HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-09-23, Page 5-THURSDAY, SEPTEMHER 23, 1954 • CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIVE Classified Rates CASH RATE — (Ti paid by Wednesday following date a In- sertion)—Two sents a word first 'Insertion (minurnun 50 cents); .viubseqtient insertions 11/2 cents a word (mininuun 35 eents); 15 cents extra for box =Mbar or Tea 'direction to NEWS -RECORD 'Office. - IF CHARGED -15 cents extra, DE.ADLINE-12 noon, Wedues- day. • NO ACCOMMODATION for.RENT t;'1.1NIIIRNISHED Rooms, share bath. Phone Clittoir 690M. 38-b • 'THREE-ROOM HEATED Apart- ment, furnished, suitable for tvvo. • .Apply phone Clinton 463R. 38-p FOUR ROOM APARTNIEN'T, un- furnished, in Village of Varna. •Phone Clinton 630r24. Wilnaer Reid, . 38-9-p SELF-CONTAXNED, FOUR -Room apartment hi Clinton. Not suitable for children. Available October 1. Phone Clinton 149W. 38-p SMALL FURNISHED APART- ment, heated, suitable for couple. Call 429-W‘ after 6.30 p.m. Mon day through Friday. • 38-b THREE-ROOM UNFURNISHED apartment, Share bath. Mile and a half from Clinton. Francis Powell, phone Clinton 907r4. 38-b "TWO -ROOM FURNISHED apart- ment. In Clinton. Central. Phone Clinton 73J.' FURNISHED APARTMENT in the town of Seaforth, available October 1. Apply to Harold Jack- son. Phone Seaforth 661-14, 38-9-p FOUR -ROOM APART1VIENT, un- furnished, self-contained. Children welcome. Hot and cold water. Rive miles north of Clinton. Phone Blyth 28r4. 38p NEW FOUR -ROOM Apartment with three-piece bath, modern kit- chen, heavy wiring, storage room, unfurnished; no children. Apply W. N. Counter, or phone 230. 38-p THREE FURNISHED APART. nents: two -room downstairs, heat- ed, available October 1; three - roam, bed -sitting room, kitchen- ette and bathroom, suitable for two, available now; three-room downstairs, separate entrance, entrance, available October 1. Also second-hand American baby car- riage, grey, clean, used six months, half price. Apply to Box 381, Clinton News -Record, 38b ARTICLES FOR SALE AFRICAN VIOLETS FOR SALE. S. Riddick. Phone Clinton 547J, evenings. • • 38-p PORTABLE SEWING MACHINE and blond coffee table. Phone Clinton 427J. 38-5 a.ELEVISION — NEW 1955 RCA • Victor, 17" table models, $214. Special this week: to each purch- • aser of any 21" television set we Will instal an all -band "Skyline" antenna, complete with rotator for the special price of $85. 'T. A. Dutton, Brumfield, phone Clinton 634r4. •38-b FOR THE FINEST VALUES in Diamond Rings visit COUNTER'S Jewellery Store. Ask to see our "Tour Star Specials" and compare. 38-p MODERN HEATING 001VIPLETE FORCED MU HEATING SYSTEM FOR A FIVE -ROOM HOME $525.00 Write Dept. CNR or visit our showrooms. Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday even- ings and all day Saturday. :S. V. JOHNSON PLUMBING • SUPPLIES • Streetsville, Ontario 'ARTICLES WANTED WANTED -- OUTDOOR TOILET In fair good condition, wanted for school. Apply to Keith 'Tyndall, phohe Clinton 808r23. 38-5 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1949 PONTIAC COACH, excellent condition. Priced for qui& sale, Opo 1947 Dodge 21/2 ton stake truck, new motor and new tires. Apply Stewart Schoenhals or Eut- lees Garage 37-8-p CLOTHING FOR SALE LADY'S GABARDINE SUIT and dresses, size 14. Child's skirts and coat, size 6. Phone Clinton 182. •38-9-P TWO GIRL'S WINTER COATS, size 14T and 10 years. Bomber Jacket, age 12. Slacks, skirts, sweaters, etc., n to 14 years, Good condition. Phone Clinton 4193. 38-b FURNITURE. FOR SALE • BUFFET, IN GOOD CONDITION. 35 James Street. •38-p -UPRIGHT PIANO, IN Al Shape. Phone 447J. 38-p 'TWO OFFICE DESKS, for sale cheap. At Steadman's Store. 38-p SPACE SAVER CHESTERFIELD, unfolds to make bed; unfinished chest of drawers; end table; new baby buggy; kitchen table and four chairs; hot plate. All in new con- dition.,, Apply upstairs at corner ,of Percival and Ontario Streets. 38-P Furniture Re -Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet refinishing arid re- paiiing, apply W. G. Pickett, phone Clinton 761M. 35-tfb FARMS FOR SALE NICE LIST OF FARMS 'FOR L G. Winter, Real Estate. 'Phone Clinton 448. 33 tfb FRUIT FOR SALE ALBERTA PEACHES, Bartlett Pears and McIntosh Apples. Bring your own container to Govenloek Orchards, half mile north of For et on No. 21 Highway.. 37-8e. FARM EQUIPMENT for SALE USED DELAVAL MILKER in good condition. Will guarantee. Phone Wingham 593. L. McGuire. 38-b HELP WANTED—Female HOUSEKEEPER for working couple, with .one child. • Live in. Phone Clinton 901r25 after 5.30 o'clock in evening. 38,5 GIRL WANTED TO WORK IN jewellery, store. Apply John A. Anstett 37-8-b TWO FEMALE OFFICE CLERKS' Some typing advantageous, to work in costs department and sales accounting. New office'ex- cellent working conditions. Em- ployee benefits and profit sharing. Reply giving full particulars to; W. A. Sheaffer Pen Co. Ltd. Goderich, Ontario 38-:b HELP WANTED ONE STENOGRAPHER Fully Experienced For Sales Department. New office, excellent working conditions. Employee benefits and profit sharing. Reply giving full particulars to: W. A. Sheaffer Pen Co. Ltd. Goderich, Ontario 38-b HELP WANTED—Male MALE DISHWASHER WANTED at Finger's Restaurant. 38b BREAD SALESMAN—Full Time Employment; good wages. Apply Bartliff Bros. 38-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ONE DURHAM HELL, .e,R with four -months -old calf; one Hereford heifer with two -month-old calf. John Mann, Clinton. Phone 802r4. • 38-p ONE REGISTERED HEREFORD bull, 11 months old, ,accredited. Price $200. John Lindsay, R.R. 3, Clinton. Phone 910r14. 38p 14 CHUNKS OF PIGS. G. Van- derhaar, R.R. 1, Londesboro. (Dick Vodden's farm). 38-p F E R. GU S ABERDEEN-ANGUS Sale, September 28th, 1.30 p.221. Among the consignors to this sale are those who have won top hon- ors in the big shows, Angus cattle are always at the top in the show ring and on the markets. To gain m fifty-five start with Angus in fifty-four. Claude Running, sec- retary, Fergus. 37-8-b LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 936r32, or 936r21. 9-Ptfh LOST AND FOUND • LOST — HEREFORD HEIFER around 750 weight. Anyone giv- ing any information will be re- warded. Anyone found harboring the sarne will be prosecuted. Or- ville Dale. 38b PROPERTY FOR SALE SIX GOOD BUILDING LOTS on High and Kirk Streets, various siaes. Contact W. N. Counter oz. Phone Clinton 230. 38-p CLINTON'S CHOICEST building lots on Huron Street, 76 foot frontage, also one lot on Mary Street including cement garage. Apply Stewart Schoenhals, Phone Clinton 570M, 37-8-p NEW Rtr) RUG BRICK HOUSE with perma-stone trim, east end of Rattenbury 'St., close to school, consists of large living room and dining room combined, den, mod, ern kitchen, three bedrooms, four - piece bath'full basement, with garage in basement; oil heating. Phone Lloyd Hatkin, 692-W. 38-9-5 POULTRY FOR SALE 100 RAM? X, ROCK PULLETS. Choice from 300. Ralph Turner, phone 'Jensen 695r13. 38-p 500 WHITE ROCK PULLETS -- laying. W. Kollanan. Phone Clin- ton 805r11. 38-p 175 SUSSEX X RED PULLETS, laying. Will sell any number, Phone Clinton 633r4. -Cliff Glazier. 38-p STOVES FOR SALE MONARCH OIL SPACE Heater, 50,000 BTU, excellent condition, reasonably priced. Phone Clinton 738W or cal] 135 Matilda Street. 38-p FOR SALE 1 -STOREY Two -Bedroom Cent - tat Mortgage Dwelling. Equip- • ped vvith oil burner. Down payment $1,900, balance mon- thly payments $28.00. 11/2 -STOREY 7 -ROOM Dwelling, modern conveniences. Price: , $5,500. Down payment, $2,700, mortgage arranged for balance. SDe-ROOM DWELLINCr, fiten- ace and both, good location, Immediate possession. Price $4.300. 11. C. Lawson • REALTOR Bank of Montreal Building Phone 251W — Clinton • 37-tfb 1 BIRTHS LING—In Clinton Pliblic.Hospital, on Friday, September' 17, 1954, to Warrant Officer and Mrs. Flarea enskFra nLingk; . Clinton, a son MARRIAGES FLEAR-ARMSTRONG -- In the United Church, Ilensall, on Sat- urday, September 18, 1954, by Rev. W. J. Rogers, Elizabeth Mary Armstrong, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong, Hensall, and Donald Roy Flear, son of Mr and Mrs. Roy Flear, Grand Bend, DEATHS ELLIO1T—In Exeter, on Friday afternoon, September ,17, 1954, George W. Elliott, beloved hus- band of Lulu Beecorn, Hensall. Funeral from the Bonthron fun- eral home, Hensall, to Hayfield Cemetery 011 Monday afternoon, September 20. ' - 1VfcCLINCHEY — At her •home in East Wawanosh. Township, on Monday, September 20, 1954, Julia Doerr, beloved wife of the late John McClinchey, in her 96th year. Funeral from her late residence to Union Cemetery, Blyth, on Wednesday afternoon, September 22. O'CONNOR—In London, on Fri- day, September 17, 1954, Thom- as Patrick O'Connor, beloved husband of the late Minnie Rey- nolds, in his 78th year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clinton, to the Roman Catholic Cemetery, Hullett Township, on Monday morning, September 20. 64 SCHOOL TEACHERS ARRIVE IN FRANCE TO TEACH RCAF CHILDREN Sixty-four Canadiari school teachers have arrived at the RCAF's Air Division Headquart- ers, Metz, France, for the opening of the first government-sponsored schools for children of Air Force personnel serving overseas. A. C. Ritter, superintendent of Education for the Department of National Defence, Ottawa, and former director of education for the City of Kingston, will head the five schools sot up at the RAF's European bases. Be is on a two- year leave of absence from his post at Kingston at the request of the Department of National Defence. These schools for children of servicemen will enable youngsters to spend two or three years at the European bases without losing the advantages of a Canadian edu- Cation, In Memoriam REID—In loving memory of a dear sister, Mrs. James Reid, who passed away 12 years' ago, Septem- ber 26, 1942: "The dearest sister this world could hold. With cheery smile and heart of gold. To those who knew her all will know, How much we lost ,12 years ago." —Always remembered by her sister Laura, brother-in-law Lloyd, and three nephews. 38-b MacNEIL—In loving memory of a dear brother, Colin MacNeil, who passed away one year ago, September 23, 1953: "God saw you getting weary, dear, Then did what He thought best. He put His arms around you, brother, And whispered, "Come and rest", ' —Sadly missed by brothers and sisters. 38-p WOOD FOR SALE QUANTITY OF HARD WOOD, chiefly maple. Ready for delivery. Phone Clinton 67 after 6.30 p.m. John Weep, 38-p DRY HARD BODY WOOD, all maple. $6.50 a cord, delivered. Phone Clinton 805r13, 3, W. Van- Egmond. 3812 b Clinton Community Fargsters AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY nvolang, commencing at 8 pad. • TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT Auctioneer K W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk "THE SUREST WAY TO KEEP FUNERAL • COSTS LOW" • CALL • • !Mae Lii)turenti Instruction School Leaving London; To Centralia Port The RCAF ground instruction school for aircrew trainee gi in Lon- don , will be moved, to Centralia next month, the Air Force an- nounced in Ottawa yesterday. In November the English-language school for French-Canadian flight cadets at St. Johns, Que., will be moved to the London Station. More than 100 students and about 25 instructors and other per- sonnel of the station at Crumlin, both officers and airmen, will be moved to Centralia with the ground instruction school. The groundcourse at Centralia Will be extended from six to 12 weeks, • reducing ground school hours for ' trainees when they reach the flying schools. • COMMUNITY FURNITURE SALE From the grounds of the Old public School, Townsend St., Clin- ton, on SATURDAY, SEPT. 25 at 1.30 p.m., consisting of: Chesterfield suite; upholstered chairs; bedroom suites; 2 upright concert grand pianos; radios; re- cord players; kitchen ranges; Que- bec heaters; kitchen tables and chairs; chests of drawers; electric stove; dining room suites; dishes, cooking utensils ,and numerous other articles. Terms—Cash Anyone wishing to place furni- ture in this sale please have the articles at the above place before 12 o'clock noon. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 38-b • CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock; Implements and Household Effects from the home of John Freeman, concession 2, It 7, Hullett Township, 5 miles west of Seaforth, or 6 miles east of Clinton (1.1/2 miles off No. 8 High- way), on WEDNESDAY,. OCT. 6 at 1 p.m., :consisting of: Horses: Clyde mare, 7 yrs, old; Clyde mare, 10 yrs, old. Cattle: 19 head of Durham cat- tle, including 6 cows due to fresh- en in early Deceinber; 5 steers and heifers, 2 yrs. old, from 800 -to 900 lbs.; 4 baby beefs; 3 young calves; registered Shorthorn bull rising 3 yrs. old. Poultry, etea,30 Muscovy ducks, 3 months old; 4 Muscovy ducks, 2 yrs. old; range shelters; coal brooder stove. Pigs:. 6 chunks. Invplements: Case model S trac- tor with p.t.o., lights and starter; International two -furrow tractor plow; 3 -section spring -tooth har- rows; Massey -Harris binder, 6, ft. cut; Massey -Harris 11 -hoe seed drill with fertilator; Deering mow- er, 6 ft. cut; spring -tooth cultivat- or; 12 -plate in -throw disc; rubber tire wagon; hay rack; steel tire wagon; hay loader; set of sleighs and flat rack; wagon box and stock rack; rubber tire buggy; hay rake; walking plow; single row scuffler; riding plow; hay car, ropes and pulley;, Clinton fanning mill (nearly new); cutter; 2,000- 15. scales; Massey -Harris power cream separator (nearly new); cutting box; root pulper; trailer with stock rack; set of single har- ness (nearly new); set of breech- ing harness; 4 horse collars; pig crate; quantity of lumber; approx. 20 cords or mtple and beech body woocl; approx. 10 cord limb wood; forks, chains, shovels and , numer- ous other articles. . Feed: Approx...25 ton of hay. Furniture, eta: Frigidaire 7.8 or, ft. capacity (nearly new); Findlay range (nearly' new); Quebec heat- er; Coleman gas stove and oven; kitchen extensioe table and chairs; dining room buffet, table re chairs; couch; wicker settee (nearly new); 2 chests of drawers; bed, springs and mattress; 3-pleee chesterfield suite; copper boiler; Congoleurn rugs; toilet sets; dishes; cooking utensils; numerous other articles. Tenns—Cash • No reserve as farm is sold. JOHN FREEMAN, Proprietor, Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. 38-9-b • ROXY THEATRE OLINTO TOP SCREEN FARE IN AIR -C Now Playing, Thurs., Fri., Sat. "MOGAMBO" Clark Gable — Ava Gardner First Show 7.00 p.m. Mon. Tues. Wed., Sept. 27-29 "The Eddie Cantor Story Keefe Brasselle--Marilyn Erskine First Show 7.00 p.m. Thur., Fri., Sat. Sept. 30 -Oct. 1-2 ."Paratrooper" Leo Genn Alan Lad Filmed in England AT PARK TELEPHONE THE 1150 ONDITIONED COMFORT --- NOW--Thurs., Fn. & Sat. "Calamity Jane" — In Technicolor — A musical tale of the wildest woman in the wild and woolly West. • Davis Day — Howard Keel • and Philip Carey Monday and Tuesday Tony Curtis — Lori Nelson and Gregg Palmer Thrilling sports drama about a quarterbaek who needed a new interest to win the big game. ITHE 47 AT CAPITAL TELEPHONE Adventure Stories at° Their Best NOW—Thurs., Fric-4,Sat. ‘The All American' Coming --41 DAYS— In Teeludeolor Cinernascolpe • "HOW TO MARRY A MILLIONAIRE" Betty Grable—Marilyn Monine LanrersBacafl • Buddy Haekett—Adele Jergeno •and Hugh O'Brian Spike Jones and his furisters help make a three alarm riot of this station -house comedy, " "Fireman Save My Child" Mon., Tues. & Wed, • CHARIATA—with Phil Corey and Audrey Tater A Technicolor saga of the.VVest: irr which four .wagon-loarla Of rifles escape an Apache raid. ••,,, 'MassacreCanyon' , Coming: "EAST OF SUMATRA" In Tecludeolor with Jeff Chandler COMPLETE DISPERSAL, of Grade and Reg. Holsteins MONDAY, SEPT. 27 at 1 oielock. 35 cows, due this fall and early winter or fresh with calf at foot; 20 rising 2 -year-old heifers; 15 year-old heifers; 8 steers and a Reg. Holstein bull. Torms—,Cash 21/2 miles south of Auburn and 1/2 mile west, on lot 8, Maitland Block, or 8 miles north of Clinton. JOHN- HALLAN, Proprietor. Dorm and Doris MeLelland, Auctioneers, 38-5 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the matter of the Estate of WILLIAM ROBERT BELL, farm- er, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of William Robert Bell, late of the Township of East Wa- wanosh in the County of Huron, Farmer, Deceased, who died on or about the twenty-first day of May, 1954, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned personal repre- sentative of the said deceased on or before the twentieth (20th) day of October, 1954, full particulars of their claims, after which date the Administrator will distribute the Estate having regard may to the claims of which he shall than have notice. Dated at Kincardine this 14th day of September, 1954. George Bell, Administrator; by Messrs. Malcomson & Clark, his Solicitors herein, 38-9-40-b BIG LOOK at AL R IT RADIO and TV Phone 42 -- Clinton J. A. A STETT Jeweller and Watchmaker EXPERT WATCH REPAIR SERVICE • [Mora; Gruen and Cyma Watches BLUE RIVER and BLUE. BIRD DIAMONDS • Spode Dinnerware ' Visit ,Our Modern •Up• -To -Date Jewellery Store Today Phone 562 Clinton •• 26-tfb FARMS WANTED WE HAVE GOOD PROSPECTS FOK'''. QUICK ,SALES Contact JOHN BOSVELD, Realtor • 40 LW elte•-sIe' r St. — GODERICI1• — Phone 1108 ••36 -to -40-b ANIMENNOWNftwomamoo, Just Arrived— Daffodils — Tulips — Narcissus Hyacinths — Crocus — Etc. These are all Dutch Bulbs imported direct • from Holland. K. C. Cooke FLORIST Phone 66-W Clinton We Know What Ails Your Car . Don't guess! — We KNOW car troubles inside or out — and we quickly put them in good shape. Drive in for service— — MURPHY BROS. CIIRYSLER--PLYMOUTH—FARGO Sales and Service P 11 0 N E 46 5 Huron Street CLINTON, ONT. TOPCOATS SUITS SPORT COATS SLACKS SWEATERS— see the new Lambs Wool in pullover or cardigan styles; all shades, all sizes. from 4.95 up PICKETTCAMPBELL • e Store For Men" PHONE 25 -- (Main Corner) — CLINTON