HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-09-30, Page 7`I'13URSDA', SEPTEMBER ad, 1954 Teeswater Fall Fair October 5th & 6th • Outstanding Horse Show Regional Aberdeen -Angus & Yo kshireho S ws Bruce Coun Black and White Show HARNESS RACES: 2.24 - 2.18 Running Race TORONTO SCOTTISH • • PIPE,: BAND Vaudeville Exhibits Rides Cope Croker ,Indian Band'' Admission• Adults and Cars 50c; •?School Children 12 & under, 15c INCREASED.GRAND STAND ACCOMMODATION 39-p ,.i 64 School Teachers From Canada Arrive In France The curriculum will be a com- posite of the ten provincial educa- tion systems in Canada. Hundreds of textbooks, notebooks,ebooks.1� nil s pen -nibs andoth r school saPPlies are arrivingdaily from Canada. • Y The teachers are from 'every province and are on leave of ab- sence from their respective schools. The Department of National De- fence approached school boards across Canada last year, asking for teachers to go overseas. The school boards agreed, despite a teacher shortage. Besides a bilingual teacher at each school and qualified instruct- ors ,in rnusicand art, the children' have theadvantage of courses in conversational French and ; Ger- man. Religious:instruction will be. provided. • F AERS W +!Fa; R�"�s cattle„ everT Satnrdny for IIs. Oo�opetativer. etru►rlo snd,sliilelt yow...patreaige w� Pi e"iP>EIoly1h.la id►sa, , ;not teF. � o1rA�, Seaforth' Farmersto-operative H. S. Hunt, Menace : Phone --Day 9, -Evenings 481w 39-tfb: • SUNSET THEATRE 1r/a MILES EAST OF GODERICH—On No. 8 Highway FRIDAY and SATURDAY OCTOBER 1-2 "ARROW IN THE DUST" Sterling Hayden Coleen Gray Comedy ' „' Cartoon MONDAY and TUESDAY OCTOBER 4-5 "It Happens Every Thursday" Loretta Young — John Forsyth ALSO— BEAR COUNTRY A True 'Life Adventure WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY OCTOBER 6-7 "TAKE ME TO TOWN”. 197 Ann Sheridan— Sterling Hayden Cartoon Musical TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY First Show 7.30 Second Show 9.30 Rain or Shine PLAYGROUND REFRESHMENTS OHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CARS FREE — C32NTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE SEVI3V' Mrs. Wm.' Vender for the late services Funeral Fun Mrs. William Vender were held on afternoon,September em der `21 Tuesday the Blyth nited Church, with Rev. A. W. Watson, minister of the church in charge. Inter- ment was made in Brandon Ceme- tery, Belgrave. Pallbearers were nephews of the. deceased, William Walden, William McDowell; Marvin McDowell, Alva McDowell, Earl Wigltfnan and Ai- bert, Walsh. Flowerb arers were Harvey McDowell ''Lloyd Walden, Marra Do d Y Mo well arid Gordon Mc- Dowell. The Westfield'. quartette sang a lovely selection, accompari- ied'at the piano by Mrs; Murray McDowell. The late ; Mrs. Vender, whose' maiden name, was Evolina Phedoi a ' McClinton, wee in her 93rd: year, and ,passed away in the Winghem General Hospital ' On Ss}turdey, September: 18. . She was'o daug1i- terof the late Mr -and Mil. ; John McClinton. She was born near.Hamilton and came to born, near. her 'fanijly at the age of three. Her fiarents: farmed an the ,Wes - field.district, the Westfield church. site being, part of their farm. seventy-three years ,'ago she married Robert Henry in a cere- mony at the Westfield church. Mr. Henry passed away' 22 years ago. Twenty years ago she was .:mar- ried a second time, to "'William Vender and the _couple mo ked ,to Bad. Axe, Mich. Mr. Vender; pas- sed away six years ago and since his. death Mrs. Vender has resided with her son, Maitland Henry, at Blyth. She was the last survivor of a large family. Surviving ! are, a son Maitland, Blyth, and a daughter, Mrs. Mar- shall Stonehouse, Belgrave. O In 4953 .Canardians bought more new ,cars than ever before --461,- 887 up 15 per cent from 1952. 6061@I@(925TACT@@ 11311@II@@@®®N@EIIII@I@I@Ili@N " We'll _See You At . The Fourth Western Ontario Cash Crop Day Tuesday, • October 5 on the • ONTARIO HOSPITAL FARM, ST. THOMAS 2 miles south on No. 4 Highway 9.30 a.m.—Mechanical Corn -Pick- ing Contest. Junior Farmers' Judging Competition. 10.30 a.m.—Harvesting Machinery in Action. 12.30 p.m.—Guest Speaker: DR. J. G. TAGGAR•T, C.B.E., Federal Deputy ' Minister of Agricul- ture, Ottawa, introduced by Hon. F. S. Thomas, Minister of Agriculture for Ontario. 1.30 p.m.—Machinery Parade; Farm Safety Demonstration. 2.30 p.m. --Informal discussion by chairmen of Cash Crops—Soy- beans, Husking Corn, Silage Corn, Potatoes. Machinery at work on all crops. Inspection of New Beef Barns. Free Parking --- Adult Adm. 25c Meals and Refreshments Murray McLean, Rodney, Chairman A, V. Langton, St. Thomas, Secretary -Treasurer 39-b 11111 .111 11 IP II IEI@IIJ 1 tillig�l�'I IIIIII1111111111119(110111'1I aro gt-4*togotoowm. 4th VICTORY LOAN BONDS have been CALLED FOR PAYMENT OC OUR 1st IF YOU HOLD Fourth Victory Loan 3% Bonds (issued May, 1943 to mature May, 1957) they should be presented for payment on or after October 1st through any branch bank in Canada. AFTER THIS DATE NO FURTHER INTEREST WILL BE PAID.' 'Interest coupons due November let, 1954 and all coupons dated later than this must be attached to the bonds : when they are presented for payment: Payment will be $10L26 for a $100 bond (and for other denominations accordingly). This payment includes $1.26 ` which is interest at 3% from May lst to October lst--the period since the last coupon became payable. Government of Canada S443C-4 By: BANK OF CANADA, Fiscal Agent Mrs Melissa Hugill Mrs. Melissa Hugill, wife of the ` late Abraham Hugill, died at her home" in Clinton en=September 27. She was born. in Morris Town- ship, near Belgrave, on April 2, 1870, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Lanclot Tasker, Later she moved with her family to Hullett Township, near Harlock, where she was later married to Abraham Hugill and Came to reside in Tuckersmith on the farm where their son now lives. The funeral was held at the Ball and Mutch funeral home, Clinton, on Wednesday afternoon. Inter- ment was in' Clinton : Cemetery. She was a member of the Sea - forth United Church until the death of her husband, when she went to livewith: her daughter (Florence),. Mrs. Norman Jones, and became a member of Kippen United Church, Later she moved to Clinton where she, has lived for the past 12years. • She was a loving and •thought- ful ' mother; always ready to 'help others to make their lives happier. She; was a`'greet lover of flowers, taking a ,great' delight in growing 'them She enjoyed the visits of her pastor, p.ey.-H.C..Wilsen, who often visited her. Surviving are one son, Jonathan; one daughter, Mrs. Norman (Flor- ence)' Jones, Hensall; one, sister, Mrs, Ellen Hugill; 14 grand child- ren and 30 great grand children. Mrs. Blanche Phillips (By our Auburn correspondent) Mrs. Blanche Phillips passed away in . Wingham Hospital on Sunday morning, September 26 in her 62nd' year. She suffered a stroke two weeks ago while visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Chester Tay- lor, St. Helen's and never rallied. The funeral was held from the J, K. Arthur funeral home, Au- burn, on Tuesday, with Rev. C. C. Washington officiating. Interment was in Ball's Cemetery. A daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson, Auburn, she spent most of her life there, mov- ing to Brantford about ten years ago. About three years ago she went to live with her son in To- ronto. She is survived by two sons, Arnold, Toronto; Royce, Brant- ford; four grandchildren; also four brothers, William, Windsor; Arthur J., Waterloo; Raymond, Montreal; Lloyd, Goderich; five sisters, 1VIrs. Ruben (Hattie) Tay- lor, Victoria, B.C.; Mrs. G. (Cora) Durham, Brantford; Mrs. Maud Fremlin, Auburn; Miss Mae Ferg- uson, Brantford; and Mrs. Chester (Birdie) Taylor, St. Helen's: • Goderich Township Miss Margaret Knudsen, Brant- ford, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Don Middleton. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Steepe and baby spent the ,weekend in Wood- stock with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Magee, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middleton attended the Anoka & Prospect Farms Sale held on Saturday last at Alex Edwards' farm at Arva. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Stirling spent a couple of days last week visiting friends in Sheffield and Woodstock. While there they vis- ited with Prof. William McCleod, who taught at S.S. No. 8, Gode- rich Township, in 1890. WA Will Meet The Woman's Association of St. James Church, Middleton, will meet on Tuesday afternoon, Octob- er 5 at the home of Mrs. Donald Middleton. Please note change of date. Tall Corn James R. Stirling cut a few stalks of corn while the boys were filling silo which measured 12 feet, eight inches. We think this is a record for this year. Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Torrance and the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moore, Mitchell, spent Sun- day with the former's parents,'Mr. and Mrs. Reid Torrance. S.S. 4 Club The September meeting of the S.S. No. 4 Community Club was held at the home of Mrs. John Tebbutt. The meeting was open- ed by repeating the creed and the Lord's Prayer in unison. The min- utes were read and adopted; and the treasurer's report was given. The roil call was answered with a gift from each member, donated for the "fish pond" for the Clinton' Hospital Bazaar. It was decided that the meeting date would be changed to the first Thursday of the month. The meet- ing was closed with the Mizpah benediction. The remainder of theafternoon was spent in quilting. Lunch was. served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Harry Oakes and Mrs. Wil- liam Lobb. The next meeting will be held on October. 7, at the home of Mrs. W. Biggin, . with Mts. J. Tebbutt and Mrs. F. Jones, assist- ant hostesses. News of Hensall Youngster injured Brian Fink, son of Mr, and Mrs. '. EdFi k n (grade 1 it at Hensel]. gr P pupil Public School), who eel ebr atedrhis sixth birthday Y on Sunday,Septem- ber em- ber 26, had the misfortune to fracturehis right i t arm whenhe fell off a teeter-totter at the school. X-rays taken at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, revealed the fracture. IOOF Officers District Deputy Norman Jones and his staff installed`' the officers of Hensall Lodge IOOF No. 223: Junior past grand, Alex MeBeath; poble _grand, Wilmer Jones; 'vice - grand, Harold Parker recording secretary, W. it, Dougall, financial' secretary, P. L. McNaughton; treasurer, C, Weido; RSNG; McArthur; LSNG, G, Mousseau;' 'RSVG, J. Flynn; LSVG, E. Chip chase; ESS, C. Volland; LSS, r1. Johnston; warden, M. Lavery; Conductor, W:,Parke; inside guard- ian, u ian,'T. Meyers; outside guardian, L: Jacobi: chaplain, C: Hays. ' C. of C. Frolle The Hensall Chamber of Com- merce held a very successful frolic in the community arena, Friday, September 24, attended by 'nearly 400 people. Entertainment was provided by Everette Mires, • Joey Hollings- worth and' Dolt Walpole. Bushel baskets of groceries were won by Mrs; S. Roobol, Fred Beer, Edward Webster. Ed. Corbett was auction- eer for the Chinese auction. There were plenty of games and fun for all who attended and the enter- tainment was rated as the finest. All proceeds were for the artifi- cial ice, R. H. Middleton was master of ceremonies. United. Church Last Sunday morning, Rev. W. J. Rogers conducted service in the United Church. The theme was en- titled "Christian Love". Mrs. Pearl Passmore sang the alto part in the choir anthem, "Take Thon My Hand". Miss Laramie presid- ed at the organ. Next Sunday morning, October 3, World Communion. Service will be observed. The Mission Band will begin its fall program. Mothers are reminded of a Prim- ary class to meet in the vestry during the worship hour commenc- ing next Sunday morning, October 3. A. teacher will be in attend- ance. Children from two to three years of age are invited. Harvest home Harvest Home Service was ob- served in St. Paul's Anglican Church last Sunday with Rev, N. D. Knox in the pulpit. He stated, "We are thoroughly inconsistent in our thinking; all a man needs is to know how to unlock the secrets of nature." We must that at God is theupholder P holder of nature. If wetafit the arefulfil highest in' the property of man we must .e loyal oyal to God; we must give back to God what we have received from Him. Miss Mary Goodwin and Mrs. R. Broderick 'sang a pleasing duet, "I Do Not Know" with J. L. Nicol as accompanist. iVirs. R. 11. Mid- dleton was organist for the 'ser- vice. The church was beautifully. decorated' for the occasion. World Communion will be observed next Sunday, at 10 o'clock. 5-4 GRAIN • In the market for all kinds of Grain. Low' price means poor deinaed —:quality must be joed. Dry grain o necessity; will . be pleased to test your• grain for moisture before delivery. PHONE Ford TOWNSHIP OF TTJCKERSMITH TENDERS are invited by the undersigned for Snow - Plowing Township Roads in the winter' of 3954-55. V -type eight -foot plows to be used with plow and wing hydraulieally operated. Four -ton or Netter trunks to be used and rating of trucks must meet Department of Highways specifications. Contractor to supply all equipment and labour. Tender to state a flat rate per hour and must be in the clerk's hands by 2 p.m, Oetober 5th, 1954. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. • 38-9-b E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, Township of Tuckersmith I MUCH 1954 Willys `Lark' Sedan With Overdrive $2,550 1954 Willys 'Ace' Sedan with $2,995 Radio 1954 Henry J, Coach $1,895 ANY REASONABLE OFFER ACCEPTED these CARS MUST GO Somebody is going to make a remarkable saving in buying for cash or will receive a very liberal allowance on their present car. Finance can be arranged. It might as well be YOU. '52 Ford Mainline Sedan $1,550 1950 Austin Sedan $650 '49 Plymouth Club Coupe $985 McPherson Bros. KAISER --WILL'S SALES and Service Front -End Alignment -- Wheel' Balancing , PHONE 492 CLINTON , The Case ai eND2 ,Of@Tcolloted r@ITEMQC4 By. Roe Farms Service Dept. �-----_ �sy`�'°'" `-' r` ` S.- 'TIT? IT'S HER FIRST EGG. I FELT JUST �H DEAR, I WAS SO PROUD OF. MY BEAUTIFUL EGG; AND HE WALKED O 1NITH IT. DON'T WORRY,'` ' YOU'RE SO Y014.!'4, r THERE'LL -BE' 'PLENTY,MORE, SEE JUST, A. s 1 EAT UP' BIDDY'- THIS EGG MASH REALLY N �� "SHELLS �' ; y, SHEl,LS_OUT EGGS. TOP MS ORODI/CT/ N -TOP PROF/TS ARE yaws `fit:.:•1fi WITH P®�"liar"�;'! ® - p/�� R®E ; ROE P,,ta y • /llllASH EGG MASH SN r.- G(3SH,ROEViTALAY i5 WONDERFUt.MY BOSS SAYS I'M BECOMING THE BEST LAYER 1N THE FLOCK. ABOUTHERFIRSTEGG. ROE VITALAY EGG MASH HAS GIVEN HERR NEW LEASE ONLIFE.SHE LAYS SO MANY, SHE HAS FORGOTTEN ALI- ,y.. ®�, ! .. % .� ' q ROE rttttt y i{'t 1,{ _ i # ....._=--,.,,1-.-.....,--, ,` "-' I DONTFEELUKj< EATING..,MY POOR LOST EGG1 W E -LL I'LL JUST TA5TE50ME i ��, `- a- i /$ f fir,/�! i , ,i 1 �`j�, 4_ % % . r—_ l j "16, ,. \�� ►. �/�?eo� ,Iliifl Illril IQt t �� . clsv ` , � HI iii',, // i pin'/ , iia;, THE SAM1cWITH MY FIRST I MUST TELL HER THE FACTS OF \ LIF \ Oo ty�, "tea �it��r�� A"� �` \'I �` �� L�,,II „GG; , "r. 'u / ' L /. /, '---..../......---�//rte " i iaP .........e---...^-' �` l / r 'J i k. TTZ::; S. J. MUSTARD BRUCEFIELD ---.L...-..._ ". .. _-/ •�' ; .Z...-....�y._, " _ t-