HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-10-07, Page 5THURSDAY; OCTOBER 7, 1954 CLINTON NEWS-REcou;; Classified Rates CASH RATE — (If paid by 'Wednesday following date of in-- --liertion)—Two cents a word first 'Insertion (minimum 50 cents); 0 subsequent insertions 11/2 cents a word (inininitun 35 emits); 15 vents extra for box number or 4Or direction to NEWS -RECORD 'Office. 11' CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -42 noon, Wednes- day. ACCOMMODATION for RENT ROOMERS AND BOARDERS. 'James A. Cox. Phone Clinton 550W. 40-p BOARD AND ROOM FOR ONE, or two sharing. Box 400, Clinton News -Record, 40b THREE ROOM, FURNISHED house. Available October 15. Call after six, 806r3. 40p • FOUR ROOM, UNFURNISHED apartment. Available October 15. Phone Clinton 374. 40-b THREE ROOM APARTMENT for rent, ground floor. Available at once. Phone Clinton 363. 40-p SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE IN Hayfield, with bath and running Water. J. E. Howard, Phone Hay- field 53r2. 40-b FOUR ROOM APARTMENT, self- contained, suitable for two, avail- able immediately. Apply McEwan's Book Store, 39-40-b FURNISHED, STEAM -HEATED apartment Centrally located, on Ilighway 8. Lady tenant prefer- red. Phone Clinton 176. 40p FOR RENT IN SEAFORTH, new- ly decorated, oil -heated apartment. Contact Mrs. J. Besse. Phone Sea - forth 583W after 6 p.m, 40p • FARM HOUSE FOR RENT — Hydro and water. Mile and a half from Clinton. Apply to Lorne 'Tyndall, phone Clinton 904r4. 4013 THREE-ROOM UNFURNISHED apartment, share bath. Mile and a half from Clinton. Near school. Francis Powell, phone Clinton 907r4. 38-9-40-b NEW FOUR -ROOM Apartment with three-piece bath, modern kit- chen, heavy wiring, storage room, 'unfurnished; no children. Apply W. N. Counter, or phone 230. 40-p COTTAGE, UNFURNISHED, Rat- • tenbury and Shipley, two bed- rdorns, bathroom, living room, fire- place, dining room, kitchen, laund- ry room, refrigerator, oil heating. Available immediately. Apply Gor don Cuninghame, Box 72, Clinton, 39-40-1 Accommodation Wanted FURNISHED APARTMENT, small. In Clinton. Needed by October 12. Contact W, Whalley, 49438, at RCAF Station Clinton, 'Barrack Block 2, Room 2. 40p ARTICLES FOR SALE LARGE SIZE PLAYPEN, on cast- ers. Also baby car seat. Phone Clinton 48. 40-p BABY CARRIAGE, Grey colour; Mrs. Harold McPherson, Phone Clinton 396W. 40b A.P E X WASHING MACHINE, white enamel tub. In good con- dition. Phone Clinton 174. 40b NEW POTATOES FOR TABLE use, for sale. E. Van Gennip, R.R. 1, Hayfield, Phone Clinton 909r21. FOR THE FINEST VALUES in 'Diamond Rings visit COUNTERS Jewellery Store. Ask to see our "Four Star Specials" and compare. 40-p CHOICE DRESSED TURKEY -- 16-24 pounds at 45c per pound (Toms) and 30e Per pound (hens). Contact Clinton Farm Supply, phone Clinton 127. 40b 35 CALIBRE REMINGTON Pump model 14, in new condition. Com- plete with hand -made case, box 'shells and cleaning equipment. Ideal deer rifle; • Phone Clinton 685R. 40p AUTOMOBILES OR SALEI 4' BIRTHS 1953 MONARCH SEDAN, fully equipped, 15,000 miles. Best cash offer over $2,095. Can be seen evenings at Lorne Murch's next to Clinton Dairy. 40p 1951 CHEVROLET "Power -Glide" Deluxe, recently overhauled, bulit- in radio, clock, airconditioning, seat covers. 81,175. Apply Clin- ton News -Record, Box 393. 40-,R • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES START A BUSINESS OF YOUR own with a permanent year-round way of making money. Our quality products including cosmetics, cul- inary extracts, spices, floor polish, windo-brite, tonics, ointments, cold tablets, vitamins, etc., assure quick easy sales. Openings in your sur- roundings. For details write to: FAMILEX, Dept. 1, Montreal 24. 40b CUSTOM' WORK WHY DIG YOUR OWN GARDEN when you can have it plowed so cheap. Contact John Lindsay, R.R. 3, Clinton. Phone Clinton 910r14. 40p CLOTHING FOR SALE NYLON SNOW SUIT, color blue, insul-pack •lining, infant size 2. Reason for selling: outgrown. Ap- ply Ross Fitzsimons, Clinton. 40p EMPLOYMENT WANTED HOUSEWORK BY DAY or week. In Clinton. Phone Clinton 906r42, or at News -Record. 40p GENERAL LABOUR. Odd jobs of all kinds, Any repair work— (carpentry and cement). Digging sewers; gardening. Phone Clinton 294W. Kurt Van Riesen. • 39to42-b FURNITURE FOR SALE UPRIGHT PIANO, IN A1 Shape. Phone 4777. 40-p Furniture Re -Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet, refinishing and re- pairing, apply W. G. Pickett, phone Clinton 761M, 35 -tib NINE -PIECE DINING ROOM suite, walnut finish; kitchen cab- inet; single bed with springs and mattress. Phone Clinton 618r4, 40b 24 LIVING ROOM SUITES, at the Mildmay Furniture Showrooms. Show cushion from your old suite to salesman for trade-in valuation. Also 20 13edroom Suites; chrome furniture; appliances; bedding; linoleum; gift furniture. Easy terms. Godfrey Schuett, Mildmay, Ont. • 40-1-b FARMS FOR SALE NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR sale. L. G. Winter, Real Estate, Phone Clinton 448. 33-tfb FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale MASSEY-HARRIS Power Driven Cream Separator, No. 9. New mot- or; used 2 weeks; clean and right. reason fgr selling: cows sold. Thomas Leppington, Clinton, 'phone 587W. 40p FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE 2 ACRES TURNIPS, FOR FEED for cattle. By the bushel. L. Re - horst, Phone Clinton 614r31, 40-13 FLOOR SANDING OLD AND NEW HARDWOOD floors, sanded and finished. Pine floors, cracks filled, sanded and finished. Cree Cook, phone Clin- ton 233'. 40 to 43p HELP WANTED—Female WAITRESS, FULL TIME. Phone Clinton 405. Apply in person to Finger's Restaurant, 39-40-b SINGLE GIRL WANTED to work in jewellery store. Experience not necessary, Must have pleaging per- sonality and junior metric. Good working conditions. Holidays with pay. John A. Anstett, Jewellery Store. 39-40-b • HELP WANTED—Male BREAD SALESMAN—Full Time Employment; good wages. Apply I3artliff Bros. 39-40-b ItzLEvisxoN. See the Wide Open Look of the new RCA. Victor 24 - Inch Bystander. Now on display at your RCA Victor dealer. Brand new 1955 models from $214 up. 'T. A. Dutton, Brucefield, phone Clinton 634r4. 39-40-b HOME FREEZERS -14 cubic foot 8385.00; 19 cu. ft. $435.00, at the Mildmay •Furniture showrooms. Also new and used pianos; used accordions; new and used dining ,room suites, Godfrey Schuett, MIldmay. Free delivery. 40-1-b NOTICE TO ALL FISHERMEN "You Can't Afford To Miss The CLEARANCE SALE of Fishing :Supplies at the Ball and Mutch Hardware .Store 39:40-b MODERN HEATING COMPLETE FORCED AHL HEATING SYSTEM FOR A FIVE -ROOM HOME $525.00 Write Dept. CNR or visit our showrooms. Open IViondaY, Wednesday and Friday even- ings and all day Saturday. S. V. JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES Streetsville, Ontario BUILDINGS FOR SALE GOOD BUILDING, 16x24. Best s WANTED of lumber; two-storey; hydro Wir- • 'ed; to be removed from property. GARAGE WANTED for winter; Thomas Leppington, Clinton, phone near main corner, Clinton. Phone Clinton 587W. . 40p Clinton 405, 40-p LOST AND FOUND LOST—In vicinity of Clinton, a fishing rod handle and a Bronson reel. Reward. Phone Clinton 4663'. 40b LOST—PAIR OF GLASSES be- tween the rear of Lorne Brown Motors and the Post Office on Monday. Phone Clinton 633r11. 40-p LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 936r32, or 936r21. 9-ptfix • LIVESTOCK FOR SALE HOLSTEIN COW, MILKING; two Holstein heifers, two yearsold; three acres of corn suitable for cobbing. Harold Howard, phone Clinton 904r15. 40-b MISCELLANEOUS YOU ARE INVITED to a free demonstration displaying , Christ- mas gifts of 'mon Products on Thursday evening, October 7, at Miss Winnifred, O'Neil's, home, Ontario Street. • 40n POULTRY FOR SALE GOOD RED X 'SUSSEX Pullets; starting to lay. $1.50 each. Milford Durst. Phone Carlow 11r12, • 40-b COLWELL -- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, Septern- ber 30, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Williaxn Colwell/ Clinton a dau- ghter. • CROLTENDEN — In Welland County General Hospital, on Thursday, September 9, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Critten- den, R.R. 2, Welland, a daughter (Reta Anne). JOHNSTON — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, October 3, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Morley Johnston, R.R. 2, Auburn, a dau- gbteE SCHONHALS—In Chnton Pub- lic Hospital, on Tuesday,,'Icictob- er 5, 1954, to Mr. abd 'Mrs. R. J. Schoenhals, Clinton, a daugh- ter. TURNER—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, October 6, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Turner, Hayfield, a daughter. WELSH—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Monday, October 4, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welsh, R.R. 5, Hayfield, a son. WISE --In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, October 5, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wise, R.R. 3, Clinton, a son. DEATHS GIBSON—In London, on Wednes- day, October 6, 1954, Murray Gibson, Brucefield, in his 81st year. Resting at the home of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John McMurtrie, Hen - sail, where funeral service will be held on Saturday afternoon, October 9, at two o'clock. Inter- ment will be in Baird's Cemetery. JOHNSTON—In Goderich Town- ship, on Sunday, October 3, 1954, Margaret Jane McNaughton, be- loved wife of the late James Johnston, in her 93rd year. Fun- eral from the home of her dau- ghter, Mrs. Fred Middleton, Con- cession 10, Goderich Township, on Tuesday afternoon, October • 5, to Maitland Cemetery, God- erich. WIDCOMBE — Suddenly at her home 797 Huron Line, Windsor, on Wednesday morning, October 6, 1954, Lillian Lucy, beloved wife of Charles Widcombe, dear mother of Kathleen (Mrs. Alan Pye) and Mary, both of Windsor. Funeral in Windsor on Friday. PROPERTY FOR SALE SIX GOOD BUILDING LOTS on High and Kirk Streets, various sizes. Contact W. N. Counter or Phone Clinton 230. 40-p NEW RED RUG BRICK HOUSE with perma-stone trim, east end of Rattenbury St., close to school, consists of large living room and dining room combined, den, mod- ern kitchen, three bedrooms, four - piece bath, full basement, with garage in basement; oil heating. Phone Lloyd Batkin, 692-W. 38 to 41-b FOR SALE BY TENDER—All or part of the lumber in Brucefield Church Shed, including 4 doors, approximately 1,000 ft of rough lumber and dressing rooms con- taining over 1,000 ft, of dressed lumber. Tenders to be in the hands of the undersigned by 6 p.m. on October 12. C. CHRISTIE, Brucefield, Ont, 40-b STOVES FOR SALE HEAVY DUTY TWO -BURNER 1:61; plate, in good condition, $10. Phone Clinton 176. 40p • "GOOD CHEER" COAL -WOOD range, white enamel trim, excel- lent condition. Phone Clinton 629r2, 40x LARGE FURNACE, LENNOX, used. With oil burner. Complete with controls, pipes and registers. Lloyd Batkins, phone Clinton 692W, 40-1-p WOOD FOR SALE DRY HARD BODY, WOOD, all maple. $6.50 a cord, delivered. Phone Clinton 805r13, j. W. Van- Egmond. 38tfb FOR SALE ONE -STOREY, 'four -room Dwel- ling, hardwood floors, modern conveniences. Possession with- in 60 days. 1-STOR343( Two-lBedroonn Cent- ral Mortgage Dwelling. Equip- ped with oil burner, toown payment $1,900, balance mon- thly payments $28.00. 11/2 -STOREY 7 -ROOM Dwelling, modern conveniences. Price: 85,500. Down payment, $2,700, mortgage arranged for balance. lDWELL1NG, furn- ace and both, good location, immediate possession. Price: 84.300. H. C. Lawson REALTOR Bank of Montreal Building Phone 251W — Clinton 37=tfb "THE SUREST WAY TO KEEP FUNERAL COSTS LOW" CALL =Hie 2.1utterai Amur • Quilt Draw At Bayfield Nets Tidy Sum,: $100 (By our Bayfield correspondent) Mrs. J. E. Hovey, Mrs. Percy Weston, Mrs. F. Corrie, Mrs. J. H. Cobb, Mrs. J. MacKenzie and Mrs J. A. Cameron are to be con- gratulated in their efforts to raise money for the Clinton Hospital Auxiliary. They formed a commit- tee in Hayfield. The goods for a quilt was donated, Mrs. Percy Weston appliqued it in a beautiful design, lavender on gold. Other interested persons at Mrs. Mac- Kenzie's quitted it in the spring. The committee had tickets printed which they and interested persons sold during the past four months. On Saturday, Miss Lucy R. Woods made the draw in the pres- ence of members of the committee. The winning ticket was No. 567, held by Mrs. Roy Scotchmer, R.R. 3, Hayfield. The net proceeds, in- cluding a few donations, amounted to $100. Cards of Thanks I wish to thank the nurses and staff of Clinton Publics Hospital for their kindness; also special thanks to Dr. Addison, Dr. Oakes and Dr. Newlands, and special nurses, Mrs. Dick MacDonald and Mrs. Junken; and all who sent cards and treats during my recent illness. — MRS. JACK FRASER Hayfield.- 401; The family of th- e late Mrs. Melissa Hugill, wish to thank all kind relatives, friends and neigh- bors for their many acts of kind- ness, expressions of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings. Special thanks to Rev. Hugh C. Wilson, Miss Florence Cuninghatne and pallbearers. 40-p The kindness and - sympathy of our neighbors, friends and relatives in our recent sorrow was deeply appreciated. For he many floral tributes; the loan of cars and the cards of sympathy, we are espec- ially grateful. — DON and LARRY LAMONT, JOHN and ROSS MANN. 40-p The kindness and - sympathy of our neighbours, friends and rela tives in our recent bereavement was deeply appreciated for the many floral tributes and cards of sympathy. The McClinchey family. 40-b Auction Sales Auction Sales this week, are published on Page 9. Please turn to that page for informa- tion on the corning auction sales. TENDERS WANTED TENDERS inviintgedoffor the supply - FURNACE FUEL OIL to School No 7 Tuckersmith School Area, School is located about 13i miles west of Seafcrth on 2nd Conces- sion, MRS. Tenders to state price per gallon delivered and will be opened October 12, 1954. W. P. ROBERTS, Sec.-Treas, R.R. 3, Seaforth. +sinsall•Plal.sain.....remerdeos TURKEY FOR THANKSGIVING OR SUNDAY DINNER Clinton Farm Supply Phone 127 — Clinton ROXY -THEATRE CLINTON TOP SCR.EEN FARE IN AIR - Now playing—Thurs. Fri. at. "THREE SAILORS AND A GIRL" Jane Powell — Gordon McRae AT pARK TELEPHONE I AT CAPITAL TELEIZONE THE 1150 TFIE CONDITIONED COMFORT — Adventure Stories at Their Best NOW—Thurs., Fri. & Sat. Mon. Tues. Werj:--Oct. 11,713 "Fr411.0.$.,:ccp*ers, , The Big Town": , . Donald O'Connor and the Talking Mule score another hit.Also:Gene, Lockhart and Nancy Guild,, , Thurs., Fri., Sat.—Oct. 14.16 "Men of the Fighting Lady"' Fan J*011160/1 — Walter Pidgeon Coming—A Musical Treat! "KISS ME KATE" unemeinsusw Rock Hudson—Dornia, Reed • and Phil Carey Down in Mexico an abducted fiancee provides the motive for a conflict between loyalty and duplicity. 'GUN FURY" In Teeludeolor Tues.'8, •Wed. . 13lowing 'NV/11d The dramatic.taleok a wild- •Catting oilman who runs into a • desperate, double-barrelled ro- Gary Ceoperiarbara Stanwyck Ruth Roman • , . Coning:' "TUMBLEWEED" In Technicolor With Audio Murphy and Loli Nelson NOW—Thurs., Fri. & Sat. Roy Campanella & Billy- Lees They didn't make the World Seriett but you will enjoy this baseball story with its big league back- ground. "Roogies Bump" Mon., Tues. & Wed. (Adult, Entertainment) Cleo Moore — John Agar and Hugo Haas A prospector and a 'Young farmer combine to find a lost goldmine— with exciting complications. • "BAIT" Coming: 'SMUGGLER'S GOLD" A Salty Adventure Yarn NOTICE The Lockwood Barber Shop will be closed from October 11 to 20, inclusive. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Matter of the Estate of JAMES E. FAIRSERVICE, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, who died on August 11, 1954. All persons claiming against the above Estate are required to for- ward full particulars to the under- signed not later than October 23, 1954, after which date the assets will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, September 23r6, 1954, By Donnelly St Don- nelly, 18, The Square, Goderich; Solicitors for the Estate. 39-40-1-b NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the matter of the Estate of IvILLrAm ROBERT BELL, farm- er, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of William Robert Bell, late of the Township of East Wa- wanosh in the County of Huron, Farmer, Deceased, who died on or about the twenty-first day of May, 1954, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned personal repre- sentative of the said deceased on or before the twentieth (20th) day of October, 1954, full particulars of their claims, after which date the Administrator will distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then nave notice. Dated at Mncardine this .14th day of September, 1954. George Ben, Administrator; by Messrs. Milken -mil J.; Clark his Solicitors herein. 38-9-40-b ..,.. ..,. Clinton Conunaunity Farm rs AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY 1 Evening, commencing at 8 pan. TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUNT, Clerk .10201•011112.121•Mh. WARM WINTER • WEARA LES! GABARDINES COVERTS VELOURS All Shades — All Sizes 27.50 to 59.50 See our Zip -In Topcoats , Linings of Pure Wool HATS Stetson or Crean 5.95 to 10.95 PICKETT # CAMPBELL "The Store For Men" PHONE 25 -- (Main Corner) --- CLINTON /11.11•1•011181•1011•11aNNIM. WESLEY-WILLIS RECEIVES TWO ON CERTIFICATE On Sunday morning in the Wes- ley -Willis United Church, the fol- lowing were received by certifi- cate: Mr. and Mrs. G. J. McCrack- en from Trenton and Mrs. E. 11. Wise from North St. Church, God- erich. WMS THANROFFERDTG AT WESLEY-WILLIS CHURCH The autumn thankoffering meet- ing of the Wesley -Willis United Church Woman's MisSionary So- ciety is to be held in the church parlors on Thursday evening, Oc- tober 21 at 8 p.m. Mrs. Pike, Ilderton, will be guest speaker. J. A. ANSTETT Jeweller and Watchmaker. EXPERTWATCH REPAIR SERVICE &dove, Gruen and Cyma Watches BLUE RIVER and BLUE BIRD DIAMONDS • Spode Dinnerware Visit Our Modern Up -To -Date Jewellery Store Today Phone 562 Clinton 26 -tib 11.11mmlima••=1••••••••••,.., ALAN GALBRAITII says: smart TV buyers KNOW TV's the most wonderful thing you can have in your home. But it's also the most complicated. We know from our happy cus- tomers that our complete service facilities play a very important .part in keeping them happy. Your Most Dependable TV Buy! 1955 1 z <AC= ......... ....... MODEL 21T19 21" table model BIG LOOK aluminized tube. Built-in UHF -VHF antenna. Tinted • filter. AND THE BEST PLACE FOR SERVICE IS GALBRAITH RADIO AND TELEVISION Clinton's TV Headquarters PHONE 482 CLINTON