HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-09-23, Page 4- s r PAG'];' FOUR cum,* NEWS -RECORD THUIt,BDAY, SEPTEMBER '23; 1954 ►-- c c Wesley=Willis WMS PERSONALS' Appoints Two Roy Sharpe spent the weekend at his home in .Ingersoll. ^. Miss Hazel, Sperling, Elimville, was a weekend visitor with Miss Mavis Steepe. • •• Beecher Streets visited in Ham- ilton on the weekend, and attended a rugby game there, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Egan,. Bolton, were renewing acquaint- ances in town last week. Miss • Kathleen McNaughton, London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Campbell. Miss Eva Goodhue, Port Stanley, • spent several days with Mr. , and Mrs. Charles Stewart last week, until Sunday. Mrs. Emma Sutter, Stratford, is visiting at' the homeof her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. 'John A. Sutter. Mr, and Mrs. Austin •Nediger, Toronto, were weekend visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.' W. M. Nediger. Norman VanDyke and Mr. and Mrs. Harold VanDyke, Richmond Hill, spent the weekend 'with Mr. 'and Mrs M. T. Corless. Mr. and' Mrs. Glenn McGill and family Hamilton, were weekend visitors withthe•former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James A. McGill. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walks, Rio de Janiero,Brazil, and Mrs. Alex Mc- Gillivray, Port Elgin, visited for a few days at the home of John McGregor. Mr. Gordon W. Harwood and <son, George, Toronto, visited on Sunday with 'the former's son -in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Benson Sutter. Harris and David Oakes have gone to Torontoto enrol in the University of Toronto. Harris will be in his second year of premed and David will commence his first term of Aeronautical engineering. Among the friends who visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cuning- hame at Cedar Nest, Bayfield, dur- ing last weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Moffatt, Regina, Sask ; Mrs. Cuninghame is a cou- sin of Mr. Moffatt. W. J. Crooks, who has been visit- ing his sister, Mrs. W. M. Aiken, left on Tuesday for Toronto, where' he will meet Mrs. Crooks,. who has been visiting tri Mount Forest for the past week, They will re- turn to their 'home in Vancouver leaving at the end of the week, Engagement Annotmeed The engagement is announced of Yvette Maria Sylvie, daugh- ter of Mrs. Bourhis, Regina, Saskatchewan and the late Yvon Louis Bourhis,,'to Lloyd Joseph Stock, Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Joseph Stock, Clinton. The marriage. will take aplace on Monday, October 11, 1954, at ten o'clock in Newman Chapel, Toronto,•` '': 38b To Sectional Rally. The September meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society of Wesley -Willis United Church was held in the church parlour on Thursday evening, September 8, with 33 members present. The president, Mrs, Norman Shepherd'' opened the meeting with a poem "Sanctuary". Following the sing- ing of a hymn the various secre- taries gave their reports. Mrs. Norman Holland and Mrs. James McLaren were appointed delegates to the sectional meeting that will be held at Egmondville', on Friday, October 15. " Mrs. Jam- es McGill led in a short memorial service in memory of the late Mrs. A. T. Cooper. Mrs. Norman Hol- land presided for the study period. Mrs.. W. J. Wilson, who was vis- iting ,in Clinton, from England,, favoured the ladies with two clas- sicalnumbers. Mrs. Hearn very kindly shared a. letter received: from Mrs. (Dr.) P. Yates, telling of the life that she and her hus- band have in Africa. (Dr. P. Yates was in Clinton for one year as assistant :to Dr. W. A. Oakes and left in October, 1953, for his present' duties.) • The next meeting: will be the autumn thankoffering. Please watch the Clinton •News-Beeord for further announcements. .o Eastern 'Star Has Third, Birthday Members of Clinton Chapter, 266, Order of , the Eastern Star, marked their third birthday fol- lowing their regular meeting last Thursday evening. Mrs. Helen Wells was in charge of the fes- tivities., The programme included musical numbers by Leslie Pear - sop, accompanied by Mrs. James Lobb and a piano duet by Mrs. Donald Symons and Mrs. E. Wen- dorf. A prettily decorated birth- day cake complete with three lighted candles was the highlight of the delicious lunch. An honorary membership was presented to Mrs. Mary Kennedy, Past District Deputy Grand Mat- ron, London. Special guests included David Kennedy, Associate Grand Patron of the Grand Lodge of Ontario and Mrs. Kennedy, London; Sydney Thompson, member of the Grand Executive and Mrs. Thompson, Parkhill (and formerly of Clinton). Guest were also present from In- gersoll, Exeter, Goderich, Blyth, and Seaforth. I The Commercial Inn Hotel is prepared to serve BANQUETS ANY EVENING EXCEPT SATURDAY $1,50 a plate • We can offer . . . ROAST TURKEY CHICKEN (any style) ROAST BEEF - ROAST VEAL ROAST STUFFED PORK Please Give Advance Notice 38-b WMS Presbytery Met In Seaforth; ; Heard Missionary 41111111.•1.•••.•=11.• SPECIALS for SEPTEMBER 23-24-25 SALMON, Fancy Sockeye, Isis 1/2 Ib. tin 39c SALMON, Fancy Red Cohoe, 1/2 Ib. tin 28c CAKE MIX, Purity, 1 White, 1 Spice - both for 29c TEA BAGS, Lipton's 60s pkg. 59c COFFEE, Maxwell House -1 Ib. bag •` $1.19 POTATOES, No. 1 10 Ib. bag 39c BACON, M. -L. Rindless 1/2 Ib. pkg. 37c GRAPES, Blue, 6 qt. basket 69c CAULIFLOWER -Large White ea. 19c CELERY HEARTS, 3s ea. 19c RICE, Long Grain Extra Special -Ib. 15c SHREDDED WHEAT 2 pkgs. 33c THOMPSON'S FOOD MARKET Phone 40 We Deliver young;. Clinton Coulile Wed MR. AND MRS. ,MURRAY JAMES°FORBES were 'married in Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, by 'Rev: Hugh+ C. Wilson, •on Tuesday, September 14. The bride is Marlene Grace, elder daughter of, Russell L. Jervis and the late Grace Jervis, and her husband is the second son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ji Forbes, all of Clinton: (Photo by ,1VIacLaren) The annual rally of the Huron Presbyterial of the Women's. Mis- sionary Society of the Presbyter- ian Church in Canada' was held in First Presbyterian Church, Sea - forth, on September 14. The theme of the rally was "Our Responsib- ility. Toward Youth." ^:Mrs. D. Glenn Campbell, Sea - forth, president of the Presbyterial in her. opening address, dwelt on this theme. She said that "we of- ten lavish on our youth, time and money but are indifferent to their spiritual welfare. We of the WMS societies often fail in our work for youth. We must set an example for them in our church work and by our interest and sympathy for them.. Children should attend church and we must provide pro- grams for them suitable to their age. Mrs. W. J. Thompson, Seaforth; representing the Seaforth WMS auxiliaries extended greetings to the visitors. The morning devotions were taken by the Belgrave and Auburn auxiliaries. Reports of secretaries were given. Mrs. G. Bisset .gave the treasurer's report, Mrs. R. Wilson, Goderich, gave an account of the study books. for 1955 and Mrs. Russell told of the leadership and training school to be held in First Church on October 14 and 15. A letter of greeting from the Pres- bytery was received from Rev. D. J. Lane, Clinton, and read by the secretary, Miss Belle Campbell. A most excellent dinner was served by the Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary. The afternoon devotional period was taken by the Arthur Circle, Goderich. A memorial service was conducted by the Exeter society. Mrs. Ross Hamilton, Seaforth, sang the beautiful solo, `The Task" and a musical selection was also sung by "The Explorers"; they were accompanied by Mrs. Rennie. The guest speaker, Miss Marion Williamson, Wingham, was intro- duced by Mrs. G. Bisset. Miss Williamson is a missionary to Amhut, India, and is at present home on furlough. She compared life in India in the past with life there to -day. She said India is for peace but has trouble within. In the new government are many. Christians, especially Christian women. Many people are ignor- ant and in many cases voting is carried on by use of symbols. Lack of food is evident. There is no supply for many and many suffer, With freedom has come great hope for India and it is making wonderful progress. Mrs. A. Tay- lor, Goderich, thanked the speak- er. The Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary presented a play, "They Made a Path", directed by Mrs. W. 0. Johnston. It was most effective and graphically portrayed the re- sults of work in mission fields in the world today. The rally closed with prayer by Mrs. D. J. Lane, Clinton. Ladies'. Chit: At S'iinnnerhill Holds Program The , September meeting of the Summerhill Ladies'• Club was held at •the home of Mrs. Allan Neal with 19 members : andsix visitors present. . In the .absence of the president,' the vice-president, Mrs. Percy Gibbings presided. The program consisted of read- ings by Mrs*. Wes Hoggart and Mrs. Graydon Neal, and a flower contest conducted by Mrs. Allan Neal. The contest was won by Mrs. Norman Wright. The October meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Graydon Neal. Those on the program com- mittee are Mrs. Charles Merrill, Mrs. W. Penfound, Mrs. Orval Rapson and Mrs. James Snell. The lunch committee will be Mrs. E. Ellis, Mrs. Wes Hoggart, Mrs. Fred Vodden and Mrs. Keith Tyndall. Algiers : Described By Stratford Speaker Here The first meeting of the Good- will Club of Wesley -Willis' United Church for the fall term was held in the Sunday School room on Tuesday evening, September 14, with an attendance of 37. The president, Miss W. O'Neil, was in the chair and Mrs. R. Vincent was at the piano. A hymn followed by prayer by the president, opened the meeting.. The Scripture lesson from 1 Cor., 13, was read by Mrs. Jefferson and Miss B. McRoberts led in prayer, as I Saw Id', illustrating her talk with beautiful slides which were enjoyed by all. Miss Stone moved e vote of thanks to. Mrs.. Griffith for her most interesting "and in- formative talk* on Algiers and the lives of its inhabitants.. Mrs, H. G. Manning moveda vote of thanks to Mrs. WI. Steepe for op- erating the projector. Mrs. Vincent . favoured with a piano solo, "To a Wild Rose". A. hymn followed by the Mizpah benediction closed the meeting. Lunch was served' by Mrs. H. G. Manning and Mrs, L. Ball and their. group. The minutes were approved as read by the secretary, Mrs. M. Steepe, and the treasurer, Miss L. WalkinshaW, gave the financial re- port. A .,J,etten of thanks frond C.A.R.E. •for money Tee iVed •from. the club . was,"readi A piano solo, Simple Confession' was played by Mrs.: Vincent.' • Mrs. H. G. Maiming introduced the speaker, '1VIrs, H L ."Griffith,' 'Stratford, who spoke on "'A glers 14. Juniors At Wesley -Willis Receive Bibles Promotion exercises were held in connectionwith the rally day ser- vice in the Wesley -Willis United, Church last Sunday. The follow- ing children were promoted from the junior Sunday School to the senior Sunday School and were presented with Bibles: Nina 'Mc- Donald, Wendy McGee, Billy Chambers, Billy Hamilton, Doug- las Wells, Lynn Shipley, Bruce Cooper, Bobby. Livermore, Sharon Dales, John Taylor, Barbara Mock,. Bayne Boyes, John Stoll and Con- nie Hoy. John Nediger, superin- tendent, assisted in the service and made the presentation. 0 r,ADIES' CLUB PLANS MEETING NEXT WEDNESDAY The Tuckersnmith Ladies' Club will meet on September 29 at the home of Mrs. Ervine Sillery. The roll call will be answered by "A Cure for the Blues". HUNTING SEASON IS ON THE WAY - WE HAVE A NICE ASSORTMENT OF Rifles and Shotguns and our price is right. All sizes• in Rifle Ammunition Peters Shotgun Shells .. $3.70 box Imperial $3.35 -- Ca nuek'$2.75 BALL & MUTCH HARDWARE - FURNITURE PHONE 195 CLINTON, ONT. urth ;' T L!tL1lL!CS SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1954 ALL SERVICES ON EASTERN STANDARD TIME ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH • REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs, J. M. Elliott, Choir Leader 11.00 a.m.-Morning Prayer and Sunday School. 7.00 p.m. Dedication of Lights and Gifts; Guest preacher: Very Rev, R. C. Brown, Dean of Huron. Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON ALL WELCOME Order of Meetings for the Lord's Day: 11.00 a.m.-Breaking of 'Bread 3.00 p.m. -Children's Meeting 7.00 p.m. -Gospel Meeting ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister MRS. MORGAN AGNEW, Choir Leader and Organist Sunday, Sept. 26, 1954 Please note, time changes Satur- day night. The Church School will meet at 10.30. 11.00 a.m.-Great Rally Day Ser- vice, All families worshipping together. Presentation of Church School Certificates. Address - "Ye Shall Be My Disciples". 2.30 p.m. --Knox Church, Bayfield Rally Day services for every- one. Let Us All Worsbia Our God MOTHERS' GROUP WILL HEAR MRS. N. W. TR'IIWARTHA The September meeting of the Mothers' Study Group of Wesley - Willis United Church will be held * in the church parlour on, Tuesday `. evening, September 28, at 8,30. Mrs. N. W. Trewartha will, address the meeting. a Rent Apartment. Usea50cWant :� Ad i te�Cep=lllH(TCi� Einiteb eburc)b Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE, Choir Director Morning and Evening Services withdrawn. 11.20 a.m.--Junior Sunday School. ROLMESVILLE 75tH ANNIVERSARY REV. L. W. HERBERT (son of former pastor) Guest Speaker Services: 11.00 a.m. & 7.30 p.m. Come and Worship Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday School ...... 9.45 a.m. Communion Service .. 11.00 a.m. Gospel Service 8.00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, 8 p.m. --Prayer & Bible Study PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.O,C. Victoria Street K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7.30 p.m. -Evening Service Tuesday, 8 p.m. - Prayer Service, Friday, 7.30 p.m. ---Young People's. Huron Street BAPTIST CHURCH Minister -REV. J. E. OSTROM Organist -Mrs, George Grant 11.00 a.m.-Morning Service. 12.15 p.m. -Sunday School. Everyone Welcome WeSpeCIaIize , CHILDREN'S` WEAR • GIRLS -Cradle . to. College BOYS -up to 12 years. LADIES' WEAR • DRY;GOODS • KENTWOOD. BLANKETS • PATTERNS -Simplicity and' McCall MARTINS DEPT. CLINTON • - STORE - ONTARIO. OUR SATURDAY SPECIAL! From Our Store Only - PUMPKIN PIES - REG. 50c for 39c ��..BARTLIFF BROS. • BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS PHONE, fA CLINTON GUEST SPEAKER TAXI SERVICE Get There Safely! CALL ntarto ,treet antttb Ouvcb Zr nntber arp' =. *unbap, 'eptember 26, 1954 CHURCH MINISTER 110 ASHTON'S TAXI FAMILY INCOME An excellent method of having an adequate insurance estate for the man with a young family. consult - HAL HARTLEY, Representiltive CANADA LIFE. Clinton, phone 454w Prof. G. A. McMullen Emmanuel College -Toronto, Ont. Morning Service - 11.00 a.rt, SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE CHOIR Rev. A. Glen Eagle, B.A., B.D. Minister Ontario Street United Church Evening Service 7.30 p.m.