HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-09-30, Page 5-111011.swit SEPTEMBER 30, 1954 'CLINTON' NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIVE Classified Rates CASH RATE — (If paid by Wednesday following date of in- Vertion)—Two cents a word first ilmiertion (minimura 50 cents); ssubsefluent insertions 11/2 cents a 'word (minlintra 35 aents); 15 OentS extra for box number or taor direction -to NEWS -RECORD Office. CliARGED-15 cents extra. DEADLINE -12 'noon, Wednes- day. ACCOMMODATION for RENT 'THREE ROOM APARTMENT for Tent, ground floor. Available at once. Phone Clinton 363. 39b A HEATED, FURNISHED apart. znent, , electric atove, new fridge. ,Apply to Frank Hainton, Phone Illyth 6. 39-b :IN• HAYFIELD, FIVE ROOM ground floor apartment. Furnished and heated. For six months. (Oct- • fiber 15 to April 15). Phone Hay- field 64r2. 39-p FOUR ROOM APARTMENT, un- furnished, in village of Varna. Phone Clinton 630r24. Wilmer Reid, 38-9-p 'WANTED: ROOM AND BOARD for old age pensioner • in good home in -Hayfield, running water, garage. $8.00 weekly. Contact Clinton News -Record, Box 382. 39b FOUR ROOM APARTMENT, fur- nished, heated, with sunroom. Pos- session immediately, phone Clinton 370W. 39-b THREE-ROOM UNFURNISHED apartment, share bath. Mile and a half from Clinton. Near school. Francis Powell, phone Clinton .907r4. 38-9-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE BIRTHS 1947 FORD DELUXE SEDAN,— ADKINS—In Clinton Public Hos- good tires; motor A-1; in excellent 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard condition. Apply to R. D. Walter, Adkins, Zurich, a daughter. at 115 Rattenbm7 St. W., or at Ball and Match Furniture, 39p CLARK-MARLOW -- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, September 23, 1954, to F/0 and Mra. Grant Clark Marlow Clin- ton, a son. MERCURY THREE -TON STAKE truck with new motor and good tires; also Massey Harris two - plow tractor, reasonable for cash. A. Leibold, R.R. 2, Clinton. 39p 1951 CHEVROLET "Power -Glide' Deluxe, recently overhauled, built- in radio, clock, airconditioning, seat covers. $1,175. Apply Clin- ton News -Record, Box 393. 39-p 1953 MONARCH SEDAN, Black, radio, turning signals; ' reverse lights, low mileage, chrome discs, in perfect running shape. Phone Clinton 277 after 6.30 p.m. 39-p .FURhIlTURE FOR SALE UPRIGHT PIANO, IN Al Shape. Phone 4473. 39-p Furniture Re -Finishing FQR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio 'cabinet, refinishing and re- pairing, apply W. G. Pickett, phone Clinton 761M. t • 35-tfb . FARMS FOR SALE NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR sale. L. G. Winter, Real Estate. Phone Clinton 448. 33-tfb FARM EQUIPMENT for SALE MASSEY-HARRIS, Power Take Off Baler, one year olet Finance reclaim. At Roy McLeod's (Mas- sey Harris dealer). 39p HELP WANTED—Female WAITRESS, PULL TIME. Phone Clinton 405. ' Apply in person to FOUR, ROOM APARTMENT, self- Pinger's Restaurant. 39-b contained, suitable for two, avail- able October 1. Apply MeEwan's EXFERIEN(...s.D WOMAN for Book Store. 39-b cleaning and ironing. Saturday morning and one other week -day morning at nine o'clock. Also Sun- day morning at 10.30. Apply Mrs. (Dr.) F. M. Newland, phone Clin- ton 170. • 39-b CLOSE TO RCAF STATION Clin- ton. Phone Clinton 615r31, 39b FURNISHED APARTMENT in thn town of Seaforth, available October 1. Apply to Harold Jack- son. Phone Seaforth 661-14, 38-9-p • NEW FOUR -ROOM Apartment with three-piece bath, modern kit- chen, heavy wiring, storage room, 'unfurnished; no children. Apply W, N. Counter, or phone 230. • 39p COTTAGE, UNFURNISHED, Rat- tenbury and Shipley, two bed- rooms, bathroom, hying room, fire- place, dining room, kitchen, laund- ry room, refrigerator, oil heating, Available immediately. Apply Gor- don Cuninghame, Box 72, Clinton, 39-40-1 FURNISEED APARTMENTS -- three-roomed, bed -sitting room, kitchenette and bathroom,self- contained, suitable for two, avail- able now; three-room downstairs, separate entrance, availableOct. 1. Apply to Mrs. W, Seeley, Hu- ron Street, after 6. 39-1, ARTICLES FOR SALE SINGER SEWING MACHINE, electric. Hardly ever used. Phone Clinton 589W2, 39b NEW HOTPOINT STOVE, large size, 4 -burner, 3 -year guarantee. 1953 model reduced to $279.95, reg- ular $369.95. Galbraith Radio -TV, Phone 482 Clinton. ' 39-b VOR THE FINEST VALUES in ',Diamond Rings visit COUNTER'S 'Jewellery Store. Ask to see our "Four Star Specials" and compare. 39p TELEVISION. See the Wide Open Look of the new RCA Victor 24 - inch Bystander. Now on display at your RCA Victor dealer. Brand new 1955 models from $214 up. T. A. Dutton, Brucefield, phone Clinton 634r4. 39-b 1954 17 -INCH RCA Victor Tele- sasitin Radio, and antenna; reason for selling; leaving for overseas. Price 5200 or best offer: Apply to Box 391,' Clinton News -Record. 39-p ONE THREE -BURNER, HEAVY duty, electric stove, 520; one elec- tric radiator, 515; one television ca.binet for 17 inch set, 510; all in good conaition, Roy Vodden, Sum- anerhill Store, phone Clinton 802r3. • 39b • ' NOTICE • TO ALL FISHERMEN You Can't Afford To Miss The CLEARANCE SALE of Fishing Supplies at the Ball and Mutch Hardware . Store 39b MODERN HEATING COMPLETE FORCED AIR HEATING SYSTEM FOR A PIVIS-ROOM HOME $525.00 • Write Dept CNR or visit our showrooms. Open Monday, 'Wednesday and Friday even- ings and all day Saturday. V. JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES Streetsville, Ontario -CLOTH1NG 'FOR SALE •-LADY'S GABARDINE SUIT and •ciressea, size 14. 'Child's skirts and 'Coat size 6. Phone Clinton 182. 38-9-p ''TWO GIRL'S WINTER COATS, size 14T and 10 years. Bomber ,aadket, age 12. Slacks, skirt's, sweaters, etc., 12 to 14 years. C'heap for quick sale. Phone Clin- • ton 4193, •39p EMPLOYMENT 'WANTED GENERAL LABOUR. Odd jobs of all kinds. Any repair work— • (carpentry and eement). Digging sewers;. gardening, Phone Clinton ! 294W. Kurt' Van Plesen. • 39to42-b SINGLE GIRL WANTED to work in jewellery store. Experience not necessary. Must have pleasing per- sonality and 3unior metric. Good working conditions. Holidays with pay. John A. Anstett, Jewellery Store. 39-b HELP WANTED—Male BREAD SALESMAN—Full Time Employment; good wages. Apply Bartliff Bros. 39b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE AUCTION SALE OF CHOICE dairy and beef cattle to be held on Friday evening, October 1 at 8 o'clock in Bervie, Highway 9, 12 Durham and Hereford cows, all from one herd, 4 due last of No- vember, rest with calves at foot; 10 fresh arid springing, Holstein heifers and cows; 15 bred and open Holstein heifers; 70 choice quality Hereford yearling steers; 14 Angus yearling steers; 10 spring calves. Each buyer gets free ticket on chest of silverware; also 3 door prizes given at end of sale. Elton MeLelland and Sons, Proprietors; Auctioneers: Donald Blue, Dorne and Doris McLelland. 39-b LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 936r32, or 936r21. MISCELLANEOUS NOW IS TIIE TIME TO PLANT giant Latham Raspberry Canes, at 54 Per hundred, A., Leilsold, R.R. 2, Clinton, phone Clinton 910r13. • 39-p STEEL REINFORCED CEMENT septic tanks, 61/2 feet by 31/2 feet, 5 feet deep. Capacity of 450 im- perial gallons. The design and construction of these tanks has been approved by the Huron and Bruce County Health Units. We deliver • any distance. Apply to Albert Porter's Welding Service, Lticknow. 24-29-31-.33tfb PROPERTY FOR SALE SIX GOOD BUILDING LOTS on High and Kirk Streets, various sizes, Contact W. 1\1. Counter or Phone Clinton 230. • 39-p NEW RED RUG BRICK HOUSE with,perma-stone trim, east end of Rattenbury St., close to school, consists of large living room and dining room combined, den, mod- ern kitchen, three bedrooms, four - piece bath, full basement, with garage in basement; oil heating. Phone Lloyd Batkin, 692-W. 38-9-b • PERSONAL "01.,D' AT 40, 50, 60? MEN! Get new pep quick. Feel years young- er. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets. For both sexes. "Get -acquainted" size only 60c. All druggists. 39-b WOOD' FOR SALE DRY HARD BODY WOOD, al/ maple. 56.50 a cord, delivered Phone Clinton'805r13. J. W. Van- Egrnond. • 38tfb NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Matter of the Estate of JAMBS B. VAIRSERVICE, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, who died on August 11, 1.954. All persons claiming against the above Estate ate required to for- ward full particulars to the under- signed not later than October 23, 1954, after which date the assets will be distributed. , DATED ai Goderich, September 3rd, 1954, By Donnelly & Don- nelly, 18 The Square, Goderich; Solicitors for the Estate. 39-40-1-b DAWSON—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday-, September 25, 1954, to Sgt. and Mrs. Lloyd • Dawson, RCAF Station, Clinton, a daughter. HEID—In Clinton Public Hospital, . on Thursday, • September 23, • 1954, to LAC and Mrs. Edward Heid, Clinton, a daughter. MUSTARD — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, September 28, 1954, to Mr. and 'Mrs. Jack E. Mustard, Brucefield, a son. REDMOND In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, Septem- ber 25, 1954, to LAC and Mrs. James Redmond, R.R. 3, Clinton, a daughter. , ROBINSON—In 'Hotel Dieu hos- pital, Windsor, on Sunday, Sep- tember 26, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Robinson, (nee Joyce Grigg), a son (Richard Gordon, "Ricky"). ' STANLEY — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, Sett- • tember 29, 1954, to Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Stanley, Clinton, a son. WRIGHT—In Clinton Public Hos- • pital, on Friday, September 24, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, R.R. 3, Kippen, a son. MARRIAGES CORBETT-TAYLOR — In the manse of Brucefield United Church, on Thursday afternoon, • September 23, 1954, by Rev. G. G. Burton, Donna Ruth, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tay- lor, Brucefield, to John Rosswell Frederick Corbett, Hensel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett, Hensall. HAAK-GREIDANUS—In St. And- rew's Presbyterian Church, Clin- ton, by Rev. G. T. Hoytema, of the Christian Reformed Church, Cornelia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Greidanus, Londes- boro, to Gerrit Haak, Clinton, son of Mr. and Mrs, Maas Haak, Groningen, Holland. PENFOUND-FREMLIN -- In St. Paul's Anglican Church, Minton, on Friday evening, September 24, 1954, by Rev. R. M. P. Bul- teel, Margaret Harriet, daughter of Harold Fremlin, Sr., Clinton, and the late Mrs. Fremlin, to Dennis Wright Penfound, Lon- desboro, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Penfound, Londesboro. Cards of Thanks We wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our relatives, neighbors, friends, Hay- field LOL, for the many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes tend- ered to us during our recent sad bereavement in the loss of a loving husband and father.—MRS. G. W. ELL/OTT AND BILL. 39b DON McGREGOR would like to thank all friends and relatives for kindnesses, cards and gifts receiv- ed following his accident. 39p • I would like to thank all my friends for their cards, letters and visits while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London; also the nurses there, Dr. Addison and Dr. Haslett, London, -- WILLOWS MOUNTAIN, 39-p Auction Sales Auction Sales this week, are published on Page 9. Please turn to that page forinforma- tion on the coming auction sales. FOR SALE ONE -STOREY, four -room Dwel- • ling, hardwood floors, modern • conveniences. Possession with- in 60 days. 1 -STOREY Two -Bedroom Cent - t al Mortgage //forming. Equip- • ped with oil burner. Down payment 51,900, balanee mon- , tidy payments 08.00. 11/2 -STOREY 7-ROOlvI • modern conveniences. Price: • 55,500. Down payment, 52,700, mortgage arranged for balance. • SIX -ROOM DWELLING, furn- ace and both, good location, • immediate possession. Price: 54.300. 111. C. Lawson • REALTOR • Bank of Montreal Building Phone 251W --- Clinton 37-tfb +111-64 4 -40.0 -11 -0 -4 -0 -**- •-•-•-•-.E. DEATHS CAMERON—In Minton, on Tues- day, September 28, 1954, Eliza- beth Morrison Cameron, in her 84th year. Resting at the Bail and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clinton, until noon Fri- day. Funeral service will be held from Trinity Anglican Church, Hayfield, to Hayfield Cemetery on Friday. afternoon, October 1, conmiencmg at two o'clock. (Casket will be open in the church on Friday from one o'clock until the service starts). FOWLIE — At Victoria Hospital, London, on September 23, 1954, Laurence E. Fowlie, of 15 Teresa St., London, beloved son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Fowlie, and dear ' brother of Misses Frances and Ethel Fowlie, Hay- field, in his 64th year. Resting at the A. Millard George funeral home, Wortley Rd. at Elmwood Ave., where funeral service was i held n the chapel on Saturday, September 25. Interment was in Hayfield Cemetery. HUGILL—In Clinton, on Monday, • September 27, 1954, Melissa Tasker, beloved' wife of the late Abraham Hugill, in her 85th year, Funeral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clinton, to Clinton Cern- etery, on Wednesday afternoon, September 29. KING—At the Private Patients' Pavilion, Toronto General Hos- pital, on Sunday, September 26, 1954, Alice Martin, beloved wife of the late A. Ford King, 194 Cortleigh Blvd., dear mother of Douglas, sister of Dora, Flor- ence, Leona, Ruth, Carson and Melvin. At the Chapel of Morley S. Bedford, 159 Eglinton Ave., W., at Lascelles Blvd. Service on Wednesday afternoon and in- terment' in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. LA1VIONT—In London, on Monday, September 27, 1954, Doris Merle Mann, beloved wife of Donald Lamont, in her 31st year. Fun- eral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clin- ton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Thursday afertnoon, September 30. • Extension Classes At Public School From University The fall season's work of the Extension Department of the Un- iversity of Western Ontario began in Clinton In a Western Ontario city, rec- ently, the students of the Colleg- iate Institute listed some 40 voc- ations that they were considering as their life work. On examinat- ion it was evident that at least half of these vocations either re- quired or were better served by people with University training. The in of Clinton are fortun- ate n having University courses made available here. This means that A certain amount of special- ized training is made available to some people while they continue to earn. The University of Western On- tario is providing classes in varions Arts course subjects in 16 Western Ontario centres so either at home or in a not too distant town or city interested pers,ons may work toward a University degree. The classes also present an opportun- ity to those who do not seek a degree to take certain subjects that may be of particular interest or value to them. Professor Perry Robinson, who has just returned to the University of Western Ontario from a year's study in England offers Philos- ophy 30, which is a critical sur- vey of a selected group of philo- sophical classics, both ancient and modern. At 1 o'clock Osmund Langtvet, a graduate of the University of Western Ontario, -offered Geog- raphy/ 20, which eals With the earth as man's home. This class will continue if there is sufficient registration. At 3.00 p.m. on the same day Professor Langtvet be- gan the course on Geography 35, which is world regional Geography and will include a systematic sur- vey of the major natural and pol- itical regions of the world.. . • Get Rubber Stamps At News -Record ROXY THEATRE CLINTON TOP SCREEN FARE IN AIR -C Now playing—Thurs. Fri. Sat. "Paratrooper" Leo Gann -- Alan Ladd Mon. Tues. & Wed.—Oct. 4-6 "White Witch Doctor" Sutan Hayward—Robert Mttchuon Walter Slezak Thurs.• Fri. & Sat.—Oct. 7-9 "Three Sailors and a Girl" Ione Powell — Gordon McRae Gene Nelson 11111111.1111M1111 PARK THE' nun 1150 AT TELEPHONE I ,CAPITAL TELEPHONE ONDITIONED COMFORT -- Adventure 'Stories at Their Best NOW: Thur., Fri. & Sat. NOW: Wed. Thur. Fri. & Sat. Our second Cinamascolor Special "How To Marry A Millionaire" Three beautiful models decide to pool their resources and make a career out of matrimony — with William. Powell as the prize! 'Marilyn ,Motiroe—Betty Graf/le • Lauren Bacon Itt Technicolor—Cinetnaseope Mon., Tues. & Wed. Debra Paget -*Jeffrey Hunter and DODS Drake, Egypt in the era of the pharoahs is the background for an exotic and spectacular romance, "Princesie sll The N In Technicolor "Sky Commando" starring • /DAN DURYEA FRANCES CLIFFORD TOUGH CONNERS Mon., Tues.. & Wed.'. Vera.Raiston & Joint Carroll Out of the past steps one of the most colorful gals, of the Old West in the blazing story of her life. "Belle -Le Grande" Coining: "ROOGIE'S BUMP" • with Roy Campanella and • Billy Lees Home Addition Is Now Occupied; No official date has yet been set for the opening of the addition to the Huron County Home, how- ever, it is expected to take place sometime in late October. Already most of the residents at the home are occupying the new building. Of the four apartments for married couples, which is a new feature of the home,one is already occupied and officials are reserving a room for two residents NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the matter of the Estate of WILLIAM ROBERT BELL, farm- er, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of William Robert Belli late of the Township of East Wa- wanosh in the Count' of Huron, Farmer, Deceased, who died on or about the twenty-first day of May, 1954, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned personal repre- sentative of the said deceased on or before the twentieth (20th) day of October, 1954, full particulars of their claims, after which date the Administrator will distribute the Estate having regard only io 0.5 claims of which he shall than nes e notice. Dated at Kincardine this 14th day of September, 1954. George Bell, Administrator; by Messrs. Malcomson as Clark, his Solicitors herein. 38-9-40-b HOW'S YOUR SUPPLY OF FUEL THESE DAYS? 8e ready for that quick drop in temper- ature! Order your 'win- ter fuel supPly NOW ORDER FUEL NOW A. G. Grigg & Son Phone 74W — Clinton J. A. AN TETT Jeweller and Watchmaker EXPERT WATCH REPAIR SERVICE Buloya, Gruen and Cyma Watches • BLUE 'RIVER and BLUE BIRD DIAMONDS • Spode Dinnenvare Visit Our Modern Up -To -Date Jewellery Store Today Phone 562 Clinton 26 -tab .............„_.........„,„,_... FARMS WANTED : N , : WE HAVE , GOOD PROSPECTS FOR ' "THE SUREST WAY TO KEEP FUNERAL ' QUICK SALES COSTS LOW" Contact CALL tattit Lii.utterai JOH-N BOSVELD, Realtor 40 Wellesley S. ---- GODERICH — Phone 1108 Aram, 36 -to -40-b illa...44,..•111......aaila.,' 11,40.6.00.-aita.......• who are planning to be married after the addition has been opened. Each of the rooms contains attractive wheat -coloured furni- ture. Colorful drapes add warmth to the colour scheme. A. sittingroom for use of the i residents smade comfortable with upholstered chairs, platform rockers, a fireplace and a TV set. End tables, lamps and becoming draperies add to the home -like • .41 Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY Evening, eartnnencing at 8 pan. TERMS CASH 3. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELL -Kyr, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk atmosphere of the room. Mrs. Martha Jacob and Mt and Mrs. E. J. "Dick" Jacob have a pleasant fouratsedroom apartment in the new building. • The old building is being re- modelled bid will not be completed for the opening. The present kitch- en will be modernized and new stainless steel equipment installed_ An extra cook and nurse have been added to the staff. .1.••••••••••••••••••NIVIN......INMOVPISM LIFETIME SECURITY . . a Canada Life special contract providing Life In- surance and Pension Option all in one policy available from age 0 to age 55. Consult—. • HAL HARTLEY, Representative s CANADA LIFE. Clinton, phone 454w just Arrived -- Daffodils — Tulips — Narcissus Hyacinths -- Crocus —• Etc. These are all Dutch Bulbs imported direct from Holland. Phone 66-W ooke FLORIST Clinton • TOPCOATS SUITS • SPORT COATS SLACKS SWEATERS • see the new Lambs Wool in pullover or • cardigan styles; all shades, all sizes. • from 4.95 up PICKETT e CAMPBELL "The Store For Men" PHONE 25 — (Main Corner) -- CLINTON