto, who died at the
home of his son Dr. Ivan G Smil-
lie, Kamloops, B.C., where he had
gonefora visit two weeks before.
Mr. Smillie was well known in the
Clinton and Hensall districts.
Born near Hensall, Mr. Smillie
had farmed there for many years,
later taking up residence in To-
ronto. Following the death of his
wife, he returned to Heneall to
Surviving are three sons, Mur-
ray, Toronto; Stewart, St. Cath-
arines; Dr. Smillie, Kamloops, B.C.
Funeral service was held in To-
ronto on Wednesday,, September
Miss Marlene Easom visited
with Miss Barbara Smith on, Sun-
1VIr. and Mrs. William Straughan
spent a few days with friends at
Miss Joanne Eason attended the
Huron -Perth United Church Camp
re -union held in St. Helens over
the weekend. •
Miss. Joanne Easom attended the.
the Wingham General Hospital to
commence studies in a nursing
course there.
Joe and Miss Sadie Carter have
returned home from a two week
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Car-
ter and family. Port Elgin, i
Mr. and. Mrs. Gormley Thomp-
son, Brampton, visited friends
here on Sunday. Mr. ; and Mrs.
Herb Mogridge who had.been vis-
iting them for the past two weeks
returned home with them.
Starting next Sunday and con-
tinuing during the winter months,
service in Knox Presbyterian
Church will be held at 2 p.m. Rev.
R. G. MacMillan ,Goderich, Inter-
im Moderator will be in charge of
the services.
Horticultural Meeting
Rev. D. J. Lane, Clinton, was
guest speaker at a meeting of the
Horticultural Society held in the
Forester's Hall, on Monday even-
Mr. Lane, who is president of
the Clinton Horticultural Society,
spoke on the work of the -Horticul-
tural Society and. showed views
of the peony beds and other flow-
ers including rock gardens, shrubs
at the Ontario Agricultural Coll-
ege, Guelph, and at Vineland.
A vote of appreciation was ac-
corded Mr. Lane by Mrs, F. 0 Mc-.
The president Mrs. W, T. Rob-
ison presided, with Mrs. R. J. Phil-
lips secretary. Other numbers on
the program included duets by
Misses Gladys McClinchey and
Margo Grange, accompanied by
Miss Rena McClinchey. An accor-
dian solo was given by Rena Mc-
Clinchey who responded to an en-
core. The meeting closed with
"God Save the Queen."
Lunch was served by Miss M.
R. Jackson, Mrs. Earl Wightman,
Mrs. C. M. Straughan and Miss
Viola Thompson.
J. S. Scruton
Oils Greases - Gasoline
Petroleum Products
Phone Clinton 3'77
Phone Goderich 320-W
Mrs. Alf Johnston, Mrs. Inge and
' Mrs. T. J. Pittwill look after the
dowers for the anniversary on Oc-
ober 10. The meeting closed by
tillging the hymn, "Oh Master, Let
Me Walk With Thee", and all re
peated the , WA, prayer.
The YPU of the United Church
held its first meeting on Monday
evening of this week.
Miss Letty Fester, Hensall,
spent the weekend at the home of
Mr. and -Mrs. Ed Foster. ,
Anniversary services will be
held in the United Church on Sun-
day, October 10 at 11 a.m. and
7.30 p.m. with Rev. J. Stinson, Sea -
forth, in charge of both services.
WA Meets
The Varna, Woman{s Assocjafioe
met in the basement of the church
on September 22. Mrs. Louis Tay-
lor, presided over the meeting
which opened with the theme song
followed.. by a hymn, "Jesus, Thou
Divine Companion:"
Mrs. Lyle Hill read scripture,
Psalm 90. Mrs. Robert Taylor gave
thoughts on the lesson and•follow-
ed with prayer. 12 answered the
roll call.
The WA will hold the annual
bazaar in November. The treasur-
er reported ,8302,jn,the bank, The
roll call for October to be answer-
ed with donation for: the bazaar.
Clinton Farm
Phone 127 =- Clinton
Change of Business
PLEASE BE ADVISED that 1 have purchased
from Mr. Howard Turner, his half interest in Western
Tire and Auto Supply Limited (Associate Store).
To those of you who were inconvenienced by
the store being closed last week I am sincerely sorry.
Taking and pricing stock inn store of this kind is a
tremendous undertaking. -
There are many advantages in chain store buy-
ing and setting and it is my firm resolve to improve
this business to the best of my ability.
Western is a comparatively new chain with
approximately 70 stores. As more stores are opened,
the buying power increases and the customer's bene-
fits increase also.
Best wishes to Howard and his new enterprise.
Western Tire and Auto Supply
(Associate Store)
When you ask for a feed balanced with
our Quality Concentrates you are asking for
and getting the best—MIXED IN OUR OWN
MILL. We can save you money.
We use WESTERN GRAINS in all our
mixes, assuring QUALITY IN EVERY BAG.
We have Ontario and Western Grains and
can quote you satisfactory prices,
Warner Bros. Poultry Equipment and
Howard Agriculture Products, Insecticides,
Veterinary Medicines, Wormicide Powder and
Liquids, Poultry and Hog Stimulants, Bin
Fume, etc.
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